import {fileParsers} from '../plugins.mjs' import {FileParserBase} from '../parser.mjs' // Only HEIC uses BufferView.getUint64 import '../util/BufferView-get64.mjs' import {BufferView} from '../util/BufferView.mjs' // 4 length + 4 kind + 8 (not always) for additional 64b length field const boxHeaderLength = 16 // boxes with full head: meta, iinf, iref export class IsoBmffParser extends FileParserBase { parseBoxes(offset = 0) { let boxes = [] while (offset < this.file.byteLength - 4) { let box = this.parseBoxHead(offset) boxes.push(box) if (box.length === 0) break offset += box.length } return boxes } parseSubBoxes(box) { box.boxes = this.parseBoxes(box.start) } findBox(box, kind) { if (box.boxes === undefined) this.parseSubBoxes(box) return box.boxes.find(box => box.kind === kind) } parseBoxHead(offset) { let length = this.file.getUint32(offset) let kind = this.file.getString(offset + 4, 4) let start = offset + 8 // 4+4 bytes // length can be larger than 32b number in which case it is the first 64bits after header if (length === 1) { length = this.file.getUint64(offset + 8) start += 8 } return {offset, length, kind, start} } parseBoxFullHead(box) { // ISO boxes come in 'old' and 'full' variants. // The 'full' variant also contains version and flags information. if (box.version !== undefined) return let vflags = this.file.getUint32(box.start) box.version = vflags >> 24 box.start += 4 } } export class HeifFileParser extends IsoBmffParser { // NOTE: most parsers check if bytes 4-8 are 'ftyp' and then if 8-12 is one of heic/heix/hevc/hevx/heim/heis/hevm/hevs/mif1/msf1 // but bytes 20-24 are actually always 'heic' for all of these formats static canHandle(file) { // FTYP length is the first 32b but it's not likely there will be more than 30, let alone 2^32 FTYPs. // So it's safe to assume that if first two bytes are 0, then this is HEIC. if (file.getUint16(0) !== 0) return false let ftypLength = file.getUint16(2) if (ftypLength > 50) return false let offset = 16 let compatibleBrands = [] while (offset < ftypLength) { compatibleBrands.push(file.getString(offset, 4)) offset += 4 } return compatibleBrands.includes(this.type) } async parse() { let nextBoxOffset = this.file.getUint32(0) let meta = this.parseBoxHead(nextBoxOffset) while (meta.kind !== 'meta') { nextBoxOffset += meta.length await this.file.ensureChunk(nextBoxOffset, boxHeaderLength) meta = this.parseBoxHead(nextBoxOffset) } await this.file.ensureChunk(meta.offset, meta.length) this.parseBoxFullHead(meta) this.parseSubBoxes(meta) //await this.findThumb(meta) if (this.options.icc.enabled) await this.findIcc(meta) if (this.options.tiff.enabled) await this.findExif(meta) } async registerSegment(key, offset, length) { await this.file.ensureChunk(offset, length) let chunk = this.file.subarray(offset, length) this.createParser(key, chunk) } /* async findThumb(meta) { let iref = this.findBox(meta, 'iref') if (iref === undefined) return this.parseBoxFullHead(iref) let thmb = this.findBox(iref, 'thmb') if (thmb === undefined) return let thumbLocId = this.file.getUint16(thmb.offset + 8) let iloc = this.findBox(meta, 'iloc') if (iloc === undefined) return let extent = this.findExtentInIloc(iloc, thumbLocId) if (extent === undefined) return let [thumbOffset, thumbLength] = extent console.log('thumbOffset', thumbOffset) console.log('thumbLength', thumbLength) await this.file.ensureChunk(thumbOffset, thumbLength) let chunk = this.file.subarray(thumbOffset, thumbLength) return chunk.toUint8() } */ async findIcc(meta) { let iprp = this.findBox(meta, 'iprp') if (iprp === undefined) return let ipco = this.findBox(iprp, 'ipco') if (ipco === undefined) return let colr = this.findBox(ipco, 'colr') if (colr === undefined) return await this.registerSegment('icc', colr.offset + 12, colr.length) } async findExif(meta) { let iinf = this.findBox(meta, 'iinf') if (iinf === undefined) return let iloc = this.findBox(meta, 'iloc') if (iloc === undefined) return let exifLocId = this.findExifLocIdInIinf(iinf) let extent = this.findExtentInIloc(iloc, exifLocId) if (extent === undefined) return let [exifOffset, exifLength] = extent await this.file.ensureChunk(exifOffset, exifLength) let nameSize = this.file.getUint32(exifOffset) //let name = this.file.getString(exifOffset + 4, nameSize) let extentContentShift = 4 + nameSize exifOffset += extentContentShift exifLength -= extentContentShift await this.registerSegment('tiff', exifOffset, exifLength) } findExifLocIdInIinf(box) { this.parseBoxFullHead(box) let offset = box.start let count = this.file.getUint16(offset) let infe, infeOffset, idSize, name offset += 2 while (count--) { infe = this.parseBoxHead(offset) this.parseBoxFullHead(infe) infeOffset = infe.start if (infe.version >= 2) { idSize = infe.version === 3 ? 4 : 2 name = this.file.getString(infeOffset + idSize + 2, 4) if (name === 'Exif') return this.file.getUintBytes(infeOffset, idSize) } offset += infe.length } } get8bits(offset) { let n = this.file.getUint8(offset) let n0 = n >> 4 let n1 = n & 0xf return [n0, n1] } findExtentInIloc(box, wantedLocId) { this.parseBoxFullHead(box) let offset = box.start let [offsetSize, lengthSize] = this.get8bits(offset++) let [baseOffsetSize, indexSize] = this.get8bits(offset++) let itemIdSize = box.version === 2 ? 4 : 2 let constMethodSize = box.version === 1 || box.version === 2 ? 2 : 0 let extentSize = indexSize + offsetSize + lengthSize let itemCountSize = box.version === 2 ? 4 : 2 let itemCount = this.file.getUintBytes(offset, itemCountSize) offset += itemCountSize while (itemCount--) { let itemId = this.file.getUintBytes(offset, itemIdSize) offset += itemIdSize + constMethodSize + 2 + baseOffsetSize // itemId + construction_method + data_reference_index + base_offset let extentCount = this.file.getUint16(offset) offset += 2 if (itemId === wantedLocId) { if (extentCount > 1) { console.warn(`ILOC box has more than one extent but we're only processing one\nPlease create an issue at with this file`) // iloc contains items array, each of which contains extents. // theres usually only one extent in each item but if there's more } return [ // extent offset this.file.getUintBytes(offset + indexSize, offsetSize), // extent length this.file.getUintBytes(offset + indexSize + offsetSize, lengthSize), ] } offset += extentCount * extentSize } } } export class HeicFileParser extends HeifFileParser { static type = 'heic' } export class AvifFileParser extends HeifFileParser { static type = 'avif' } fileParsers.set('heic', HeicFileParser) fileParsers.set('avif', AvifFileParser)