// Copyright (c) 2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Nef_2/include/CGAL/Nef_2/Polynomial.h $ // $Id: Polynomial.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel // Andreas Fabri #ifndef CGAL_NEF_2_POLYNOMIAL_H #define CGAL_NEF_2_POLYNOMIAL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 3 #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Nef { template class Polynomial_rep; // SPECIALIZE_CLASS(NT,int double) START // CLASS TEMPLATE NT: template class Polynomial; // CLASS TEMPLATE int: template <> class Polynomial ; // CLASS TEMPLATE double: template <> class Polynomial ; // SPECIALIZE_CLASS(NT,int double) END /*{\Mtext \headerline{Range template}}*/ template typename std::iterator_traits::value_type gcd_of_range(Forward_iterator its, Forward_iterator ite, Unique_factorization_domain_tag) /*{\Mfunc calculates the greates common divisor of the set of numbers $\{ |*its|, |*++its|, \ldots, |*it| \}$ of type |NT|, where |++it == ite| and |NT| is the value type of |Forward_iterator|. \precond there exists a pairwise gcd operation |NT gcd(NT,NT)| and |its!=ite|.}*/ { CGAL_assertion(its!=ite); typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type NT; NT res = *its++; for(; its!=ite; ++its) res = (*its==0 ? res : CGAL_NTS gcd(res, *its)); if (res==0) res = 1; return res; } template typename std::iterator_traits::value_type gcd_of_range(Forward_iterator its, Forward_iterator ite, Integral_domain_without_division_tag) /*{\Mfunc calculates the greates common divisor of the set of numbers $\{ |*its|, |*++its|, \ldots, |*it| \}$ of type |NT|, where |++it == ite| and |NT| is the value type of |Forward_iterator|. \precond |its!=ite|.}*/ { CGAL_assertion(its!=ite); typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type NT; NT res = *its++; for(; its!=ite; ++its) res = (*its==0 ? res : 1); if (res==0) res = 1; return res; } template typename std::iterator_traits::value_type gcd_of_range(Forward_iterator its, Forward_iterator ite) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type NT; typedef CGAL::Algebraic_structure_traits AST; return gcd_of_range(its,ite,typename AST::Algebraic_category()); } template inline Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial&); template Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); template Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); template Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); template Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); template Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); template CGAL::Sign sign(const Polynomial& p); template double to_double(const Polynomial& p) ; template bool is_valid(const Polynomial& p) ; template bool is_finite(const Polynomial& p) ; template std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Polynomial& p); template std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Polynomial& p); // lefthand side template inline Polynomial operator + (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2); template inline Polynomial operator - (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2); template inline Polynomial operator * (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2); template inline Polynomial operator / (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2); template inline Polynomial operator % (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2); // righthand side template inline Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num); template inline Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num); template inline Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num); template inline Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num); template inline Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num); // lefthand side template inline bool operator == (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p); template inline bool operator != (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p); template inline bool operator < (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p); template inline bool operator <= (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p); template inline bool operator > (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p); template inline bool operator >= (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p); // righthand side template inline bool operator == (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num); template inline bool operator != (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num); template inline bool operator < (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num); template inline bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num); template inline bool operator > (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num); template inline bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num); template class Polynomial_rep { typedef pNT NT; typedef std::vector Vector; typedef typename Vector::size_type size_type; typedef typename Vector::iterator iterator; typedef typename Vector::const_iterator const_iterator; Vector coeff; Polynomial_rep() : coeff(0) {} Polynomial_rep(const NT& n) : coeff(1) { coeff[0]=n; } Polynomial_rep(const NT& n, const NT& m) : coeff(2) { coeff[0]=n; coeff[1]=m; } Polynomial_rep(const NT& a, const NT& b, const NT& c) : coeff(3) { coeff[0]=a; coeff[1]=b; coeff[2]=c; } Polynomial_rep(size_type s) : coeff(s,NT(0)) {} template Polynomial_rep(std::pair poly) : coeff(poly.first,poly.second) {} void reduce() { while ( coeff.size()>1 && coeff.back()==NT(0) ) coeff.pop_back(); } friend class Polynomial; friend class Polynomial; friend class Polynomial; friend std::istream& operator >> <> (std::istream&, Polynomial&); }; // SPECIALIZE_CLASS(NT,int double) START // CLASS TEMPLATE NT: /*{\Msubst typename iterator_traits::value_type#NT <># }*/ /*{\Manpage{Polynomial}{NT}{Polynomials in one variable}{p}}*/ template class Polynomial : public Handle_for< Polynomial_rep > { /* {\Mdefinition An instance |\Mvar| of the data type |\Mname| represents a polynomial $p = a_0 + a_1 x + \ldots a_d x^d $ from the ring |NT[x]|. The data type offers standard ring operations and a sign operation which determines the sign for the limit process $x \rightarrow \infty$. |NT[x]| becomes a unique factorization domain, if the number type |NT| is either a field type (1) or a unique factorization domain (2). In both cases there's a polynomial division operation defined.} */ /*{\Mtypes 5}*/ public: typedef pNT NT; typedef Handle_for< Polynomial_rep > Base; typedef Polynomial_rep Rep; typedef typename Rep::Vector Vector; typedef typename Rep::size_type size_type; typedef typename Rep::iterator iterator; typedef typename Rep::const_iterator const_iterator; /*{\Mtypemember a random access iterator for read-only access to the coefficient vector.}*/ //protected: void reduce() { this->ptr()->reduce(); } Vector& coeffs() { return this->ptr()->coeff; } const Vector& coeffs() const { return this->ptr()->coeff; } Polynomial(size_type s) : Base( Polynomial_rep(s) ) {} // creates a polynomial of degree s-1 /*{\Mcreation 3}*/ public: Polynomial() /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| of undefined value. }*/ : Base( Polynomial_rep() ) {} Polynomial(const NT& a0) /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the constant polynomial $a_0$.}*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0)) { reduce(); } Polynomial(NT a0, NT a1) /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial $a_0 + a_1 x$. }*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0,a1)) { reduce(); } Polynomial(const NT& a0, const NT& a1,const NT& a2) /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial $a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2$. }*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0,a1,a2)) { reduce(); } template Polynomial(std::pair poly) /*{\Mcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial whose coefficients are determined by the iterator range, i.e. let $(a_0 = |*first|, a_1 = |*++first|, \ldots a_d = |*it|)$, where |++it == last| then |\Mvar| stores the polynomial $a_1 + a_2 x + \ldots a_d x^d$.}*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(poly)) { reduce(); } // KILL double START Polynomial(double n) : Base(Polynomial_rep(NT(n))) { reduce(); } Polynomial(double n1, double n2) : Base(Polynomial_rep(NT(n1),NT(n2))) { reduce(); } // KILL double END // KILL int START Polynomial(int n) : Base(Polynomial_rep(NT(n))) { reduce(); } Polynomial(int n1, int n2) : Base(Polynomial_rep(NT(n1),NT(n2))) { reduce(); } // KILL int END //protected: // accessing coefficients internally: NT& coeff(unsigned int i) { CGAL_assertion(!this->is_shared() && i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size())); return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; } public: /*{\Moperations 3 3 }*/ const_iterator begin() const { return this->ptr()->coeff.begin(); } /*{\Mop a random access iterator pointing to $a_0$.}*/ const_iterator end() const { return this->ptr()->coeff.end(); } /*{\Mop a random access iterator pointing beyond $a_d$.}*/ int degree() const { return static_cast(this->ptr()->coeff.size())-1; } /*{\Mop the degree of the polynomial.}*/ const NT& operator[](unsigned int i) const { CGAL_assertion( i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size()) ); return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; } //{\Marrop the coefficient $a_i$ of the polynomial.} NT operator()(unsigned int i) const { if(i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size())) return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; return 0; } NT eval_at(const NT& r) const /*{\Mop evaluates the polynomial at |r|.}*/ { CGAL_assertion( degree()>=0 ); NT res = this->ptr()->coeff[0], x = r; for(int i=1; i<=degree(); ++i) { res += this->ptr()->coeff[i]*x; x*=r; } return res; } CGAL::Sign sign() const /*{\Mop returns the sign of the limit process for $x \rightarrow \infty$ (the sign of the leading coefficient).}*/ { const NT& leading_coeff = this->ptr()->coeff.back(); if (degree() < 0) return CGAL::ZERO; if (leading_coeff < NT(0)) return (CGAL::NEGATIVE); if (leading_coeff > NT(0)) return (CGAL::POSITIVE); return CGAL::ZERO; } bool is_zero() const /*{\Mop returns true iff |\Mvar| is the zero polynomial.}*/ { return degree()==0 && this->ptr()->coeff[0]==NT(0); } Polynomial abs() const /*{\Mop returns |-\Mvar| if |\Mvar.sign()==NEGATIVE| and |\Mvar| otherwise.}*/ { return ( sign()==CGAL::NEGATIVE ) ? - *this : *this; } NT content() const /*{\Mop returns the content of |\Mvar| (the gcd of its coefficients).}*/ { CGAL_assertion( degree()>=0 ); return gcd_of_range(this->ptr()->coeff.begin(),this->ptr()->coeff.end()); } /*{\Mtext Additionally |\Mname| offers standard arithmetic ring opertions like |+,-,*,+=,-=,*=|. By means of the sign operation we can also offer comparison predicates as $<,>,\leq,\geq$. Where $p_1 < p_2$ holds iff $|sign|(p_1 - p_2) < 0$. This data type is fully compliant to the requirements of CGAL number types. \setopdims{3cm}{2cm}}*/ friend Polynomial operator - <> (const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator + <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator - <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator * <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator / <> (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2); /*{\Mbinopfunc implements polynomial division of |p1| and |p2|. if |p1 = p2 * p3| then |p2| is returned. The result is undefined if |p3| does not exist in |NT[x]|. The correct division algorithm is chosen according to a number type traits class. If |Number_type_traits::Has_gcd == Tag_true| then the division is done by \emph{pseudo division} based on a |gcd| operation of |NT|. If |Number_type_traits::Has_gcd == Tag_false| then the division is done by \emph{euclidean division} based on the division operation of the field |NT|. \textbf{Note} that |NT=int| quickly leads to overflow errors when using this operation.}*/ /*{\Mtext \headerline{Static member functions}}*/ static Polynomial gcd (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2); /*{\Mstatic returns the greatest common divisor of |p1| and |p2|. \textbf{Note} that |NT=int| quickly leads to overflow errors when using this operation. \precond Requires |NT| to be a unique factorization domain, i.e. to provide a |gcd| operation.}*/ static void pseudo_div (const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r, NT& D); /*{\Mstatic implements division with remainder on polynomials of the ring |NT[x]|: $D*f = g*q + r$. \precond |NT| is a unique factorization domain, i.e., there exists a |gcd| operation and an integral division operation on |NT|.}*/ static void euclidean_div (const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r); /*{\Mstatic implements division with remainder on polynomials of the ring |NT[x]|: $f = g*q + r$. \precond |NT| is a field, i.e., there exists a division operation on |NT|. }*/ friend double to_double <> (const Polynomial& p); Polynomial& operator += (const Polynomial& p1) { this->copy_on_write(); int d = (std::min)(degree(),p1.degree()), i; for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) coeff(i) += p1[i]; while (i<=p1.degree()) this->ptr()->coeff.push_back(p1[i++]); reduce(); return (*this); } Polynomial& operator -= (const Polynomial& p1) { this->copy_on_write(); int d = (std::min)(degree(),p1.degree()), i; for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) coeff(i) -= p1[i]; while (i<=p1.degree()) this->ptr()->coeff.push_back(-p1[i++]); reduce(); return (*this); } Polynomial& operator *= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)*p1; return (*this); } Polynomial& operator /= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)/p1; return (*this); } Polynomial& operator %= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)%p1; return (*this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // SPECIALIZE_MEMBERS(int double) START Polynomial& operator += (const NT& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (NT)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const NT& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (NT)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const NT& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const NT& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator %= (const NT& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } // SPECIALIZING_MEMBERS FOR const int& Polynomial& operator += (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (NT)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (NT)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator %= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } // SPECIALIZING_MEMBERS FOR const double& Polynomial& operator += (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (NT)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (NT)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator %= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (NT)num; reduce(); return *this; } // SPECIALIZE_MEMBERS(int double) END //------------------------------------------------------------------ void minus_offsetmult(const Polynomial& p, const NT& b, int k) { CGAL_assertion(!this->is_shared()); Polynomial s(size_type(p.degree()+k+1)); // zero entries for (int i=k; i <= s.degree(); ++i) s.coeff(i) = b*p[i-k]; operator-=(s); } }; /*{\Mimplementation This data type is implemented as an item type via a smart pointer scheme. The coefficients are stored in a vector of |NT| entries. The simple arithmetic operations $+,-$ take time $O(d*T(NT))$, multiplication is quadratic in the maximal degree of the arguments times $T(NT)$, where $T(NT)$ is the time for a corresponding operation on two instances of the ring type.}*/ //############ POLYNOMIAL< INT > ################################### // CLASS TEMPLATE int: /*{\Xsubst iterator_traits::value_type#int <># }*/ /*{\Xanpage{Polynomial}{int}{Polynomials in one variable}{p}}*/ template <> class Polynomial : public Handle_for< Polynomial_rep > { /*{\Xdefinition An instance |\Mvar| of the data type |\Mname| represents a polynomial $p = a_0 + a_1 x + \ldots a_d x^d $ from the ring |int[x]|. The data type offers standard ring operations and a sign operation which determines the sign for the limit process $x \rightarrow \infty$. |int[x]| becomes a unique factorization domain, if the number type |int| is either a field type (1) or a unique factorization domain (2). In both cases there's a polynomial division operation defined.}*/ /*{\Xtypes 5}*/ public: typedef int NT; /*{\Xtypemember the component type representing the coefficients.}*/ typedef Handle_for< Polynomial_rep > Base; typedef Polynomial_rep Rep; typedef Rep::Vector Vector; typedef Rep::size_type size_type; typedef Rep::iterator iterator; typedef Rep::const_iterator const_iterator; /*{\Xtypemember a random access iterator for read-only access to the coefficient vector.}*/ //protected: void reduce() { this->ptr()->reduce(); } Vector& coeffs() { return this->ptr()->coeff; } const Vector& coeffs() const { return this->ptr()->coeff; } Polynomial(size_type s) : Base( Polynomial_rep(s) ) {} // creates a polynomial of degree s-1 /*{\Xcreation 3}*/ public: Polynomial() /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| of undefined value. }*/ : Base( Polynomial_rep() ) {} Polynomial(const int& a0) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the constant polynomial $a_0$.}*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0)) { reduce(); } Polynomial(int a0, int a1) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial $a_0 + a_1 x$. }*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0,a1)) { reduce(); } Polynomial(const int& a0, const int& a1,const int& a2) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial $a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2$. }*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0,a1,a2)) { reduce(); } template Polynomial(std::pair poly) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial whose coefficients are determined by the iterator range, i.e. let $(a_0 = |*first|, a_1 = |*++first|, \ldots a_d = |*it|)$, where |++it == last| then |\Mvar| stores the polynomial $a_1 + a_2 x + \ldots a_d x^d$.}*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(poly)) { reduce(); } // KILL double START Polynomial(double n) : Base(Polynomial_rep(int(n))) { reduce(); } Polynomial(double n1, double n2) : Base(Polynomial_rep(int(n1),int(n2))) { reduce(); } // KILL double END //protected: // accessing coefficients internally: int& coeff(unsigned int i) { CGAL_assertion(!this->is_shared() && i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size())); return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; } public: /*{\Xoperations 3 3 }*/ const_iterator begin() const { return this->ptr()->coeff.begin(); } /*{\Xop a random access iterator pointing to $a_0$.}*/ const_iterator end() const { return this->ptr()->coeff.end(); } /*{\Xop a random access iterator pointing beyond $a_d$.}*/ int degree() const { return static_cast(this->ptr()->coeff.size())-1; } /*{\Xop the degree of the polynomial.}*/ const int& operator[](unsigned int i) const { CGAL_assertion( i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size()) ); return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; } /*{\Xarrop the coefficient $a_i$ of the polynomial.}*/ int eval_at(const int& r) const /*{\Xop evaluates the polynomial at |r|.}*/ { CGAL_assertion( degree()>=0 ); int res = this->ptr()->coeff[0], x = r; for(int i=1; i<=degree(); ++i) { res += this->ptr()->coeff[i]*x; x*=r; } return res; } CGAL::Sign sign() const /*{\Xop returns the sign of the limit process for $x \rightarrow \infty$ (the sign of the leading coefficient).}*/ { const int& leading_coeff = this->ptr()->coeff.back(); if (leading_coeff < int(0)) return (CGAL::NEGATIVE); if (leading_coeff > int(0)) return (CGAL::POSITIVE); return CGAL::ZERO; } bool is_zero() const /*{\Xop returns true iff |\Mvar| is the zero polynomial.}*/ { return degree()==0 && this->ptr()->coeff[0]==int(0); } Polynomial abs() const /*{\Xop returns |-\Mvar| if |\Mvar.sign()==NEGATIVE| and |\Mvar| otherwise.}*/ { return ( sign()==CGAL::NEGATIVE ) ? - *this : *this; } int content() const /*{\Xop returns the content of |\Mvar| (the gcd of its coefficients). \precond Requires |int| to provide a |gcd| operation.}*/ { CGAL_assertion( degree()>=0 ); return gcd_of_range(this->ptr()->coeff.begin(),this->ptr()->coeff.end()); } /*{\Xtext Additionally |\Mname| offers standard arithmetic ring opertions like |+,-,*,+=,-=,*=|. By means of the sign operation we can also offer comparison predicates as $<,>,\leq,\geq$. Where $p_1 < p_2$ holds iff $|sign|(p_1 - p_2) < 0$. This data type is fully compliant to the requirements of CGAL number types. \setopdims{3cm}{2cm}}*/ friend Polynomial operator + <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator - <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator * <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator / <> (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2); /*{\Xbinopfunc implements polynomial division of |p1| and |p2|. if |p1 = p2 * p3| then |p2| is returned. The result is undefined if |p3| does not exist in |int[x]|. The correct division algorithm is chosen according to a number type traits class. If |Number_type_traits::Has_gcd == Tag_true| then the division is done by \emph{pseudo division} based on a |gcd| operation of |int|. If |Number_type_traits::Has_gcd == Tag_false| then the division is done by \emph{euclidean division} based on the division operation of the field |int|. \textbf{Note} that |int=int| quickly leads to overflow errors when using this operation.}*/ /*{\Xtext \headerline{Static member functions}}*/ static Polynomial gcd (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2); /*{\Xstatic returns the greatest common divisor of |p1| and |p2|. \textbf{Note} that |int=int| quickly leads to overflow errors when using this operation. \precond Requires |int| to be a unique factorization domain, i.e. to provide a |gcd| operation.}*/ static void pseudo_div (const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r, int& D); /*{\Xstatic implements division with remainder on polynomials of the ring |int[x]|: $D*f = g*q + r$. \precond |int| is a unique factorization domain, i.e., there exists a |gcd| operation and an integral division operation on |int|.}*/ static void euclidean_div (const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r); /*{\Xstatic implements division with remainder on polynomials of the ring |int[x]|: $f = g*q + r$. \precond |int| is a field, i.e., there exists a division operation on |int|. }*/ friend double to_double <> (const Polynomial& p); Polynomial& operator += (const Polynomial& p1) { this->copy_on_write(); int d = (std::min)(degree(),p1.degree()), i; for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) coeff(i) += p1[i]; while (i<=p1.degree()) this->ptr()->coeff.push_back(p1[i++]); reduce(); return (*this); } Polynomial& operator -= (const Polynomial& p1) { this->copy_on_write(); int d = (std::min)(degree(),p1.degree()), i; for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) coeff(i) -= p1[i]; while (i<=p1.degree()) this->ptr()->coeff.push_back(-p1[i++]); reduce(); return (*this); } Polynomial& operator *= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)*p1; return (*this); } Polynomial& operator /= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)/p1; return (*this); } Polynomial& operator %= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)%p1; return (*this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // SPECIALIZE_MEMBERS(int double) START Polynomial& operator += (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (int)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (int)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (int)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (int)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator %= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (int)num; reduce(); return *this; } // SPECIALIZING_MEMBERS FOR const double& Polynomial& operator += (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (int)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (int)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (int)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (int)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator %= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (int)num; reduce(); return *this; } // SPECIALIZE_MEMBERS(int double) END //------------------------------------------------------------------ void minus_offsetmult(const Polynomial& p, const int& b, int k) { CGAL_assertion(!is_shared()); Polynomial s(size_type(p.degree()+k+1)); // zero entries for (int i=k; i <= s.degree(); ++i) s.coeff(i) = b*p[i-k]; operator-=(s); } }; /*{\Ximplementation This data type is implemented as an item type via a smart pointer scheme. The coefficients are stored in a vector of |int| entries. The simple arithmetic operations $+,-$ take time $O(d*T(int))$, multiplication is quadratic in the maximal degree of the arguments times $T(int)$, where $T(int)$ is the time for a corresponding operation on two instances of the ring type.}*/ //############ POLYNOMIAL< INT > ################################### //############ POLYNOMIAL< DOUBLE > ################################ // CLASS TEMPLATE double: /*{\Xsubst iterator_traits::value_type#double <># }*/ /*{\Xanpage{Polynomial}{double}{Polynomials in one variable}{p}}*/ template <> class Polynomial : public Handle_for< Polynomial_rep > { /*{\Xdefinition An instance |\Mvar| of the data type |\Mname| represents a polynomial $p = a_0 + a_1 x + \ldots a_d x^d $ from the ring |double[x]|. The data type offers standard ring operations and a sign operation which determines the sign for the limit process $x \rightarrow \infty$. |double[x]| becomes a unique factorization domain, if the number type |double| is either a field type (1) or a unique factorization domain (2). In both cases there's a polynomial division operation defined.}*/ /*{\Xtypes 5}*/ public: typedef double NT; /*{\Xtypemember the component type representing the coefficients.}*/ typedef Handle_for< Polynomial_rep > Base; typedef Polynomial_rep Rep; typedef Rep::Vector Vector; typedef Rep::size_type size_type; typedef Rep::iterator iterator; typedef Rep::const_iterator const_iterator; /*{\Xtypemember a random access iterator for read-only access to the coefficient vector.}*/ //protected: void reduce() { this->ptr()->reduce(); } Vector& coeffs() { return this->ptr()->coeff; } const Vector& coeffs() const { return this->ptr()->coeff; } Polynomial(size_type s) : Base( Polynomial_rep(s) ) {} // creates a polynomial of degree s-1 /*{\Xcreation 3}*/ public: Polynomial() /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| of undefined value. }*/ : Base( Polynomial_rep() ) {} Polynomial(const double& a0) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the constant polynomial $a_0$.}*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0)) { reduce(); } Polynomial(const double a0, const double a1) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial $a_0 + a_1 x$. }*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0,a1)) { reduce(); } Polynomial(const double& a0, const double& a1,const double& a2) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial $a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2$. }*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(a0,a1,a2)) { reduce(); } template Polynomial(std::pair poly) /*{\Xcreate introduces a variable |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| representing the polynomial whose coefficients are determined by the iterator range, i.e. let $(a_0 = |*first|, a_1 = |*++first|, \ldots a_d = |*it|)$, where |++it == last| then |\Mvar| stores the polynomial $a_1 + a_2 x + \ldots a_d x^d$.}*/ : Base(Polynomial_rep(poly)) { reduce(); } // KILL int START Polynomial(int n) : Base(Polynomial_rep(double(n))) { reduce(); } Polynomial(int n1, int n2) : Base(Polynomial_rep(double(n1),double(n2))) { reduce(); } // KILL int END //protected: // accessing coefficients internally: double& coeff(unsigned int i) { CGAL_assertion(!this->is_shared() && i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size())); return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; } public: /*{\Xoperations 3 3 }*/ const_iterator begin() const { return this->ptr()->coeff.begin(); } /*{\Xop a random access iterator pointing to $a_0$.}*/ const_iterator end() const { return this->ptr()->coeff.end(); } /*{\Xop a random access iterator pointing beyond $a_d$.}*/ int degree() const { return static_cast(this->ptr()->coeff.size())-1; } /*{\Xop the degree of the polynomial.}*/ const double& operator[](unsigned int i) const { CGAL_assertion( i<(this->ptr()->coeff.size()) ); return this->ptr()->coeff[i]; } /*{\Xarrop the coefficient $a_i$ of the polynomial.}*/ double eval_at(const double& r) const /*{\Xop evaluates the polynomial at |r|.}*/ { CGAL_assertion( degree()>=0 ); double res = this->ptr()->coeff[0], x = r; for(int i=1; i<=degree(); ++i) { res += this->ptr()->coeff[i]*x; x*=r; } return res; } CGAL::Sign sign() const /*{\Xop returns the sign of the limit process for $x \rightarrow \infty$ (the sign of the leading coefficient).}*/ { const double& leading_coeff = this->ptr()->coeff.back(); if (leading_coeff < double(0)) return (CGAL::NEGATIVE); if (leading_coeff > double(0)) return (CGAL::POSITIVE); return CGAL::ZERO; } bool is_zero() const /*{\Xop returns true iff |\Mvar| is the zero polynomial.}*/ { return degree()==0 && this->ptr()->coeff[0]==double(0); } Polynomial abs() const /*{\Xop returns |-\Mvar| if |\Mvar.sign()==NEGATIVE| and |\Mvar| otherwise.}*/ { return ( sign()==CGAL::NEGATIVE ) ? - *this : *this; } double content() const /*{\Xop returns the content of |\Mvar| (the gcd of its coefficients). \precond Requires |double| to provide a |gdc| operation.}*/ { CGAL_assertion( degree()>=0 ); return gcd_of_range(this->ptr()->coeff.begin(),this->ptr()->coeff.end()); } /*{\Xtext Additionally |\Mname| offers standard arithmetic ring opertions like |+,-,*,+=,-=,*=|. By means of the sign operation we can also offer comparison predicates as $<,>,\leq,\geq$. Where $p_1 < p_2$ holds iff $|sign|(p_1 - p_2) < 0$. This data type is fully compliant to the requirements of CGAL number types. \setopdims{3cm}{2cm}}*/ friend Polynomial operator + <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator - <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator * <> (const Polynomial&, const Polynomial&); friend Polynomial operator / <> (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2); /*{\Xbinopfunc implements polynomial division of |p1| and |p2|. if |p1 = p2 * p3| then |p2| is returned. The result is undefined if |p3| does not exist in |double[x]|. The correct division algorithm is chosen according to the number type traits class. If |Number_type_traits::Has_gcd == Tag_true| then the division is done by \emph{pseudo division} based on a |gcd| operation of |double|. If |Number_type_traits::Has_gcd == Tag_false| then the division is done by \emph{euclidean division} based on the division operation of the field |double|. \textbf{Note} that |double=int| quickly leads to overflow errors when using this operation.}*/ /*{\Xtext \headerline{Static member functions}}*/ static Polynomial gcd (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2); /*{\Xstatic returns the greatest common divisor of |p1| and |p2|. \textbf{Note} that |double=int| quickly leads to overflow errors when using this operation. \precond Requires |double| to be a unique factorization domain, i.e. to provide a |gdc| operation.}*/ static void pseudo_div (const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r, double& D); /*{\Xstatic implements division with remainder on polynomials of the ring |double[x]|: $D*f = g*q + r$. \precond |double| is a unique factorization domain, i.e., there exists a |gcd| operation and an integral division operation on |double|.}*/ static void euclidean_div (const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r); /*{\Xstatic implements division with remainder on polynomials of the ring |double[x]|: $f = g*q + r$. \precond |double| is a field, i.e., there exists a division operation on |double|. }*/ friend double to_double <> (const Polynomial& p); Polynomial& operator += (const Polynomial& p1) { this->copy_on_write(); int d = (std::min)(degree(),p1.degree()), i; for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) coeff(i) += p1[i]; while (i<=p1.degree()) this->ptr()->coeff.push_back(p1[i++]); reduce(); return (*this); } Polynomial& operator -= (const Polynomial& p1) { this->copy_on_write(); int d = (std::min)(degree(),p1.degree()), i; for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) coeff(i) -= p1[i]; while (i<=p1.degree()) this->ptr()->coeff.push_back(-p1[i++]); reduce(); return (*this); } Polynomial& operator *= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)*p1; return (*this); } Polynomial& operator /= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)/p1; return (*this); } Polynomial& operator %= (const Polynomial& p1) { (*this)=(*this)%p1; return (*this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // SPECIALIZE_MEMBERS(int double) START Polynomial& operator += (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (double)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (double)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (double)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (double)num; reduce(); return *this; } /* Polynomial& operator %= (const double& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (double)num; reduce(); return *this; } */ // SPECIALIZING_MEMBERS FOR const int& Polynomial& operator += (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) += (double)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator -= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); coeff(0) -= (double)num; return *this; } Polynomial& operator *= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) *= (double)num; reduce(); return *this; } Polynomial& operator /= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) /= (double)num; reduce(); return *this; } /* Polynomial& operator %= (const int& num) { this->copy_on_write(); CGAL_assertion(num!=0); for(int i=0; i<=degree(); ++i) coeff(i) %= (double)num; reduce(); return *this; } */ // SPECIALIZE_MEMBERS(int double) END //------------------------------------------------------------------ void minus_offsetmult(const Polynomial& p, const double& b, int k) { CGAL_assertion(!this->is_shared()); Polynomial s(size_type(p.degree()+k+1)); // zero entries for (int i=k; i <= s.degree(); ++i) s.coeff(i) = b*p[i-k]; operator-=(s); } }; /*{\Ximplementation This data type is implemented as an item type via a smart pointer scheme. The coefficients are stored in a vector of |double| entries. The simple arithmetic operations $+,-$ take time $O(d*T(double))$, multiplication is quadratic in the maximal degree of the arguments times $T(double)$, where $T(double)$ is the time for a corresponding operation on two instances of the ring type.}*/ //############ POLYNOMIAL< DOUBLE > ################################ // SPECIALIZE_CLASS(NT,int double) END template double to_double (const Polynomial&) { return 0; } template bool is_valid (const Polynomial& p) { return (CGAL::is_valid(p[0])); } template bool is_finite (const Polynomial& p) { return CGAL::is_finite(p[0]); } template Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p) { CGAL_assertion(p.degree()>=0); Polynomial res(std::make_pair(p.coeffs().begin(),p.coeffs().end())); typename Polynomial::iterator it, ite=res.coeffs().end(); for(it=res.coeffs().begin(); it!=ite; ++it) *it = -*it; return res; } template Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { typedef typename Polynomial::size_type size_type; CGAL_assertion(p1.degree()>=0 && p2.degree()>=0); bool p1d_smaller_p2d = p1.degree() < p2.degree(); int min,max,i; if (p1d_smaller_p2d) { min = p1.degree(); max = p2.degree(); } else { max = p1.degree(); min = p2.degree(); } Polynomial p( size_type(max + 1)); for (i = 0; i <= min; ++i ) p.coeff(i) = p1[i]+p2[i]; if (p1d_smaller_p2d) for (; i <= max; ++i ) p.coeff(i)=p2[i]; else /* p1d >= p2d */ for (; i <= max; ++i ) p.coeff(i)=p1[i]; p.reduce(); return p; } template Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { typedef typename Polynomial::size_type size_type; CGAL_assertion(p1.degree()>=0 && p2.degree()>=0); bool p1d_smaller_p2d = p1.degree() < p2.degree(); int min,max,i; if (p1d_smaller_p2d) { min = p1.degree(); max = p2.degree(); } else { max = p1.degree(); min = p2.degree(); } Polynomial p( size_type(max+1) ); for (i = 0; i <= min; ++i ) p.coeff(i)=p1[i]-p2[i]; if (p1d_smaller_p2d) for (; i <= max; ++i ) p.coeff(i)= -p2[i]; else /* p1d >= p2d */ for (; i <= max; ++i ) p.coeff(i)= p1[i]; p.reduce(); return p; } template Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { typedef typename Polynomial::size_type size_type; if (p1.degree()<0 || p2.degree()<0) return p1; CGAL_assertion(p1.degree()>=0 && p2.degree()>=0); Polynomial p( size_type(p1.degree()+p2.degree()+1) ); // initialized with zeros for (int i=0; i <= p1.degree(); ++i) for (int j=0; j <= p2.degree(); ++j) p.coeff(i+j) += (p1[i]*p2[j]); p.reduce(); return p; } template Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { typedef Algebraic_structure_traits AST; return divop(p1,p2, typename AST::Algebraic_category()); } template inline Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { typedef Algebraic_structure_traits AST; return modop(p1,p2, typename AST::Algebraic_category()); } template Polynomial divop (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2, Integral_domain_without_division_tag) { CGAL_assertion(!p2.is_zero()); if (p1.is_zero()) { return 0; } Polynomial q; Polynomial r; Polynomial::euclidean_div(p1,p2,q,r); CGAL_postcondition( (p2*q+r==p1) ); return q; } template Polynomial divop (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2, Unique_factorization_domain_tag) { CGAL_assertion(!p2.is_zero()); if (p1.is_zero()) return 0; Polynomial q,r; NT D; Polynomial::pseudo_div(p1,p2,q,r,D); CGAL_postcondition( (p2*q+r==p1*Polynomial(D)) ); return q/=D; } template Polynomial modop (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2, Integral_domain_without_division_tag) { CGAL_assertion(!p2.is_zero()); if (p1.is_zero()) return 0; Polynomial q,r; Polynomial::euclidean_div(p1,p2,q,r); CGAL_postcondition( (p2*q+r==p1) ); return r; } template Polynomial modop (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2, Unique_factorization_domain_tag) { CGAL_assertion(!p2.is_zero()); if (p1.is_zero()) return 0; Polynomial q,r; NT D; Polynomial::pseudo_div(p1,p2,q,r,D); CGAL_postcondition( (p2*q+r==p1*Polynomial(D)) ); return q/=D; } template inline Polynomial gcd(const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return Polynomial::gcd(p1,p2); } template bool operator == (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return ( (p1-p2).sign() == CGAL::ZERO ); } template bool operator != (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return ( (p1-p2).sign() != CGAL::ZERO ); } template bool operator < (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return ( (p1-p2).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE ); } template bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return ( (p1-p2).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE ); } template bool operator > (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return ( (p1-p2).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE ); } template bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { return ( (p1-p2).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE ); } template CGAL::Sign sign(const Polynomial& p) { return p.sign(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // SPECIALIZE_FUNCTION(NT,int double) START // SPECIALIZING inline to : // lefthand side inline Polynomial operator + (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) + p2); } inline Polynomial operator - (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) - p2); } inline Polynomial operator * (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) * p2); } inline Polynomial operator / (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)/p2); } inline Polynomial operator % (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)%p2); } // righthand side inline Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 + Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 - Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 * Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 / Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 % Polynomial(num)); } // lefthand side inline bool operator == (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator != (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator < (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} inline bool operator <= (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator > (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator >= (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // righthand side inline bool operator == (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator != (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator < (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} inline bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator > (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // SPECIALIZING pure int params: // lefthand side template Polynomial operator + (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) + p2); } template Polynomial operator - (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) - p2); } template Polynomial operator * (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) * p2); } template Polynomial operator / (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)/p2); } template Polynomial operator % (const int& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)%p2); } // righthand side template Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 + Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 - Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 * Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 / Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const int& num) { return (p1 % Polynomial(num)); } // lefthand side template bool operator == (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator != (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator < (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} template bool operator <= (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator > (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator >= (const int& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // righthand side template bool operator == (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator != (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator < (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} template bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator > (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p, const int& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // SPECIALIZING inline to : // lefthand side inline Polynomial operator + (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) + p2); } inline Polynomial operator - (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) - p2); } inline Polynomial operator * (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) * p2); } inline Polynomial operator / (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)/p2); } inline Polynomial operator % (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)%p2); } // righthand side inline Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 + Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 - Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 * Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 / Polynomial(num)); } inline Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 % Polynomial(num)); } // lefthand side inline bool operator == (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator != (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator < (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} inline bool operator <= (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator > (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator >= (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // righthand side inline bool operator == (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator != (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} inline bool operator < (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} inline bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator > (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} inline bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // SPECIALIZING pure double params: // lefthand side template Polynomial operator + (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) + p2); } template Polynomial operator - (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) - p2); } template Polynomial operator * (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) * p2); } template Polynomial operator / (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)/p2); } template Polynomial operator % (const double& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)%p2); } // righthand side template Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 + Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 - Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 * Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 / Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const double& num) { return (p1 % Polynomial(num)); } // lefthand side template bool operator == (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator != (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator < (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} template bool operator <= (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator > (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator >= (const double& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // righthand side template bool operator == (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator != (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator < (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} template bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator > (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p, const double& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // SPECIALIZE_FUNCTION ORIGINAL // lefthand side template Polynomial operator + (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) + p2); } template Polynomial operator - (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) - p2); } template Polynomial operator * (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num) * p2); } template Polynomial operator / (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)/p2); } template Polynomial operator % (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p2) { return (Polynomial(num)%p2); } // righthand side template Polynomial operator + (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num) { return (p1 + Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator - (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num) { return (p1 - Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator * (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num) { return (p1 * Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator / (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num) { return (p1 / Polynomial(num)); } template Polynomial operator % (const Polynomial& p1, const NT& num) { return (p1 % Polynomial(num)); } // lefthand side template bool operator == (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator != (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator < (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} template bool operator <= (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator > (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator >= (const NT& num, const Polynomial& p) { return ( (Polynomial(num)-p).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // righthand side template bool operator == (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator != (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::ZERO );} template bool operator < (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::NEGATIVE );} template bool operator <= (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator > (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() == CGAL::POSITIVE );} template bool operator >= (const Polynomial& p, const NT& num) { return ( (p-Polynomial(num)).sign() != CGAL::NEGATIVE );} // SPECIALIZE_FUNCTION(NT,int double) END //------------------------------------------------------------------ template void print_monomial(std::ostream& os, const NT& n, int i) { if (i==0) os << n; if (i==1) os << n << "R"; if (i>1) os << n << "R^" << i; } // I/O template std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Polynomial& p) { int i; switch( get_mode(os) ) { case CGAL::IO::ASCII : os << p.degree() << ' '; for(i=0; i<=p.degree(); ++i) os << p[i] << ' '; break; case CGAL::IO::BINARY : CGAL::write(os, p.degree()); for( i=0; i <= p.degree(); ++i) CGAL::write(os, p[i]); break; default: // i.e. PRETTY os << "Polynomial(" << p.degree() << ", "; for( i=0; i <= p.degree(); ++i) { os << p[i]; if (i < p.degree()) os << ", "; } os << ")"; // Alternative pretty format //print_monomial(os,p[p.degree()],p.degree()); //for(i=p.degree()-1; i>=0; --i) { // if (p[i]!=NT(0)) { os << " + "; print_monomial(os,p[i],i); } //} break; } return os; } template std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Polynomial& p) { int i,d; char ch; NT c; bool pretty = false; switch( get_mode(is) ) { case CGAL::IO::ASCII : case CGAL::IO::PRETTY : is >> ch; if ( ch == 'P') { pretty = true; // Parse rest of "olynomial(" const char buffer[11] = "olynomial("; const char* p = buffer; is >> ch; while ( is && *p != '\0' && *p == ch) { is >> ch; ++p; } if ( *p != '\0') is.clear( std::ios::badbit); if ( ! is) return is; is.putback(ch); } else { is.putback(ch); } is >> d; if ( pretty) { is >> ch; if ( ch != ',') { is.clear( std::ios::badbit); return is; } } if (d < 0) { if ( pretty) { is >> ch; if ( ch != ')') { is.clear( std::ios::badbit); return is; } } if ( is) p = Polynomial(); } else { typename Polynomial::Vector coeffs(d+1); for( i = 0; i <= d; ++i) { is >> coeffs[i]; if ( pretty && i < d) { is >> ch; if ( ch != ',') { is.clear( std::ios::badbit); return is; } } } if ( pretty) { is >> ch; if ( ch != ')') { is.clear( std::ios::badbit); return is; } } if ( is) p = Polynomial(std::make_pair( coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end())); } break; case CGAL::IO::BINARY : CGAL::read(is, d); if (d < 0) p = Polynomial(); else { typename Polynomial::Vector coeffs(d+1); for(i=0; i<=d; ++i) { CGAL::read(is,c); coeffs[i]=c; } p = Polynomial(std::make_pair( coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end())); } break; } return is; } // SPECIALIZE_FUNCTION ORIGINAL template void Polynomial::euclidean_div( const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r) { r = f; r.copy_on_write(); int rd = r.degree(); int gd = g.degree(), qd; if ( rd < gd ) { q = Polynomial(NT(0)); } else { qd = rd - gd + 1; q = Polynomial(std::size_t(qd)); } while ( rd >= gd && !(r.is_zero())) { NT S = r[rd] / g[gd]; qd = rd-gd; q.coeff(qd) += S; r.minus_offsetmult(g,S,qd); rd = r.degree(); } CGAL_postcondition( f==q*g+r ); } template void Polynomial::pseudo_div( const Polynomial& f, const Polynomial& g, Polynomial& q, Polynomial& r, NT& D) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("pseudo_div "<(0); r = f; D = 1; CGAL_postcondition(Polynomial(D)*f==q*g+r); return; } // now we know fd >= gd and f>=g int qd=fd-gd, delta=qd+1, rd=fd; { q = Polynomial( std::size_t(delta) ); }; // workaround for SunPRO NT G = g[gd]; // highest order coeff of g D = G; while (--delta) D*=G; // D = G^delta Polynomial res = Polynomial(D)*f; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" pseudo_div start "<= 0) { NT F = res[rd]; // highest order coeff of res NT t = F/G; // ensured to be integer by multiplication of D q.coeff(qd) = t; // store q coeff res.minus_offsetmult(g,t,qd); if (res.is_zero()) break; rd = res.degree(); qd = rd - gd; } r = res; CGAL_postcondition(Polynomial(D)*f==q*g+r); CGAL_NEF_TRACEN(" returning "< Polynomial Polynomial::gcd( const Polynomial& p1, const Polynomial& p2) { CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("gcd("<(NT(1)); else return p2.abs(); } if ( p2.is_zero() ) return p1.abs(); Polynomial f1 = p1.abs(); Polynomial f2 = p2.abs(); NT f1c = f1.content(), f2c = f2.content(); f1 /= f1c; f2 /= f2c; NT F = CGAL_NTS gcd(f1c,f2c); Polynomial q,r; NT M=1,D; bool first = true; while ( ! f2.is_zero() ) { Polynomial::pseudo_div(f1,f2,q,r,D); if (!first) M*=D; CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(f1);CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(f2);CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(q);CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(r);CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(M); r /= r.content(); f1=f2; f2=r; first=false; } CGAL_NEF_TRACEV(f1.content()); return Polynomial(F)*f1.abs(); } // SPECIALIZE_IMPLEMENTATION(NT,int double) END } // namespace Nef using Nef::to_double; using Nef::sign; using Nef::is_finite; using Nef::is_valid; using Nef::gcd; } //namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_NEF_2_POLYNOMIAL_H