#!/bin/bash set -e ## build ARGs NCPUS=${NCPUS:--1} # shellcheck source=/dev/null source /etc/os-release # always set this for scripts but don't declare as ENV.. export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # a function to install apt packages only if they are not installed function apt_install() { if ! dpkg -s "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$(find /var/lib/apt/lists/* | wc -l)" = "0" ]; then apt-get update fi apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends "$@" fi } apt_install \ cmake \ curl \ default-jdk \ fonts-roboto \ ghostscript \ hugo \ less \ libbz2-dev \ libglpk-dev \ libgmp3-dev \ libfribidi-dev \ libharfbuzz-dev \ libhunspell-dev \ libicu-dev \ liblzma-dev \ libmagick++-dev \ libopenmpi-dev \ libpcre2-dev \ libssl-dev \ libv8-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt1-dev \ libzmq3-dev \ qpdf \ texinfo \ software-properties-common \ vim \ wget # libgit2-dev also depends on the libcurl4-gnutils in bionic but not on focal # cran PPA is a super-stable solution to this if [ "${UBUNTU_CODENAME}" == "bionic" ]; then add-apt-repository -y ppa:cran/travis fi # librdf0-dev depends on libcurl4-gnutils-dev instead of libcurl4-openssl-dev... # So: we can build the redland package bindings and then swap back to libcurl-openssl-dev... (ick) # explicitly install runtime library sub-deps of librdf0-dev so they are not auto-removed. apt_install librdf0-dev install2.r --error --skipinstalled -n "$NCPUS" redland apt_install \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libgit2-dev \ libxslt-dev \ librdf0 \ redland-utils \ rasqal-utils \ raptor2-utils apt-get remove -y systemd apt-get -y autoremove ## Add LaTeX, rticles and bookdown support ## tinytex recommends a dummy texlive if using tlmgr manually if [[ ! -x "/usr/bin/latex" ]]; then wget "https://travis-bin.yihui.name/texlive-local.deb" dpkg -i texlive-local.deb rm texlive-local.deb fi ## Install texlive /rocker_scripts/install_texlive.sh install2.r --error --skipinstalled -n "$NCPUS" tinytex install2.r --error --skipmissing --deps TRUE --skipinstalled -n "$NCPUS" \ blogdown \ bookdown \ distill \ rticles \ rmdshower \ rJava \ xaringan # Clean up rm -rf /tmp/downloaded_packages rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ## Strip binary installed lybraries from RSPM ## https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker-versioned2/issues/340 strip /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/*/libs/*.so