a Ba_Aw@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl Z ddl m Z ddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZdd lmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZm Z m!Z!m"Z"m#Z#dd l$m%Z%dd l&m'Z'dd l(m)Z)m*Z*m+Z+m,Z,d Z-e.Z/dddZ0ej1dkr:ddZ2ddZddZ3ddZ4diddZ5ddZ6dd Z7d!d"Z8d#d$Z9d%d&Z:d'd(Z;djd)d*Zd/d0Z?d1d2Z@d3d4ZAd5d6ZBd7d8ZCd9d:ZDeEd;ZFdd?ZHd@dAZIdBdCZJdDdEZKdFdGZLejMdHdIZNdJdKZOdkdLdMZPdNdOZQdldQdRZRdSdTZSdUdVZTdWUdXZVeVdYZWeVdZZXd[d\ZYd]d^ZZd_d`Z[e\daZ]e\dbZ^dcddZ_dedfZ`dgdhZadS)mz requests.utils ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module provides utility functions that are used within Requests that are also useful for external consumption. N) OrderedDict __version__)certs)to_native_string)parse_http_list)quoteurlparsebytesstrunquote getproxies proxy_bypass urlunparse basestring integer_typesis_py3proxy_bypass_environmentgetproxies_environmentMappingcookiejar_from_dict)CaseInsensitiveDict) InvalidURL InvalidHeaderFileModeWarningUnrewindableBodyError)z.netrc_netrcPi)ZhttpZhttpsZwin32cCsztrddl}nddl}Wnty.YdS0z6||jd}t||dd}||dd}WntyzYdS0|r|sdS| d}|D]T}|dkrd|vrd S| dd }| d d }| d d}t ||t j rd SqdS)NrFz;Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet SettingsZ ProxyEnableZ ProxyOverride;z.Tz\.*z.*?)rwinregZ_winreg ImportErrorOpenKeyHKEY_CURRENT_USERintZ QueryValueExOSErrorsplitreplacerematchI)hostr$ZinternetSettingsZ proxyEnableZ proxyOverridetestr10/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/utils.pyproxy_bypass_registry0sF        r3cCstrt|St|SdS)zReturn True, if the host should be bypassed. Checks proxy settings gathered from the environment, if specified, or the registry. N)rrr3)r/r1r1r2rWsrcCst|dr|}|S)z/Returns an internal sequence dictionary update.items)hasattrr4)dr1r1r2dict_to_sequencecs r7c Cs.d}d}t|drt|}n`t|dr.|j}nNt|dr|z |}WntjyXYn$0t|j}d|jvr|t dt t|drz | }Wn"t tfy|dur|}Yn\0t|dr|durz&|dd | }||pdWnt tfyd}Yn0|dur d}td||S) Nr__len__lenfilenoba%Requests has determined the content-length for this request using the binary size of the file: however, the file has been opened in text mode (i.e. without the 'b' flag in the mode). This may lead to an incorrect content-length. In Requests 3.0, support will be removed for files in text mode.tellseek)r5r9r:ioUnsupportedOperationosfstatst_sizemodewarningswarnrr<r)IOErrorr=max)oZ total_lengthZcurrent_positionr:r1r1r2 super_lenlsB             rJFc CsFtjd}|dur|f}nddtD}zddlm}m}d}|D]B}ztj|}WntyrYWdS0tj |rF|}qqF|durWdSt |} d} t |t r| d} | j| d} z<||| } | r| drdnd } | | | d fWWSWn |tfy$|r Yn0Wnttfy@Yn0dS) z;Returns the Requests tuple auth for a given url from netrc.ZNETRCNcss|]}d|VqdS)z~/{}N)format).0fr1r1r2 z!get_netrc_auth..r)netrcNetrcParseError:asciirr>)rAenvironget NETRC_FILESrPrQpath expanduserKeyErrorexistsr isinstancer decodenetlocr*ZauthenticatorsrGr%AttributeError)urlZ raise_errorsZ netrc_fileZnetrc_locationsrPrQZ netrc_pathrMZlocZriZsplitstrr/rZlogin_ir1r1r2get_netrc_auths@       r`cCsBt|dd}|r>t|tr>|ddkr>|ddkr>tj|SdS)z0Tries to guess the filename of the given object.nameNr<>)getattrr[rrArWbasename)objrar1r1r2guess_filenames   rhcCstj|r|Stj|\}}|rPtj|sPtj|\}}d||g}q t|s^|St|}||vrx|St }tjj|g|dR}tj|s|j ||d}|S)zReplace nonexistent paths that look like they refer to a member of a zip archive with the location of an extracted copy of the target, or else just return the provided path unchanged. /)rW) rArWrZr*joinzipfileZ is_zipfileZZipFileZnamelisttempfileZ gettempdirextract)rWarchivememberprefixZzip_filetmpZextracted_pathr1r1r2extract_zipped_pathss      rrcCs.|dur dSt|ttttfr&tdt|S)aTake an object and test to see if it can be represented as a dictionary. Unless it can not be represented as such, return an OrderedDict, e.g., :: >>> from_key_val_list([('key', 'val')]) OrderedDict([('key', 'val')]) >>> from_key_val_list('string') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples >>> from_key_val_list({'key': 'val'}) OrderedDict([('key', 'val')]) :rtype: OrderedDict N+cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples)r[r r boolr( ValueErrorrvaluer1r1r2from_key_val_list s rxcCs@|dur dSt|ttttfr&tdt|tr8|}t|S)aTake an object and test to see if it can be represented as a dictionary. If it can be, return a list of tuples, e.g., :: >>> to_key_val_list([('key', 'val')]) [('key', 'val')] >>> to_key_val_list({'key': 'val'}) [('key', 'val')] >>> to_key_val_list('string') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: cannot encode objects that are not 2-tuples :rtype: list Nrs) r[r r rtr(rurr4listrvr1r1r2to_key_val_list%s rzcCsXg}t|D]F}|dd|ddkr4dkrHnnt|dd}||q |S)aParse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2. In particular, parse comma-separated lists where the elements of the list may include quoted-strings. A quoted-string could contain a comma. A non-quoted string could have quotes in the middle. Quotes are removed automatically after parsing. It basically works like :func:`parse_set_header` just that items may appear multiple times and case sensitivity is preserved. The return value is a standard :class:`list`: >>> parse_list_header('token, "quoted value"') ['token', 'quoted value'] To create a header from the :class:`list` again, use the :func:`dump_header` function. :param value: a string with a list header. :return: :class:`list` :rtype: list Nrrc")_parse_list_headerunquote_header_valueappend)rwresultitemr1r1r2parse_list_headerCs  ( rcCsxi}t|D]f}d|vr"d||<q |dd\}}|dd|ddkrVdkrjnnt|dd}|||<q |S)a^Parse lists of key, value pairs as described by RFC 2068 Section 2 and convert them into a python dict: >>> d = parse_dict_header('foo="is a fish", bar="as well"') >>> type(d) is dict True >>> sorted(d.items()) [('bar', 'as well'), ('foo', 'is a fish')] If there is no value for a key it will be `None`: >>> parse_dict_header('key_without_value') {'key_without_value': None} To create a header from the :class:`dict` again, use the :func:`dump_header` function. :param value: a string with a dict header. :return: :class:`dict` :rtype: dict =Nrrcr{)r|r*r})rwrrrar1r1r2parse_dict_headercs ( rcCs\|rX|d|dkr dkrXnn4|dd}|rD|dddkrX|ddd dS|S) zUnquotes a header value. (Reversal of :func:`quote_header_value`). This does not use the real unquoting but what browsers are actually using for quoting. :param value: the header value to unquote. :rtype: str rrcr{rNr>z\\\z\")r+)rwZ is_filenamer1r1r2r}s $ r}cCsi}|D]}|j||j<q|S)zReturns a key/value dictionary from a CookieJar. :param cj: CookieJar object to extract cookies from. :rtype: dict )rwra)cj cookie_dictZcookier1r1r2dict_from_cookiejarsrcCs t||S)zReturns a CookieJar from a key/value dictionary. :param cj: CookieJar to insert cookies into. :param cookie_dict: Dict of key/values to insert into CookieJar. :rtype: CookieJar r)rrr1r1r2add_dict_to_cookiejarsrcCsTtdttjdtjd}tjdtjd}td}||||||S)zlReturns encodings from given content string. :param content: bytestring to extract encodings from. zIn requests 3.0, get_encodings_from_content will be removed. For more information, please see the discussion on issue #2266. (This warning should only appear once.)z!])flagsz+]z$^<\?xml.*?encoding=["\']*(.+?)["\'>])rErFDeprecationWarningr,compiler.findall)contentZ charset_reZ pragma_reZxml_rer1r1r2get_encodings_from_contents rc Cs|d}|d|dd}}i}d}|D]`}|}|r0|d}}|d} | dkr|d| |}|| dd|}|||<q0||fS) zReturns content type and parameters from given header :param header: string :return: tuple containing content type and dictionary of parameters r rrNz"' Trrc)r*stripfindlower) headertokens content_typeparamsZ params_dictZitems_to_stripparamkeyrwZindex_of_equalsr1r1r2_parse_content_type_headers   rcCsP|d}|sdSt|\}}d|vr4|ddSd|vr@dSd|vrLdSdS) z}Returns encodings from given HTTP Header Dict. :param headers: dictionary to extract encoding from. :rtype: str z content-typeNcharsetz'"textz ISO-8859-1zapplication/jsonutf-8)rUrr)headersrrr1r1r2get_encoding_from_headerss  rccsj|jdur|D] }|VqdSt|jdd}|D]}||}|r4|Vq4|jddd}|rf|VdS)zStream decodes a iterator.Nr+errorsrOT)final)encodingcodecsgetincrementaldecoderr\)iteratorrrdecoderchunkrvr1r1r2stream_decode_response_unicodes  rccsHd}|dus|dkrt|}|t|krD||||V||7}qdS)z Iterate over slices of a string.rN)r9)stringZ slice_lengthposr1r1r2 iter_slicess  rcCsztdtg}t|j}|rJzt|j|WStyH||Yn0zt|j|ddWSt yt|jYS0dS)zReturns the requested content back in unicode. :param r: Response object to get unicode content from. Tried: 1. charset from content-type 2. fall back and replace all unicode characters :rtype: str zIn requests 3.0, get_unicode_from_response will be removed. For more information, please see the discussion on issue #2266. (This warning should only appear once.)r+rN) rErFrrrr r UnicodeErrorr~ TypeError)rZtried_encodingsrr1r1r2get_unicode_from_responses    rzBABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~c Cs|d}tdt|D]}||dd}t|dkr|rztt|d}Wntyptd|Yn0|tvr|||dd||<qd||||<qd||||<qd |S) zUn-escape any percent-escape sequences in a URI that are unreserved characters. This leaves all reserved, illegal and non-ASCII bytes encoded. :rtype: str %rrr>z%Invalid percent-escape sequence: '%s'N) r*ranger9isalnumchrr(rurUNRESERVED_SETrj)uripartsihcr1r1r2unquote_unreservedDs  rcCs>d}d}ztt||dWSty8t||dYS0dS)zRe-quote the given URI. This function passes the given URI through an unquote/quote cycle to ensure that it is fully and consistently quoted. :rtype: str z!#$%&'()*+,/:;=?@[]~z!#$&'()*+,/:;=?@[]~)ZsafeN)r rr)rZsafe_with_percentZsafe_without_percentr1r1r2 requote_uri\s  rcCsltdt|d}|d\}}tdttt|d}tdt|d|@}||@||@kS)zThis function allows you to check if an IP belongs to a network subnet Example: returns True if ip = and net = returns False if ip = and net = :rtype: bool z=Lrri)structZunpacksocket inet_atonr*dotted_netmaskr()ZipZnetZipaddrZnetaddrbitsZnetmaskZnetworkr1r1r2address_in_networkrs rcCs&ddd|>dA}ttd|S)zConverts mask from /xx format to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Example: if mask is 24 function returns :rtype: str lr z>I)rZ inet_ntoarZpack)maskrr1r1r2rsrcCs*zt|Wntjy$YdS0dS)z :rtype: bool FT)rrerror)Z string_ipr1r1r2is_ipv4_addresss rcCs|ddkrzt|dd}Wnty8YdS0|dksJ|dkrNdSzt|ddWqtjy|YdS0ndSdS)zV Very simple check of the cidr format in no_proxy variable. :rtype: bool rirFrrT)countr(r*rurrr)Zstring_networkrr1r1r2 is_valid_cidrs  rc cst|du}|r"tj|}|tj|<z*dVW|rp|durBtj|=qp|tj|<n"|rn|durdtj|=n |tj|<0dS)zSet the environment variable 'env_name' to 'value' Save previous value, yield, and then restore the previous value stored in the environment variable 'env_name'. If 'value' is None, do nothingN)rArTrU)Zenv_namerwZ value_changed old_valuer1r1r2 set_environs     rc Cs>dd}|}|dur|d}t|}|jdur2dS|rdd|dd d D}t|jr|D]0}t|rt|j|rdSq`|j|kr`dSq`nB|j}|jr|d |j7}|D] }|j |s| |rdSqt d|>zt |j}Wnt t jfyd }Yn0Wdn1s&0Y|r:dSd S) zL Returns whether we should bypass proxies or not. :rtype: bool cSstj|ptj|SN)rArTrUupper)kr1r1r2rOz'should_bypass_proxies..Nno_proxyTcss|]}|r|VqdSrr1)rLr/r1r1r2rNsz(should_bypass_proxies.. r,z:{}F)r hostnamer+r*rrrZportrKendswithrrrrZgaierror) r_rZ get_proxyZ no_proxy_argparsedZproxy_ipZhost_with_portr/Zbypassr1r1r2should_bypass_proxiess@      *rcCst||driStSdS)zA Return a dict of environment proxies. :rtype: dict )rN)rr)r_rr1r1r2get_environ_proxiess rcCst|pi}t|}|jdur.||j|dS|jd|j|jd|jdg}d}|D]}||vrV||}qpqV|S)zSelect a proxy for the url, if applicable. :param url: The url being for the request :param proxies: A dictionary of schemes or schemes and hosts to proxy URLs Nallz://zall://)r rrUscheme)r_ZproxiesZurlpartsZ proxy_keysproxyZ proxy_keyr1r1r2 select_proxys rpython-requestscCs d|tfS)zO Return a string representing the default user agent. :rtype: str z%s/%sr)rar1r1r2default_user_agent(srcCsttdddddS)z9 :rtype: requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict z, )ZgzipZdeflatez*/*z keep-alive)z User-AgentzAccept-EncodingZAcceptZ Connection)rrrjr1r1r1r2default_headers1s rc Csg}d}||}|s|Std|D]}z|dd\}}WntyZ|d}}Yn0d|di}|dD]D}z|d\}}WntyYqYn0|||||<qt||q&|S) zReturn a list of parsed link headers proxies. i.e. Link: ; rel=front; type="image/jpeg",; rel=back;type="image/jpeg" :rtype: list z '"z, * '"r)rr,r*rur~) rwZlinksZ replace_charsvalr_rlinkrrr1r1r2parse_header_links=s&     rrSr>cCs|dd}|tjtjfvr dS|ddtjkr6dS|ddtjtjfvrRdS|t}|dkrhd S|dkr|dddtkrd S|d ddtkrd S|dkr|ddt krd S|d dt krdSdS)z :rtype: str Nzutf-32rz utf-8-sigr>zutf-16rrz utf-16-berz utf-16-lez utf-32-bez utf-32-le) r BOM_UTF32_LE BOM_UTF32_BEBOM_UTF8 BOM_UTF16_LE BOM_UTF16_BEr_null_null2_null3)dataZsampleZ nullcountr1r1r2guess_json_utfhs*  rcCs8t||\}}}}}}|s$||}}t||||||fS)zGiven a URL that may or may not have a scheme, prepend the given scheme. Does not replace a present scheme with the one provided as an argument. :rtype: str )r r)r_Z new_schemerr]rWrqueryfragmentr1r1r2prepend_scheme_if_neededs rc Cs@t|}zt|jt|jf}Wnttfy:d}Yn0|S)z{Given a url with authentication components, extract them into a tuple of username,password. :rtype: (str,str) )rr)r r ZusernameZpasswordr^r)r_rZauthr1r1r2get_auth_from_urls  rs^\S[^\r\n]*$|^$z^\S[^\r\n]*$|^$c Csd|\}}t|trt}nt}z||s4td|Wn(ty^td||t|fYn0dS)zVerifies that header value is a string which doesn't contain leading whitespace or return characters. This prevents unintended header injection. :param header: tuple, in the format (name, value). z7Invalid return character or leading space in header: %sz>Value for header {%s: %s} must be of type str or bytes, not %sN)r[r _CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_BYTE_CLEAN_HEADER_REGEX_STRr-rrtype)rrarwZpatr1r1r2check_header_validitys    rcCsFt|\}}}}}}|s"||}}|ddd}t|||||dfS)zW Given a url remove the fragment and the authentication part. :rtype: str @rrcr)r rsplitr)r_rr]rWrrrr1r1r2 urldefragauths  rc Cs^t|jdd}|durRt|jtrRz||jWqZttfyNtdYqZ0ntddS)zfMove file pointer back to its recorded starting position so it can be read again on redirect. r=Nz;An error occurred when rewinding request body for redirect.z+Unable to rewind request body for redirect.)rebodyr[Z_body_positionrrGr)r)Zprepared_requestZ body_seekr1r1r2 rewind_bodysr)F)F)N)r)b__doc__r contextlibr?rAr,rrsysrlrErk collectionsrrrrZ_internal_utilsrcompatrr|r r r r r rrrrrrrrrZcookiesrZ structuresr exceptionsrrrrrVwhereZDEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATHZ DEFAULT_PORTSplatformr3r7rJr`rhrrrxrzrrr}rrrrrrrr frozensetrrrrrrrcontextmanagerrrrrrrrencoderrrrrrrrrrrrr1r1r1r2s     @    '  = 9  #   %   =   &