import {FileParserBase, AppSegmentParserBase} from '../parser.mjs' import {fileParsers, segmentParsers} from '../plugins.mjs' const JPEG_SOI = 0xffd8 const MARKER_1 = 0xff const MARKER_2_APP0 = 0xe0 // ff e0 const MARKER_2_APP15 = 0xef // ff ef const MARKER_2_SOF0 = 0xc0 // ff c0 const MARKER_2_SOF2 = 0xc2 // ff c2 const MARKER_2_DHT = 0xc4 // ff c4 const MARKER_2_DQT = 0xdb // ff db const MARKER_2_DRI = 0xdd // ff dd const MARKER_2_SOS = 0xda // ff da const MARKER_2_COMMENT = 0xfe // ff fe function isJpgMarker(marker2) { return marker2 === MARKER_2_SOF0 || marker2 === MARKER_2_SOF2 || marker2 === MARKER_2_DHT || marker2 === MARKER_2_DQT || marker2 === MARKER_2_DRI || marker2 === MARKER_2_SOS || marker2 === MARKER_2_COMMENT } function isAppMarker(marker2) { return marker2 >= MARKER_2_APP0 && marker2 <= MARKER_2_APP15 } function getSegmentType(buffer, offset, length) { for (let [type, Parser] of segmentParsers) if (Parser.canHandle(buffer, offset, length)) return type } // // // // JPG contains SOI, APP1, [APP2, ... APPn], DQT, DHT, and more segments // APPn contain metadata about the image in various formats. There can be multiple APPn segments, // even multiple segments of the same type. // APP1 contains the basic and most important EXIF data. // APP2 contains ICC // APP13 contains IPTC // the main APP1 (the one with EXIF) is often followed by another APP1 with XMP data (in XML format). // Structure of APPn (APP1, APP2, APP13, etc...): // - First two bytes are the marker FF En (e.g. FF E1 for APP1) // - 3rd & 4th bytes are length of the APPn segment // - Followed by a few bytes of segment itentification - describing what type of content is there. // Structure of TIFF (APP1-EXIF): // - FF 01 - marker // - xx xx - Size // - 45 78 69 66 00 00 / ASCII string 'Exif\0\0' // - TIFF HEADER // - 0th IFD + value // - 1th IFD + value // - may contain additional GPS, Interop, SubExif blocks (pointed to from IFD0) export class JpegFileParser extends FileParserBase { static type = 'jpeg' static canHandle(file, marker) { return marker === JPEG_SOI } appSegments = [] jpegSegments = [] unknownSegments = [] async parse() { await this.findAppSegments() await this.readSegments(this.appSegments) this.mergeMultiSegments() this.createParsers(this.mergedAppSegments || this.appSegments) } setupSegmentFinderArgs(wanted) { if (wanted === true) { this.findAll = true this.wanted = new Set(segmentParsers.keyList()) } else { if (wanted === undefined) wanted = segmentParsers.keyList().filter(key => this.options[key].enabled) else wanted = wanted.filter(key => this.options[key].enabled && segmentParsers.has(key)) this.findAll = false this.remaining = new Set(wanted) this.wanted = new Set(wanted) } this.unfinishedMultiSegment = false } async findAppSegments(offset = 0, wantedArray) { this.setupSegmentFinderArgs(wantedArray) let {file, findAll, wanted, remaining} = this if (!findAll && this.file.chunked) { findAll = Array.from(wanted).some(type => { let Parser = segmentParsers.get(type) let segOpts = this.options[type] return Parser.multiSegment && segOpts.multiSegment }) if (findAll) await this.file.readWhole() } // findAppSegmentsInRange() returns offset where next segment starts. If we didn't store it, next time we continue // we might start in middle of data segment and would uselessly read & parse through noise. offset = this.findAppSegmentsInRange(offset, file.byteLength) // If user only requests TIFF it's not necessary to read any more chunks. Because EXIF in jpg is always near the start of the file. if (this.options.onlyTiff) return if (file.chunked) { // We're in chunked mode and couldn't find all wanted segments. // We'll read couple more chunks and parse them until we've found everything or hit chunk limit. // EOF = End Of File let eof = false while (remaining.size > 0 && !eof && (file.canReadNextChunk || this.unfinishedMultiSegment)) { let {nextChunkOffset} = file // We might have previously found beginning of segment, but only fitst half of it be read in memory. let hasIncompleteSegments = this.appSegments.some(seg => !this.file.available(seg.offset || seg.start, seg.length || seg.size)) // Start reading where we the next block begins. That way we avoid reading part of file where some jpeg image data may be. // Unless there's an incomplete segment. In this case start reading right where the last chunk ends to get the whole segment. if (offset > nextChunkOffset && !hasIncompleteSegments) eof = !await file.readNextChunk(offset) else eof = !await file.readNextChunk(nextChunkOffset) offset = this.findAppSegmentsInRange(offset, file.byteLength) // search for APP segments was cancelled because we reached raw jpeg image data. if (offset === undefined) return } } } findAppSegmentsInRange(offset, end) { // TLDR: Make space for MARKER and LENGTH. // Don't read right till end. If the last byte is marker, then length is out of bounds and crashes. end -= 2 let {file, findAll, wanted, remaining, options} = this let marker2, length, type, Parser, seg, segOpts for (; offset < end; offset++) { if (file.getUint8(offset) !== MARKER_1) continue // Reading uint8 instead of uint16 to prevent re-reading subsequent bytes. marker2 = file.getUint8(offset + 1) if (isAppMarker(marker2)) { // WE FOUND APP-N SEGMENT length = file.getUint16(offset + 2) type = getSegmentType(file, offset, length) if (type && wanted.has(type)) { // known and parseable segment found Parser = segmentParsers.get(type) seg = Parser.findPosition(file, offset) segOpts = options[type] seg.type = type this.appSegments.push(seg) if (!findAll) { if (Parser.multiSegment && segOpts.multiSegment) { // Found multisegment segment and options allows to process them. this.unfinishedMultiSegment = seg.chunkNumber < seg.chunkCount // Clear the segment from remaining if we've reached the last multi-segment. if (!this.unfinishedMultiSegment) remaining.delete(type) } else { // Not a multisegment or we're not allowed to process them. remaining.delete(type) } // stop parsing alltogether if we've found all requested segments. if (remaining.size === 0) break } } if (options.recordUnknownSegments) { // either unknown/supported appN segment or just a noise. seg = AppSegmentParserBase.findPosition(file, offset) seg.marker = marker2 this.unknownSegments.push(seg) } offset += length + 1 } else if (isJpgMarker(marker2)) { // WE FOUND JPEG FILE STRUCTURE SEGMENT length = file.getUint16(offset + 2) // Compressed data follows after SOS. SOS marker does not have (useful) length bytes. // Lot of FF00 follows but those do not have length either. We can stop reading here. if (marker2 === MARKER_2_SOS && options.stopAfterSos !== false) return undefined if (options.recordJpegSegments) this.jpegSegments.push({offset, length, marker: marker2}) offset += length + 1 } } return offset } // Goes through this.appSegments and merge all segments that are split between multiple chunks. // The processed array is written to this.mergedAppSegments. mergeMultiSegments() { let hasMultiSegments = this.appSegments.some(seg => seg.multiSegment) if (!hasMultiSegments) return let grouped = groupBy(this.appSegments, 'type') this.mergedAppSegments =[type, typeSegments]) => { let Parser = segmentParsers.get(type, this.options) if (Parser.handleMultiSegments) { let chunk = Parser.handleMultiSegments(typeSegments) return {type, chunk} } else { return typeSegments[0] } }) } getSegment(type) { return this.appSegments.find(seg => seg.type === type) } async getOrFindSegment(type) { let seg = this.getSegment(type) if (seg === undefined) { await this.findAppSegments(0, [type]) seg = this.getSegment(type) } return seg } } function groupBy(array, key) { let groups = new Map let item, groupKey, group for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { item = array[i] groupKey = item[key] if (groups.has(groupKey)) group = groups.get(groupKey) else groups.set(groupKey, group = []) group.push(item) } return Array.from(groups) } fileParsers.set('jpeg', JpegFileParser)