// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Nef_S2/include/CGAL/Nef_S2/Sphere_map.h $ // $Id: Sphere_map.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel // Peter Hachenberger #ifndef CGAL_SPHERE_MAP_H #define CGAL_SPHERE_MAP_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef CGAL_NEF_DEBUG #define CGAL_NEF_DEBUG 109 #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template class move_edge_around_svertex { public: void forward(HE& e) const { e = (e->sprev()->twin()); } void backward(HE& e) const { e = (e->twin()->snext()); } }; template struct move_edge_around_sface { void forward(HE& e) const { e = (e->snext()); } void backward(HE& e) const { e = (e->sprev()); } }; /*{\Manpage {Sphere_map}{Kernel}{Sphere Maps}{M}}*/ template class Sphere_map { /*{\Mdefinition selective sphere map container based on the HDS design of Kettner.}*/ public: /*{\Mtypes 7}*/ typedef Sphere_map Self; typedef Kernel_ Sphere_kernel; typedef Items_ Items; typedef Mark_ Mark; friend class SM_const_decorator; friend class SM_decorator; typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_point Sphere_point; /*{\Mtypemember points on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_segment Sphere_segment; /*{\Mtypemember segments on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_circle Sphere_circle; /*{\Mtypemember segments on the unit sphere.}*/ typedef typename Sphere_kernel::Sphere_direction Sphere_direction; /*{\Mtypemember directions on the unit sphere.}*/ // typedef bool Mark; /*{\Mtypemember selective attributes of all objects.}*/ typedef size_t Size_type; /*{\Mtypemember size type.}*/ /*{\Mtext For all objects |Vertex|, |Halfedge|, |Halfloop|, |Face| there are handle and iterator types |xxx_handle|, |xxx_iterator|. There's no type |SLoop_iterator|, as there is at most one |SLoop| pair per sphere map.}*/ typedef typename Items::template SVertex SVertex_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_svertex SVertex; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SVertex_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SVertex) SVertex_alloc; typedef typename SVertex_list::iterator SVertex_handle; typedef typename SVertex_list::const_iterator SVertex_const_handle; typedef typename SVertex_list::iterator SVertex_iterator; typedef typename SVertex_list::const_iterator SVertex_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SHalfedge SHalfedge_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_shalfedge SHalfedge; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SHalfedge_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SHalfedge) SHalfedge_alloc; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::iterator SHalfedge_handle; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::const_iterator SHalfedge_const_handle; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::iterator SHalfedge_iterator; typedef typename SHalfedge_list::const_iterator SHalfedge_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SFace SFace_base; typedef SNC_in_place_list_sface SFace; typedef CGAL::In_place_list SFace_list; typedef CGAL_ALLOCATOR(SFace) SFace_alloc; typedef typename SFace_list::iterator SFace_handle; typedef typename SFace_list::const_iterator SFace_const_handle; typedef typename SFace_list::iterator SFace_iterator; typedef typename SFace_list::const_iterator SFace_const_iterator; typedef typename Items::template SHalfloop SHalfloop; typedef SHalfloop* SHalfloop_handle; typedef const SHalfloop* SHalfloop_const_handle; typedef SHalfloop* SHalfloop_iterator; typedef const SHalfloop* SHalfloop_const_iterator; typedef CGAL::Object_handle Object_handle; /*{\Mtypemember a generic handle to an object of |\Mvar|. The kind of the object can be determined and the object assigned by the function:\\ |bool assign(xxx_handle& h, Object_handle o)|\\ where the function returns |true| iff the assignment of |o| to |h| was valid.}*/ typedef std::list Object_list; typedef typename Object_list::iterator Object_iterator; typedef typename Object_list::const_iterator Object_const_iterator; typedef boost::optional Optional_object_iterator ; typedef Generic_handle_map Handle_to_iterator_map; typedef Sphere_map* Constructor_parameter; typedef const Sphere_map* Constructor_const_parameter; class SFace_cycle_iterator : public Object_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic iterator to an object in the boundary of a facet. Convertible to |Object_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_iterator Ibase; public: SFace_cycle_iterator() : Ibase() {} SFace_cycle_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} bool is_svertex() const { SVertex_handle v; return CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfedge() const { SHalfedge_handle e; return CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfloop() const { SHalfloop_handle l; return CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); } operator SVertex_handle() const { SVertex_handle v; CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); return v; } operator SHalfedge_handle() const { SHalfedge_handle e; CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); return e; } operator SHalfloop_handle() const { SHalfloop_handle l=0; CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); return l; } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { CGAL_error_msg("not impl."); return Object_handle(); } }; class SFace_cycle_const_iterator : public Object_const_iterator /*{\Mtypemember a generic iterator to an object in the boundary of a facet. Convertible to |Object_handle|.}*/ { typedef Object_const_iterator Ibase; public: SFace_cycle_const_iterator() : Ibase() {} SFace_cycle_const_iterator(const Ibase& b) : Ibase(b) {} bool is_svertex() const { SVertex_handle v; return CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfedge() const { SHalfedge_handle e; return CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); } bool is_shalfloop() const { SHalfloop_handle l; return CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); } operator SVertex_const_handle() const { SVertex_handle v; CGAL::assign(v,Ibase::operator*()); return SVertex_const_handle(v); } operator SHalfedge_const_handle() const { SHalfedge_handle e; CGAL::assign(e,Ibase::operator*()); return SHalfedge_const_handle(e); } operator SHalfloop_const_handle() const { SHalfloop_handle l=0; CGAL::assign(l,Ibase::operator*()); return SHalfloop_const_handle(l); } operator Object_handle() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } const Object_handle& operator*() const { return Ibase::operator*(); } Object_handle operator->() const { CGAL_error_msg("not impl."); return Object_handle(); } }; /*{\Mtext Local types are handles, iterators and circulators of the following kind: |SVertex_handle|, |SVertex_iterator|, |SHalfedge_handle|, |SHalfedge_iterator|, |SHalfloop_handle|, |SHalfloop_iterator|, |SFace_handle|, |SFace_iterator|. Additionally the following circulators are defined.}*/ typedef CircFromIt< SHalfedge_const_iterator, move_edge_around_svertex > SHalfedge_around_svertex_const_circulator; /*{\Mtypemember circulating the adjacency list of an vertex |v|.}*/ typedef CircFromIt< SHalfedge_const_iterator, move_edge_around_sface > SHalfedge_around_sface_const_circulator; /*{\Mtypemember circulating the face cycle of an face |f|.}*/ typedef CircFromIt< SHalfedge_iterator, move_edge_around_svertex > SHalfedge_around_svertex_circulator; /*{\Mtypemember circulating the adjacency list of an vertex |v|.}*/ typedef CircFromIt< SHalfedge_iterator, move_edge_around_sface > SHalfedge_around_sface_circulator; /*{\Mtypemember circulating the face cycle of an face |f|.}*/ /*{\Mcreation 3}*/ /*{\Mtext |\Mname| is default and copy constructible. Note that copy construction means cloning an isomorphic structure and is thus an expensive operation.}*/ Sphere_map(bool = false) : boundary_item_(boost::none), svertices_(), sedges_(), sfaces_(), shalfloop_() {} ~Sphere_map() { clear(); } Sphere_map(const Self& D) : boundary_item_(boost::none), svertices_(D.svertices_), sedges_(D.sedges_), sfaces_(D.sfaces_), shalfloop_(0) { if ( D.shalfloop_ != 0 ) new_shalfloop_pair(*(D.shalfloop_)); pointer_update(D); } Self& operator=(const Self& D) { if ( this == &D ) return *this; clear(); svertices_ = D.svertices_; sfaces_ = D.sfaces_; sedges_ = D.sedges_; if ( D.shalfloop_ != 0 ) new_shalfloop_pair(*D.shalfloop_); pointer_update(D); return *this; } void clear() { boundary_item_.clear(boost::none); svertices_.destroy(); sfaces_.destroy(); while ( shalfedges_begin() != shalfedges_end() ) delete_shalfedge_pair( shalfedges_begin() ); if ( shalfloop_ != 0 ) { delete_shalfloop_pair(); shalfloop_=0; } } template bool is_sm_boundary_object(H h) const { return boundary_item_[h]!=boost::none; } template Object_iterator& sm_boundary_item(H h) { return *boundary_item_[h]; } template void store_sm_boundary_item(H h, Object_iterator o) { boundary_item_[h] = o; } template void undef_sm_boundary_item(H h) { CGAL_assertion(boundary_item_[h]!=boost::none); boundary_item_[h] = boost::none; } void reset_sm_iterator_hash(Object_iterator it) { SVertex_handle sv; SHalfedge_handle se; SHalfloop_handle sl; if ( CGAL::assign(se,*it) ) { undef_sm_boundary_item(se); return; } if ( CGAL::assign(sl,*it) ) { undef_sm_boundary_item(sl); return; } if ( CGAL::assign(sv,*it) ) { undef_sm_boundary_item(sv); return; } } void reset_sm_object_list(Object_list& L) { Object_iterator oit; CGAL_forall_iterators(oit,L) reset_sm_iterator_hash(oit); L.clear(); } /*{\Moperations 2.5 3}*/ // The constant iterators and circulators. SVertex_const_iterator svertices_begin() const { return svertices_.begin();} SVertex_const_iterator svertices_end() const { return svertices_.end();} SHalfedge_const_iterator shalfedges_begin() const { return sedges_.begin();} SHalfedge_const_iterator shalfedges_end() const { return sedges_.end();} SHalfloop_const_iterator shalfloops_begin() const { return shalfloop_; } SHalfloop_const_iterator shalfloops_end() const { return shalfloop_ != 0 ? shalfloop_+2 : shalfloop_; } SFace_const_iterator sfaces_begin() const { return sfaces_.begin();} SFace_const_iterator sfaces_end() const { return sfaces_.end();} SVertex_iterator svertices_begin() { return svertices_.begin();} SVertex_iterator svertices_end() { return svertices_.end();} SHalfedge_iterator shalfedges_begin() { return sedges_.begin();} SHalfedge_iterator shalfedges_end() { return sedges_.end();} SHalfloop_iterator shalfloops_begin() { return shalfloop_; } SHalfloop_iterator shalfloops_end() { return shalfloop_ != 0 ? shalfloop_+2 : shalfloop_; } SFace_iterator sfaces_begin() { return sfaces_.begin();} SFace_iterator sfaces_end() { return sfaces_.end();} SFace_cycle_const_iterator sface_cycles_begin(SFace_const_handle f) const { return f->sface_cycles_begin(); } SFace_cycle_const_iterator sface_cycles_end(SFace_const_handle f) const { return f->sface_cycles_end(); } SFace_cycle_iterator sface_cycles_begin(SFace_handle f) const { return f->sface_cycles_begin(); } SFace_cycle_iterator sface_cycles_end(SFace_handle f) const { return f->sface_cycles_end(); } /*{\Mtext The list of all objects can be accessed via iterator ranges. For comfortable iteration we also provide iterations macros. The iterator range access operations are of the following kind:\\ |SVertex_iterator vertices_begin()/vertices_end()|\\ |SHalfedge_iterator halfedges_begin()/halfedges_end()|\\ |SHalfloop_iterator halfloops_begin()/halfloops_end()|\\ |SFace_iterator faces_begin()/faces_end()| */ Size_type number_of_svertices() const { return svertices_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of vertices.}*/ Size_type number_of_shalfedges() const { return sedges_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of (directed edges).}*/ Size_type number_of_sfaces() const { return sfaces_.size();} /*{\Mop returns the number of facets.}*/ Size_type number_of_shalfloops() const { return shalfloop_!=SHalfloop_handle() ? 2 : 0; } /*{\Mop returns the number of shalfloop.}*/ bool empty() const { return number_of_svertices() == 0 && number_of_shalfedges() == 0 && number_of_shalfloops() == 0 && number_of_sfaces() == 0; } bool has_shalfloop() const { return shalfloop_ != 0; } SHalfloop_handle& shalfloop() { return shalfloop_; } SHalfloop_const_handle shalfloop() const { return shalfloop_; } SVertex_alloc vertex_allocator; SVertex* get_vertex_node( const SVertex& ) { SVertex* p = vertex_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(vertex_allocator, p); return p; } void put_vertex_node( SVertex* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(vertex_allocator, p); vertex_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } SHalfedge_alloc halfedge_allocator; SHalfedge* get_halfedge_node( const SHalfedge& ) { SHalfedge* p = halfedge_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(halfedge_allocator, p); return p; } void put_halfedge_node( SHalfedge* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(halfedge_allocator, p); halfedge_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } SFace_alloc face_allocator; SFace* get_face_node( const SFace& ) { SFace* p = face_allocator.allocate(1); std::allocator_traits::construct(face_allocator, p); return p; } void put_face_node( SFace* p) { std::allocator_traits::destroy(face_allocator, p); face_allocator.deallocate( p, 1); } SVertex_handle new_svertex(const Sphere_point& p, Mark m = Mark()) /*{\Mop returns a new vertex at point |p| marked by |m|.}*/ { SVertex_handle vh = new_svertex(); vh->point() = p; vh->mark() = m; CGAL_NEF_TRACEN("new_svertex "<<&*vh); return vh; } template void make_twins(H h1, H h2) { h1->twin() = h2; h2->twin() = h1; } SVertex_handle new_svertex() { svertices_.push_back( * get_vertex_node(SVertex())); return --svertices_end(); } SFace_handle new_sface() { sfaces_.push_back( * get_face_node(SFace())); return --sfaces_end(); } SHalfedge_handle new_shalfedge_pair() { SHalfedge* ep2 = get_halfedge_node(SHalfedge()); SHalfedge* ep1 = get_halfedge_node(SHalfedge()); sedges_.push_back( *ep1 ); SHalfedge_handle e1 = --shalfedges_end(); sedges_.push_back( *ep2 ); SHalfedge_handle e2 = --shalfedges_end(); make_twins(e1,e2); return e1; } SHalfloop_handle new_shalfloop_pair() { SHalfloop_handle ph = new SHalfloop[2]; SHalfloop* pt(ph); ++pt; make_twins(ph,pt); shalfloop_=ph; return ph; } SHalfedge_handle new_shalfedge_pair(const SHalfedge& e1) { const SHalfedge& e2 = *(e1.twin()); SHalfedge* ep2 = new SHalfedge[2]; SHalfedge* ep1 = ep2++; *ep1=e1; *ep2=e2; sedges_.push_back( *ep1 ); SHalfedge_handle eh1 = --shalfedges_end(); sedges_.push_back( *ep2 ); SHalfedge_handle eh2 = --shalfedges_end(); make_twins(eh1,eh2); return eh1; } SHalfloop_handle new_shalfloop_pair(const SHalfloop& l1) { const SHalfloop& l2 = *(l1.twin()); SHalfloop* ph = new SHalfloop[2]; SHalfloop* pt(ph); ++pt; *ph=l1; *pt=l2; make_twins(ph,pt); shalfloop_=ph; return ph; } void delete_svertex(SVertex_handle h) { svertices_.erase(h); put_vertex_node(&*h); } void delete_sface(SFace_handle h) { sfaces_.erase(h); put_face_node(&*h); } void delete_shalfedge_pair(SHalfedge_handle h) { SHalfedge_handle t = h->twin(); sedges_.erase(h); sedges_.erase(t); put_halfedge_node(&*h); put_halfedge_node(&*t); } void delete_shalfloop_pair() { CGAL_assertion(has_shalfloop()); SHalfloop* ph = &*shalfloop_; SHalfloop* pt = &*shalfloop_->twin(); if ( ph > pt ) std::swap(ph,pt); shalfloop_ = SHalfloop_handle(); delete [] ph; } protected: void pointer_update(const Self& D); Handle_to_iterator_map boundary_item_; SVertex_list svertices_; SHalfedge_list sedges_; SFace_list sfaces_; SHalfloop_iterator shalfloop_; }; // Sphere_map template void Sphere_map:: pointer_update(const Sphere_map& D) { CGAL::Unique_hash_map VM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map EM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map LM; CGAL::Unique_hash_map FM; SVertex_const_iterator vc = D.svertices_begin(); SVertex_iterator v = svertices_begin(); for ( ; vc != D.svertices_end(); ++vc,++v) VM[vc] = v; VM[D.svertices_end()] = svertices_end(); SHalfedge_const_iterator ec = D.shalfedges_begin(); SHalfedge_iterator e = shalfedges_begin(); for ( ; ec != D.shalfedges_end(); ++ec,++e) { EM[ec] = e; e->mark() = ec->mark(); } EM[D.shalfedges_end()] = shalfedges_end(); SFace_const_iterator fc = D.sfaces_begin(); SFace_iterator f = sfaces_begin(); for ( ; fc != D.sfaces_end(); ++fc,++f) FM[fc] = f; FM[D.sfaces_end()] = sfaces_end(); SHalfloop_iterator l; if ( D.shalfloop_ != 0 ) { LM[D.shalfloop_] = shalfloop_; LM[D.shalfloop_->twin()] = shalfloop_->twin(); l = shalfloop(); shalfloop_->mark() = D.shalfloop()->mark(); shalfloop_->twin()->mark() = D.shalfloop()->twin()->mark(); if( !l->is_twin() && D.shalfloop()->is_twin()) l->mark() = l->twin()->mark(); } for (v = svertices_begin(); v != svertices_end(); ++v) { // Local Graph update: (SVertices are postponed/updated as Edges) v->out_sedge() = EM[v->out_sedge()]; v->incident_sface() = FM[v->incident_sface()]; } // Edge update: for (e = shalfedges_begin(); e != shalfedges_end(); ++e) { e->twin() = EM[e->twin()]; e->sprev() = EM[e->sprev()]; e->snext() = EM[e->snext()]; e->source() = VM[e->source()]; e->incident_sface() = FM[e->incident_sface()]; } for ( ec = D.shalfedges_begin(), e = shalfedges_begin(); ec != D.shalfedges_end(); ++ec, ++e) { if( !e->is_twin() && ec->is_twin()) e->mark() = e->twin()->mark(); } for (l = shalfloops_begin(); l != shalfloops_end(); ++l) { // l->twin() = LM[l->twin()]; l->incident_sface() = FM[l->incident_sface()]; } for (f = sfaces_begin(); f != sfaces_end(); ++f) { SFace_cycle_iterator fci; for(fci = f->boundary_entry_objects().begin(); fci != f->boundary_entry_objects().end(); ++fci) { if ( fci.is_svertex() ) { v = SVertex_handle(fci); *fci = make_object(VM[v]); store_sm_boundary_item(v,fci); } else if ( fci.is_shalfedge() ) { e = SHalfedge_handle(fci); *fci = make_object(EM[e]); store_sm_boundary_item(e,fci); } else if ( fci.is_shalfloop() ) { l = SHalfloop_handle(fci); *fci = make_object(LM[l]); store_sm_boundary_item(l,fci); } else CGAL_error_msg("damn wrong boundary item in face."); } } } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_SPHERE_MAP_H