"""Crypto utilities.""" import binascii import contextlib import logging import os import re import socket import josepy as jose from OpenSSL import crypto from OpenSSL import SSL # type: ignore # https://github.com/python/typeshed/issues/2052 from acme import errors from acme.magic_typing import Callable from acme.magic_typing import Tuple from acme.magic_typing import Union logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Default SSL method selected here is the most compatible, while secure # SSL method: TLSv1_METHOD is only compatible with # TLSv1_METHOD, while SSLv23_METHOD is compatible with all other # methods, including TLSv2_METHOD (read more at # https://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSLv23_method.html). _serve_sni # should be changed to use "set_options" to disable SSLv2 and SSLv3, # in case it's used for things other than probing/serving! _DEFAULT_SSL_METHOD = SSL.SSLv23_METHOD # type: ignore class _DefaultCertSelection(object): def __init__(self, certs): self.certs = certs def __call__(self, connection): server_name = connection.get_servername() return self.certs.get(server_name, None) class SSLSocket(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """SSL wrapper for sockets. :ivar socket sock: Original wrapped socket. :ivar dict certs: Mapping from domain names (`bytes`) to `OpenSSL.crypto.X509`. :ivar method: See `OpenSSL.SSL.Context` for allowed values. :ivar alpn_selection: Hook to select negotiated ALPN protocol for connection. :ivar cert_selection: Hook to select certificate for connection. If given, `certs` parameter would be ignored, and therefore must be empty. """ def __init__(self, sock, certs=None, method=_DEFAULT_SSL_METHOD, alpn_selection=None, cert_selection=None): self.sock = sock self.alpn_selection = alpn_selection self.method = method if not cert_selection and not certs: raise ValueError("Neither cert_selection or certs specified.") if cert_selection and certs: raise ValueError("Both cert_selection and certs specified.") if cert_selection is None: cert_selection = _DefaultCertSelection(certs) self.cert_selection = cert_selection def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.sock, name) def _pick_certificate_cb(self, connection): """SNI certificate callback. This method will set a new OpenSSL context object for this connection when an incoming connection provides an SNI name (in order to serve the appropriate certificate, if any). :param connection: The TLS connection object on which the SNI extension was received. :type connection: :class:`OpenSSL.Connection` """ pair = self.cert_selection(connection) if pair is None: logger.debug("Certificate selection for server name %s failed, dropping SSL", connection.get_servername()) return key, cert = pair new_context = SSL.Context(self.method) new_context.set_options(SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2) new_context.set_options(SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3) new_context.use_privatekey(key) new_context.use_certificate(cert) if self.alpn_selection is not None: new_context.set_alpn_select_callback(self.alpn_selection) connection.set_context(new_context) class FakeConnection(object): """Fake OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.""" # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring def __init__(self, connection): self._wrapped = connection def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._wrapped, name) def shutdown(self, *unused_args): # OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.shutdown doesn't accept any args return self._wrapped.shutdown() def accept(self): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring sock, addr = self.sock.accept() context = SSL.Context(self.method) context.set_options(SSL.OP_NO_SSLv2) context.set_options(SSL.OP_NO_SSLv3) context.set_tlsext_servername_callback(self._pick_certificate_cb) if self.alpn_selection is not None: context.set_alpn_select_callback(self.alpn_selection) ssl_sock = self.FakeConnection(SSL.Connection(context, sock)) ssl_sock.set_accept_state() logger.debug("Performing handshake with %s", addr) try: ssl_sock.do_handshake() except SSL.Error as error: # _pick_certificate_cb might have returned without # creating SSL context (wrong server name) raise socket.error(error) return ssl_sock, addr def probe_sni(name, host, port=443, timeout=300, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments method=_DEFAULT_SSL_METHOD, source_address=('', 0), alpn_protocols=None): """Probe SNI server for SSL certificate. :param bytes name: Byte string to send as the server name in the client hello message. :param bytes host: Host to connect to. :param int port: Port to connect to. :param int timeout: Timeout in seconds. :param method: See `OpenSSL.SSL.Context` for allowed values. :param tuple source_address: Enables multi-path probing (selection of source interface). See `socket.creation_connection` for more info. Available only in Python 2.7+. :param alpn_protocols: Protocols to request using ALPN. :type alpn_protocols: `list` of `bytes` :raises acme.errors.Error: In case of any problems. :returns: SSL certificate presented by the server. :rtype: OpenSSL.crypto.X509 """ context = SSL.Context(method) context.set_timeout(timeout) socket_kwargs = {'source_address': source_address} try: logger.debug( "Attempting to connect to %s:%d%s.", host, port, " from {0}:{1}".format( source_address[0], source_address[1] ) if any(source_address) else "" ) socket_tuple = (host, port) # type: Tuple[str, int] sock = socket.create_connection(socket_tuple, **socket_kwargs) # type: ignore except socket.error as error: raise errors.Error(error) with contextlib.closing(sock) as client: client_ssl = SSL.Connection(context, client) client_ssl.set_connect_state() client_ssl.set_tlsext_host_name(name) # pyOpenSSL>=0.13 if alpn_protocols is not None: client_ssl.set_alpn_protos(alpn_protocols) try: client_ssl.do_handshake() client_ssl.shutdown() except SSL.Error as error: raise errors.Error(error) return client_ssl.get_peer_certificate() def make_csr(private_key_pem, domains, must_staple=False): """Generate a CSR containing a list of domains as subjectAltNames. :param buffer private_key_pem: Private key, in PEM PKCS#8 format. :param list domains: List of DNS names to include in subjectAltNames of CSR. :param bool must_staple: Whether to include the TLS Feature extension (aka OCSP Must Staple: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7633). :returns: buffer PEM-encoded Certificate Signing Request. """ private_key = crypto.load_privatekey( crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, private_key_pem) csr = crypto.X509Req() extensions = [ crypto.X509Extension( b'subjectAltName', critical=False, value=', '.join('DNS:' + d for d in domains).encode('ascii') ), ] if must_staple: extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension( b"", critical=False, value=b"DER:30:03:02:01:05")) csr.add_extensions(extensions) csr.set_pubkey(private_key) csr.set_version(2) csr.sign(private_key, 'sha256') return crypto.dump_certificate_request( crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, csr) def _pyopenssl_cert_or_req_all_names(loaded_cert_or_req): common_name = loaded_cert_or_req.get_subject().CN sans = _pyopenssl_cert_or_req_san(loaded_cert_or_req) if common_name is None: return sans return [common_name] + [d for d in sans if d != common_name] def _pyopenssl_cert_or_req_san(cert_or_req): """Get Subject Alternative Names from certificate or CSR using pyOpenSSL. .. todo:: Implement directly in PyOpenSSL! .. note:: Although this is `acme` internal API, it is used by `letsencrypt`. :param cert_or_req: Certificate or CSR. :type cert_or_req: `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` or `OpenSSL.crypto.X509Req`. :returns: A list of Subject Alternative Names. :rtype: `list` of `unicode` """ # This function finds SANs by dumping the certificate/CSR to text and # searching for "X509v3 Subject Alternative Name" in the text. This method # is used to support PyOpenSSL version 0.13 where the # `_subjectAltNameString` and `get_extensions` methods are not available # for CSRs. # constants based on PyOpenSSL certificate/CSR text dump part_separator = ":" parts_separator = ", " prefix = "DNS" + part_separator if isinstance(cert_or_req, crypto.X509): # pylint: disable=line-too-long func = crypto.dump_certificate # type: Union[Callable[[int, crypto.X509Req], bytes], Callable[[int, crypto.X509], bytes]] else: func = crypto.dump_certificate_request text = func(crypto.FILETYPE_TEXT, cert_or_req).decode("utf-8") # WARNING: this function does not support multiple SANs extensions. # Multiple X509v3 extensions of the same type is disallowed by RFC 5280. match = re.search(r"X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:(?: critical)?\s*(.*)", text) # WARNING: this function assumes that no SAN can include # parts_separator, hence the split! sans_parts = [] if match is None else match.group(1).split(parts_separator) return [part.split(part_separator)[1] for part in sans_parts if part.startswith(prefix)] def gen_ss_cert(key, domains, not_before=None, validity=(7 * 24 * 60 * 60), force_san=True, extensions=None): """Generate new self-signed certificate. :type domains: `list` of `unicode` :param OpenSSL.crypto.PKey key: :param bool force_san: :param extensions: List of additional extensions to include in the cert. :type extensions: `list` of `OpenSSL.crypto.X509Extension` If more than one domain is provided, all of the domains are put into ``subjectAltName`` X.509 extension and first domain is set as the subject CN. If only one domain is provided no ``subjectAltName`` extension is used, unless `force_san` is ``True``. """ assert domains, "Must provide one or more hostnames for the cert." cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_serial_number(int(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16)) cert.set_version(2) if extensions is None: extensions = [] extensions.append( crypto.X509Extension( b"basicConstraints", True, b"CA:TRUE, pathlen:0"), ) cert.get_subject().CN = domains[0] # TODO: what to put into cert.get_subject()? cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject()) if force_san or len(domains) > 1: extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension( b"subjectAltName", critical=False, value=b", ".join(b"DNS:" + d.encode() for d in domains) )) cert.add_extensions(extensions) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0 if not_before is None else not_before) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(validity) cert.set_pubkey(key) cert.sign(key, "sha256") return cert def dump_pyopenssl_chain(chain, filetype=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM): """Dump certificate chain into a bundle. :param list chain: List of `OpenSSL.crypto.X509` (or wrapped in :class:`josepy.util.ComparableX509`). :returns: certificate chain bundle :rtype: bytes """ # XXX: returns empty string when no chain is available, which # shuts up RenewableCert, but might not be the best solution... def _dump_cert(cert): if isinstance(cert, jose.ComparableX509): cert = cert.wrapped return crypto.dump_certificate(filetype, cert) # assumes that OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate includes ending # newline character return b"".join(_dump_cert(cert) for cert in chain)