import {BufferView} from './util/BufferView.mjs' import {Options} from './options.mjs' import {tagKeys, tagValues, tagRevivers} from './tags.mjs' import {throwError} from './util/helpers.mjs' import {segmentParsers} from './plugins.mjs' const MAX_APP_SIZE = 65536 // 64kb const DEFAULT = 'DEFAULT' export class FileParserBase { constructor(options, file, parsers) { if (this.extendOptions) this.extendOptions(options) this.options = options this.file = file this.parsers = parsers } errors = [] injectSegment(type, chunk) { if (this.options[type].enabled) this.createParser(type, chunk) } createParser(type, chunk) { let Parser = segmentParsers.get(type) let parser = new Parser(chunk, this.options, this.file) return this.parsers[type] = parser } // NOTE: This method was created to be reusable and not just one off. Mainly due to parsing ifd0 before thumbnail extraction. // But also because we want to enable advanced users selectively add and execute parser on the fly. createParsers(segments) { // IDEA: dynamic loading through import(parser.type) ??? // We would need to know the type of segment, but we dont since its implemented in parser itself. // I.E. Unless we first load apropriate parser, the segment is of unknown type. for (let segment of segments) { let {type, chunk} = segment let segOpts = this.options[type] if (segOpts && segOpts.enabled) { let parser = this.parsers[type] if (parser && parser.append) { // TODO multisegment: to be implemented. or deleted. some types of data may be split into multiple APP segments (FLIR, maybe ICC) //parser.append(chunk) } else if (!parser) { this.createParser(type, chunk) } } } } async readSegments(segments) { //let ranges = new Ranges(this.appSegments) //await Promise.all( => this.file.ensureChunk(range.offset, range.length))) let promises = await Promise.all(promises) } // TODO: deprecate ensureSegmentChunk = async seg => { let start = seg.start let size = seg.size || MAX_APP_SIZE if (this.file.chunked) { if (this.file.available(start, size)) { seg.chunk = this.file.subarray(start, size) } else { try { seg.chunk = await this.file.readChunk(start, size) } catch (err) { throwError(`Couldn't read segment: ${JSON.stringify(seg)}. ${err.message}`) } } } else if (this.file.byteLength > start + size) { seg.chunk = this.file.subarray(start, size) } else if (seg.size === undefined) { // we dont know the length of segment and the file is much smaller than the fallback size of 64kbs (MAX_APP_SIZE) seg.chunk = this.file.subarray(start) } else { throwError(`Segment unreachable: ` + JSON.stringify(seg)) } return seg.chunk } } /* offset = where FF En starts length = size of the whole APPn segment (header/marker + content) start = start of the content size = size of the content. i.e. from start till end end = end of the content (as well as the APPn segment) */ export class AppSegmentParserBase { static headerLength = 4 // name. Couldn't use static name property because it is used by contructor name static type = undefined // The data may span multiple APP segments. static multiSegment = false static canHandle = () => false // offset + length === end | begining and end of the whole segment, including the segment header 0xFF 0xEn + two lenght bytes. // start + size === end | begining and end of parseable content static findPosition(buffer, offset) { // length at offset+2 is the size of APPn content plus the two appN length bytes. it does not include te appN 0xFF 0xEn marker. let length = buffer.getUint16(offset + 2) + 2 let headerLength = typeof this.headerLength === 'function' ? this.headerLength(buffer, offset, length) : this.headerLength let start = offset + headerLength let size = length - headerLength let end = start + size return {offset, length, headerLength, start, size, end} } static parse(input, segOptions = {}) { let options = new Options({[this.type]: segOptions}) let instance = new this(input, options) return instance.parse() } normalizeInput(input) { return input instanceof BufferView ? input : new BufferView(input) } errors = [] // raw parsed tags raw = new Map constructor(chunk, options = {}, file) { // BufferView instance of the segment chunk. Possibly a subview of the same memory shared with this.file this.chunk = this.normalizeInput(chunk) // BufferView instance of the whole file. this.file = file this.type = this.constructor.type this.globalOptions = this.options = options // todo: rename to fileOptions ??? this.localOptions = options[this.type] // todo: rename to this.options this.canTranslate = this.localOptions && this.localOptions.translate } // can be overriden by parses (namely TIFF) that inherits from this base class. translate() { if (this.canTranslate) this.translated = this.translateBlock(this.raw, this.type) } get output() { if (this.translated) return this.translated else if (this.raw) return Object.fromEntries(this.raw) } // split into separate function so that it can be used by TIFF but shared with other parsers. translateBlock(rawTags, blockKey) { let revivers = tagRevivers.get(blockKey) let valDict = tagValues.get(blockKey) let keyDict = tagKeys.get(blockKey) let blockOptions = this.options[blockKey] // todo: refactor tiff so this isn't needed anymore (in favor of segOptions & options) let canRevive = blockOptions.reviveValues && !!revivers let canTranslateVal = blockOptions.translateValues && !!valDict let canTranslateKey = blockOptions.translateKeys && !!keyDict let output = {} for (let [key, val] of rawTags) { if (canRevive && revivers.has(key)) val = revivers.get(key)(val) else if (canTranslateVal && valDict.has(key)) val = this.translateValue(val, valDict.get(key)) if (canTranslateKey && keyDict.has(key)) key = keyDict.get(key) || key output[key] = val } return output } // can be overriden by parses (namely ICC) that inherits from this base class. translateValue(val, tagEnum) { return tagEnum[val] || tagEnum[DEFAULT] || val } handleError = error => { if (this.options.silentErrors) this.errors.push(error.message) else throw error } assignToOutput(root, parserOutput) { this.assignObjectToOutput(root, this.constructor.type, parserOutput) } assignObjectToOutput(root, key, parserOutput) { if (this.globalOptions.mergeOutput) return Object.assign(root, parserOutput) if (root[key]) Object.assign(root[key], parserOutput) else root[key] = parserOutput } } const isDefined = val => val !== undefined const findDefined = (...values) => values.find(isDefined)