// Copyright (c) 2017 Geometry Factory // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Point_set_processing_3/include/CGAL/IO/write_las_points.h $ // $Id: write_las_points.h c253679 2020-04-18T16:27:58+02:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Simon Giraudot #ifndef CGAL_WRITE_LAS_POINTS_H #define CGAL_WRITE_LAS_POINTS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable:4251) // DLL warning from LASlib #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing" #endif #define USE_AS_DLL #include #include #include #undef USE_AS_DLL #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #include #include namespace CGAL { /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOLas Generates a %LAS property handler to write 3D points. \sa `write_las_points_with_properties()` \tparam PointMap the property map used to store points. */ template std::tuple make_las_point_writer(PointMap point_map) { return std::make_tuple (point_map, LAS_property::X(), LAS_property::Y(), LAS_property::Z()); } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL namespace internal { namespace LAS { inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned short& v, LAS_property::Intensity&) { r.set_intensity(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Return_number&) { r.set_return_number(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Number_of_returns&) { r.set_number_of_returns(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Scan_direction_flag&) { r.set_scan_direction_flag(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Edge_of_flight_line&) { r.set_edge_of_flight_line(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Classification&) { r.set_classification(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Synthetic_flag&) { r.set_synthetic_flag(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Keypoint_flag&) { r.set_keypoint_flag(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::Withheld_flag&) { r.set_withheld_flag(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const float& v, LAS_property::Scan_angle&) { r.set_scan_angle_rank(char(v)); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned char& v, LAS_property::User_data&) { r.set_user_data(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned short& v, LAS_property::Point_source_ID&) { r.set_point_source_ID(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned int& v, LAS_property::Deleted_flag&) { r.set_deleted_flag(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const double& v, LAS_property::GPS_time&) { r.set_gps_time(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned short& v, LAS_property::R&) { r.set_R(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned short& v, LAS_property::G&) { r.set_G(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned short& v, LAS_property::B&) { r.set_B(v); } inline void output_value(LASpoint& r, const unsigned short& v, LAS_property::I&) { r.set_I(v); } template void output_properties (LASpoint&, ForwardIterator) { } template void output_properties (LASpoint& point, ForwardIterator it, std::pair&& current) { output_value (point, get(current.first, *it), current.second); } template void output_properties (LASpoint& point, ForwardIterator it, std::pair&& current, NextPropertyHandler&& next, PropertyHandler&& ... properties) { output_value (point, get(current.first, *it), current.second); output_properties (point, it, std::forward(next), std::forward(properties)...); } } // namespace LAS } // namespace internal /// \endcond /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOLas Saves the range of `points` with properties to a .las stream. Properties are handled through a variadic list of property handlers. A `PropertyHandle` is a `std::pair` used to write a scalar value `LAS_property::Tag::type` as a %LAS property (for example, writing an `int` vairable as an `int` %LAS property). An exception is used for points that are written using a `std::tuple` object. See documentation of `read_las_points_with_properties()` for the list of available `LAS_property::Tag` classes. \sa `make_las_point_writer()` \cgalRequiresCPP11 \tparam PointRange is a model of `ConstRange`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \tparam PointMap is a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with a value_type = `CGAL::Point_3`. \tparam PropertyHandler handlers to recover properties. \return `true` on success. */ template bool write_las_points_with_properties (std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream. const PointRange& points, ///< input point range. std::tuple point_property, ///< property handler for points PropertyHandler&& ... properties) ///< parameter pack of property handlers { CGAL_point_set_processing_precondition(points.begin() != points.end()); if(!stream) { std::cerr << "Error: cannot open file" << std::endl; return false; } CGAL::Bbox_3 bbox = CGAL::bbox_3 (boost::make_transform_iterator (points.begin(), CGAL::Property_map_to_unary_function(std::get<0>(point_property))), boost::make_transform_iterator (points.end(), CGAL::Property_map_to_unary_function(std::get<0>(point_property)))); LASheader header; header.x_scale_factor = 1e-9 * (bbox.xmax() - bbox.xmin()); header.y_scale_factor = 1e-9 * (bbox.ymax() - bbox.ymin()); header.z_scale_factor = 1e-9 * (bbox.zmax() - bbox.zmin()); header.x_offset = bbox.xmin(); header.y_offset = bbox.ymin(); header.z_offset = bbox.zmin(); header.point_data_format = 3; header.point_data_record_length = 34; LASpoint laspoint; laspoint.init(&header, header.point_data_format, header.point_data_record_length, 0); LASwriterLAS laswriter; laswriter.open (stream, &header); // Write positions + normals for(typename PointRange::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++) { const typename PointMap::value_type& p = get(std::get<0>(point_property), *it); laspoint.set_X ((unsigned int)((p.x() - header.x_offset) / header.x_scale_factor)); laspoint.set_Y ((unsigned int)((p.y() - header.y_offset) / header.y_scale_factor)); laspoint.set_Z ((unsigned int)((p.z() - header.z_offset) / header.z_scale_factor)); internal::LAS::output_properties (laspoint, it, std::forward(properties)...); laswriter.write_point (&laspoint); laswriter.update_inventory(&laspoint); } laswriter.update_header(&header, TRUE); laswriter.close(); return ! stream.fail(); } /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOLas Saves the range of `points` (positions only) to a .las stream. \tparam PointRange is a model of `ConstRange`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \param stream output stream. \param points input point range. \param np an optional sequence of \ref bgl_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below \cgalNamedParamsBegin \cgalParamNBegin{point_map} \cgalParamDescription{a property map associating points to the elements of the point range} \cgalParamType{a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with value type `geom_traits::Point_3`} \cgalParamDefault{`CGAL::Identity_property_map`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalParamNBegin{geom_traits} \cgalParamDescription{an instance of a geometric traits class} \cgalParamType{a model of `Kernel`} \cgalParamDefault{a \cgal Kernel deduced from the point type, using `CGAL::Kernel_traits`} \cgalParamNEnd \cgalNamedParamsEnd \return true on success. \cgalRequiresCPP11 */ template < typename PointRange, typename NamedParameters> bool write_las_points( std::ostream& stream, const PointRange& points, const NamedParameters& np) { using parameters::choose_parameter; using parameters::get_parameter; typedef typename CGAL::GetPointMap::type PointMap; PointMap point_map = choose_parameter(get_parameter(np, internal_np::point_map)); return write_las_points_with_properties (stream, points, make_las_point_writer(point_map)); } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // variant with default NP template < typename PointRange> bool write_las_points( std::ostream& stream, const PointRange& points) { return write_las_points (stream, points, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default(points)); } #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE // deprecated API template < typename ForwardIterator, typename PointMap > CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::write_las_points(), please update your code") bool write_las_points( std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream. ForwardIterator first, ///< first input point. ForwardIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end input point. PointMap point_map) ///< property map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3. { CGAL::Iterator_range points (first, beyond); return write_las_points (stream, points, CGAL::parameters::point_map(point_map)); } // deprecated API template < typename ForwardIterator > CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::write_las_points(), please update your code") bool write_las_points( std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream. ForwardIterator first, ///< first input point. ForwardIterator beyond) ///< past-the-end input point. { CGAL::Iterator_range points (first, beyond); return write_las_points (stream, points); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /// \endcond } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_WRITE_LAS_POINTS_H