a ®ÖØ_ã@s$dZddlmZdd„Zdd„ZdS)z* PRNG management routines, thin wrappers. é)ÚlibcCs:t|tƒstdƒ‚t|tƒs$tdƒ‚t |t|ƒ|¡dS)aò Mix bytes from *string* into the PRNG state. The *entropy* argument is (the lower bound of) an estimate of how much randomness is contained in *string*, measured in bytes. For more information, see e.g. :rfc:`1750`. This function is only relevant if you are forking Python processes and need to reseed the CSPRNG after fork. :param buffer: Buffer with random data. :param entropy: The entropy (in bytes) measurement of the buffer. :return: :obj:`None` zbuffer must be a byte stringzentropy must be an integerN)Ú isinstanceÚbytesÚ TypeErrorÚintÚ_libZRAND_addÚlen)ÚbufferZentropy©r ú./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/OpenSSL/rand.pyÚadds   r cCst ¡S)z} Check whether the PRNG has been seeded with enough data. :return: 1 if the PRNG is seeded enough, 0 otherwise. )rZ RAND_statusr r r r Ústatus"sr N)Ú__doc__Z OpenSSL._utilrrr r r r r r Ús