// Copyright (c) 2004-2007 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // Copyright (c) 2008 GeometryFactory, Sophia Antipolis (France) // Copyright (c) 2009 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Mesh_3/include/CGAL/Mesh_3/Slivers_exuder.h $ // $Id: Slivers_exuder.h 4fc2f59 2020-07-31T16:17:56+02:00 Laurent Rineau // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Laurent Rineau, Stephane Tayeb #ifndef CGAL_MESH_3_SLIVERS_EXUDER_H #define CGAL_MESH_3_SLIVERS_EXUDER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // std::setprecision #include // std::cerr/cout #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING # define CGAL_PROFILE # include #endif #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB # include #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_VERBOSE #define CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE #endif namespace CGAL { namespace Mesh_3 { namespace details { // various function objects // That functor Second_of takes a pair as input (the value type of a // map), and returns the ".second" member of that pair. It is used in // Slivers_exuder, to constructor a transform iterator. // It should be doable using STL bind operators, but i am not sure how // to use them. -- Laurent Rineau, 2007/07/27 template struct Second_of : public CGAL::cpp98::unary_function { typedef CGAL::cpp98::unary_function Base; typedef typename Base::result_type result_type; typedef typename Base::argument_type argument_type; const typename Map::mapped_type& operator()(const typename Map::value_type& p) const { return p.second; } }; // end class Second_of } // end namespace details /************************************************ // Class Slivers_exuder_base // Two versions: sequential / parallel ************************************************/ // Sequential template class Slivers_exuder_base { protected: typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef std::vector Cell_vector; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; typedef typename std::vector Bad_vertices_vector; typedef typename Tr::Lock_data_structure Lock_data_structure; // A priority queue ordered on Tet quality (SliverCriteria) typedef CGAL::Double_map Tet_priority_queue; typedef typename Tet_priority_queue::reverse_iterator Queue_iterator; typedef typename Tet_priority_queue::Reverse_entry Queue_value_type; Slivers_exuder_base(const Bbox_3 &, int) {} Lock_data_structure * get_lock_data_structure() const { return 0; } void unlock_all_elements() const {} void create_task_group() const {} bool flush_work_buffers() const { return true; } void wait_for_all() const {} void destroy_trask_group() const {} template void enqueue_work(Func, FT) const {} protected: Cell_handle extract_cell_handle_from_queue_value(const Queue_value_type &qv) const { return qv.second; } FT extract_cell_quality_from_queue_value(const Queue_value_type &qv) const { return qv.first; } unsigned int extract_erase_counter_from_queue_value(const Queue_value_type &) const { return 0; } // Dummy unsigned int erase_counter(const Cell_handle &) const { return 0; } std::size_t cells_queue_size() const { return cells_queue_.size(); } bool cells_queue_empty() const { return cells_queue_.empty(); } Queue_iterator cells_queue_front() { return cells_queue_.front(); } void cells_queue_pop_front() { cells_queue_.pop_front(); } void cells_queue_clear() { cells_queue_.clear(); } void cells_queue_insert(const Cell_handle &ch, FT quality_value) { cells_queue_.insert(ch, quality_value); } /** * A functor to remove one \c Cell_handle from a priority queue */ class Erase_from_queue { public: Erase_from_queue(Tet_priority_queue& queue) : r_queue_(queue) { } void operator()(const Cell_handle& cell) { r_queue_.erase(cell); } private: Tet_priority_queue& r_queue_; }; /** * Delete cells of \c cells from \c cells_queue */ void delete_cells_from_queue(const Cell_vector& cells) { std::for_each(cells.begin(), cells.end(), Erase_from_queue(cells_queue_)); } private: Tet_priority_queue cells_queue_; }; // The debug version of the VC++ testsuite gets a timeout when using TBB, so let's disable it #if defined( CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB ) && ( !defined (BOOST_MSVC) || !defined( _DEBUG ) || !defined (CGAL_TEST_SUITE) ) // Parallel template class Slivers_exuder_base { protected: typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef std::vector Cell_vector; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; typedef typename tbb::concurrent_vector Bad_vertices_vector; typedef typename Tr::Lock_data_structure Lock_data_structure; // A priority queue ordered on Tet quality (SliverCriteria) typedef std::multimap< FT, std::pair > Tet_priority_queue; typedef typename Tet_priority_queue::iterator Queue_iterator; typedef typename Tet_priority_queue::value_type Queue_value_type; Slivers_exuder_base(const Bbox_3 &bbox, int num_grid_cells_per_axis) : m_lock_ds(bbox, num_grid_cells_per_axis) , m_worksharing_ds(bbox) { } Lock_data_structure *get_lock_data_structure() const { return &m_lock_ds; } void unlock_all_elements() const { m_lock_ds.unlock_all_points_locked_by_this_thread(); } void create_task_group() const { m_task_group = new tbb::task_group; } bool flush_work_buffers() const { bool keep_flushing = m_worksharing_ds.flush_work_buffers(*m_task_group); wait_for_all(); return keep_flushing; } void wait_for_all() const { m_task_group->wait(); } void destroy_trask_group() const { delete m_task_group; m_task_group = 0; } template void enqueue_work(Func f, FT value) const { CGAL_assertion(m_task_group != 0); m_worksharing_ds.enqueue_work(f, value, *m_task_group); } public: protected: Cell_handle extract_cell_handle_from_queue_value(const Queue_value_type &qv) const { return qv.second.first; } FT extract_cell_quality_from_queue_value(const Queue_value_type &qv) const { return qv.first; } unsigned int extract_erase_counter_from_queue_value(const Queue_value_type &qv) const { return qv.second.second; } unsigned int erase_counter(const Cell_handle &ch) const { return ch->erase_counter(); } std::size_t cells_queue_size() const { return cells_queue_.size(); } bool cells_queue_empty() const { return cells_queue_.empty(); } Queue_iterator cells_queue_front() { return cells_queue_.begin(); } void cells_queue_pop_front() { cells_queue_.erase(cells_queue_front()); } void cells_queue_clear() { cells_queue_.clear(); } void cells_queue_insert(const Cell_handle &ch, FT quality_value) { cells_queue_.insert(std::make_pair( quality_value, std::make_pair(ch, ch->erase_counter()))); } /** * A functor to remove one \c Cell_handle from a priority queue */ class Erase_from_queue { public: Erase_from_queue(Tet_priority_queue&) {} void operator()(const Cell_handle& cell) { cell->increment_erase_counter(); } }; /** * Delete cells of \c cells from \c cells_queue */ void delete_cells_from_queue(const Cell_vector& cells) { std::for_each(cells.begin(), cells.end(), Erase_from_queue(cells_queue_)); } void cancel() { CGAL_assertion(m_task_group != nullptr); m_task_group->cancel(); } mutable Lock_data_structure m_lock_ds; mutable Mesh_3::Auto_worksharing_ds m_worksharing_ds; mutable tbb::task_group *m_task_group; private: Tet_priority_queue cells_queue_; }; #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB /************************************************ // Class Slivers_exuder ************************************************/ template < typename C3T3, typename SliverCriteria, typename Visitor_ = Null_exuder_visitor > class Slivers_exuder : public Slivers_exuder_base { public: // Types typedef typename C3T3::Concurrency_tag Concurrency_tag; typedef Slivers_exuder_base< typename C3T3::Triangulation, Concurrency_tag> Base; private: // Types typedef Slivers_exuder Self; typedef typename C3T3::Triangulation Tr; typedef typename Tr::Weighted_point Weighted_point; typedef typename Tr::Bare_point Bare_point; typedef typename Tr::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Tr::Facet Facet; typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Weighted_point::Weight Weight; typedef typename Base::Queue_value_type Queue_value_type; typedef typename Base::Cell_vector Cell_vector; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Base::FT FT; typedef typename Gt::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3; typedef typename C3T3::Cells_in_complex_iterator Cell_iterator; typedef std::vector Facet_vector; typedef typename C3T3::Surface_patch_index Surface_patch_index; typedef typename C3T3::Subdomain_index Subdomain_index; typedef typename C3T3::Index Index; // Umbrella will store the surface_index of internal facets of a new // weighted point conflict zone. Such facets are represented by their edge // which do not contain the pumped vertex typedef std::pair Ordered_edge; typedef std::pair Patch_and_counter; typedef std::map Umbrella; // Boundary_facets_from_outside represents the facet of the conflict zone // seen from outside of it. It stores Surface_patch_index of the facet, and // Subdomain_index of the cell which is inside the conflict zone. typedef std::map > Boundary_facets_from_outside; /** Pre_star will represent the pre-star of a point. It is a (double)-map * of Facet (viewed from cells inside the star), ordered by the * critial_radius of the point with the cell that lies on the facet, at * the exterior of the pre-star. */ typedef CGAL::Double_map Pre_star; // Stores the value of facet for the sliver criterion functor typedef std::map Sliver_values; // Visitor class // Should define // - after_cell_pumped(std::size_t cells_left_number) typedef Visitor_ Visitor; // Helper (for 'get_sq_distance_to_closest_vertex') typedef Triangulation_helpers Tr_helpers; using Base::get_lock_data_structure; public: // methods /** * @brief Constructor * @param c3t3 The mesh to exude * @param criteria The criterion which will be used to evaluate tet quality * @param d defines the maximal weight we will try: * max_weight(v) < d*dist(v,nearest_vertice(v)) */ Slivers_exuder(C3T3& c3t3, const SliverCriteria& criterion, const FT d = 0.45); /** * @brief pumps vertices * @param criterion_value_limit All vertices of tetrahedra that have a * quality below this bound will be pumped */ Mesh_optimization_return_code operator()(Visitor visitor = Visitor()) { #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING WallClockTimer t; #endif Mesh_optimization_return_code ret = pump_vertices(sliver_criteria_.sliver_bound(), visitor); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING double exudation_time = t.elapsed(); std::cerr << std::endl << "==== Total exudation 'wall-clock' time: " << exudation_time << "s ====" << std::endl; #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXPORT_PERFORMANCE_DATA if (ret == BOUND_REACHED) { CGAL_MESH_3_SET_PERFORMANCE_DATA("Exuder_optim_time", exudation_time); } else { CGAL_MESH_3_SET_PERFORMANCE_DATA("Exuder_optim_time", (ret == CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE ? "CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE" : "TIME_LIMIT_REACHED")); } #endif return ret; } /// Time accessors void set_time_limit(double time) { time_limit_ = time; } double time_limit() const { return time_limit_; } private: // ----------------------------------- // Private Methods // ----------------------------------- /** * Pumps vertices */ template Mesh_optimization_return_code pump_vertices(FT criterion_value_limit, Visitor& v); /** * Pump one vertex */ template bool pump_vertex(const Vertex_handle& v, bool *could_lock_zone = nullptr); /** * Returns the best_weight of v */ FT get_best_weight(const Vertex_handle& v, bool *could_lock_zone = nullptr) const; /** * Initializes pre_star and criterion_values */ void initialize_prestar_and_criterion_values(const Vertex_handle& v, const Cell_vector& incident_cells, Pre_star& pre_star, Sliver_values& criterion_values) const; /** * Expand pre_star with cell_to_add */ bool expand_prestar(const Cell_handle& cell_to_add, const Vertex_handle& pumped_vertex, Pre_star& pre_star, Sliver_values& criterion_values) const; /** * Returns Ordered_edge of facet which do not contains vertex */ Ordered_edge get_opposite_ordered_edge(const Facet& facet, const Vertex_handle& vertex) const; /** * Returns the umbrella of internal_facets vector */ boost::optional get_umbrella(const Facet_vector& internal_facets, const Vertex_handle& v) const; /** * Updates the mesh with new_point */ template bool update_mesh(const Weighted_point& new_point, const Vertex_handle& old_vertex, bool *could_lock_zone = nullptr); /** * Restores cells and boundary facets of conflict zone of new_vertex in c3t3_ */ template void restore_cells_and_boundary_facets( const Boundary_facets_from_outside& boundary_facets_from_outside, const Vertex_handle& new_vertex); /** * Restore internal facets of conflict zone of new_vertex in c3t3_ */ void restore_internal_facets(const Umbrella& umbrella, const Vertex_handle& new_vertex); /** * Orders handles \c h1 & \c h2 */ template static void order_two_handles(Handle& h1, Handle& h2) { if( h2 < h1 ) std::swap(h1, h2); } template static void order_three_handles(Handle& h1, Handle& h2, Handle& h3) { if(h1 > h2) std::swap(h1, h2); if(h2 > h3) std::swap(h2, h3); if(h1 > h2) std::swap(h1, h2); } /** * Initialization */ void init(double limit_value) { if ( 0 < limit_value ) sliver_criteria_.set_sliver_bound(limit_value); else sliver_criteria_.set_sliver_bound(sliver_criteria_.get_max_value()); this->cells_queue_clear(); initialize_cells_priority_queue(); initialized_ = true; } /** * Initialize cells_queue w.r.t sliver_bound_ */ void initialize_cells_priority_queue() { for( Cell_iterator cit = c3t3_.cells_in_complex_begin() ; cit != c3t3_.cells_in_complex_end() ; ++cit) { const FT value = sliver_criteria_(cit); if( value < sliver_criteria_.sliver_bound() ) this->cells_queue_insert(cit, value); } } /** * Returns the min value of second element of Ratio */ FT get_min_value(const Sliver_values& criterion_values) const { using boost::make_transform_iterator; typedef details::Second_of Second_of; return *(std::min_element( make_transform_iterator(criterion_values.begin(), Second_of()), make_transform_iterator(criterion_values.end(), Second_of()))); } /** * Returns the \c Boundary_facets_from_outside object containing mirror facets * of \c facets */ Boundary_facets_from_outside get_boundary_facets_from_outside(const Facet_vector& facets) const { Boundary_facets_from_outside boundary_facets_from_outside; for(typename Facet_vector::const_iterator fit = facets.begin(); fit != facets.end(); ++fit) { boundary_facets_from_outside.insert(std::make_pair( tr_.mirror_facet(*fit), std::make_pair(c3t3_.surface_patch_index(*fit), c3t3_.subdomain_index(fit->first)))); } return boundary_facets_from_outside; } /** * Add a cell \c ch to \c cells_queue */ template void add_cell_to_queue(Cell_handle ch, FT criterion_value) { #if defined( CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB ) && ( !defined (BOOST_MSVC) || !defined( _DEBUG ) || !defined (CGAL_TEST_SUITE) ) // Parallel if (boost::is_convertible::value) enqueue_task( ch, this->erase_counter(ch), criterion_value); // Sequential else #endif this->cells_queue_insert(ch, criterion_value); } /** * A functor to remove one handle (Cell_handle/Facet_handle) from complex */ class Remove_from_complex { public: Remove_from_complex(C3T3& c3t3) : c3t3_(c3t3) { } template void operator()(const Handle_& handle) { c3t3_.remove_from_complex(handle); } private: C3T3& c3t3_; }; /** * Removes objects of [begin,end[ range from \c c3t3_ */ template void remove_from_c3t3(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end) { std::for_each(begin, end, Remove_from_complex(c3t3_)); } /** * Returns true if time_limit is reached */ bool is_time_limit_reached() const { return ( (time_limit() > 0) && (running_time_.time() > time_limit()) ); } /** * Returns `true` if all cells of mesh have a sliver_criteria_ value greater * than `sliver_bound_` */ bool check_sliver_bound() const { for( Cell_iterator cit = c3t3_.cells_in_complex_begin() ; cit != c3t3_.cells_in_complex_end() ; ++cit) { const FT value = sliver_criteria_(cit); if( value < sliver_criteria_.sliver_bound() ) return false; } return true; } #if defined( CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB ) && ( !defined (BOOST_MSVC) || !defined( _DEBUG ) || !defined (CGAL_TEST_SUITE) ) // For parallel version template void enqueue_task(Cell_handle ch, unsigned int erase_counter, FT value); #endif private: #if defined( CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB ) && ( !defined (BOOST_MSVC) || !defined( _DEBUG ) || !defined (CGAL_TEST_SUITE) ) // Functor for enqueue_task function template class Pump_vertex { SE & m_sliver_exuder; const C3T3 & m_c3t3; Cell_handle m_cell_handle; unsigned int m_erase_counter; public: // Constructor Pump_vertex(SE &sliver_exuder, const C3T3 &c3t3, Cell_handle cell_handle, unsigned int erase_counter) : m_sliver_exuder(sliver_exuder), m_c3t3(c3t3), m_cell_handle(cell_handle), m_erase_counter(erase_counter) { } // Constructor Pump_vertex(const Pump_vertex &pvx) : m_sliver_exuder(pvx.m_sliver_exuder), m_c3t3(pvx.m_c3t3), m_cell_handle(pvx.m_cell_handle), m_erase_counter(pvx.m_erase_counter) {} // operator() void operator()() const { #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING static Profile_branch_counter_3 bcounter( "early withdrawals / late withdrawals / successes [Exuder]"); #endif for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { bool could_lock_zone; do { could_lock_zone = true; if (m_sliver_exuder.erase_counter(m_cell_handle) != m_erase_counter) break; if (!m_c3t3.triangulation().try_lock_cell(m_cell_handle)) { #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING bcounter.increment_branch_2(); // THIS is an early withdrawal! #endif could_lock_zone = false; m_sliver_exuder.unlock_all_elements(); continue; } if (m_sliver_exuder.erase_counter(m_cell_handle) != m_erase_counter) { m_sliver_exuder.unlock_all_elements(); break; } // pump_vertices_on_surfaces is a boolean template parameter. The // following condition is pruned at compiled time, if // pump_vertices_on_surfaces==false. if (pump_vertices_on_surfaces || m_c3t3.in_dimension(m_cell_handle->vertex(i)) > 2) { m_sliver_exuder.template pump_vertex( m_cell_handle->vertex(i), &could_lock_zone); #ifdef CGAL_CONCURRENT_MESH_3_PROFILING if (!could_lock_zone) bcounter.increment_branch_1(); // THIS is a late withdrawal! else ++bcounter; // Success! #endif } m_sliver_exuder.unlock_all_elements(); } while (!could_lock_zone); } if ( m_sliver_exuder.is_time_limit_reached() ) m_sliver_exuder.cancel(); } }; #endif // ----------------------------------- // Private data // ----------------------------------- C3T3& c3t3_; Tr& tr_; const FT sq_delta_; int num_of_pumped_vertices_; int num_of_ignored_vertices_; int num_of_treated_vertices_; bool initialized_; SliverCriteria sliver_criteria_; // Timer double time_limit_; CGAL::Real_timer running_time_; #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER // ----------------------------------- // Debug Helpers // ----------------------------------- private: /** * Verifies that two 'FT' are near equal */ static bool near_equal(const FT d1, const FT d2) { const FT epsilon = 1e-8; return ( ((d1-d2) >= -1*epsilon) && ((d1-d2) <= epsilon) ); } /** * Prints a value */ static void print_FT(const FT d) { std::cerr << d << " ; "; } /** This function verifies that the pre_star contains exactly the set of facets given by the sequence [begin, end[. If v!=0, it also fills another Pre_star object, from the sequence [begin, end[, and checks that is in the same order as pre_star. */ template bool check_pre_star(const Pre_star& pre_star, Input_facet_it begin, Input_facet_it end, const Vertex_handle v = Vertex_handle()) const; /** This function verifies that the pre_star contains exactly the set of facets on the boundary of the conflict zone of the weighted point wp. The vertex handle vh is a hint for the location of wp. It also fills another Pre_star object, and checks that is in the same order as pre_star. */ bool check_pre_star(const Pre_star& pre_star, const Weighted_point& wp, const Vertex_handle& vh) const; /** * Checks if the sliver criterion values from \c criterion_values are the same as * those that will be found if wp is inserted in the triangulation */ bool check_ratios(const Sliver_values& criterion_values, const Weighted_point& wp, const Vertex_handle& vh) const; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER }; // end class Slivers_exuder template Slivers_exuder:: Slivers_exuder(C3T3& c3t3, const SC& criteria, const FT d) : Base(c3t3.bbox(), Concurrent_mesher_config::get().locking_grid_num_cells_per_axis) , c3t3_(c3t3) , tr_(c3t3_.triangulation()) , sq_delta_(d*d) , num_of_pumped_vertices_(0) , num_of_ignored_vertices_(0) , num_of_treated_vertices_(0) , initialized_(false) , sliver_criteria_(criteria) , time_limit_(-1) , running_time_() { // If we're multi-thread tr_.set_lock_data_structure(get_lock_data_structure()); } template template Mesh_optimization_return_code Slivers_exuder:: pump_vertices(FT sliver_criterion_limit, Visitor& visitor) { #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING WallClockTimer t; #endif init(sliver_criterion_limit); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING std::cerr << std::endl << "==== Init time: " << t.elapsed() << "s ====" << std::endl; #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE std::cerr << "Exuding...\n"; std::cerr << "Legend of the following line: " << "(#cells left,#vertices pumped,#vertices ignored)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "(" << this->cells_queue_size() << ",0,0)"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE running_time_.reset(); running_time_.start(); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING t.reset(); #endif #if defined( CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB ) && ( !defined (BOOST_MSVC) || !defined( _DEBUG ) || !defined (CGAL_TEST_SUITE) ) // Parallel if (boost::is_convertible::value) { this->create_task_group(); while (!this->cells_queue_empty()) { Queue_value_type front = *(this->cells_queue_front()); this->cells_queue_pop_front(); Cell_handle c = this->extract_cell_handle_from_queue_value(front); FT q = this->extract_cell_quality_from_queue_value(front); unsigned int ec = this->extract_erase_counter_from_queue_value(front); // Low quality first (i.e. low value of q) enqueue_task(c, ec, q); } this->wait_for_all(); # if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << " Flushing"; # endif bool keep_flushing = true; while (keep_flushing) { keep_flushing = this->flush_work_buffers(); # if defined(CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE) || defined(CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING) std::cerr << "."; # endif } this->destroy_trask_group(); } // Sequential else #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB { while( !this->cells_queue_empty() && !is_time_limit_reached() ) { Queue_value_type front = *(this->cells_queue_front()); Cell_handle c = this->extract_cell_handle_from_queue_value(front); // Low quality first (i.e. low value of cell quality) bool vertex_pumped = false; for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { // pump_vertices_on_surfaces is a boolean template parameter. The // following condition is pruned at compiled time, if // pump_vertices_on_surfaces==false. if( pump_vertices_on_surfaces || c3t3_.in_dimension(c->vertex(i)) > 2 ) { if( pump_vertex(c->vertex(i)) ) { vertex_pumped = true; ++num_of_pumped_vertices_; break; } else ++num_of_ignored_vertices_; ++num_of_treated_vertices_; } } // if the tet could not be deleted if ( ! vertex_pumped ) this->cells_queue_pop_front(); visitor.after_cell_pumped(this->cells_queue_size()); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE std::cerr << boost::format("\r \r" "(%1%,%2%,%3%) (%|4$.1f| vertices/s)") % this->cells_queue_size() % num_of_pumped_vertices_ % num_of_ignored_vertices_ % (num_of_treated_vertices_ / running_time_.time()); #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE } } running_time_.stop(); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_PROFILING std::cerr << std::endl << "==== Iterations time: " << t.elapsed() << "s ====" << std::endl; #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Total exuding time: " << running_time_.time() << "s"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE if ( is_time_limit_reached() ) { #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE std::cerr << "Exuding return code: TIME_LIMIT_REACHED\n\n"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE return TIME_LIMIT_REACHED; } if ( check_sliver_bound() ) { #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE std::cerr << "Exuding return code: BOUND_REACHED\n\n"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE return BOUND_REACHED; } #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE std::cerr << "Exuding return code: CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE\n\n"; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_EXUDER_VERBOSE return CANT_IMPROVE_ANYMORE; } // end function pump_vertices template template bool Slivers_exuder:: pump_vertex(const Vertex_handle& pumped_vertex, bool *could_lock_zone) { // Get best_weight FT best_weight = get_best_weight(pumped_vertex, could_lock_zone); if (could_lock_zone && *could_lock_zone == false) return false; typename Gt::Compare_weighted_squared_radius_3 compare_sq_radius = tr_.geom_traits().compare_weighted_squared_radius_3_object(); // If best_weight <= pumped_vertex weight, nothing to do const Weighted_point& pumped_vertex_wp = tr_.point(pumped_vertex); if ( compare_sq_radius(pumped_vertex_wp, - best_weight) == CGAL::LARGER ) // best_weight > v's weight { typename Gt::Construct_point_3 cp = tr_.geom_traits().construct_point_3_object(); const Weighted_point& pwp = tr_.point(pumped_vertex); Weighted_point wp(cp(pwp), best_weight); // Insert weighted point into mesh // note it can fail if the mesh is non-manifold at pumped_vertex return update_mesh(wp, pumped_vertex, could_lock_zone); } return false; } template void Slivers_exuder:: initialize_prestar_and_criterion_values(const Vertex_handle& v, const Cell_vector& incident_cells, Pre_star& pre_star, Sliver_values& criterion_values) const { for ( typename Cell_vector::const_iterator cit = incident_cells.begin() ; cit != incident_cells.end() ; ++cit ) { const Cell_handle c = *cit; const int index = c->index(v); const Facet f = Facet(c, index); const Facet opposite_facet = tr_.mirror_facet(f); // Sliver criterion values initialization if( c3t3_.is_in_complex(c) ) { criterion_values[f] = sliver_criteria_(c); } // Pre_star initialization // If facet is adjacent to an infinite cell, no need to put it in prestar // (infinite power distance radius) if ( tr_.is_infinite(opposite_facet.first) ) continue; // Insert facet in prestar (even if it is not in complex) const Cell_handle opposite_cell = opposite_facet.first; const int index_in_opposite = opposite_cell->index(c); FT power_distance_to_power_sphere = tr_.compute_power_distance_to_power_sphere(opposite_facet.first, index_in_opposite); pre_star.insert(f, power_distance_to_power_sphere); } } template bool Slivers_exuder:: expand_prestar(const Cell_handle& cell_to_add, const Vertex_handle& pumped_vertex, Pre_star& pre_star, Sliver_values& criterion_values) const { typename Gt::Compute_weight_3 cw = tr_.geom_traits().compute_weight_3_object(); typename Gt::Construct_point_3 cp = tr_.geom_traits().construct_point_3_object(); // Delete first facet of pre_star Facet start_facet = pre_star.front()->second; CGAL_assertion(tr_.mirror_facet(start_facet).first == cell_to_add); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER FT power_distance_to_power_sphere = pre_star.front()->first; #endif pre_star.pop_front(); if ( c3t3_.is_in_complex(cell_to_add) ) { criterion_values.erase(start_facet); } int start_mirror_facet_index = tr_.mirror_facet(start_facet).second; // For each facet of cell_to_add for(int i = 0; i<4 ; ++i) { // We have already treated start_facet if ( i == start_mirror_facet_index ) continue; const Facet current_facet(cell_to_add, i); const Facet current_mirror_facet(tr_.mirror_facet(current_facet)); FT new_power_distance_to_power_sphere = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); // If current_facet_mirror is in prestar, delete it // (it may happen that pre_star contains two facets of the same cell) if ( pre_star.erase(current_mirror_facet) ) { // If it is a boundary facet, stop pre_star expansion if ( c3t3_.is_in_complex(current_mirror_facet) ) { return false; } // Update criterion_values if ( c3t3_.is_in_complex(cell_to_add) ) { criterion_values.erase(current_mirror_facet); } } // If current_mirror_facet is not in prestar: // expand prestar & update criterion_values else { const Cell_handle& current_mirror_cell = current_mirror_facet.first; CGAL_assertion(current_mirror_cell != start_facet.first); CGAL_assertion(pumped_vertex != current_mirror_facet.first->vertex(0)); CGAL_assertion(pumped_vertex != current_mirror_facet.first->vertex(1)); CGAL_assertion(pumped_vertex != current_mirror_facet.first->vertex(2)); CGAL_assertion(pumped_vertex != current_mirror_facet.first->vertex(3)); // Update pre_star (we do not insert facets with infinite power distance) // We do insert facet of cells which are outside the complex (we just // don't use their sliver criterion value to get best weight) if ( ! tr_.is_infinite(current_mirror_cell) ) { new_power_distance_to_power_sphere = tr_.compute_power_distance_to_power_sphere(current_mirror_cell, pumped_vertex); pre_star.insert(current_facet, new_power_distance_to_power_sphere); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER if ( new_power_distance_to_power_sphere < power_distance_to_power_sphere ) std::cerr << "new power distance:" << new_power_distance_to_power_sphere << " / current power distance:" << power_distance_to_power_sphere << std::endl; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER } // Update ratio (ratio is needed for cells of complex only) if ( c3t3_.is_in_complex(cell_to_add) ) { const Weighted_point& pwp = tr_.point(pumped_vertex); // Adding the power distance to the pumped vertex's weight is a way // to artificially make the cell 'cell_to_add' be in conflict // with the pumped vertex. This is done for periodic triangulations, // where the function 'tetrahedron(Facet, Weighted_point)' requires // the cell of the facet to be in conflict with the point to determine // the correct offset of the weighted point (to get a correct tetrahedron). FT new_weight = cw(pwp); Facet curr_f; if(! tr_.is_infinite(current_mirror_cell)) { // if current_mirror_cell is finite, we can re-use the value // 'new_power_distance_to_power_sphere' // Ensure that 'new_power_distance_to_power_sphere' has been initialized CGAL_assertion(new_power_distance_to_power_sphere != std::numeric_limits::infinity()); new_weight += new_power_distance_to_power_sphere; curr_f = current_mirror_facet; } else // tr_.is_infinite(current_mirror_cell) { // We can't use 'new_power_distance_to_power_sphere' because 'current_mirror_cell' // is infinite. So we compute the power distance to 'cell_to_add' instead. CGAL_assertion(!tr_.is_infinite(cell_to_add)); new_weight += tr_.compute_power_distance_to_power_sphere(cell_to_add, pumped_vertex); curr_f = current_facet; } // With 'new_weight' only, the point is only orthogonal to the power sphere, // so we add a little bit more weight to make sure that 'pwp' is in conflict. new_weight += 1e5 * std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); // 'epsilon' alone is not enough Weighted_point ncr_pwp(cp(pwp), new_weight); // The 'tetrahedron' function returns positions for which the cell is in conflict // with the point, which is not trivial in a periodic setting. Tetrahedron_3 tet = tr_.tetrahedron(curr_f, ncr_pwp); FT new_value = sliver_criteria_(tet); criterion_values.insert(std::make_pair(current_facet, new_value)); } } } return true; } template typename Slivers_exuder::FT Slivers_exuder:: get_best_weight(const Vertex_handle& v, bool *could_lock_zone) const { // incident_cells will be used both in 'initialize_prestar_and_criterion_values' // and to get the smallest distance between 'v' and a neighbor. Cell_vector incident_cells; incident_cells.reserve(64); // Parallel if (could_lock_zone) { if (!tr_.try_lock_and_get_incident_cells(v, incident_cells)) { this->unlock_all_elements(); *could_lock_zone = false; return 0.; } } // Sequential else { tr_.incident_cells(v, std::back_inserter(incident_cells)); } // Get pre_star and criterion_values Pre_star pre_star; Sliver_values criterion_values; initialize_prestar_and_criterion_values(v, incident_cells, pre_star, criterion_values); #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER Pre_star pre_star_copy; Sliver_values ratios_copy; #endif FT worst_criterion_value = get_min_value(criterion_values); FT best_weight = 0; FT sq_d_v = Tr_helpers().template get_sq_distance_to_closest_vertex >( c3t3_.triangulation(), v, incident_cells); // If that boolean is set to false, it means that a facet in the complex // is about to be flipped. In that case, the pumping is stopped. bool can_flip = true; // Main loop: find the weight which maximizes the minimum value of ratio while( can_flip && ! pre_star.empty() && pre_star.front()->first < (sq_delta_ * sq_d_v) && ! c3t3_.is_in_complex(pre_star.front()->second) ) { // Store critial radius (pre_star will be modified in expand_prestar) FT power_distance_to_power_sphere = pre_star.front()->first; // expand prestar (insert opposite_cell facets in pre_star) Facet link = pre_star.front()->second; const Cell_handle& opposite_cell = tr_.mirror_facet(link).first; if (could_lock_zone && !tr_.try_lock_cell(opposite_cell)) { *could_lock_zone = false; return 0.; } can_flip = expand_prestar(opposite_cell, v, pre_star, criterion_values); // Update best_weight if needed if(can_flip) { FT min_of_pre_star = get_min_value(criterion_values); if( min_of_pre_star > worst_criterion_value ) { // Update worst_criterion_value worst_criterion_value = min_of_pre_star; // Update best_weight CGAL_assertion(!pre_star.empty()); FT next_r = pre_star.front()->first; best_weight = (power_distance_to_power_sphere + next_r) / 2; #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER pre_star_copy = pre_star; ratios_copy = criterion_values; #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER } } } // end while(... can pump...) #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER typename Gt::Compare_weighted_squared_radius_3 compare_sq_radius = tr_.geom_traits().compare_weighted_squared_radius_3_object(); const Weighted_point& vwp = tr_.point(v); if ( compare_sq_radius(vwp, - best_weight) == CGAL::LARGER ) // best_weight > v's weight { typename Gt::Construct_point_3 cp = tr_.geom_traits().construct_point_3_object(); const Weighted_point& wpv = tr_.point(v); Weighted_point wp(cp(wpv), best_weight); check_pre_star(pre_star_copy, wp, v); check_ratios(ratios_copy, wp, v); } #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER return best_weight; } template boost::optional::Umbrella > Slivers_exuder:: get_umbrella(const Facet_vector& facets, // internal_facets of conflict zone const Vertex_handle& /* v, no longer used */) const { Umbrella umbrella; //std::map // Insert into umbrella surface_index of facets which are on the surface typename Facet_vector::const_iterator fit = facets.begin(); for ( ; fit != facets.end() ; ++fit ) { if ( c3t3_.is_in_complex(*fit) ) { Facet f = *fit; Vertex_handle v1 = f.first->vertex((f.second+1)%4); Vertex_handle v2 = f.first->vertex((f.second+2)%4); Vertex_handle v3 = f.first->vertex((f.second+3)%4); order_three_handles(v1, v2, v3); std::vector edges; edges.push_back(Ordered_edge(v1, v2)); edges.push_back(Ordered_edge(v2, v3)); edges.push_back(Ordered_edge(v1, v3)); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Ordered_edge oe = edges[i]; typename Umbrella::iterator uit = umbrella.find(oe); if(uit == umbrella.end()) //umbrella does not contain oe yet { umbrella.insert(std::make_pair(oe, std::make_pair(c3t3_.surface_patch_index(f), 1))); } else //umbrella already contains oe. Increment counter or return { std::size_t count = (*uit).second.second; if(count == 2) //there will be more than 3 after insertion return boost::none; //non-manifold configuration umbrella.insert(uit, std::make_pair(oe, std::make_pair(c3t3_.surface_patch_index(f), count + 1))); } } } } // Erase edges that have been counted twice. // Each Oriented_edge should appear only once. // Twice means that it belongs to two internal facets that are restricted. // Three or more corresponds to a non-manifold geometry. typename Umbrella::iterator uit = umbrella.begin(); while(uit != umbrella.end()) { if((*uit).second.second == 2) { typename Umbrella::iterator to_be_erased = uit++; umbrella.erase(to_be_erased); } else { ++uit; } } return umbrella; } template template void Slivers_exuder:: restore_cells_and_boundary_facets( const Boundary_facets_from_outside& boundary_facets_from_outside, const Vertex_handle& new_vertex) { Cell_vector new_cells; new_cells.reserve(64); tr_.incident_cells(new_vertex, std::back_inserter(new_cells)); // Each cell must have a facet on the boundary of the conflict zone CGAL_assertion(boundary_facets_from_outside.size() == new_cells.size()); // Restore attributes of each cell for(typename Cell_vector::iterator cit = new_cells.begin(); cit != new_cells.end(); ++cit) { (*cit)->invalidate_weighted_circumcenter_cache(); const int index = (*cit)->index(new_vertex); const Facet new_facet = std::make_pair(*cit, index); const Facet new_facet_from_outside = tr_.mirror_facet(new_facet); // Search new_facet_from_outside in boundary_facets_from_outside. // That search cannot fail. typename Boundary_facets_from_outside::const_iterator it = boundary_facets_from_outside.find(new_facet_from_outside); CGAL_assertion(it != boundary_facets_from_outside.end()); // Restore facet attributes if ( !( it->second.first == Surface_patch_index() ) ) c3t3_.add_to_complex(new_facet, it->second.first); // Restore cell attributes if ( !( it->second.second == Subdomain_index() ) ) c3t3_.add_to_complex(*cit, it->second.second); // if the new cell is in the domain, and it criterion value is less that // the maximum, push it in the cells queue. if( c3t3_.is_in_complex(*cit) ) { FT criterion_value = sliver_criteria_(*cit); if( criterion_value < sliver_criteria_.sliver_bound() ) add_cell_to_queue(*cit, criterion_value); } } } template typename Slivers_exuder::Ordered_edge Slivers_exuder::get_opposite_ordered_edge( const Facet& facet, const Vertex_handle& vertex) const { CGAL_assertion(tr_.has_vertex(facet, vertex)); Vertex_handle v1; Vertex_handle v2; // Get the two vertex of *fit which are not new_vertex for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) { const Vertex_handle current_vertex = facet.first->vertex(i); if ( current_vertex != vertex && tr_.has_vertex(facet, current_vertex) ) { if ( v1 == Vertex_handle() ) v1 = current_vertex; else v2 = current_vertex; } } CGAL_assertion(v1 != Vertex_handle() && v2 != Vertex_handle()); order_two_handles(v1,v2); return Ordered_edge(v1,v2); } template void Slivers_exuder:: restore_internal_facets(const Umbrella& umbrella, const Vertex_handle& new_vertex) { Facet_vector new_internal_facets; new_internal_facets.reserve(64); tr_.incident_facets(new_vertex, std::back_inserter(new_internal_facets)); // Restore attributes of each facet for(typename Facet_vector::iterator fit = new_internal_facets.begin(); fit != new_internal_facets.end(); ++fit) { Ordered_edge edge = get_opposite_ordered_edge(*fit, new_vertex); // Search edge in umbrella. // If it is found, restore facet surface index from umbrella const typename Umbrella::const_iterator um_it = umbrella.find(edge); if( um_it != umbrella.end() ) { c3t3_.add_to_complex(*fit, um_it->second.first); } } } template template bool Slivers_exuder:: update_mesh(const Weighted_point& new_point, const Vertex_handle& old_vertex, bool *could_lock_zone) { CGAL_assertion_code(std::size_t nb_vert = tr_.number_of_vertices();) Cell_vector deleted_cells; Facet_vector internal_facets; Facet_vector boundary_facets; deleted_cells.reserve(64); internal_facets.reserve(64); boundary_facets.reserve(64); tr_.find_conflicts(new_point, old_vertex->cell(), std::back_inserter(boundary_facets), std::back_inserter(deleted_cells), std::back_inserter(internal_facets), could_lock_zone); if (could_lock_zone && *could_lock_zone == false) return false; // Get some datas to restore mesh Boundary_facets_from_outside boundary_facets_from_outside = get_boundary_facets_from_outside(boundary_facets); boost::optional umbrella = get_umbrella(internal_facets, old_vertex); if(umbrella == boost::none) return false; //abort pumping this vertex // Delete old cells from queue (they aren't in the triangulation anymore) this->delete_cells_from_queue(deleted_cells); // Delete old cells & facets from c3t3 remove_from_c3t3(deleted_cells.begin(),deleted_cells.end()); remove_from_c3t3(boundary_facets.begin(),boundary_facets.end()); remove_from_c3t3(internal_facets.begin(),internal_facets.end()); // Insert new point (v will be updated using a wp) int dimension = c3t3_.in_dimension(old_vertex); Index vertice_index = c3t3_.index(old_vertex); Vertex_handle new_vertex = tr_.insert(new_point, old_vertex->cell()); c3t3_.set_dimension(new_vertex,dimension); c3t3_.set_index(new_vertex,vertice_index); // Only true for sequential version CGAL_assertion(could_lock_zone || nb_vert == tr_.number_of_vertices()); // Restore mesh restore_cells_and_boundary_facets( boundary_facets_from_outside, new_vertex); restore_internal_facets(*umbrella, new_vertex); // Only true for sequential version CGAL_assertion(could_lock_zone || nb_vert == tr_.number_of_vertices()); return true; // pump was done successfully } #if defined( CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB ) && ( !defined (BOOST_MSVC) || !defined( _DEBUG ) || !defined (CGAL_TEST_SUITE) ) // For parallel version template template void Slivers_exuder:: enqueue_task(Cell_handle ch, unsigned int erase_counter, FT value) { this->enqueue_work( Pump_vertex( *this, c3t3_, ch, erase_counter), value); } #endif #ifdef CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER template void print_pre_stars(Pre_star pre_star_1, Pre_star pre_star_2) { std::cout << "Stars: " << std::endl; while(!pre_star_1.empty() && !pre_star_2.empty()) { std::cout << "F: " << &*((pre_star_1.front()->second).first) << " " << pre_star_1.front()->second.second << " S: " << pre_star_1.front()->first << " |||||| " << "F: " << &*((pre_star_2.front()->second).first) << " " << pre_star_2.front()->second.second << " S: " << pre_star_2.front()->first << std::endl; if(pre_star_1.front()->second != pre_star_2.front()->second || pre_star_1.front()->first != pre_star_2.front()->first) std::cout << "Warning!" << std::endl; pre_star_1.pop_front(); pre_star_2.pop_front(); } } template template bool Slivers_exuder:: check_pre_star(const Pre_star& pre_star, Input_facet_it begin, Input_facet_it end, const Vertex_handle v) const { Pre_star pre_star_copy = pre_star; if(v != Vertex_handle()) { Pre_star pre_star2; // fill pre_star2 for(Input_facet_it fit = begin; fit != end; ++fit) { const Facet opposite_facet = tr_.mirror_facet(*fit); if(! tr_.is_infinite(opposite_facet.first) ) { pre_star2.insert( *fit, tr_.compute_power_distance_to_power_sphere(opposite_facet.first, v)); } } while(!pre_star_copy.empty() && !pre_star2.empty()) { if(pre_star_copy.front()->first != pre_star2.front()->first) { std::cerr << "bad order\n"; std::cerr << boost::format("pre_star.front()->first=%1%, should be %2%\n") % pre_star_copy.front()->first % pre_star2.front()->first; return false; } if ( pre_star_copy.front()->second != pre_star2.front()->second ) { Facet f1 = pre_star_copy.front()->second; Facet f2 = pre_star2.front()->second; pre_star2.pop_front(); pre_star_copy.pop_front(); if (!pre_star_copy.empty() && !pre_star2.empty() && pre_star_copy.front()->second == f2 && pre_star2.front()->second == f1 ) { // It's ok pre_star2.pop_front(); pre_star_copy.pop_front(); } else { Facet f1 = tr_.mirror_facet(pre_star_copy.front()->second); Facet f2 = tr_.mirror_facet(pre_star2.front()->second); std::cerr << "Bad facet:" << f1.second << "/" << f2.second << " - " << &*f1.first << "/" << &*f2.first << std::endl; } } else { pre_star2.pop_front(); pre_star_copy.pop_front(); } } if(pre_star2.empty() && ! pre_star_copy.empty()) { std::cerr << "pre_star is too big!\n"; while(!pre_star_copy.empty()) { const Facet f = pre_star_copy.front()->second; const FT r = pre_star_copy.front()->first; pre_star_copy.pop_front(); std::cerr << boost::format("extra facet (%1%,%2%) (infinite: %3%, opposite infinite: %4%), power distance: %5%\n") % &*f.first % f.second % tr_.is_infinite(f.first) % tr_.is_infinite(f.first->neighbor(f.second)) % r; } return false; } if( pre_star_copy.empty() && ! pre_star2.empty() ) { std::cerr << "pre_star is too small!\n"; while(!pre_star2.empty()) { const Facet f = pre_star2.front()->second; pre_star2.pop_front(); std::cerr << boost::format("missing facet (%1%,%2%) (infinite: %3%, opposite infinite: %4%)\n") % &*f.first % f.second % tr_.is_infinite(f.first) % tr_.is_infinite(f.first->neighbor(f.second)); } return false; } } pre_star_copy = pre_star; for(Input_facet_it fit = begin; fit != end; ++fit) { const Facet opposite_facet = tr_.mirror_facet(*fit); if(!tr_.is_infinite(opposite_facet.first) && !pre_star_copy.erase(*fit)) return false; } if( !pre_star_copy.empty() ) return false; return true; } template bool Slivers_exuder:: check_pre_star(const Pre_star& pre_star, const Weighted_point& wp, const Vertex_handle& vh) const { std::vector boundary_facets; boundary_facets.reserve(64); tr_.find_conflicts(wp, vh->cell(), std::back_inserter(boundary_facets), CGAL::Emptyset_iterator(), CGAL::Emptyset_iterator()); const bool result = check_pre_star(pre_star, boundary_facets.begin(), boundary_facets.end(), vh); if( ! result ) { std::cerr << "tested wp=" << wp << '\n'; std::cerr << "boundary_facets.size()=" << boundary_facets.size() << std::endl; typename std::vector::const_iterator bfit = boundary_facets.begin(), bfend = boundary_facets.end(); for(; bfit != bfend; ++bfit) std::cerr << "Cell: " << &*(bfit->first) << " second: " << bfit->second << '\n'; std::cerr << "\npre_star.size()=" << pre_star.size() << std::endl; typename Pre_star::const_iterator psit = pre_star.begin(), psend = pre_star.end(); for(; psit != psend; ++psit) std::cerr << "Cell: " << &*(psit->first.first) << " second: " << psit->first.second << '\n'; std::cerr << std::endl; } return result; } template bool Slivers_exuder:: check_ratios(const Sliver_values& criterion_values, const Weighted_point& wp, const Vertex_handle& vh) const { Cell_vector deleted_cells; Facet_vector internal_facets; Facet_vector boundary_facets; tr_.find_conflicts(wp, vh->cell(), std::back_inserter(boundary_facets), std::back_inserter(deleted_cells), std::back_inserter(internal_facets)); bool result = true; std::vector expected_ratios; std::vector ratio_vector; for ( typename Sliver_values::const_iterator rit = criterion_values.begin() ; rit != criterion_values.end() ; ++rit ) { ratio_vector.push_back(rit->second); } for ( typename Facet_vector::const_iterator it = boundary_facets.begin() ; it != boundary_facets.end() ; ++ it ) { if ( !c3t3_.is_in_complex((it->first)) ) continue; Tetrahedron_3 tet = tr_.tetrahedron(*it, wp); FT ratio = sliver_criteria_(tet); expected_ratios.push_back(ratio); bool found = false; for ( typename Sliver_values::const_iterator rit = criterion_values.begin() ; rit != criterion_values.end() ; ++rit ) { if ( near_equal(rit->second,ratio) ) { found = true; break; } } if ( ! found ) { result = false; } } if (expected_ratios.size() != criterion_values.size()) result = false; if ( !result ) { std::sort(expected_ratios.begin(),expected_ratios.end()); std::sort(ratio_vector.begin(),ratio_vector.end()); std::vector diff; std::set_difference(expected_ratios.begin(),expected_ratios.end(), ratio_vector.begin(),ratio_vector.end(), std::back_inserter(diff)); std::cerr << "\nExpected criterion_values (size: " << expected_ratios.size() << ") ["; std::for_each(expected_ratios.begin(), expected_ratios.end(), print_FT); std::cerr << "]\nRatios (size: " << ratio_vector.size() << ") ["; std::for_each(ratio_vector.begin(), ratio_vector.end(), print_FT); std::cerr << "]\nDiff:["; std::for_each(diff.begin(),diff.end(), print_FT); std::cerr << "]\n"; } return result; } #endif // CGAL_MESH_3_DEBUG_SLIVERS_EXUDER } // end namespace Mesh_3 } // end namespace CGAL #include #endif // end CGAL_MESH_3_SLIVERS_EXUDER_H