import * as platform from './util/platform.mjs' import {BufferView} from './util/BufferView.mjs' import {throwError} from './util/helpers.mjs' import {fileReaders} from './plugins.mjs' // TODO: - API for including 3rd party XML parser const INVALID_INPUT = 'Invalid input argument' export function read(arg, options) { if (typeof arg === 'string') return readString(arg, options) else if (platform.browser && !platform.worker && arg instanceof HTMLImageElement) return readString(arg.src, options) else if (arg instanceof Uint8Array || arg instanceof ArrayBuffer || arg instanceof DataView) return new BufferView(arg) else if (platform.browser && arg instanceof Blob) return callReader(arg, options, 'blob', readBlobAsArrayBuffer) else throwError(INVALID_INPUT) } function readString(arg, options) { if (isBase64Url(arg)) return callReaderClass(arg, options, 'base64') else if (platform.browser) return callReader(arg, options, 'url', fetchUrlAsArrayBuffer) else if (platform.node) return callReaderClass(arg, options, 'fs') else throwError(INVALID_INPUT) } async function callReader(url, options, readerName, readerFn) { if (fileReaders.has(readerName)) return callReaderClass(url, options, readerName) else if (readerFn) return callReaderFunction(url, readerFn) else throwError(`Parser ${readerName} is not loaded`) } async function callReaderClass(input, options, readerName) { let Reader = fileReaders.get(readerName) let file = new Reader(input, options) await return file } async function callReaderFunction(input, readerFn) { let rawData = await readerFn(input) return new BufferView(rawData) } // FALLBACK FULL-FILE READERS (when ChunkedReader and the classes aren't available) export async function fetchUrlAsArrayBuffer(url) { return fetch(url).then(res => res.arrayBuffer()) } export async function readBlobAsArrayBuffer(blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let reader = new FileReader() reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result || new ArrayBuffer) reader.onerror = reject reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob) }) } // HELPER FUNCTIONS function isBase64Url(string) { return string.startsWith('data:') || string.length > 10000 // naive }