import {TAG_MAKERNOTE, TAG_USERCOMMENT} from './tags.mjs' import {TAG_IFD_EXIF, TAG_IFD_GPS, TAG_IFD_INTEROP} from './tags.mjs' import {TAG_XMP, TAG_IPTC, TAG_ICC} from './tags.mjs' import {tagKeys} from './tags.mjs' import * as platform from './util/platform.mjs' import {throwError} from './util/helpers.mjs' import {segmentParsers, throwNotLoaded} from './plugins.mjs' export const chunkedProps = [ 'chunked', 'firstChunkSize', 'firstChunkSizeNode', 'firstChunkSizeBrowser', 'chunkSize', 'chunkLimit', ] // List of other segments besides the tiff/exif itself export const otherSegments = ['jfif', 'xmp', 'icc', 'iptc', 'ihdr'] // List of all other segments export const segments = ['tiff', ...otherSegments] // WARNING: this order is necessary for correctly assigning pick tags. export const tiffBlocks = ['ifd0', 'ifd1', 'exif', 'gps', 'interop'] export const segmentsAndBlocks = [...segments, ...tiffBlocks] export const tiffExtractables = ['makerNote', 'userComment'] export const inheritables = ['translateKeys', 'translateValues', 'reviveValues', 'multiSegment'] export const allFormatters = [...inheritables, 'sanitize', 'mergeOutput', 'silentErrors'] class SharedOptions { get translate() { return this.translateKeys || this.translateValues || this.reviveValues } } class SubOptions extends SharedOptions { enabled = false skip = new Set pick = new Set deps = new Set // tags required by other blocks or segments (IFD pointers, makernotes) translateKeys = false translateValues = false reviveValues = false get needed() { return this.enabled || this.deps.size > 0 } constructor(key, defaultValue, userValue, parent) { super() this.key = key this.enabled = defaultValue // todo: rename to extract this.parse = this.enabled this.applyInheritables(parent) this.canBeFiltered = tiffBlocks.includes(key) if (this.canBeFiltered) this.dict = tagKeys.get(key) if (userValue !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(userValue)) { this.parse = this.enabled = true if (this.canBeFiltered && userValue.length > 0) this.translateTagSet(userValue, this.pick) } else if (typeof userValue === 'object') { this.enabled = true this.parse = userValue.parse !== false if (this.canBeFiltered) { let {pick, skip} = userValue if (pick && pick.length > 0) this.translateTagSet(pick, this.pick) if (skip && skip.length > 0) this.translateTagSet(skip, this.skip) } this.applyInheritables(userValue) } else if (userValue === true || userValue === false) { this.parse = this.enabled = userValue } else { throwError(`Invalid options argument: ${userValue}`) } } } applyInheritables(origin) { let key, val for (key of inheritables) { val = origin[key] if (val !== undefined) this[key] = val } } translateTagSet(inputArray, outputSet) { if (this.dict) { let {tagKeys, tagValues} = this.dict let tag, index for (tag of inputArray) { if (typeof tag === 'string') { index = tagValues.indexOf(tag) if (index === -1) index = tagKeys.indexOf(Number(tag)) if (index !== -1) outputSet.add(Number(tagKeys[index])) } else { outputSet.add(tag) } } } else { for (let tag of inputArray) outputSet.add(tag) } } finalizeFilters() { if (!this.enabled && this.deps.size > 0) { this.enabled = true addToSet(this.pick, this.deps) } else if (this.enabled && this.pick.size > 0) { addToSet(this.pick, this.deps) } } } var defaults = { // APP Segments jfif: false, // jpeg only (jpeg file header) tiff: true, xmp: false, icc: false, iptc: false, // TIFF BLOCKS ifd0: true, // image ifd1: false, // thumbnail exif: true, gps: true, interop: false, // jpeg only // undefined because we don't want Jpeg or Heic file parser to pick it up. // Png parser will use Ihdr implicitly unless it's disabled by user. ihdr: undefined, // png only (png file header) // Notable TIFF tags makerNote: false, userComment: false, // TODO: to be developed in future version, this is just a proposal for future api multiSegment: false, // FILTERS // Array of tags that will be excluded when parsing. // Saves performance because the tags aren't read at all and thus not further processed. // Cannot be used along with 'pick' array. skip: [], // Array of the only tags that will be parsed. Those that are not specified will be ignored. // Extremely saves performance because only selected few tags are processed. // Useful for extracting few informations from a batch of many photos. // Cannot be used along with 'skip' array. pick: [], // OUTPUT FORMATTERS translateKeys: true, translateValues: true, reviveValues: true, // Removes IFD pointers and other artifacts (useless for user) from output. sanitize: true, // Changes output format by merging all segments and blocks into single object. // NOTE = Causes loss of thumbnail EXIF data. mergeOutput: true, // Fails silently and logs the file errors in output.errors instead of throwing error. silentErrors: true, // CHUNKED READER // true - forces reading the whole file // undefined - allows reading additional chunks of size `chunkSize` (chunked mode) // false - does not allow reading additional chunks beyond `firstChunkSize` (chunked mode) chunked: true, // Size of the chunk that can be scanned for EXIF. firstChunkSize: undefined, // Size of the chunk that can be scanned for EXIF. Used by node.js. firstChunkSizeNode: 512, // In browser its sometimes better to download larger chunk in hope that it contains the // whole EXIF (and not just its begining like in case of firstChunkSizeNode) in prevetion // of additional loading and fetching. firstChunkSizeBrowser: 65536, // 64kb // Size of subsequent chunks that are read after first chunk (if needed) chunkSize: 65536, // 64kb // Maximum amount of additional chunks allowed to read in chunk mode. // If the requested segments aren't parsed within N chunks (64*3 = 192kb) they probably aren't in the file. chunkLimit: 5, } var existingInstances = new Map export class Options extends SharedOptions { // exporting for user to change static default = defaults static useCached(userOptions) { let options = existingInstances.get(userOptions) if (options !== undefined) return options options = new this(userOptions) existingInstances.set(userOptions, options) return options } constructor(userOptions) { super() if (userOptions === true) this.setupFromTrue() else if (userOptions === undefined) this.setupFromUndefined() else if (Array.isArray(userOptions)) this.setupFromArray(userOptions) else if (typeof userOptions === 'object') this.setupFromObject(userOptions) else throwError(`Invalid options argument ${userOptions}`) if (this.firstChunkSize === undefined) this.firstChunkSize = platform.browser ? this.firstChunkSizeBrowser : this.firstChunkSizeNode // thumbnail contains the same tags as ifd0. they're not necessary when `mergeOutput` if (this.mergeOutput) this.ifd1.enabled = false // translate global pick/skip tags & copy them to local segment/block settings // handle the tiff->ifd0->exif->makernote pick dependency tree. // this also adds picks to blocks & segments to efficiently parse through tiff. this.filterNestedSegmentTags() this.traverseTiffDependencyTree() this.checkLoadedPlugins() } setupFromUndefined() { let key for (key of chunkedProps) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of allFormatters) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of tiffExtractables) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of segmentsAndBlocks) this[key] = new SubOptions(key, defaults[key], undefined, this) } setupFromTrue() { let key for (key of chunkedProps) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of allFormatters) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of tiffExtractables) this[key] = true for (key of segmentsAndBlocks) this[key] = new SubOptions(key, true, undefined, this) } setupFromArray(userOptions) { let key for (key of chunkedProps) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of allFormatters) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of tiffExtractables) this[key] = defaults[key] for (key of segmentsAndBlocks) this[key] = new SubOptions(key, false, undefined, this) this.setupGlobalFilters(userOptions, undefined, tiffBlocks) } setupFromObject(userOptions) { tiffBlocks.ifd0 = tiffBlocks.ifd0 || tiffBlocks.image tiffBlocks.ifd1 = tiffBlocks.ifd1 || tiffBlocks.thumbnail let key // needed for adding additional (and internal options properties like stopAfterSos for jpg) Object.assign(this, userOptions) for (key of chunkedProps) this[key] = getDefined(userOptions[key], defaults[key]) for (key of allFormatters) this[key] = getDefined(userOptions[key], defaults[key]) for (key of tiffExtractables) this[key] = getDefined(userOptions[key], defaults[key]) for (key of segments) this[key] = new SubOptions(key, defaults[key], userOptions[key], this) for (key of tiffBlocks) this[key] = new SubOptions(key, defaults[key], userOptions[key], this.tiff) this.setupGlobalFilters(userOptions.pick, userOptions.skip, tiffBlocks, segmentsAndBlocks) if (userOptions.tiff === true) this.batchEnableWithBool(tiffBlocks, true) else if (userOptions.tiff === false) this.batchEnableWithUserValue(tiffBlocks, userOptions) else if (Array.isArray(userOptions.tiff)) this.setupGlobalFilters(userOptions.tiff, undefined, tiffBlocks) else if (typeof userOptions.tiff === 'object') this.setupGlobalFilters(userOptions.tiff.pick, userOptions.tiff.skip, tiffBlocks) } batchEnableWithBool(keys, value) { for (let key of keys) this[key].enabled = value } batchEnableWithUserValue(keys, userOptions) { for (let key of keys) { let userOption = userOptions[key] this[key].enabled = userOption !== false && userOption !== undefined } } setupGlobalFilters(pick, skip, dictKeys, disableableSegsAndBlocks = dictKeys) { if (pick && pick.length) { // if we're only picking, we can safely disable all other blocks and segments for (let blockKey of disableableSegsAndBlocks) this[blockKey].enabled = false let entries = findScopesForGlobalTagArray(pick, dictKeys) for (let [blockKey, tags] of entries) { addToSet(this[blockKey].pick, tags) // the blocks of tags from global picks are the only blocks we'll parse. this[blockKey].enabled = true } } else if (skip && skip.length) { let entries = findScopesForGlobalTagArray(skip, dictKeys) for (let [segKey, tags] of entries) addToSet(this[segKey].skip, tags) } } // XMP, IPTC can ICC can be stored as a tag in TIFF (in .tif files). // This method adds them to skip list if these segments are not requested. // Also applies to MakerNote and UserComment filterNestedSegmentTags() { let {ifd0, exif, xmp, iptc, icc} = this // not segments, regular but notable TIFF tags if (this.makerNote) exif.deps.add(TAG_MAKERNOTE) else exif.skip.add(TAG_MAKERNOTE) if (this.userComment) exif.deps.add(TAG_USERCOMMENT) else exif.skip.add(TAG_USERCOMMENT) // segments that can be stored as tags (but only?? in .tiff) // note: not adding as deps because that is requested only in .tif file parser if (!xmp.enabled) ifd0.skip.add(TAG_XMP) if (!iptc.enabled) ifd0.skip.add(TAG_IPTC) if (!icc.enabled) ifd0.skip.add(TAG_ICC) } // INVESTIGATE: can this be moved to Tiff Segment parser? traverseTiffDependencyTree() { let {ifd0, exif, gps, interop} = this // interop pointer can be often found in EXIF besides IFD0. if (interop.needed) { exif.deps.add(TAG_IFD_INTEROP) ifd0.deps.add(TAG_IFD_INTEROP) } // exif needs to go after interop. Exif may be needed for interop, and then ifd0 for exif if (exif.needed) ifd0.deps.add(TAG_IFD_EXIF) if (gps.needed) ifd0.deps.add(TAG_IFD_GPS) this.tiff.enabled = tiffBlocks.some(key => this[key].enabled === true) || this.makerNote || this.userComment // reenable all the blocks with pick or deps and lock in deps into picks if needed. for (let key of tiffBlocks) this[key].finalizeFilters() } get onlyTiff() { let bools = => this[key].enabled) if (bools.some(bool => bool === true)) return false return this.tiff.enabled } checkLoadedPlugins() { for (let key of segments) if (this[key].enabled && !segmentParsers.has(key)) throwNotLoaded('segment parser', key) } } function findScopesForGlobalTagArray(tagArray, dictKeys) { let scopes = [] let dict, scopedTags, blockKey, tagEntry for (blockKey of dictKeys) { dict = tagKeys.get(blockKey) scopedTags = [] for (tagEntry of dict) { // NOTE: not expading tagEntry into [key, val] because of performance if (tagArray.includes(tagEntry[0]) || tagArray.includes(tagEntry[1])) scopedTags.push(tagEntry[0]) } if (scopedTags.length) scopes.push([blockKey, scopedTags]) } return scopes } function getDefined(arg1, arg2) { if (arg1 !== undefined) return arg1 if (arg2 !== undefined) return arg2 } function addToSet(target, source) { for (let item of source) target.add(item) }