# Quickstart ## How To Process Images In this tutorial we'll explore how to process an orthophoto from a set of aerial images using Python. To do that we'll need to: - Authenticate - Create a [Project](#project). Projects are a way to group together related [Task](#task) items - Upload some images to create a [Task](#task) - Check for [Task](#task) progress. Photogrammetry can take a long time, so results could take a few minutes to a few hours to be processed. - Download the resulting orthophoto. ```python import requests res = requests.post('http://localhost:8000/api/token-auth/', data={'username': 'admin', 'password': 'admin'}).json() token = res['token'] ``` First, we authenticate with WebODM. A `token` is returned when authentication is successful.
```python res = requests.post('http://localhost:8000/api/projects/', headers={'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(token)}, data={'name': 'Hello WebODM!'}).json() project_id = res['id'] ``` Then we need to create a [Project](#project). We pass our `token` via the `Authorization` header. If we forget to pass this header, the system will not authenticate us and will refuse to process the request. We also assign a `name` to our project. ```python images = [ ('images', ('image1.jpg', open('image1.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/jpg')), ('images', ('image2.jpg', open('image2.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/jpg')), # ... ] options = json.dumps([ {'name': "orthophoto-resolution", 'value': 24} ]) res = requests.post('http://localhost:8000/api/projects/{}/tasks/'.format(project_id), headers={'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(token)}, files=images, data={ 'options': options }).json() task_id = res['id'] ``` We can then create a [Task](#task). The only required parameter is a list of multiple, multipart-encoded `images`. Processing will start automatically as soon as a [Processing Node](#processing-node) is available. It is possible to specify additional options by passing an `options` value, which is a JSON-encoded list of name/value pairs. Several other options are available. See the [Task - Processing Options](#processing-options) reference for more information. ```python while True: res = requests.get('http://localhost:8000/api/projects/{}/tasks/{}/'.format(project_id, task_id), headers={'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(token)}).json() if res['status'] == status_codes.COMPLETED: print("Task has completed!") break elif res['status'] == status_codes.FAILED: print("Task failed: {}".format(res)) sys.exit(1) else: print("Processing, hold on...") time.sleep(3) ``` We periodically check for the [Task](#task) status using a loop. ```python res = requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/projects/{}/tasks/{}/download/orthophoto.tif".format(project_id, task_id), headers={'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(token)}, stream=True) with open("orthophoto.tif", 'wb') as f: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) print("Saved ./orthophoto.tif") ``` Our orthophoto is ready to be downloaded. A variety of other assets, including a dense 3D point cloud and a textured model [are also available](#download-assets). Congratulations! You just processed some images.