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self)Driver_DeregisterDriver_swigregisterDataSource_name_getdelete_DataSourceDataSource_GetRefCountDataSource_GetSummaryRefCountDataSource_GetLayerCountDataSource_GetDriverDataSource_GetNameDataSource_SyncToDiskDataSource_FlushCacheDataSource_AbortSQLDataSource_GetStyleTableDataSource_StartTransactionDataSource_CommitTransactionDataSource_swigregisterLayer_GetRefCountLayer_GetSpatialFilterLayer_ResetReadingLayer_GetNameLayer_GetGeomTypeLayer_GetGeometryColumnLayer_GetFIDColumnLayer_GetNextFeatureLayer_SyncToDiskLayer_GetLayerDefnLayer_StartTransactionLayer_CommitTransactionLayer_RollbackTransactionLayer_GetSpatialRefLayer_GetFeaturesReadLayer_GetStyleTableLayer_swigregisterdelete_Featuredelete_Feature(Feature self)Feature_GetDefnRefFeature_GetGeometryRefFeature_CloneFeature_GetFieldCountFeature_GetGeomFieldCountFeature_GetFIDFeature_DumpReadableFeature_GetStyleStringFeature_GetNativeDataFeature_GetNativeMediaTypeFeature_swigregisterFeature_swiginitdelete_FeatureDefnFeatureDefn_GetNameFeatureDefn_GetFieldCountFeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldCountFeatureDefn_GetGeomTypeFeatureDefn_GetReferenceCountFeatureDefn_IsGeometryIgnoredFeatureDefn_IsStyleIgnoredFeatureDefn_swigregisterFeatureDefn_swiginitdelete_FieldDefnFieldDefn_GetAlternativeNameFieldDefn_GetSubTypeFieldDefn_GetJustifyFieldDefn_GetWidthFieldDefn_GetPrecisionFieldDefn_GetTypeNameFieldDefn_IsUniqueFieldDefn_GetDefaultdelete_GeomFieldDefnGeomFieldDefn_GetNameGeomFieldDefn_GetNameRefGeomFieldDefn_GetTypeGeomFieldDefn_GetSpatialRefGeomFieldDefn_IsIgnoredGeomFieldDefn_IsNullableGeomFieldDefn_swigregisterGeomFieldDefn_swiginitCreateGeometryFromGMLCreateGeometryFromJsonCreateGeometryFromEsriJsonApproximateArcAnglesForceToPolygonForceToLineStringForceToMultiPolygonForceToMultiPointForceToMultiLineStringdelete_GeometryGeometry_ExportToWktGeometry_ExportToIsoWktGeometry_CloneGeometry_GetGeometryTypeGeometry_GetGeometryNameGeometry_LengthGeometry_AreaGeometry_GetAreaGeometry_GetPointCountGeometry_GetGeometryCountGeometry_SwapXYGeometry_PolygonizeGeometry_BoundaryGeometry_GetBoundaryGeometry_ConvexHullGeometry_MakeValidGeometry_UnionCascadedGeometry_EmptyGeometry_IsEmptyGeometry_IsValidGeometry_IsSimpleGeometry_IsRingGeometry_GetSpatialReferenceGeometry_CloseRingsGeometry_FlattenTo2DGeometry_GetEnvelopeGeometry_GetEnvelope3DGeometry_CentroidGeometry_PointOnSurfaceGeometry_WkbSizeGeometry_CoordinateDimensionGeometry_Is3DGeometry_IsMeasuredGeometry_GetDimensionGeometry_GetLinearGeometryGeometry_swigregisterGeometry_swiginitdelete_GeomTransformerGeomTransformer_swigregisterGeomTransformer_swiginitGetDriverCount() -> intGetOpenDSCount() -> intRegisterAll()GeometryTypeToNameGetFieldSubTypeNameGT_FlattenGT_SetZGT_SetMGT_HasZGT_HasMGT_IsCurveGT_IsSurfaceGT_IsNonLinearGT_GetCollectionGT_GetCurveGT_GetLinearGetOpenDSGetDriverByNamedisownacquireappendappends another 'this' objectnext__repr__returns object representationOGR Error: Unsupported geometry typeOGR Error: Unsupported operationOGR Error: Non existing featureOGR Error: Not enough data to deserialize%s expected %s%d arguments, got noneUnpackTuple() argument list is not a tuple%s expected %s%d arguments, got %dAttempt to append a non SwigPyObjectswig_runtime_data4.type_pointer_capsuleswig/python detected a memory leak of type '%s', no destructor found. Cannot call %s.DontUseExceptions() at that point since the stack of error handlers is: %sin method 'SetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag', argument 1 of type 'int'GetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlagin method 'GT_GetCollection', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_GetCurve', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_IsNonLinear', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_SetZ', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_GetLinear', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_IsCurve', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_HasZ', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_Flatten', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_IsSurface', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_HasM', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_SetM', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'delete_StyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_ResetStyleStringReading', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'delete_DataSource', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_GetRefCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_GetSummaryRefCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_GetLayerCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_FlushCache', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetRefCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_ResetReading', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetGeomType', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'delete_Feature', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_CloseRings', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetGeomFieldCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_FlattenTo2D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_WkbSize', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetCoordinateDimension', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_CoordinateDimension', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Is3D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_IsMeasured', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetDimension', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Feature_DumpReadable', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'delete_GeomTransformer', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomTransformerShadow *'in method 'Driver_Register', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'Driver_Deregister', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'delete_FeatureDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetFieldCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetGeomType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetReferenceCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_IsGeometryIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_IsStyleIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'delete_FieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetSubType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetJustify', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetWidth', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetPrecision', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_IsIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_IsNullable', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_IsUnique', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_IsDefaultDriverSpecific', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'delete_GeomFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_GetType', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_IsIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_IsNullable', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'delete_Geometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetGeometryType', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Length', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Area', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetArea', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetPointCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetGeometryCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SwapXY', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Empty', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_IsRing', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_IsEmpty', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_IsValid', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_IsSimple', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetFeaturesRead', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFID', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadataDomainList', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER', argument 1 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetEnvelope3D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetEnvelope', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'DataSource_CommitTransaction', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_AbortSQL', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Layer_StartTransaction', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'DataSource_SyncToDisk', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Layer_SyncToDisk', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_RollbackTransaction', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'DataSource_RollbackTransaction', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Layer_CommitTransaction', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Driver_DeleteDataSource', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Set3D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Set3D', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FieldDefn_SetJustify', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetJustify', argument 2 of type 'OGRJustification'in method 'FeatureDefn_SetStyleIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_SetStyleIgnored', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetIgnored', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_Segmentize', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Segmentize', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'FieldDefn_SetPrecision', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetPrecision', argument 2 of type 'int'FeatureDefn_SetGeometryIgnoredin method 'FeatureDefn_SetGeometryIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_SetGeometryIgnored', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FieldDefn_SetNullable', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetNullable', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FieldDefn_SetUnique', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetUnique', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FieldDefn_SetWidth', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetWidth', argument 2 of type 'int'Geometry_SetCoordinateDimensionin method 'Geometry_SetCoordinateDimension', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetCoordinateDimension', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetNullable', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetNullable', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_SetMeasured', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetMeasured', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FieldDefn_SetIgnored', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetIgnored', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetSpatialRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetSpatialRef', argument 2 of type 'OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *'Geometry_AssignSpatialReferencein method 'Geometry_AssignSpatialReference', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AssignSpatialReference', argument 2 of type 'OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_SetGeomType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_SetGeomType', argument 2 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetType', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetType', argument 2 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'DataSource_ReleaseResultSet', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_ReleaseResultSet', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetSubType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetSubType', argument 2 of type 'OGRFieldSubType'in method 'Feature_FillUnsetWithDefault', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_FillUnsetWithDefault', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_SetStyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetStyleTable', argument 2 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'DataSource_SetStyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_SetStyleTable', argument 2 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'Geometry_HasCurveGeometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_HasCurveGeometry', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FieldDefn_SetType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetType', argument 2 of type 'OGRFieldType'in method 'Geometry_GetY', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetY', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetM', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetM', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetZ', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetZ', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetX', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetX', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetFieldString', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldString', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FeatureDefn_AddGeomFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_AddGeomFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_AddFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_AddFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_SaveStyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_LoadStyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetFieldIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetGeomFieldIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ExportToJson', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ExportToGML', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetFeatureCount', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetFeatureCount', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'GT_IsSubClassOf', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_IsSubClassOf', argument 2 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'Feature_SetFieldNull', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldNull', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_SetFieldNull'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::SetFieldNull(int) OGRFeatureShadow::SetFieldNull(char const *) in method 'Feature_UnsetField', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_UnsetField', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_UnsetField'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::UnsetField(int) OGRFeatureShadow::UnsetField(char const *) in method 'Geometry_GetPoint_2D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetPoint_2D', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetPoint', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetPoint', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetPointZM', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetPointZM', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_Validate', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_Validate', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_Validate', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetFieldInteger64', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldInteger64', argument 2 of type 'int'O|O:DataSource_StartTransactionin method 'DataSource_StartTransaction', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_StartTransaction', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_Distance3D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Distance3D', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_IsSame', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_IsSame', argument 2 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Distance', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Distance', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Intersects', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Intersects', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Equals', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Equals', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Touches', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Touches', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Within', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Within', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Intersect', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Intersect', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Equal', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Equal', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Feature_Equal', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_Equal', argument 2 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Contains', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Contains', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Overlaps', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Overlaps', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Disjoint', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Disjoint', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Crosses', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Crosses', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldIntegerList', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldIntegerList', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_AddPoint_2D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddPoint_2D', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPoint_2D', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsStringList', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsStringList', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_DeleteFeature', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFID', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetNextByIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'GT_SetModifier', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GT_SetModifier', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'GT_SetModifier', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsInteger(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsInteger(char const *) in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsDouble', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsDouble', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsDouble'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsDouble(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsDouble(char const *) in method 'Feature_SetFieldStringList', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldStringList', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_IsFieldSet', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_IsFieldSet', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_IsFieldSet'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::IsFieldSet(int) OGRFeatureShadow::IsFieldSet(char const *) in method 'Feature_IsFieldNull', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_IsFieldNull', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_IsFieldNull'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::IsFieldNull(int) OGRFeatureShadow::IsFieldNull(char const *) in method 'Feature_IsFieldSetAndNotNull', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_IsFieldSetAndNotNull', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_IsFieldSetAndNotNull'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::IsFieldSetAndNotNull(int) OGRFeatureShadow::IsFieldSetAndNotNull(char const *) in method 'Feature_GetFieldType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldType', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldType'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldType(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldType(char const *) in method 'DataSource_DeleteLayer', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_DeleteLayer', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_DeleteField', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_DeleteField', argument 2 of type 'int'FeatureDefn_DeleteGeomFieldDefnin method 'FeatureDefn_DeleteGeomFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_DeleteGeomFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_RemoveGeometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_RemoveGeometry', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsInteger64(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsInteger64(char const *) in method 'Geometry_ExportToWkt', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ExportToIsoWkt', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64Listin method 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64List', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64List', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetGeometryDirectly', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetGeometryDirectly', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetGeometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetGeometry', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetIgnoredFields', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Geometry_TransformTo', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_TransformTo', argument 2 of type 'OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *'in method 'Layer_CreateFeature', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_CreateFeature', argument 2 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetFeature', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetFeature', argument 2 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddGeometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddGeometry', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Layer_ReorderFields', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddGeometryDirectly', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddGeometryDirectly', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilter', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilter', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilter', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilter', argument 3 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Layer_SetSpatialFilter'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRLayerShadow::SetSpatialFilter(OGRGeometryShadow *) OGRLayerShadow::SetSpatialFilter(int,OGRGeometryShadow *) in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsIntegerList', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsIntegerList', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsIntegerList'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsIntegerList(int,int *,int const **) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsIntegerList(char const *,int *,int const **) in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsDoubleList', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsDoubleList', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsDoubleList'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsDoubleList(int,int *,double const **) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsDoubleList(char const *,int *,double const **) in method 'Geometry_AddPoint', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddPoint', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPoint', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPoint', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Layer_GetExtent', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetExtent', argument 4 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_GetExtent', argument 5 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_GetExtent', argument 6 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_FindFieldIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_FindFieldIndex', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Layer_FindFieldIndex', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_GetPoints', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetPoints', argument 5 of type 'int'Cannot allocate resulting arrayin method 'Layer_CreateField', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_CreateField', argument 2 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Layer_CreateField', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_CreateGeomField', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_CreateGeomField', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Layer_CreateGeomField', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetFrom', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFrom', argument 2 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFrom', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_ReorderField', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_ReorderField', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_ReorderField', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'StyleTable_AddStyle', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_AddStyle', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'StyleTable_AddStyle', argument 3 of type 'char const *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldDoubleList', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldDoubleList', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetFieldInteger64List', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldInteger64List', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_AddPointM', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddPointM', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPointM', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPointM', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint_2D', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint_2D', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint_2D', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint_2D', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_ExportToKML', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ExportToKML', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadata_List', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadata_List', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Feature_SetStyleString', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetStyleString', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Feature_SetNativeMediaType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetNativeMediaType', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetAlternativeName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetAlternativeName', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Feature_SetNativeData', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetNativeData', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetDefault', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetDefault', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'TermProgress_nocb', argument 1 of type 'double'in method 'TermProgress_nocb', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'TermProgress_nocb', argument 3 of type 'void *'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPoint', argument 5 of type 'double'in method 'Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly', argument 3 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::SetGeomFieldDirectly(int,OGRGeometryShadow *) OGRFeatureShadow::SetGeomFieldDirectly(char const *,OGRGeometryShadow *) in method 'Feature_SetGeomField', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetGeomField', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetGeomField', argument 3 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_SetGeomField'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::SetGeomField(int,OGRGeometryShadow *) OGRFeatureShadow::SetGeomField(char const *,OGRGeometryShadow *) Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexStringin method 'Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString', argument 3 of type 'char const *'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(int,char const *) OGRFeatureShadow::SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(char const *,char const *) in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadata_Dict', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadata_Dict', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'MajorObject_SetDescription', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_SetDescription', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_SetName', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_SetName', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Driver_TestCapability', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'Driver_TestCapability', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Geometry_AddPointZM', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_AddPointZM', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPointZM', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPointZM', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_AddPointZM', argument 5 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPointM', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetPointM', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_SetPointM', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPointM', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPointM', argument 5 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_ExportToIsoWkb', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ExportToIsoWkb', argument 4 of type 'OGRwkbByteOrder'in method 'Geometry_ExportToWkb', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ExportToWkb', argument 4 of type 'OGRwkbByteOrder'in method 'Layer_AlterFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_AlterFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_AlterFieldDefn', argument 3 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Layer_AlterFieldDefn', argument 4 of type 'int'in method 'MajorObject_SetMetadataItem', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_SetMetadataItem', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'MajorObject_SetMetadataItem', argument 3 of type 'char const *'in method 'MajorObject_SetMetadataItem', argument 4 of type 'char const *'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 5 of type 'double'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect', argument 6 of type 'double'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRLayerShadow::SetSpatialFilterRect(double,double,double,double) OGRLayerShadow::SetSpatialFilterRect(int,double,double,double,double) in method 'Feature_SetFromWithMap', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFromWithMap', argument 2 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetFromWithMap', argument 3 of type 'int'The size of map doesn't match with the field count of the source featurein method 'DataSource_TestCapability', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_TestCapability', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Layer_TestCapability', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_TestCapability', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'Layer_SetAttributeFilter', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SetAttributeFilter', argument 2 of type 'char *'in method 'Layer_Union', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Union', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Union', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'Object given is not a Python functionin method 'Layer_Update', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Update', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Update', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Erase', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Erase', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Erase', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SymDifference', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SymDifference', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_SymDifference', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Intersection', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Intersection', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Intersection', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Identity', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Identity', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Identity', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Clip', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Clip', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_Clip', argument 3 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetPointZM', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SetPointZM', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_SetPointZM', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPointZM', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPointZM', argument 5 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_SetPointZM', argument 6 of type 'double'in method 'Feature_GetGeomFieldRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetGeomFieldRef', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetGeomFieldRef'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetGeomFieldRef(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetGeomFieldRef(char const *) in method 'Feature_GetFieldDefnRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldDefnRef', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldDefnRef'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldDefnRef(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldDefnRef(char const *) in method 'Feature_GetGeomFieldDefnRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetGeomFieldDefnRef', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetGeomFieldDefnRef'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetGeomFieldDefnRef(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetGeomFieldDefnRef(char const *) in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsDateTime', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsDateTime', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsDateTime'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsDateTime(int,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,float *,int *) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsDateTime(char const *,int *,int *,int *,int *,int *,float *,int *) in method 'Geometry_Transform', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Transform', argument 2 of type 'OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Transform', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeomTransformerShadow *'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Geometry_Transform'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRGeometryShadow::Transform(OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *) OGRGeometryShadow::Transform(OGRGeomTransformerShadow *) in method 'OpenShared', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Open', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'GetOpenDS', argument 1 of type 'int'in method 'ForceTo', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'ForceTo', argument 2 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'ForceToMultiLineString', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'ForceToMultiPoint', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'ForceToMultiPolygon', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'ForceToLineString', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'ForceToPolygon', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'BuildPolygonFromEdges', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'BuildPolygonFromEdges', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'BuildPolygonFromEdges', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'BuildPolygonFromEdges', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'CreateGeometryFromEsriJson', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'CreateGeometryFromJson', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'CreateGeometryFromGML', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'CreateGeometryFromWkt', argument 2 of type 'OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *'not a unicode string or a bytesin method 'CreateGeometryFromWkb', argument 3 of type 'OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *'in method 'Driver_CreateDataSource', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'Driver_CopyDataSource', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'Driver_CopyDataSource', argument 2 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Driver_Open', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'Driver_Open', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'DataSource_GetDriver', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_CreateLayer', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_CreateLayer', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'DataSource_CreateLayer', argument 3 of type 'OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_CreateLayer', argument 4 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'DataSource_CopyLayer', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_CopyLayer', argument 2 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'DataSource_CopyLayer', argument 3 of type 'char const *'in method 'DataSource_GetLayerByIndex', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_GetLayerByIndex', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'DataSource_GetLayerByName', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_GetLayerByName', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'DataSource_GetStyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetSpatialFilter', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetFeature', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetNextFeature', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetLayerDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetSpatialRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetStyleTable', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'new_Feature', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetDefnRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetGeometryRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_MakeValid', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeoms', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Feature_Clone', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Buffer', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Buffer', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_Buffer', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_Intersection', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Intersection', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Union', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Union', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_UnionCascaded', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Difference', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Difference', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SymDifference', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SymDifference', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SymmetricDifference', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SymmetricDifference', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetSpatialReference', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Centroid', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_PointOnSurface', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'O|OO:Geometry_GetLinearGeometryin method 'Geometry_GetLinearGeometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetLinearGeometry', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_GetCurveGeometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Value', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Value', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'new_GeomTransformer', argument 1 of type 'OSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *'in method 'GeomTransformer_Transform', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomTransformerShadow *'in method 'GeomTransformer_Transform', argument 2 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'GetDriverByName', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'GetDriver', argument 1 of type 'int'in method 'new_FeatureDefn', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'new_FieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'new_FieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'OGRFieldType'in method 'new_GeomFieldDefn', argument 1 of type 'char const *'in method 'new_GeomFieldDefn', argument 2 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_GetSpatialRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Clone', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetGeometryRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetGeometryRef', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_Simplify', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Simplify', argument 2 of type 'double'Geometry_SimplifyPreserveTopologyin method 'Geometry_SimplifyPreserveTopology', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_SimplifyPreserveTopology', argument 2 of type 'double'O|OO:Geometry_DelaunayTriangulationin method 'Geometry_DelaunayTriangulation', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_DelaunayTriangulation', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'Geometry_DelaunayTriangulation', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Geometry_Polygonize', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_Boundary', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetBoundary', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Geometry_ConvexHull', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'Driver_GetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'GeometryTypeToName', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'GetFieldTypeName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldType'in method 'GetFieldSubTypeName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldSubType'in method 'FieldDefn_GetDefault', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetFIDColumn', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetNativeData', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_GetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetStyleString', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetGeometryColumn', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'DataSource_name_get', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'Geometry_GetGeometryName', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'GeomFieldDefn_GetNameRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_GetLastStyleName', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_GetNextStyle', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetAlternativeName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'Driver_name_get', argument 1 of type 'OGRDriverShadow *'in method 'FeatureDefn_GetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureDefnShadow *'in method 'Layer_GetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRLayerShadow *'in method 'DataSource_GetName', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetAlternativeNameRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetNameRef', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_GetDescription', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetNativeMediaType', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetTypeName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetFieldTypeName', argument 1 of type 'OGRFieldDefnShadow *'in method 'FieldDefn_GetFieldTypeName', argument 2 of type 'OGRFieldType'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsString', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsString', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsString'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsString(int) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsString(char const *) in method 'StyleTable_Find', argument 1 of type 'OGRStyleTableShadow *'in method 'StyleTable_Find', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'new_Geometry', argument 1 of type 'OGRwkbGeometryType'in method 'new_Geometry', argument 2 of type 'char *'in method 'new_Geometry', argument 5 of type 'char *'Empty geometries cannot be constructedin method 'MajorObject_SetMetadata', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'Dictionary must contain tuples of stringsArgument must be dictionary or sequence of stringsin method 'MajorObject_SetMetadata', argument 3 of type 'char const *'OOOOOOOOO:ApproximateArcAnglesin method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 1 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 2 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 3 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 4 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 5 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 6 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 7 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 8 of type 'double'in method 'ApproximateArcAngles', argument 9 of type 'double'in method 'MajorObject_SetMetadata', argument 2 of type 'char *'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'MajorObject_SetMetadata'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: GDALMajorObjectShadow::SetMetadata(char **,char const *) GDALMajorObjectShadow::SetMetadata(char *,char const *) in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsBinary', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_GetFieldAsBinary', argument 2 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_GetFieldAsBinary'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsBinary(int,int *,char **) OGRFeatureShadow::GetFieldAsBinary(char const *,int *,char **) in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 1 of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 2 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 3 of type 'double'Unable to format argument as stringin method 'Feature_SetField', argument 3 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 4 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 5 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 6 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 7 of type 'int'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 8 of type 'float'in method 'Feature_SetField', argument 9 of type 'int'Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Feature_SetField'. Possible C/C++ prototypes are: OGRFeatureShadow::SetField(int,char const *) OGRFeatureShadow::SetField(char const *,char const *) OGRFeatureShadow::SetField(int,double) OGRFeatureShadow::SetField(char const *,double) OGRFeatureShadow::SetField(int,int,int,int,int,int,float,int) OGRFeatureShadow::SetField(char const *,int,int,int,int,int,float,int) in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadataItem', argument 1 of type 'GDALMajorObjectShadow *'in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadataItem', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'MajorObject_GetMetadataItem', argument 3 of type 'char const *'in method 'DataSource_ExecuteSQL', argument 1 of type 'OGRDataSourceShadow *'in method 'DataSource_ExecuteSQL', argument 2 of type 'char const *'in method 'DataSource_ExecuteSQL', argument 3 of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *'in method 'DataSource_ExecuteSQL', argument 4 of type 'char const *'in method 'GeneralCmdLineProcessor', argument 2 of type 'int'CreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayerODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayerOGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPEOGRFieldSubType *|OSRAxisMappingStrategy *|OGRFieldType *|CPLErr *|int *|OGRwkbGeometryType *|OGRJustification *|OGRAxisOrientation *|OGRwkbByteOrder *|OGRErr *_p_f_double_p_q_const__char_p_void__intint (*)(double,char const *,void *)_p_OSRCoordinateTransformationShadowOSRCoordinateTransformationShadow *MajorObject_GetDescription(MajorObject self) -> char const *MajorObject_SetDescription(MajorObject self, char const * pszNewDesc)MajorObject_GetMetadataDomainListMajorObject_GetMetadataDomainList(MajorObject self) -> char **MajorObject_GetMetadata_Dict(MajorObject self, char const * pszDomain="") -> char **MajorObject_GetMetadata_List(MajorObject self, char const * pszDomain="") -> char ** MajorObject_SetMetadata(MajorObject self, char ** papszMetadata, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr MajorObject_SetMetadata(MajorObject self, char * pszMetadataString, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr MajorObject_GetMetadataItem(MajorObject self, char const * pszName, char const * pszDomain="") -> char const *MajorObject_SetMetadataItem(MajorObject self, char const * pszName, char const * pszValue, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErrnew_StyleTable() -> StyleTabledelete_StyleTable(StyleTable self)StyleTable_AddStyle(StyleTable self, char const * pszName, char const * pszStyleString) -> intStyleTable_LoadStyleTable(StyleTable self, char const * utf8_path) -> intStyleTable_SaveStyleTable(StyleTable self, char const * utf8_path) -> intStyleTable_Find(StyleTable self, char const * pszName) -> char const *StyleTable_ResetStyleStringReadingStyleTable_ResetStyleStringReading(StyleTable self)StyleTable_GetNextStyle(StyleTable self) -> char const *StyleTable_GetLastStyleName(StyleTable self) -> char const *Driver_name_get(Driver self) -> char const *Driver_CreateDataSource(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, char ** options=None) -> DataSourceDriver_CopyDataSource(Driver self, DataSource copy_ds, char const * utf8_path, char ** options=None) -> DataSourceDriver_Open(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, int update=0) -> DataSourceDriver_DeleteDataSource(Driver self, char const * utf8_path) -> intDriver_TestCapability(Driver self, char const * cap) -> boolDriver_GetName(Driver self) -> char const *Driver_Deregister(Driver self)DataSource_name_get(DataSource self) -> char const *delete_DataSource(DataSource self) DataSource_GetRefCount(DataSource self) -> int int OGR_DS_GetRefCount(OGRDataSourceH hDataSource) DataSource_GetSummaryRefCount(DataSource self) -> int int OGR_DS_GetSummaryRefCount(OGRDataSourceH hDataSource) DataSource_GetLayerCount(DataSource self) -> int int OGR_DS_GetLayerCount(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Get the number of layers in this data source. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetGetLayerCount() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the data source from which to get the number of layers. layer count. DataSource_GetDriver(DataSource self) -> Driver OGRSFDriverH OGR_DS_GetDriver(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Returns the driver that the dataset was opened with. NOTE: Starting with GDAL 2.0, it is NOT safe to cast the returned handle to OGRSFDriver*. If a C++ object is needed, the handle should be cast to GDALDriver*. Deprecated Use GDALGetDatasetDriver() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the datasource NULL if driver info is not available, or pointer to a driver owned by the OGRSFDriverManager. DataSource_GetName(DataSource self) -> char const * const char* OGR_DS_GetName(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Returns the name of the data source. This string should be sufficient to open the data source if passed to the same OGRSFDriver that this data source was opened with, but it need not be exactly the same string that was used to open the data source. Normally this is a filename. Deprecated Use GDALGetDescription() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the data source to get the name from. pointer to an internal name string which should not be modified or freed by the caller. DataSource_DeleteLayer(DataSource self, int index) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_DS_DeleteLayer(OGRDataSourceH hDS, int iLayer) Delete the indicated layer from the datasource. If this method is supported the ODsCDeleteLayer capability will test TRUE on the OGRDataSource. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetDeleteLayer() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the datasource iLayer: the index of the layer to delete. OGRERR_NONE on success, or OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION if deleting layers is not supported for this datasource. DataSource_SyncToDisk(DataSource self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_DS_SyncToDisk(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Flush pending changes to disk. See GDALDataset::FlushCache() DataSource_FlushCache(DataSource self) DataSource_CreateLayer(DataSource self, char const * name, SpatialReference srs=None, OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type=wkbUnknown, char ** options=None) -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_CreateLayer(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char *pszName, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSpatialRef, OGRwkbGeometryType eType, char **papszOptions) This function attempts to create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetCreateLayer() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: The dataset handle. pszName: the name for the new layer. This should ideally not match any existing layer on the datasource. hSpatialRef: handle to the coordinate system to use for the new layer, or NULL if no coordinate system is available. The driver might only increase the reference counter of the object to take ownership, and not make a full copy, so do not use OSRDestroySpatialReference(), but OSRRelease() instead when you are done with the object. eType: the geometry type for the layer. Use wkbUnknown if there are no constraints on the types geometry to be written. papszOptions: a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific, and driver information can be found at the following url:http://www.gdal.org/ogr_formats.html NULL is returned on failure, or a new OGRLayer handle on success. Example: DataSource_CopyLayer(DataSource self, Layer src_layer, char const * new_name, char ** options=None) -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_CopyLayer(OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRLayerH hSrcLayer, const char *pszNewName, char **papszOptions) Duplicate an existing layer. This function creates a new layer, duplicate the field definitions of the source layer and then duplicate each features of the source layer. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. The source layer may come from another dataset. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetCopyLayer() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the data source where to create the new layer hSrcLayer: handle to the source layer. pszNewName: the name of the layer to create. papszOptions: a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific. a handle to the layer, or NULL if an error occurs. DataSource_GetLayerByIndex(DataSource self, int index=0) -> Layer DataSource_GetLayerByName(DataSource self, char const * layer_name) -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char *pszName) Fetch a layer by name. The returned layer remains owned by the OGRDataSource and should not be deleted by the application. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetGetLayerByName() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the data source from which to get the layer. pszLayerName: Layer the layer name of the layer to fetch. a handle to the layer, or NULL if the layer is not found or an error occurs. DataSource_TestCapability(DataSource self, char const * cap) -> bool int OGR_DS_TestCapability(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char *pszCap) Test if capability is available. One of the following data source capability names can be passed into this function, and a TRUE or FALSE value will be returned indicating whether or not the capability is available for this object. ODsCCreateLayer: True if this datasource can create new layers. ODsCDeleteLayer: True if this datasource can delete existing layers. ODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayer: True if the layers of this datasource support CreateGeomField() just after layer creation. ODsCCurveGeometries: True if this datasource supports writing curve geometries. (GDAL 2.0). In that case, OLCCurveGeometries must also be declared in layers of that dataset. The #define macro forms of the capability names should be used in preference to the strings themselves to avoid misspelling. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetTestCapability() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the data source against which to test the capability. pszCapability: the capability to test. TRUE if capability available otherwise FALSE. DataSource_ExecuteSQL(DataSource self, char const * statement, Geometry spatialFilter=None, char const * dialect="") -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char *pszStatement, OGRGeometryH hSpatialFilter, const char *pszDialect) Execute an SQL statement against the data store. The result of an SQL query is either NULL for statements that are in error, or that have no results set, or an OGRLayer handle representing a results set from the query. Note that this OGRLayer is in addition to the layers in the data store and must be destroyed with OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet() before the data source is closed (destroyed). For more information on the SQL dialect supported internally by OGR review theOGR SQL document. Some drivers (i.e. Oracle and PostGIS) pass the SQL directly through to the underlying RDBMS. Starting with OGR 1.10, theSQLITE dialect can also be used. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetExecuteSQL() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: handle to the data source on which the SQL query is executed. pszSQLCommand: the SQL statement to execute. hSpatialFilter: handle to a geometry which represents a spatial filter. Can be NULL. pszDialect: allows control of the statement dialect. If set to NULL, the OGR SQL engine will be used, except for RDBMS drivers that will use their dedicated SQL engine, unless OGRSQL is explicitly passed as the dialect. Starting with OGR 1.10, the SQLITE dialect can also be used. a handle to a OGRLayer containing the results of the query. Deallocate with OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(). DataSource_AbortSQL(DataSource self) -> OGRErr DataSource_ReleaseResultSet(DataSource self, Layer layer) void OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRLayerH hLayer) Release results of OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(). This function should only be used to deallocate OGRLayers resulting from an OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL() call on the same OGRDataSource. Failure to deallocate a results set before destroying the OGRDataSource may cause errors. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters: ----------- hDS: a handle to the data source on which was executed an SQL query. hLayer: handle to the result of a previous OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL() call. DataSource_GetStyleTable(DataSource self) -> StyleTable OGRStyleTableH OGR_DS_GetStyleTable(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Get style table. DataSource_SetStyleTable(DataSource self, StyleTable table) void OGR_DS_SetStyleTable(OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable) Set style table. DataSource_StartTransaction(DataSource self, int force=FALSE) -> OGRErrDataSource_CommitTransaction(DataSource self) -> OGRErrDataSource_RollbackTransactionDataSource_RollbackTransaction(DataSource self) -> OGRErr Layer_GetRefCount(Layer self) -> int int OGR_L_GetRefCount(OGRLayerH hLayer) Layer_SetSpatialFilter(Layer self, Geometry filter) Layer_SetSpatialFilter(Layer self, int iGeomField, Geometry filter) void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set a new spatial filter. This function set the geometry to be used as a spatial filter when fetching features via the OGR_L_GetNextFeature() function. Only features that geometrically intersect the filter geometry will be returned. Currently this test is may be inaccurately implemented, but it is guaranteed that all features whose envelope (as returned by OGR_G_GetEnvelope()) overlaps the envelope of the spatial filter will be returned. This can result in more shapes being returned that should strictly be the case. Starting with GDAL 2.3, features with null or empty geometries will never be considered as matching a spatial filter. This function makes an internal copy of the passed geometry. The passed geometry remains the responsibility of the caller, and may be safely destroyed. For the time being the passed filter geometry should be in the same SRS as the layer (as returned by OGR_L_GetSpatialRef()). In the future this may be generalized. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SetSpatialFilter. Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer on which to set the spatial filter. hGeom: handle to the geometry to use as a filtering region. NULL may be passed indicating that the current spatial filter should be cleared, but no new one instituted. Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect(Layer self, double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect(Layer self, int iGeomField, double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) void OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRect(OGRLayerH hLayer, double dfMinX, double dfMinY, double dfMaxX, double dfMaxY) Set a new rectangular spatial filter. This method set rectangle to be used as a spatial filter when fetching features via the OGR_L_GetNextFeature() method. Only features that geometrically intersect the given rectangle will be returned. The x/y values should be in the same coordinate system as the layer as a whole (as returned by OGRLayer::GetSpatialRef()). Internally this method is normally implemented as creating a 5 vertex closed rectangular polygon and passing it to OGRLayer::SetSpatialFilter(). It exists as a convenience. The only way to clear a spatial filter set with this method is to call OGRLayer::SetSpatialFilter(NULL). This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SetSpatialFilterRect(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer on which to set the spatial filter. dfMinX: the minimum X coordinate for the rectangular region. dfMinY: the minimum Y coordinate for the rectangular region. dfMaxX: the maximum X coordinate for the rectangular region. dfMaxY: the maximum Y coordinate for the rectangular region. Layer_GetSpatialFilter(Layer self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_L_GetSpatialFilter(OGRLayerH hLayer) This function returns the current spatial filter for this layer. The returned pointer is to an internally owned object, and should not be altered or deleted by the caller. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetSpatialFilter(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to get the spatial filter from. a handle to the spatial filter geometry. Layer_SetAttributeFilter(Layer self, char * filter_string) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter(OGRLayerH hLayer, const char *pszQuery) Set a new attribute query. This function sets the attribute query string to be used when fetching features via the OGR_L_GetNextFeature() function. Only features for which the query evaluates as true will be returned. The query string should be in the format of an SQL WHERE clause. For instance "population > 1000000 and population < 5000000" where population is an attribute in the layer. The query format is a restricted form of SQL WHERE clause as defined "eq_format=restricted_where" about half way through this document: http://ogdi.sourceforge.net/prop/6.2.CapabilitiesMetadata.html Note that installing a query string will generally result in resetting the current reading position (ala OGR_L_ResetReading()). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SetAttributeFilter(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer on which attribute query will be executed. pszQuery: query in restricted SQL WHERE format, or NULL to clear the current query. OGRERR_NONE if successfully installed, or an error code if the query expression is in error, or some other failure occurs. Layer_ResetReading(Layer self) void OGR_L_ResetReading(OGRLayerH hLayer) Reset feature reading to start on the first feature. This affects GetNextFeature(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::ResetReading(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer on which features are read. Layer_GetName(Layer self) -> char const * const char* OGR_L_GetName(OGRLayerH hLayer) Return the layer name. This returns the same content as OGR_FD_GetName(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer)), but for a few drivers, calling OGR_L_GetName() directly can avoid lengthy layer definition initialization. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetName(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer. the layer name (must not been freed) OGR 1.8.0 Layer_GetGeomType(Layer self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_L_GetGeomType(OGRLayerH hLayer) Return the layer geometry type. This returns the same result as OGR_FD_GetGeomType(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer)), but for a few drivers, calling OGR_L_GetGeomType() directly can avoid lengthy layer definition initialization. For layers with multiple geometry fields, this method only returns the geometry type of the first geometry column. For other columns, use OGR_GFld_GetType(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer), i)). For layers without any geometry field, this method returns wkbNone. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetGeomType(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer. the geometry type OGR 1.8.0 Layer_GetGeometryColumn(Layer self) -> char const * const char* OGR_L_GetGeometryColumn(OGRLayerH hLayer) This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the geometry column, or "" if not supported. For layers with multiple geometry fields, this method only returns the geometry type of the first geometry column. For other columns, use OGR _GFld_GetNameRef(OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(hLayer), i)). This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetGeometryColumn() Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer geometry column name. Layer_GetFIDColumn(Layer self) -> char const * const char* OGR_L_GetFIDColumn(OGRLayerH hLayer) This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the FID column, or "" if not supported. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetFIDColumn() Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer fid column name. Layer_GetFeature(Layer self, GIntBig fid) -> Feature OGRFeatureH OGR_L_GetFeature(OGRLayerH hLayer, GIntBig nFeatureId) Fetch a feature by its identifier. This function will attempt to read the identified feature. The nFID value cannot be OGRNullFID. Success or failure of this operation is unaffected by the spatial or attribute filters (and specialized implementations in drivers should make sure that they do not take into account spatial or attribute filters). If this function returns a non-NULL feature, it is guaranteed that its feature id ( OGR_F_GetFID()) will be the same as nFID. Use OGR_L_TestCapability(OLCRandomRead) to establish if this layer supports efficient random access reading via OGR_L_GetFeature(); however, the call should always work if the feature exists as a fallback implementation just scans all the features in the layer looking for the desired feature. Sequential reads (with OGR_L_GetNextFeature()) are generally considered interrupted by a OGR_L_GetFeature() call. The returned feature should be free with OGR_F_Destroy(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetFeature( ). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer that owned the feature. nFeatureId: the feature id of the feature to read. a handle to a feature now owned by the caller, or NULL on failure. Layer_GetNextFeature(Layer self) -> Feature OGRFeatureH OGR_L_GetNextFeature(OGRLayerH hLayer) Fetch the next available feature from this layer. The returned feature becomes the responsibility of the caller to delete with OGR_F_Destroy(). It is critical that all features associated with an OGRLayer (more specifically an OGRFeatureDefn) be deleted before that layer/datasource is deleted. Only features matching the current spatial filter (set with SetSpatialFilter()) will be returned. This function implements sequential access to the features of a layer. The OGR_L_ResetReading() function can be used to start at the beginning again. Features returned by OGR_GetNextFeature() may or may not be affected by concurrent modifications depending on drivers. A guaranteed way of seeing modifications in effect is to call OGR_L_ResetReading() on layers where OGR_GetNextFeature() has been called, before reading again. Structural changes in layers (field addition, deletion, ...) when a read is in progress may or may not be possible depending on drivers. If a transaction is committed/aborted, the current sequential reading may or may not be valid after that operation and a call to OGR_L_ResetReading() might be needed. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetNextFeature(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer from which feature are read. a handle to a feature, or NULL if no more features are available. Layer_SetNextByIndex(Layer self, GIntBig new_index) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_SetNextByIndex(OGRLayerH hLayer, GIntBig nIndex) Move read cursor to the nIndex'th feature in the current resultset. This method allows positioning of a layer such that the GetNextFeature() call will read the requested feature, where nIndex is an absolute index into the current result set. So, setting it to 3 would mean the next feature read with GetNextFeature() would have been the 4th feature to have been read if sequential reading took place from the beginning of the layer, including accounting for spatial and attribute filters. Only in rare circumstances is SetNextByIndex() efficiently implemented. In all other cases the default implementation which calls ResetReading() and then calls GetNextFeature() nIndex times is used. To determine if fast seeking is available on the current layer use the TestCapability() method with a value of OLCFastSetNextByIndex. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SetNextByIndex() Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer nIndex: the index indicating how many steps into the result set to seek. OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code. Layer_SetFeature(Layer self, Feature feature) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_SetFeature(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRFeatureH hFeat) Rewrite an existing feature. This function will write a feature to the layer, based on the feature id within the OGRFeature. Use OGR_L_TestCapability(OLCRandomWrite) to establish if this layer supports random access writing via OGR_L_SetFeature(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SetFeature(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to write the feature. hFeat: the feature to write. OGRERR_NONE if the operation works, otherwise an appropriate error code (e.g OGRERR_NON_EXISTING_FEATURE if the feature does not exist). Layer_CreateFeature(Layer self, Feature feature) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_CreateFeature(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRFeatureH hFeat) Create and write a new feature within a layer. The passed feature is written to the layer as a new feature, rather than overwriting an existing one. If the feature has a feature id other than OGRNullFID, then the native implementation may use that as the feature id of the new feature, but not necessarily. Upon successful return the passed feature will have been updated with the new feature id. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::CreateFeature(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to write the feature to. hFeat: the handle of the feature to write to disk. OGRERR_NONE on success. Layer_DeleteFeature(Layer self, GIntBig fid) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_DeleteFeature(OGRLayerH hLayer, GIntBig nFID) Delete feature from layer. The feature with the indicated feature id is deleted from the layer if supported by the driver. Most drivers do not support feature deletion, and will return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION. The OGR_L_TestCapability() function may be called with OLCDeleteFeature to check if the driver supports feature deletion. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::DeleteFeature(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer nFID: the feature id to be deleted from the layer OGRERR_NONE if the operation works, otherwise an appropriate error code (e.g OGRERR_NON_EXISTING_FEATURE if the feature does not exist). Layer_SyncToDisk(Layer self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_SyncToDisk(OGRLayerH hLayer) Flush pending changes to disk. This call is intended to force the layer to flush any pending writes to disk, and leave the disk file in a consistent state. It would not normally have any effect on read-only datasources. Some layers do not implement this method, and will still return OGRERR_NONE. The default implementation just returns OGRERR_NONE. An error is only returned if an error occurs while attempting to flush to disk. In any event, you should always close any opened datasource with OGR_DS_Destroy() that will ensure all data is correctly flushed. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SyncToDisk() Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer OGRERR_NONE if no error occurs (even if nothing is done) or an error code. Layer_GetLayerDefn(Layer self) -> FeatureDefn OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_L_GetLayerDefn(OGRLayerH hLayer) Fetch the schema information for this layer. The returned handle to the OGRFeatureDefn is owned by the OGRLayer, and should not be modified or freed by the application. It encapsulates the attribute schema of the features of the layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetLayerDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to get the schema information. a handle to the feature definition. Layer_GetFeatureCount(Layer self, int force=1) -> GIntBig GIntBig OGR_L_GetFeatureCount(OGRLayerH hLayer, int bForce) Fetch the feature count in this layer. Returns the number of features in the layer. For dynamic databases the count may not be exact. If bForce is FALSE, and it would be expensive to establish the feature count a value of -1 may be returned indicating that the count isn't know. If bForce is TRUE some implementations will actually scan the entire layer once to count objects. The returned count takes the spatial filter into account. Note that some implementations of this method may alter the read cursor of the layer. This function is the same as the CPP OGRLayer::GetFeatureCount(). Note: since GDAL 2.0, this method returns a GIntBig (previously a int) Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer that owned the features. bForce: Flag indicating whether the count should be computed even if it is expensive. feature count, -1 if count not known. Layer_GetExtent(Layer self, int force=1, int can_return_null=0, int geom_field=0) OGRErr OGR_L_GetExtent(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGREnvelope *psExtent, int bForce) Fetch the extent of this layer. Returns the extent (MBR) of the data in the layer. If bForce is FALSE, and it would be expensive to establish the extent then OGRERR_FAILURE will be returned indicating that the extent isn't know. If bForce is TRUE then some implementations will actually scan the entire layer once to compute the MBR of all the features in the layer. Depending on the drivers, the returned extent may or may not take the spatial filter into account. So it is safer to call OGR_L_GetExtent() without setting a spatial filter. Layers without any geometry may return OGRERR_FAILURE just indicating that no meaningful extents could be collected. Note that some implementations of this method may alter the read cursor of the layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetExtent(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer from which to get extent. psExtent: the structure in which the extent value will be returned. bForce: Flag indicating whether the extent should be computed even if it is expensive. OGRERR_NONE on success, OGRERR_FAILURE if extent not known. Layer_TestCapability(Layer self, char const * cap) -> bool int OGR_L_TestCapability(OGRLayerH hLayer, const char *pszCap) Test if this layer supported the named capability. The capability codes that can be tested are represented as strings, but #defined constants exists to ensure correct spelling. Specific layer types may implement class specific capabilities, but this can't generally be discovered by the caller. OLCRandomRead / "RandomRead": TRUE if the GetFeature() method is implemented in an optimized way for this layer, as opposed to the default implementation using ResetReading() and GetNextFeature() to find the requested feature id. OLCSequentialWrite / "SequentialWrite": TRUE if the CreateFeature() method works for this layer. Note this means that this particular layer is writable. The same OGRLayer class may returned FALSE for other layer instances that are effectively read-only. OLCRandomWrite / "RandomWrite": TRUE if the SetFeature() method is operational on this layer. Note this means that this particular layer is writable. The same OGRLayer class may returned FALSE for other layer instances that are effectively read-only. OLCFastSpatialFilter / "FastSpatialFilter": TRUE if this layer implements spatial filtering efficiently. Layers that effectively read all features, and test them with the OGRFeature intersection methods should return FALSE. This can be used as a clue by the application whether it should build and maintain its own spatial index for features in this layer. OLCFastFeatureCount / "FastFeatureCount": TRUE if this layer can return a feature count (via OGR_L_GetFeatureCount()) efficiently, i.e. without counting the features. In some cases this will return TRUE until a spatial filter is installed after which it will return FALSE. OLCFastGetExtent / "FastGetExtent": TRUE if this layer can return its data extent (via OGR_L_GetExtent()) efficiently, i.e. without scanning all the features. In some cases this will return TRUE until a spatial filter is installed after which it will return FALSE. OLCFastSetNextByIndex / "FastSetNextByIndex": TRUE if this layer can perform the SetNextByIndex() call efficiently, otherwise FALSE. OLCCreateField / "CreateField": TRUE if this layer can create new fields on the current layer using CreateField(), otherwise FALSE. OLCCreateGeomField / "CreateGeomField": (GDAL >= 1.11) TRUE if this layer can create new geometry fields on the current layer using CreateGeomField(), otherwise FALSE. OLCDeleteField / "DeleteField": TRUE if this layer can delete existing fields on the current layer using DeleteField(), otherwise FALSE. OLCReorderFields / "ReorderFields": TRUE if this layer can reorder existing fields on the current layer using ReorderField() or ReorderFields(), otherwise FALSE. OLCAlterFieldDefn / "AlterFieldDefn": TRUE if this layer can alter the definition of an existing field on the current layer using AlterFieldDefn(), otherwise FALSE. OLCDeleteFeature / "DeleteFeature": TRUE if the DeleteFeature() method is supported on this layer, otherwise FALSE. OLCStringsAsUTF8 / "StringsAsUTF8": TRUE if values of OFTString fields are assured to be in UTF-8 format. If FALSE the encoding of fields is uncertain, though it might still be UTF-8. OLCTransactions / "Transactions": TRUE if the StartTransaction(), CommitTransaction() and RollbackTransaction() methods work in a meaningful way, otherwise FALSE. OLCCurveGeometries / "CurveGeometries": TRUE if this layer supports writing curve geometries or may return such geometries. (GDAL 2.0). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::TestCapability(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to get the capability from. pszCap: the name of the capability to test. TRUE if the layer has the requested capability, or FALSE otherwise. OGRLayers will return FALSE for any unrecognized capabilities. Layer_CreateField(Layer self, FieldDefn field_def, int approx_ok=1) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_CreateField(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRFieldDefnH hField, int bApproxOK) Create a new field on a layer. You must use this to create new fields on a real layer. Internally the OGRFeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the new field. Applications should never modify the OGRFeatureDefn used by a layer directly. This function should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition. Not all drivers support this function. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCCreateField capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. Drivers may or may not support not-null constraints. If they support creating fields with not-null constraints, this is generally before creating any feature to the layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::CreateField(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to write the field definition. hField: handle of the field definition to write to disk. bApproxOK: If TRUE, the field may be created in a slightly different form depending on the limitations of the format driver. OGRERR_NONE on success. Layer_DeleteField(Layer self, int iField) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_DeleteField(OGRLayerH hLayer, int iField) Delete an existing field on a layer. You must use this to delete existing fields on a real layer. Internally the OGRFeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the deleted field. Applications should never modify the OGRFeatureDefn used by a layer directly. This function should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition. Not all drivers support this function. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCDeleteField capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::DeleteField(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer. iField: index of the field to delete. OGRERR_NONE on success. OGR 1.9.0 Layer_ReorderField(Layer self, int iOldFieldPos, int iNewFieldPos) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_ReorderField(OGRLayerH hLayer, int iOldFieldPos, int iNewFieldPos) Reorder an existing field on a layer. This function is a convenience wrapper of OGR_L_ReorderFields() dedicated to move a single field. You must use this to reorder existing fields on a real layer. Internally the OGRFeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the reordering of the fields. Applications should never modify the OGRFeatureDefn used by a layer directly. This function should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition. The field definition that was at initial position iOldFieldPos will be moved at position iNewFieldPos, and elements between will be shuffled accordingly. For example, let suppose the fields were "0","1","2","3","4" initially. ReorderField(1, 3) will reorder them as "0","2","3","1","4". Not all drivers support this function. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCReorderFields capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::ReorderField(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer. iOldFieldPos: previous position of the field to move. Must be in the range [0,GetFieldCount()-1]. iNewFieldPos: new position of the field to move. Must be in the range [0,GetFieldCount()-1]. OGRERR_NONE on success. OGR 1.9.0 Layer_ReorderFields(Layer self, int nList) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_ReorderFields(OGRLayerH hLayer, int *panMap) Reorder all the fields of a layer. You must use this to reorder existing fields on a real layer. Internally the OGRFeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the reordering of the fields. Applications should never modify the OGRFeatureDefn used by a layer directly. This function should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition. panMap is such that,for each field definition at position i after reordering, its position before reordering was panMap[i]. For example, let suppose the fields were "0","1","2","3","4" initially. ReorderFields([0,2,3,1,4]) will reorder them as "0","2","3","1","4". Not all drivers support this function. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCReorderFields capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::ReorderFields(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer. panMap: an array of GetLayerDefn()-> OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldCount() elements which is a permutation of [0, GetLayerDefn()-> OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldCount()-1]. OGRERR_NONE on success. OGR 1.9.0 Layer_AlterFieldDefn(Layer self, int iField, FieldDefn field_def, int nFlags) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_AlterFieldDefn(OGRLayerH hLayer, int iField, OGRFieldDefnH hNewFieldDefn, int nFlags) Alter the definition of an existing field on a layer. You must use this to alter the definition of an existing field of a real layer. Internally the OGRFeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the altered field. Applications should never modify the OGRFeatureDefn used by a layer directly. This function should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition. Not all drivers support this function. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCAlterFieldDefn capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. Some drivers might also not support all update flags. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::AlterFieldDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer. iField: index of the field whose definition must be altered. hNewFieldDefn: new field definition nFlags: combination of ALTER_NAME_FLAG, ALTER_TYPE_FLAG, ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG, ALTER_NULLABLE_FLAG and ALTER_DEFAULT_FLAG to indicate which of the name and/or type and/or width and precision fields and/or nullability from the new field definition must be taken into account. OGRERR_NONE on success. OGR 1.9.0 Layer_CreateGeomField(Layer self, GeomFieldDefn field_def, int approx_ok=1) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_CreateGeomField(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRGeomFieldDefnH hField, int bApproxOK) Create a new geometry field on a layer. You must use this to create new geometry fields on a real layer. Internally the OGRFeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the new field. Applications should never modify the OGRFeatureDefn used by a layer directly. This function should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition. Not all drivers support this function. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCCreateField capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. Drivers may or may not support not-null constraints. If they support creating fields with not-null constraints, this is generally before creating any feature to the layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::CreateField(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to write the field definition. hField: handle of the geometry field definition to write to disk. bApproxOK: If TRUE, the field may be created in a slightly different form depending on the limitations of the format driver. OGRERR_NONE on success. OGR 1.11 Layer_StartTransaction(Layer self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_StartTransaction(OGRLayerH hLayer) For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction. If starting the transaction fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_NONE. Note: as of GDAL 2.0, use of this API is discouraged when the dataset offers dataset level transaction with GDALDataset::StartTransaction(). The reason is that most drivers can only offer transactions at dataset level, and not layer level. Very few drivers really support transactions at layer scope. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::StartTransaction(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer OGRERR_NONE on success. Layer_CommitTransaction(Layer self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_CommitTransaction(OGRLayerH hLayer) For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction. If no transaction is active, or the commit fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_NONE. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::CommitTransaction(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer OGRERR_NONE on success. Layer_RollbackTransaction(Layer self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_RollbackTransaction(OGRLayerH hLayer) For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction. If no transaction is active, or the rollback fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_NONE. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::RollbackTransaction(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer OGRERR_NONE on success. Layer_FindFieldIndex(Layer self, char const * pszFieldName, int bExactMatch) -> int int OGR_L_FindFieldIndex(OGRLayerH hLayer, const char *pszFieldName, int bExactMatch) Find the index of field in a layer. The returned number is the index of the field in the layers, or -1 if the field doesn't exist. If bExactMatch is set to FALSE and the field doesn't exists in the given form the driver might apply some changes to make it match, like those it might do if the layer was created (eg. like LAUNDER in the OCI driver). This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::FindFieldIndex(). field index, or -1 if the field doesn't exist Layer_GetSpatialRef(Layer self) -> SpatialReference OGRSpatialReferenceH OGR_L_GetSpatialRef(OGRLayerH hLayer) Fetch the spatial reference system for this layer. The returned object is owned by the OGRLayer and should not be modified or freed by the application. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::GetSpatialRef(). Parameters: ----------- hLayer: handle to the layer to get the spatial reference from. spatial reference, or NULL if there isn't one. Layer_GetFeaturesRead(Layer self) -> GIntBig GIntBig OGR_L_GetFeaturesRead(OGRLayerH hLayer) Layer_SetIgnoredFields(Layer self, char const ** options) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_SetIgnoredFields(OGRLayerH hLayer, const char **papszFields) Set which fields can be omitted when retrieving features from the layer. If the driver supports this functionality (testable using OLCIgnoreFields capability), it will not fetch the specified fields in subsequent calls to GetFeature() / GetNextFeature() and thus save some processing time and/or bandwidth. Besides field names of the layers, the following special fields can be passed: "OGR_GEOMETRY" to ignore geometry and "OGR_STYLE" to ignore layer style. By default, no fields are ignored. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SetIgnoredFields() Parameters: ----------- papszFields: an array of field names terminated by NULL item. If NULL is passed, the ignored list is cleared. OGRERR_NONE if all field names have been resolved (even if the driver does not support this method) Layer_Intersection(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_Intersection(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Intersection of two layers. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are common between features in the input layer and in the method layer. The features in the result layer have attributes from both input and method layers. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input and method layers. If the schema of the result is set by user and contains fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value from the feature of the method layer. For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. USE_PREPARED_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to not use prepared geometries to pretest intersection of features of method layer with features of this layer. PRETEST_CONTAINMENT=YES/NO. Set to YES to pretest the containment of features of method layer within the features of this layer. This will speed up the method significantly in some cases. Requires that the prepared geometries are in effect. KEEP_LOWER_DIMENSION_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to skip result features with lower dimension geometry that would otherwise be added to the result layer. The default is to add but only if the result layer has an unknown geometry type. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::Intersection(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_Union(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_Union(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Union of two layers. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in either in the input layer, in the method layer, or in both. The features in the result layer have attributes from both input and method layers. For features which represent areas that are only in the input or in the method layer the respective attributes have undefined values. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input and method layers. If the schema of the result is set by user and contains fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value from the feature of the method layer (even if it is undefined). For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. USE_PREPARED_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to not use prepared geometries to pretest intersection of features of method layer with features of this layer. KEEP_LOWER_DIMENSION_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to skip result features with lower dimension geometry that would otherwise be added to the result layer. The default is to add but only if the result layer has an unknown geometry type. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::Union(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_SymDifference(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_SymDifference(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Symmetrical difference of two layers. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in either in the input layer or in the method layer but not in both. The features in the result layer have attributes from both input and method layers. For features which represent areas that are only in the input or in the method layer the respective attributes have undefined values. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input and method layers. If the schema of the result is set by user and contains fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value from the feature of the method layer (even if it is undefined). For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::SymDifference(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_Identity(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_Identity(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Identify the features of this layer with the ones from the identity layer. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in the input layer. The features in the result layer have attributes from both input and method layers. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in input and method layers. If the schema of the result is set by user and contains fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value from the feature of the method layer (even if it is undefined). For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. USE_PREPARED_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to not use prepared geometries to pretest intersection of features of method layer with features of this layer. KEEP_LOWER_DIMENSION_GEOMETRIES=YES/NO. Set to NO to skip result features with lower dimension geometry that would otherwise be added to the result layer. The default is to add but only if the result layer has an unknown geometry type. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::Identity(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_Update(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_Update(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Update this layer with features from the update layer. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are either in the input layer or in the method layer. The features in the result layer have areas of the features of the method layer or those ares of the features of the input layer that are not covered by the method layer. The features of the result layer get their attributes from the input layer. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input layer. If the schema of the result is set by user and contains fields that have the same name as a field in the method layer, then the attribute in the result feature the originates from the method layer will get the value from the feature of the method layer. For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::Update(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_Clip(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_Clip(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Clip off areas that are not covered by the method layer. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in the input layer and in the method layer. The features in the result layer have the (possibly clipped) areas of features in the input layer and the attributes from the same features. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input layer. For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::Clip(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_Erase(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_L_Erase(OGRLayerH pLayerInput, OGRLayerH pLayerMethod, OGRLayerH pLayerResult, char **papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressArg) Remove areas that are covered by the method layer. The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas that are in the input layer but not in the method layer. The features in the result layer have attributes from the input layer. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input layer. For best performance use the minimum amount of features in the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the GEOS support is compiled in. The recognized list of options is : SKIP_FAILURES=YES/NO. Set it to YES to go on, even when a feature could not be inserted or a GEOS call failed. PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES/NO. Set it to YES to convert Polygons into MultiPolygons, or LineStrings to MultiLineStrings. INPUT_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the input layer. METHOD_PREFIX=string. Set a prefix for the field names that will be created from the fields of the method layer. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRLayer::Erase(). Parameters: ----------- pLayerInput: the input layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerMethod: the method layer. Should not be NULL. pLayerResult: the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be NULL. See above the note about the schema. papszOptions: NULL terminated list of options (may be NULL). pfnProgress: a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or NULL. pProgressArg: argument to be passed to pfnProgress. May be NULL. an error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, OGRERR_NONE otherwise. The first geometry field is always used. OGR 1.10 Layer_GetStyleTable(Layer self) -> StyleTable OGRStyleTableH OGR_L_GetStyleTable(OGRLayerH hLayer) Get style table. Layer_SetStyleTable(Layer self, StyleTable table) void OGR_L_SetStyleTable(OGRLayerH hLayer, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable) Set style table. new_Feature(FeatureDefn feature_def) -> Feature Feature_GetDefnRef(Feature self) -> FeatureDefn OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_F_GetDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetDefnRef(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the feature definition from. a handle to the feature definition object on which feature depends. Feature_SetGeometry(Feature self, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometry(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this function does not assume ownership of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeature::SetGeometry(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which new geometry is applied to. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). Feature_SetGeometryDirectly(Feature self, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeometry(), except that this function assumes ownership of the passed geometry (even in case of failure of that function). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetGeometryDirectly. This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which to apply the geometry. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). Feature_GetGeometryRef(Feature self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_F_GetGeometryRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch a handle to feature geometry. This function is essentially the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeometryRef() (the only difference is that this C function honours OGRGetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag()) Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get geometry from. a handle to internal feature geometry. This object should not be modified. Feature_SetGeomField(Feature self, int iField, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr Feature_SetGeomField(Feature self, char const * field_name, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeomField(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry of a specified geometry field. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this function does not assume ownership of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeature::SetGeomField(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which new geometry is applied to. iField: geometry field to set. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly(Feature self, int iField, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly(Feature self, char const * field_name, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeomFieldDirectly(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry of a specified geometry field. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeomField(), except that this function assumes ownership of the passed geometry (even in case of failure of that function). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetGeomFieldDirectly. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which to apply the geometry. iField: geometry field to set. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGRERR_FAILURE if the index is invalid, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). GDAL 1.11 Feature_GetGeomFieldRef(Feature self, int iField) -> Geometry Feature_GetGeomFieldRef(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_F_GetGeomFieldRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch a handle to feature geometry. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldRef(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get geometry from. iField: geometry field to get. a handle to internal feature geometry. This object should not be modified. GDAL 1.11 Feature_Clone(Feature self) -> Feature OGRFeatureH OGR_F_Clone(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Duplicate feature. The newly created feature is owned by the caller, and will have its own reference to the OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Clone(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to clone. a handle to the new feature, exactly matching this feature. Feature_Equal(Feature self, Feature feature) -> bool int OGR_F_Equal(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat) Test if two features are the same. Two features are considered equal if the share them (handle equality) same OGRFeatureDefn, have the same field values, and the same geometry (as tested by OGR_G_Equal()) as well as the same feature id. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Equal(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to one of the feature. hOtherFeat: handle to the other feature to test this one against. TRUE if they are equal, otherwise FALSE. Feature_GetFieldCount(Feature self) -> int int OGR_F_GetFieldCount(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch number of fields on this feature This will always be the same as the field count for the OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldCount(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the fields count from. count of fields. Feature_GetFieldDefnRef(Feature self, int id) -> FieldDefn Feature_GetFieldDefnRef(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> FieldDefn OGRFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int i) Fetch definition for this field. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldDefnRef(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is found. i: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. a handle to the field definition (from the OGRFeatureDefn). This is an internal reference, and should not be deleted or modified. Feature_GetGeomFieldCount(Feature self) -> int int OGR_F_GetGeomFieldCount(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch number of geometry fields on this feature This will always be the same as the geometry field count for the OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldCount(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the geometry fields count from. count of geometry fields. GDAL 1.11 Feature_GetGeomFieldDefnRef(Feature self, int id) -> GeomFieldDefn Feature_GetGeomFieldDefnRef(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> GeomFieldDefn OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetGeomFieldDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int i) Fetch definition for this geometry field. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldDefnRef(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is found. i: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetGeomFieldCount()-1. a handle to the field definition (from the OGRFeatureDefn). This is an internal reference, and should not be deleted or modified. GDAL 1.11 Feature_GetFieldAsString(Feature self, int id) -> char const Feature_GetFieldAsString(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> char const * const char* OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as a string. OFTReal and OFTInteger fields will be translated to string using sprintf(), but not necessarily using the established formatting rules. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsString(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. the field value. This string is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. Feature_GetFieldAsInteger(Feature self, int id) -> int Feature_GetFieldAsInteger(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as integer. OFTString features will be translated using atoi(). OFTReal fields will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. the field value. Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64(Feature self, int id) -> GIntBig Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> GIntBig GIntBig OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as integer 64 bit. OFTInteger are promoted to 64 bit. OFTString features will be translated using CPLAtoGIntBig(). OFTReal fields will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger64(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. the field value. GDAL 2.0 Feature_GetFieldAsDouble(Feature self, int id) -> double Feature_GetFieldAsDouble(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> double double OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as a double. OFTString features will be translated using CPLAtof(). OFTInteger fields will be cast to double. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDouble(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. the field value. Feature_GetFieldAsDateTime(Feature self, int id) Feature_GetFieldAsDateTime(Feature self, char const * field_name) int OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnYear, int *pnMonth, int *pnDay, int *pnHour, int *pnMinute, int *pnSecond, int *pnTZFlag) Fetch field value as date and time. Currently this method only works for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDateTime(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnYear: (including century) pnMonth: (1-12) pnDay: (1-31) pnHour: (0-23) pnMinute: (0-59) pnSecond: (0-59) pnTZFlag: (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. See: Use OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTimeEx() for second with millisecond accuracy. Feature_GetFieldAsIntegerList(Feature self, int id) Feature_GetFieldAsIntegerList(Feature self, char const * field_name) const int* OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnCount) Fetch field value as a list of integers. Currently this function only works for OFTIntegerList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsIntegerList(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnCount: an integer to put the list count (number of integers) into. the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64List(Feature self, int id) const GIntBig* OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64List(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnCount) Fetch field value as a list of 64 bit integers. Currently this function only works for OFTInteger64List fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger64List(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnCount: an integer to put the list count (number of integers) into. the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. GDAL 2.0 Feature_GetFieldAsDoubleList(Feature self, int id) Feature_GetFieldAsDoubleList(Feature self, char const * field_name) const double* OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnCount) Fetch field value as a list of doubles. Currently this function only works for OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDoubleList(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnCount: an integer to put the list count (number of doubles) into. the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If *pnCount is zero on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. Feature_GetFieldAsStringList(Feature self, int id) -> char ** char** OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as a list of strings. Currently this method only works for OFTStringList fields. The returned list is terminated by a NULL pointer. The number of elements can also be calculated using CSLCount(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsStringList(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. Feature_GetFieldAsBinary(Feature self, int id) -> OGRErr Feature_GetFieldAsBinary(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> OGRErr GByte* OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int *pnBytes) Fetch field value as binary. This method only works for OFTBinary and OFTString fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsBinary(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnBytes: location to place count of bytes returned. the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. Feature_IsFieldSet(Feature self, int id) -> bool Feature_IsFieldSet(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> bool int OGR_F_IsFieldSet(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldSet(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to test. TRUE if the field has been set, otherwise false. Feature_IsFieldNull(Feature self, int id) -> bool Feature_IsFieldNull(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> bool int OGR_F_IsFieldNull(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Test if a field is null. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldNull(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to test. TRUE if the field is null, otherwise false. GDAL 2.2 Feature_IsFieldSetAndNotNull(Feature self, int id) -> bool Feature_IsFieldSetAndNotNull(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> bool int OGR_F_IsFieldSetAndNotNull(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Test if a field is set and not null. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldSetAndNotNull(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to test. TRUE if the field is set and not null, otherwise false. GDAL 2.2 Feature_GetFieldIndex(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszName) Fetch the field index given field name. This is a cover for the OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldIndex() method. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldIndex(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is found. pszName: the name of the field to search for. the field index, or -1 if no matching field is found. Feature_GetGeomFieldIndex(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_F_GetGeomFieldIndex(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszName) Fetch the geometry field index given geometry field name. This is a cover for the OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldIndex() method. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldIndex(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the geometry field is found. pszName: the name of the geometry field to search for. the geometry field index, or -1 if no matching geometry field is found. GDAL 1.11 Feature_GetFID(Feature self) -> GIntBig GIntBig OGR_F_GetFID(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Get feature identifier. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFID(). Note: since GDAL 2.0, this method returns a GIntBig (previously a long) Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature from which to get the feature identifier. feature id or OGRNullFID if none has been assigned. Feature_SetFID(Feature self, GIntBig fid) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetFID(OGRFeatureH hFeat, GIntBig nFID) Set the feature identifier. For specific types of features this operation may fail on illegal features ids. Generally it always succeeds. Feature ids should be greater than or equal to zero, with the exception of OGRNullFID (-1) indicating that the feature id is unknown. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFID(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set the feature id to. nFID: the new feature identifier value to assign. On success OGRERR_NONE, or on failure some other value. Feature_DumpReadable(Feature self) void OGR_F_DumpReadable(OGRFeatureH hFeat, FILE *fpOut) Dump this feature in a human readable form. This dumps the attributes, and geometry; however, it doesn't definition information (other than field types and names), nor does it report the geometry spatial reference system. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::DumpReadable(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to dump. fpOut: the stream to write to, such as strout. Feature_UnsetField(Feature self, int id) Feature_UnsetField(Feature self, char const * field_name) void OGR_F_UnsetField(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Clear a field, marking it as unset. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::UnsetField(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to unset. Feature_SetFieldNull(Feature self, int id) Feature_SetFieldNull(Feature self, char const * field_name) void OGR_F_SetFieldNull(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Clear a field, marking it as null. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFieldNull(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to set to null. GDAL 2.2 Feature_SetFieldInteger64(Feature self, int id, GIntBig value) void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, GIntBig nValue) Set field to 64 bit integer value. OFTInteger, OFTInteger64 and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field types may be unaffected. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nValue: the value to assign. GDAL 2.0 Feature_SetField(Feature self, int id, char const * value) Feature_SetField(Feature self, char const * field_name, char const * value) Feature_SetField(Feature self, int id, double value) Feature_SetField(Feature self, char const * field_name, double value) Feature_SetField(Feature self, int id, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, float second, int tzflag) Feature_SetField(Feature self, char const * field_name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, float second, int tzflag) Feature_SetFieldIntegerList(Feature self, int id, int nList) void OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nCount, const int *panValues) Set field to list of integers value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList, OFTInteger64List and OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nCount: the number of values in the list being assigned. panValues: the values to assign. Feature_SetFieldInteger64List(Feature self, int id, int nList) void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64List(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nCount, const GIntBig *panValues) Set field to list of 64 bit integers value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList, OFTInteger64List and OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nCount: the number of values in the list being assigned. panValues: the values to assign. GDAL 2.0 Feature_SetFieldDoubleList(Feature self, int id, int nList) void OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nCount, const double *padfValues) Set field to list of doubles value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList, OFTInteger64List, OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nCount: the number of values in the list being assigned. padfValues: the values to assign. Feature_SetFieldStringList(Feature self, int id, char ** pList) void OGR_F_SetFieldStringList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, CSLConstList papszValues) Set field to list of strings value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTStringList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. papszValues: the values to assign. List of NUL-terminated string, ending with a NULL pointer. Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(Feature self, int id, char const * pszValue) Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(Feature self, char const * field_name, char const * pszValue) Feature_SetFrom(Feature self, Feature other, int forgiving=1) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetFrom(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat, int bForgiving) Set one feature from another. Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied by corresponding field names. Field types do not have to exactly match. OGR_F_SetField*() function conversion rules will be applied as needed. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFrom(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set to. hOtherFeat: handle to the feature from which geometry, and field values will be copied. bForgiving: TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking output fields matching some of the source fields. OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are not transferred, otherwise an error code. Feature_SetFromWithMap(Feature self, Feature other, int forgiving, int nList) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetFromWithMap(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat, int bForgiving, const int *panMap) Set one feature from another. Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied according to the provided indices map. Field types do not have to exactly match. OGR_F_SetField*() function conversion rules will be applied as needed. This is more efficient than OGR_F_SetFrom() in that this doesn't lookup the fields by their names. Particularly useful when the field names don't match. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFrom(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set to. hOtherFeat: handle to the feature from which geometry, and field values will be copied. panMap: Array of the indices of the destination feature's fields stored at the corresponding index of the source feature's fields. A value of -1 should be used to ignore the source's field. The array should not be NULL and be as long as the number of fields in the source feature. bForgiving: TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking output fields matching some of the source fields. OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are not transferred, otherwise an error code. Feature_GetStyleString(Feature self) -> char const * const char* OGR_F_GetStyleString(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch style string for this feature. Set the OGR Feature Style Specification for details on the format of this string, and ogr_featurestyle.h for services available to parse it. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetStyleString(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the style from. a reference to a representation in string format, or NULL if there isn't one. Feature_SetStyleString(Feature self, char const * the_string) void OGR_F_SetStyleString(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszStyle) Set feature style string. This method operate exactly as OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly() except that it does not assume ownership of the passed string, but instead makes a copy of it. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetStyleString(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set style to. pszStyle: the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be NULL. Feature_GetFieldType(Feature self, int id) -> OGRFieldType Feature_GetFieldType(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> OGRFieldType Feature_Validate(Feature self, int flags=OGR_F_VAL_ALL, int bEmitError=TRUE) -> int int OGR_F_Validate(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int nValidateFlags, int bEmitError) Validate that a feature meets constraints of its schema. The scope of test is specified with the nValidateFlags parameter. Regarding OGR_F_VAL_WIDTH, the test is done assuming the string width must be interpreted as the number of UTF-8 characters. Some drivers might interpret the width as the number of bytes instead. So this test is rather conservative (if it fails, then it will fail for all interpretations). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Validate(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to validate. nValidateFlags: OGR_F_VAL_ALL or combination of OGR_F_VAL_NULL, OGR_F_VAL_GEOM_TYPE, OGR_F_VAL_WIDTH and OGR_F_VAL_ALLOW_NULL_WHEN_DEFAULT with '|' operator bEmitError: TRUE if a CPLError() must be emitted when a check fails TRUE if all enabled validation tests pass. GDAL 2.0 Feature_FillUnsetWithDefault(Feature self, int bNotNullableOnly=FALSE, char ** options=None) void OGR_F_FillUnsetWithDefault(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int bNotNullableOnly, char **papszOptions) Fill unset fields with default values that might be defined. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::FillUnsetWithDefault(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. bNotNullableOnly: if we should fill only unset fields with a not-null constraint. papszOptions: unused currently. Must be set to NULL. GDAL 2.0 Feature_GetNativeData(Feature self) -> char const * const char* OGR_F_GetNativeData(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Returns the native data for the feature. The native data is the representation in a "natural" form that comes from the driver that created this feature, or that is aimed at an output driver. The native data may be in different format, which is indicated by OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(). Note that most drivers do not support storing the native data in the feature object, and if they do, generally the NATIVE_DATA open option must be passed at dataset opening. The "native data" does not imply it is something more performant or powerful than what can be obtained with the rest of the API, but it may be useful in round-tripping scenarios where some characteristics of the underlying format are not captured otherwise by the OGR abstraction. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetNativeData(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. a string with the native data, or NULL if there is none. GDAL 2.1 See: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr Feature_GetNativeMediaType(Feature self) -> char const * const char* OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Returns the native media type for the feature. The native media type is the identifier for the format of the native data. It follows the IANA RFC 2045 (seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type), e.g. "application/vnd.geo+json" for JSon. This function is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. a string with the native media type, or NULL if there is none. GDAL 2.1 See: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr Feature_SetNativeData(Feature self, char const * nativeData) void OGR_F_SetNativeData(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszNativeData) Sets the native data for the feature. The native data is the representation in a "natural" form that comes from the driver that created this feature, or that is aimed at an output driver. The native data may be in different format, which is indicated by OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetNativeData(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. pszNativeData: a string with the native data, or NULL if there is none. GDAL 2.1 See: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr Feature_SetNativeMediaType(Feature self, char const * nativeMediaType) void OGR_F_SetNativeMediaType(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char *pszNativeMediaType) Sets the native media type for the feature. The native media type is the identifier for the format of the native data. It follows the IANA RFC 2045 (seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type), e.g. "application/vnd.geo+json" for JSon. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetNativeMediaType(). Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. pszNativeMediaType: a string with the native media type, or NULL if there is none. GDAL 2.1 See: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr Feature_SetFieldString(Feature self, int id, char const * value) void OGR_F_SetFieldString(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, const char *pszValue) Set field to string value. OFTInteger fields will be set based on an atoi() conversion of the string. OFTInteger64 fields will be set based on an CPLAtoGIntBig() conversion of the string. OFTReal fields will be set based on an CPLAtof() conversion of the string. Other field types may be unaffected. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters: ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pszValue: the value to assign. delete_FeatureDefn(FeatureDefn self)new_FeatureDefn(char const * name_null_ok=None) -> FeatureDefn FeatureDefn_GetName(FeatureDefn self) -> char const * const char* OGR_FD_GetName(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Get name of the OGRFeatureDefn passed as an argument. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetName(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the name from. the name. This name is internal and should not be modified, or freed. FeatureDefn_GetFieldCount(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_GetFieldCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch number of fields on the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldCount(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the fields count from. count of fields. FeatureDefn_GetFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, int i) -> FieldDefn OGRFieldDefnH OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iField) Fetch field definition of the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the field definition from. iField: the field to fetch, between 0 and GetFieldCount()-1. a handle to an internal field definition object or NULL if invalid index. This object should not be modified or freed by the application. FeatureDefn_GetFieldIndex(FeatureDefn self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, const char *pszFieldName) Find field by name. The field index of the first field matching the passed field name (case insensitively) is returned. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldIndex. Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get field index from. pszFieldName: the field name to search for. the field index, or -1 if no match found. FeatureDefn_AddFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, FieldDefn defn) void OGR_FD_AddFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, OGRFieldDefnH hNewField) Add a new field definition to the passed feature definition. To add a new field definition to a layer definition, do not use this function directly, but use OGR_L_CreateField() instead. This function should only be called while there are no OGRFeature objects in existence based on this OGRFeatureDefn. The OGRFieldDefn passed in is copied, and remains the responsibility of the caller. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::AddFieldDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to add the field definition to. hNewField: handle to the new field definition. FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldCount(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch number of geometry fields on the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldCount(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the fields count from. count of geometry fields. GDAL 1.11 FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, int i) -> GeomFieldDefn OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iGeomField) Fetch geometry field definition of the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the field definition from. iGeomField: the geometry field to fetch, between 0 and GetGeomFieldCount() - 1. a handle to an internal field definition object or NULL if invalid index. This object should not be modified or freed by the application. GDAL 1.11 FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldIndex(FeatureDefn self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldIndex(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, const char *pszGeomFieldName) Find geometry field by name. The geometry field index of the first geometry field matching the passed field name (case insensitively) is returned. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldIndex. Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get field index from. pszGeomFieldName: the geometry field name to search for. the geometry field index, or -1 if no match found. FeatureDefn_AddGeomFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, GeomFieldDefn defn) void OGR_FD_AddGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, OGRGeomFieldDefnH hNewGeomField) Add a new field definition to the passed feature definition. To add a new field definition to a layer definition, do not use this function directly, but use OGR_L_CreateGeomField() instead. This function should only be called while there are no OGRFeature objects in existence based on this OGRFeatureDefn. The OGRGeomFieldDefn passed in is copied, and remains the responsibility of the caller. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::AddGeomFieldDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to add the geometry field definition to. hNewGeomField: handle to the new field definition. GDAL 1.11 FeatureDefn_DeleteGeomFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, int idx) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_FD_DeleteGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iGeomField) Delete an existing geometry field definition. To delete an existing geometry field definition from a layer definition, do not use this function directly, but use OGR_L_DeleteGeomField() instead ( not implemented yet). This method should only be called while there are no OGRFeature objects in existence based on this OGRFeatureDefn. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::DeleteGeomFieldDefn(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition. iGeomField: the index of the geometry field definition. OGRERR_NONE in case of success. GDAL 1.11 FeatureDefn_GetGeomType(FeatureDefn self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_FD_GetGeomType(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch the geometry base type of the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomType(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method returns GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->GetType(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the geometry type from. the base type for all geometry related to this definition. FeatureDefn_SetGeomType(FeatureDefn self, OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type) void OGR_FD_SetGeomType(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, OGRwkbGeometryType eType) Assign the base geometry type for the passed layer (the same as the feature definition). All geometry objects using this type must be of the defined type or a derived type. The default upon creation is wkbUnknown which allows for any geometry type. The geometry type should generally not be changed after any OGRFeatures have been created against this definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::SetGeomType(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method calls GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->SetType(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the layer or feature definition to set the geometry type to. eType: the new type to assign. FeatureDefn_GetReferenceCount(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_GetReferenceCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch current reference count. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetReferenceCount(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. the current reference count. FeatureDefn_IsGeometryIgnored(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_IsGeometryIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Determine whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::IsGeometryIgnored(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method returns GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->IsIgnored(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. ignore state FeatureDefn_SetGeometryIgnored(FeatureDefn self, int bIgnored) void OGR_FD_SetGeometryIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int bIgnore) Set whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::SetGeometryIgnored(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method calls GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->SetIgnored(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. bIgnore: ignore state FeatureDefn_IsStyleIgnored(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_IsStyleIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Determine whether the style can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::IsStyleIgnored(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on which OGRFeature are based on. ignore state FeatureDefn_SetStyleIgnored(FeatureDefn self, int bIgnored) void OGR_FD_SetStyleIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int bIgnore) Set whether the style can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::SetStyleIgnored(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. bIgnore: ignore state FeatureDefn_IsSame(FeatureDefn self, FeatureDefn other_defn) -> int int OGR_FD_IsSame(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, OGRFeatureDefnH hOtherFDefn) Test if the feature definition is identical to the other one. Parameters: ----------- hFDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. hOtherFDefn: handle to the other feature definition to compare to. TRUE if the feature definition is identical to the other one. OGR 1.11 delete_FieldDefn(FieldDefn self)new_FieldDefn(char const * name_null_ok="unnamed", OGRFieldType field_type=OFTString) -> FieldDefnFieldDefn_GetName(FieldDefn self) -> char const * FieldDefn_GetNameRef(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char* OGR_Fld_GetNameRef(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch name of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetNameRef(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. the name of the field definition. FieldDefn_SetName(FieldDefn self, char const * name) void OGR_Fld_SetName(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char *pszName) Reset the name of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetName(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to apply the new name to. pszName: the new name to apply. FieldDefn_GetAlternativeName(FieldDefn self) -> char const *FieldDefn_GetAlternativeNameRef FieldDefn_GetAlternativeNameRef(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char* OGR_Fld_GetAlternativeNameRef(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch the alternative name (or "alias") for this field. The alternative name is an optional attribute for a field which can provide a more user-friendly, descriptive name of a field which is not subject to the usual naming constraints defined by the data provider. This is a metadata style attribute only: the alternative name cannot be used in place of the actual field name during SQL queries or other field name dependent API calls. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetAlternativeNameRef(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. the alternative name of the field definition. GDAL 3.2 FieldDefn_SetAlternativeName(FieldDefn self, char const * alternativeName) void OGR_Fld_SetAlternativeName(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char *pszAlternativeName) Reset the alternative name (or "alias") for this field. The alternative name is an optional attribute for a field which can provide a more user-friendly, descriptive name of a field which is not subject to the usual naming constraints defined by the data provider. This is a metadata style attribute only: the alternative name cannot be used in place of the actual field name during SQL queries or other field name dependent API calls. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetAlternativeName(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to apply the new alternative name to. pszAlternativeName: the new alternative name to apply. GDAL 3.2 FieldDefn_GetType(FieldDefn self) -> OGRFieldType OGRFieldType OGR_Fld_GetType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch type of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetType(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get type from. field type. FieldDefn_SetType(FieldDefn self, OGRFieldType type) void OGR_Fld_SetType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRFieldType eType) Set the type of this field. This should never be done to an OGRFieldDefn that is already part of an OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetType(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set type to. eType: the new field type. FieldDefn_GetSubType(FieldDefn self) -> OGRFieldSubType OGRFieldSubType OGR_Fld_GetSubType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch subtype of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetSubType(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get subtype from. field subtype. GDAL 2.0 FieldDefn_SetSubType(FieldDefn self, OGRFieldSubType type) void OGR_Fld_SetSubType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRFieldSubType eSubType) Set the subtype of this field. This should never be done to an OGRFieldDefn that is already part of an OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetSubType(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set type to. eSubType: the new field subtype. GDAL 2.0 FieldDefn_GetJustify(FieldDefn self) -> OGRJustification OGRJustification OGR_Fld_GetJustify(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get the justification for this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetJustify(). Note: no driver is know to use the concept of field justification. Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get justification from. the justification. FieldDefn_SetJustify(FieldDefn self, OGRJustification justify) void OGR_Fld_SetJustify(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRJustification eJustify) Set the justification for this field. Note: no driver is know to use the concept of field justification. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetJustify(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set justification to. eJustify: the new justification. FieldDefn_GetWidth(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_GetWidth(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get the formatting width for this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetWidth(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get width from. the width, zero means no specified width. FieldDefn_SetWidth(FieldDefn self, int width) void OGR_Fld_SetWidth(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int nNewWidth) Set the formatting width for this field in characters. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetWidth(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set width to. nNewWidth: the new width. FieldDefn_GetPrecision(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_GetPrecision(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get the formatting precision for this field. This should normally be zero for fields of types other than OFTReal. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetPrecision(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get precision from. the precision. FieldDefn_SetPrecision(FieldDefn self, int precision) void OGR_Fld_SetPrecision(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int nPrecision) Set the formatting precision for this field in characters. This should normally be zero for fields of types other than OFTReal. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetPrecision(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set precision to. nPrecision: the new precision. FieldDefn_GetTypeName(FieldDefn self) -> char const *FieldDefn_GetFieldTypeName(FieldDefn self, OGRFieldType type) -> char const * FieldDefn_IsIgnored(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsIgnored(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return whether this field should be omitted when fetching features. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsIgnored(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition ignore state FieldDefn_SetIgnored(FieldDefn self, int bIgnored) void OGR_Fld_SetIgnored(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int ignore) Set whether this field should be omitted when fetching features. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetIgnored(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition ignore: ignore state FieldDefn_IsNullable(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsNullable(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return whether this field can receive null values. By default, fields are nullable. Even if this method returns FALSE (i.e not-nullable field), it doesn't mean that OGRFeature::IsFieldSet() will necessary return TRUE, as fields can be temporary unset and null /not-null validation is usually done when OGRLayer::CreateFeature()/SetFeature() is called. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsNullable(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition TRUE if the field is authorized to be null. GDAL 2.0 FieldDefn_SetNullable(FieldDefn self, int bNullable) void OGR_Fld_SetNullable(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int bNullableIn) Set whether this field can receive null values. By default, fields are nullable, so this method is generally called with FALSE to set a not-null constraint. Drivers that support writing not-null constraint will advertise the GDAL_DCAP_NOTNULL_FIELDS driver metadata item. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetNullable(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition bNullableIn: FALSE if the field must have a not-null constraint. GDAL 2.0 FieldDefn_IsUnique(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsUnique(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return whether this field has a unique constraint. By default, fields have no unique constraint. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsUnique(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition TRUE if the field has a unique constraint. GDAL 3.2 FieldDefn_SetUnique(FieldDefn self, int bUnique) void OGR_Fld_SetUnique(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int bUniqueIn) Set whether this field has a unique constraint. By default, fields have no unique constraint, so this method is generally called with TRUE to set a unique constraint. Drivers that support writing unique constraint will advertise the GDAL_DCAP_UNIQUE_FIELDS driver metadata item. field can receive null values. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetUnique(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition bUniqueIn: TRUE if the field must have a unique constraint. GDAL 3.2 FieldDefn_GetDefault(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char* OGR_Fld_GetDefault(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get default field value. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::GetDefault(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. default field value or NULL. GDAL 2.0 FieldDefn_SetDefault(FieldDefn self, char const * pszValue) void OGR_Fld_SetDefault(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char *pszDefault) Set default field value. The default field value is taken into account by drivers (generally those with a SQL interface) that support it at field creation time. OGR will generally not automatically set the default field value to null fields by itself when calling OGRFeature::CreateFeature() / OGRFeature::SetFeature(), but will let the low-level layers to do the job. So retrieving the feature from the layer is recommended. The accepted values are NULL, a numeric value, a literal value enclosed between single quote characters (and inner single quote characters escaped by repetition of the single quote character), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE or a driver specific expression (that might be ignored by other drivers). For a datetime literal value, format should be 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS[.sss]' (considered as UTC time). Drivers that support writing DEFAULT clauses will advertise the GDAL_DCAP_DEFAULT_FIELDS driver metadata item. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetDefault(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. pszDefault: new default field value or NULL pointer. GDAL 2.0 FieldDefn_IsDefaultDriverSpecific FieldDefn_IsDefaultDriverSpecific(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsDefaultDriverSpecific(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Returns whether the default value is driver specific. Driver specific default values are those that are not NULL, a numeric value, a literal value enclosed between single quote characters, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE or datetime literal value. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsDefaultDriverSpecific(). Parameters: ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition TRUE if the default value is driver specific. GDAL 2.0 delete_GeomFieldDefn(GeomFieldDefn self)new_GeomFieldDefn(char const * name_null_ok="", OGRwkbGeometryType field_type=wkbUnknown) -> GeomFieldDefnGeomFieldDefn_GetName(GeomFieldDefn self) -> char const *GeomFieldDefn_GetNameRef(GeomFieldDefn self) -> char const *GeomFieldDefn_SetName(GeomFieldDefn self, char const * name)GeomFieldDefn_GetType(GeomFieldDefn self) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGeomFieldDefn_SetType(GeomFieldDefn self, OGRwkbGeometryType type)GeomFieldDefn_GetSpatialRef(GeomFieldDefn self) -> SpatialReferenceGeomFieldDefn_SetSpatialRef(GeomFieldDefn self, SpatialReference srs)GeomFieldDefn_IsIgnored(GeomFieldDefn self) -> intGeomFieldDefn_SetIgnored(GeomFieldDefn self, int bIgnored)GeomFieldDefn_IsNullable(GeomFieldDefn self) -> intGeomFieldDefn_SetNullable(GeomFieldDefn self, int bNullable)CreateGeometryFromWkb(int len, SpatialReference reference=None) -> GeometryCreateGeometryFromWkt(char ** val, SpatialReference reference=None) -> GeometryCreateGeometryFromGML(char const * input_string) -> GeometryCreateGeometryFromJson(char const * input_string) -> GeometryCreateGeometryFromEsriJson(char const * input_string) -> GeometryBuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry hLineCollection, int bBestEffort=0, int bAutoClose=0, double dfTolerance=0) -> GeometryApproximateArcAngles(double dfCenterX, double dfCenterY, double dfZ, double dfPrimaryRadius, double dfSecondaryAxis, double dfRotation, double dfStartAngle, double dfEndAngle, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees) -> GeometryForceToPolygon(Geometry geom_in) -> GeometryForceToLineString(Geometry geom_in) -> GeometryForceToMultiPolygon(Geometry geom_in) -> GeometryForceToMultiPoint(Geometry geom_in) -> GeometryForceToMultiLineString(Geometry geom_in) -> GeometryForceTo(Geometry geom_in, OGRwkbGeometryType eTargetType, char ** options=None) -> Geometrydelete_Geometry(Geometry self)new_Geometry(OGRwkbGeometryType type=wkbUnknown, char * wkt=None, int wkb=0, char * gml=None) -> Geometry Geometry_ExportToWkt(Geometry self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToWkt(OGRGeometryH hGeom, char **ppszSrcText) Convert a geometry into well known text format. This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKT() method. For backward compatibility purposes, it exports the Old-style 99-402 extended dimension (Z) WKB types for types Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon and GeometryCollection. For other geometry types, it is equivalent to OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkt(). This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::exportToWkt(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to convert to a text format from. ppszSrcText: a text buffer is allocated by the program, and assigned to the passed pointer. After use, *ppszDstText should be freed with CPLFree(). Currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned. Geometry_ExportToIsoWkt(Geometry self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkt(OGRGeometryH hGeom, char **ppszSrcText) Convert a geometry into SFSQL 1.2 / ISO SQL/MM Part 3 well known text format. This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKT() method. It exports the SFSQL 1.2 and ISO SQL/MM Part 3 extended dimension (Z&M) WKB types. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::exportToWkt(wkbVariantIso). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to convert to a text format from. ppszSrcText: a text buffer is allocated by the program, and assigned to the passed pointer. After use, *ppszDstText should be freed with CPLFree(). Currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned. GDAL 2.0 Geometry_ExportToWkb(Geometry self, OGRwkbByteOrder byte_order=wkbXDR) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToWkb(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRwkbByteOrder eOrder, unsigned char *pabyDstBuffer) Convert a geometry well known binary format. This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKB() method. For backward compatibility purposes, it exports the Old-style 99-402 extended dimension (Z) WKB types for types Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon and GeometryCollection. For other geometry types, it is equivalent to OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb(). This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::exportToWkb(OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant) with eWkbVariant = wkbVariantOldOgc. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to convert to a well know binary data from. eOrder: One of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order respectively. pabyDstBuffer: a buffer into which the binary representation is written. This buffer must be at least OGR_G_WkbSize() byte in size. Currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned. Geometry_ExportToIsoWkb(Geometry self, OGRwkbByteOrder byte_order=wkbXDR) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRwkbByteOrder eOrder, unsigned char *pabyDstBuffer) Convert a geometry into SFSQL 1.2 / ISO SQL/MM Part 3 well known binary format. This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKB() method. It exports the SFSQL 1.2 and ISO SQL/MM Part 3 extended dimension (Z&M) WKB types. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::exportToWkb(OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant) with eWkbVariant = wkbVariantIso. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to convert to a well know binary data from. eOrder: One of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order respectively. pabyDstBuffer: a buffer into which the binary representation is written. This buffer must be at least OGR_G_WkbSize() byte in size. Currently OGRERR_NONE is always returned. GDAL 2.0 Geometry_ExportToGML(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *Geometry_ExportToKML(Geometry self, char const * altitude_mode=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *Geometry_ExportToJson(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *Geometry_AddPoint(Geometry self, double x, double y, double z=0)Geometry_AddPointM(Geometry self, double x, double y, double m)Geometry_AddPointZM(Geometry self, double x, double y, double z, double m)Geometry_AddPoint_2D(Geometry self, double x, double y)Geometry_AddGeometryDirectly(Geometry self, Geometry other_disown) -> OGRErrGeometry_AddGeometry(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> OGRErrGeometry_RemoveGeometry(Geometry self, int iSubGeom) -> OGRErr Geometry_Clone(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Clone(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Make a copy of this object. This function relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::clone() method. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::clone(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to clone from. a handle on the copy of the geometry with the spatial reference system as the original. Geometry_GetGeometryType(Geometry self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_G_GetGeometryType(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Fetch geometry type. Note that the geometry type may include the 2.5D flag. To get a 2D flattened version of the geometry type apply the wkbFlatten() macro to the return result. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getGeometryType(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get type from. the geometry type code. Geometry_GetGeometryName(Geometry self) -> char const * const char* OGR_G_GetGeometryName(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Fetch WKT name for geometry type. There is no SFCOM analog to this function. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getGeometryName(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get name from. name used for this geometry type in well known text format. Geometry_Length(Geometry self) -> doubleGeometry_Area(Geometry self) -> doubleGeometry_GetArea(Geometry self) -> doubleGeometry_GetPointCount(Geometry self) -> intGeometry_GetPoints(Geometry self, int nCoordDimension=0)Geometry_GetX(Geometry self, int point=0) -> doubleGeometry_GetY(Geometry self, int point=0) -> doubleGeometry_GetZ(Geometry self, int point=0) -> doubleGeometry_GetM(Geometry self, int point=0) -> doubleGeometry_GetPoint(Geometry self, int iPoint=0)Geometry_GetPointZM(Geometry self, int iPoint=0)Geometry_GetPoint_2D(Geometry self, int iPoint=0)Geometry_GetGeometryCount(Geometry self) -> intGeometry_SetPoint(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y, double z=0)Geometry_SetPointM(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y, double m)Geometry_SetPointZM(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y, double z, double m)Geometry_SetPoint_2D(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y) Geometry_SwapXY(Geometry self) void OGR_G_SwapXY(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Swap x and y coordinates. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: geometry. OGR 2.3.0 Geometry_GetGeometryRef(Geometry self, int geom) -> Geometry Geometry_Simplify(Geometry self, double tolerance) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Simplify(OGRGeometryH hThis, double dTolerance) Compute a simplified geometry. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Simplify(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. dTolerance: the distance tolerance for the simplification. the simplified geometry or NULL if an error occurs. OGR 1.8.0 Geometry_SimplifyPreserveTopology(Geometry self, double tolerance) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_SimplifyPreserveTopology(OGRGeometryH hThis, double dTolerance) Simplify the geometry while preserving topology. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::SimplifyPreserveTopology(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. dTolerance: the distance tolerance for the simplification. the simplified geometry or NULL if an error occurs. OGR 1.9.0 Geometry_DelaunayTriangulation Geometry_DelaunayTriangulation(Geometry self, double dfTolerance=0.0, int bOnlyEdges=FALSE) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_DelaunayTriangulation(OGRGeometryH hThis, double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges) Return a Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of the geometry. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::DelaunayTriangulation(). This function is built on the GEOS library, v3.4 or above. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. dfTolerance: optional snapping tolerance to use for improved robustness bOnlyEdges: if TRUE, will return a MULTILINESTRING, otherwise it will return a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION containing triangular POLYGONs. the geometry resulting from the Delaunay triangulation or NULL if an error occurs. OGR 2.1 Geometry_Polygonize(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Polygonize(OGRGeometryH hTarget) Polygonizes a set of sparse edges. A new geometry object is created and returned containing a collection of reassembled Polygons: NULL will be returned if the input collection doesn't corresponds to a MultiLinestring, or when reassembling Edges into Polygons is impossible due to topological inconsistencies. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Polygonize(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hTarget: The Geometry to be polygonized. a handle to a newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or NULL on failure. OGR 1.9.0 Geometry_Boundary(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Boundary(OGRGeometryH hTarget) Compute boundary. A new geometry object is created and returned containing the boundary of the geometry on which the method is invoked. This function is the same as the C++ method OGR_G_Boundary(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hTarget: The Geometry to calculate the boundary of. a handle to a newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or NULL on failure. OGR 1.8.0 Geometry_GetBoundary(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_GetBoundary(OGRGeometryH hTarget) Compute boundary (deprecated) Deprecated See: OGR_G_Boundary() Geometry_ConvexHull(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_ConvexHull(OGRGeometryH hTarget) Compute convex hull. A new geometry object is created and returned containing the convex hull of the geometry on which the method is invoked. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::ConvexHull(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hTarget: The Geometry to calculate the convex hull of. a handle to a newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or NULL on failure. Geometry_MakeValid(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_MakeValid(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Attempts to make an invalid geometry valid without losing vertices. Already-valid geometries are cloned without further intervention. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::MakeValid(). This function is built on the GEOS >= 3.8 library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS >= 3.8 library, this function will return a clone of the input geometry if it is valid, or NULL if it is invalid Parameters: ----------- hGeom: The Geometry to make valid. a newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or NULL on failure. GDAL 3.0 Geometry_RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeomsGeometry_RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeoms(Geometry self) -> Geometry Geometry_Buffer(Geometry self, double distance, int quadsecs=30) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Buffer(OGRGeometryH hTarget, double dfDist, int nQuadSegs) Compute buffer of geometry. Builds a new geometry containing the buffer region around the geometry on which it is invoked. The buffer is a polygon containing the region within the buffer distance of the original geometry. Some buffer sections are properly described as curves, but are converted to approximate polygons. The nQuadSegs parameter can be used to control how many segments should be used to define a 90 degree curve - a quadrant of a circle. A value of 30 is a reasonable default. Large values result in large numbers of vertices in the resulting buffer geometry while small numbers reduce the accuracy of the result. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Buffer(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hTarget: the geometry. dfDist: the buffer distance to be applied. Should be expressed into the same unit as the coordinates of the geometry. nQuadSegs: the number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree (quadrant) of curvature. the newly created geometry, or NULL if an error occurs. Geometry_Intersection(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Intersection(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Compute intersection. Generates a new geometry which is the region of intersection of the two geometries operated on. The OGR_G_Intersects() function can be used to test if two geometries intersect. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Intersection(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. hOther: the other geometry. a new geometry representing the intersection or NULL if there is no intersection or an error occurs. Geometry_Union(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Union(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Compute union. Generates a new geometry which is the region of union of the two geometries operated on. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Union(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. hOther: the other geometry. a new geometry representing the union or NULL if an error occurs. Geometry_UnionCascaded(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_UnionCascaded(OGRGeometryH hThis) Compute union using cascading. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::UnionCascaded(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. a new geometry representing the union or NULL if an error occurs. Geometry_Difference(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_Difference(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Compute difference. Generates a new geometry which is the region of this geometry with the region of the other geometry removed. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Difference(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. hOther: the other geometry. a new geometry representing the difference or NULL if the difference is empty or an error occurs. Geometry_SymDifference(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_SymDifference(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Compute symmetric difference. Generates a new geometry which is the symmetric difference of this geometry and the other geometry. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::SymmetricDifference(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry. hOther: the other geometry. a new geometry representing the symmetric difference or NULL if the difference is empty or an error occurs. OGR 1.8.0 Geometry_SymmetricDifference(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_SymmetricDifference(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Compute symmetric difference (deprecated) Deprecated See: OGR_G_SymmetricDifference() Geometry_Distance(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> double double OGR_G_Distance(OGRGeometryH hFirst, OGRGeometryH hOther) Compute distance between two geometries. Returns the shortest distance between the two geometries. The distance is expressed into the same unit as the coordinates of the geometries. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Distance(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hFirst: the first geometry to compare against. hOther: the other geometry to compare against. the distance between the geometries or -1 if an error occurs. Geometry_Distance3D(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> double double OGR_G_Distance3D(OGRGeometryH hFirst, OGRGeometryH hOther) Returns the 3D distance between two geometries. The distance is expressed into the same unit as the coordinates of the geometries. This method is built on the SFCGAL library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the SFCGAL library, this method will always return -1.0 This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Distance3D(). Parameters: ----------- hFirst: the first geometry to compare against. hOther: the other geometry to compare against. distance between the two geometries GDAL 2.2 the distance between the geometries or -1 if an error occurs. Geometry_Empty(Geometry self) void OGR_G_Empty(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Clear geometry information. This restores the geometry to its initial state after construction, and before assignment of actual geometry. This function relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::Empty() method. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::empty(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to empty. Geometry_IsEmpty(Geometry self) -> bool int OGR_G_IsEmpty(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Test if the geometry is empty. This method is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::IsEmpty(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: The Geometry to test. TRUE if the geometry has no points, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_IsValid(Geometry self) -> bool int OGR_G_IsValid(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Test if the geometry is valid. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::IsValid(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always return FALSE. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: The Geometry to test. TRUE if the geometry has no points, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_IsSimple(Geometry self) -> bool int OGR_G_IsSimple(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Returns TRUE if the geometry is simple. Returns TRUE if the geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency. The description of each instantiable geometric class will include the specific conditions that cause an instance of that class to be classified as not simple. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::IsSimple() method. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always return FALSE. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: The Geometry to test. TRUE if object is simple, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_IsRing(Geometry self) -> bool int OGR_G_IsRing(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Test if the geometry is a ring. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::IsRing(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always return FALSE. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: The Geometry to test. TRUE if the geometry has no points, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Intersects(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Intersects(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRGeometryH hOtherGeom) Do these features intersect? Determines whether two geometries intersect. If GEOS is enabled, then this is done in rigorous fashion otherwise TRUE is returned if the envelopes (bounding boxes) of the two geometries overlap. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::Intersects. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the first geometry. hOtherGeom: handle on the other geometry to test against. TRUE if the geometries intersect, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Intersect(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Geometry_Equals(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Equals(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRGeometryH hOther) Returns TRUE if two geometries are equivalent. This operation implements the SQL/MM ST_OrderingEquals() operation. The comparison is done in a structural way, that is to say that the geometry types must be identical, as well as the number and ordering of sub-geometries and vertices. Or equivalently, two geometries are considered equal by this method if their WKT/WKB representation is equal. Note: this must be distinguished for equality in a spatial way (which is the purpose of the ST_Equals() operation). This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::Equals() method. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the first geometry. hOther: handle on the other geometry to test against. TRUE if equivalent or FALSE otherwise. Geometry_Equal(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Geometry_Disjoint(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Disjoint(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Test for disjointness. Tests if this geometry and the other geometry are disjoint. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Disjoint(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry to compare. hOther: the other geometry to compare. TRUE if they are disjoint, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Touches(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Touches(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Test for touching. Tests if this geometry and the other geometry are touching. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Touches(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry to compare. hOther: the other geometry to compare. TRUE if they are touching, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Crosses(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Crosses(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Test for crossing. Tests if this geometry and the other geometry are crossing. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Crosses(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry to compare. hOther: the other geometry to compare. TRUE if they are crossing, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Within(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Within(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Test for containment. Tests if this geometry is within the other geometry. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Within(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry to compare. hOther: the other geometry to compare. TRUE if hThis is within hOther, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Contains(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Contains(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Test for containment. Tests if this geometry contains the other geometry. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Contains(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry to compare. hOther: the other geometry to compare. TRUE if hThis contains hOther geometry, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_Overlaps(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool int OGR_G_Overlaps(OGRGeometryH hThis, OGRGeometryH hOther) Test for overlap. Tests if this geometry and the other geometry overlap, that is their intersection has a non-zero area. Geometry validity is not checked. In case you are unsure of the validity of the input geometries, call IsValid() before, otherwise the result might be wrong. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Overlaps(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hThis: the geometry to compare. hOther: the other geometry to compare. TRUE if they are overlapping, otherwise FALSE. Geometry_TransformTo(Geometry self, SpatialReference reference) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_G_TransformTo(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS) Transform geometry to new spatial reference system. This function will transform the coordinates of a geometry from their current spatial reference system to a new target spatial reference system. Normally this means reprojecting the vectors, but it could include datum shifts, and changes of units. This function will only work if the geometry already has an assigned spatial reference system, and if it is transformable to the target coordinate system. Because this function requires internal creation and initialization of an OGRCoordinateTransformation object it is significantly more expensive to use this function to transform many geometries than it is to create the OGRCoordinateTransformation in advance, and call transform() with that transformation. This function exists primarily for convenience when only transforming a single geometry. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::transformTo. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to apply the transform to. hSRS: handle on the spatial reference system to apply. OGRERR_NONE on success, or an error code. Geometry_GetSpatialReference(Geometry self) -> SpatialReference OGRSpatialReferenceH OGR_G_GetSpatialReference(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Returns spatial reference system for geometry. This function relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::get_SpatialReference() method. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getSpatialReference(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get spatial reference from. a reference to the spatial reference geometry. Geometry_AssignSpatialReference(Geometry self, SpatialReference reference) void OGR_G_AssignSpatialReference(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS) Assign spatial reference to this object. Any existing spatial reference is replaced, but under no circumstances does this result in the object being reprojected. It is just changing the interpretation of the existing geometry. Note that assigning a spatial reference increments the reference count on the OGRSpatialReference, but does not copy it. Starting with GDAL 2.3, this will also assign the spatial reference to potential sub-geometries of the geometry ( OGRGeometryCollection, OGRCurvePolygon/OGRPolygon, OGRCompoundCurve, OGRPolyhedralSurface and their derived classes). This is similar to the SFCOM IGeometry::put_SpatialReference() method. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::assignSpatialReference. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to apply the new spatial reference system. hSRS: handle on the new spatial reference system to apply. Geometry_CloseRings(Geometry self) void OGR_G_CloseRings(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Force rings to be closed. If this geometry, or any contained geometries has polygon rings that are not closed, they will be closed by adding the starting point at the end. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle to the geometry. Geometry_FlattenTo2D(Geometry self) void OGR_G_FlattenTo2D(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Convert geometry to strictly 2D. In a sense this converts all Z coordinates to 0.0. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::flattenTo2D(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to convert. Geometry_Segmentize(Geometry self, double dfMaxLength) void OGR_G_Segmentize(OGRGeometryH hGeom, double dfMaxLength) Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance. Interpolated points will have Z and M values (if needed) set to 0. Distance computation is performed in 2d only. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::segmentize(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to segmentize dfMaxLength: the maximum distance between 2 points after segmentization Geometry_GetEnvelope(Geometry self) void OGR_G_GetEnvelope(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGREnvelope *psEnvelope) Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getEnvelope(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle of the geometry to get envelope from. psEnvelope: the structure in which to place the results. Geometry_GetEnvelope3D(Geometry self) void OGR_G_GetEnvelope3D(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGREnvelope3D *psEnvelope) Computes and returns the bounding envelope (3D) for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getEnvelope(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle of the geometry to get envelope from. psEnvelope: the structure in which to place the results. OGR 1.9.0 Geometry_Centroid(Geometry self) -> Geometry int OGR_G_Centroid(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRGeometryH hCentroidPoint) Compute the geometry centroid. The centroid location is applied to the passed in OGRPoint object. The centroid is not necessarily within the geometry. This method relates to the SFCOM ISurface::get_Centroid() method however the current implementation based on GEOS can operate on other geometry types such as multipoint, linestring, geometrycollection such as multipolygons. OGC SF SQL 1.1 defines the operation for surfaces (polygons). SQL/MM-Part 3 defines the operation for surfaces and multisurfaces (multipolygons). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRGeometry::Centroid(). This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. OGRERR_NONE on success or OGRERR_FAILURE on error. Geometry_PointOnSurface(Geometry self) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_G_PointOnSurface(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Returns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface. This method relates to the SFCOM ISurface::get_PointOnSurface() method however the current implementation based on GEOS can operate on other geometry types than the types that are supported by SQL/MM-Part 3 : surfaces (polygons) and multisurfaces (multipolygons). This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition of the geometry operation. If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail, issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: the geometry to operate on. a point guaranteed to lie on the surface or NULL if an error occurred. OGR 1.10 Geometry_WkbSize(Geometry self) -> int int OGR_G_WkbSize(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Returns size of related binary representation. This function returns the exact number of bytes required to hold the well known binary representation of this geometry object. Its computation may be slightly expensive for complex geometries. This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::WkbSize() method. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::WkbSize(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get the binary size from. size of binary representation in bytes. Geometry_GetCoordinateDimension Geometry_GetCoordinateDimension(Geometry self) -> int int OGR_G_GetCoordinateDimension(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Get the dimension of the coordinates in this geometry. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getCoordinateDimension(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get the dimension of the coordinates from. Deprecated use OGR_G_CoordinateDimension(), OGR_G_Is3D(), or OGR_G_IsMeasured(). this will return 2 or 3. Geometry_CoordinateDimension(Geometry self) -> int int OGR_G_CoordinateDimension(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Get the dimension of the coordinates in this geometry. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::CoordinateDimension(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get the dimension of the coordinates from. this will return 2 for XY, 3 for XYZ and XYM, and 4 for XYZM data. GDAL 2.1 Geometry_Is3D(Geometry self) -> int int OGR_G_Is3D(OGRGeometryH hGeom) See whether this geometry has Z coordinates. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::Is3D(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to check whether it has Z coordinates. TRUE if the geometry has Z coordinates. GDAL 2.1 Geometry_IsMeasured(Geometry self) -> int int OGR_G_IsMeasured(OGRGeometryH hGeom) See whether this geometry is measured. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::IsMeasured(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to check whether it is measured. TRUE if the geometry has M coordinates. GDAL 2.1 Geometry_SetCoordinateDimension(Geometry self, int dimension) void OGR_G_SetCoordinateDimension(OGRGeometryH hGeom, int nNewDimension) Set the coordinate dimension. This method sets the explicit coordinate dimension. Setting the coordinate dimension of a geometry to 2 should zero out any existing Z values. Setting the dimension of a geometry collection, a compound curve, a polygon, etc. will affect the children geometries. This will also remove the M dimension if present before this call. Deprecated use OGR_G_Set3D() or OGR_G_SetMeasured(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to set the dimension of the coordinates. nNewDimension: New coordinate dimension value, either 2 or 3. Geometry_Set3D(Geometry self, int b3D) void OGR_G_Set3D(OGRGeometryH hGeom, int bIs3D) Add or remove the Z coordinate dimension. This method adds or removes the explicit Z coordinate dimension. Removing the Z coordinate dimension of a geometry will remove any existing Z values. Adding the Z dimension to a geometry collection, a compound curve, a polygon, etc. will affect the children geometries. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to set or unset the Z dimension. bIs3D: Should the geometry have a Z dimension, either TRUE or FALSE. GDAL 2.1 Geometry_SetMeasured(Geometry self, int bMeasured) void OGR_G_SetMeasured(OGRGeometryH hGeom, int bIsMeasured) Add or remove the M coordinate dimension. This method adds or removes the explicit M coordinate dimension. Removing the M coordinate dimension of a geometry will remove any existing M values. Adding the M dimension to a geometry collection, a compound curve, a polygon, etc. will affect the children geometries. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to set or unset the M dimension. bIsMeasured: Should the geometry have a M dimension, either TRUE or FALSE. GDAL 2.1 Geometry_GetDimension(Geometry self) -> int int OGR_G_GetDimension(OGRGeometryH hGeom) Get the dimension of this geometry. This function corresponds to the SFCOM IGeometry::GetDimension() method. It indicates the dimension of the geometry, but does not indicate the dimension of the underlying space (as indicated by OGR_G_GetCoordinateDimension() function). This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::getDimension(). Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to get the dimension from. 0 for points, 1 for lines and 2 for surfaces. Geometry_HasCurveGeometry(Geometry self, int bLookForCircular=FALSE) -> intGeometry_GetLinearGeometry(Geometry self, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees=0.0, char ** options=None) -> GeometryGeometry_GetCurveGeometry(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> GeometryGeometry_Value(Geometry self, double dfDistance) -> Geometry Geometry_Transform(Geometry self, CoordinateTransformation trans) -> OGRErr Geometry_Transform(Geometry self, GeomTransformer transformer) -> Geometry OGRErr OGR_G_Transform(OGRGeometryH hGeom, OGRCoordinateTransformationH hTransform) Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry. This function will transform the coordinates of a geometry from their current spatial reference system to a new target spatial reference system. Normally this means reprojecting the vectors, but it could include datum shifts, and changes of units. Note that this function does not require that the geometry already have a spatial reference system. It will be assumed that they can be treated as having the source spatial reference system of the OGRCoordinateTransformation object, and the actual SRS of the geometry will be ignored. On successful completion the output OGRSpatialReference of the OGRCoordinateTransformation will be assigned to the geometry. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRGeometry::transform. Parameters: ----------- hGeom: handle on the geometry to apply the transform to. hTransform: handle on the transformation to apply. OGRERR_NONE on success or an error code. new_GeomTransformer(CoordinateTransformation ct, char ** options=None) -> GeomTransformerdelete_GeomTransformer(GeomTransformer self)GeomTransformer_Transform(GeomTransformer self, Geometry src_geom) -> GeometrySetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDERSetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(int bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) -> OGRErrGeometryTypeToName(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> char const *GetFieldTypeName(OGRFieldType type) -> char const *GetFieldSubTypeName(OGRFieldSubType type) -> char const *GT_Flatten(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGT_SetZ(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGT_SetM(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGT_SetModifier(OGRwkbGeometryType eType, int bSetZ, int bSetM=FALSE) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGT_HasZ(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> intGT_HasM(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> intGT_IsSubClassOf(OGRwkbGeometryType eType, OGRwkbGeometryType eSuperType) -> intGT_IsCurve(OGRwkbGeometryType arg1) -> intGT_IsSurface(OGRwkbGeometryType arg1) -> intGT_IsNonLinear(OGRwkbGeometryType arg1) -> intGT_GetCollection(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGT_GetCurve(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeGT_GetLinear(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryTypeSetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlagSetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(int bFlag)GetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag() -> intGetOpenDS(int ds_number) -> DataSourceOpen(char const * utf8_path, int update=0) -> DataSourceOpenShared(char const * utf8_path, int update=0) -> DataSourceGetDriverByName(char const * name) -> DriverGetDriver(int driver_number) -> DriverGeneralCmdLineProcessor(char ** papszArgv, int nOptions=0) -> char **TermProgress_nocb(double dfProgress, char const * pszMessage=None, void * pData=None) -> intreleases ownership of the pointeracquires ownership of the pointerreturns/sets ownership of the pointerreturns the next 'this' objectGY@;  <(YPYhpvvDvv|v0$v(&v&w&w@'-w'Fw(_wX(xw(w(wH)w)w)w8*x*'x*@xd+Yx+rx+xD,x,x,x,-x|-y-!y.:y\.Sy.ly.yD/y/y/y,0y|0z0z14zl1Mz1fzH2z2z83z3z3z(4zx4{4.{5G{`5`{5y{6{P6{6{6{@7{7|7(|(8A|x8Z|8s|9|`9|9|:|d:|: }:"}L;;};T};m}$<}l<}<}<}t=}=~P>~>5~0?N~?g~@~`@~@~A~PA~A~A@B/BHDCaCzCPDDD@EEE)0FBF[Ft GpGGH؀`HH I#IU,ntĆ xҒP6Othĉ\̓L04Ib{\؍(ƔȎߔh*CX\u8ٕ0x $=|Vēo TӖ,t7LPiܖ$l͗DԘ1Jdc|<ǘԚ$Л+hDazZhspp ,x D\ ,@0`p(DX 0P$@P@ 8 L 0` @t P ` p !pP!|! !p "@X"@""4##P##0H$`t$$$ $@$`%,%H%d%%% %@%@&&P'X'0' (Pp((p)`)) *P*@**4+`|++ , \,,`,D-- -,.Pt.. / \//P/D0000 41p 1 1 2`22P23P3 33`@4440 (5!x5p#5%6&h6P(6)7+X70-7.7`0@82838@5096x9p89:4:;|:P=:>;@d; B;C;PE<<F<H<0J=L=M=Oh>Q>SH?U?W(@Yx@[@p]AP_hA0aAcBdXBfBh Cj\ClCnCphDrDtEvXExEzE|HF~FF8GGG (H@xH@Hp4IБIJTJ JPJLKKpKУ`@LaCaEa0H`~@~CHEGI LP(RUX\]Pbet hĄj@l\mpqDPsu܆v$xPz؇{ }hP@܉,@tĊ0d`L0t0@@`l0Џ p`pPpH ؒ Lܓ$l@pDԕ0`d< P̗\@4p|ę T<`pԜ40 h&̝8(<A BCCܟDD D 0D4DPDdD|E@EpEĠEܠEEF0FD FX0Fl@FpFFСPGpIHzRx $#FJ w?:*3$"DH@ \P@tԂDBBB B(D0D8DP{8D0A(B BBBH BBA A(D0q (D ABBD D(D DBBl@4LBs K T D I G B F ^ B 0ԅsNDD rAAFP  QBk C Y( `7BBG  EBG 8tMECzPLRxu! $$eYX G ` A zPLRx-! 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WPNNVFOI B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBD !VHtNQVFNA GFRA!  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