^c: dZddlmZddlmZmZmZmZejZiZ ej e Z dZ e dddded ed fgezed e j d ddZ dS)zcommand to display child changesets (DEPRECATED) This extension is deprecated. You should use :hg:`log -r "children(REV)"` instead. )_)cmdutil logcmdutilpycompat registrarsships-with-hg-coreschildrenrrev.s'show children of the specified revisionsREVshg children [-r REV] [FILE]T) helpcategory inferrepoNc tj|}|d}tj||}|rH|||}d|D}n|}tj|||}|D]} | | | dS)aGshow the children of the given or working directory revision Print the children of the working directory's revisions. If a revision is given via -r/--rev, the children of that revision will be printed. If a file argument is given, revision in which the file was last changed (after the working directory revision or the argument to --rev if given) is printed. Please use :hg:`log` instead:: hg children => hg log -r "children(.)" hg children -r REV => hg log -r "children(REV)" See :hg:`help log` and :hg:`help revsets.children`. r )changeidc6g|]}|S) changectx).0fcctxs 0/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hgext/children.py zchildren..Ks"DDD5U__&&DDDN) r byteskwargsgetr revsinglefilectxrevchildrenchangesetdisplayershowclose) uirepofile_optsrctxfctx childctxs displayercctxs rrr%sB   % %D ((6  C  tS ) )C #||ECGGII|66DDDMMOODDD LLNN -b$==It OOr)N)__doc__mercurial.i18nr mercurialrrrr templateoptscmdtablecommand testedwithCATEGORY_CHANGE_NAVIGATIONrrrrr1s#  ) H % % #      A8 9 9 AfII   A$%%3 ! r