/* *************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Project: GDAL/OGR Java bindings * Purpose: Documentation for the Java bindings * Author: Even Rouault * ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2009, Even Rouault * Copyright (c) 1999-2009, Frank Warmerdam * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *************************************************************************** */ /* Class gdal */ /** * Class gdal is an uninstanciable class providing various utility functions as static methods. *

* In particular, it provides : *

*/ public class gdal /** * General utility option processing. * * This function is intended to provide a variety of generic commandline * options for all GDAL commandline utilities. It takes care of the following * commandline options: *

* The typical usage looks something like the following. Note that the formats * should be registered so that the --formats and --format options will work properly. *

    *  public static void main( Strings[] args )
    *  {
    *    gdal.AllRegister();
    *    args = gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( args, 0 );
    *  }
* @param args the argument list array * @param options currently unused * * @return updated argument list array. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String[] GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) /** * General utility option processing. * * Same as below with options == 0 * * @see #GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String[] GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args) /** * General utility option processing. * * Same as below but with arguments as a Vector of strings * * @return updated argument list as a new Vector of strings * * @see #GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) */ public class gdal:public static java.util.Vector GeneralCmdLineProcessor(java.util.Vector args, int options) /** * General utility option processing. * * Same as below but with arguments as a Vector of strings and options == 0 * * @return updated argument list as a new Vector of strings * * @see #GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static java.util.Vector GeneralCmdLineProcessor(java.util.Vector args) /** * Display a debugging message. * * The category argument is used in conjunction with the CPL_DEBUG * environment variable to establish if the message should be displayed. * If the CPL_DEBUG environment variable is not set, no debug messages * are emitted (use Error(gdalconst.CE_Warning,...) to ensure messages are displayed). * If CPL_DEBUG is set, but is an empty string or the word "ON" then all * debug messages are shown. Otherwise only messages whose category appears * somewhere within the CPL_DEBUG value are displayed (as determined by * strstr()). *

* Categories are usually an identifier for the subsystem producing the * error. For instance "GDAL" might be used for the GDAL core, and "TIFF" * for messages from the TIFF translator. * * @param msg_class name of the debugging message category. * @param message message to display. */ public class gdal:public static void Debug(String msg_class, String message) /** * Push a new error handler. * * This pushes a new error handler on the thread-local error handler * stack. This handler will be used until removed with gdal.PopErrorHandler(). * * @param callbackName handler function name : "CPLQuietErrorHandler", "CPLDefaultErrorHandler", "CPLLoggingErrorHandler" */ public class gdal:public static int PushErrorHandler(String callbackName) /** * Push the quiet error handler. * * This pushes a new error handler on the thread-local error handler * stack. This handler will be used until removed with gdal.PopErrorHandler(). * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int PushErrorHandler() /** * Set a global error handler. * * This installs a global error handler. * * Note; if a local handler is already installed with PushErrorHandler(), the global error * handler will not be used until the last local handler is uninstalled with PopErrorHandler(). * * @since Java bindings 1.10.0 * * @param callbackName handler function name : "CPLQuietErrorHandler", "CPLDefaultErrorHandler", "CPLLoggingErrorHandler" */ public class gdal:public static int SetErrorHandler(String callbackName) /** * Set a quiet global error handler. * * This installs a quiet global error handler. * * Note; if a local handler is already installed with PushErrorHandler(), the global error * handler will not be used until the last local handler is uninstalled with PopErrorHandler(). * * @since Java bindings 1.10.0 */ public class gdal:public static int SetErrorHandler() /** * Report an error. * * This function reports an error in a manner that can be hooked * and reported appropriate by different applications. *

* The msg_class argument can have the value gdalconst.CE_Warning indicating that the * message is an informational warning, gdalconst.CE_Failure indicating that the * action failed, but that normal recover mechanisms will be used or * CE_Fatal meaning that a fatal error has occurred, and that Error() * should not return. *

* The default behavior of Error() is to report errors to stderr, * and to abort() after reporting a gdalconst.CE_Fatal error. It is expected that * some applications will want to suppress error reporting, and will want to * install a C++ exception, or longjmp() approach to no local fatal error * recovery. *

* Regardless of how application error handlers or the default error * handler choose to handle an error, the error number, and message will * be stored for recovery with gdal.GetLastErrorNo() and gdal.GetLastErrorMsg(). * * @param msg_class one of gdalconst.CE_Warning, gdalconst.CE_Failure or gdalconst.CE_Fatal. * @param err_code the error number (CPLE_*) from cpl_error.h. * @param msg message to display.. */ public class gdal:public static void Error(int msg_class, int err_code, String msg) /** * Pop error handler off stack. *

* Discards the current error handler on the error handler stack, and restores * the one in use before the last gdal.PushErrorHandler() call. This method * has no effect if there are no error handlers on the current threads error * handler stack. */ public class gdal:public static void PopErrorHandler() /** * Erase any traces of previous errors. *

* This is normally used to ensure that an error which has been recovered * from does not appear to be still in play with high level functions. */ public class gdal:public static void ErrorReset() /** * Apply escaping to string to preserve special characters. * * @see #EscapeString(String str, int scheme) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String EscapeString(byte[] byteArray, int scheme) /** * Create memory "file" from a buffer. * * A virtual memory file is created from the passed buffer with the indicated filename. Under normal conditions the filename would need to be absolute and within the /vsimem/ portion of the filesystem. *

* The filename then can be used with GDAL and OGR drivers that uses the virtual file API. *

* To free the memory associated with the file, you must use Unlink(fileName), otherwise memory leaks will occur. * * @param fileName filename (should begin with "/vsimem/") * @param byteArray data buffer to put in the file * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 * * @see #Unlink(String fileName) */ public class gdal:public static void FileFromMemBuffer(String fileName, byte[] byteArray) /** * Delete a file. *

* Deletes a file object from the file system. This method goes through the * VSIFileHandler virtualization and may work on unusual filesystems such as in memory. *

* Analog of the POSIX unlink() function. * * @param fileName the path of the file to be deleted. * @return 0 on success or -1 on an error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 * * @see #FileFromMemBuffer(String fileName, byte[] byteArray) */ public class gdal:public static int Unlink(String fileName) /** * Apply escaping to string to preserve special characters. * * This function will "escape" a variety of special characters * to make the string suitable to embed within a string constant * or to write within a text stream but in a form that can be * reconstituted to it's original form. The escaping will even preserve * zero bytes allowing preservation of raw binary data. *

* @param str the string to escape. * @param scheme the encoding scheme to use. * * @return an escaped string * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String EscapeString(String str, int scheme) /** * Fetch the last error number. *

* This is the error number, not the error class. * * @return the error number of the last error to occur, or gdalconst.CPLE_None (0) * if there are no posted errors. */ public class gdal:public static int GetLastErrorNo() /** * Fetch the last error type. *

* This is the error class, not the error number. * * @return the error number of the last error to occur, or gdalconst.CE_None (0) * if there are no posted errors. */ public class gdal:public static int GetLastErrorType() /** * Get the last error message. *

* Fetches the last error message posted with CPLError(), that hasn't * been cleared by gdal.ErrorReset(). * * @return the last error message, or null if there is no posted error * message. */ public class gdal:public static String GetLastErrorMsg() /** * Set a configuration option for GDAL/OGR use. *

* Those options are defined as a (key, value) couple. The value corresponding * to a key can be got later with the gdal.GetConfigOption() method. *

* This mechanism is similar to environment variables, but options set with * gdal.SetConfigOption() overrides, for gdal.GetConfigOption() point of view, * values defined in the environment. *

* If gdal.SetConfigOption() is called several times with the same key, the * value provided during the last call will be used. *

* Options can also be passed on the command line of most GDAL utilities * with the with '--config KEY VALUE'. For example, * ogrinfo --config CPL_DEBUG ON ~/data/test/point.shp * * @param key the key of the option * @param value the value of the option * * @see #GetConfigOption */ public class gdal:public static void SetConfigOption(String key, String value) /** * Get the value of a configuration option. *

* The value is the value of a (key, value) option set with gdal.SetConfigOption(). * If the given option was no defined with gdal.SetConfigOption(), it tries to find * it in environment variables. * * @param key the key of the option to retrieve * @param defaultValue a default value if the key does not match existing defined options (may be null) * @return the value associated to the key, or the default value if not found * * @see #SetConfigOption */ public class gdal:public static String GetConfigOption(String key, String defaultValue) /** * Get the value of a configuration option. *

* Same as below with defaultValue == null * * @see #GetConfigOption(String key, String defaultValue) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String GetConfigOption(String key) /** * Generate Geotransform from GCPs. *

* Given a set of GCPs perform first order fit as a geotransform. *

* Due to imprecision in the calculations the fit algorithm will often * return non-zero rotational coefficients even if given perfectly non-rotated * inputs. A special case has been implemented for corner corner coordinates * given in TL, TR, BR, BL order. So when using this to get a geotransform * from 4 corner coordinates, pass them in this order. * * @param gcpArray the array of GCP. * @param outGeoTransform the six double array in which the affine * geotransformation will be returned. * @param bApproxOK If 0 the function will fail if the geotransform is not * essentially an exact fit (within 0.25 pixel) for all GCPs. * * @return 1 on success or 0 if there aren't enough points to prepare a * geotransform, the pointers are ill-determined or if bApproxOK is 0 * and the fit is poor. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int GCPsToGeoTransform(GCP[] gcpArray, double[] outGeoTransform, int bApproxOK) /** * Generate Geotransform from GCPs. *

* Same as below with bApproxOK == 0 * * @see #GCPsToGeoTransform(GCP[] gcpArray, double[] outGeoTransform, int bApproxOK) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int GCPsToGeoTransform(GCP[] gcpArray, double[] outGeoTransform) /** * Compute optimal PCT for RGB image. *

* This function implements a median cut algorithm to compute an "optimal" * pseudocolor table for representing an input RGB image. This PCT could * then be used with GDALDitherRGB2PCT() to convert a 24bit RGB image into * an eightbit pseudo-colored image. *

* This code was based on the tiffmedian.c code from libtiff (www.libtiff.org) * which was based on a paper by Paul Heckbert: *


 *   "Color  Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display", Paul
 *   Heckbert, SIGGRAPH proceedings, 1982, pp. 297-307.

* The red, green and blue input bands do not necessarily need to come * from the same file, but they must be the same width and height. They will * be clipped to 8bit during reading, so non-eight bit bands are generally * inappropriate. * * @param red Red input band. * @param green Green input band. * @param blue Blue input band. * @param num_colors the desired number of colors to be returned (2-256). * @param colors the color table will be returned in this color table object. * @param callback for reporting algorithm progress. May be null * * @return returns gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if an error occurs. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ComputeMedianCutPCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, int num_colors, ColorTable colors, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Compute optimal PCT for RGB image. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #ComputeMedianCutPCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, int num_colors, ColorTable colors, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ComputeMedianCutPCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, int num_colors, ColorTable colors) /** * 24bit to 8bit conversion with dithering. *

* This functions utilizes Floyd-Steinberg dithering in the process of * converting a 24bit RGB image into a pseudocolored 8bit image using a * provided color table. *

* The red, green and blue input bands do not necessarily need to come * from the same file, but they must be the same width and height. They will * be clipped to 8bit during reading, so non-eight bit bands are generally * inappropriate. Likewise the hTarget band will be written with 8bit values * and must match the width and height of the source bands. *

* The color table cannot have more than 256 entries. * * @param red Red input band. * @param green Green input band. * @param blue Blue input band. * @param target Output band. * @param colors the color table to use with the output band. * @param callback for reporting algorithm progress. May be null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if an error occurs. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int DitherRGB2PCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, Band target, ColorTable colors, ProgressCallback callback) /** * 24bit to 8bit conversion with dithering. *

* Same as below with callback == null * @see #DitherRGB2PCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, Band target, ColorTable colors, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int DitherRGB2PCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, Band target, ColorTable colors) /** * Reproject image. *

* This is a convenience function utilizing the GDALWarpOperation class to * reproject an image from a source to a destination. In particular, this * function takes care of establishing the transformation function to * implement the reprojection, and will default a variety of other * warp options. *

* By default all bands are transferred, with no masking or nodata values * in effect. No metadata, projection info, or color tables are transferred * to the output file. * * @param src_ds the source image file. * @param dst_ds the destination image file. * @param src_wkt the source projection. If null the source projection * is read from from src_ds. * @param dst_wkt the destination projection. If null the destination * projection will be read from dst_ds. * @param resampleAlg the type of resampling to use. (among gdalconst.GRA_*) * @param warpMemoryLimit the amount of memory (in bytes) that the warp * API is allowed to use for caching. This is in addition to the memory * already allocated to the GDAL caching (as per gdal.SetCacheMax()). May be * 0.0 to use default memory settings. * @param maxError maximum error measured in input pixels that is allowed * in approximating the transformation (0.0 for exact calculations). * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if something goes wrong. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Reproject image. *

* Same as below with callback == null. * * @see #ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if something goes wrong. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError) /** * Reproject image. *

* Same as below with maxError == 0.0 and callback == null. * * @see #ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit) /** * Reproject image. *

* Same as below with warpMemoryLimit == 0.0, maxError == 0.0 and callback == null. * * @see #ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg) /** * Reproject image. *

* Same as below with resampleAlg == gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour, warpMemoryLimit == 0.0, maxError == 0.0 and callback == null. * * @see #ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt) /** * Reproject image. *

* Same as below with dst_wkt == null, resampleAlg == gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour, warpMemoryLimit == 0.0, maxError == 0.0 and callback == null. * * @see #ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt) /** * Reproject image. *

* Same as below with src_wkt == null, dst_wkt == null, resampleAlg == gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour, warpMemoryLimit == 0.0, maxError == 0.0 and callback == null. * * @see #ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int resampleAlg, double warpMemoryLimit, double maxError, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds) /** * Compute the proximity of all pixels in the image to a set of pixels in the source image. *

* The following options are used to define the behavior of the function. By * default all non-zero pixels in srcBand will be considered the * "target", and all proximities will be computed in pixels. Note * that target pixels are set to the value corresponding to a distance * of zero. *

* Options: *

* A list of target pixel values to measure the distance from. If this * option is not provided proximity will be computed from non-zero * pixel values. Currently pixel values are internally processed as * integers.
* Indicates whether distances will be computed in pixel units or * in georeferenced units. The default is pixel units. This also * determines the interpretation of MAXDIST.
* The maximum distance to search. Proximity distances greater than * this value will not be computed. Instead output pixels will be * set to a nodata value.
* The NODATA value to use on the output band for pixels that are * beyond MAXDIST. If not provided, the hProximityBand will be * queried for a nodata value. If one is not found, 65535 will be used.
* If this option is set, all pixels within the MAXDIST threadhold are * set to this fixed value instead of to a proximity distance.
* @param srcBand the source band * @param proximityBand the destination band * @param options a vector of strings with the above options * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if something goes wrong. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ComputeProximity(Band srcBand, Band proximityBand, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Compute the proximity of all pixels in the image to a set of pixels in the source image. *

* Same as below with callback = null * * @see #ComputeProximity(Band srcBand, Band proximityBand, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ComputeProximity(Band srcBand, Band proximityBand, java.util.Vector options) /** * Compute the proximity of all pixels in the image to a set of pixels in the source image. *

* Same as below with options == null and callback == null * * @see #ComputeProximity(Band srcBand, Band proximityBand, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int ComputeProximity(Band srcBand, Band proximityBand) /** * Burn geometries from the specified layer into raster. *

* Rasterize all the geometric objects from a layer into a raster * dataset. *

* The transform * needs to transform the geometry locations into pixel/line coordinates * on the raster dataset. *

* The output raster may be of any GDAL supported datatype, though currently * internally the burning is done either as gdal.GDT_Byte or gdal.GDT_Float32. This * may be improved in the future. An explicit list of burn values for * each layer for each band must be passed in. * * @param dataset output data, must be opened in update mode. * @param bandNumbers the list of bands to be updated. * @param layer the layer to burn in. * @param burn_values the array of values to burn into the raster. * There should be as many values as in bandNumbers. If null, 255 will be used * @param options a vector of strings for special options controlling rasterization: *

Identifies an attribute field on the features to be * used for a burn in value. The value will be burned into all output * bands. If specified, burn_values will not be used and can be a null value.
The height in lines of the chunk to operate on. * The larger the chunk size the less times we need to make a pass through all * the shapes. If it is not set or set to zero the default chunk size will be * used. Default size will be estimated based on the GDAL cache buffer size * using formula: cache_size_bytes/scanline_size_bytes, so the chunk will * not exceed the cache.
* @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer, double[] burn_values, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Burn geometries from the specified layer into raster. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer, double[] burn_values, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer, double[] burn_values, java.util.Vector options) /** * Burn geometries from the specified layer into raster. *

* Same as below with options == null and callback == null * * @see #RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer, double[] burn_values, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer, double[] burn_values) /** * Burn geometries from the specified layer into raster. *

* Same as below with burn_values == null, options == null and callback == null * * @see #RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer, double[] burn_values, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int[] bandNumbers, org.gdal.ogr.Layer layer) /** * Create polygon coverage from raster data. *

* This function creates vector polygons for all connected regions of pixels in * the raster sharing a common pixel value. Optionally each polygon may be * labelled with the pixel value in an attribute. Optionally a mask band * can be provided to determine which pixels are eligible for processing. *

* Note that currently the source pixel band values are read into a * signed 32bit integer buffer (Int32), so floating point or complex * bands will be implicitly truncated before processing. *

* Polygon features will be created on the output layer, with polygon * geometries representing the polygons. The polygon geometries will be * in the georeferenced coordinate system of the image (based on the * geotransform of the source dataset). It is acceptable for the output * layer to already have features. Note that gdal.Polygonize() does not * set the coordinate system on the output layer. Application code should * do this when the layer is created, presumably matching the raster * coordinate system. *

* The algorithm used attempts to minimize memory use so that very large * rasters can be processed. However, if the raster has many polygons * or very large/complex polygons, the memory use for holding polygon * enumerations and active polygon geometries may grow to be quite large. *

* The algorithm will generally produce very dense polygon geometries, with * edges that follow exactly on pixel boundaries for all non-interior pixels. * For non-thematic raster data (such as satellite images) the result will * essentially be one small polygon per pixel, and memory and output layer * sizes will be substantial. The algorithm is primarily intended for * relatively simple thematic imagery, masks, and classification results. * * @param srcBand the source raster band to be processed. * @param maskBand an optional mask band (or null). All pixels in the mask band with a * value other than zero will be considered suitable for collection as * polygons. * @param outLayer the vector feature layer to which the polygons should * be written. * @param iPixValField the attribute field index indicating the feature * attribute into which the pixel value of the polygon should be written. * @param options a name/value list of additional options (none currently * supported. just pass null). * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on a failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int Polygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, org.gdal.ogr.Layer outLayer, int iPixValField, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Create polygon coverage from raster data. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #Polygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, org.gdal.ogr.Layer outLayer, int iPixValField, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int Polygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, org.gdal.ogr.Layer outLayer, int iPixValField, java.util.Vector options) /** * Create polygon coverage from raster data. *

* Same as below with options == null and callback == null * * @see #Polygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, org.gdal.ogr.Layer outLayer, int iPixValField, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int Polygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, org.gdal.ogr.Layer outLayer, int iPixValField) /** * Fill selected raster regions by interpolation from the edges. *

* This algorithm will interpolate values for all designated * nodata pixels (marked by zeros in maskBand). For each pixel * a four direction conic search is done to find values to interpolate * from (using inverse distance weighting). Once all values are * interpolated, zero or more smoothing iterations (3x3 average * filters on interpolated pixels) are applied to smooth out * artifacts. *

* This algorithm is generally suitable for interpolating missing * regions of fairly continuously varying rasters (such as elevation * models for instance). It is also suitable for filling small holes * and cracks in more irregularly varying images (like airphotos). It * is generally not so great for interpolating a raster from sparse * point data - see the algorithms defined in gdal_grid.h for that case. * * @param targetBand the raster band to be modified in place. * @param maskBand a mask band indicating pixels to be interpolated (zero valued * @param maxSearchDist the maximum number of pixels to search in all * directions to find values to interpolate from. * @param smoothingIterations the number of 3x3 smoothing filter passes to * run (0 or more). * @param options additional name=value options in a string list (none * supported at this time - just pass null). * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on a failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int FillNodata(Band targetBand, Band maskBand, double maxSearchDist, int smoothingIterations, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Fill selected raster regions by interpolation from the edges. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #FillNodata(Band targetBand, Band maskBand, double maxSearchDist, int smoothingIterations, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int FillNodata(Band targetBand, Band maskBand, double maxSearchDist, int smoothingIterations, java.util.Vector options) /** * Fill selected raster regions by interpolation from the edges. *

* Same as below with options == null and callback == null * * @see #FillNodata(Band targetBand, Band maskBand, double maxSearchDist, int smoothingIterations, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int FillNodata(Band targetBand, Band maskBand, double maxSearchDist, int smoothingIterations) /** * Removes small raster polygons. *

* The function removes raster polygons smaller than a provided * threshold size (in pixels) and replaces them with the pixel value * of the largest neighbour polygon. *

* Polygon are determined (per GDALRasterPolygonEnumerator) as regions of * the raster where the pixels all have the same value, and that are contiguous * (connected). *

* Pixels determined to be "nodata" per maskBand will not be treated as part * of a polygon regardless of their pixel values. Nodata areas will never be * changed nor affect polygon sizes. *

* Polygons smaller than the threshold with no neighbours that are as large * as the threshold will not be altered. Polygons surrounded by nodata areas * will therefore not be altered. *

* The algorithm makes three passes over the input file to enumerate the * polygons and collect limited information about them. Memory use is * proportional to the number of polygons (roughly 24 bytes per polygon), but * is not directly related to the size of the raster. So very large raster * files can be processed effectively if there aren't too many polygons. But * extremely noisy rasters with many one pixel polygons will end up being * expensive (in memory) to process. * * @param srcBand the source raster band to be processed. * @param maskBand an optional mask band. All pixels in the mask band with a * value other than zero will be considered suitable for inclusion in polygons. * @param dstBand the output raster band. It may be the same as srcBand * to update the source in place. * @param threshold raster polygons with sizes smaller than this will * be merged into their largest neighbour. * @param connectedness either 4 indicating that diagonal pixels are not * considered directly adjacent for polygon membership purposes or 8 * indicating they are. * @param options algorithm options in name=value list form. None currently * supported. just pass null * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on a failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Removes small raster polygons. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness, java.util.Vector options) /** * Removes small raster polygons. *

* Same as below with options == null and callback == null * * @see #SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness) /** * Removes small raster polygons. *

* Same as below with connectedness == 4, options == null and callback == null * * @see #SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold) /** * Generate downsampled overviews. *

* This function will generate one or more overview images from a base * image using the requested downsampling algorithm. It's primary use * is for generating overviews via Dataset.BuildOverviews(), but it * can also be used to generate downsampled images in one file from another * outside the overview architecture. *

* The output bands need to exist in advance. *

* The full set of resampling algorithms is documented in * Dataset.BuildOverviews(). * * @param srcBand the source (base level) band. * @param overviewBands the list of downsampled bands to be generated. * @param resampling Resampling algorithm (eg. "AVERAGE"). * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on a failure. * * @see Dataset#BuildOverviews(java.lang.String resampling, int[] overviewlist, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Generate downsampled overviews. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling) /** * Generate downsampled overviews. *

* Same as below with resampling == "AVERAGE" and callback == null * * @see #RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands) /** * Generate downsampled overview. *

* Same as below for a unique overview band * * @see #RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RegenerateOverview(Band srcBand, Band overviewBand, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Generate downsampled overview. *

* Same as below for a unique overview band and callback == null * * @see #RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RegenerateOverview(Band srcBand, Band overviewBand, String resampling) /** * Generate downsampled overview. *

* Same as below for a unique overview band, resampling == "AVERAGE" and callback == null * * @see #RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int RegenerateOverview(Band srcBand, Band overviewBand) /** * Create virtual warped dataset automatically. *

* This function will create a warped virtual file representing the * input image warped into the target coordinate system. A GenImgProj * transformation is created to accomplish any required GCP/Geotransform * warp and reprojection to the target coordinate system. The output virtual * dataset will be "northup" in the target coordinate system. The * GDALSuggestedWarpOutput() function is used to determine the bounds and * resolution of the output virtual file which should be large enough to * include all the input image *

* Note that the constructed Dataset object will acquire one or more references * to the passed in src_ds. Reference counting semantics on the source * dataset should be honoured. That is, don't just GDALClose() it unless it * was opened with GDALOpenShared(). *

* The returned dataset will have no associated filename for itself. If you * want to write the virtual dataset description to a file, use the * SetDescription() method on the dataset * to assign a filename before it is closed. * * @param src_ds The source dataset. * * @param src_wkt The coordinate system of the source image. If null, it * will be read from the source image. * * @param dst_wkt The coordinate system to convert to. If null no change * of coordinate system will take place. * * @param eResampleAlg One of gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour, gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear, gdalconst.GRA_Cubic or * gdalconst.RA_CubicSpline. Controls the sampling method used. * * @param maxError Maximum error measured in input pixels that is allowed in * approximating the transformation (0.0 for exact calculations). * * @return null on failure, or a new virtual dataset handle on success. */ public class gdal:public static Dataset AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int eResampleAlg, double maxError) /** * Create virtual warped dataset automatically. *

* Same as below with maxError == 0.0 * * @see #AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int eResampleAlg, double maxError) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Dataset AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int eResampleAlg) /** * Create virtual warped dataset automatically. *

* Same as below with eResampleAlg == gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour and maxError == 0.0 * * @see #AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int eResampleAlg, double maxError) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Dataset AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt) /** * Create virtual warped dataset automatically. *

* Same as below with dst_wkt == null, eResampleAlg == gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour and maxError == 0.0 * * @see #AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int eResampleAlg, double maxError) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Dataset AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt) /** * Create virtual warped dataset automatically. *

* Same as below with src_wkt == null, dst_wkt == null, eResampleAlg == gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour and maxError == 0.0 * * @see #AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, String src_wkt, String dst_wkt, int eResampleAlg, double maxError) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Dataset AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds) /** * Get runtime version information. *

* Available request values: *

* * @param request the type of version info desired, as listed above. * * @return a string containing the requested information. */ public class gdal:public static String VersionInfo(String request) /** * Get runtime version information. * * @return a string containing GDAL_VERSION_NUM formatted as a string. i.e. "1170" * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String VersionInfo() /** * Register all known configured GDAL drivers. *

* This function will drive any of the following that are configured into * GDAL. Many others as well that haven't been updated in this * documentation (see full list): *



* This function should generally be called once at the beginning of the application. */ public class gdal:public static void AllRegister() /** * Get maximum cache memory. *

* Gets the maximum amount of memory available to the GDALRasterBlock * caching system for caching GDAL read/write imagery. * * @return maximum in bytes. */ public class gdal:public static int GetCacheMax() /** * Set maximum cache memory. *

* This function sets the maximum amount of memory that GDAL is permitted * to use for GDALRasterBlock caching. * * @param newSize the maximum number of bytes for caching. Maximum is 2GB. */ public class gdal:public static void SetCacheMax(int newSize) /** * Get cache memory used. * * @return the number of bytes of memory currently in use by the * GDALRasterBlock memory caching. */ public class gdal:public static int GetCacheUsed() /** * Get data type size in bits. *

* Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bits, not bytes! * * @param eDataType type, such as gdalconst.GDT_Byte. * @return the number of bits or zero if it is not recognised. */ public class gdal:public static int GetDataTypeSize(int eDataType) /** * Is data type complex? * * @return 1 if the passed type is complex (one of gdalconst.GDT_CInt16, GDT_CInt32, * GDT_CFloat32 or GDT_CFloat64), that is it consists of a real and imaginary * component. */ public class gdal:public static int DataTypeIsComplex(int eDataType) /** * Get name of data type. *

* Returns a symbolic name for the data type. This is essentially the * the enumerated item name with the GDT_ prefix removed. So gdalconst.GDT_Byte returns * "Byte". These strings are useful for reporting * datatypes in debug statements, errors and other user output. * * @param eDataType type to get name of. * @return string corresponding to type. */ public class gdal:public static String GetDataTypeName(int eDataType) /** * Get data type by symbolic name. *

* Returns a data type corresponding to the given symbolic name. This * function is opposite to the gdal.GetDataTypeName(). * * @param dataTypeName string containing the symbolic name of the type. * * @return GDAL data type. */ public class gdal:public static int GetDataTypeByName(String dataTypeName) /** * Get name of color interpretation. *

* Returns a symbolic name for the color interpretation. This is derived from * the enumerated item name with the GCI_ prefix removed, but there are some * variations. So GCI_GrayIndex returns "Gray" and GCI_RedBand returns "Red". * The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified * or freed by the application. * * @param eColorInterp color interpretation to get name of. * @return string corresponding to color interpretation. */ public class gdal:public static String GetColorInterpretationName(int eColorInterp) /** * Get name of palette interpretation. *

* Returns a symbolic name for the palette interpretation. This is the * the enumerated item name with the GPI_ prefix removed. So GPI_Gray returns * "Gray". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified * or freed by the application. * * @param ePaletteInterp palette interpretation to get name of. * @return string corresponding to palette interpretation. */ public class gdal:public static String GetPaletteInterpretationName(int ePaletteInterp) /** * Fetch the number of registered drivers. * * @return the number of registered drivers. */ public class gdal:public static int GetDriverCount() /** * Fetch a driver based on the short name. * * @param name the short name, such as "GTiff", being searched for. * * @return the identified driver, or null if no match is found. */ public class gdal:public static Driver GetDriverByName(String name) /** * Fetch driver by index. * * @param iDriver the driver index from 0 to gdal.GetDriverCount()-1. * * @return the driver identified by the index or null if the index is invalid */ public class gdal:public static Driver GetDriver(int iDriver) /** * Open a raster file as a Dataset object. *

* This function will try to open the passed file, or virtual dataset * name by invoking the Open method of each registered Driver in turn. * The first successful open will result in a returned dataset. If all * drivers fail then null is returned. *

* It is required that you explicitly close a dataset opened in update * mode with the Dataset.delete() method. Otherwise the data might not be * flushed to the disk. Don't rely only on Java garbage collection. * * @param name the name of the file to access. In the case of * exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain * information for the driver on how to access a dataset. * * @param eAccess the desired access, either gdalconst.GA_Update or gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly. Many * drivers support only read only access. * * @return A Dataset object or null on failure. * * @see #OpenShared(String name, int eAccess) */ public class gdal:public static Dataset Open(String name, int eAccess) /** * Open a raster file as a Dataset object. *

* Same as below with eAccess == gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly * * @see #Open(String name, int eAccess) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Dataset Open(String name) /** * Open a raster file as a GDALDataset. *

* This function works the same as gdal.Open(), but allows the sharing of * GDALDataset handles for a dataset with other callers to gdal.OpenShared(). *

* In particular, gdal.OpenShared() will first consult it's list of currently * open and shared Dataset's, and if the GetDescription() name for one * exactly matches the name passed to gdal.OpenShared() it will be * referenced and returned. * * @param name the name of the file to access. In the case of * exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain * information for the driver on how to access a dataset. * * @param eAccess the desired access, either gdalconst.GA_Update or gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly. Many * drivers support only read only access. * * @return A Dataset object or null on failure. * * @see #Open(String name, int eAccess) */ public class gdal:public static Dataset OpenShared(String name, int eAccess) /** * Open a raster file as a Dataset object. *

* Same as below with eAccess == gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly * * @see #OpenShared(String name, int eAccess) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Dataset OpenShared(String name) /** * Identify the driver that can open a raster file. *

* This function will try to identify the driver that can open the passed file * name by invoking the Identify method of each registered Driver in turn. * The first driver that successful identifies the file name will be returned. * If all drivers fail then null is returned. *

* In order to reduce the need for such searches touch the operating system * file system machinery, it is possible to give an optional list of files. * This is the list of all files at the same level in the file system as the * target file, including the target file. The filenames will not include any * path components, are an essentially just the output of ReadDir() on the * parent directory. If the target object does not have filesystem semantics * then the file list should be null. * * @param name the name of the file to access. In the case of * exotic drivers this may not refer to a physical file, but instead contain * information for the driver on how to access a dataset. * * @param fileList a vector of strings. * These strings are filenames that are auxiliary to the main filename. The passed * value may be null. * * @return A Driver object or null on failure. */ public class gdal:public static Driver IdentifyDriver(String name, java.util.Vector fileList) /** * Identify the driver that can open a raster file. *

* Same as below with fileList == null * * @see #IdentifyDriver(String name, java.util.Vector fileList) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static Driver IdentifyDriver(String name) /** * Parse an XML string into tree form. *

* The passed document is parsed into a XMLNode tree representation. * If the document is not well formed XML then null is returned, and errors * are reported via CPLError(). No validation beyond wellformedness is * done. *

* If the document has more than one "root level" element then those after the * first will be attached to the first as siblings (via the psNext pointers) * even though there is no common parent. A document with no XML structure * (no angle brackets for instance) would be considered well formed, and * returned as a single CXT_Text node. * * @param xmlString the document to parse. * * @return parsed tree or null on error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static XMLNode ParseXMLString(String xmlString) /** * Convert tree into string document. *

* This function converts a XMLNode tree representation of a document * into a flat string representation. White space indentation is used * visually preserve the tree structure of the document. * * @param xmlnode the root of the tree to serialize * * @return the document on success or null on failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static String SerializeXMLTree(XMLNode xmlnode) /** * Apply GeoTransform to x/y coordinate. *

* Applies the following computation, converting a (pixel,line) coordinate * into a georeferenced (geo_x,geo_y) location. *

 * pdfGeoX[0] = padfGeoTransform[0] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[1] + dfLine * padfGeoTransform[2];
 * pdfGeoY[0] = padfGeoTransform[3] + dfPixel * padfGeoTransform[4] + dfLine * padfGeoTransform[5];
* * @param padfGeoTransform Six coefficient GeoTransform to apply. * @param dfPixel Input pixel position * @param dfLine Input line position. * @param pdfGeoX allocated array of 1 double where geo_x (easting/longitude) location is placed. * @param pdfGeoY allocated array of 1 double where geo_y (northing/latitude) location is placed. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static void ApplyGeoTransform(double[] padfGeoTransform, double dfPixel, double dfLine, double[] pdfGeoX, double[] pdfGeoY) /** * Invert Geotransform. *

* This function will invert a standard 3x2 set of GeoTransform coefficients. * This converts the equation from being pixel to geo to being geo to pixel. * * @param gt_in Input geotransform (allocated array of six doubles - unaltered). * @param gt_out Output geotransform (allocated array of six doubles - updated). * * @return 1 on success or 0 if the equation is uninvertable. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static int InvGeoTransform(double[] gt_in, double[] gt_out) /** * Invert Geotransform. *

* This function will invert a standard 3x2 set of GeoTransform coefficients. * This converts the equation from being pixel to geo to being geo to pixel. * * @param gt_in Input geotransform (allocated array of six doubles - unaltered). * * @return an array of six doubles with the inverted geotransform on success or null if the equation is uninvertable. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static double[] InvGeoTransform(double[] gt_in) @hide public class gdal:public static int HasThreadSupport() /** * Create a directory. *

* Create a new directory with the indicated mode. The mode is ignored * on some platforms. A reasonable default mode value would be 0666. * This method goes through the VSIFileHandler virtualization and may * work on unusual filesystems such as in memory. *

* Analog of the POSIX mkdir() function. * * @param path the path to the directory to create. * @param mode the permissions mode. * * @return 0 on success or -1 on an error. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class gdal:public static int Mkdir(String path, int mode) /** * Rename a file. *

* Renames a file object in the file system. It should be possible * to rename a file onto a new filesystem, but it is safest if this * function is only used to rename files that remain in the same directory. *

* This method goes through the VSIFileHandler virtualization and may * work on unusual filesystems such as in memory. *

* Analog of the POSIX rename() function. * * @param oldpath the name of the file to be renamed. * @param newpath the name the file should be given. * * @return 0 on success or -1 on an error. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class gdal:public static int Rename( String oldpath, String newpath ) /** * Delete a directory. *

* Deletes a directory object from the file system. On some systems * the directory must be empty before it can be deleted. *

* This method goes through the VSIFileHandler virtualization and may * work on unusual filesystems such as in memory. *

* Analog of the POSIX rmdir() function. * * @param path the path of the directory to be deleted. * * @return 0 on success or -1 on an error. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class gdal:public static int Rmdir(String path) /** * Read names in a directory. *

* This function abstracts access to directory contains. It returns a * list of strings containing the names of files, and directories in this * directory. *

* Note that no error is issued via CPLError() if the directory path is * invalid, though null is returned. * * @param path the relative, or absolute path of a directory to read. * @return The list of entries in the directory, or null if the directory * doesn't exist. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class gdal:public static java.util.Vector ReadDir(String path) /* Class ColorTable */ /** * Class ColorTable represents a color table / palette. * *

* The ColorTable class is a binding for the C++ GDALColorTable class. */ public class ColorTable /** * Construct a new color table. *

* Same as below with ePaletteInterpretation == gdalconst.GPI_RGB * * @see #ColorTable(int ePaletteInterpretation) */ public class ColorTable:public ColorTable() /** * Construct a new color table. */ public class ColorTable:public ColorTable(int ePaletteInterpretation) /** * Make a copy of a color table. */ public class ColorTable:public Object clone() /** * Make a copy of a color table. */ public class ColorTable:public ColorTable Clone() /** * Create color ramp. *

* Automatically creates a color ramp from one color entry to another. It can be called several times to create multiples ramps in the same color table. * * @param nStartIndex index to start the ramp on the color table [0..255] * @param startcolor a color value to start the ramp * @param nEndIndex index to end the ramp on the color table [0..255] * @param endcolor a color value to end the ramp */ public class ColorTable:public void CreateColorRamp(int nStartIndex, java.awt.Color startcolor, int nEndIndex, java.awt.Color endcolor) /** * Fetch a color entry from table. * * @param entry entry offset from zero to GetCount()-1. * * @return color entry, or null if index is out of range. */ public class ColorTable:public java.awt.Color GetColorEntry(int entry) /** * Get number of color entries in table. * * @return the number of color entries. */ public class ColorTable:public int GetCount() /** * Fetch palette interpretation. *

* The returned value is used to interpret the values in the GDALColorEntry. * * @return palette interpretation enumeration value, usually gdalconst.GPI_RGB. */ public class ColorTable:public int GetPaletteInterpretation() /** * Set entry in color table. *

* The passed in entry must match the color interpretation of the table to which it is being assigned. *

* The table is grown as needed to hold the supplied offset. * * @param entry entry offset from zero to GetCount()-1. * @param centry value to assign to table. */ public class ColorTable:public void SetColorEntry(int entry, java.awt.Color centry) /* Class Dataset */ /** * Class Dataset is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to access a set of associated raster bands, usually from one file. * *

* The Dataset class is a binding for the C++ GDALDataset class. * *

* A dataset encapsulating one or more raster bands. Details are further discussed in the GDAL Data Model. *

* Dataset objects are returned by methods from other classes, such as * gdal.Open() or * Driver.Create() / * Driver.CreateCopy() */ public class Dataset /** * Add a band to a dataset. *

* This method will add a new band to the dataset if the underlying format * supports this action. Except VRT and MEM drivers, most formats do not. *

* Note that the new Band object is not returned. It may be fetched * after successful completion of the method by calling * ds.GetRasterBand(ds.GetRasterCount()) as the newest * band will always be the last band. * * @param datatype the data type of the pixels in the new band. * * @param options a vector of options strings, each being "NAME=VALUE". The supported * options are format specific. null may be passed by default. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. */ public class Dataset:public int AddBand(int datatype, java.util.Vector options) /** * Add a band to a dataset. *

* Same as below with options == null * * @see #AddBand(int datatype, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int AddBand(int datatype) /** * Add a band to a dataset. *

* Same as below with datatype == gdalconst.GDT_Byte and options == null * * @see #AddBand(int datatype, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int AddBand() /** * Build raster overview(s). *

* If the operation is unsupported for the indicated dataset, then * gdalconst.CE_Failure is returned, and gdal.GetLastErrorNo() will return * gdalconst.CPLE_NotSupported. *

* * For example, to build overview level 2, 4 and 8 on all bands the following * call could be made: *

 *   ds.BuildOverviews( "NEAREST", new int[] { 2, 4, 8 }, null );
* * @param resampling one of "NEAREST", "GAUSS", "AVERAGE", * "AVERAGE_MAGPHASE" or "NONE" controlling the downsampling method applied. * @param overviewlist the list of overview decimation factors to build. * @param callback for reporting progress or null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if the operation doesn't work. * * @see gdal#RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, Band[] overviewBands, String resampling, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int BuildOverviews(String resampling, int[] overviewlist, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Build raster overview(s). *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #BuildOverviews(String resampling, int[] overviewlist, ProgressCallback callback) */ public class Dataset:public int BuildOverviews(String resampling, int[] overviewlist) /** * Build raster overview(s). *

* Same as below with resampling == "NEAREST" and callback == null * * @see #BuildOverviews(String resampling, int[] overviewlist, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int BuildOverviews(int[] overviewlist) /** * Build raster overview(s). *

* Same as below with resampling == "NEAREST" * * @see #BuildOverviews(String resampling, int[] overviewlist, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int BuildOverviews(int[] overviewlist, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Adds a mask band to the current band. *

* The default implementation of the CreateMaskBand() method is implemented * based on similar rules to the .ovr handling implemented using the * GDALDefaultOverviews object. A TIFF file with the extension .msk will * be created with the same basename as the original file, and it will have * as many bands as the original image (or just one for GMF_PER_DATASET). * The mask images will be deflate compressed tiled images with the same * block size as the original image if possible. * * @since GDAL 1.5.0 * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on an error. * * @see RFC 15 - No data bit mask * */ public class Dataset:public int CreateMaskBand(int nFlags) /** * Frees the native resource associated to a Dataset object and close the file. *

* This method will delete the underlying C++ object. After it has been called, * all native resources will have been destroyed, so it will be illegal (and likely to * cause JVM crashes) to use any method on this object or any derived objects, * such as Band objects of this Dataset. *

* The delete() method must be called when a dataset has been opened in update * or creation mode, otherwise data might not be properly flushed to the disk. You * cannot rely on the finalization to call delete(). */ public class Dataset:public void delete() /** * Flush all write cached data to disk. *

* Any raster (or other GDAL) data written via GDAL calls, but buffered * internally will be written to disk. *

* Calling this method is generally not sufficient to ensure that the file is in * a consistent state. You must call delete() for that * * @see #delete() */ public class Dataset:public void FlushCache() /** * Fetch the driver to which this dataset relates. * * @return the driver on which the dataset was created with gdal.Open() or * Driver.Create(). */ public class Dataset:public Driver GetDriver() /** * Fetch a band object for a dataset. * * @param nBandId the index number of the band to fetch, from 1 to GetRasterCount(). * @return the nBandId th band object */ public class Dataset:public Band GetRasterBand(int nBandId) /** * Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset. *

* The returned string defines the projection coordinate system of the * image in OpenGIS WKT format. It should be suitable for use with the * OGRSpatialReference class. *

* When a projection definition is not available an empty (but not null) * string is returned. * * @return the projection string. * * @see OSR tutorial */ public class Dataset:public String GetProjection() /** * Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset. *

* The returned string defines the projection coordinate system of the * image in OpenGIS WKT format. It should be suitable for use with the * OGRSpatialReference class. *

* When a projection definition is not available an empty (but not null) * string is returned. * * @return the projection string. * * @see OSR tutorial */ public class Dataset:public String GetProjectionRef() /** * Set the projection reference string for this dataset. *

* The string should be in OGC WKT or PROJ.4 format. An error may occur * because of incorrectly specified projection strings, because the dataset * is not writable, or because the dataset does not support the indicated * projection. Many formats do not support writing projections. * * @param projection projection reference string. * * @return gdalconst.CE_Failure if an error occurs, otherwise gdalconst.CE_None. */ public class Dataset:public int SetProjection(String projection) /** * Fetch the affine transformation coefficients. *

* Fetches the coefficients for transforming between pixel/line (P,L) raster * space, and projection coordinates (Xp,Yp) space. *


 *   Xp = geoTransformArray[0] + P*geoTransformArray[1] + L*geoTransformArray[2];
 *   Yp = geoTransformArray[3] + P*geoTransformArray[4] + L*geoTransformArray[5];

* In a north up image, geoTransformArray[1] is the pixel width, and * geoTransformArray[5] is the pixel height. The upper left corner of the * upper left pixel is at position (geoTransformArray[0],geoTransformArray[3]). *

* The default transform is (0,1,0,0,0,1) and should be returned even when * an error occurs, such as for formats that don't support * transformation to projection coordinates. *

* NOTE: GetGeoTransform() isn't expressive enough to handle the variety of * OGC Grid Coverages pixel/line to projection transformation schemes. * Eventually this method will be depreciated in favour of a more general * scheme. * * @param geoTransformArray an existing six double array into which the * transformation will be placed. * * @see gdal#ApplyGeoTransform(double[] padfGeoTransform, double dfPixel, double dfLine, double[] pdfGeoX, double[] pdfGeoY) * @see gdal#InvGeoTransform(double[] gt_in) */ public class Dataset:public void GetGeoTransform(double[] geoTransformArray) /** * Fetch the affine transformation coefficients. *

* Same as below, except the geotransform array is returned by the method * * @see #GetGeoTransform(double[] geoTransformArray) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 * * @see gdal#ApplyGeoTransform(double[] padfGeoTransform, double dfPixel, double dfLine, double[] pdfGeoX, double[] pdfGeoY) * @see gdal#InvGeoTransform(double[] gt_in) */ public class Dataset:public double[] GetGeoTransform() /** * Set the affine transformation coefficients. *

* See #GetGeoTransform() for details on the meaning of the geoTransformArray * coefficients. * * @param geoTransformArray a six double array containing the transformation * coefficients to be written with the dataset. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure if this transform cannot be * written. * * @see #GetGeoTransform(double[] geoTransformArray) */ public class Dataset:public int SetGeoTransform(double[] geoTransformArray) /** * Fetch files forming dataset. *

* Returns a list of files believed to be part of this dataset. If it returns * an empty list of files it means there is believed to be no local file * system files associated with the dataset (for instance a virtual dataset). *

* The returned filenames will normally be relative or absolute paths * depending on the path used to originally open the dataset. * * @return null or a vector of strings of file names. */ public class Dataset:public java.util.Vector GetFileList() /** * Get number of GCPs. * * @return number of GCPs for this dataset. Zero if there are none. */ public class Dataset:public int GetGCPCount() /** * Get output projection for GCPs. *

* The projection string follows the normal rules from GetProjectionRef(). * * @return projection string or "" if there are no GCPs. */ public class Dataset:public String GetGCPProjection() /** * Fetch GCPs. *

* Add to the provided vector the GCPs of the dataset * * @param gcpVector non null Vector object */ public class Dataset:public void GetGCPs(java.util.Vector gcpVector) /** * Fetch GCPs. * * @return a vector of GCP objects * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public java.util.Vector GetGCPs() /** * Assign GCPs. *

* This method assigns the passed set of GCPs to this dataset, as well as * setting their coordinate system. Internally copies are made of the * coordinate system and list of points, so the caller remains responsible for * deallocating these arguments if appropriate. *

* Most formats do not support setting of GCPs, even formats that can * handle GCPs. These formats will return CE_Failure. * * @param gcpArray array of GCP objects being assigned * * @param GCPProjection the new OGC WKT coordinate system to assign for the * GCP output coordinates. This parameter should be "" if no output coordinate * system is known. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure (including if action is * not supported for this format). * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int SetGCPs(GCP[] gcpArray, String GCPProjection) /** * Fetch raster width in pixels. * * @return the width in pixels of raster bands in this Dataset. */ public class Dataset:public int getRasterXSize() /** * Fetch raster width in pixels. * * @return the width in pixels of raster bands in this Dataset. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int GetRasterXSize() /** * Fetch raster height in pixels. * * @return the height in pixels of raster bands in this Dataset. */ public class Dataset:public int getRasterYSize() /** * Fetch raster height in pixels. * * @return the height in pixels of raster bands in this Dataset. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int GetRasterYSize() /** * Fetch the number of raster bands on this dataset. * * @return the number of raster bands. */ public class Dataset:public int getRasterCount() /** * Fetch the number of raster bands on this dataset. * * @return the number of raster bands. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int GetRasterCount() /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* This method allows reading a region of one or more Band's from * this dataset into a buffer. It automatically takes care of data type * translation if the data type (buf_type) of the buffer is different than * that of the Band. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace, nLineSpace and nBandSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from various organization of buffers. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, read * on "block boundaries" as returned by Band.GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * Band.ReadBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. *

* When requesting a multi-byte datatype (GDT_Int16, GDT_Int32, GDT_Float32, ...), * you should generally set the byte order of the buffer to the native order of the machine * with nioBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) (the default is BIG_ENDIAN) if you use * the getShort(), getInt(), getFloat(), ... methods of the ByteBuffer class. * * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image into which the desired region * is to be read. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image into which the desired * region is to be read. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the nioBuffer data buffer. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the Band * data type as needed. * * @param nioBuffer The buffer into which the data will be written. This buffer must contain at least * buf_xsize * buf_ysize * nBandCount words of type buf_type. It is organized * in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the * nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param band_list the list of band numbers being read/written. * Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be null to select the first * nBandCount bands. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @param nBandSpace the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the * start of the next. If defaulted (zero) the value will be * nLineSpace * buf_ysize implying band sequential organization * of the data buffer. * * @return gdalconst.CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise gdalconst.CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* This method allows reading a region of one or more Band's from * this dataset into a buffer. It automatically takes care of data type * translation if the data type (buf_type) of the buffer is different than * that of the Band. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace, nLineSpace and nBandSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from various organization of buffers. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, read * on "block boundaries" as returned by Band.GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * Band.ReadBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. *

* * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image into which the desired region * is to be read. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image into which the desired * region is to be read. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the array. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the Band * data type as needed. The GDAL type must be consistent with the type of the Java array. * * @param array The array into which the data will be written. This buffer must contain at least * buf_xsize * buf_ysize elements * nBandCount . It is organized * in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the * nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param band_list the list of band numbers being read/written. * Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be null to select the first * nBandCount bands. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @param nBandSpace the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the * start of the next. If defaulted (zero) the value will be * nLineSpace * buf_ysize implying band sequential organization * of the data buffer. * * @return gdalconst.CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise gdalconst.CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* This method allows writing data from a buffer into a region * of the Band's. It automatically takes care of data type * translation if the data type (buf_type) of the buffer is different than * that of the Band. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace, nLineSpace and nBandSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from various organization of buffers. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, write * on "block boundaries" as returned by Band.GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * Band.WriteBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. *

* Before writing into a multi-byte datatype buffer (GDT_Int16, GDT_Int32, GDT_Float32, ...), * you should generally set the byte order of the buffer to the native order of the machine * with nioBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) (the default is BIG_ENDIAN) if you use * the putShort(), putInt(), putFloat(), ... methods of the ByteBuffer class. * * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the nioBuffer data buffer. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the Band * data type as needed. * * @param nioBuffer The buffer into which the data should be read, or from which * it should be written. This buffer must contain at least * buf_xsize * buf_ysize * nBandCount words of type buf_type. It is organized * in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the * nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param band_list the list of band numbers being read/written. * Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be null to select the first * nBandCount bands. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @param nBandSpace the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the * start of the next. If defaulted (zero) the value will be * nLineSpace * buf_ysize implying band sequential organization * of the data buffer. * * @return gdalconst.CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise gdalconst.CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int[] band_list) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* This method allows writing data from a buffer into a region * of the Band's. It automatically takes care of data type * translation if the data type (buf_type) of the buffer is different than * that of the Band. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace, nLineSpace and nBandSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from various organization of buffers. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, write * on "block boundaries" as returned by Band.GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * Band.WriteBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. *

* * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the array. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the Band * data type as needed. The GDAL type must be consistent with the type of the Java array. * * @param array The array from which the data will be read. This buffer must contain at least * buf_xsize * buf_ysize elements * nBandCount . It is organized * in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the * nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param band_list the list of band numbers being read/written. * Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be null to select the first * nBandCount bands. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @param nBandSpace the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the * start of the next. If defaulted (zero) the value will be * nLineSpace * buf_ysize implying band sequential organization * of the data buffer. * * @return gdalconst.CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise gdalconst.CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. * * Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. * * Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int[] band_list) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data from multiple bands. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0, nLineSpace == 0 and nBandSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Dataset:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int[] band_list) /* Class Band */ /** * Class Band is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to access a single raster band (or channel). * *

* The Band class is a binding for the C++ GDALRasterBand class. *

* Band objects are returned by methods from other classes, such as * Dataset.GetRasterBand() * * Users of the Java bindings must be aware that the Java primitive types byte, short, int are signed types, whereas a few GDAL * data types (GDT_Byte, GDT_UInt16 and GDT_UInt32) are unsigned. To read/write those data types, you may have to * choose a "larger" type for example (short/GDT_Int16 for GDT_Byte, int/GDT_Int32 for GDT_UInt16, double/GDT_Float64 for GDT_UInt32), or use * some tricks to hold unsigned values into signed data type. For example : *

 *   byte[] byteArray = new byte[xsize * ysize];
 *   byte[] byteArray2 = new byte[xsize * ysize];
 *   band.ReadRaster(0, 0, xsize, ysize, gdalconst.GDT_Byte, byteArray);
 *   for(int j=0; j < ysize; j++)
 *   {
 *      for(int i=0; i < xsize; i++)
 *      {
 *          byte bVal = byteArray[j*xsize+i]; // ranging from -128 to 127
 *          int nVal = ((int)bVal) & 0xff; // remapped to range from 0 to 255
 *          int nVal2;
 *          if (nVal > threshold)
 *              nVal2 = 255;
 *          else
 *              nVal2 = 0;
 *          byte bVal2 = (nVal2 > 127) ? nVal2 - 256 : nVal2; // remapped to range from -128 to 127
 *          byteArray2[j*xsize+i] = bVal2;
 *      }
 *   }
 *   band2.WriteRaster(0, 0, xsize, ysize, gdalconst.GDT_Byte, byteArray2);
* * */ public class Band /** * @deprecated Do not do anything... */ public class Band:public void delete() /** * Compute checksum for image region. *

* Computes a 16bit (0-65535) checksum from a region of raster data on the raster band. * Floating point data is converted to 32bit integer * so decimal portions of such raster data will not affect the checksum. * Real and Imaginary components of complex bands influence the result. * * @param xoff pixel offset of window to read. * @param yoff line offset of window to read. * @param xsize pixel size of window to read. * @param ysize line size of window to read. * * @return Checksum value. */ public class Band:public int Checksum(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize) /** * Compute checksum for while image. *

* Computes a 16bit (0-65535) checksum from data on the raster band. * Floating point data is converted to 32bit integer * so decimal portions of such raster data will not affect the checksum. * Real and Imaginary components of complex bands influence the result. * * @return Checksum value. * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int Checksum() /** * Compute mean and standard deviation values. * * @param meanAndStdDevArray the allocated array of 2 doubles in which the mean value (meanAndStdDevArray[0]) * and the standard deviation (meanAndStdDevArray[1]) are returned * @param samplestep step in number of lines */ public class Band:public void ComputeBandStats(double[] meanAndStdDevArray, int samplestep) /** * Compute mean and standard deviation values. *

* Same as below with samplestep == 1 * * @see #ComputeBandStats(double[] meanAndStdDevArray, int samplestep) * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public void ComputeBandStats(double[] meanAndStdDevArray) /** * Compute the min/max values for a band. *

* If approximate is OK, then the band's GetMinimum()/GetMaximum() will * be trusted. If it doesn't work, a subsample of blocks will be read to * get an approximate min/max. If the band has a nodata value it will * be excluded from the minimum and maximum. *

* If approx_ok is 0, then all pixels will be read and used to compute * an exact range. * * @param minMaxArray the allocated array of 2 doubles in which the minimum (minMaxArray[0]) and the * maximum (minMaxArray[1]) are returned. * @param approx_ok 1 if an approximate (faster) answer is OK, otherwise 0. */ public class Band:public void ComputeRasterMinMax(double[] minMaxArray, int approx_ok) /** * Compute the min/max values for a band. *

* Same as below with approx_ok == 0 * * @see #ComputeRasterMinMax(double[] minMaxArray, int approx_ok) * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public void ComputeRasterMinMax(double[] minMaxArray) /** * Compute image statistics. *

* Returns the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of all * pixel values in this band. If approximate statistics are sufficient, * the approx_ok flag can be set to true in which case overviews, or a * subset of image tiles may be used in computing the statistics. *

* Once computed, the statistics will generally be "set" back on the * raster band using SetStatistics(). * * @param approx_ok If true statistics may be computed based on overviews * or a subset of all tiles. * * @param min Allocated array of one double into which to load image minimum (may be null). * * @param max Allocated array of one double into which to load image maximum (may be null). * * @param mean Allocated array of one double into which to load image mean (may be null). * * @param stddev Allocated array of one double into which to load image standard deviation * (may be null). * * @param callback for reporting algorithm progress. May be null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure if an error occurs or processing * is terminated by the user. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Compute image statistics. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev) @hide public class Band:public int ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean) /** * Compute image statistics. *

* Same as below with mean == null, stddev == null and callback == null * * @see #ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max) @hide public class Band:public int ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min) /** * Compute image statistics. *

* Same as below with min == null, max == null, mean == null, stddev == null and callback == null * * @see #ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ComputeStatistics(boolean approx_ok) /** * Adds a mask band to the current band. *

* The default implementation of the CreateMaskBand() method is implemented * based on similar rules to the .ovr handling implemented using the * GDALDefaultOverviews object. A TIFF file with the extension .msk will * be created with the same basename as the original file, and it will have * as many bands as the original image (or just one for GMF_PER_DATASET). * The mask images will be deflate compressed tiled images with the same * block size as the original image if possible. * * @since GDAL 1.5.0 * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on an error. * * @see RFC 15 - No data bit mask * */ public class Band:public int CreateMaskBand(int nFlags) /** * Fill this band with a constant value. *

* GDAL makes no guarantees * about what values pixels in newly created files are set to, so this * method can be used to clear a band to a specified "default" value. * The fill value is passed in as a double but this will be converted * to the underlying type before writing to the file. An optional * second argument allows the imaginary component of a complex * constant value to be specified. * * @param real_fill Real component of fill value * @param imag_fill Imaginary component of fill value, defaults to zero * * @return gdalconst.CE_Failure if the write fails, otherwise gdalconst.CE_None */ public class Band:public int Fill(double real_fill, double imag_fill) /** * Fill this band with a constant value. *

* Same as below with image_fill == 0 * * @see #Fill(double real_fill, double imag_fill) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int Fill(double real_fill) /** * Flush raster data cache. *

* This call will recover memory used to cache data blocks for this raster * band, and ensure that new requests are referred to the underlying driver. */ public class Band:public void FlushCache() /** * Fetch the band number. *

* This method returns the band that this Band object represents * within its dataset. This method may return a value of 0 to indicate * Band objects without an apparently relationship to a dataset, * such as Band's serving as overviews. * * @return band number (1+) or 0 if the band number isn't known. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetBand() /** * Fetch the "natural" block size of this band. *

* GDAL contains a concept of the natural block size of rasters so that * applications can organized data access efficiently for some file formats. * The natural block size is the block size that is most efficient for * accessing the format. For many formats this is simple a whole scanline * in which case pnBlockXSize[0] is set to GetXSize(), and pnBlockXSize[1] is set to 1. *

* However, for tiled images this will typically be the tile size. *

* Note that the X and Y block sizes don't have to divide the image size * evenly, meaning that right and bottom edge blocks may be incomplete. * See ReadBlock_Direct() for an example of code dealing with these issues. * * @param pnBlockXSize allocated array of 1 integer to put the X block size into or null. * * @param pnBlockYSize allocated array of 1 integer to put the Y block size into or null. */ public class Band:public void GetBlockSize(int[] pnBlockXSize, int[] pnBlockYSize) /** * Fetch the "natural" block width of this band * @return the X block size * @see #GetBlockSize(int[] pnBlockXSize, int[] pnBlockYSize) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetBlockXSize() /** * Fetch the "natural" block height of this band * @return the Y block size * @see #GetBlockSize(int[] pnBlockXSize, int[] pnBlockYSize) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetBlockYSize() /** * How should this band be interpreted as color? *

* gdalconst.GCI_Undefined is returned when the format doesn't know anything * about the color interpretation. * * @return color interpretation value for band. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetColorInterpretation() /** * Fetch the color table associated with band. *

* If there is no associated color table, the return result is null. The * returned color table remains owned by the Band object. * It should not be modified by the caller. * * @return color table, or null. */ public class Band:public ColorTable GetColorTable() /** * Return the data type of the band. *

* A value such as gdalconst.GDT_Byte, gdalconst.GDT_Int16, ... * @return the data type of the band. */ public class Band:public int getDataType() /** * Fetch default raster histogram. *

* The default method in GDALRasterBand will compute a default histogram. This * method is overridden by derived classes (such as GDALPamRasterBand, VRTDataset, HFADataset...) * that may be able to fetch efficiently an already stored histogram. *

* For example, *

 *  double[] dfMin = new double[1];
 *  double[] dfMax = new double[1];
 *  int[][] panHistogram = new int[1][];
 *  int eErr = hBand.GetDefaultHistogram(dfMin, dfMax, panHistogram, true, new TermProgressCallback());
 *  if( eErr == gdalconst.CE_None )
 *  {
 *      int iBucket;
 *      int nBucketCount = panHistogram[0].length;
 *      System.out.print( "  " + nBucketCount + " buckets from " +
 *                         dfMin[0] + " to " + dfMax[0] + ":\n  " );
 *      for( iBucket = 0; iBucket < nBucketCount; iBucket++ )
 *          System.out.print( panHistogram[0][iBucket] + " ");
 *      System.out.print( "\n" );
 *  }
* * @param min_ret allocated array of one double that will contain the lower bound of the histogram. * @param max_ret allocated array of one double that will contain the upper bound of the histogram. * @param histogram_ret allocated array of one int[] into which the histogram totals are placed. * @param force true to force the computation. If false and no default histogram is available, the method will return CE_Warning * @param callback for reporting algorithm progress. May be null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure if something goes wrong, or * gdalconst.CE_Warning if no default histogram is available. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetDefaultHistogram(double[] min_ret, double[] max_ret, int[][] histogram_ret, boolean force, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Fetch default raster histogram. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #GetDefaultHistogram(double[] min_ret, double[] max_ret, int[][] histogram_ret, boolean force, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetDefaultHistogram(double[] min_ret, double[] max_ret, int[][] histogram_ret, boolean force) /** * Fetch default raster histogram. *

* Same as below with force == true and callback == null * * @see #GetDefaultHistogram(double[] min_ret, double[] max_ret, int[][] histogram_ret, boolean force, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetDefaultHistogram(double[] min_ret, double[] max_ret, int[][] histogram_ret) /** * Fetch default Raster Attribute Table. *

* A RAT will be returned if there is a default one associated with the * band, otherwise null is returned. The returned RAT is owned by the * band and should not be altered by the application. * * @return a RAT or null */ public class Band:public RasterAttributeTable GetDefaultRAT() /** * Compute raster histogram. *

* Note that the bucket size is (dfMax-dfMin) / nBuckets. *

* For example to compute a simple 256 entry histogram of eight bit data, * the following would be suitable. The unusual bounds are to ensure that * bucket boundaries don't fall right on integer values causing possible errors * due to rounding after scaling. *

 *     int anHistogram = new int[256];
 *     band.GetHistogram( -0.5, 255.5, 256, anHistogram, false, false, null);

* Note that setting approx_ok will generally result in a subsampling of the * file, and will utilize overviews if available. It should generally * produce a representative histogram for the data that is suitable for use * in generating histogram based luts for instance. Generally bApproxOK is * much faster than an exactly computed histogram. * * @param min the lower bound of the histogram. * @param max the upper bound of the histogram. * @param histogram allocated array into which the histogram totals are placed. * @param include_out_of_range if true values below the histogram range will * mapped into anHistogram[0], and values above will be mapped into * anHistogram[anHistogram.length-1] otherwise out of range values are discarded. * @param approx_ok true if an approximate, or incomplete histogram OK. * @param callback for reporting algorithm progress. May be null * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure if something goes wrong. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram, boolean include_out_of_range, boolean approx_ok, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Compute raster histogram. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #GetHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram, boolean include_out_of_range, boolean approx_ok, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram, boolean include_out_of_range, boolean approx_ok) /** * Compute raster histogram. *

* Same as below with include_out_of_range == 0, approx_ok == true and callback == null * * @see #GetHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram, boolean include_out_of_range, boolean approx_ok, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram) /** * Compute raster histogram. *

* Same as below with include_out_of_range == 0, approx_ok == true and callback == null * * @see #GetHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram, boolean include_out_of_range, boolean approx_ok, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetHistogram(int[] histogram) /** * Return the mask band associated with the band. *

* The GDALRasterBand class includes a default implementation of GetMaskBand() that * returns one of four default implementations : *


* Note that the GetMaskBand() should always return a GDALRasterBand mask, even if it is only * an all 255 mask with the flags indicating GMF_ALL_VALID. * * @return a valid mask band. * * @since GDAL 1.5.0 * * @see RFC 15 - No data bit mask * */ public class Band:public Band GetMaskBand() /** * Return the status flags of the mask band associated with the band. *

* The GetMaskFlags() method returns an bitwise OR-ed set of status flags with * the following available definitions that may be extended in the future: *


* The GDALRasterBand class includes a default implementation of GetMaskBand() that * returns one of four default implementations : *

* * @since GDAL 1.5.0 * * @return a valid mask band. * * @see RFC 15 - No data bit mask * */ public class Band:public int GetMaskFlags() /** * Fetch the minimum value for this band. *

* For file formats that don't know this intrinsically, no value will be returned * * @param val empty allocated array of type Double[] of size 1. val[0] will contain a Double object * with the minimum value if available, other val[0] will contain null */ public class Band:public void GetMinimum(Double[] val) /** * Fetch the maximum value for this band. *

* For file formats that don't know this intrinsically, no value will be returned * * @param val empty allocated array of type Double[] of size 1. val[0] will contain a Double object * with the maximum value if available, other val[0] will contain null */ public class Band:public void GetMaximum(Double[] val) /** * Fetch the raster value offset. *

* This value (in combination with the GetScale() value) is used to * transform raw pixel values into the units returned by GetUnits(). * For example this might be used to store elevations in GUInt16 bands * with a precision of 0.1, and starting from -100. *

* Units value = (raw value * scale) + offset *

* For file formats that don't know this intrinsically, no value will be returned * * @param val empty allocated array of type Double[] of size 1. val[0] will contain a Double object * with the offset value if available, other val[0] will contain null */ public class Band:public void GetOffset(Double[] val) /** * Fetch the raster value scale. *

* This value (in combination with the GetOffset() value) is used to * transform raw pixel values into the units returned by GetUnits(). * For example this might be used to store elevations in GUInt16 bands * with a precision of 0.1, and starting from -100. *

* Units value = (raw value * scale) + offset *

* For file formats that don't know this intrinsically, no value will be returned * * @param val empty allocated array of type Double[] of size 1. val[0] will contain a Double object * with the scale value if available, other val[0] will contain null */ public class Band:public void GetScale(Double[] val) /** * Fetch the no data value for this band. *

* The no data value for a band is generally a special marker * value used to mark pixels that are not valid data. Such pixels should * generally not be displayed, nor contribute to analysis operations. * * @param val empty allocated array of type Double[] of size 1. val[0] will contain a Double object * with the no data value if available, other val[0] will contain null */ public class Band:public void GetNoDataValue(Double[] val) /** * Fetch overview raster band object. * * @param i overview index between 0 and GetOverviewCount()-1. * * @return overview Band. */ public class Band:public Band GetOverview(int i) /** * Return the number of overview layers available. * * @return overview count, zero if none. */ public class Band:public int GetOverviewCount() /** * Fetch the list of category names for this raster. *

* Raster values without * associated names will have an empty string in the returned list. The * first entry in the list is for raster values of zero, and so on. * * @return vector of names, or null if none. * * @since GDAL 1.9.0 */ public class Band:public java.util.Vector GetCategoryNames() /** * Fetch the list of category names for this raster. *

* Raster values without * associated names will have an empty string in the returned list. The * first entry in the list is for raster values of zero, and so on. * * @return vector of names, or null if none. */ public class Band:public java.util.Vector GetRasterCategoryNames() /** * How should this band be interpreted as color? *

* gdalconst.GCI_Undefined is returned when the format doesn't know anything * about the color interpretation. * * @return color interpretation value for band. */ public class Band:public int GetRasterColorInterpretation() /** * Fetch the color table associated with band. *

* If there is no associated color table, the return result is null. The * returned color table remains owned by the Band object. * It should not be modified by the caller. * * @return color table, or null. */ public class Band:public ColorTable GetRasterColorTable() /** * Return the data type of the band. *

* A value such as gdalconst.GDT_Byte, gdalconst.GDT_Int16, ... * @return the data type of the band. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetRasterDataType() /** * Fetch image statistics. *

* Returns the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of all * pixel values in this band. If approximate statistics are sufficient, * the approx_ok flag can be set to true in which case overviews, or a * subset of image tiles may be used in computing the statistics. *

* If force is false results will only be returned if it can be done * quickly (i.e. without scanning the data). If force is false and * results cannot be returned efficiently, the method will return CE_Warning * but no warning will have been issued. This is a non-standard use of * the CE_Warning return value to indicate "nothing done". *

* Note that file formats using PAM (Persistent Auxiliary Metadata) services * will generally cache statistics in the .pam file allowing fast fetch * after the first request. * * @param approx_ok If true statistics may be computed based on overviews * or a subset of all tiles. * * @param force If true statistics will only be returned if it can * be done without rescanning the image. * * @param min Allocated array of one double into which to load image minimum (may be null). * * @param max Allocated array of one double into which to load image maximum (may be null). * * @param mean Allocated array of one double into which to load image mean (may be null). * * @param stddev Allocated array of one double into which to load image standard deviation * (may be null). * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Warning if no values returned, * gdalconst.CE_Failure if an error occurs. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetStatistics(boolean approx_ok, boolean force, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev) /** * Fetch image statistics. *

* Same as below but boolean value of true should be replaced with 1, and false with 0. * * @see #GetStatistics(boolean approx_ok, boolean force, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev) */ public class Band:public int GetStatistics(int approx_ok, int force, double[] min, double[] max, double[] mean, double[] stddev) /** * Return raster unit type. *

* Return a name for the units of this raster's values. For instance, it * might be "m" for an elevation model in meters, or "ft" for feet. If no * units are available, a value of "" will be returned. * * @return unit name string. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public String GetUnitType() /** * Fetch XSize of raster. * * @return the width in pixels of this band. */ public class Band:public int getXSize() /** * Fetch XSize of raster. * * @return the width in pixels of this band. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetXSize() /** * Fetch YSize of raster. * * @return the height in pixels of this band. */ public class Band:public int getYSize() /** * Fetch YSize of raster. * * @return the height in pixels of this band. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int GetYSize() /** * Check for arbitrary overviews. *

* This returns true if the underlying datastore can compute arbitrary * overviews efficiently, such as is the case with OGDI over a network. * Datastores with arbitrary overviews don't generally have any fixed * overviews, but the ReadRaster() method can be used in downsampling mode * to get overview data efficiently. * * @return true if arbitrary overviews available (efficiently), otherwise * false. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public boolean HasArbitraryOverviews() /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* This method allows reading a region of a GDALRasterBand into a buffer. It * automatically takes care of data type translation if the data type * (buf_type) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace and nLineSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from unusually organized buffers. This is primarily used * for buffers containing more than one bands raster data in interleaved * format. *

* Some formats may efficiently implement decimation into a buffer by * reading from lower resolution overview images. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, read * on "block boundaries" as returned by GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * ReadBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. *

* When requesting a multi-byte datatype (GDT_Int16, GDT_Int32, GDT_Float32, ...), * you should generally set the byte order of the buffer to the native order of the machine * with nioBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) (the default is BIG_ENDIAN) if you use * the getShort(), getInt(), getFloat() etc... methods of the ByteBuffer class. * * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image into which the desired region is * to be read, or from which it is to be written. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image into which the desired region is * to be read, or from which it is to be written. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the nioBuffer data buffer. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand * data type as needed. * * @param nioBuffer The buffer into which the data should be read. * This buffer must contain at least buf_xsize * * buf_ysize words of type buf_type. It is organized in left to right, * top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, * and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @return CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Byte, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Byte, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below but buffer is allocated by the method * * @return a newly allocated byte buffer with the read region. Its byte order is BIG_ENDIAN by default. * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public java.nio.ByteBuffer ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 but buffer is allocated by the method * * @return a newly allocated byte buffer with the read region. Its byte order is BIG_ENDIAN by default. * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public java.nio.ByteBuffer ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 but buffer is allocated by the method * * @return a newly allocated byte buffer with the read region. Its byte order is BIG_ENDIAN by default. * * @see #ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public java.nio.ByteBuffer ReadRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* This method allows reading a region of a GDALRasterBand into a buffer. It * automatically takes care of data type translation if the data type * (buf_type) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace and nLineSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from unusually organized buffers. This is primarily used * for buffers containing more than one bands raster data in interleaved * format. *

* Some formats may efficiently implement decimation into a buffer by * reading from lower resolution overview images. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, read * on "block boundaries" as returned by GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * ReadBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. * * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image into which the desired region is * to be read, or from which it is to be written. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image into which the desired region is * to be read, or from which it is to be written. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the array. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the Band * data type as needed. The GDAL type must be consistent with the type of the Java array. * * @param array The buffer into which the data should be read. * This buffer must contain at least buf_xsize * * buf_ysize words of type buf_type. It is organized in left to right, * top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, * and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @return CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, buf_type = gdalconst.GDT_Byte, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, byte[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, short[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, buf_type = gdalconst.GDT_Int16, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, short[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, int[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, buf_type = gdalconst.GDT_Int32, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, float[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, buf_type = gdalconst.GDT_Float32, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, float[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, double[] array) /** * Read a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize = xsize, buf_ysize = ysize, buf_type = gdalconst.GDT_Float64, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, double[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* This method allows writing data from a buffer into a region * of the Band. It * automatically takes care of data type translation if the data type * (buf_type) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace and nLineSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from unusually organized buffers. This is primarily used * for buffers containing more than one bands raster data in interleaved * format. *

* Some formats may efficiently implement decimation into a buffer by * reading from lower resolution overview images. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, write * on "block boundaries" as returned by GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * WriteBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. *

* Before writing into a multi-byte datatype buffer (GDT_Int16, GDT_Int32, GDT_Float32, ...), * you should generally set the byte order of the buffer to the native order of the machine * with nioBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) (the default is BIG_ENDIAN) if you use * the putShort(), putInt(), putFloat(), ... methods of the ByteBuffer class. * * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the nioBuffer data buffer. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand * data type as needed. * * @param nioBuffer The buffer into which the data should be read. * This buffer must contain at least buf_xsize * * buf_ysize words of type buf_type. It is organized in left to right, * top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, * and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @return CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Byte, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Byte, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster_Direct(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* This method allows writing data from a buffer into a region * of the Band. It * automatically takes care of data type translation if the data type * (buf_type) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand. * The method also takes care of image decimation / replication if the * buffer size (buf_xsize x buf_ysize) is different than the size of the * region being accessed (xsize x ysize). *

* The nPixelSpace and nLineSpace parameters allow reading into or * writing from unusually organized buffers. This is primarily used * for buffers containing more than one bands raster data in interleaved * format. *

* Some formats may efficiently implement decimation into a buffer by * reading from lower resolution overview images. *

* For highest performance full resolution data access, write * on "block boundaries" as returned by GetBlockSize(int[], int[]), or use the * WriteBlock(int, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer) method. * * @param xoff The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. * * @param yoff The line offset to the top left corner of the region * of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. * * @param xsize The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. * * @param ysize The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. * * @param buf_xsize the width of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_ysize the height of the buffer image from which the desired region is to be written. * * @param buf_type the type of the pixel values in the array. One of * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Byte, * gdalconstConstants.GDT_Int16, ... * The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the Band * data type as needed. The GDAL type must be consistent with the type of the Java array. * * @param array The buffer into which the data should be read. * This buffer must contain at least buf_xsize * * buf_ysize words of type buf_type. It is organized in left to right, * top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, * and nLineSpace parameters. * * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in * the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted * (0) the size of the datatype buf_type is used. * * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in * the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype * buf_type * buf_xsize is used. * * @return CE_Failure if the access fails, otherwise CE_None. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Byte, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, byte[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, short[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Int16, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, short[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, short[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, int[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Int32, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, int[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, float[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Float32, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, float[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, float[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, byte[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) @hide public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_type, double[] array) /** * Write a region of image data for this band. *

* Same as below with buf_xsize == xsize, buf_ysize == ysize, buf_type == gdalconst.GDT_Float64, nPixelSpace == 0 and nLineSpace == 0 * * @see #WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, int buf_type, double[] array, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteRaster(int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, double[] array) /** * Read a block of image data efficiently. *

* This method accesses a "natural" block from the raster band without * resampling, or data type conversion. For a more generalized, but * potentially less efficient access use ReadRaster(). * * @param nXBlockOff the horizontal block offset, with zero indicating * the left most block, 1 the next block and so forth. * * @param nYBlockOff the vertical block offset, with zero indicating * the left most block, 1 the next block and so forth. * * @param nioBuffer the buffer into which the data will be read. The buffer * must be large enough to hold GetBlockXSize()*GetBlockYSize() words * of type GetRasterDataType(). * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on an error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int ReadBlock_Direct(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Write a block of image data efficiently. *

* This method accesses a "natural" block from the raster band without * resampling, or data type conversion. For a more generalized, but * potentially less efficient access use WriteRaster(). * * @param nXBlockOff the horizontal block offset, with zero indicating * the left most block, 1 the next block and so forth. * * @param nYBlockOff the vertical block offset, with zero indicating * the left most block, 1 the next block and so forth. * * @param nioBuffer the buffer from which the data will be written. The buffer * must be large enough to hold GetBlockXSize()*GetBlockYSize() words * of type GetRasterDataType(). * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on an error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int WriteBlock_Direct(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, java.nio.ByteBuffer nioBuffer) /** * Set color interpretation of a band. * * @param eColorInterp the new color interpretation to apply to this band. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if method is unsupported by format. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int SetColorInterpretation(int eColorInterp) /** * Set color interpretation of a band. * * @param eColorInterp the new color interpretation to apply to this band. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if method is unsupported by format. */ public class Band:public int SetRasterColorInterpretation(int eColorInterp) /** * Set the raster color table. * * @param colorTable the color table to apply. This may be null to clear the color * table (where supported). * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. If the action is * unsupported by the driver, a value of CE_Failure is returned, but no * error is issued. */ public class Band:public int SetColorTable(ColorTable colorTable) /** * Set the raster color table. * * @param colorTable the color table to apply. This may be null to clear the color * table (where supported). * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. If the action is * unsupported by the driver, a value of CE_Failure is returned, but no * error is issued. */ public class Band:public int SetRasterColorTable(ColorTable colorTable) /** * Set default histogram * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Band:public int SetDefaultHistogram(double min, double max, int[] histogram) /** * Set default Raster Attribute Table. *

* Associates a default RAT with the band. If not implemented for the * format a CPLE_NotSupported error will be issued. * * @param table the RAT to assign to the band. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if unsupported or otherwise * failing. */ public class Band:public int SetDefaultRAT(RasterAttributeTable table) /** * Set the no data value for this band. *

* To clear the nodata value, just set it with an "out of range" value. * Complex band no data values must have an imagery component of zero. * * @param nodataValue the value to set. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. If unsupported * by the driver, CE_Failure is returned by no error message will have * been emitted. */ public class Band:public int SetNoDataValue(double nodataValue) /** * Set scaling offset. *

* Very few formats implement this method. * When not implemented it will issue a CPLE_NotSupported error and return CE_Failure. * * @param newoffset the new offset. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None or success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class Band:public int SetOffset(double newoffset) /** * Set scaling ratio. *

* Very few formats implement this method. * When not implemented it will issue a CPLE_NotSupported error and return CE_Failure. * * @param newscale the new scale. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None or success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class Band:public int SetScale(double newscale) /** * Set unit type. *

* Set the unit type for a raster band. Values should be one of * "" (the default indicating it is unknown), "m" indicating meters, * or "ft" indicating feet, though other nonstandard values are allowed. * * @param newunittype the new unit type value. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if not succuessful, or * unsupported. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class Band:public int SetUnitType(String newunittype) /** * Set the category names for this band. *

* See the GetCategoryNames() method for more on the interpretation of * category names. * * @param names a vector of strings with category names. May * be ,ull to just clear the existing list. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. If unsupported * by the driver, CE_Failure is returned by no error message will have * been emitted. * * @since GDAL 1.9.0 */ public class Band:public int SetCategoryNames(java.util.Vector names) /** * Set the category names for this band. *

* See the GetCategoryNames() method for more on the interpretation of * category names. * * @param names a vector of strings with category names. May * be ,ull to just clear the existing list. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. If unsupported * by the driver, CE_Failure is returned by no error message will have * been emitted. */ public class Band:public int SetRasterCategoryNames(java.util.Vector names) /** * Set statistics on band. *

* This method can be used to store min/max/mean/standard deviation * statistics on a raster band. *

* The default implementation stores them as metadata, and will only work * on formats that can save arbitrary metadata. This method cannot detect * whether metadata will be properly saved and so may return CE_None even * if the statistics will never be saved. * * @param min minimum pixel value. * * @param max maximum pixel value. * * @param mean mean (average) of all pixel values. * * @param stddev Standard deviation of all pixel values. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure. */ public class Band:public int SetStatistics(double min, double max, double mean, double stddev) /* Class RasterAttributeTable */ /** * The RasterAttributeTable (or RAT) class is used to encapsulate a table * used to provide attribute information about pixel values. Each row * in the table applies to a range of pixel values (or a single value in * some cases), and might have attributes such as the histogram count for * that range, the color pixels of that range should be drawn names of classes * or any other generic information. * *

* The RasterAttributeTable class is a binding for the C++ GDALRasterAttributeTable class. *

* Raster attribute tables can be used to represent histograms, color tables, * and classification information. *

* Each column in a raster attribute table has a name, a type (integer, * floating point or string), and a GDALRATFieldUsage. The usage distinguishes * columns with particular understood purposes (such as color, histogram * count, name) and columns that have specific purposes not understood by * the library (long label, suitability_for_growing_wheat, etc). *

* In the general case each row has a column indicating the minimum pixel * values falling into that category, and a column indicating the maximum * pixel value. These are indicated with usage values of GFU_Min, and * GFU_Max. In other cases where each row is a discrete pixel value, one * column of usage GFU_MinMax can be used. *

* In other cases all the categories are of equal size and regularly spaced * and the categorization information can be determine just by knowing the * value at which the categories start, and the size of a category. This * is called "Linear Binning" and the information is kept specially on * the raster attribute table as a whole. *

* RATs are normally associated with Bands and be be queried * using the Band.GetDefaultRAT() method. */ public class RasterAttributeTable /** * Construct empty table. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public RasterAttributeTable() /** * Copy Raster Attribute Table. *

* Creates a new copy of an existing raster attribute table. * * @return new copy of the RAT. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public RasterAttributeTable Clone() /** * Create new column. *

* If the table already has rows, all row values for the new column will * be initialized to the default value ("", or zero). The new column is * always created as the last column, can will be column (field) * "GetColumnCount()-1" after CreateColumn() has completed successfully. * * @param name the name of the field to create. * @param eFieldType the field type (integer, double or string). * @param eFieldUsage the field usage, GFU_Generic if not known. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success or gdalconst.CE_Failure if something goes wrong. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int CreateColumn(String name, int eFieldType, int eFieldUsage) /** * Fetch column index for given usage. *

* Returns the index of the first column of the requested usage type, or -1 * if no match is found. * * @param eUsage usage type to search for. * * @return column index, or -1 on failure. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetColOfUsage(int eUsage) /** * Fetch table column count. * * @return the number of columns. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetColumnCount() /** * Get linear binning information. *

* Returns linear binning information if any is associated with the RAT. * * @param pdfRow0Min (out) array of 1 double that will contain the lower bound (pixel value) of the first category. * @param pdfBinSize (out) array of 1 double that will contain the width of each category (in pixel value units). * * @return true if linear binning information exists or false if there is none. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public boolean GetLinearBinning(double[] pdfRow0Min, double[] pdfBinSize) /** * Fetch name of indicated column. * * @param iCol the column index (zero based). * * @return the column name or an empty string for invalid column numbers. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public String GetNameOfCol(int iCol) /** * Fetch row count. * * @return the number of rows. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetRowCount() /** * Get row for pixel value. *

* Given a raw pixel value, the raster attribute table is scanned to * determine which row in the table applies to the pixel value. The * row index is returned. * * @param dfValue the pixel value. * * @return the row index or -1 if no row is appropriate. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetRowOfValue(double dfValue) /** * Fetch color type. * * @param iCol the column index (zero based). * * @return column type or GFT_Integer if the column index is illegal. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetTypeOfCol(int iCol) /** * Fetch column usage value. * * @param iCol the column index (zero based). * * @return the column usage, or GFU_Generic for improper column numbers. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetUsageOfCol(int iCol) /** * Fetch field value as a double. *

* The value of the requested column in the requested row is returned * as a double. Non double fields will be converted to double with * the possibility of data loss. * * @param iRow row to fetch (zero based). * @param iCol column to fetch (zero based). * * @return field value */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public double GetValueAsDouble(int iRow, int iCol) /** * Fetch field value as a integer. *

* The value of the requested column in the requested row is returned * as an integer. Non-integer fields will be converted to integer with * the possibility of data loss. * * @param iRow row to fetch (zero based). * @param iCol column to fetch (zero based). * * @return field value */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int GetValueAsInt(int iRow, int iCol) /** * Fetch field value as a string. *

* The value of the requested column in the requested row is returned * as a string. If the field is numeric, it is formatted as a string * using default rules, so some precision may be lost. * except it returns a "const char *" result. * * @param iRow row to fetch (zero based). * @param iCol column to fetch (zero based). * * @return field value */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public String GetValueAsString(int iRow, int iCol) /** * Set linear binning information. *

* For RATs with equal sized categories (in pixel value space) that are * evenly spaced, this method may be used to associate the linear binning * information with the table. * * @param dfRow0Min the lower bound (pixel value) of the first category. * @param dfBinSize the width of each category (in pixel value units). * * @return CE_None on success or CE_Failure on failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public int SetLinearBinning(double dfRow0Min, double dfBinSize) /** * Set row count. *

* Resizes the table to include the indicated number of rows. Newly created * rows will be initialized to their default values - "" for strings, * and zero for numeric fields. * * @param nCount the new number of rows. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public void SetRowCount(int nCount) /** * Set field value from double. *

* The indicated field (column) on the indicated row is set from the * passed value. The value will be automatically converted for other field * types, with a possible loss of precision. * * @param iRow row to fetch (zero based). * @param iCol column to fetch (zero based). * @param dfValue the value to assign. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public void SetValueAsDouble(int iRow, int iCol, double dfValue) /** * Set field value from integer. *

* The indicated field (column) on the indicated row is set from the * passed value. The value will be automatically converted for other field * types, with a possible loss of precision. * * @param iRow row to fetch (zero based). * @param iCol column to fetch (zero based). * @param nValue the value to assign. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public void SetValueAsInt(int iRow, int iCol, int nValue) /** * Set field value from string. *

* The indicated field (column) on the indicated row is set from the * passed value. The value will be automatically converted for other field * types, with a possible loss of precision. * * @param iRow row to fetch (zero based). * @param iCol column to fetch (zero based). * @param pszValue the value to assign. */ public class RasterAttributeTable:public void SetValueAsString(int iRow, int iCol, String pszValue) /* Class Driver */ /** * Class Driver is an uninstanciable class providing various methods for a format specific driver. * *

* The Driver class is a binding for the C++ GDALDriver class. *

* An instance of this class is created for each supported format, and manages information about the format. * This roughly corresponds to a file format, though some drivers may be gateways to many formats through a secondary multi-library. *

* Drivers are loaded and registered with the gdal.AllRegister() method */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver /** * @deprecated Do not do anything... */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public void delete() /** * Create a new dataset with this driver. *

* What argument values are legal for particular drivers is driver specific, * and there is no way to query in advance to establish legal values (except * querying driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST) *

* That function will try to validate the creation option list passed to the driver * with the GDALValidateCreationOptions() method. This check can be disabled * by defining the configuration option GDAL_VALIDATE_CREATION_OPTIONS=NO. *

* At the end of dataset manipulation, the delete() method must be called * on the returned dataset otherwise data might not be properly flushed to the disk. * * @param name the name of the dataset to create. * @param xsize width of created raster in pixels. * @param ysize height of created raster in pixels. * @param nBands number of bands. * @param eType type of raster. * @param options list of driver specific control parameters (may be null) * * @return null on failure, or a Dataset object * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, String[] options) /** * Create a new dataset with this driver. *

* Same as below but options are passed as a Vector of String. * * @see #Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, String[] options) */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, java.util.Vector options) /** * Create a new dataset with this driver. *

* Same as below with eType == gdalconst.GDT_Byte * * @see #Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, String[] options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, String[] options) /** * Create a new dataset with this driver. *

* Same as below with options == null * * @see #Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, String[] options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType) /** * Create a new dataset with this driver. *

* Same as below with eType == gdalconst.GDT_Byte and options == null * * @see #Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, String[] options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands) /** * Create a new dataset with this driver. *

* Same as below with nbands == 1, eType == gdalconst.GDT_Byte and options == null * * @see #Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize, int nBands, int eType, String[] options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset Create(String name, int xsize, int ysize) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* This method will attempt to create a copy of a raster dataset with the * indicated filename, and in this drivers format. Band number, size, * type, projection, geotransform and so forth are all to be copied from * the provided template dataset. *

* Note that many sequential write once formats (such as JPEG and PNG) don't * implement the Create() method but do implement this CreateCopy() method. * If the driver doesn't implement CreateCopy(), but does implement Create() * then the default CreateCopy() mechanism built on calling Create() will * be used. *

* It is intended that CreateCopy() will often be used with a source dataset * which is a virtual dataset allowing configuration of band types, and * other information without actually duplicating raster data (see the VRT driver). * This is what is done by the gdal_translate utility for example. *

* That function will try to validate the creation option list passed to the driver * with the GDALValidateCreationOptions() method. This check can be disabled * by defining the configuration option GDAL_VALIDATE_CREATION_OPTIONS=NO. *

* At the end of dataset manipulation, the delete() method must be called * on the returned dataset otherwise data might not be properly flushed to the disk. * * @param name the name for the new dataset. * @param src_ds the dataset being duplicated. * @param strict 1 if the copy must be strictly equivalent, or more * normally 0 indicating that the copy may adapt as needed for the * output format. * @param options additional format dependent options controlling * creation of the output file. * @param callback for reporting algorithm progress. May be null * * @return the newly created dataset (may be read-only access). * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* Same as below with callback == null * * @see #CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* Same as below with strict == 1 and callback == null * * @see #CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, Vector options) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* Same as below with options == null and callback == null * * @see #CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* Same as below with strict == 1, options == null and callback == null * * @see #CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* Same as below with callback == null and options as an array of strings * * @see #CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, String[] options) /** * Create a copy of a dataset. *

* Same as below with strict == 1, callback == null and options as an array of strings * * @see #CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, int strict, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public Dataset CreateCopy(String name, Dataset src_ds, String[] options) /** * Delete named dataset. *

* The driver will attempt to delete the named dataset in a driver specific * fashion. Full featured drivers will delete all associated files, * database objects, or whatever is appropriate. The default behavior when * no driver specific behavior is provided is to attempt to delete the * passed name as a single file. *

* It is unwise to have open dataset handles on this dataset when it is * deleted. * * @param name name of dataset to delete. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure if the operation fails. */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public int Delete(String name) /** * Rename a dataset. *

* Rename a dataset. This may including moving the dataset to a new directory * or even a new filesystem. *

* It is unwise to have open dataset handles on this dataset when it is * being renamed. * * @param newName new name for the dataset. * @param oldName old name for the dataset. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or gdalconst.CE_Failure if the operation fails. */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public int Rename(String newName, String oldName) /** * Register a driver for use. *

* Normally this method is used by format specific C callable registration * entry points such as GDALRegister_GTiff() rather than being called * directly by application level code. *

* If this driver is already * registered, then no change is made, and the index of the existing driver * is returned. Otherwise the driver list is extended, and the new driver * is added at the end. * * @return the index of the new installed driver. */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public int Register() /** * Deregister the driver. */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public void Deregister() /** * Return the short name of a driver. *

* This is the string that can be * passed to the GDALGetDriverByName() function. *

* For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "GTiff" * * @return the short name of the driver. */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public String getShortName() /** * Return the long name of a driver. *

* For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "GeoTIFF" * * @return the long name of the driver or empty string. */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public String getLongName() /** * Return the URL to the help that describes the driver. *

* That URL is relative to the GDAL documentation directory. *

* For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "frmt_gtiff.html" * * @return the URL to the help that describes the driver or null */ public class org.gdal.gdal.Driver:public String getHelpTopic() /* Class ProgressCallback */ /** * Class used to report progression of long operations. *

* This class will not do anything by itself, but it can be subclassed, like TermProgressCallback class. * to do more useful things. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ProgressCallback /** * Callback method called from long processing from GDAL methods. *

* This method is called back with the progression percentage. Its return value * is used by the caller to determine whether the processing should go on or be * interrupted. *

* This method should be subclassed by classes subclassing ProgressCallback. * * @param dfComplete progression percentage between 0 and 1 * @param message processing message, may be null * * @return 0 if you want to interrupt the processing, any value different from 0 to go on * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ProgressCallback:public int run(double dfComplete, String message) /* Class TermProgressCallback */ /** * Class used for simple progress report to terminal. *

* This progress reporter prints simple progress report to the * terminal window. The progress report generally looks something like * this: *

  *  0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
* Every 2.5% of progress another number or period is emitted. Note that * GDALTermProgress() uses internal static data to keep track of the last * percentage reported and will get confused if two terminal based progress * reportings are active at the same time either in in a single thread or across multiple threads. *

* Example : *

  * driver.CreateCopy("dest.tif", src_ds, 0, null, new TermProgressCallback());
* * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class TermProgressCallback /* Class MajorObject */ /** * Class used for object with metadata. * *

* The MajorObject class is a binding for the C++ GDALMajorObject class. */ public class MajorObject /** * Fetch object description. *

* The semantics of the returned description are specific to the derived * type. For Dataset object it is the dataset name. For Band object * it is actually a description (if supported) or "". * * @return description */ public class MajorObject:public String GetDescription() /** * Set object description. *

* The semantics of the returned description are specific to the derived * type. For Dataset object it is the dataset name. For Band object * it is actually a description (if supported) or "". * * Normally application code should not set the "description" for * GDALDatasets. It is handled internally. * * @param newDescription new description */ public class MajorObject:public void SetDescription(String newDescription) /** * Fetch metadata. * * Returns metadata as (key, value) tuples in the result table * * @param domain the domain of interest. Use "" or null for the default * domain. * * @return null or a hash table with metadata */ public class MajorObject:public java.util.Hashtable GetMetadata_Dict(String domain) /** * Fetch metadata. * * Returns metadata from the default domain as (key, value) tuples in the result table * * @return null or a hash table with metadata * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public java.util.Hashtable GetMetadata_Dict() /** * Fetch metadata. * * Returns metadata as a vector of strings of the format "KEY=VALUE". * * @param domain the domain of interest. Use "" or null for the default * domain. * * @return null or a vector of strings */ public class MajorObject:public java.util.Vector GetMetadata_List(String domain) /** * Fetch metadata. *

* Returns metadata from the default domain as a vector of strings of the format "KEY=VALUE". * * @return null or a vector of strings * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public java.util.Vector GetMetadata_List() /** * Set metadata. *

* The metadata is set into the domain specified. * * @param metadata the metadata as a table of (key, value) tuples to apply * @param domain the domain of interest. Use "" or null for the default * domain. * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure and gdalconst.CE_Warning if the * metadata has been accepted, but is likely not maintained persistently * by the underlying object between sessions. */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadata(java.util.Hashtable metadata, String domain) /** * Set metadata. *

* The metadata is set into the default domain * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure and gdalconst.CE_Warning if the * metadata has been accepted, but is likely not maintained persistently * by the underlying object between sessions. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadata(java.util.Hashtable metadata) /** * Set metadata. *

* The metadata is set into the domain specified. * * @param metadataString the metadata to apply as a string of the format "KEY=VALUE". * @param domain the domain of interest. Use "" or null for the default * domain. * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure and gdalconst.CE_Warning if the * metadata has been accepted, but is likely not maintained persistently * by the underlying object between sessions. */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadata(String metadataString, String domain) /** * Set metadata. *

* The metadata is set into the default domain * * @param metadataString the metadata to apply as a string of the format "KEY=VALUE". * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure and gdalconst.CE_Warning if the * metadata has been accepted, but is likely not maintained persistently * by the underlying object between sessions. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadata(String metadataString) /** * Set metadata. *

* The metadata is set into the domain specified. * * @param metadata the metadata to apply as a vector of strings of the format "KEY=VALUE". * @param domain the domain of interest. Use "" or null for the default * domain. * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure and gdalconst.CE_Warning if the * metadata has been accepted, but is likely not maintained persistently * by the underlying object between sessions. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadata(java.util.Vector metadata, String domain) /** * Set metadata. *

* The metadata is set into the default domain * * @param metadata the metadata to apply as a vector of strings of the format "KEY=VALUE". * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, gdalconst.CE_Failure on failure and gdalconst.CE_Warning if the * metadata has been accepted, but is likely not maintained persistently * by the underlying object between sessions. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadata(java.util.Vector metadata) /** * Fetch single metadata item. * * @param name the key for the metadata item to fetch. * @param domain the domain to fetch for, use null for the default domain. * * @return null on failure to find the key, or the value string on success. */ public class MajorObject:public String GetMetadataItem( String name, String domain ) /** * Fetch single metadata item. *

* The metadata item is searched into the default domain. * * @param name the key for the metadata item to fetch. * * @return null on failure to find the key, or the value string on success. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public String GetMetadataItem( String name ) /** * Set single metadata item. * * @param name the key for the metadata item to fetch. * @param value the value to assign to the key. * @param domain the domain to set within, use null for the default domain. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or an error code on failure. */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadataItem( String name, String value, String domain ) /** * Set single metadata item. *

* The metadata item is set into the default domain. * * @param name the key for the metadata item to fetch. * @param value the value to assign to the key. * * @return gdalconst.CE_None on success, or an error code on failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class MajorObject:public int SetMetadataItem( String name, String value ) /* Class Transformer */ /** * Class used for image to image transformer. */ public class Transformer /** * Create image to image transformer. *

* This function creates a transformation object that maps from pixel/line * coordinates on one image to pixel/line coordinates on another image. The * images may potentially be georeferenced in different coordinate systems, * and may used GCPs to map between their pixel/line coordinates and * georeferenced coordinates (as opposed to the default assumption that their * geotransform should be used). *

* This transformer potentially performs three concatenated transformations. *

* The first stage is from source image pixel/line coordinates to source * image georeferenced coordinates, and may be done using the geotransform, * or if not defined using a polynomial model derived from GCPs. If GCPs * are used this stage is accomplished using GDALGCPTransform(). *

* The second stage is to change projections from the source coordinate system * to the destination coordinate system, assuming they differ. This is * accomplished internally using GDALReprojectionTransform(). *

* The third stage is converting from destination image georeferenced * coordinates to destination image coordinates. This is done using the * destination image geotransform, or if not available, using a polynomial * model derived from GCPs. If GCPs are used this stage is accomplished using * GDALGCPTransform(). This stage is skipped if dst_ds is null when the * transformation is created. * * Supported Options: *

* * @param src_ds source dataset, or null. * @param dst_ds destination dataset (or null). * @param options options provides as a vector of strings of the format "NAME=VALUE" (or null) */ public class Transformer:public Transformer(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, java.util.Vector options) /** * Transform a 3D point. *

* The method will use the provided 3 double values and update them. * * @param inout array of 3 double values (x, y, z) used for input and output. * @param bDstToSrc 1 for inverse transformation, 0 for forward transformation. * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise */ public class Transformer:public int TransformPoint(int bDstToSrc, double[] inout) /** * Transform a 3D point. *

* The method will use the provided (x, y, z) values and put the transformed * values into argout * * @param argout array of 3 double values where the transformed coordinates will be put. * @param bDstToSrc 1 for inverse transformation, 0 for forward transformation. * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * @param z input z value * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise */ public class Transformer:public int TransformPoint(double[] argout, int bDstToSrc, double x, double y, double z) /** * Transform a 2D point. *

* The method will use the provided (x, y) values and put the transformed * values into argout * * @param argout array of 3 double values where the transformed coordinates will be put. * @param bDstToSrc 1 for inverse transformation, 0 for forward transformation. * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Transformer:public int TransformPoint(double[] argout, int bDstToSrc, double x, double y) /** * Transform an array of coordinates. *

* The method will use the provided array of values and put the update coordinates * into it. * * @param arrayOfCoords array of 2D or 3D values. * @param bDstToSrc 1 for inverse transformation, 0 for forward transformation. * @param panSuccess array where to put the success flag for each transformation. * May be null, otherwise panSuccess.length must be equal to arrayOfCoords.length * * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Transformer:public int TransformPoints(int bDstToSrc, double[][] arrayOfCoords, int[] panSuccess) /* Interface gdalconstConstants */ /** * Various constants used by the org.gdal.gdal package. *

* These constants correspond to different enumerations : error codes, XML content type, metadata, palette interpretation, * color interpretation, data type, raster color table attribute type, band mask flags, resampling methods... */ public interface gdalconstConstants /** * Debug error == 1 (message class). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CE_Debug /** * Failure error == 3 (message class and error return code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CE_Failure /** * Fatal error == 4 (message class). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CE_Fatal /** * No error == 0 (message class and error return code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CE_None /** * Warning error == 2 (message class and error return code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CE_Warning /** * CPLE_None == 0 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_None /** * CPLE_AppDefined == 1 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_AppDefined /** * CPLE_OutOfMemory == 2 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_OutOfMemory /** * CPLE_FileIO == 3 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_FileIO /** * CPLE_OpenFailed == 4 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_OpenFailed /** * CPLE_IllegalArg == 5 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_IllegalArg /** * CPLE_NotSupported == 6 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_NotSupported /** * CPLE_AssertionFailed == 7 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_AssertionFailed /** * CPLE_NoWriteAccess == 8 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_NoWriteAccess /** * CPLE_UserInterrupt == 9 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_UserInterrupt /** * CPLE_ObjectNull == 10 (error code). */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLE_ObjectNull /** * CPLES_BackslashQuotable(0). *

* This scheme turns a binary string into * a form suitable to be placed within double quotes as a string constant. * The backslash, quote, '\\0' and newline characters are all escaped in * the usual C style. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLES_BackslashQuotable /** * CPLES_XML(1). *

* This scheme converts the '<', '>' and '&' characters into * their XML/HTML equivalent (&gt;, &lt; and &amp;) making a string safe * to embed as CDATA within an XML element. The '\\0' is not escaped and * should not be included in the input. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLES_XML /** * CPLES_URL(2). *

* Everything except alphanumerics and the underscore are * converted to a percent followed by a two digit hex encoding of the character * (leading zero supplied if needed). This is the mechanism used for encoding * values to be passed in URLs. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLES_URL /** * CPLES_SQL(3). *

* All single quotes are replaced with two single quotes. * Suitable for use when constructing literal values for SQL commands where * the literal will be enclosed in single quotes. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLES_SQL /** * CPLES_CSV(4). *

* If the values contains commas, double quotes, or newlines it * placed in double quotes, and double quotes in the value are doubled. * Suitable for use when constructing field values for .csv files. Note that * CPLUnescapeString() currently does not support this format, only * CPLEscapeString(). See cpl_csv.cpp for csv parsing support. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CPLES_CSV /** * CTX_Element(0) : node is an element. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CXT_Element /** * CXT_Text(1) : node is a raw text value */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CXT_Text /** * CXT_Attribute(2) : node is an attribute. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CXT_Attribute /** * CXT_Comment(3) : node is a XML comment. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CXT_Comment /** * CXT_Literal(4) : node is a special literal. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int CXT_Literal /** * DCAP_CREATE_COPY. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DCAP_CREATE) will return "YES" if the driver supports the Create() method */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DCAP_CREATE /** * DCAP_CREATE_COPY. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DCAP_CREATE_COPY) will return "YES" if the driver supports the CreateCopy() method */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DCAP_CREATECOPY /** * DCAP_VIRTUALIO. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DCAP_VIRTUALIO) will return "YES" if the driver supports virtual file IO */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DCAP_VIRTUALIO /** * DMD_CREATIONDATATYPES. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_CREATIONDATATYPES) will return a string with the supported data types in creation */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DMD_CREATIONDATATYPES /** * DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST) will return a XML string with the definition of supported creation options */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DMD_CREATIONOPTIONLIST /** * DMD_EXTENSION. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_EXTENSION) will return a string with the extensions supported by the driver */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DMD_EXTENSION /** * DMD_HELPTOPIC. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_HELPTOPIC) will return a string with the URL to driver documentation */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DMD_HELPTOPIC /** * DMD_LONGNAME. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_LONGNAME) will return a string with the long name of the driver */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DMD_LONGNAME /** * DMD_MIMETYPE. * Driver.GetMetadataItem(gdalconst.DMD_MIMETYPE) will return a string with the MIME type supported by the driver */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static String DMD_MIMETYPE /** * GA_ReadOnly : flag used for opening a dataset in read-only mode with gdal.Open() */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GA_ReadOnly /** * GA_Update : flag used for opening a dataset in update mode with gdal.Open() */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GA_Update @hide public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GF_Read @hide public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GF_Write /** * GCI_Undefined(0) : undefined (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_Undefined /** * GCI_GrayIndex(1) : greyscale (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_GrayIndex /** * GCI_PaletteIndex(2) : paletted with color table (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_PaletteIndex /** * GCI_RedBand(3) : Red band of RGBA image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_RedBand /** * GCI_GreenBand(4) : Green band of RGBA image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_GreenBand /** * GCI_BlueBand(5) : Blue band of RGBA image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_BlueBand /** * GCI_AlphaBand(6) : Alpha band of RGBA image (0=transparent, 255=opaque) (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_AlphaBand /** * GCI_HueBand(7) : Hue band of HLS image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_HueBand /** * GCI_SaturationBand(8) : Saturation band of HLS image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_SaturationBand /** * GCI_LightnessBand(9) : Lightness band of HLS image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_LightnessBand /** * GCI_CyanBand(10) : Cyan band of CMYK image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_CyanBand /** * GCI_MagentaBand(11) : Magenta band of CMYK image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_MagentaBand /** * GCI_YellowBand(12) : Yellow band of CMYK image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_YellowBand /** * GCI_BlackBand(13) : Black band of CMYK image (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_BlackBand /** * GCI_YCbCr_YBand(14) : Y Luminance (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_YCbCr_YBand /** * GCI_YCbCr_CbBand(15) : Cb Luminance (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_YCbCr_CbBand /** * GCI_YCbCr_CrBand(16) : Cr Luminance (color interpretation) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GCI_YCbCr_CrBand /** * GDT_Unknown(0) : Unknown (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_Unknown /** * GDT_Byte(1) : Eight bit unsigned integer (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_Byte /** * GDT_UInt16(2) : Sixteen bit unsigned integer (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_UInt16 /** * GDT_Int16(3) : Sixteen bit signed integer (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_Int16 /** * GDT_UInt32(4) : Thirty two bit unsigned integer (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_UInt32 /** * GDT_Int32(5) : Thirty two bit signed integer (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_Int32 /** * GDT_Float32(6) : Thirty two bit floating point (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_Float32 /** * GDT_Float64(7) : Sixty four bit floating point (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_Float64 /** * GDT_CInt16(8) : Complex Int16 (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_CInt16 /** * GDT_CInt32(9) : Complex Int32 (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_CInt32 /** * GDT_CFloat32(10) : Complex Float32 (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_CFloat32 /** * GDT_CFloat64(11) : Complex Float64 (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_CFloat64 /** * GDT_TypeCount(12) : Maximum type (data type) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GDT_TypeCount /** * GRA_NearestNeighbour(0) : Nearest neighbour (select on one input pixel) (warping algorithm) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GRA_NearestNeighbour /** * GRA_Bilinear(1) : Bilinear (2x2 kernel) (warping algorithm) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GRA_Bilinear /** * GRA_Cubic(2) : Cubic Convolution Approximation (4x4 kernel) (warping algorithm) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GRA_Cubic /** * GRA_CubicSpline(3) : Cubic B-Spline Approximation (4x4 kernel) (warping algorithm) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GRA_CubicSpline /** * GRA_Lanczos(4) : Lanczos windowed sinc interpolation (6x6 kernel) (warping algorithm) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GRA_Lanczos /** * GMF_ALL_VALID(0x01) (mask band flag). * There are no invalid pixels, all mask values will be 255. * When used this will normally be the only flag set. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GMF_ALL_VALID /** * GMF_PER_DATASET(0x02) (mask band flag). * The mask band is shared between all bands on the dataset. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GMF_PER_DATASET /** * GMF_ALPHA(0x04) (mask band flag). * The mask band is actually an alpha band and may have values * other than 0 and 255. */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GMF_ALPHA /** * GMF_NODATA(0x08) (mask band flag). * Indicates the mask is actually being generated from nodata values. * (mutually exclusive of GMF_ALPHA) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GMF_NODATA /** * GPI_Gray(0) (palette interpretation). * Grayscale (in GDALColorEntry.c1) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GPI_Gray /** * GPI_RGB(1) (palette interpretation). * Red, Green, Blue and Alpha in (in c1, c2, c3 and c4) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GPI_RGB /** * GPI_CMYK(2) (palette interpretation). * Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (in c1, c2, c3 and c4) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GPI_CMYK /** * GPI_HLS(3) (palette interpretation). * Hue, Lightness and Saturation (in c1, c2, and c3) */ public interface gdalconstConstants:public final static int GPI_HLS /* Class Driver */ /** * Class Driver is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to represents an operational format driver. * *

* The Driver class is a binding for the C++ OGRSFDriver class. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver /** * @deprecated Do not do anything... */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public void delete() /** Attempt to create a new data source based on the passed driver.

The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation.

The returned dataset should be properly closed with the DataSource.delete() method. @param name the name for the new data source. @param options a vector of strings of the format name=value. Options are driver specific, and driver information can be found at the following url: OGR Formats @return null is returned on failure, or a new DataSource on success. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public DataSource CreateDataSource(String name, java.util.Vector options) /** * Attempt to create a new data source based on the passed driver. *

* Same as below with options == null. * * @see #CreateDataSource(String name, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public DataSource CreateDataSource(String name) /** Creates a new datasource by copying all the layers from the source datasource. @param src_ds source datasource @param name the name for the new data source. @param options a vector of strings of the format name=value. Options are driver specific, and driver information can be found at the following url: OGR Formats @return null is returned on failure, or a new DataSource on success. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public DataSource CopyDataSource(DataSource src_ds, String name, java.util.Vector options) /** * Creates a new datasource by copying all the layers from the * source datasource. *

* Same as below with options == null. * * @see #CreateDataSource(String name, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public DataSource CopyDataSource(DataSource src_ds, String name) /** Attempt to open file with this driver.

The returned dataset should be properly closed with the DataSource.delete() method. @param name the name of the file, or data source to try and open. @param update 1 if update access is required, otherwise 0 (the default). @return null on error or if the pass name is not supported by this driver, otherwise a DataSource. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public DataSource Open(String name, int update) /** * Attempt to open file with this driver. *

* Same as below with update == 0. * * @see #Open(String name, int update) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public DataSource Open(String name) /** Destroy a datasource.

Destroy the named datasource. Normally it would be safest if the datasource was not open at the time.

Whether this is a supported operation on this driver case be tested using TestCapability() on ODrCDeleteDataSource. @param name the name of the datasource to delete. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException if this is not supported by this driver (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called) */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public int DeleteDataSource(String name) /** Test if capability is available.

One of the following data source capability names can be passed into this function, and a TRUE or FALSE value will be returned indicating whether or not the capability is available for this object.

The constant forms of the capability names should be used in preference to the strings themselves to avoid misspelling. @param cap the capability to test. @return true if capability available otherwise false. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public boolean TestCapability(String cap) /** Fetch name of driver (file format).

This name should be relatively short (10-40 characters), and should reflect the underlying file format. For instance "ESRI Shapefile". @return driver name. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public String getName() /** Fetch name of driver (file format).

This name should be relatively short (10-40 characters), and should reflect the underlying file format. For instance "ESRI Shapefile". @return driver name. */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public String GetName() /** Add a driver to the list of registered drivers.

If the driver is already registered (based on handle comparison) then the driver isn't registered. New drivers are added at the end of the list of registered drivers. @since GDAL 1.8.0 */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public void Register() /** Remove the driver from the list of registered drivers. @since GDAL 1.8.0 */ public class org.gdal.ogr.Driver:public void Deregister() /* Class DataSource */ /** * This class represents a data source. * *

* The DataSource class is a binding for the C++ OGRDataSource class. *

* A data source potentially consists of many layers (Layer). A data source normally consists of one, or a * related set of files, though the name doesn't have to be a real item in the file system. * When an DataSource is destroyed, all it's associated Layer objects are also destroyed. */ public class DataSource /** * Frees the native resource associated to a DataSource object and close the file. *

* This method will delete the underlying C++ object. After it has been called, * all native resources will have been destroyed, so it will be illegal (and likely to * cause JVM crashes) to use any method on this object or any derived objects, * such as Layer objects of this Dataset. *

* The delete() method must be called when a datasource has been opened in update * or creation mode, otherwise data might not be properly flushed to the disk. You * cannot rely on the finalization to call delete(). */ public class DataSource:public void delete() /** Duplicate an existing layer.

This function creates a new layer, duplicate the field definitions of the source layer and then duplicate each features of the source layer. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. The source layer may come from another dataset. @param src_layer source layer. @param new_name the name of the layer to create. @param options a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific, and driver information can be found at the following url: OGR Formats @return a new layer, or null if an error occurs. */ public class DataSource:public Layer CopyLayer(Layer src_layer, String new_name, java.util.Vector options) /** * Duplicate an existing layer. *

* Same as below with options == null. * * @see #CopyLayer(Layer src_layer, String new_name, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer CopyLayer(Layer src_layer, String new_name) /** Create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type.

The options argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation.


	Layer layer;
        Vector options = new Vector();

	if( !ds.TestCapability( ogr.ODsCCreateLayer ) )

        layer = ds.CreateLayer( "NewLayer", null, ogr.wkbUnknown,
				options );

        if( layer == null )
@param name the name for the new layer. This should ideally not match any existing layer on the datasource. @param srs the coordinate system to use for the new layer, or null if no coordinate system is available. @param geom_type the geometry type for the layer. Use ogr.wkbUnknown if there are no constraints on the types geometry to be written. @param options a vector of strings of the format name=value. Options are driver specific, and driver information can be found at the following url: OGR Formats @return null is returned on failure, or a new Layer on success. */ public class DataSource:public Layer CreateLayer(String name, SpatialReference srs, int geom_type, java.util.Vector options) /** * Create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type. *

* Same as below with options == null. * * @see #CreateLayer(String name, SpatialReference srs, int geom_type, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer CreateLayer(String name, SpatialReference srs, int geom_type) /** * Create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name, coordinate system. *

* Same as below with geom_type == ogr.wkbUnknown and options == null. * * @see #CreateLayer(String name, SpatialReference srs, int geom_type, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer CreateLayer(String name, SpatialReference srs) /** * Create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name. *

* Same as below with srs == null, geom_type == ogr.wkbUnknown and options == null. * * @see #CreateLayer(String name, SpatialReference srs, int geom_type, java.util.Vector options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer CreateLayer(String name) /** Delete the indicated layer from the datasource.

If this method is supported the ODsCDeleteLayer capability will test true on the DataSource. @param index the index of the layer to delete. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException if deleting layers is not supported for this datasource (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class DataSource:public int DeleteLayer(int index) /** Execute an SQL statement against the data store.

The result of an SQL query is either null for statements that are in error, or that have no results set, or a Layer representing a results set from the query. Note that this Layer is in addition to the layers in the data store and must be destroyed with ReleaseResultsSet() before the data source is closed (destroyed).

For more information on the SQL dialect supported internally by OGR review the OGR SQL document. Some drivers (i.e. Oracle and PostGIS) pass the SQL directly through to the underlying RDBMS. @param statement the SQL statement to execute. @param spatialFilter geometry which represents a spatial filter. @param dialect allows control of the statement dialect. By default it is assumed to be "generic" SQL, whatever that is. @return a Layer containing the results of the query. Deallocate with ReleaseResultsSet(). */ public class DataSource:public Layer ExecuteSQL(String statement, Geometry spatialFilter, String dialect) /** * Execute an SQL statement against the data store. *

* Same as below with dialect = "" * * @see #ExecuteSQL(String statement, Geometry spatialFilter, String dialect) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer ExecuteSQL(String statement, Geometry spatialFilter) /** * Execute an SQL statement against the data store. *

* Same as below with spatialFilter == null and dialect = "" * * @see #ExecuteSQL(String statement, Geometry spatialFilter, String dialect) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer ExecuteSQL(String statement) /** Release results of ExecuteSQL().

This method should only be used to deallocate Layers resulting from an ExecuteSQL() call on the same DataSource. Failure to deallocate a results set before destroying the DataSource may cause errors. @param layer the result of a previous ExecuteSQL() call. */ public class DataSource:public void ReleaseResultSet(Layer layer) /** Flush pending changes to disk.

This call is intended to force the datasource to flush any pending writes to disk, and leave the disk file in a consistent state. It would not normally have any effect on read-only datasources.

Some data sources do not implement this method, and will still return ogr.OGRERR_NONE. An error is only returned if an error occurs while attempting to flush to disk.

The default implementation of this method just calls the SyncToDisk() method on each of the layers. Conceptionally, calling SyncToDisk() on a datasource should include any work that might be accomplished by calling SyncToDisk() on layers in that data source.

In any event, you should always close any opened datasource with delete() that will ensure all data is correctly flushed. @return ogr.OGRERR_NONE if no error occurs (even if nothing is done) or an error code. */ public class DataSource:public int SyncToDisk() /** Test if capability is available.

One of the following data source capability names can be passed into this method, and a true or false value will be returned indicating whether or not the capability is available for this object.

The constant forms of the capability names should be used in preference to the strings themselves to avoid misspelling. @param cap the capability to test. @return true if capability available otherwise false. */ public class DataSource:public boolean TestCapability(String cap) /** Fetch a layer by index.

The returned layer remains owned by the DataSource and should not be deleted by the application. @param index a layer number between 0 and GetLayerCount()-1. @return the layer, or null if index is out of range or an error occurs. */ public class DataSource:public Layer GetLayerByIndex(int index) /** Fetch a layer by index.

The returned layer remains owned by the DataSource and should not be deleted by the application. @param index a layer number between 0 and GetLayerCount()-1. @return the layer, or null if index is out of range or an error occurs. @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer GetLayer(int index) /** Fetch a layer by name.

The returned layer remains owned by the DataSource and should not be deleted by the application. @param layer_name the layer name of the layer to fetch. @return the layer, or null if index is out of range or an error occurs. */ public class DataSource:public Layer GetLayerByName(String layer_name) /** Fetch a layer by name. The returned layer remains owned by the DataSource and should not be deleted by the application. @param layer_name the layer name of the layer to fetch. @return the layer, or null if index is out of range or an error occurs. @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class DataSource:public Layer GetLayer(String layer_name) /** Get the number of layers in this data source. @return layer count. */ public class DataSource:public int GetLayerCount() /** Returns the name of the data source.

This string should be sufficient to open the data source if passed to the same Driver that this data source was opened with, but it need not be exactly the same string that was used to open the data source. Normally this is a filename. @return name of the data source */ public class DataSource:public String GetName() /** Returns the name of the data source.

This string should be sufficient to open the data source if passed to the same Driver that this data source was opened with, but it need not be exactly the same string that was used to open the data source. Normally this is a filename. @return name of the data source */ public class DataSource:public String getName() /** Returns the driver that the dataset was opened with. @return null if driver info is not available, or the driver */ public class DataSource:public Driver GetDriver() /** Fetch reference count. @return the current reference count for the datasource object itself. */ public class DataSource:public int GetRefCount() /** Fetch reference count of datasource and all owned layers. @return the current summary reference count for the datasource and its layers. */ public class DataSource:public int GetSummaryRefCount() /* Class Layer */ /** * This class represents a layer of simple features, with access methods. * *

* The Layer class is a binding for the C++ OGRLayer class. */ public class Layer /** * @deprecated Do not do anything... */ public class Layer:public void delete() /** Create and write a new feature within a layer.

The passed feature is written to the layer as a new feature, rather than overwriting an existing one. If the feature has a feature id other than OGRNullFID, then the native implementation may use that as the feature id of the new feature, but not necessarily. Upon successful return the passed feature will have been updated with the new feature id. @param feature the feature to write to disk. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). @see #SetFeature(Feature) */ public class Layer:public int CreateFeature(Feature feature) /** Create a new field on a layer.

You must use this to create new fields on a real layer. Internally the FeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the new field. Applications should never modify the FeatureDefn used by a layer directly.

This method should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition.

Not all drivers support this method. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCCreateField capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. @param field_def field definition to write to disk. @param approx_ok If 1, the field may be created in a slightly different form depending on the limitations of the format driver. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int CreateField(FieldDefn field_def, int approx_ok) /** * Create a new field on a layer. * * Same as below with approx_ok == 0. * * @see #CreateField(FieldDefn field_def, int approx_ok) */ public class Layer:public int CreateField(FieldDefn field_def) /** Delete an existing field on a layer.

You must use this to delete existing fields on a real layer. Internally the FeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the deleted field. Applications should never modify the FeatureDefn used by a layer directly.

This method should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition.

Not all drivers support this method. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCDeleteField capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. @param iField index of the field to delete. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Layer:public int DeleteField( int iField ) /** Reorder all the fields of a layer.

You must use this to reorder existing fields on a real layer. Internally the FeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the reordering of the fields. Applications should never modify the FeatureDefn used by a layer directly.

This method should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition.

panMap is such that,for each field definition at position i after reordering, its position before reordering was panMap[i].

For example, let suppose the fields were "0","1","2","3","4" initially. ReorderFields(new Integer[]{0,2,3,1,4}) will reorder them as "0","2","3","1","4".

Not all drivers support this method. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCReorderFields capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. @param panMap an array of GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount() elements which is a permutation of [0, GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount()-1]. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Layer:public int ReorderFields( int[] panMap ) /** Reorder an existing field on a layer.

This method is a convenience wrapper of ReorderFields() dedicated to move a single field. It is a non-virtual method, so drivers should implement ReorderFields() instead.

You must use this to reorder existing fields on a real layer. Internally the FeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the reordering of the fields. Applications should never modify the FeatureDefn used by a layer directly.

This method should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition.

The field definition that was at initial position iOldFieldPos will be moved at position iNewFieldPos, and elements between will be shuffled accordingly.

For example, let suppose the fields were "0","1","2","3","4" initially. ReorderField(1, 3) will reorder them as "0","2","3","1","4".

Not all drivers support this method. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCReorderFields capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. @param iOldFieldPos previous position of the field to move. Must be in the range [0,GetFieldCount()-1]. @param iNewFieldPos new position of the field to move. Must be in the range [0,GetFieldCount()-1]. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Layer:public int ReorderField( int iOldFieldPos, int iNewFieldPos ) /** Alter the definition of an existing field on a layer.

You must use this to alter the definition of an existing field of a real layer. Internally the FeatureDefn for the layer will be updated to reflect the altered field. Applications should never modify the FeatureDefn used by a layer directly.

This method should not be called while there are feature objects in existence that were obtained or created with the previous layer definition.

Not all drivers support this method. You can query a layer to check if it supports it with the OLCAlterFieldDefn capability. Some drivers may only support this method while there are still no features in the layer. When it is supported, the existing features of the backing file/database should be updated accordingly. Some drivers might also not support all update flags. @param iField index of the field whose definition must be altered. @param newFieldDefn new field definition @param nFlags combination of ALTER_NAME_FLAG, ALTER_TYPE_FLAG and ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG to indicate which of the name and/or type and/or width and precision fields from the new field definition must be taken into account. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Layer:public int AlterFieldDefn( int iField, FieldDefn newFieldDefn, int nFlags ) /** Fetch the extent of this layer.

Returns the extent (MBR) of the data in the layer. If force is 0, and it would be expensive to establish the extent then a RuntimeException will be thrown indicating that the extent is not known. If force is 1 then some implementations will actually scan the entire layer once to compute the MBR of all the features in the layer.

Depending on the drivers, the returned extent may or may not take the spatial filter into account. So it is safer to call GetExtent() without setting a spatial filter.

Layers without any geometry may throw a RuntimeException just indicating that no meaningful extents could be collected. @param extent an allocated array of 4 doubles in which the extent value will be returned. @param force Flag indicating whether the extent should be computed even if it is expensive (1 for true, 0 for false). @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int GetExtent(double[] extent, int force) /** Fetch the extent of this layer.

Returns the extent (MBR) of the data in the layer. If force is false, and it would be expensive to establish the extent then a null value will be returned indicating that the extent isn't know. If force is true then some implementations will actually scan the entire layer once to compute the MBR of all the features in the layer.

Depending on the drivers, the returned extent may or may not take the spatial filter into account. So it is safer to call GetExtent() without setting a spatial filter.

Layers without any geometry may return a null value just indicating that no meaningful extents could be collected. @param force Flag indicating whether the extent should be computed even if it is expensive @return an allocated array of 4 doubles in which the extent value or null in case of failure @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Layer:public double[] GetExtent(boolean force) /** * Fetch the extent of this layer. * * Same as below with force == true. * * @see #GetExtent(boolean force) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Layer:public double[] GetExtent() /** Delete feature from layer. The feature with the indicated feature id is deleted from the layer if supported by the driver. Most drivers do not support feature deletion, and will throw a RuntimeException. The TestCapability() layer method may be called with OLCDeleteFeature to check if the driver supports feature deletion. @param fid the feature id to be deleted from the layer @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int DeleteFeature(long fid) /** Fetch a feature by its identifier. This function will attempt to read the identified feature. The fid value cannot be OGRNullFID. Success or failure of this operation is unaffected by the spatial or attribute filters.

If this method returns a non-null feature, it is guaranteed that its feature id (Feature.GetFID()) will be the same as fid.

Use Layer.TestCapability(ogr.OLCRandomRead) to establish if this layer supports efficient random access reading via GetFeature(); however, the call should always work if the feature exists as a fallback implementation just scans all the features in the layer looking for the desired feature.

Sequential reads are generally considered interrupted by a GetFeature() call.

The returned feature will be properly handled by the Java garbage collector, but you can help it by explicitly calling the Feature.delete() method. @param fid the feature id of the feature to read. @return a feature, or null on failure. */ public class Layer:public Feature GetFeature(long fid) /** Fetch the feature count in this layer.

Returns the number of features in the layer. For dynamic databases the count may not be exact. If force is 0, and it would be expensive to establish the feature count a value of -1 may be returned indicating that the count isn't know. If force is 1 some implementations will actually scan the entire layer once to count objects.

The returned count takes the spatial filter into account. @param force Flag indicating whether the count should be computed even if it is expensive. @return feature count, -1 if count not known. */ public class Layer:public long GetFeatureCount(int force) /** * Fetch the feature count in this layer. *

* Same as below with force == 1. * * @see #GetFeatureCount(int force) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Layer:public long GetFeatureCount() /** * Return the total number of features read. *

* Note: not all drivers seem to update properly this count. * @return total number of features read. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Layer:public long GetFeaturesRead() /** Returns the name of the FID column.

This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the FID column, or "" if not supported. @return fid column name. */ public class Layer:public String GetFIDColumn() /** Returns the name of the geometry column.

This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the geometry column, or "" if not supported. @return fid column name. */ public class Layer:public String GetGeometryColumn() /** Set which fields can be omitted when retrieving features from the layer.

If the driver supports this functionality (testable using OLCIgnoreFields capability), it will not fetch the specified fields in subsequent calls to GetFeature() / GetNextFeature() and thus save some processing time and/or bandwidth.

Besides field names of the layers, the following special fields can be passed: "OGR_GEOMETRY" to ignore geometry and "OGR_STYLE" to ignore layer style.

By default, no fields are ignored. @param fieldNames a vector of field names. If null is passed, the ignored list is cleared. @return ogr.OGRERR_NONE if all field names have been resolved (even if the driver does not support this method) @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Layer:public int SetIgnoredFields(java.util.Vector fieldNames) /** Fetch the schema information for this layer.

The returned FeatureDefn is owned by the Layer, and should not be modified or freed by the application. It encapsulates the attribute schema of the features of the layer. @return feature definition. */ public class Layer:public FeatureDefn GetLayerDefn() /** * Return the layer name. *

* This returns the same content as GetLayerDefn().GetName(), but for a * few drivers, calling GetName() directly can avoid lengthy layer * definition initialization. * * @return the layer name */ public class Layer:public String GetName() /** * Return the layer geometry type. *

* This returns the same result as GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType(), but for a * few drivers, calling GetGeomType() directly can avoid lengthy layer * definition initialization. * * @return the geometry name * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Layer:public int GetGeomType() /** Fetch the next available feature from this layer.

Only features matching the current spatial filter (set with SetSpatialFilter() will be returned.

This method implements sequential access to the features of a layer. The ResetReading() method can be used to start at the beginning again.

The returned feature will be properly handled by the Java garbage collector, but you can help it by explicitly calling the Feature.delete() method. @return a feature, or null if no more features are available. */ public class Layer:public Feature GetNextFeature() /** Fetch reference count.

Should be of little use in Java... @return the current reference count for the layer object itself. */ public class Layer:public int GetRefCount() /** Return the current spatial filter for this layer. @return spatial filter geometry, or null if there isn't one. */ public class Layer:public Geometry GetSpatialFilter() /** Fetch the spatial reference system for this layer. @return spatial reference, or null if there isn't one. */ public class Layer:public SpatialReference GetSpatialRef() /** Reset feature reading to start on the first feature. This affects GetNextFeature(). */ public class Layer:public void ResetReading() /** Set a new attribute query.

This method sets the attribute query string to be used when fetching features via the GetNextFeature() method. Only features for which the query evaluates as true will be returned.

The query string should be in the format of an SQL WHERE clause. For instance "population > 1000000 and population < 5000000" where population is an attribute in the layer. The query format is a restricted form of SQL WHERE clause as defined "eq_format=restricted_where" about half way through this document:

   Proposal 6.2: Capabilities Metadata
Note that installing a query string will generally result in resetting the current reading position (ala ResetReading()). @param filter_string query in restricted SQL WHERE format, or null to clear the current query. @return 0 if successfully installed. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int SetAttributeFilter(String filter_string) /** Rewrite an existing feature.

This method will write a feature to the layer, based on the feature id within the Feature.

Use Layer.TestCapability(ogr.OLCRandomWrite) to establish if this layer supports random access writing via SetFeature(). @param feature the feature to write. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). @see #CreateFeature(Feature) */ public class Layer:public int SetFeature(Feature feature) /** Move read cursor to the new_index'th feature in the current resultset.

This method allows positioning of a layer such that the GetNextFeature() call will read the requested feature, where nIndex is an absolute index into the current result set. So, setting it to 3 would mean the next feature read with GetNextFeature() would have been the 4th feature to have been read if sequential reading took place from the beginning of the layer, including accounting for spatial and attribute filters.

Only in rare circumstances is SetNextByIndex() efficiently implemented. In all other cases the default implementation which calls ResetReading() and then calls GetNextFeature() nIndex times is used. To determine if fast seeking is available on the current layer use the TestCapability() method with a value of OLCFastSetNextByIndex. @param new_index the index indicating how many steps into the result set to seek. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int SetNextByIndex(long new_index) /** Set a new spatial filter.

This method set the geometry to be used as a spatial filter when fetching features via the GetNextFeature() method. Only features that geometrically intersect the filter geometry will be returned.

Currently this test is may be inaccurately implemented, but it is guaranteed that all features who's envelope (as returned by Geometry.getEnvelope()) overlaps the envelope of the spatial filter will be returned. This can result in more shapes being returned that should strictly be the case.

This method makes an internal copy of the passed geometry. The passed geometry remains the responsibility of the caller, and may be safely destroyed.

For the time being the passed filter geometry should be in the same SRS as the layer (as returned by GetSpatialRef()). In the future this may be generalized. @param filter the geometry to use as a filtering region. null may be passed indicating that the current spatial filter should be cleared, but no new one instituted. */ public class Layer:public void SetSpatialFilter(Geometry filter) /** Set a new rectangular spatial filter. This method set rectangle to be used as a spatial filter when fetching features via the GetNextFeature() method method. Only features that geometrically intersect the given rectangle will be returned.

The x/y values should be in the same coordinate system as the layer as a whole (as returned by GetSpatialRef()). Internally this method is normally implemented as creating a 5 vertex closed rectangular polygon and passing it to SetSpatialFilter(). It exists as a convenience.

The only way to clear a spatial filter set with this method is to call SetSpatialFilter(null). @param minx the minimum X coordinate for the rectangular region. @param miny the minimum Y coordinate for the rectangular region. @param maxx the maximum X coordinate for the rectangular region. @param maxy the maximum Y coordinate for the rectangular region. */ public class Layer:public void SetSpatialFilterRect(double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) /** Flush pending changes to disk.

This call is intended to force the layer to flush any pending writes to disk, and leave the disk file in a consistent state. It would not normally have any effect on read-only datasources.

Some layers do not implement this method, and will still return 0. The default implementation just returns 0. An error is only returned if an error occurs while attempting to flush to disk. @return 0 if no error occurs (even if nothing is done). Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int SyncToDisk() /** For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction.

If starting the transaction fails, will throw a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). Datasources which do not support transactions will always return 0. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int StartTransaction() /** For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction.

If no transaction is active, or the commit fails, will throw a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). Datasources which do not support transactions will always return 0. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int CommitTransaction() /** For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction.

If no transaction is active, or the rollback fails, will throw a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). Datasources which do not support transactions will always return 0. @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Layer:public int RollbackTransaction() /** Test if this layer supported the named capability.

The capability codes that can be tested are represented as strings, but ogrConstants constants exists to ensure correct spelling. Specific layer types may implement class specific capabilities, but this can't generally be discovered by the caller.

@param cap the name of the capability to test. @return true if the layer has the requested capability, or false otherwise. Layers will return false for any unrecognized capabilities.

*/ public class Layer:public boolean TestCapability(String cap) /** * Intersection of two layers. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are common between features in the input layer and in the * method layer. The features in the result layer have attributes from * both input and method layers. The schema of the result layer can be * set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all * fields in the input and method layers. *

* If the schema of the result is set by user and contains * fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method * layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value * from the feature of the method layer. *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int Intersection( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Intersection of two layers. * * @see #Intersection( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int Intersection( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int Intersection( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /** * Union of two layers. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are in either in the input layer or in the method layer. The * features in the result layer have attributes from both input and * method layers. For features which represent areas that are only in * the input or in the method layer the respective attributes have * undefined values. The schema of the result layer can be set by the * user or, if it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in * the input and method layers. *

* If the schema of the result is set by user and contains * fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method * layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value * from the feature of the method layer (even if it is undefined). *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int Union( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Union of two layers. * * @see #Union( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int Union( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int Union( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /** * Symmetrical difference of two layers. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are in either in the input layer or in the method layer but * not in both. The features in the result layer have attributes from * both input and method layers. For features which represent areas * that are only in the input or in the method layer the respective * attributes have undefined values. The schema of the result layer * can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is initialized to * contain all fields in the input and method layers. *

* If the schema of the result is set by user and contains * fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method * layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value * from the feature of the method layer (even if it is undefined). *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int SymDifference( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Symmetrical difference of two layers. * * @see #SymDifference( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int SymDifference( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int SymDifference( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /** * Identify the features of this layer with the ones from the * identity layer. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are in the input layer. The features in the result layer have * attributes from both input and method layers. The schema of the * result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is * initialized to contain all fields in input and method layers. *

* If the schema of the result is set by user and contains * fields that have the same name as a field in input and in method * layer, then the attribute in the result feature will get the value * from the feature of the method layer (even if it is undefined). *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int Identity( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Identify the features of this layer with the ones from the * identity layer. * * @see #Identity( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int Identity( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int Identity( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /** * Update this layer with features from the update layer. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are either in the input layer or in the method layer. The * features in the result layer have areas of the features of the * method layer or those ares of the features of the input layer that * are not covered by the method layer. The features of the result * layer get their attributes from the input layer. The schema of the * result layer can be set by the user or, if it is empty, is * initialized to contain all fields in the input layer. *

* If the schema of the result is set by user and contains * fields that have the same name as a field in the method layer, then * the attribute in the result feature the originates from the method * layer will get the value from the feature of the method layer. *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int Update( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Update this layer with features from the update layer. * * @see #Update( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int Update( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int Update( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /** * Clip off areas that are not covered by the method layer. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are in the input layer and in the method layer. The features * in the result layer have the (possibly clipped) areas of features * in the input layer and the attributes from the same features. The * schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if it is * empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input layer. *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int Clip( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Clip off areas that are not covered by the method layer. * * @see #Clip( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int Clip( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int Clip( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /** * Remove areas that are covered by the method layer. *

* The result layer contains features whose geometries represent areas * that are in the input layer but not in the method layer. The * features in the result layer have attributes from the input * layer. The schema of the result layer can be set by the user or, if * it is empty, is initialized to contain all fields in the input * layer. *

* For best performance use the minimum amount of features in * the method layer and copy it into a memory layer. *

* The recognized list of options is : *


* This method relies on GEOS support. Do not use unless the * GEOS support is compiled in. * * @param pLayerMethod the method layer. Should not be null. * * @param pLayerResult the layer where the features resulting from the * operation are inserted. Should not be null. See above the note * about the schema. * * @param options list of options (may be null). * * @param callback a callback function for reporting progress or null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.10 */ public class Layer:public int Erase( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) /** * Remove areas that are covered by the method layer. * * @see #Erase( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options, ProgressCallback callback ) */ public class Layer:public int Erase( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult, java.util.Vector options ) public class Layer:public int Erase( Layer pLayerMethod, Layer pLayerResult) /* Class Feature */ /** * A simple feature, including geometry and attributes. * *

* The Feature class is a binding for the C++ OGRFeature class. */ public class Feature /** * Constructor. *

* Note that the Feature will increment the reference count of its * defining FeatureDefn. * * @param feature_def feature class (layer) definition to which the feature will * adhere. */ public class Feature:public Feature(FeatureDefn feature_def) /** * Duplicate feature. *

* The newly created feature is owned by the caller, and will have its own * reference to the FeatureDefn. * * @return new feature, exactly matching this feature. */ public class Feature:public Feature Clone() /** * Delete (in memory) a feature. *

* Calling this method is not required as normal garbage collection will * reclaim associated resources when the object goes out of scope. * Otherwise calling delete() explicitly will help release resources sooner. * Don't call any method on a deleted object ! */ public class Feature:public void delete() /** * Dump this feature in a human readable form. *

* This dumps the attributes, and geometry; however, it doesn't definition * information (other than field types and names), nor does it report the * geometry spatial reference system. * The standard output will be used. */ public class Feature:public void DumpReadable() /** * Test if two features are the same. *

* Two features are considered equal if they share the (pointer equality) * same FeatureDefn, have the same field values, and the same geometry * (as tested by Geometry.Equal()) as well as the same feature id. * * @param feature the other feature to test this one against. * * @return true if they are equal, otherwise false. */ public class Feature:public boolean Equal(Feature feature) /** * Fetch feature definition. * * @return a reference to the feature definition object. */ public class Feature:public FeatureDefn GetDefnRef() /** * Get feature identifier. * * @return feature id or OGRNullFID if none has been assigned. */ public class Feature:public long GetFID() /** * Fetch field value as date and time. *

* Currently this method only works for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime fields. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param pnYear an allocated array of 1 integer to put the year (including century) * @param pnMonth an allocated array of 1 integer to put the month (1-12) * @param pnDay an allocated array of 1 integer to put the day (1-31) * @param pnHour an allocated array of 1 integer to put the hour (0-23) * @param pnMinute an allocated array of 1 integer to put the minute (0-59) * @param pfSecond an allocated array of 1 integer to put the second (0-59) * @param pnTZFlag an allocated array of 1 integer to put the time zone flag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) */ public class Feature:public void GetFieldAsDateTime(int ifield, int[] pnYear, int[] pnMonth, int[] pnDay, int[] pnHour, int[] pnMinute, float[] pfSecond, int[] pnTZFlag) /** * Fetch field value as a double. *

* OFTString features will be translated using atof(). OFTInteger fields * will be cast to double. Other field types, or errors will result in * a return value of zero. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field value. */ public class Feature:public double GetFieldAsDouble(int ifield) /** * Fetch field value as a double. *

* OFTString features will be translated using atof(). OFTInteger fields * will be cast to double. Other field types, or errors will result in * a return value of zero. * * @param name the name of the field to fetch. * * @return the field value. */ public class Feature:public double GetFieldAsDouble(String name) /** * Fetch field value as a list of doubles. *

* Currently this method only works for OFTRealList fields. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field value. The returned value may be null. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Feature:public double[] GetFieldAsDoubleList(int ifield) /** * Fetch field value as integer. *

* OFTString features will be translated using atoi(). OFTReal fields * will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in * a return value of zero. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field value. */ public class Feature:public int GetFieldAsInteger(int ifield) /** * Fetch field value as integer. *

* OFTString features will be translated using atoi(). OFTReal fields * will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in * a return value of zero. * * @param name the name of the field to fetch. * * @return the field value. */ public class Feature:public int GetFieldAsInteger(String name) /** * Fetch field value as a list of integers. *

* Currently this method only works for OFTIntegerList fields. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field value. The returned value may be null. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Feature:public int[] GetFieldAsIntegerList(int ifield) /** * Fetch field value as a string. *

* OFTReal and OFTInteger fields will be translated to string using * sprintf(), but not necessarily using the established formatting rules. * Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field value. */ public class Feature:public String GetFieldAsString(int ifield) /** * Fetch field value as a string. *

* OFTReal and OFTInteger fields will be translated to string using * sprintf(), but not necessarily using the established formatting rules. * Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. * * @param name the name of the field to fetch. * * @return the field value. */ public class Feature:public String GetFieldAsString(String name) /** * Fetch field value as a list of strings. *

* Currently this method only works for OFTStringList fields. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field value. The returned value may be null. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Feature:public String[] GetFieldAsStringList(int ifield) /** * * Fetch number of fields on this feature. This will always be the same * as the field count for the FeatureDefn. * * @return count of fields. */ public class Feature:public int GetFieldCount() /** * Fetch definition for this field. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field definition (from the FeatureDefn). */ public class Feature:public FieldDefn GetFieldDefnRef(int ifield) /** * Fetch definition for this field. * * @param name the name of the field to fetch. * * @return the field definition (from the FeatureDefn). */ public class Feature:public FieldDefn GetFieldDefnRef(String name) /** * Fetch the field index given field name. * * This is a cover for the FeatureDefn.GetFieldIndex() method. * * @param name the name of the field to search for. * * @return the field index, or -1 if no matching field is found. */ public class Feature:public int GetFieldIndex(String name) /** * Fetch the field type. *

* This is a cover for the FeatureDefn.GetFieldType() method. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return the field type (like ogr.OFTInteger, etc.) */ public class Feature:public int GetFieldType(int ifield) /** * Fetch the field type. *

* This is a cover for the FeatureDefn.GetFieldType() method. * * @param name the name of the field to fetch. * * @return the field type (like ogr.OFTInteger, etc.) */ public class Feature:public int GetFieldType(String name) /** * Fetch pointer to feature geometry. * * @return internal feature geometry (or null if no geometry). This object should * not be modified. */ public class Feature:public Geometry GetGeometryRef() /** * Fetch style string for this feature. *

* Set the OGR Feature Style Specification for details on the format of * this string, and ogr_featurestyle.h for services available to parse it. * * @return a reference to a representation in string format, or null if * there isn't one. */ public class Feature:public String GetStyleString() /** * Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not. * * @param ifield the field to test. * * @return true if the field has been set, otherwise false. */ public class Feature:public boolean IsFieldSet(int ifield) /** * Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not. * * @param name the name of the field to test. * * @return true if the field has been set, otherwise false. */ public class Feature:public boolean IsFieldSet(String name) /** * Set the feature identifier. *

* For specific types of features this operation may fail on illegal * features ids. Generally it always succeeds. Feature ids should be * greater than or equal to zero, with the exception of OGRNullFID (-1) * indicating that the feature id is unknown. * * @param fid the new feature identifier value to assign. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Feature:public int SetFID(long fid) /** * Set field to double value. *

* OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field * types may be unaffected. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param val the value to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetField(int ifield, double val) /** * Set field to integer value. *

* OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field * types may be unaffected. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param val the value to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetField(int ifield, int val) /** * Set field to date. *

* This method currently only has an effect for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime * fields. * * @param ifield the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param year (including century) * @param month (1-12) * @param day (1-31) * @param hour (0-23) * @param minute (0-59) * @param second (0-59) * @param tzflag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) */ public class Feature:public void SetField(int ifield, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, float second, int tzflag) /** * Set field to string value. *

* OFTInteger fields will be set based on an atoi() conversion of the string. * OFTReal fields will be set based on an atof() conversion of the string. * Other field types may be unaffected. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param val the value to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetField(int ifield, String val) /** * Set field to double value. *

* OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field * types may be unaffected. * * @param name the name of the field to set. * @param val the value to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetField(String name, double val) /** * Set field to integer value. *

* OFTInteger and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields * will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily * taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field * types may be unaffected. * * @param name the name of the field to set. * @param val the value to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetField(String name, int val) /** * Set field to date. *

* This method currently only has an effect for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime * fields. * * @param name the name of the field to set. * @param year (including century) * @param month (1-12) * @param day (1-31) * @param hour (0-23) * @param minute (0-59) * @param second (0-59) * @param tzflag (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) */ public class Feature:public void SetField(String name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, float second, int tzflag) /** * Set field to string value. *

* OFTInteger fields will be set based on an atoi() conversion of the string. * OFTReal fields will be set based on an atof() conversion of the string. * Other field types may be unaffected. * * @param name the name of the field to set. * @param val the value to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetField(String name, String val) /** * Set field to list of doubles value. *

* This method currently on has an effect of OFTRealList fields. * * @param ifield the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param values the values to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetFieldDoubleList(int ifield, double[] values) /** * Set field to list of integers value. *

* This method currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList fields. * * @param ifield the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param values the values to assign. */ public class Feature:public void SetFieldIntegerList(int ifield, int[] values) /** * Set field to list of strings value. *

* This method currently on has an effect of OFTStringList fields. * * @param ifield the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. * @param values the values to assign (vector of strings). * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Feature:public void SetFieldStringList(int ifield, java.util.Vector values) /** * Set one feature from another. *

* Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes * of another. The srcFeature does not need to have the same * FeatureDefn. Field values are copied by corresponding field names. * Field types do not have to exactly match. SetField() method conversion * rules will be applied as needed. * * @param srcFeature the feature from which geometry, and field values will * be copied. * * @param forgiving 1 if the operation should continue despite lacking * output fields matching some of the source fields. * * @return 0 if the operation succeeds, even if some values are * not transferred, otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @see #SetFromWithMap(org.gdal.ogr.Feature srcFeature, int forgiving, int[] map) */ public class Feature:public int SetFrom(Feature srcFeature, int forgiving) /** * Set one feature from another. *

* Same as below with forgiving == 1 * * @see #SetFrom(Feature srcFeature, int forgiving) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Feature:public int SetFrom(Feature srcFeature) /** * Set one feature from another. *

* Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes * of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same * OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied according to the provided indices * map. Field types do not have to exactly match. SetField() function * conversion rules will be applied as needed. This is more efficient than * SetFrom(Feature, int) * in that this doesn't lookup the fields by their names. * Particularly useful when the field names don't match. * * @param srcFeature the feature from which geometry, and field values will * be copied. * * @param forgiving 1 if the operation should continue despite lacking * output fields matching some of the source fields. * * @param map Array of the indices of the destination feature's fields * stored at the corresponding index of the source feature's fields. A value of * -1 should be used to ignore the source's field. The array should not be null * and be as long as the number of fields in the source feature. * * @return 0 if the operation succeeds, even if some values are * not transferred, otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.8.0 * * @see #SetFrom(org.gdal.ogr.Feature srcFeature, int forgiving) */ public class Feature:public int SetFromWithMap(Feature srcFeature, int forgiving, int[] map) /** * Set feature geometry. *

* This method updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as * SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this method does not assume ownership * of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. * * @param geom new geometry to apply to feature. Passing null value here * is correct and it will result in deallocation of currently assigned geometry * without assigning new one. * * @return 0 if successful, or throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called) if * the geometry type is illegal for the FeatureDefn (checking not yet * implemented). */ public class Feature:public int SetGeometry(Geometry geom) /** * Set feature geometry. *

* This method updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as * SetGeometry(), except that this method assumes ownership of the * passed geometry. * * @param geom new geometry to apply to feature. Passing null value here * is correct and it will result in deallocation of currently assigned geometry * without assigning new one. * * @return 0 if successful, or throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called) if * the geometry type is illegal for the FeatureDefn (checking not yet * implemented). */ public class Feature:public int SetGeometryDirectly(Geometry geom) /** * Set feature style string. * * @param style_string the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be null. */ public class Feature:public void SetStyleString(String style_string) /** * Clear a field, marking it as unset. * * @param ifield the field to unset, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. */ public class Feature:public void UnsetField(int ifield) /** * Clear a field, marking it as unset. * * @param name the name of the field to unset. */ public class Feature:public void UnsetField(String name) /* Class Geometry */ /** * Abstract base class for all geometry classes. * *

* The Geometry class is a binding for the C++ OGRGeometry class. *

* Some spatial analysis methods require that OGR is built on the GEOS library * to work properly. The precise meaning of methods that describe spatial relationships * between geometries is described in the SFCOM, or other simple features interface * specifications, like "OpenGIS(R) Implementation Specification for * Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture" * (OGC 06-103r3) * */ public class Geometry /** * Create an empty geometry of desired type. *

* The type may be one of ogr.wkbPoint, etc.. * * @param eGeometryType the type code of the geometry class to be instantiated. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry(int eGeometryType) /** * Create a new geometry. *

* The geometry can be instantiated by 4 different and exclusive way: *


* You should rather use either the Geometry(int) constructor, or the static methods * like Geometry.CreateFromWkt(), Geometry.CreateFromWbt() or Geometry.CreateFromGML(). * * @param eGeometryType the type code of the geometry class to be instantiated. * @param wkt the well known text representation * @param wkb the well known binary representation * @param gml the GML representation * @see #Geometry(int eGeometryType) * @see #CreateFromWkt(String wkt) * @see #CreateFromWkb(byte[] wkb) * @see #CreateFromGML(String gml) * * @deprecated Use referenced methods instead. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry(int eGeometryType, String wkt, byte[] wkb, String gml) /** * Add a geometry to the container. *

* Some subclasses of OGRGeometryCollection restrict the types of geometry * that can be added, and may return an error. The passed geometry is cloned * to make an internal copy. *

* There is no SFCOM analog to this method. *

* For a polygon, other must be a linearring. If the polygon is empty, * the first added subgeometry will be the exterior ring. The next ones will be * the interior rings. * * @param other geometry to add to the container. * * @return 0 if successful, or throws RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called) if * the geometry type is illegal for the type of geometry container. */ public class Geometry:public int AddGeometry(Geometry other) /** * Add a geometry directly to the container. *

* Some subclasses of OGRGeometryCollection restrict the types of geometry * that can be added, and may return an error. Ownership of the passed * geometry is taken by the container rather than cloning as addGeometry() * does. *

* There is no SFCOM analog to this method. *

* For a polygon, other must be a linearring. If the polygon is empty, * the first added subgeometry will be the exterior ring. The next ones will be * the interior rings. * * @param other geometry to add to the container. * * @return 0 if successful, or throws RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called) if * the geometry type is illegal for the type of geometry container. */ public class Geometry:public int AddGeometryDirectly(Geometry other) /** * Add a point to a geometry (line string or point). *

* The vertex count of the line string is increased by one, and assigned from * the passed location value. * * @param x x coordinate of point to add. * @param y y coordinate of point to add. */ public class Geometry:public void AddPoint_2D(double x, double y) /** * Add a point to a geometry (line string or point). *

* The vertex count of the line string is increased by one, and assigned from * the passed location value. * * @param x coordinate of point to add. * @param y coordinate of point to add. * @param z coordinate of point to add. */ public class Geometry:public void AddPoint(double x, double y, double z) /** * Add a point to a geometry (line string or point). *

* The vertex count of the line string is increased by one, and assigned from * the passed location value. * * @param x coordinate of point to add. * @param y coordinate of point to add. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public void AddPoint(double x, double y) /** * Assign spatial reference to this object. *

* Any existing spatial reference * is replaced, but under no circumstances does this result in the object * being reprojected. It is just changing the interpretation of the existing * geometry. Note that assigning a spatial reference increments the * reference count on the SpatialReference, but does not copy it. * * This is similar to the SFCOM IGeometry::put_SpatialReference() method. * * @param srs new spatial reference system to apply. */ public class Geometry:public void AssignSpatialReference(SpatialReference srs) /** * Compute buffer of geometry. *

* Builds a new geometry containing the buffer region around the geometry * on which it is invoked. The buffer is a polygon containing the region within * the buffer distance of the original geometry. *

* Some buffer sections are properly described as curves, but are converted to * approximate polygons. The nQuadSegs parameter can be used to control how many * segments should be used to define a 90 degree curve - a quadrant of a circle. * A value of 30 is a reasonable default. Large values result in large numbers * of vertices in the resulting buffer geometry while small numbers reduce the * accuracy of the result. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param distance the buffer distance to be applied. * * @param quadsecs the number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree (quadrant) of * curvature. * * @return the newly created geometry, or null if an error occurs. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Buffer(double distance, int quadsecs) /** * Compute buffer of geometry. *

* Same as below with quadsecs == 30. * * @see #Buffer(double distance, int quadsecs) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Buffer(double distance) /** * Compute the geometry centroid. * * The centroid is not necessarily within the geometry. *

* This method relates to the SFCOM ISurface::get_Centroid() method * however the current implementation based on GEOS can operate on other * geometry types such as multipoint, linestring, geometrycollection such as * multipolygons. * OGC SF SQL 1.1 defines the operation for surfaces (polygons). * SQL/MM-Part 3 defines the operation for surfaces and multisurfaces (multipolygons). *

* This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, * issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. * * @return point with the centroid location, or null in case of failure */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Centroid() /** * Make a copy of this object. *

* This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::clone() method. * * @return a new object instance with the same geometry, and spatial * reference system as the original. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Clone() /** * Force rings to be closed. *

* If this geometry, or any contained geometries has polygon rings that * are not closed, they will be closed by adding the starting point at * the end. */ public class Geometry:public void CloseRings() /** * Test for containment. *

* Tests if actual geometry object contains the passed geometry. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the geometry to compare to this geometry. * * @return true if poOtherGeom contains this geometry, otherwise false */ public class Geometry:public boolean Contains(Geometry other) /** * Compute convex hull. *

* A new geometry object is created and returned containing the convex * hull of the geometry on which the method is invoked. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @return a newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or null on failure. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry ConvexHull() /** * Create geometry from GML. *

* This method translates a fragment of GML containing only the geometry * portion into a corresponding Geometry. There are many limitations * on the forms of GML geometries supported by this parser, but they are * too numerous to list here. * * @param gml The GML fragment for the geometry. * * @return a geometry on success, or null on error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public static Geometry CreateFromGML(String gml) /** * Create geometry from GeoJSON. * * @param json GeoJSON content * * @return a geometry on success, or null on error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public static Geometry CreateFromJson(String json) /** * Create a geometry object of the appropriate type from it's well known * binary representation. * * @param wkb input BLOB data. * * @return a geometry on success, or null on error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public static Geometry CreateFromWkb(byte[] wkb) /** * Create a geometry object of the appropriate type from it's well known * text representation. * * @param wkt string containing well known text * representation of the geometry to be created. * * @return a geometry on success, or null on error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public static Geometry CreateFromWkt(String wkt) /** * Test for crossing. *

* Tests if this geometry and the other passed into the method are crossing. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the geometry to compare to this geometry. * * @return true if they are crossing, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean Crosses(Geometry other) /** * Delete a geometry. *

* Calling this method is not required as normal garbage collection will * reclaim associated resources when the object goes out of scope. * Otherwise calling delete() explicitly will help release resources sooner. * Don't call any method on a deleted object ! */ public class Geometry:public void delete() /** * Compute difference. *

* Generates a new geometry which is the region of this geometry with the * region of the second geometry removed. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the other geometry removed from "this" geometry. * * @return a new geometry representing the difference or null if the * difference is empty or an error occurs. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Difference(Geometry other) /** * Test for disjointness. *

* Tests if this geometry and the other passed into the method are disjoint. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the geometry to compare to this geometry. * * @return true if they are disjoint, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean Disjoint(Geometry other) /** * Compute distance between two geometries. *

* Returns the shortest distance between the two geometries. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the other geometry to compare against. * * @return the distance between the geometries or -1 if an error occurs. */ public class Geometry:public double Distance(Geometry other) /** * Clear geometry information. *

* This restores the geometry to it's initial * state after construction, and before assignment of actual geometry. *

* This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::Empty() method. */ public class Geometry:public void Empty() /** * Returns two if two geometries are equivalent. * * @return true if equivalent or false otherwise. */ public class Geometry:public boolean Equal(Geometry other) /** * Convert a geometry into GML format. *

* The GML geometry is expressed directly in terms of GML basic data * types assuming the this is available in the gml namespace. * * @return A GML fragment or null in case of error. */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToGML() /** * Convert a geometry into GML format. *

* The GML geometry is expressed directly in terms of GML basic data * types assuming the this is available in the gml namespace. * * The supported options in OGR 1.8.0 are : *

* * @param options a list of strings. * @return A GML fragment or null in case of error. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToGML(java.util.Vector options) /** * Convert a geometry into KML format. * * @param altitude_mode string which will be inserted in-between the <altitude_mode> tag. * * @return A KML fragment or null in case of error. */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToKML(String altitude_mode) /** * Convert a geometry into KML format. * * @return A KML fragment or null in case of error. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToKML() /** * Convert a geometry into GeoJSON format. * * @return A GeoJSON fragment or null in case of error. */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToJson() /** * Convert a geometry into GeoJSON format. * * @param options a list of strings. For now, only COORDINATE_PRECISION=int_number * where int_number is the maximum number of figures after decimal separator to write in coordinates. * @return A GeoJSON fragment or null in case of error. * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToJson(java.util.Vector options) /** * Convert a geometry into well known binary format. *

* This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKB() method. * * @param byte_order One of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order * respectively. * * @return the wkb content * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public byte[] ExportToWkb(int byte_order) /** * Convert a geometry into well known binary format. *

* This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKB() method. * * @param wkbArray a sufficiently large array (at least WkbSize() large) to receive the wkb content. * @param byte_order One of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order * respectively. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Geometry:public int ExportToWkb(byte[] wkbArray, int byte_order) /** * Convert a geometry into well known binary format. *

* This function relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKB() method. * MSB order (wkbXDR) will be used. * * @return the wkb content * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public byte[] ExportToWkb() /** * Convert a geometry into well known text format. *

* This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKT() method. * * @param argout an allocated array of 1 string where the WKT output will be inserted * * @return Currently 0 is always returned. */ public class Geometry:public int ExportToWkt(String[] argout) /** * Convert a geometry into well known text format. *

* This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::ExportToWKT() method. * * @return the WKT string * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public String ExportToWkt() /** * Convert geometry to strictly 2D. *

* In a sense this converts all Z coordinates * to 0.0. */ public class Geometry:public void FlattenTo2D() /** * Compute geometry area. *

* Computes the area for an OGRLinearRing, OGRPolygon or OGRMultiPolygon. * Undefined for all other geometry types (returns zero). * * @return the area or 0.0 for unsupported geometry types. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public double Area() /** * Compute geometry area (deprecated). * * @deprecated * * @see #Area() */ public class Geometry:public double GetArea() /** * Compute boundary. *

* A new geometry object is created and returned containing the boundary * of the geometry on which the method is invoked. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @return a newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or null on failure. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Boundary() /** * Compute boundary (deprecated). * * @deprecated * * @see #Boundary() */ public class Geometry:public Geometry GetBoundary() /** * Get the dimension of the coordinates in this object. *

* This method corresponds to the SFCOM IGeometry::GetDimension() method. * * @return in practice this always returns 2 indicating that coordinates are * specified within a two dimensional space. */ public class Geometry:public int GetCoordinateDimension() /** * Get the dimension of this object. *

* This method corresponds to the SFCOM IGeometry::GetDimension() method. * It indicates the dimension of the object, but does not indicate the * dimension of the underlying space (as indicated by * GetCoordinateDimension()). * * @return 0 for points, 1 for lines and 2 for surfaces. */ public class Geometry:public int GetDimension() /** * Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry. *

* @param argout an allocated array of 4 doubles into which to place the result */ public class Geometry:public void GetEnvelope(double[] argout) /** * Computes and returns the 3D bounding envelope for this geometry. *

* @param argout an allocated array of 6 doubles into which to place the result * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Geometry:public void GetEnvelope3D(double[] argout) /** * Fetch the number of elements in a geometry or number of geometries in * container. *

* Only geometries of type wkbPolygon[25D], wkbMultiPoint[25D], wkbMultiLineString[25D], * wkbMultiPolygon[25D] or wkbGeometryCollection[25D] may return a valid value. * Other geometry types will silently return 0. * * For a polygon, the returned number is the number of rings (exterior ring + interior rings). * * @return the number of elements. */ public class Geometry:public int GetGeometryCount() /** * Fetch WKT name for geometry type. *

* There is no SFCOM analog to this method. * * @return name used for this geometry type in well known text format. */ public class Geometry:public String GetGeometryName() /** * Fetch geometry from a geometry container. *

* This function returns a handle to a geometry within the container. * The returned geometry remains owned by the container, and should not be * modified. The handle is only valid until the next change to the * geometry container. Use Clone() to make a copy. *

* This function relates to the SFCOM * IGeometryCollection::get_Geometry() method. *

* For a polygon, OGR_G_GetGeometryRef(iSubGeom) returns the exterior ring * if iSubGeom == 0, and the interior rings for iSubGeom > 0. * * @param iSubGeom the index of the geometry to fetch, between 0 and * GetGeometryCount() - 1. * @return requested geometry. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry GetGeometryRef(int iSubGeom) /** * Fetch geometry type. *

* Note that the geometry type may include the 2.5D flag. To get a 2D * flattened version of the geometry type apply the wkbFlatten() macro * to the return result. * * @return the geometry type code. */ public class Geometry:public int GetGeometryType() /** * Fetch a point in line string or a point geometry. * * @param iPoint the vertex to fetch, from 0 to GetNumPoints()-1, zero for a point. * @param argout an allocated array of 3 doubles to contain the x, y, z coordinates. */ public class Geometry:public void GetPoint(int iPoint, double[] argout) /** * Fetch a point in line string or a point geometry. * * @param iPoint the vertex to fetch, from 0 to GetNumPoints()-1, zero for a point. * @return an allocated array of 3 doubles to contain the x, y, z coordinates. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public double[] GetPoint(int iPoint) /** * Fetch a point in line string or a point geometry. * * @param iPoint the vertex to fetch, from 0 to GetNumPoints()-1, zero for a point. * @param argout an allocated array of 2 doubles to contain the x, y coordinates. */ public class Geometry:public void GetPoint_2D(int iPoint, double[] argout) /** * Fetch a point in line string or a point geometry. * * @param iPoint the vertex to fetch, from 0 to GetNumPoints()-1, zero for a point. * @return an allocated array of 2 doubles to contain the x, y coordinates. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public double[] GetPoint_2D(int iPoint) /** * Fetch number of points from a geometry. *

* Only wkbPoint[25D] or wkbLineString[25D] may return a valid value. * Other geometry types will silently return 0. * * @return the number of points. */ public class Geometry:public int GetPointCount() /** * Returns all points of a point or a line string. *

* This method returns an array of tuples with the [x,y] or [x,y,z] coordinates pair or triplets. *

* Only wkbPoint[25D] or wkbLineString[25D] may return a valid value. * Other geometry types will return null. * * @param nCoordinateDimension if nCoordinateDimension == 0 then the number of coordinates per tuple * will reflect the coordinate dimension of the geometry. If nCoordinateDimension == 2, * the number of coordinates per tuple will be 2. If nCoordinateDimension == 3, the number of * coordinates per tuple will be 3. * * @return the coordinates * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Geometry:public double[][] GetPoints(int nCoordinateDimension) /** * Returns all points of a point or a line string. *

* Same as below with nCoordinateDimension == 0 * * @return the coordinates * * @since OGR 1.9.0 * * @see #GetPoints(int) */ public class Geometry:public double[][] GetPoints() /** * Returns spatial reference system for object. *

* This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::get_SpatialReference() method. * * @return a reference to the spatial reference object. The object may be * shared with many geometry objects, and should not be modified. */ public class Geometry:public SpatialReference GetSpatialReference() /** * Fetch the x coordinate of a point from a geometry. * * @param ipoint point to get the x coordinate. (must be 0 for a point geometry) * @return the X coordinate of this point. */ public class Geometry:public double GetX(int ipoint) /** * Fetch the y coordinate of a point from a geometry. * * @param ipoint point to get the y coordinate. (must be 0 for a point geometry) * @return the Y coordinate of this point. */ public class Geometry:public double GetY(int ipoint) /** * Fetch the z coordinate of a point from a geometry. * * @param ipoint point to get the z coordinate. (must be 0 for a point geometry) * @return the Z coordinate of this point. */ public class Geometry:public double GetZ(int ipoint) /** * Fetch the x coordinate of the first point from a geometry. * * @return the X coordinate of this point. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public double GetX() /** * Fetch the y coordinate of the first point from a geometry. * * @return the Y coordinate of this point. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public double GetY() /** * Fetch the z coordinate of the first point from a geometry. * * @return the Z coordinate of this point. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public double GetZ() /** * Do these features intersect? * * @deprecated * * @see #Intersects(Geometry) */ public class Geometry:public boolean Intersect(Geometry other) /** * Do these features intersect? *

* Determines whether two geometries intersect. If GEOS is enabled, then * this is done in rigorous fashion otherwise true is returned if the * envelopes (bounding boxes) of the two features overlap. *

* The geom argument may be safely null, but in this case the method * will always return true. That is, a null geometry is treated as being * everywhere. * * @param other the other geometry to test against. * * @return true if the geometries intersect, otherwise false. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public boolean Intersects(Geometry other) /** * Compute intersection. *

* Generates a new geometry which is the region of intersection of the * two geometries operated on. The Intersects() method can be used to test if * two geometries intersect. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the other geometry intersected with "this" geometry. * * @return a new geometry representing the intersection or null if there is * no intersection or an error occurs. * * @see #Intersects(Geometry) */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Intersection(Geometry other) /** * Returns true (non-zero) if the object has no points. *

* Normally this * returns false except between when an object is instantiated and points * have been assigned. * * This method relates to the SFCOM IGeometry::IsEmpty() method. * * @return true if object is empty, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean IsEmpty() /** * Test if the geometry is valid. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always return * false. * * * @return true if the geometry has no points, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean IsValid() /** * Test if the geometry is simple. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always return * false. * * * @return true if the geometry has no points, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean IsSimple() /** * Test if the geometry is a ring. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always return * false. * * * @return true if the geometry has no points, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean IsRing() /** * Test for overlap. *

* Tests if this geometry and the other passed into the method overlap, that is * their intersection has a non-zero area. * * This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the geometry to compare to this geometry. * * @return true if they are overlapping, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean Overlaps(Geometry other) /** * Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance. *

* Interpolated points will have Z and M values (if needed) set to 0. * Distance computation is performed in 2d only * * @param max_length the maximum distance between 2 points after segmentization * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public void Segmentize(double max_length) /** * Set the coordinate dimension. *

* This method sets the explicit coordinate dimension. Setting the coordinate * dimension of a geometry to 2 should zero out any existing Z values. Setting * the dimension of a geometry collection will not necessarily affect the * children geometries. * * @param dimension New coordinate dimension value, either 2 or 3. */ public class Geometry:public void SetCoordinateDimension(int dimension) /** * Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry. *

* If ipoint is larger than the number of existing * points in the linestring, the point count will be increased to * accommodate the request. * * @param ipoint the index of the vertex to assign (zero based) or * zero for a point. * @param x input X coordinate to assign. * @param y input Y coordinate to assign. */ public class Geometry:public void SetPoint_2D(int ipoint, double x, double y) /** * Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry. *

* If ipoint is larger than the number of existing * points in the linestring, the point count will be increased to * accommodate the request. * * @param ipoint the index of the vertex to assign (zero based) or * zero for a point. * @param x input X coordinate to assign. * @param y input Y coordinate to assign. * @param z input Z coordinate to assign (defaults to zero). */ public class Geometry:public void SetPoint(int ipoint, double x, double y, double z) /** * Set the location of a vertex in a point or linestring geometry. *

* If ipoint is larger than the number of existing * points in the linestring, the point count will be increased to * accommodate the request. * * @param ipoint the index of the vertex to assign (zero based) or * zero for a point. * @param x input X coordinate to assign. * @param y input Y coordinate to assign. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class Geometry:public void SetPoint(int ipoint, double x, double y) /** * Simplify the geometry. *

* This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, * issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. * * @param dTolerance the distance tolerance for the simplification. * * @return the simplified geometry or null if an error occurs. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Simplify(double dTolerance) /** * Simplify the geometry while preserving topology. *

* This function is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this function will always fail, * issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. * * @param dTolerance the distance tolerance for the simplification. * * @return the simplified geometry or null if an error occurs. * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry SimplifyPreserveTopology(double dTolerance) /** * Compute symmetric difference. *

* Generates a new geometry which is the symmetric difference of this * geometry and the second geometry passed into the method. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the other geometry. * * @return a new geometry representing the symmetric difference or null if the * difference is empty or an error occurs. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry SymDifference(Geometry other) /** * Compute symmetric difference (deprecated). * * @deprecated * * @see #SymDifference(Geometry) */ public class Geometry:public Geometry SymmetricDifference(Geometry other) /** * Test for touching. *

* Tests if this geometry and the other passed into the method are touching. * * This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the geometry to compare to this geometry. * * @return true if they are touching, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean Touches(Geometry other) /** * Transform geometry to new spatial reference system. *

* This method will transform the coordinates of a geometry from * their current spatial reference system to a new target spatial * reference system. Normally this means reprojecting the vectors, * but it could include datum shifts, and changes of units. *

* This method will only work if the geometry already has an assigned * spatial reference system, and if it is transformable to the target * coordinate system. *

* Because this method requires internal creation and initialization of an * CoordinateTransformation object it is significantly more expensive to * use this method to transform many geometries than it is to create the * CoordinateTransformation in advance, and call transform() with that * transformation. This method exists primarily for convenience when only * transforming a single geometry. * * @param srs spatial reference system to transform to. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Geometry:public int TransformTo(SpatialReference srs) /** * Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry. *

* This method will transform the coordinates of a geometry from * their current spatial reference system to a new target spatial * reference system. Normally this means reprojecting the vectors, * but it could include datum shifts, and changes of units. *

* Note that this method does not require that the geometry already * have a spatial reference system. It will be assumed that they can * be treated as having the source spatial reference system of the * CoordinateTransformation object, and the actual SRS of the geometry * will be ignored. On successful completion the output OGRSpatialReference * of the CoordinateTransformation will be assigned to the geometry. * * @param ct the transformation to apply. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class Geometry:public int Transform(CoordinateTransformation ct) /** * Compute union. *

* Generates a new geometry which is the region of union of the * two geometries operated on. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the other geometry unioned with "this" geometry. * * @return a new geometry representing the union or null if an error occurs. */ public class Geometry:public Geometry Union(Geometry other) /** * Compute union using cascading. *

* This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail, * issuing a CPLE_NotSupported error. * * @return a new geometry representing the union or null if an error occurs. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public Geometry UnionCascaded() /** * Test for containment. *

* Tests if actual geometry object is within the passed geometry. * * This method is built on the GEOS library, check it for the definition * of the geometry operation. * If OGR is built without the GEOS library, this method will always fail. * * @param other the geometry to compare to this geometry. * * @return true if poOtherGeom is within this geometry, otherwise false. */ public class Geometry:public boolean Within(Geometry other) /** * Returns size of related binary representation. *

* This method returns the exact number of bytes required to hold the * well known binary representation of this geometry object. Its computation * may be slightly expensive for complex geometries. * * This method relates to the SFCOM IWks::WkbSize() method. * * @return size of binary representation in bytes. */ public class Geometry:public int WkbSize() /** * Returns the length of the geometry * @return length of the geometry * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class Geometry:public double Length() /* Class FeatureDefn */ /** * Definition of a feature class or feature layer. * *

* The FeatureDefn class is a binding for the C++ OGRFeatureDefn class. *

* This object contains schema information for a set of Feature. In table based systems, * a FeatureDefn is essentially a layer. In more object oriented approaches (such as SF CORBA) * this can represent a class of features but doesn't necessarily relate to all of a layer, or just one layer. *

* This object also can contain some other information such as a name, the base geometry type and potentially other metadata. *

* It is reasonable for different translators to derive classes from FeatureDefn with additional translator specific information. */ public class FeatureDefn /** * Constructor. *

* The FeatureDefn maintains a reference count, but this starts at * zero. It is mainly intended to represent a count of Feature's * based on this definition. * The FeatureDefn will be unnamed. */ public class FeatureDefn:public FeatureDefn() /** * Constructor. *

* The FeatureDefn maintains a reference count, but this starts at * zero. It is mainly intended to represent a count of Feature's * based on this definition. * * @param name the name to be assigned to this layer/class. It does not * need to be unique. and may be null. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class FeatureDefn:public FeatureDefn(String name) /** * Add a new field definition. *

* To add a new field definition to a layer definition, do not use this * function directly, but use Layer.CreateField() instead. *

* This method should only be called while there are no Feature * objects in existence based on this FeatureDefn. The FieldDefn * passed in is copied, and remains the responsibility of the caller. * * @param defn the definition of the new field. */ public class FeatureDefn:public void AddFieldDefn(FieldDefn defn) /** * Fetch number of fields on this feature. * * @return count of fields. */ public class FeatureDefn:public int GetFieldCount() /** * Get name of this FeatureDefn. * * @return the name. */ public class FeatureDefn:public String GetName() /** * Fetch field definition. * * @param ifield the field to fetch, between 0 and GetFieldCount()-1. * * @return a pointer to an internal field definition object. This object * should not be modified or freed by the application. */ public class FeatureDefn:public FieldDefn GetFieldDefn(int ifield) /** * Find field by name. *

* The field index of the first field matching the passed field name (case * insensitively) is returned. * * @param name the field name to search for. * * @return the field index, or -1 if no match found. */ public class FeatureDefn:public int GetFieldIndex(String name) /** * Determine whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features. * * @return ignore state (1 if ignored, 0 otherwise) * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class FeatureDefn:public int IsGeometryIgnored() /** * Set whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features. * * @param bIgnore ignore state (1 to ignore, 0 otherwise) * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class FeatureDefn:public void SetGeometryIgnored(int bIgnore) /** * Determine whether the style can be omitted when fetching features. * * @return ignore state (1 if ignored, 0 otherwise) * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class FeatureDefn:public int IsStyleIgnored() /** * Set whether the style can be omitted when fetching features. * * @param bIgnore ignore state (1 to ignore, 0 otherwise) * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class FeatureDefn:public void SetStyleIgnored(int bIgnore) /** * Fetch the geometry base type. *

* Note that some drivers are unable to determine a specific geometry * type for a layer, in which case wkbUnknown is returned. A value of * wkbNone indicates no geometry is available for the layer at all. * Many drivers do not properly mark the geometry * type as 25D even if some or all geometries are in fact 25D. A few (broken) * drivers return wkbPolygon for layers that also include wkbMultiPolygon. * * @return the base type for all geometry related to this definition. */ public class FeatureDefn:public int GetGeomType() /** * Assign the base geometry type for this layer. *

* All geometry objects using this type must be of the defined type or * a derived type. The default upon creation is wkbUnknown which allows for * any geometry type. The geometry type should generally not be changed * after any Features have been created against this definition. * * @param geom_type the new type to assign. */ public class FeatureDefn:public void SetGeomType(int geom_type) /** * Fetch current reference count. * * @return the current reference count. */ public class FeatureDefn:public int GetReferenceCount() /* Class FieldDefn */ /** * Definition of an attribute of a FeatureDefn. * *

* The FieldDefn class is a binding for the C++ OGRFieldDefn class. */ public class FieldDefn /** * Constructor. *

* The new field will be named "unnamed" and of type OFTString * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class FieldDefn:public FieldDefn() /** * Constructor. *

* The new field will be of type OFTString * @param name the name of the new field. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class FieldDefn:public FieldDefn(String name) /** * Constructor. * * @param name the name of the new field. * @param field_type the type of the new field. */ public class FieldDefn:public FieldDefn(String name, int field_type) /** * Return the field type * * @return the field type */ public class FieldDefn:public int GetFieldType() /** * Fetch human readable name for a field type. * * @param type the field type to get name for. * * @return field type name */ public class FieldDefn:public String GetFieldTypeName(int type) /** * Get the justification for this field. * * @return the justification. */ public class FieldDefn:public int GetJustify() /** * Fetch name of this field. * * @return the name of the field */ public class FieldDefn:public String GetName() /** * Fetch name of this field. * * @return the name of the field */ public class FieldDefn:public String GetNameRef() /** * Get the formatting precision for this field. *

* This should normally be * zero for fields of types other than OFTReal. * * @return the precision. */ public class FieldDefn:public int GetPrecision() /** * Fetch human readable name for the field * * @return field type name */ public class FieldDefn:public String GetTypeName() /** * Get the formatting width for this field. * * @return the width, zero means no specified width. */ public class FieldDefn:public int GetWidth() /** * Set the justification for this field. * * @param justify the new justification. */ public class FieldDefn:public void SetJustify(int justify) /** * Reset the name of this field. * * @param name the new name to apply. */ public class FieldDefn:public void SetName(String name) /** * Set the formatting precision for this field in characters. *

* This should normally be zero for fields of types other than OFTReal. * * @param precision the new precision. */ public class FieldDefn:public void SetPrecision(int precision) /** * Set the type of this field. *

* This should never be done to an FieldDefn * that is already part of an FeatureDefn. * * @param type the new field type. */ public class FieldDefn:public void SetType(int type) /** * Set the formatting width for this field in characters. * * @param width the new width. */ public class FieldDefn:public void SetWidth(int width) /** * Return whether this field should be omitted when fetching features. * * @return ignore state (1 if ignored, 0 otherwise) * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class FieldDefn:public int IsIgnored() /** * Set whether this field should be omitted when fetching features. * * @param bIgnored ignore state (1 to ignore, 0 otherwise) * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class FieldDefn:public void SetIgnored(int bIgnored) /* Class ogr */ /** * Class ogr is an uninstanciable class providing various utility functions as static methods. *

* In particular, it provides ogr.RegisterAll() and ogr.Open() methods. */ public class ogr /** * Use exceptions instead of error return codes. *

* This is the default behavior : methods that in C/C++ return an OGRErr return code * would throw a RuntimeException() in case the code it is different * from ogr.OGRERR_NONE. By calling this method, you can get * back to that original state if DontUseExceptions() was called in-between. * This will only apply to the org.gdal.ogr.* package. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static void UseExceptions() /** * Use return code instead of exceptions. *

* By default, methods that in C/C++ return an OGRErr return code * would throw a RuntimeException() in case the code it is different * from ogr.OGRERR_NONE. By calling this method, you can prevent * the exception to be thrown and get the original error code * (ogr.OGRERR_* codes) * This will only apply to the org.gdal.ogr.* package. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static void DontUseExceptions() /** * Stroke arc to linestring. *

* Stroke an arc of a circle to a linestring based on a center * point, radius, start angle and end angle, all angles in degrees. * * @param dfCenterX center X * @param dfCenterY center Y * @param dfZ center Z * @param dfPrimaryRadius X radius of ellipse. * @param dfSecondaryRadius Y radius of ellipse. * @param dfRotation rotation of the ellipse clockwise. * @param dfStartAngle angle to first point on arc (clockwise of X-positive) * @param dfEndAngle angle to last point on arc (clockwise of X-positive) * @param dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees the largest step in degrees along the arc. * * @return LineString geometry representing an approximation of the arc. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry ApproximateArcAngles(double dfCenterX, double dfCenterY, double dfZ, double dfPrimaryRadius, double dfSecondaryRadius, double dfRotation, double dfStartAngle, double dfEndAngle, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees) /** * Build a ring from a bunch of arcs. *

* Same as below with bAutoClose == 0 and dfTolerance == 0. * * @see #BuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry lineCollection, int bBestEffort, int bAutoClose, double dfTolerance) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry BuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry hLineCollection, int bBestEffort) /** * Build a ring from a bunch of arcs. *

* Same as below with dfTolerance == 0. * * @see #BuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry lineCollection, int bBestEffort, int bAutoClose, double dfTolerance) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry BuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry hLineCollection, int bBestEffort, int bAutoClose) /** * Build a ring from a bunch of arcs. * * @param lineCollection geometry of type OGRGeometryCollection (or OGRMultiLineString) containing the line string geometries to be built into rings. * @param bBestEffort not yet implemented???. * @param bAutoClose indicates if the ring should be close when first and * last points of the ring are the same. * @param dfTolerance tolerance into which two arcs are considered * close enough to be joined. * @return a polygon or null in case of failure */ public class ogr:public static Geometry BuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry lineCollection, int bBestEffort, int bAutoClose, double dfTolerance) /** * Create a new Geometry from a GML string. * * @param gml the GML string * @return the new geometry */ public class ogr:public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromGML(String gml) /** * Create a new Geometry from a GeoJSON string. * * @param json the GeoJSON string * @return the new geometry */ public class ogr:public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromJson(String json) /** * Create a new Geometry from a well known binary (wkb) content. * * @param wkb the wkb content * @return the new geometry * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromWkb(byte[] wkb) /** * Create a new Geometry from a well known binary (wkb) content. * * @param wkb the wkb content * @param srs the srs to assign to the geometry * @return the new geometry */ public class ogr:public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromWkb(byte[] wkb, SpatialReference srs) /** * Create a new Geometry from a well known text (wkt) string. * * @param wkt the wkt content * @return the new geometry * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromWkt(String wkt) /** * Create a new Geometry from a well known text (wkt) content. * * @param wkt the wkt content * @param srs the srs to assign to the geometry * @return the new geometry */ public class ogr:public static Geometry CreateGeometryFromWkt(String wkt, SpatialReference srs) /** * General utility option processing. *

* This function is intended to provide a variety of generic commandline * options for all OGR commandline utilities. It takes care of the following * commandline options: *

* The typical usage looks something like the following. Note that the formats * should be registered so that the --formats and --format options will work properly. *

    *  public static void main( Strings[] args )
    *  {
    *    ogr.RegisterAll();
    *    args = ogr.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( args, 0 );
    *  }
* @param args the argument list array * @param options currently unused * * @return updated argument list array. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static String[] GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) /** * General utility option processing. *

* Same as below with options == 0 * * @see #GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static String[] GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args) /** * General utility option processing. *

* Same as below but with arguments as a Vector of strings * * @return updated argument list as a new Vector of strings * * @see #GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static java.util.Vector GeneralCmdLineProcessor(java.util.Vector args, int options) /** * General utility option processing. *

* Same as below but with arguments as a Vector of strings and options == 0 * * @return updated argument list as a new Vector of strings * * @see #GeneralCmdLineProcessor(String[] args, int options) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static java.util.Vector GeneralCmdLineProcessor(java.util.Vector args) /** * Fetch a human readable name corresponding to an OGRwkBGeometryType value. * * @param eType the geometry type. * * @return human readable string, or null on failure. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static String GeometryTypeToName(int eType) /** Fetch the indicated driver. @param iDriver the driver index, from 0 to GetDriverCount()-1. @return the driver, or null if iDriver is out of range. */ public class ogr:public static Driver GetDriver(int iDriver) /** Fetch the indicated driver. @param name the driver name @return the driver, or null if no driver with that name is found */ public class ogr:public static Driver GetDriverByName(String name) /** Fetch the number of registered drivers. @return the drivers count. */ public class ogr:public static int GetDriverCount() /** * Fetch human readable name for a field type. * * @param type the field type to get name for. * * @return field type name * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static String GetFieldTypeName(int type) /** Return the iDS th datasource opened. @param iDS the index of the dataset to return (between 0 and GetOpenDSCount() - 1) */ public class ogr:public static DataSource GetOpenDS(int iDS) /** Return the number of opened datasources. @return the number of opened datasources. */ public class ogr:public static int GetOpenDSCount() /** * Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers. *

* Same as below with update == 0 * * @see #Open(String filename, int update) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static DataSource Open(String filename) /** * Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers. *

* Same as below with boolean value being transformed to 1 (for true) or 0 (for false) * * @see #Open(String filename, int update) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static DataSource Open(String filename, boolean update) /** Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers.

This method loops through all the drivers registered with the driver manager trying each until one succeeds with the given data source.

If this method fails, gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() can be used to check if there is an error message explaining why.

The returned dataset should be properly closed with the DataSource.delete() method.


    DataSource ds = ogr.Open( "polygon.shp" );
    if( ds == null )

    ... use the data source ...

@param filename the name of the file, or data source to open. @param update 0 for read-only access (the default) or 1 for read-write access. @return null on error or if the pass name is not supported by this driver, otherwise a pointer to an DataSource. This DataSource should be closed by calling the delete() method when it is no longer needed. */ public class ogr:public static DataSource Open(String filename, int update) /** * Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers. *

* This first try finding an existing open dataset matching exactly * on the original datasource raw name used to open the * datasource. *

* NOTE: It is an error, but currently we ignore the bUpdate, * and return whatever is open even if it is read-only and the * application requested update access. * * @see #Open(String filename, int update) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class ogr:public static DataSource OpenShared(String filename) /** * Open a file / data source with one of the registered drivers. *

* This first try finding an existing open dataset matching exactly * on the original datasource raw name used to open the * datasource. *

* NOTE: It is an error, but currently we ignore the bUpdate, * and return whatever is open even if it is read-only and the * application requested update access. * * @see #Open(String filename, int update) */ public class ogr:public static DataSource OpenShared(String filename, int update) /** * Register all known configured OGR drivers. *

* This function will drive any of the following that are configured into * OGR. Many others as well that haven't been updated in this * documentation (see full list): *



* This function should generally be called once at the beginning of the application. */ public class ogr:public static void RegisterAll() /** * Special entry point to enable the hack for generating DB2 V7.2 style WKB. *

* DB2 seems to have placed (and require) an extra 0x30 or'ed with the byte order in * WKB. This entry point is used to turn on or off the * generation of such WKB. */ public class ogr:public static int SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(int bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) /** * Convert to polygon. *

* Tries to force the provided geometry to be a polygon. Currently * this just effects a change on multipolygons. *

* Note: contrary to the C/C++ method, a new object is returned. * * @param geom the input geometry * @return new geometry. * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry ForceToPolygon(Geometry geom) /** * Convert to multipolygon. *

* Tries to force the provided geometry to be a multipolygon. Currently * this just effects a change on polygons. *

* Note: contrary to the C/C++ method, a new object is returned. * * @param geom the input geometry * @return new geometry. * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry ForceToMultiPolygon(Geometry geom) /** * Convert to multipoint. *

* Tries to force the provided geometry to be a multipoint. Currently * this just effects a change on points. *

* Note: contrary to the C/C++ method, a new object is returned. * * @param geom the input geometry * @return new geometry. * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry ForceToMultiPoint(Geometry geom) /** * Convert to multilinestring. *

* Tries to force the provided geometry to be a multilinestring. *


* Note: contrary to the C/C++ method, a new object is returned. * * @param geom the input geometry * @return new geometry. * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class ogr:public static Geometry ForceToMultiLineString(Geometry geom) /* Class SpatialReference */ /** * This class represents an OpenGIS Spatial Reference System, and contains * methods for converting between this object organization and well known * text (WKT) format. This object is reference counted as one instance of * the object is normally shared between many Geometry objects. *

* The SpatialReference class is a binding for the C++ OGRSpatialReference class. *

* Normally application code can fetch needed parameter values for this * SRS using GetAttrValue(), but in special cases the underlying parse tree * (or OGR_SRSNode objects) can be accessed more directly. *

* See the tutorial for more information on * how to use this class. */ public class SpatialReference /** * Constructor. *

* This constructor takes an optional string argument which if passed * should be a WKT representation of an SRS. Passing this is equivalent * to not passing it, and then calling importFromWkt() with the WKT string. *

* Note that newly created objects are given a reference count of one. * * @param wkt well known text definition to which the object should * be initialized, or null (the default). */ public class SpatialReference:public SpatialReference(String wkt) /** * Constructor. *

* Same as below with wkt == null. * * @see #SpatialReference(String wkt) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public SpatialReference() /** * Convert this SRS into a pretty WKT format. * * @return the srs */ public class SpatialReference:public String __str__() /** * Set EPSG authority info if possible. *

* This method inspects a WKT definition, and adds EPSG authority nodes * where an aspect of the coordinate system can be easily and safely * corresponded with an EPSG identifier. In practice, this method will * evolve over time. In theory it can add authority nodes for any object * (i.e. spheroid, datum, GEOGCS, units, and PROJCS) that could have an * authority node. Mostly this is useful to inserting appropriate * PROJCS codes for common formulations (like UTM n WGS84). *

* If it success the OGRSpatialReference is updated in place, and the * method return 0. If the method fails to identify the * general coordinate system, a RuntimeException() will be throwned * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int AutoIdentifyEPSG() /** * Make a duplicate of this SpatialReference object. * * @return a new SRS, which becomes the responsibility of the caller. */ public class SpatialReference:public SpatialReference Clone() /** * Make a duplicate of the GEOGCS node of this SpatialReference object. * * @return a new SRS, which becomes the responsibility of the caller. */ public class SpatialReference:public SpatialReference CloneGeogCS() /** * Copy GEOGCS from another OGRSpatialReference. *

* The GEOGCS information is copied into this SpatialReference from another. * If this object has a PROJCS root already, the GEOGCS is installed within * it, otherwise it is installed as the root. * * @param src_srs the spatial reference to copy the GEOGCS information from. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int CopyGeogCSFrom(SpatialReference src_srs) /** * Export coordinate system in Mapinfo style CoordSys format. * * @return the coordinate system in Mapinfo style CoordSys format. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToMICoordSys() /** * Export coordinate system in Mapinfo style CoordSys format. * * @param argout an already allocated array of 1 string to receive the output * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToMICoordSys(String[] argout) /** * Export coordinate system in PCI projection definition. *

* Converts the loaded coordinate reference system into PCI projection * definition to the extent possible. *

* LOCAL_CS coordinate systems are not translatable. An empty string * will be returned along with 0. * * @param proj an already allocated array of 1 string to receive the PCI projection * definition * * @param units an already allocated array of 1 string to receive units definition * * @param params an already allocated array of 17 doubles to receive the 17 * projection parameters will be assigned. See importFromPCI() for the list of parameters. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToPCI(String[] proj, String[] units, double[] params) /** * Convert this SRS into a nicely formatted WKT string for display to a person. *

* Same as below with simplify == 0 and the string is returned as a return value * * @see #ExportToPrettyWkt(String[] argout, int simplify) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToPrettyWkt() /** * Convert this SRS into a nicely formatted WKT string for display to a person. *

* Same as below but the string is returned as a return value * * @see #ExportToPrettyWkt(String[] argout, int simplify) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToPrettyWkt(int simplify) /** * Convert this SRS into a nicely formatted WKT string for display to a person. *

* Same as below with simplify == 0. * * @see #ExportToPrettyWkt(String[] argout, int simplify) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToPrettyWkt(String[] argout) /** * Convert this SRS into a nicely formatted WKT string for display to a person. * * @param argout an already allocated array of 1 string to receive the output * @param simplify 1 if the AXIS, AUTHORITY and EXTENSION nodes should be stripped off * * @return 0. */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToPrettyWkt(String[] argout, int simplify) /** * Export coordinate system in PROJ.4 format. *

* Same as below but the string is returned as a return value * * @see #ExportToProj4(String[] argout) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToProj4() /** * Export coordinate system in PROJ.4 format. *

* Converts the loaded coordinate reference system into PROJ.4 format * to the extent possible. *

* LOCAL_CS coordinate systems are not translatable. An empty string * will be returned along with 0. * * @param argout an already allocated array of 1 string to receive the PROJ.4 definition * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToProj4(String[] argout) /** * Export coordinate system in USGS GCTP projection definition. * * @param projsys an already allocated array of 1 integer to receive the projection system code. * * @param zone an already allocated array of 1 integer to receive the zone for UTM and State Plane * projection. * * @param params n already allocated array of 15 doubles to receive * 15 projection parameters. See importFromUSGS() for * the list of parameters. * * @param datum an already allocated array of 1 integer to receive the datum code. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToUSGS(int[] projsys, int[] zone, double[] params, int[] datum) /** * Convert this SRS into WKT format. *

* Same as below but the string is returned as a return value * * @see #ExportToWkt(String[] argout) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToWkt() /** * Convert this SRS into WKT format. * * @param argout an already allocated array of 1 string to receive the output * * @return 0. */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToWkt(String[] argout) /** * Export coordinate system in XML format. * * @see #ExportToXML(String[] argout, String dialect) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToXML() /** * Export coordinate system in XML format. * * @see #ExportToXML(String[] argout, String dialect) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String ExportToXML(String dialect) /** * Export coordinate system in XML format. * * @see #ExportToXML(String[] argout, String dialect) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToXML(String[] argout) /** * Export coordinate system in XML format. *

* Converts the loaded coordinate reference system into XML format * to the extent possible. *

* LOCAL_CS coordinate systems are not translatable. An empty string * will be returned along with 0. * * @param argout an already allocated array of 1 string to receive the XML definition. * @param dialect currently ignored. The dialect used is GML based. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ExportToXML(String[] argout, String dialect) /** * Fixup as needed. *

* Some mechanisms to create WKT using OGRSpatialReference, and some * imported WKT, are not valid according to the OGC CT specification. This * method attempts to fill in any missing defaults that are required, and * fixup ordering problems (using OSRFixupOrdering()) so that the resulting * WKT is valid. *

* This method should be expected to evolve over time to as problems are * discovered. The following are among the fixup actions this method will * take: *

* * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int Fixup() /** * Correct parameter ordering to match CT Specification. *

* Some mechanisms to create WKT using OGRSpatialReference, and some * imported WKT fail to maintain the order of parameters required according * to the BNF definitions in the OpenGIS SF-SQL and CT Specifications. This * method attempts to massage things back into the required order. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int FixupOrdering() /** * Fetch angular geographic coordinate system units. *

* If no units are available, a value of SRS_UA_DEGREE_CONV * will be assumed. This method only checks directly under the GEOGCS node * for units. * * @return the value to multiply by angular distances to transform them to * radians. */ public class SpatialReference:public double GetAngularUnits() /** * Fetch angular geographic coordinate system units name. *

* If no units are available, a value of "degree" * will be assumed. This method only checks directly under the GEOGCS node * for units. * * @return the units name * @since Java bindings 2.1.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetAngularUnitsName() /** * Fetch first attribute of named node. *

* This method uses GetAttrNode() to find the named node, and then extracts * the value of the first child. * * @param name the tree node to look for (case insensitive). * * @return the requested value, or null if it fails for any reason. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetAttrValue(String name) /** * Fetch indicated attribute of named node. *

* This method uses GetAttrNode() to find the named node, and then extracts * the value of the indicated child. Thus a call to GetAttrValue("UNIT",1) * would return the second child of the UNIT node, which is normally the * length of the linear unit in meters. * * @param name the tree node to look for (case insensitive). * @param child the child of the node to fetch (zero based). * * @return the requested value, or null if it fails for any reason. */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetAttrValue(String name, int child) /** * Get the authority code for a node. *

* This method is used to query an AUTHORITY[] node from within the * WKT tree, and fetch the code value. *

* While in theory values may be non-numeric, for the EPSG authority all * code values should be integral. * * @param target_key the partial or complete path to the node to * get an authority from. i.e. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS", "GEOGCS|UNIT" or null to * search for an authority node on the root element. * * @return value code from authority node, or null on failure. */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetAuthorityCode(String target_key) /** * Get the authority name for a node. *

* This method is used to query an AUTHORITY[] node from within the * WKT tree, and fetch the authority name value. *

* The most common authority is "EPSG". * * @param target_key the partial or complete path to the node to * get an authority from. i.e. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS", "GEOGCS|UNIT" or null to * search for an authority node on the root element. * * @return value code from authority node, or null on failure. */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetAuthorityName(String target_key) /** * Get the axis name for a node. *

* This method is used to query an AXIS[] node from within the * WKT tree, and fetch the axis name value. *

* * @param target_key the partial or complete path to the node to * get an authority from. i.e. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS" or null to * search for an authority node on the root element. * @param iAxis axis index (starting with 0) * * @return axis name, or null on failure. * @since GDAL 2.1 */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetAxisName(String target_key, int iAxis) /** * Get the axis orientation for a node. *

* This method is used to query an AXIS[] node from within the * WKT tree, and fetch the axis orientation value. *

* * @param target_key the partial or complete path to the node to * get an authority from. i.e. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS" or null to * search for an authority node on the root element. * @param iAxis axis index (starting with 0) * * @return axis orientation (org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_Other, org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_North, * org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_South, org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_East, * org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_West, org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_Up, org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_Down), or org.gdal.osr.osr.OAO_Other on failure. * @since GDAL 2.1 */ public class SpatialReference:public int GetAxisOrientation(String target_key, int iAxis) /** * Fetch linear projection units. *

* If no units are available, a value of "Meters" and 1.0 will be assumed. * This method only checks directly under the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node for * units. * * @return the value to multiply by linear distances to transform them to * meters. */ public class SpatialReference:public double GetLinearUnits() /** * Fetch linear projection units name. *

* If no units are available, a value of "Meters" will be assumed. * This method only checks directly under the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node for * units. * * @return the units name */ public class SpatialReference:public String GetLinearUnitsName() /** * Fetch a normalized projection parameter value. *

* Same as below with default_val == 0 * * @see #GetNormProjParm(String name, double default_val) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public double GetNormProjParm(String name) /** * Fetch a normalized projection parameter value. *

* This method is the same as GetProjParm() except that the value of * the parameter is "normalized" into degrees or meters depending on * whether it is linear or angular. * * @param name the name of the parameter to fetch, from the set of * SRS_PP codes in ogr_srs_api.h. * * @param default_val the value to return if this parameter doesn't exist. * * @return value of parameter. */ public class SpatialReference:public double GetNormProjParm(String name, double default_val) /** * Fetch a projection parameter value. *

* Same as below with default_val == 0 * * @see #GetProjParm(String name, double default_val) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public double GetProjParm(String name) /** * Fetch a projection parameter value. *

* NOTE: This code should be modified to translate non degree angles into * degrees based on the GEOGCS unit. This has not yet been done. * * @param name the name of the parameter to fetch, from the set of * SRS_PP codes in ogr_srs_api.h. * * @param default_val the value to return if this parameter doesn't exist. * * @return value of parameter. */ public class SpatialReference:public double GetProjParm(String name, double default_val) /** * Fetch TOWGS84 parameters, if available. * * @return an array of doubles into which up to 7 coefficients are placed. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public double[] GetTOWGS84() /** * Fetch TOWGS84 parameters, if available. * * @param argout allocated array of 7 doubles into which up to 7 coefficients are placed. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int GetTOWGS84(double[] argout) /** * Initialize SRS based on EPSG GCS or PCS code. *

* This method will initialize the spatial reference based on the * passed in EPSG GCS or PCS code. The coordinate system definitions * are normally read from the EPSG derived support files such as * pcs.csv, gcs.csv, pcs.override.csv, gcs.override.csv and falling * back to search for a PROJ.4 epsg init file or a definition in epsg.wkt. *

* These support files are normally searched for in /usr/local/share/gdal * or in the directory identified by the GDAL_DATA configuration option. * See CPLFindFile() for details. *

* This method is relatively expensive, and generally involves quite a bit * of text file scanning. Reasonable efforts should be made to avoid calling * it many times for the same coordinate system. *

* This method is similar to importFromEPSGA() except that EPSG preferred * axis ordering will *not* be applied for geographic coordinate systems. * EPSG normally defines geographic coordinate systems to use lat/long * contrary to typical GIS use). * * @param nCode a GCS or PCS code from the horizontal coordinate system table. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromEPSG(int nCode) /** * Import coordinate system from ESRI .prj format(s). *

* This function will read the text loaded from an ESRI .prj file, and * translate it into an OGRSpatialReference definition. This should support * many (but by no means all) old style (Arc/Info 7.x) .prj files, as well * as the newer pseudo-OGC WKT .prj files. Note that new style .prj files * are in OGC WKT format, but require some manipulation to correct datum * names, and units on some projection parameters. This is addressed within * importFromESRI() by an automatic call to morphFromESRI(). *

* Currently only GEOGRAPHIC, UTM, STATEPLANE, GREATBRITIAN_GRID, ALBERS, * EQUIDISTANT_CONIC, and TRANSVERSE (mercator) projections are supported * from old style files. *

* At this time there is no equivalent exportToESRI() method. Writing old * style .prj files is not supported by OGRSpatialReference. However the * morphToESRI() and exportToWkt() methods can be used to generate output * suitable to write to new style (Arc 8) .prj files. * * @param ppszInput vector of strings containing the definition. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromESRI(java.util.Vector ppszInput) /** * Import Mapinfo style CoordSys definition. *

* The SpatialReference is initialized from the passed Mapinfo style CoordSys definition string. * * @param coord_sys Mapinfo style CoordSys definition string. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromMICoordSys(String coord_sys) /** * Import coordinate system from PCI projection definition. *

* Same as below with units == null and prjParams == null * * @see #ImportFromPCI(String proj, String units, double[] prjParams) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromPCI(String proj) /** * Import coordinate system from PCI projection definition. *

* Same as below with prjParams == null * * @see #ImportFromPCI(String proj, String units, double[] prjParams) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromPCI(String proj, String units) /** * Import coordinate system from PCI projection definition. *

* PCI software uses 16-character string to specify coordinate system * and datum/ellipsoid. You should supply at least this string to the * importFromPCI() function. * * @param proj string containing the definition. Looks * like "pppppppppppp Ennn" or "pppppppppppp Dnnn", where "pppppppppppp" is * a projection code, "Ennn" is an ellipsoid code, "Dnnn" --- a datum code. * * @param units Grid units code ("DEGREE" or "METRE"). If null, "METRE" will * be used. * * @param prjParams Array of 17 coordinate system parameters: *

 * [0]  Spheroid semi major axis
 * [1]  Spheroid semi minor axis
 * [2]  Reference Longitude
 * [3]  Reference Latitude
 * [4]  First Standard Parallel
 * [5]  Second Standard Parallel
 * [6]  False Easting
 * [7]  False Northing
 * [8]  Scale Factor
 * [9]  Height above sphere surface
 * [10] Longitude of 1st point on center line
 * [11] Latitude of 1st point on center line
 * [12] Longitude of 2nd point on center line
 * [13] Latitude of 2nd point on center line
 * [14] Azimuth east of north for center line
 * [15] Landsat satellite number
 * [16] Landsat path number
* Particular projection uses different parameters, unused ones may be set to * zero. If null supplied instead of array pointer default values will be * used (i.e., zeroes). * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromPCI(String proj, String units, double[] prjParams) /** * Import PROJ.4 coordinate string. *

* The OGRSpatialReference is initialized from the passed PROJ.4 style * coordinate system string. In addition to many +proj formulations which * have OGC equivalents, it is also possible to import "+init=epsg:n" style * definitions. These are passed to importFromEPSG(). Other init strings * (such as the state plane zones) are not currently supported. *

 * Example:
 *   pszProj4 = "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84"

* Some parameters, such as grids, recognized by PROJ.4 may not be well * understood and translated into the OGRSpatialReference model. It is possible * to add the +wktext parameter which is a special keyword that OGR recognizes * as meaning "embed the entire PROJ.4 string in the WKT and use it literally * when converting back to PROJ.4 format". *

 * For example:
 * "+proj=nzmg +lat_0=-41 +lon_0=173 +x_0=2510000 +y_0=6023150 +ellps=intl
 *  +units=m +nadgrids=nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb +wktext"

* will be translated as : *

 * PROJCS["unnamed",
 *    GEOGCS["International 1909 (Hayford)",
 *        DATUM["unknown",
 *            SPHEROID["intl",6378388,297]],
 *        PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
 *        UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
 *    PROJECTION["New_Zealand_Map_Grid"],
 *    PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",-41],
 *    PARAMETER["central_meridian",173],
 *    PARAMETER["false_easting",2510000],
 *    PARAMETER["false_northing",6023150],
 *    UNIT["Meter",1],
 *    EXTENSION["PROJ4","+proj=nzmg +lat_0=-41 +lon_0=173 +x_0=2510000
 *               +y_0=6023150 +ellps=intl  +units=m +nadgrids=nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb +wktext"]]
* * @param proj4 the PROJ.4 style string. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromProj4(String proj4) /** * Set spatial reference from a URL. *

* This method will download the spatial reference at a given URL and * feed it into SetFromUserInput for you. * * @param url text definition to try to deduce SRS from. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromUrl(String url) /** * Import coordinate system from USGS projection definition. *

* Same as below with iZone == 0, padfPrjParams == null and iDatum == 0 * * @see #ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys, int iZone, double[] padfPrjParams, int iDatum) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys) /** * Import coordinate system from USGS projection definition. *

* Same as below with padfPrjParams == null and iDatum == 0 * * @see #ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys, int iZone, double[] padfPrjParams, int iDatum) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys, int iZone) /** * Import coordinate system from USGS projection definition. *

* Same as below with iDatum == 0 * * @see #ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys, int iZone, double[] padfPrjParams, int iDatum) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys, int iZone, double[] padfPrjParams) /** * Import coordinate system from USGS projection definition. *

* This method will import projection definition in style, used by USGS GCTP * software. GCTP operates on angles in packed DMS format (see * CPLDecToPackedDMS() function for details), so all angle values (latitudes, * longitudes, azimuths, etc.) specified in the padfPrjParams array should * be in the packed DMS format. * * Projection Transformation Package Projection Parameters: *

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                         |                    Array Element
 *  Code & Projection Id   |---------------------------------------------------
 *                         |   0  |   1  |  2   |  3   |   4   |    5    |6 | 7
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  0 Geographic           |      |      |      |      |       |         |  |
 *  1 U T M                |Lon/Z |Lat/Z |      |      |       |         |  |
 *  2 State Plane          |      |      |      |      |       |         |  |
 *  3 Albers Equal Area    |SMajor|SMinor|STDPR1|STDPR2|CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 *  4 Lambert Conformal C  |SMajor|SMinor|STDPR1|STDPR2|CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 *  5 Mercator             |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |CentMer|TrueScale|FE|FN
 *  6 Polar Stereographic  |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |LongPol|TrueScale|FE|FN
 *  7 Polyconic            |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 *  8 Equid. Conic A       |SMajor|SMinor|STDPAR|      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 *    Equid. Conic B       |SMajor|SMinor|STDPR1|STDPR2|CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 *  9 Transverse Mercator  |SMajor|SMinor|Factor|      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 * 10 Stereographic        |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * 11 Lambert Azimuthal    |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * 12 Azimuthal            |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * 13 Gnomonic             |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * 14 Orthographic         |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * 15 Gen. Vert. Near Per  |Sphere|      |Height|      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * 16 Sinusoidal           |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 17 Equirectangular      |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|TrueScale|FE|FN
 * 18 Miller Cylindrical   |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 19 Van der Grinten      |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN
 * 20 Hotin Oblique Merc A |SMajor|SMinor|Factor|      |       |OriginLat|FE|FN
 *    Hotin Oblique Merc B |SMajor|SMinor|Factor|AziAng|AzmthPt|OriginLat|FE|FN
 * 21 Robinson             |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 22 Space Oblique Merc A |SMajor|SMinor|      |IncAng|AscLong|         |FE|FN
 *    Space Oblique Merc B |SMajor|SMinor|Satnum|Path  |       |         |FE|FN
 * 23 Alaska Conformal     |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |       |         |FE|FN
 * 24 Interrupted Goode    |Sphere|      |      |      |       |         |  |
 * 25 Mollweide            |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 26 Interrupt Mollweide  |Sphere|      |      |      |       |         |  |
 * 27 Hammer               |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 28 Wagner IV            |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 29 Wagner VII           |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN
 * 30 Oblated Equal Area   |Sphere|      |Shapem|Shapen|CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *       ----------------------------------------------------
 *                               |      Array Element       |
 *         Code & Projection Id  |---------------------------
 *                               |  8  |  9 |  10 | 11 | 12 |
 *       ----------------------------------------------------
 *        0 Geographic           |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        1 U T M                |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        2 State Plane          |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        3 Albers Equal Area    |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        4 Lambert Conformal C  |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        5 Mercator             |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        6 Polar Stereographic  |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        7 Polyconic            |     |    |     |    |    |
 *        8 Equid. Conic A       |zero |    |     |    |    |
 *          Equid. Conic B       |one  |    |     |    |    |
 *        9 Transverse Mercator  |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       10 Stereographic        |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       11 Lambert Azimuthal    |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       12 Azimuthal            |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       13 Gnomonic             |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       14 Orthographic         |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       15 Gen. Vert. Near Per  |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       16 Sinusoidal           |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       17 Equirectangular      |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       18 Miller Cylindrical   |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       19 Van der Grinten      |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       20 Hotin Oblique Merc A |Long1|Lat1|Long2|Lat2|zero|
 *          Hotin Oblique Merc B |     |    |     |    |one |
 *       21 Robinson             |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       22 Space Oblique Merc A |PSRev|LRat|PFlag|    |zero|
 *          Space Oblique Merc B |     |    |     |    |one |
 *       23 Alaska Conformal     |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       24 Interrupted Goode    |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       25 Mollweide            |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       26 Interrupt Mollweide  |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       27 Hammer               |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       28 Wagner IV            |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       29 Wagner VII           |     |    |     |    |    |
 *       30 Oblated Equal Area   |Angle|    |     |    |    |
 *       ----------------------------------------------------
 *   where
 *    Lon/Z     Longitude of any point in the UTM zone or zero.  If zero,
 *              a zone code must be specified.
 *    Lat/Z     Latitude of any point in the UTM zone or zero.  If zero, a
 *              zone code must be specified.
 *    SMajor    Semi-major axis of ellipsoid.  If zero, Clarke 1866 in meters
 *              is assumed.
 *    SMinor    Eccentricity squared of the ellipsoid if less than zero,
 *              if zero, a spherical form is assumed, or if greater than
 *              zero, the semi-minor axis of ellipsoid.
 *    Sphere    Radius of reference sphere.  If zero, 6370997 meters is used.
 *    STDPAR    Latitude of the standard parallel
 *    STDPR1    Latitude of the first standard parallel
 *    STDPR2    Latitude of the second standard parallel
 *    CentMer   Longitude of the central meridian
 *    OriginLat Latitude of the projection origin
 *    FE        False easting in the same units as the semi-major axis
 *    FN        False northing in the same units as the semi-major axis
 *    TrueScale Latitude of true scale
 *    LongPol   Longitude down below pole of map
 *    Factor    Scale factor at central meridian (Transverse Mercator) or
 *              center of projection (Hotine Oblique Mercator)
 *    CentLon   Longitude of center of projection
 *    CenterLat Latitude of center of projection
 *    Height    Height of perspective point
 *    Long1     Longitude of first point on center line (Hotine Oblique
 *              Mercator, format A)
 *    Long2     Longitude of second point on center line (Hotine Oblique
 *              Mercator, format A)
 *    Lat1      Latitude of first point on center line (Hotine Oblique
 *              Mercator, format A)
 *    Lat2      Latitude of second point on center line (Hotine Oblique
 *              Mercator, format A)
 *    AziAng    Azimuth angle east of north of center line (Hotine Oblique
 *              Mercator, format B)
 *    AzmthPt   Longitude of point on central meridian where azimuth occurs
 *              (Hotine Oblique Mercator, format B)
 *    IncAng    Inclination of orbit at ascending node, counter-clockwise
 *              from equator (SOM, format A)
 *    AscLong   Longitude of ascending orbit at equator (SOM, format A)
 *    PSRev     Period of satellite revolution in minutes (SOM, format A)
 *    LRat      Landsat ratio to compensate for confusion at northern end
 *              of orbit (SOM, format A -- use 0.5201613)
 *    PFlag     End of path flag for Landsat:  0 = start of path,
 *              1 = end of path (SOM, format A)
 *    Satnum    Landsat Satellite Number (SOM, format B)
 *    Path      Landsat Path Number (Use WRS-1 for Landsat 1, 2 and 3 and
 *              WRS-2 for Landsat 4, 5 and 6.)  (SOM, format B)
 *    Shapem    Oblated Equal Area oval shape parameter m
 *    Shapen    Oblated Equal Area oval shape parameter n
 *    Angle     Oblated Equal Area oval rotation angle
 * Array elements 13 and 14 are set to zero. All array elements with blank
 * fields are set to zero too.
* * If the datum code is negative, the first two values in the parameter array * (param) are used to define the values as follows: * * * * If a datum code is zero or greater, the semimajor and semiminor axis are * defined by the datum code as found in the following table: * * Supported Datums: *
 *       0: Clarke 1866 (default)
 *       1: Clarke 1880
 *       2: Bessel
 *       3: International 1967
 *       4: International 1909
 *       5: WGS 72
 *       6: Everest
 *       7: WGS 66
 *       8: GRS 1980/WGS 84
 *       9: Airy
 *      10: Modified Everest
 *      11: Modified Airy
 *      12: Walbeck
 *      13: Southeast Asia
 *      14: Australian National
 *      15: Krassovsky
 *      16: Hough
 *      17: Mercury 1960
 *      18: Modified Mercury 1968
 *      19: Sphere of Radius 6370997 meters
* * @param iProjSys Input projection system code, used in GCTP. * * @param iZone Input zone for UTM and State Plane projection systems. For * Southern Hemisphere UTM use a negative zone code. iZone ignored for all * other projections. * * @param padfPrjParams Array of 15 coordinate system parameters. These * parameters differs for different projections. * * @param iDatum Input spheroid. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromUSGS(int iProjSys, int iZone, double[] padfPrjParams, int iDatum) /** * Import from WKT string. *

* This method will wipe the existing SRS definition, and * reassign it based on the contents of the passed WKT string. Only as * much of the input string as needed to construct this SRS is consumed from * the input string. * * @param wkt WKT string * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromWkt(String wkt) /** * Import coordinate system from XML format (GML only currently). * * @param xmlString XML string to import * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int ImportFromXML(String xmlString) /** * Check if coordinate system is compound. * * @return 1 if this is rooted with a COMPD_CS node. * * @since GDAL 1.9.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsCompound() /** * Check if geocentric coordinate system. * * @return 1 if this contains a GEOCCS node indicating a it is a * geocentric coordinate system. * * @since GDAL 1.9.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsGeocentric() /** * Check if geographic coordinate system. * * @return 1 if this spatial reference is geographic ... that is the * root is a GEOGCS node. */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsGeographic() /** * Check if local coordinate system. * * @return 1 if this spatial reference is local ... that is the * root is a LOCAL_CS node. */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsLocal() /** * Check if projected coordinate system. * * @return 1 if this contains a PROJCS node indicating a it is a * projected coordinate system. */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsProjected() /** * Do these two spatial references describe the same system ? * * @param other the SRS being compared to. * * @return 1 if equivalent or 0 otherwise. */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsSame(SpatialReference other) /** * Do the GeogCS'es match? * * @param other the SRS being compared against. * * @return 1 if they are the same or 0 otherwise. */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsSameGeogCS(SpatialReference other) /** * Do the VertCS'es match? * * @param other the SRS being compared against. * * @return 1 if they are the same or 0 otherwise. */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsSameVertCS(SpatialReference other) /** * Check if vertical coordinate system. * * @return 1 if this contains a VERT_CS node indicating a it is a * vertical coordinate system. * * @since OGR 1.8.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int IsVertical() /** * Convert in place from ESRI WKT format. *

* The value notes of this coordinate system are modified in various manners * to adhere more closely to the WKT standard. This mostly involves * translating a variety of ESRI names for projections, arguments and * datums to "standard" names, as defined by Adam Gawne-Cain's reference * translation of EPSG to WKT for the CT specification. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int MorphFromESRI() /** * Convert in place to ESRI WKT format. *

* The value nodes of this coordinate system are modified in various manners * more closely map onto the ESRI concept of WKT format. This includes * renaming a variety of projections and arguments, and stripping out * nodes note recognised by ESRI (like AUTHORITY and AXIS). * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int MorphToESRI() /** * Set the angular units for the geographic coordinate system. *

* This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a * child of the GEOGCS node. * * @param name the units name to be used. Some preferred units * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UA_DEGREE. * * @param to_radians the value to multiple by an angle in the indicated * units to transform to radians. Some standard conversion factors can * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetAngularUnits(String name, double to_radians) /** * Set attribute value in spatial reference. *

* Missing intermediate nodes in the path will be created if not already * in existence. If the attribute has no children one will be created and * assigned the value otherwise the zeroth child will be assigned the value. * * @param name full path to attribute to be set. For instance * "PROJCS|GEOGCS|UNITS". * * @param value value to be assigned to node, such as "meter". * This may be null if you just want to force creation of the intermediate * path. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetAttrValue(String name, String value) /** * Set the authority for a node. * * @param target_key the partial or complete path to the node to * set an authority on. i.e. "PROJCS", "GEOGCS" or "GEOGCS|UNIT". * * @param authority authority name, such as "EPSG". * * @param code code for value with this authority. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetAuthority(String target_key, String authority, int code) /** * Set spatial reference from various text formats. *

* This method will examine the provided input, and try to deduce the * format, and then use it to initialize the spatial reference system. It * may take the following forms: * *

  1. Well Known Text definition - passed on to importFromWkt(). *
  2. "EPSG:n" - number passed on to importFromEPSG(). *
  3. "EPSGA:n" - number passed on to importFromEPSGA(). *
  4. "AUTO:proj_id,unit_id,lon0,lat0" - WMS auto projections. *
  5. "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::n" - ogc urns *
  6. PROJ.4 definitions - passed on to importFromProj4(). *
  7. filename - file read for WKT, XML or PROJ.4 definition. *
  8. well known name accepted by SetWellKnownGeogCS(), such as NAD27, NAD83, * WGS84 or WGS72. *
  9. WKT (directly or in a file) in ESRI format should be prefixed with * ESRI:: to trigger an automatic morphFromESRI(). *
* * It is expected that this method will be extended in the future to support * XML and perhaps a simplified "minilanguage" for indicating common UTM and * State Plane definitions. *

* This method is intended to be flexible, but by it's nature it is * imprecise as it must guess information about the format intended. When * possible applications should call the specific method appropriate if the * input is known to be in a particular format. * * @param definition text definition to try to deduce SRS from. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetFromUserInput(String definition) /** * Set the user visible GEOCCS name. *

* Same as below with name == null * * @see #SetGeocCS(String name) * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeocCS() /** * Set the user visible GEOCCS name. *

* This method is will ensure a GEOCCS node is created as the root, * and set the provided name on it. If used on a GEOGCS coordinate system, * the DATUM and PRIMEM nodes from the GEOGCS will be transferred over to * the GEOGCS. * * @param name the user visible name to assign. Not used as a key. May be null * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeocCS(String name) /** * Set geographic coordinate system. *

* Same as below with pszPMName = "Greenwich", dfPMOffset = 0.0, pszAngularUnits = "degree" and dfConvertToRadians = 0.0174532925199433 * * @see #SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset, String pszAngularUnits, double dfConvertToRadians) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening) /** * Set geographic coordinate system. *

* Same as below with dfPMOffset = 0.0, pszAngularUnits = "degree" and dfConvertToRadians = 0.0174532925199433 * * @see #SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset, String pszAngularUnits, double dfConvertToRadians) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName) /** * Set geographic coordinate system. *

* Same as below with pszAngularUnits = "degree" and dfConvertToRadians = 0.0174532925199433 * * @see #SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset, String pszAngularUnits, double dfConvertToRadians) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset) /** * Set geographic coordinate system. *

* Same as below with dfConvertToRadians = 0.0174532925199433 * * @see #SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset, String pszUnits, double dfConvertToRadians) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset, String pszAngularUnits) /** * Set geographic coordinate system. *

* This method is used to set the datum, ellipsoid, prime meridian and * angular units for a geographic coordinate system. It can be used on it's * own to establish a geographic spatial reference, or applied to a * projected coordinate system to establish the underlying geographic * coordinate system. * * @param pszGeogName user visible name for the geographic coordinate system * (not to serve as a key). * * @param pszDatumName key name for this datum. The OpenGIS specification * lists some known values, and otherwise EPSG datum names with a standard * transformation are considered legal keys. * * @param pszSpheroidName user visible spheroid name (not to serve as a key) * * @param dfSemiMajor the semi major axis of the spheroid. * * @param dfInvFlattening the inverse flattening for the spheroid. * This can be computed from the semi minor axis as * 1/f = 1.0 / (1.0 - semiminor/semimajor). * * @param pszPMName the name of the prime meridian (not to serve as a key) * If this is null a default value of "Greenwich" will be used. * * @param dfPMOffset the longitude of greenwich relative to this prime * meridian. * * @param pszAngularUnits the angular units name (see ogr_srs_api.h for some * standard names). If null a value of "degrees" will be assumed. * * @param dfConvertToRadians value to multiply angular units by to transform * them to radians. A value of SRS_UL_DEGREE_CONV will be used if * pszAngularUnits is null. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetGeogCS(String pszGeogName, String pszDatumName, String pszSpheroidName, double dfSemiMajor, double dfInvFlattening, String pszPMName, double dfPMOffset, String pszAngularUnits, double dfConvertToRadians) /** * Set the linear units for the projection. *

* This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a * child of the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node. * * @param name the units name to be used. Some preferred units * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. * * @param to_meters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated * units to transform to meters. Some standard conversion factors can * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetLinearUnits(String name, double to_meters) /** * Set the linear units for the projection. *

* This method creates a UNITS subnode with the specified values as a * child of the PROJCS or LOCAL_CS node. It works the same as the * SetLinearUnits() method, but it also updates all existing linear * projection parameter values from the old units to the new units. * * @param name the units name to be used. Some preferred units * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. * * @param to_meters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated * units to transform to meters. Some standard conversion factors can * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetLinearUnitsAndUpdateParameters(String name, double to_meters) /** * Set the user visible LOCAL_CS name. *

* This method is will ensure a LOCAL_CS node is created as the root, * and set the provided name on it. It must be used before SetLinearUnits(). * * @param name the user visible name to assign. Not used as a key. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetLocalCS(String name) /** * Set a projection parameter with a normalized value. *

* This method is the same as SetProjParm() except that the value of * the parameter passed in is assumed to be in "normalized" form (decimal * degrees for angular values, meters for linear values. The values are * converted in a form suitable for the GEOGCS and linear units in effect. * * @param name the parameter name, which should be selected from * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN. * * @param val value to assign. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetNormProjParm(String name, double val) /** * Set the user visible PROJCS name. *

* Same as below with name == null * * @see #SetProjCS(String name) */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetProjCS() /** * Set the user visible PROJCS name. *

* This method is will ensure a PROJCS node is created as the root, * and set the provided name on it. If used on a GEOGCS coordinate system, * the GEOGCS node will be demoted to be a child of the new PROJCS root. * * @param name the user visible name to assign. May be null * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetProjCS(String name) /** * Set a projection name. * * @param name the projection name, which should be selected from * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PT_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetProjection(String name) /** * Set a projection parameter value. *

* Adds a new PARAMETER under the PROJCS with the indicated name and value. *

* Please check http://www.remotesensing.org/geotiff/proj_list pages for * legal parameter names for specific projections. * * @param name the parameter name, which should be selected from * the macros in ogr_srs_api.h, such as SRS_PP_CENTRAL_MERIDIAN. * * @param val value to assign. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetProjParm(String name, double val) /** * Set State Plane projection definition. *

* Same as below with is_nad83 == 1, unitsname == "" and units == 0 * * @see #SetStatePlane(int zone, int is_nad83, String unitsname, double units) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetStatePlane(int zone) /** * Set State Plane projection definition. *

* Same as below with unitsname == "" and units == 0 * * @see #SetStatePlane(int zone, int is_nad83, String unitsname, double units) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetStatePlane(int zone, int is_nad83) /** * Set State Plane projection definition. *

* Same as below with units == 0 * * @see #SetStatePlane(int zone, int is_nad83, String unitsname, double units) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetStatePlane(int zone, int is_nad83, String unitsname) /** * Set State Plane projection definition. *

* This will attempt to generate a complete definition of a state plane * zone based on generating the entire SRS from the EPSG tables. If the * EPSG tables are unavailable, it will produce a stubbed LOCAL_CS definition * and return OGRERR_FAILURE. * * @param zone State plane zone number, in the USGS numbering scheme (as * distinct from the Arc/Info and Erdas numbering scheme. * * @param is_nad83 1 if the NAD83 zone definition should be used or 0 * if the NAD27 zone definition should be used. * * @param unitsname Linear unit name to apply overriding the * legal definition for this zone. * * @param units Linear unit conversion factor to apply overriding * the legal definition for this zone. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetStatePlane(int zone, int is_nad83, String unitsname, double units) /** * Set the linear units for the projection. *

* This method creates a UNIT subnode with the specified values as a * child of the target node. * * @param target the keyword to set the linear units for. i.e. "PROJCS" or "VERT_CS" * * @param name the units name to be used. Some preferred units * names can be found in ogr_srs_api.h such as SRS_UL_METER, SRS_UL_FOOT * and SRS_UL_US_FOOT. * * @param to_meters the value to multiple by a length in the indicated * units to transform to meters. Some standard conversion factors can * be found in ogr_srs_api.h. * * @return OGRERR_NONE on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetTargetLinearUnits(String target, String name, double to_meters) /** * Set the Bursa-Wolf conversion to WGS84. *

* Same as below with dfEX == dfEY == dfEZ == dfPPM == 0 * * @see #SetTOWGS84(double dfDX, double dfDY, double dfDZ, double dfEX, double dfEY, double dfEZ, double dfPPM) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetTOWGS84(double p1, double p2, double p3) /** * Set the Bursa-Wolf conversion to WGS84. *

* This will create the TOWGS84 node as a child of the DATUM. It will fail * if there is no existing DATUM node. Unlike most OGRSpatialReference * methods it will insert itself in the appropriate order, and will replace * an existing TOWGS84 node if there is one. *

* The parameters have the same meaning as EPSG transformation 9606 * (Position Vector 7-param. transformation). * * @param dfDX X child in meters. * @param dfDY Y child in meters. * @param dfDZ Z child in meters. * @param dfEX X rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero). * @param dfEY Y rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero). * @param dfEZ Z rotation in arc seconds (optional, defaults to zero). * @param dfPPM scaling factor (parts per million). * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetTOWGS84(double dfDX, double dfDY, double dfDZ, double dfEX, double dfEY, double dfEZ, double dfPPM) /** * Set UTM projection definition. *

* Same as below with north == 1 * * @see #SetUTM(int zone, int north) * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetUTM(int zone) /** * Set UTM projection definition. *

* This will generate a projection definition with the full set of * transverse mercator projection parameters for the given UTM zone. * If no PROJCS[] description is set yet, one will be set to look * like "UTM Zone %d, {Northern, Southern} Hemisphere". * * @param zone UTM zone. * * @param north 1 for northern hemisphere, or 0 for southern * hemisphere. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetUTM(int zone, int north) /** * Get UTM zone information. * * @return the UTM zone. As a positive value for the northern hemisphere * and as a negative value for the southern hemisphere. * * @since Java bindings 1.8.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int GetUTMZone() /** * Set the user visible VERT_CS name. *

* This method is will ensure a VERT_CS node is created if needed. If the * existing coordinate system is GEOGCS or PROJCS rooted, then it will be * turned into a COMPD_CS. * * @param VertCSName the user visible name of the vertical coordinate * system. Not used as a key. * * @param VertDatumName the user visible name of the vertical datum. It * is helpful if this matches the EPSG name. * * @param VertDatumType the OGC vertical datum type, usually 2005. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). * * @since OGR 1.9.0 */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetVertCS(String VertCSName, String VertDatumName, int VertDatumType) /** * Set a GeogCS based on well known name. *

* This may be called on an empty OGRSpatialReference to make a geographic * coordinate system, or on something with an existing PROJCS node to * set the underlying geographic coordinate system of a projected coordinate * system. *

* The following well known text values are currently supported: *

* * @param name name of well known geographic coordinate system. * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int SetWellKnownGeogCS(String name) /** * Strip OGC CT Parameters. *

* This method will remove all components of the coordinate system * that are specific to the OGC CT Specification. That is it will attempt * to strip it down to being compatible with the Simple Features 1.0 * specification. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int StripCTParms() /** * Convert this SRS into a pretty WKT format. * * @return the srs */ public class SpatialReference:public String toString() /** * Validate SRS tokens. *

* This method attempts to verify that the spatial reference system is * well formed, and consists of known tokens. The validation is not * comprehensive. * * @return 0 on success. Otherwise throws a RuntimeException() (or an error code if DontUseExceptions() has been called). */ public class SpatialReference:public int Validate() /** * This method returns TRUE if EPSG feels this geographic coordinate * system should be treated as having lat/long coordinate ordering. *

* Currently this returns TRUE for all geographic coordinate systems * with an EPSG code set, and AXIS values set defining it as lat, long. * Note that coordinate systems with an EPSG code and no axis settings * will be assumed to not be lat/long. *

* FALSE will be returned for all coordinate systems that are not geographic, * or that do not have an EPSG code set. * * @return TRUE or FALSE. */ public class SpatialReference:public int EPSGTreatsAsLatLong() /* Class CoordinateTransformation */ /** * Object for transforming between coordinate systems. * *

* The CoordinateTransformation class is a binding for the C++ OGRCoordinateTransformation class. */ public class CoordinateTransformation /** * Create transformation object. *

* Caution: the coordinate transformation object returned can be in a non * working state if no coordinate transformation can be established between * src and dst, and calling other methods on it can result in the process * termination. If using GDAL 1.10 or above, it is recommended to use the * * CreateCoordinateTransformation(org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference, org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference) method instead. *

* For GDAL 1.9.X or below, you might use the following snippet : *

 * gdal.PushErrorHandler( "CPLQuietErrorHandler" );
 * hTransform = new CoordinateTransformation(src, dst);
 * gdal.PopErrorHandler();
 * if (gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().indexOf("Unable to load PROJ.4 library") != -1)
 *    hTransform = null;
* * @param src source spatial reference system. * @param dst target spatial reference system. * @deprecated * @see #CreateCoordinateTransformation(org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference, org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference) */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public CoordinateTransformation(SpatialReference src, SpatialReference dst) /** * Create transformation object. * * @param src source spatial reference system. * @param dst target spatial reference system. * @return a new CoordinateTransformation object, or null in case of failure * @since GDAL 1.10 */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public static CoordinateTransformation CreateCoordinateTransformation(SpatialReference src, SpatialReference dst) /** * Transform point from source to destination space. *

* The provided array will be modified in place. * * @param inout an array of 3 doubles */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public void TransformPoint(double[] inout) /** * Transform point from source to destination space. * * @param argout array of 3 double values where the transformed coordinates will be put. * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public void TransformPoint(double[] argout, double x, double y) /** * Transform point from source to destination space. * * @param argout array of 3 double values where the transformed coordinates will be put. * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * @param z input z value */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public void TransformPoint(double[] argout, double x, double y, double z) /** * Transform point from source to destination space. * * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * @return the transformed coordinates * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public double[] TransformPoint(double x, double y) /** * Transform point from source to destination space. * * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * @return the transformed coordinates * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public double[] TransformPoint(double x, double y, double z) /** * Transform points from source to destination space. *

* The provided array will be modified in place. * * @param pointArray an array of coordinates. Each coordinate can be either 2D, 3D or 4D */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public void TransformPoints(double[][] pointArray) /** * Transform point from source to destination space. * * @param argout array of 4 double values where the transformed coordinates will be put. * @param x input x value * @param y input y value * @param z input z value * @param t input t value * @return the error code. 0 means no error. * See osrConstants.PROJ_ERR_xxxxx enumerated code for the possible error codes. * @since GDAL 3.3 and PROJ 8 */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public int TransformPointWithErrorCode(double[] argout, double x, double y, double z, double t) /** * Transform points from source to destination space. *

* The provided array will be modified in place. * * @param pointArray an array of coordinates. Each coordinate can be either 2D, 3D or 4D * @return an array of integer with the error codes for each coordinate. 0 means no error. * See osrConstants.PROJ_ERR_xxxxx enumerated code for the possible error codes. * @since GDAL 3.3 and PROJ 8 */ public class CoordinateTransformation:public int[] TransformPointsWithErrorCodes(double[][] pointArray) /** * Class of error codes typically related to coordinate operation initialization, * typically when creating a PJ* object from a PROJ string. * * Some of them can also be emitted during coordinate transformation, * like PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_FILE_NOT_FOUND_OR_INVALID in case the resource loading * is deferred until it is really needed. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP /** * Invalid pipeline structure, missing +proj argument, etc. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_WRONG_SYNTAX /** *Missing required operation parameter */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_MISSING_ARG /** *One of the operation parameter has an illegal value. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_ILLEGAL_ARG_VALUE /** * Mutually exclusive arguments. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_ARGS /** * File not found or with invalid content (particular case of PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_ILLEGAL_ARG_VALUE) */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_INVALID_OP_FILE_NOT_FOUND_OR_INVALID /** * Class of error codes related to transformation on a specific coordinate. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM /** * Invalid input coordinate. e.g a latitude > 90°. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_INVALID_COORD /** * Coordinate is outside of the projection domain. e.g approximate mercator with \|longitude - lon_0\| > 90°, * or iterative convergence method failed. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_PROJECTION_DOMAIN /** * No operation found, e.g if no match the required accuracy, or if ballpark transformations * were asked to not be used and they would be only such candidate. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_NO_OPERATION /** * Point to transform falls outside grid/subgrid/TIN. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_OUTSIDE_GRID /** * Point to transform falls in a grid cell that evaluates to nodata. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_GRID_AT_NODATA /** * Class of error codes that do not fit into one of the above class. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_OTHER /** * Error related to a misuse of PROJ API. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_OTHER_API_MISUSE /** * No inverse method available. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_OTHER_NO_INVERSE_OP /** * Failure when accessing a network resource. */ public interface osrConstants:public final static int PROJ_ERR_OTHER_NETWORK_ERROR /* Class osr */ /** * Class with static methods for utility functions. */ public class osr /** * Use exceptions instead of error return codes. *

* This is the default behavior : methods that in C/C++ return an OGRErr return code * would throw a RuntimeException() in case the code it is different * from ogr.OGRERR_NONE. By calling this method, you can get * back to that original state if DontUseExceptions() was called in-between. * This will only apply to the org.gdal.osr.* package. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class osr:public static void UseExceptions() /** * Use return code instead of exceptions. *

* By default, methods that in C/C++ return an OGRErr return code * would throw a RuntimeException() in case the code is different * from ogr.OGRERR_NONE. By calling this method, you can prevent * the exception to be thrown and get the original error code * (ogr.OGRERR_* codes) * This will only apply to the org.gdal.osr.* package. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public class osr:public static void DontUseExceptions() /** * Utility function that returns the WKT definition of the SRS expressed as a user input. *

* Such a user input is what can be passed in to * SpatialReference.SetFromUserInput(). * * @param definition text definition to try to deduce SRS from. * * @return WKT definition */ public class osr:public static String GetUserInputAsWKT(String definition) /** * Utility function that returns the WKT definition of the SRS expressed as a well known Geog CS. *

* Such a user input is what can be passed in to * SpatialReference.SetWellKnownGeogCS(). * * @param definition text definition to try to deduce SRS from. * * @return WKT definition */ public class osr:public static String GetWellKnownGeogCSAsWKT(String definition) /** * Create transformation object. * * @param src source spatial reference system. * @param dst target spatial reference system. * @return a new CoordinateTransformation object, or null in case of failure * @since GDAL 1.10 * @see * CoordinateTransformation.CreateCoordinateTransformation(org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference, org.gdal.osr.SpatialReference */ public class osr:public static CoordinateTransformation CreateCoordinateTransformation(SpatialReference src, SpatialReference dst) /** * @deprecated This is a typo. Use wkb25DBit instead. */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkb25Bit /** * Bit mask to indicate that a geometry type is of 2.5D kind. * * @since Java bindings 1.7.0 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkb25DBit /** * Unknown type, non-standard */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbUnknown /** * 0-dimensional geometric object, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbPoint /** * 1-dimensional geometric object with linear interpolation between Points, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbLineString /** * Planar 2-dimensional geometric object defined * by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior * boundaries, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbPolygon /** * GeometryCollection of Points, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbMultiPoint /** * GeometryCollection of LineStrings, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbMultiLineString /** * GeometryCollection of Polygons, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbMultiPolygon /** * Geometric object that is a collection of 1 or more geometric objects, standard WKB */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbGeometryCollection /** * non-standard, for pure attribute records */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbNone /** * non-standard, just for Geometry() constructor */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbLinearRing /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbPoint25D /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbLineString25D /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbPolygon25D /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbMultiPoint25D /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbMultiLineString25D /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbMultiPolygon25D /** * 2.5D extension as per 99-402 */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbGeometryCollection25D /** * MSB/Sun/Motorola: Most Significant Byte First */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbXDR /** * LSB/Intel/Vax: Least Significant Byte First */ public interface ogrConstants:public final static int wkbNDR