############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2010 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ zope.interface.exceptions unit tests """ import unittest def _makeIface(): from zope.interface import Interface class IDummy(Interface): pass return IDummy class DoesNotImplementTests(unittest.TestCase): def _getTargetClass(self): from zope.interface.exceptions import DoesNotImplement return DoesNotImplement def _makeOne(self, *args): iface = _makeIface() return self._getTargetClass()(iface, *args) def test___str__(self): dni = self._makeOne() self.assertEqual( str(dni), "An object has failed to implement interface " ": " "Does not declaratively implement the interface." ) def test___str__w_candidate(self): dni = self._makeOne('candidate') self.assertEqual( str(dni), "The object 'candidate' has failed to implement interface " ": " "Does not declaratively implement the interface." ) class BrokenImplementationTests(unittest.TestCase): def _getTargetClass(self): from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenImplementation return BrokenImplementation def _makeOne(self, *args): iface = _makeIface() return self._getTargetClass()(iface, 'missing', *args) def test___str__(self): dni = self._makeOne() self.assertEqual( str(dni), 'An object has failed to implement interface ' ': ' "The 'missing' attribute was not provided.") def test___str__w_candidate(self): dni = self._makeOne('candidate') self.assertEqual( str(dni), 'The object \'candidate\' has failed to implement interface ' ': ' "The 'missing' attribute was not provided.") def broken_function(): """ This is a global function with a simple argument list. It exists to be able to report the same information when formatting signatures under Python 2 and Python 3. """ class BrokenMethodImplementationTests(unittest.TestCase): def _getTargetClass(self): from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenMethodImplementation return BrokenMethodImplementation message = 'I said so' def _makeOne(self, *args): return self._getTargetClass()('aMethod', self.message, *args) def test___str__(self): dni = self._makeOne() self.assertEqual( str(dni), "An object has failed to implement interface : " "The contract of 'aMethod' is violated because I said so." ) def test___str__w_candidate_no_implementation(self): dni = self._makeOne('some_function', '', 'candidate') self.assertEqual( str(dni), "The object 'candidate' has failed to implement interface : " "The contract of 'aMethod' is violated because I said so." ) def test___str__w_candidate_w_implementation(self): self.message = 'implementation is wonky' dni = self._makeOne(broken_function, '', 'candidate') self.assertEqual( str(dni), "The object 'candidate' has failed to implement interface : " "The contract of 'aMethod' is violated because " "'broken_function()' is wonky." ) def test___str__w_candidate_w_implementation_not_callable(self): self.message = 'implementation is not callable' dni = self._makeOne(42, '', 'candidate') self.assertEqual( str(dni), "The object 'candidate' has failed to implement interface : " "The contract of 'aMethod' is violated because " "'42' is not callable." ) def test___repr__w_candidate(self): dni = self._makeOne(None, 'candidate') self.assertEqual( repr(dni), "BrokenMethodImplementation('aMethod', 'I said so', None, 'candidate')" ) class MultipleInvalidTests(unittest.TestCase): def _getTargetClass(self): from zope.interface.exceptions import MultipleInvalid return MultipleInvalid def _makeOne(self, excs): iface = _makeIface() return self._getTargetClass()(iface, 'target', excs) def test__str__(self): from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenMethodImplementation excs = [ BrokenMethodImplementation('aMethod', 'I said so'), Exception("Regular exception") ] dni = self._makeOne(excs) self.assertEqual( str(dni), "The object 'target' has failed to implement interface " ":\n" " The contract of 'aMethod' is violated because I said so\n" " Regular exception" ) def test__repr__(self): from zope.interface.exceptions import BrokenMethodImplementation excs = [ BrokenMethodImplementation('aMethod', 'I said so'), # Use multiple arguments to normalize repr; versions of Python # prior to 3.7 add a trailing comma if there's just one. Exception("Regular", "exception") ] dni = self._makeOne(excs) self.assertEqual( repr(dni), "MultipleInvalid(," " 'target'," " (BrokenMethodImplementation('aMethod', 'I said so')," " Exception('Regular', 'exception')))" )