^c<dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddl m Z ddl mZm Z ejZejZgdZhdZdZGd d ZeZGd d ZGd dZdZe jZdZdZdad.dZdZdZ dZ!d/dZ"edZ#GddZ$GddZ%d0dZ&d Z'd!Z(d/d"Z)d1d$Z*d2d%Z+iZ,d&Z-d'Z.d3d*Z/d+Z0d/d,Z1e2d-krej3e1dSdS)4a statprof is intended to be a fairly simple statistical profiler for python. It was ported directly from a statistical profiler for guile, also named statprof, available from guile-lib [0]. [0] http://wingolog.org/software/guile-lib/statprof/ To start profiling, call statprof.start(): >>> start() Then run whatever it is that you want to profile, for example: >>> import test.pystone; test.pystone.pystones() Then stop the profiling and print out the results: >>> stop() >>> display() % cumulative self time seconds seconds name 26.72 1.40 0.37 pystone.py:79:Proc0 13.79 0.56 0.19 pystone.py:133:Proc1 13.79 0.19 0.19 pystone.py:208:Proc8 10.34 0.16 0.14 pystone.py:229:Func2 6.90 0.10 0.10 pystone.py:45:__init__ 4.31 0.16 0.06 pystone.py:53:copy ... All of the numerical data is statistically approximate. In the following column descriptions, and in all of statprof, "time" refers to execution time (both user and system), not wall clock time. % time The percent of the time spent inside the procedure itself (not counting children). cumulative seconds The total number of seconds spent in the procedure, including children. self seconds The total number of seconds spent in the procedure itself (not counting children). name The name of the procedure. By default statprof keeps the data collected from previous runs. If you want to clear the collected data, call reset(): >>> reset() reset() can also be used to change the sampling frequency from the default of 1000 Hz. For example, to tell statprof to sample 50 times a second: >>> reset(50) This means that statprof will sample the call stack after every 1/50 of a second of user + system time spent running on behalf of the python process. When your process is idle (for example, blocking in a read(), as is the case at the listener), the clock does not advance. For this reason statprof is not currently not suitable for profiling io-bound operations. The profiler uses the hash of the code object itself to identify the procedures, so it won't confuse different procedures with the same name. They will show up as two different rows in the output. Right now the profiler is quite simplistic. I cannot provide call-graphs or other higher level information. What you see in the table is pretty much all there is. Patches are welcome :-) Threading --------- Because signals only get delivered to the main thread in Python, statprof only profiles the main thread. However because the time reporting function uses per-process timers, the results can be significantly off if other threads' work patterns are not similar to the main thread's work patterns. N)open)encodingpycompat)sstartsstopsresetsdisplaysprofile> util.py:checkhg.py:dispatch.py:runpager.py:pagecmdcolor.py:colorcmddispatch.py:dispatch.py:dispatchdispatch.py:_dispatchdispatch.py:_runcatchdispatch.py:checkargsextensions.py:closuredispatch.py:runcommanddispatch.py:_runcommandevolve.py:warnobserrorscZtj}|d|dz|dfS)Nrr)ostimes)rs 4/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mercurial/statprof.pyclockrs) HJJE !HuQx q **c@eZdZddZddZdZdZedZdS) ProfileStateNc>||d|_dS)Ncpu)resettrackself frequencys r__init__zProfileState.__init__s 9 rcd|_d|_|r d|z |_ntj|dsd|_n d|_d|_g|_dS)N)r'g?sample_intervalMbP?r)accumulated_timelast_start_timer(rhasattrremaining_prof_time profile_levelsamplesr"s rr zProfileState.resetsj *#  #&?D !$(9:: #/D  #'  rc|d|jdz |d|jdz f}|jd|dz|jd|dzf|_dSNrr)r+r*)r# stop_time increments raccumulate_timezProfileState.accumulate_timesk aL4/2 2 aL4/2 2  !! $y| 3  !! $y| 3! rcP|j|jt|jz SN)r*timeidxlenr/r#s rseconds_per_samplezProfileState.seconds_per_samples!$T\2S5F5FFFrc |jdkrdSdS)Nsrealrr)r!r9s rr7zProfileState.timeidxs : 1qrr6) __name__ __module__ __qualname__r%r r4r:propertyr7rrrrsx(   GGGXrrcPeZdZiZdZdZdZdZedZ dZ dZ dZ d S) CodeSite)pathlinenofunctionsourcect|tsJ||_||_t|tsJ||_d|_dSr6) isinstancebytesrCrDrErF)r#rCrDrEs rr%zCodeSite.__init__sN$&&&&&  (E*****   rcT |j|jko|j|jkS#YdSxYw)NF)rDrC)r#others r__eq__zCodeSite.__eq__s4 ;%,.J49 3J J 55s"'c8t|j|jfSr6)hashrDrCr9s r__hash__zCodeSite.__hash__sT[$),---rcx||f} |j|S#t$r||||}||j|<|cYSwxYwr6)cacheKeyError)clsrCrDrEkvs rgetz CodeSite.gets^ 6N 9Q<    D&(++ACIaLHHH s #99cp|j |jdz }t|jd5}t |D]&\}}||kr||_n'dddn #1swxYwYn#YnxYw|jd|_|j}t ||kr|d|dz dz}|S)Nrrbrs...)rFrDrrC enumeratestripr8)r#lengthrDfpilinerFs r getsourcezCodeSite.getsources  ;  q$)U++"r#,R==""4;;*.**,,DK!E'"""""""""""""""  {"!  v;;  NvzN+f4F s.A77A+ A7+A//A72A/3A77A;cJtj|jSr6)rrCbasenamer9s rfilenamezCodeSite.filenamesw ***rc>|d|jS)N:)rcrEr9s rskipnamezCodeSite.skipnames--////4==99rN) r<r=r>rQ __slots__r%rLrO classmethodrVr`rcrfr@rrrBrBs E8I ...[&+++:::::rrBc.eZdZdZdZedZdS)Samplestacktimec"||_||_dSr6rk)r#rlrms rr%zSample.__init__ s  rc g}|ru|ttj|jj|jtj|jj|j }|ut||Sr6) appendrBrVrsysbytesf_code co_filenamef_linenoco_namef_backrj)rSframermrls r from_framezSample.from_frames ! 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