# ABI compatibility is ensured upstream, and the SO version, if it needed # a change at any time, would be a change in the library name. There is # no reason to make compatibility more difficult with other distros and # upstream binary releases. libnspr4: shlib-without-versioned-soname usr/lib/*/libnspr4.so libnspr4.so libnspr4: shlib-without-versioned-soname usr/lib/*/libplc4.so libplc4.so libnspr4: shlib-without-versioned-soname usr/lib/*/libplds4.so libplds4.so # Extra lintian warning due to the Same as above libnspr4: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink usr/lib/*/libnspr4.so usr/lib/*/libnspr4.so libnspr4: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink usr/lib/*/libplc4.so usr/lib/*/libplc4.so libnspr4: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink usr/lib/*/libplds4.so usr/lib/*/libplds4.so # License says GPL 2 or subsequent, so pointing to the latest version is fine libnspr4: copyright-refers-to-versionless-license-file usr/share/common-licenses/GPL