[Quick start](#examples)
📷 The fastest and most versatile JavaScript EXIF reading library.
Try it yourself - [demo page & playground](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/).
## Features
Works everywhere, parses anything you throw at it.
* 🏎️ **Fastest EXIF lib**: +-1ms per file
* 🗃️ **Any input**: buffers, url, <img> tag, and more
* 📷 Files: **.jpg**, **.tif**, **.png**, **.heic**, .avif, .iiq
* 🔎 Segments: **TIFF** (EXIF, GPS, etc...), **XMP**, **ICC**, **IPTC**, JFIF, IHDR
* 📑 **Reads only first few bytes**
* 🔬 **Skips parsing tags you don't need**
* ✨ **Isomorphic**: Browser & Node.js
* 🗜️ **No dependencies**
* 🖼️ Extracts thumbnail
* 💔 Salvages broken files
* 🧩 Modular
* 📚 Customizable tag dictionaries
* 📦 Bundled as UMD/CJS or ESM
* ✔ Tested and benchmarked
* 🤙 Promises
* 🕸 Supports even ~IE11~ **IE10**
and more (click to expand)
XMP Parser - minimalistic, reliable, without dependencies
XMP Extended
Multi-segment ICC
Extracts all ICC tags (RedMatrixColumn, GreenTRC, B2A2, etc...)
TIFF dictionaries contain less frequently used, non-standard and proprietary TIFF/EXIF tags (only in full bundle)
Handles UCS2 formatted strings (XPTitle tag), instead of leaving it as a buffer
Normalizes strings
Revives dates into Date class instances
Converts GPS coords from DMS to DD format. From `GPSLatitude, GPSLatitudeRef tags ([50, 17, 58.57] & "N") to single latitude value (50.29960).
Instructs how to rotate photo with exifr.rotation() and accounts for quirky autorotation behavior of iOs Safari and Chrome 81 and newer
You don't need to read the whole file to tell if there's EXIF in it. And you don't need to extract all the data when you're looking for just a few tags. Exifr just jumps through the file structure, from pointer to pointer. Instead of reading it byte by byte, from beginning to end.
Exifr does what no other JS lib does. It's **efficient** and **blazing fast**!
| Segments | JPEG | TIFF / IIQ | HEIF (HEIC, AVIF) | PNG |
| EXIF/TIFF, GPS | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
| XMP | ✔ | ✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
| IPTC | ✔ | ✔ | ❌ | 🟡 *(If it's a part of IHDR)* |
| ICC | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ *(Node.js only, requires zlib)* |
| Thumbnail | ✔ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
| JFIF *(JPEG header)* | ✔ | ⚫ | ⚫ | ⚫ |
| IHDR *(PNG header)* | ⚫ | ⚫ | ⚫ | ✔ |
## Usage
`file` can be any binary format (`Buffer`, `Uint8Array`, `Blob` and more), `` element, string path or url.
`options` specify what segments and blocks to parse, filters what tags to pick or skip.
| API | Returns | Description |
|`exifr.parse(file)`|`object`|Parses IFD0, EXIF, GPS blocks|
|`exifr.parse(file, true)`|`object`|Parses everything|
|`exifr.parse(file, ['Model', 'FNumber', ...])`|`object`|Parses only specified tags|
|`exifr.parse(file, {options})`|`object`|Custom settings|
|`exifr.gps(file)`|`{latitude, longitude}`|Parses only GPS coords|
|`exifr.orientation(file)`|`number`|Parses only orientation|
|`exifr.rotation(file)`|`object`|Returns how to rotate the photo|
|`exifr.thumbnail(file)`|`Buffer\|Uint8Array` binary|Extracts embedded thumbnail|
|`exifr.thumbnailUrl(file)`|`string` Object URL|Browser only|
## Installation
npm install exifr
Exifr comes in three prebuilt bundles. It's a good idea to start development with `full` and then scale down to `lite`, `mini`, or better yet, [build your own](#advanced) around modular core.
// Modern Node.js can import CommonJS
import exifr from 'exifr' // => exifr/dist/full.umd.cjs
// Explicily import ES Module
import exifr from 'exifr/dist/full.esm.mjs' // to use ES Modules
// CommonJS, old Node.js
var exifr = require('exifr') // => exifr/dist/full.umd.cjs
**Browsers**: `lite` and `mini` are recommended because of balance between features and file size. UMD format attaches the library to global `window.exifr` object.
**IE & old browsers:** `legacy` builds come bundled with polyfills. [Learn more](examples/legacy.html).
#### Bundles & formats
* **full** - Contains everything. Intended for use in Node.js.
* **lite** - Reads JPEG and HEIC. Parses TIFF/EXIF and XMP.
* **mini** - Stripped down to basics. Parses most useful TIFF/EXIF from JPEGs. **Has no tag dictionaries**.
Of course, you can use the `full` version in browser, or use any other build in Node.js.
* **ESM** - Modern syntax for use in [modern browsers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import) and [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html).
Uses `import` syntax.
* **UMD** - Universal format for browsers and Node.js.
Supports CJS `require('exifr')`, AMD/RequireJS and global `window.exifr`.
* **legacy UMD** - For use in older browsers (up to IE10).
Bundled with polyfills & shims, except for `Promise` polyfill. [Learn more here](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/examples/legacy.html).
Detailed comparison (click to expand)
| | full | lite | mini | core |
| chunked file readers | BlobReader UrlFetcher FsReader Base64Reader | BlobReader UrlFetcher | BlobReader | none |
| file parsers | `*.jpg` `*.heic` `*.tif`/`*.iiq` `*.png` | `*.jpg` `*.heic` | `*.jpg` | none |
| segment parsers | TIFF (EXIF) IPTC XMP ICC JFIF IHDR | TIFF (EXIF) XMP | TIFF (EXIF) | none |
| dictionaries | TIFF (+ less frequent tags) IPTC ICC JFIF IHDR | only TIFF keys (IFD0, EXIF, GPS) | none | none |
| size +- | 60 Kb | 40 Kb | 25 Kb | 15 Kb |
| gzipped | 22 Kb | 12 Kb | 8 Kb | 4 Kb |
| file | `full.umd.js` `full.esm.js` `full.esm.mjs` `full.legacy.umd.js` | `lite.umd.js` `lite.esm.js` `lite.esm.mjs` `lite.legacy.umd.js` | `mini.umd.js` `mini.esm.js` `mini.esm.mjs` `mini.legacy.umd.js` | [Learn more](#advanced) |
#### ESM, .js .mjs .cjs extensions, "main", "module", "type":"module"
TL;DR: All bundles are available in two identical copies. `.mjs` and `.js` for ESM. `.cjs` and `.js` for UMD. Pick one that works with your tooling or webserver.
(click to expand for more info)
Current state of ESM is complicated. Node.js can already handle ESM files with `.mjs` extension and modules with `"type":"module"` in package.json. Turns out the `"type":"module"` approach alone is not yet ready for production. Some bundlers and tools may work or break with `.mjs` extension, whereas it's important for Node.js. The same applies to the new `.cjs` extension (introduced in Node.js 13).
The library is written in ESM, with `.mjs` extensions and transpiled to both ESM and UMD formats.
The `"main"` (field in package.json) entry point is now `full.umd.cjs` but you can still use ESM by explicitly importing `full.esm.mjs`. `"module"` field (used by some tools) points to `full.esm.mjs`.
If your webserver isn't configured to handle `.mjs` or `.cjs` files you can use their identical `.js` clone. For example `full.esm.mjs` is identical to `full.esm.js`. So is `lite.esm.cjs` to `lite.esm.js`. Just pick one that fits your tools or environment.
#### Named exports vs default export
Exifr exports both named exports and a default export - object containing all the named exports.
You can use `import * as exifr from 'exifr'` as well as `import exifr from 'exifr'` (recommended).
## Examples
// exifr reads the file from disk, only a few hundred bytes.
.then(output => console.log('Camera:', output.Make, output.Model))
// Or read the file on your own and feed the buffer into exifr.
.then(output => console.log('Camera:', output.Make, output.Model))
Extract only certain tags
// only GPS
let {latitude, longitude} = await exifr.gps('./myimage.jpg')
// only orientation
let num = await exifr.orientation(blob)
// only three tags
let output = await exifr.parse(file, ['ISO', 'Orientation', 'LensModel'])
// only XMP segment (and disabled TIFF which is enabled by default)
let output = await exifr.parse(file, {tiff: false, xmp: true})
Extracting thumbnail
let thumbBuffer = await exifr.thumbnail(file)
// or get object URL (browser only)
img.src = await exifr.thumbnailUrl(file)
Web Worker
let worker = new Worker('./worker.js')
worker.onmessage = e => console.log(e.data)
// tip: try Transferable Objects with ArrayBuffer
worker.postMessage(arrayBuffer, [arrayBuffer])
// worker.js
self.onmessage = async e => postMessage(await exifr.parse(e.data))
UMD in Browser
ESM in Browser
### Demos
* [**playground**](https://mutiny.cz/exifr)
* [examples/thumbnail.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/examples/thumbnail.html), [code](examples/thumbnail.html)
Extracts and displays embedded thumbnail.
* [examples/orientation.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/examples/orientation.html), [code](examples/orientation.html)
Extracts orientation and rotates the image with canvas or css.
* [examples/depth-map-extraction.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/examples/depth-map-extraction.html), [code](examples/depth-map-extraction.js)
Extracts and displays depth map.
* [benchmark/gps-dnd.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/benchmark/gps-dnd.html), [code](benchmark/gps-dnd.html)
Drag-n-Drop multiple photos and mesure the time and RAM it took to extract GPS. Then they're marked on a map.
* [examples/worker.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/examples/worker.html), [code](examples/worker.html)
Parsing file in WebWorker.
* [examples/legacy.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/examples/legacy.html), [code](examples/legacy.html)
Visit in IE10/IE11,
* [benchmark/formats-reading.html](https://mutiny.cz/exifr/benchmark/formats-reading.html), [code](benchmark/formats-reading.html)
Compares reading speed of various input types.
and a lot more in the [examples/](examples/) folder
## API
### `parse(file[, options])`
Returns: `Promise