import {throwError} from './helpers.mjs' import {hasBuffer} from '../util/platform.mjs' const arrayToCharCode = arr => String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr) const utf8decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== 'undefined' ? new TextDecoder('utf-8') : undefined export function uint8ArrayToUtf8String(uint8array) { if (utf8decoder) return utf8decoder.decode(uint8array) else if (hasBuffer) return Buffer.from(uint8array).toString('utf8') else return decodeURIComponent(escape(arrayToCharCode(uint8array))) } // NOTE: EXIF strings are ASCII encoded, but since ASCII is subset of UTF-8 // we can safely use it along with TextDecoder API. export function toAsciiString(arg) { if (typeof arg !== 'string') return uint8ArrayToUtf8String(arg) else return arg } export class BufferView { static from(arg, le) { if (arg instanceof this && arg.le === le) return arg else return new BufferView(arg, undefined, undefined, le) } constructor(arg, offset = 0, length, le) { if (typeof le === 'boolean') this.le = le if (Array.isArray(arg)) arg = new Uint8Array(arg) if (arg === 0) { this.byteOffset = 0 this.byteLength = 0 } else if (arg instanceof ArrayBuffer) { if (length === undefined) length = arg.byteLength - offset let dataView = new DataView(arg, offset, length) this._swapDataView(dataView) } else if (arg instanceof Uint8Array || arg instanceof DataView || arg instanceof BufferView) { // Node.js Buffer is also instance of Uint8Array, but small ones are backed // by single large ArrayBuffer pool, so we always need to check for arg.byteOffset. if (length === undefined) length = arg.byteLength - offset offset += arg.byteOffset if (offset + length > arg.byteOffset + arg.byteLength) throwError('Creating view outside of available memory in ArrayBuffer') let dataView = new DataView(arg.buffer, offset, length) this._swapDataView(dataView) } else if (typeof arg === 'number') { let dataView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(arg)) this._swapDataView(dataView) } else { throwError('Invalid input argument for BufferView: ' + arg) } } _swapArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) { this._swapDataView(new DataView(arrayBuffer)) } _swapBuffer(uint8) { this._swapDataView(new DataView(uint8.buffer, uint8.byteOffset, uint8.byteLength)) } _swapDataView(dataView) { this.dataView = dataView this.buffer = dataView.buffer this.byteOffset = dataView.byteOffset this.byteLength = dataView.byteLength } _lengthToEnd(offset) { return this.byteLength - offset } set(arg, offset, Class = BufferView) { if (arg instanceof DataView || arg instanceof BufferView) arg = new Uint8Array(arg.buffer, arg.byteOffset, arg.byteLength) else if (arg instanceof ArrayBuffer) arg = new Uint8Array(arg) if (!(arg instanceof Uint8Array)) throwError(`BufferView.set(): Invalid data argument.`) let uintView = this.toUint8() uintView.set(arg, offset) return new Class(this, offset, arg.byteLength) } subarray(offset, length) { length = length || this._lengthToEnd(offset) return new BufferView(this, offset, length) } // Use this for working with the same memory. // Returns Uint8Array view over the same memory of ArrayBuffer as the internal DataView. toUint8() { return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset, this.byteLength) } // Use this for reading data. // Returns Uint8Array from given point in the chunk. Properly start at the begining of the chunk, // regardles of where the chunk is in the ArrayBuffer. getUint8Array(offset, length) { return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + offset, length) } getString(offset = 0, length = this.byteLength) { let arr = this.getUint8Array(offset, length) return uint8ArrayToUtf8String(arr) } getLatin1String(offset = 0, length = this.byteLength) { let arr = this.getUint8Array(offset, length) return arrayToCharCode(arr) } // TODO: refactor getUnicodeString(offset = 0, length = this.byteLength) { // cannot use Uint16Array because it uses the other fucking endian order. const chars = [] for (let i = 0; i < length && offset + i < this.byteLength; i += 2) chars.push(this.getUint16(offset + i)) return arrayToCharCode(chars) } getInt8(offset) {return this.dataView.getInt8(offset)} getUint8(offset) {return this.dataView.getUint8(offset)} getInt16(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getInt16(offset, le)} getInt32(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getInt32(offset, le)} getUint16(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getUint16(offset, le)} getUint32(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getUint32(offset, le)} getFloat32(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getFloat32(offset, le)} getFloat64(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getFloat64(offset, le)} getFloat(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getFloat32(offset, le)} getDouble(offset, le = this.le) {return this.dataView.getFloat64(offset, le)} // todo: investiage - can this be removed? getUintBytes(offset, bytes, le) { switch (bytes) { case 1: return this.getUint8(offset, le) case 2: return this.getUint16(offset, le) case 4: return this.getUint32(offset, le) // Extension only required for parsing HEIC, implemented in separate file. case 8: return this.getUint64 && this.getUint64(offset, le) } } // todo: investiage - can this be removed? getUint(offset, size, le) { switch (size) { case 8: return this.getUint8(offset, le) case 16: return this.getUint16(offset, le) case 32: return this.getUint32(offset, le) // Extension only required for parsing HEIC, implemented in separate file. case 64: return this.getUint64 && this.getUint64(offset, le) } } toString(arg) { return this.dataView.toString(arg, } // do not delete ensureChunk() {} }