import {read} from './reader.mjs' import {undefinedIfEmpty} from './util/helpers.mjs' import {Options} from './options.mjs' import {fileParsers, segmentParsers} from './plugins.mjs' import {throwError} from './util/helpers.mjs' export class Exifr { parsers = {} output = {} errors = [] pushToErrors = err => this.errors.push(err) constructor(options) { this.options = Options.useCached(options) } async read(arg) { this.file = await read(arg, this.options) } setup() { if (this.fileParser) return // JPEG's exif is based on TIFF structure from .tif files. // .tif files start with either 49 49 (LE) or 4D 4D (BE) which is also header for the TIFF structure. // JPEG starts with with FF D8, followed by APP0 and APP1 section (FF E1 + length + 'Exif\0\0' + data) which contains the TIFF structure (49 49 / 4D 4D + data) let {file} = this let marker = file.getUint16(0) for (let [type, FileParser] of fileParsers) { //file.tiff = true if (FileParser.canHandle(file, marker)) { this.fileParser = new FileParser(this.options, this.file, this.parsers) return file[type] = true } } // setup is called after read, so we need to close potentially open fs if (this.file.close) this.file.close() throwError(`Unknown file format`) } async parse() { let {output, errors} = this this.setup() // We're try catching here and not inside the executeParsers() because we shouldn't parse // segments if file parser throws. if (this.options.silentErrors) { await this.executeParsers().catch(this.pushToErrors) errors.push(...this.fileParser.errors) } else { await this.executeParsers() } if (this.file.close) this.file.close() if (this.options.silentErrors && errors.length > 0) output.errors = errors return undefinedIfEmpty(output) } // TODO: Silent error handling needs major rework in order to enable reading // at least some segments while others are corrupted. // It'd be nice to move more functionality into segment parsers and hollow out // the file parsers. This way each semgnet would be in own (kinda) thread. // EXAMPLE1: All the chunk header calculation happens inside file parser. // If something goes wrong (like bug in IPTC's static canHandle() and headerLength) // it crashes right in fileParser.parse(). // tldr: file crashes prematurely on IPTC, no other segments are read. // EXAMPLE2: PNG file parser does a lot of parsing inside its .parse() // If it crashed, we'd also prematurely close before extracting any data. async executeParsers() { let {output} = this await this.fileParser.parse() let promises = Object.values(this.parsers).map(async parser => { let parserOutput = await parser.parse() // each parser may want to merge its output into global differently. parser.assignToOutput(output, parserOutput) }) if (this.options.silentErrors) { promises = => promise.catch(this.pushToErrors)) } await Promise.all(promises) } async extractThumbnail() { this.setup() let {options, file} = this let TiffParser = segmentParsers.get('tiff', options) var seg if (file.tiff) seg = {start: 0, type: 'tiff'} else if (file.jpeg) seg = await this.fileParser.getOrFindSegment('tiff') if (seg === undefined) return let chunk = await this.fileParser.ensureSegmentChunk(seg) let parser = this.parsers.tiff = new TiffParser(chunk, options, file) let thumb = await parser.extractThumbnail() if (file.close) file.close() return thumb } }