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Archive '%s' has no symbol index Archive index: COMDAT section group [%2zu] '%s' with signature '%s' contains %zu entry: COMDAT section group [%2zu] '%s' with signature '%s' contains %zu entries: Call frame search table section [%2zu] '.eh_frame_hdr': Directory table: Exception handling table section [%2zu] '.gcc_except_table': File name table: Index of archive '%s' has %zu entries: Line number statements: No line number statements. RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [%s]: %-*s TYPE VALUE Section [%zu] '%s' has no data to dump. Section [%zu] '%s' has no strings to dump. Section group [%2zu] '%s' with signature '%s' contains %zu entry: Section group [%2zu] '%s' with signature '%s' contains %zu entries: Symbol table [%2u] '%s' contains %u entry: Symbol table [%2u] '%s' contains %u entries: Table at offset %zu: section '%s' does not exist section [%lu] does not exist Library Time Stamp Checksum Version Flags %s: %s %u: %s [ [Compression Size Al] [Compression Size Al] Build ID: Linker version: %.*s OS: %s, ABI: PC: Provider: %zu padding bytes %zu padding bytes 0 *local* 1 *global* %#06x: Name: %s Flags: %s Version: %hu %#06x: Parent %d: %s %#06x: Version: %hd Flags: %s Index: %hd Cnt: %hd Name: %s %#06x: Version: %hu File: %s Cnt: %hu ABI Version: %hhd Data: %s Flags: %s Ident Version: %hhd %s Machine: %s Machine: : 0x%x Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name OS/ABI: %s Offset Type Value Name Offset Type Value Addend Name Offset Type Value Name Offset Type Value Addend Name Owner Data size Type Owner Size Section header string table index: XINDEX%s Type Value Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type: Version: %d %s unknown version, cannot parse section %lu local symbol String table: [%2u] '%s' %lu local symbols String table: [%2u] '%s' ([0] not available) (ex %s) *** error while reading abbreviation: %s *** error, missing string terminator Args: Average number of tests: successful lookup: %f unsuccessful lookup: %f Base: Call site encoding: %#x Entry Dir Time Size Name LPStart encoding: %#x Length Number % of total Coverage Name: Not associated with a CU. Semaphore: TType encoding: %#x Unknown CU base: [%*zu] ??? [%6tx] [%6tx] [%6tx] empty list advance address by %u to advance address by constant %u to advance address by fixed value %u to copy end of sequence error while freeing sub-ELF descriptor: %s extended opcode %u: no arguments. set address to set basic block flag set discriminator to %u set epilogue begin flag set function name %s (0x%x) set inlined context %u, function name %s (0x%x) set isa to %u set prologue end flag special opcode %u: address+%u = unknown opcode%*s%-*s %-*s Class Type %-*s %*s Section %*s*** missing DW_MACINFO_start_file argument at end of section%*s*** non-terminated string at end of section%s %s diff: ELF header%s %s diff: program header count%s %s diff: section count%s %s diff: shdr string index%s %s differ: build ID content%s %s differ: build ID length%s %s differ: gap%s %s differ: program header %d%s %s differ: section [%zu,%zu] '%s' content%s %s differ: section [%zu] '%s' content%s %s differ: section [%zu] '%s' header%s %s differ: section [%zu] '%s' note '%s' content%s %s differ: section [%zu] '%s' note '%s' type%s %s differ: section [%zu] '%s' note name%s %s differ: section [%zu] '%s' number of notes%s %s differ: section [%zu], [%zu] name%s %s differ: symbol table [%zu,%zu]%s %s differ: symbol table [%zu]%s %s differ: unequal amount of important sections%s (default)%s in %s %s is no regular file%s not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC %s segment not contained in a loaded segment %s%s%s%s: Invalid operation%s%s%s: file format not recognized%s%s%s: no symbols%s: File format not recognized%s: INTERNAL ERROR %d (%s): %s%s: cannot use -o or -f when stripping archive%s: entries (%zd) in section %zd `%s' is too large%s: entry size in section %zd `%s' is not what we expect%s: error updating shdrstrndx: %s%s: error while creating ELF header: %s%s: error while getting shdrstrndx: %s%s: error while reading the file: %s%s: error while updating ELF header: %s%s: file format not recognized%s: invalid argument '%s' for '--color' valid arguments are: - 'always', 'yes', 'force' - 'never', 'no', 'none' - 'auto', 'tty', 'if-tty' %s: no entry %s in archive! %s: no support for stripping archive%s: not an archive file%s: size of section %zd `%s' is not multiple of entry size%zu byte block:'%c' is only meaningful with the 'x' option'%s' is no archive'%s' is not a DSO or PIE'%s' is not an archive, cannot print archive index'N' is only meaningful with the 'x' and 'd' options'a', 'b', and 'i' are only allowed with the 'm' and 'r' options(TOTALS) (bytes into file)(bytes)(current)(optional) EXECUTABLE that produced COREFILE, line%+d = %zu , op_index = %u, line%+d = %zu , op_index to %u, use --force--reloc-debug-sections used without -f--reloc-debug-sections-only incompatible with -f, -g, --remove-comment and --remove-section-1 needs a thread id given by -p.-F option specified twice-d option specified twice-e EXEC needs a core given by --core.-f option specified twice-m, -a, -R, and -i options not allowed with explicit files-n MAXFRAMES should be 0 or higher.-n cannot be used with explicit files or -o or -d-o option specified twice-o or -d is required when using implicit files-p PID should be a positive process id.-t option specified twice.debug_addr section missing.debug_line section missing.debug_line_str section missing.debug_loc section missing.debug_loclists section missing.debug_ranges section missing.debug_rnglists section missing.debug_str section missing.debug_str_offsets section missing.gnu.versym section present without .gnu.versym_d or .gnu.versym_r : %dARCHIVEAdditional flagsAdditional output selection:Additionally show frame activationAdditionally show function namesAdditionally show inlined function frames using DWARF debuginfo if available (implies -d)Additionally show module file informationAdditionally show source file informationAdditionally try to lookup DWARF debuginfo name for frame addressAlias for --radix=oAll these plus -p .strtab -p .dynstr -p .commentAllow filename to be truncated if necessary.Also read file names to process from standard input, separated by ASCII NUL bytesAlso read file names to process from standard input, separated by newlinesAlso show function namesAlso show line table flagsAlso show symbol and the section namesAlso show symbol or section namesApply relocations to section contents in ET_REL filesArchive member '%s' contains: Archive name requiredBe extremely strict, flag level 2 features.Be silent when a section cannot be compressedBinary has been created with GNU ld and is therefore known to be broken in certain waysBinary is a separate debuginfo fileCORE (Core file)COUNT parameter requiredCallback returned failureCallbacks missing for ET_REL fileCan only check %u headers, phnum was %u Can only check %u headers, shnum was %u Cannot both keep and remove section '%s'Cannot open core file '%s'Cannot remove allocated section '%s'Cannot remove symbol [%zd] from allocated symbol table [%zd]Classification optionsCombine stripped files with separate symbols and debug information. The first form puts the result in DEBUG-FILE if -o was not given. MODULE arguments give file name patterns matching modules to process. With -f these match the file name of the main (stripped) file (slashes are never special), otherwise they match the simple module names. With no arguments, process all modules found. Multiple modules are written to files under OUTPUT-DIRECTORY, creating subdirectories as needed. With -m these files have simple module names, otherwise they have the name of the main file complete with directory underneath OUTPUT-DIRECTORY. With -n no files are written, but one line to standard output for each module: START+SIZE BUILDID FILE DEBUGFILE MODULENAME START and SIZE are hexadecimal giving the address bounds of the module. BUILDID is hexadecimal for the build ID bits, or - if no ID is known; the hexadecimal may be followed by @0xADDR giving the address where the ID resides if that is known. FILE is the file name found for the module, or - if none was found, or . if an ELF image is available but not from any named file. DEBUGFILE is the separate debuginfo file name, or - if no debuginfo was found, or . if FILE contains the debug information.Command Modifiers:Commands:Compare relevant parts of two ELF files for equality.Compress or decompress sections in an ELF file.Contents of section %s: Control options:Control treatment of gaps in loadable segments [ignore|match] (default: ignore)Copy modified/access timestamps to the outputCopyright (C) %s The elfutils developers <%s>. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Couldn't find architecture of any ELFCouldn't show any frames.Couldn't uncompress sectionCreate multiple output files under DIRECTORYCreate output for modules that have no separate debug informationCreate, modify, and extract from archives.DWARF data in '%s' not adjusted for prelinking bias; consider prelink -uDWARF data not adjusted for prelinking bias; consider prelink -uDYN (Shared object file)Decode low-level symbol names into source code namesDelete files from archive.Determine the type of an ELF file. All of the classification options must apply at the same time to a particular file. Classification options can be negated using a "--not-" prefix. Since modern ELF does not clearly distinguish between programs and dynamic shared objects, you should normally use either --executable or --shared to identify the primary purpose of a file. Only one of the --shared and --executable checks can pass for a file. If you want to know whether an ELF object might a program or a shared library (but could be both), then use --program or --library. Some ELF files will classify as both a program and a library. If you just want to know whether an ELF file is loadable (as program or library) use --loadable. Note that files that only contain (separate) debug information (--debug-only) are never --loadable (even though they might contain program headers). Linux kernel modules are also not --loadable (in the normal sense). Without any of the --print options, the program exits with status 0 if the requested checks pass for all input files, with 1 if a check fails for any file, and 2 if there is an environmental issue (such as a file read error or a memory allocation error). When printing file names, the program exits with status 0 even if no file names are printed, and exits with status 2 if there is an environmental issue. On usage error (e.g. a bad option was given), the program exits with a status code larger than 2. The --quiet or -q option suppresses some error warning output, but doesn't change the exit status.Discard symbols from object files.Display (only) the dynamic symbol tableDisplay DWARF section content. SECTION can be one of abbrev, addr, aranges, decodedaranges, frame, gdb_index, info, info+, loc, line, decodedline, ranges, pubnames, str, macinfo, macro or exceptionDisplay architecture specific information, if anyDisplay assembler code of executable sectionsDisplay content of archive.Display debugger-only symbolsDisplay dynamic symbols instead of normal symbolsDisplay histogram of bucket list lengthsDisplay just offsets instead of resolving values to addresses in DWARF dataDisplay only defined symbolsDisplay only external symbolsDisplay only undefined symbolsDisplay relocation information.Display relocationsDisplay sections for exception handlingDisplay the ELF file headerDisplay the ELF notesDisplay the dynamic segmentDisplay the full contents of all sections requestedDisplay the program headersDisplay the section groupsDisplay the sections' headersDisplay the symbol index of an archiveDisplay the symbol table sectionsDisplay the total sizes (bsd only)Display versioning informationDo not find symbol names for addresses in DWARF dataDo not output file namesDo not print anything if successfulDo not read files from standard input (default)Do not replace existing files with extracted files.Do not resolve address to function symbol nameDo not sort the symbolsDump the uninterpreted contents of SECTION, by number or nameDwfl already has attached stateDwfl has no attached stateELF Header: Magic: ELF file does not match build IDELF file openedELF headerELF header identification (e_ident) differentELF header machine type (e_machine) differentELF header type (e_type) differentELF input selection:ELF output selection:ELF version not setEXEC (Executable file)Embed name FILE instead of -f argumentError parsing /proc filesystemError reading process memoryExtract files from archive.Extract the removed sections into FILEFDE address encoding: FILE...FILE1 FILE2File is (primarily) an ELF program executable (not primarily a DSO)File is (primarily) an ELF shared object (DSO) (not primarily an executable)File is a debug only ELF file (separate .debug, .dwo or dwz multi-file)File is a linux kernel moduleFile is a loadable ELF object (program or shared object)File is an ELF archive or static libraryFile is an ELF core dump fileFile is an ELF file with symbol table or .debug_* sections and can be stripped furtherFile is an ELF program executable (might also be a DSO)File is an ELF shared object (DSO) (might also be an executable)File is an regular ELF object (not an archive/static library)File looks like an ELF object or archive/static library (default)Find addresses from signatures found in COREFILEFind addresses in FILEFind addresses in files mapped as read from FILE in Linux /proc/PID/maps formatFind addresses in files mapped into process PIDFind addresses in the running kernelForce combining files even if some ELF headers don't seem to matchForce compression of section even if it would become larger or update/rewrite the file even if no section would be (de)compressedForce regeneration of symbol table.GNU_RELRO [%u] flags are not a subset of the loadable segment [%u] flags Generate an index to speed access to archives.I/O errorINTERP program header entry but no .interp section INVALID SECTIONINVALID SYMBOLIf printing file names, print files that do not matchIf printing file names, print matching files (default)Ignore differences in build IDIgnore permutation of buckets in SHT_HASH sectionIgnored for compatibility (lines always wide)Include index for symbols from archive membersInput Selection:Input flagsInput format options:Input selection options:Insert file after [MEMBER].Insert file before [MEMBER].Internal error due to eblInvalid DWARFInvalid argumentInvalid format: %sInvalid number of parameters. Invalid radix: %sInvalid registerInvalid value '%s' for --gaps parameter.Keep the named section. SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern. May be given more than once.Kernel with all modulesLSDA pointer encoding: LZMA decompression failedLibrary rpath: [%s] Library runpath: [%s] Library soname: [%s] List section sizes of FILEs (a.out by default).List symbols from FILEs (a.out by default).Locate source files and line information for ADDRs (in a.out by default).Locate source of text relocations in FILEs (a.out by default).MEMBER parameter required for 'a', 'b', and 'i' modifiersMark special symbolsMatch MODULE against file names, not module namesMiscellaneous:Missing data in core fileMissing file name. Mode selection:More than one operation specifiedMove files in archive.NONE (None)No DWARF information foundNo ELF program headersNo backendNo errorsNo input file givenNo modules recognized in core fileNo operation specified. No such section '%s' in '%s'No symbol table foundNot an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start Not an ET_CORE ELF fileNot enough memoryOFFSETOS Specific: (%x) One of -p PID or --core COREFILE should be given.Only NUL-terminated sequences of MIN-LEN characters or more are printedOnly classify regular (not symlink nor special device) filesOnly display information for section NAME.Only list module and file names, build IDsOnly one input file allowed together with '-o'Only one input file allowed together with '-o' and '-f'Output Selection:Output additional information (can be specified multiple times)Output all differences, not just the firstOutput content selection:Output control:Output flagsOutput format options:Output format:Output formattingOutput names of files, separated by ASCII NULOutput names of files, separated by newlineOutput nothing; yield exit status onlyOutput options:Output selection options:Output selection:PT_GNU_EH_FRAME present but no .eh_frame_hdr section Pedantic checking of ELF files compliance with gABI/psABI spec.Place (de)compressed output into FILEPlace output into FILEPlace stripped output into FILEPrepend PATH to all file namesPreserve original dates.Print a message for each section being (de)compressedPrint a stack for each thread in a process or core file. Program exits with return code 0 if all frames were shown without any errors. If some frames were shown, but there were some non-fatal errors, possibly causing an incomplete backtrace, the program exits with return code 1. If no frames could be shown, or a fatal error occurred the program exits with return code 2. If the program was invoked with bad or missing arguments it will exit with return code 64.Print address before each entryPrint all information on one line, and indent inlinesPrint files in archive.Print information from ELF file in human-readable form.Print location of the string in base 8, 10, or 16 respectively.Print name of the file before each string.Print name of the input file before every symbolPrint size and permission flags for loadable segmentsPrint size of defined symbolsPrint string contents of sectionsPrint the strings of printable characters in files.Processor Specific: (%x) Program Headers:Provide verbose output.Quick append files to archive.REL (Relocatable file)Relax a few rules to handle slightly broken ELF filesRemove .comment sectionRemove all debugging symbolsRemove section headers (not recommended)Remove the named section. SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern. May be given more than once. Only non-allocated sections can be removed.Replace existing or insert new file into archive.Request debuginfo-related content from debuginfods listed in $Resolve all trivial relocations between debug sections if the removed sections are placed in a debug file (only relevant for ET_REL files, operation is not reversible, needs -f)Reverse the sense of the sortRun executableSECTION name to (de)compress, SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern (defaults to '.?(z)debug*')STRIPPED-FILE DEBUG-FILE [MODULE...]Same as --format=bsdSame as --format=posixSame as -b.Same as `--format=bsd'Same as `--format=sysv'Same as `--radix=10'Same as `--radix=16'Same as `--radix=8'Scan entire file, not only loaded sectionsSearch path for separate debuginfo filesSection Headers:Section syntax requires exactly one moduleSee dwarf_errnoSee ebl_errno (XXX missing)See elf_errnoSee errnoSelect character size and endianness: s = 7-bit, S = 8-bit, {b,l} = 16-bit, {B,L} = 32-bitShared library: [%s] Show absolute file names using compilation directory (default)Show all additional information (activation, debugname, inlines, module and source)Show all source locations that caused inline expansion of subroutines at the address.Show at most MAXFRAMES per thread (default 256, use 0 for unlimited)Show compression information for compressed sections (when used with -S); decompress section before dumping data (when used with -p or -x)Show demangled symbols (ARG is always ignored)Show information from FILEs (a.out by default).Show instances of inlined functionsShow module build-id, load address and pc offsetShow module memory map with build-id, elf and debug files detectedShow only base names of source filesShow raw function symbol names, do not try to demangle namesShow relative file names without compilation directoryShow stack found in COREFILEShow stack of process PIDShow the backtrace of only one threadSilently skip unfindable filesSimilar to --reloc-debug-sections, but resolve all trivial relocations between debug sections in place. No other stripping is performed (operation is not reversible, incompatible with -f, -g, --remove-comment and --remove-section)Similar to `--format=sysv' output but in one lineSkipping section %zd '%s' data outside fileSort symbols numerically by addressStand aloneSuppress message when library has to be created.Suppress some error output (counterpart to --verbose)Treat addresses as offsets relative to NAME section.Try to open compressed files or embedded (kernel) ELF imagesUnable to find more threadsUnknown DWARF debug section `%s'. Unknown register valueUnknown versionUnsupported DWARFUnsupported relocation typeUnwinding not supported for this architectureUpdate only older files in archive.Use PATH as root of debuginfo hierarchyUse RADIX for printing symbol valuesUse actual uid, gid, and date in archive members.Use full path for file matching.Use instance [COUNT] of name.Use module rather than file namesUse the dynamic segment when possible for displaying infoUse the named SECTION (default .gnu_debugdata) as (compressed) ELF input dataUse the output format FORMAT. FORMAT can be `bsd' or `sysv'. The default is `bsd'Use the output format FORMAT. FORMAT can be `bsd', `sysv' or `posix'. The default is `sysv'Use zero for uid, gid, and date in archive members.Used with -w to find the skeleton Compile Units in FILE associated with the Split Compile units in a .dwo input fileWARNING: What type of compression to apply. TYPE can be 'none' (decompress), 'zlib' (ELF ZLIB compression, the default, 'zlib-gabi' is an alias) or 'zlib-gnu' (.zdebug GNU style compression, 'gnu' is an alias)[ADDR...][FILE...][MEMBER] [COUNT] ARCHIVE [FILE...][Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flags Lk Inf Al[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flags Lk Inf Ala relocation modifies memory at offset %llu in a write-protected segment address out of rangeaddress range overlaps an existing modulearchive name requiredarchive/member file descriptor mismatchbad compression header for section %zd: %sbad data for group symbol section: %sbad dynamic symbolbad gnu compressed size for section %zd: %sbad relocationbad sh_link for group section: %sbad symbol name for group section: %sbase addressbsdbssbsddatabsddecbsdfilenamebsdhexbsdtextbzip2 decompression failedcall frame search table must be allocated call frame search table must not be executable call frame search table must not be writable call frame search table reference in program header has wrong offset call frame search table size mismatch in program and section header cannot add new section: %scannot add section name to string table: %scannot allocate section data: %scannot both keep and remove .comment sectioncannot cache section addresses for module '%s': %scannot change mode of %scannot change mode of output filecannot change modification time of %scannot compress datacannot convert core note data: %scannot copy ELF header: %scannot copy program header: %scannot copy section data: %scannot copy section header: %scannot create EBL descriptor for '%s'cannot create EBL handlecannot create ELF descriptor for '%s': %scannot create ELF descriptor: %scannot create ELF header: %scannot create backend for ELF file cannot create backend for elf filecannot create directory '%s'cannot create hash tablecannot create new ehdr for file '%s': %scannot create new filecannot create new phdr for file '%s': %scannot create output filecannot create program headers: %scannot create search treecannot create temp file '%s'cannot decompress DWARFcannot decompress datacannot determine number of program headers: %scannot determine number of sections: %scannot disassemblecannot extract member at offset %zu in '%s': %scannot find debug file for module '%s': %scannot find kernel modulescannot find kernel or modulescannot find matching section for [%zu] '%s'cannot find stripped file for module '%s': %scannot find symbol '%s'cannot generate Elf descriptor for '%s': %s cannot generate Elf descriptor: %scannot get %s content: %scannot get .debug_addr section data: %scannot get .debug_aranges content: %scannot get .debug_loc content: %scannot get .debug_loclists content: %scannot get .debug_ranges content: %scannot get .debug_rnglists content: %scannot get .debug_str_offsets section data: %scannot get DIE offset: %scannot get ELF descriptor for %s: %s cannot get ELF headercannot get ELF header '%s': %scannot get ELF header of '%s': %scannot get ELF header: %scannot get ELF: %scannot get content of note: %scannot get content of section %zu in '%s': %scannot get content of section %zu: %scannot get data for section %d: %scannot get data for section [%zu] '%s': %scannot get data for symbol %zu cannot get data for symbol section cannot get debug context descriptor: %scannot get hdrstrndx of '%s': %scannot get line data section data: %scannot get macro information section data: %scannot get new zero section: %scannot get next DIE: %scannot get next DIE: %s cannot get next unit: %scannot get number of phdrscannot get number of program headers: %scannot get number of sections: %scannot get program header count of '%s': %scannot get program header count: %scannot get program header entry %d of '%s': %scannot get program header entry %d: %s cannot get program header index at offset %zd: %scannot get program header: %scannot get relocation at index %d in section %zu in '%s': %scannot get relocation: %scannot get section [%zd] header: %scannot get section count of '%s': %scannot get section count: %scannot get section data: %scannot get section headercannot get section header cannot get section header for section [%2zu] '%s': %s cannot get section header of section %zu: %scannot get section header of zeroth section cannot get section header string table indexcannot get section header string table index: %scannot get section header string table section index: %scannot get section header: %scannot get section namecannot get section: %scannot get shdrstrndx:%scannot get string section data: %scannot get string table by using dynamic segmentcannot get symbol in '%s': %scannot get symbol index of archive '%s': %scannot get symbol section data: %scannot get symbol table entry: %scannot get symbol table section %zu in '%s': %scannot get symbol version: %scannot handle .debug_line version: %u cannot handle DWARF type descriptioncannot handle address size: %u cannot handle segment selector size: %u cannot insert into hash tablecannot load data of '%s': %scannot load kernel symbolscannot manipulate null sectioncannot open %.*scannot open %scannot open '%s'cannot open EBL backendcannot open archive '%s'cannot open archive '%s': %scannot open debug file '%s' for module '%s': %scannot open input file '%s'cannot open stripped file '%s' for module '%s': %scannot read %s: %scannot read '.gnu.prelink_undo' section: %scannot read ELF core file: %scannot read ELF header of %s(%s): %scannot read ELF header: %scannot read ELF header: %s cannot read ELF: %scannot read content of %s: %scannot read data from filecannot read dynamic section: %scannot read note section [%zu] '%s' in '%s': %scannot read section [%zu] name: %scannot read section data: %scannot read section header string table: %scannot rename output filecannot rename temporary file to %.*scannot represent ar_datecannot represent ar_gidcannot represent ar_modecannot represent ar_sizecannot represent ar_uidcannot reset archive offset to beginningcannot set access and modification date of '%s'cannot stat %scannot stat '%s'cannot stat archive '%s'cannot stat input filecannot stat input file '%s'cannot update ELF header: %scannot update new zero section: %scannot update program header: %scannot update relocation: %scannot update section header string table data: %scannot update section header: %scannot update symbol table: %scannot write data to filecannot write output file: %scannot write section datacolorize the output. WHEN defaults to 'always' or can be 'auto' or 'never'command option requiredcorrupt .gnu.prelink_undo section datacould not obtain section headercould not obtain section namecouldn't get DWARF CU: %scouldn't get shdr for group section: %scouldn't get symbol for group section: %sdata/scn mismatchdebug information too bigdebuginfo BUILDID debuginfo PATH executable BUILDID executable PATH source BUILDID /FILENAME source PATH /FILENAME section BUILDID SECTION-NAME section PATH SECTION-NAME debugstrOffsetdescriptor is not for an archiveduplicate symbolduplicate version index %d dynamic section reference in program header has wrong offset dynamic section size mismatch in program and section header e_ident[%d] == %d is no known class e_ident[%d] == %d is no known data encoding e_ident[%zu] is not zero either the file containing the function '%s' or the file containing the function '%s' is not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC empty blockerror during output of dataerror while closing Elf descriptor: %serror while closing Elf descriptor: %s error while finishing '%s': %serror while freeing sub-ELF descriptor: %serror while rewinding file descriptorexactly two file arguments are requiredexecutable header not created firstexecutable/DSO with .eh_frame_hdr section does not have a PT_GNU_EH_FRAME program header entryexecutables and DSOs cannot have zero program header offset failed reading '%s': %sfailed to write %sfile descriptor disabledfile has no program headergelf_getrel failed: %sgelf_getrela failed: %sgetting get section header of section %zu: %sgroup has invalid section index [%zd]gzip decompression failedhash section [%2zu] '%s' does not contain enough data hash section [%2zu] '%s' has zero bit mask words hash section [%2zu] '%s' invalid sh_entsize hash section [%2zu] '%s' uses too much data illformed file '%s'image truncatedinput file is emptyinvalid .debug_line sectioninvalid CFI sectioninvalid COUNT parameter %sinvalid DWARFinvalid DWARF versioninvalid ELF fileinvalid ELF file datainvalid ELF header size: %hd invalid SDT probe descriptor invalid TType encodinginvalid `Elf' handleinvalid accessinvalid address range indexinvalid archive fileinvalid augmentation lengthinvalid binary classinvalid chain in sysv.hash section %dinvalid chain in sysv.hash64 section %dinvalid character '%c' at line %d; ignoredinvalid character '\%o' at line %d; ignoredinvalid commandinvalid contents in '%s' sectioninvalid datainvalid data at offset %tu in section [%zu] '%s'invalid data in gnu.hash section %dinvalid data in section [%zu] '%s'invalid data in sysv.hash section %dinvalid data in sysv.hash64 section %dinvalid directory indexinvalid encodinginvalid fileinvalid file descriptorinvalid fmag field in archive headerinvalid line indexinvalid loclists datainvalid machine flags: %s invalid maximum operations per instruction is zeroinvalid minimum length of matched string sizeinvalid number of program header entries invalid number of program header table entries invalid number of section header table entries invalid offsetinvalid offset %zu for symbol %sinvalid opcodeinvalid operandinvalid operationinvalid parameterinvalid program header offset invalid program header position or size invalid program header size: %hd invalid range list datainvalid reference valueinvalid sectioninvalid section alignmentinvalid section entry sizeinvalid section flagsinvalid section headerinvalid section header index invalid section header position or size invalid section header size: %hd invalid section header table offset invalid section indexinvalid section typeinvalid section type for operationinvalid sh_link value in section %zuinvalid size of destination operandinvalid size of source operandinvalid string offset in symbol [%zu]invalid value '%s' for %s parameterinvalid versionloadable segment GNU_RELRO applies to is not writable loadable segment [%u] flags do not match GNU_RELRO [%u] flags loadable segment [%u] is executable but contains no executable sections loadable segment [%u] is writable but contains no writable sections lseek failedmatched more than one modulememory exhaustedmodule '%s' file '%s' is not strippedmore sections in stripped file than debug file -- arguments reversed?more than one GNU_RELRO entry in program header more than one INTERP entry in program header more than one TLS entry in program header more than one dynamic section present more than one version definition section present more than one version reference section present more than one version symbol table present mprotect failednono .gnu.versym section present but .gnu.versym_d or .gnu.versym_r section exist no DWARF informationno ELF fileno address valueno alternative debug link foundno backend support availableno block datano constant valueno entries foundno entry %s in archive no errorno flag valueno index availableno matching address rangeno matching modules foundno memory to create section header string tableno reference valueno regular fileno sections in stripped fileno string datano such fileno support library found for machineno text relocations reported in '%s'nonenot a CU (unit) DIEnot a location list valuenot a valid ELF filenot implementedoffset out of rangeonly executables, shared objects, and core files can have program headers only one of -e, -p, -k, -K, or --core allowedonly one of -o or -d allowedonly relocatable files can contain section groupsopeningout of memoryoutput directory '%s'overflow with shnum = %zu in '%s' sectionphdr[%d]: cannot get content of note section: %s phdr[%d]: no note entries defined for the type of file position member %s not foundprogram headerprogram header entry %d: alignment not a power of 2 program header entry %d: file offset and virtual address not module of alignment program header entry %d: file size greater than memory size program header offset in ELF header and PHDR entry do not matchprogram header only allowed in executables, shared objects, and core filesprogram headersr_offset is bogusre-mmap failedreadingreading from standard inputrelocation refers to undefined symbolsection [%2d] '%s' has different number of entries than symbol table [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s' has wrong type: expected %s, is %s section [%2d] '%s' is contained in more than one section group section [%2d] '%s' refers in sh_link to section [%2d] '%s' which is no dynamic symbol table section [%2d] '%s': %s tag missing in DSO marked during prelinking section [%2d] '%s': %s tag missing in prelinked executable section [%2d] '%s': '%s' in zeroth entry not zero section [%2d] '%s': 2nd hash function shift too big: %u section [%2d] '%s': BASE definition must have index VER_NDX_GLOBAL section [%2d] '%s': DT_RELACOUNT used for this REL section section [%2d] '%s': DT_RELCOUNT used for this RELA section section [%2d] '%s': DT_RELCOUNT value %d too high for this section section [%2d] '%s': XINDEX for zeroth entry not zero section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol present, but no .got section section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol refers to bad section [%2d] section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol refers to section [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has duplicate version name '%s' section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has invalid name reference section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has unknown flag section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has wrong hash value: %#x, expected %#x section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has wrong next field section [%2d] '%s': bitmask does not match names in the hash table section [%2d] '%s': bitmask size zero or not power of 2: %u section [%2d] '%s': cannot get content of note section section [%2d] '%s': cannot get data: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get dynamic section entry %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get relocation %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get section data section [%2d] '%s': cannot get section data. section [%2d] '%s': cannot get section header for element %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol %d: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol for signature section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol name for signature section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol table: %s section [%2d] '%s': chain array too large section [%2d] '%s': contains %s entry but not %s section [%2d] '%s': element %zu references section [%2d] '%s' without SHF_GROUP flag set section [%2d] '%s': empty object attributes section section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has duplicate version name '%s' section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid file reference section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid name reference section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid name reference in auxiliary data section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid offset to next entry section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has unknown flag section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong hash value: %#x, expected %#x section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong next field in auxiliary data section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong offset of auxiliary data section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong version %d section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has zero offset to next entry, but sh_info says there are more entries section [%2d] '%s': entry %d references unknown dependency section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: %s value must be valid offset in section [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: %s value must point into loaded segment section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: DT_PLTREL value must be DT_REL or DT_RELA section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: level 2 tag %s used section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: more than one entry with tag %s section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: pointer does not match address of section [%2d] '%s' referenced by sh_link section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: unknown tag section [%2d] '%s': entry size does not match Elf32_Word section [%2d] '%s': extended index table too small for symbol table section [%2d] '%s': extended section index in section [%2zu] '%s' refers to same symbol table section [%2d] '%s': extended section index section not for symbol table section [%2d] '%s': hash bucket reference %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': hash chain for bucket %zu lower than symbol index bias section [%2d] '%s': hash chain for bucket %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': hash chain reference %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': hash table entry size incorrect section [%2d] '%s': hash table has not even room for initial administrative entries section [%2d] '%s': hash table not for dynamic symbol table section [%2d] '%s': hash table section is too small (is %ld, expected %ld) section [%2d] '%s': hash table section is too small (is %ld, expected at least %ld) section [%2d] '%s': hash value for symbol %u in chain for bucket %zu wrong section [%2d] '%s': invalid destination section index section [%2d] '%s': invalid destination section type section [%2d] '%s': invalid sh_link symbol table section index [%2d] section [%2d] '%s': invalid symbol index in sh_info section [%2d] '%s': mandatory tag %s not present section [%2d] '%s': mask index for symbol %u in chain for bucket %zu wrong section [%2d] '%s': more than one BASE definition section [%2d] '%s': no BASE definition section [%2d] '%s': no hash section present section [%2d] '%s': no note entries defined for the type of file section [%2d] '%s': no relocations for merge-able string sections possible section [%2d] '%s': non-DSO file marked as dependency during prelink section [%2d] '%s': non-DT_NULL entries follow DT_NULL entry section [%2d] '%s': non-relative relocation at index %zu; DT_RELCOUNT specified %d relative relocations section [%2d] '%s': nonzero sh_%s for NULL section section [%2d] '%s': not all of %s, %s, and %s are present section [%2d] '%s': not enough data section [%2d] '%s': not marked to be allocated section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: attribute subsection has unexpected tag %u section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: endless ULEB128 in attribute subsection tag section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: endless ULEB128 in attribute tag section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: extra bytes after last attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: invalid length in attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: invalid length in attribute subsection section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: truncated attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unrecognized attribute tag %u section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unterminated string in attribute section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unterminated vendor name string section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: vendor '%s' unknown section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: zero length field in attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: zero length field in attribute subsection section [%2d] '%s': only relocatable files can have extended section index section [%2d] '%s': referenced as string table for section [%2d] '%s' but type is not SHT_STRTAB section [%2d] '%s': relative relocations after index %d as specified by DT_RELCOUNT section [%2d] '%s': relocatable files cannot have hash tables section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: copy relocation against symbol of type %s section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: invalid symbol index section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: invalid type section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: offset out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: only symbol '_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_' can be used with %s section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: read-only section modified but text relocation flag not set section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: relocation type invalid for the file type section [%2d] '%s': relocations are against loaded and unloaded data section [%2d] '%s': section entry size does not match ElfXX_Dyn section [%2d] '%s': section entry size does not match ElfXX_Rela section [%2d] '%s': section group [%2zu] '%s' does not precede group member section [%2d] '%s': section group contains another group [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s': section group with only one member section [%2d] '%s': section group without flags word section [%2d] '%s': section group without member section [%2d] '%s': section groups only allowed in relocatable object files section [%2d] '%s': section index %zu out of range section [%2d] '%s': section reference in sh_link is no symbol table section [%2d] '%s': section size not multiple of sizeof(Elf32_Word) section [%2d] '%s': section with SHF_GROUP flag set not part of a section group section [%2d] '%s': sh_flags not set correctly section [%2d] '%s': sh_flags not zero section [%2d] '%s': sh_info not zero section [%2d] '%s': sh_info should be zero section [%2d] '%s': sh_link does not link to string table section [%2d] '%s': sh_link extended section index [%2d] is invalid section [%2d] '%s': signature symbol cannot be empty string section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: cannot read version data section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: invalid version index %d section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: local symbol with global scope section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: local symbol with version section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: version index %d is for defined version section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: version index %d is for requested version section [%2d] '%s': symbol %u referenced in chain for bucket %zu is undefined section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s) does not fit completely in referenced section [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): COMMON only allowed in relocatable files section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): TLS symbol but couldn't get TLS program header entry section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): TLS symbol but no TLS program header entry section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): function in COMMON section is nonsense section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): invalid section index section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): local COMMON symbols are nonsense section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): local symbol outside range described in sh_info section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): non-local section symbol section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): non-local symbol outside range described in sh_info section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): referenced section [%2d] '%s' does not have SHF_TLS flag set section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): st_value out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): st_value out of bounds of referenced section [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): st_value short of referenced section [%2d] '%s' section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): symbol in dynamic symbol table with non-default visibility section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): too large section index but no extended section index section section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unique symbol not of object type section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unknown bit set in st_other section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unknown symbol binding section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unknown type section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu: invalid name value section [%2d] '%s': symbol reference in chain for bucket %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': symbol table cannot have more than one extended index section section [%2d] '%s': unknown parent version '%s' section [%2d] '%s': unknown section group flags section [%2d] '%s': unrecognized attribute format section [%2d]: referenced as string table for section [%2d] '%s' but section link value is invalid section [%2u] '%s': entry size is does not match ElfXX_Sym section [%2u] '%s': number of local entries in 'st_info' larger than table size section [%2zu] '%s' has SHF_ALLOC flag not set but there are loadable segments section [%2zu] '%s' has SHF_ALLOC flag set but there is no loadable segment section [%2zu] '%s' has not type NOBITS but is not read from the file in segment of program header entry %d section [%2zu] '%s' has type NOBITS but is read from the file in segment of program header entry %d section [%2zu] '%s' has type NOBITS but is read from the file in segment of program header entry %d and file contents is non-zero section [%2zu] '%s' has unexpected type %d for an executable section section [%2zu] '%s' has unsupported type %d section [%2zu] '%s' has wrong flags: expected %s and possibly %s, is %s section [%2zu] '%s' has wrong flags: expected %s, is %s section [%2zu] '%s' is both executable and writable section [%2zu] '%s' is executable in nonexecutable segment %d section [%2zu] '%s' is extension section index table in non-object file section [%2zu] '%s' is writable in unwritable segment %d section [%2zu] '%s' must be allocated section [%2zu] '%s' must be of type NOBITS in debuginfo files section [%2zu] '%s' must not be executable section [%2zu] '%s' must not be writable section [%2zu] '%s' not fully contained in segment of program header entry %d section [%2zu] '%s' present in object file section [%2zu] '%s': ELF header says this is the section header string table but type is not SHT_TYPE section [%2zu] '%s': alloc flag set but section not in any loaded segment section [%2zu] '%s': allocated section cannot be compressed section [%2zu] '%s': compressed section with no compression header: %s section [%2zu] '%s': invalid section reference in info value section [%2zu] '%s': invalid section reference in link value section [%2zu] '%s': merge flag set but entry size is zero section [%2zu] '%s': nobits section cannot be compressed section [%2zu] '%s': reference to symbol index 0 section [%2zu] '%s': relocatable files cannot have dynamic symbol tables section [%2zu] '%s': size not multiple of entry size section [%2zu] '%s': strings flag set without merge flag section [%2zu] '%s': thread-local data sections address not zero section [%2zu]: invalid name section `sh_size' too small for datasection contains compressed datasection does not contain compressed datasection header string table indexsection header table must be present section headerssh_link in hash sections [%2zu] '%s' and [%2zu] '%s' not identical sprintf failurestatic executable cannot have dynamic sections stripped program header (e_phnum) smaller than unstrippedsymbol %d referenced in new hash table in [%2zu] '%s' but not in old hash table in [%2zu] '%s' symbol %d referenced in old hash table in [%2zu] '%s' but not in new hash table in [%2zu] '%s' symbol 0 should have zero extended section index symbol [%zu] has invalid section indexsymbol table [%zu] in '%s' has zero sh_entsizesysvLinesysvNamesysvSizesysvTotalsysvValuesysvaddrsysvsectionsysvsizetext relocation flag set but not needed text relocation flag set but there is no read-only segment the archive '%s' is too largethe file containing the function '%s' is not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC the file containing the function '%s' might not be compiled with -fpic/-fPIC too many offset entries for unit lengthunexpected section type in [%zu] with sh_link to symtabunknown ELF header version number e_ident[%d] == %d unknown SDT version %u unknown compression typeunknown compression type '%s'unknown data encodingunknown errorunknown form: %sunknown language codeunknown machine type %d unknown object file type %d unknown object file version unknown typeunknown versionunknown version (%d) or unit type (%d)unsupported ABI version e_ident[%d] == %d unsupported OS ABI e_ident[%d] == '%s' unsupported address sizeunsupported aranges versionunsupported segment sizeupdate() for write on read-only filewhile close `%s'while closing '%s'while computing checksum for debug informationwhile create section header section: %swhile create section header string table: %swhile creating '%s'while generating output file: %swhile opening '%s'while preparing output for '%s'while reading ELF filewhile reading i386 CPU description: %s at line %dwhile writing '%s'while writing '%s': %swriting to standard outputyeszeroth section has nonzero address zeroth section has nonzero align value zeroth section has nonzero entry size value zeroth section has nonzero flags zeroth section has nonzero link value while ELF header does not signal overflow in phnum zeroth section has nonzero link value while ELF header does not signal overflow in shstrndx zeroth section has nonzero name zeroth section has nonzero offset zeroth section has nonzero size value while ELF header has nonzero shnum value zeroth section has nonzero type zstd decompression failed| Project-Id-Version: elfutils 0.188 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/ PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-02 15:40+0100 Last-Translator: Automatically generated Language-Team: none Language: en@quot MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); [Requesting program interpreter: %s] Symbols from %s: Class: %s Call site table: Section to Segment mapping: Segment Sections... Unknown CU base: [%6tx] Zero terminator %*s... ... Archive ‘%s’ has no symbol index Archive index: COMDAT section group [%2zu] ‘%s’ with signature ‘%s’ contains %zu entry: COMDAT section group [%2zu] ‘%s’ with signature ‘%s’ contains %zu entries: Call frame search table section [%2zu] '.eh_frame_hdr': Directory table: Exception handling table section [%2zu] '.gcc_except_table': File name table: Index of archive ‘%s’ has %zu entries: Line number statements: No line number statements. RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [%s]: %-*s TYPE VALUE Section [%zu] ‘%s’ has no data to dump. Section [%zu] ‘%s’ has no strings to dump. Section group [%2zu] ‘%s’ with signature ‘%s’ contains %zu entry: Section group [%2zu] ‘%s’ with signature ‘%s’ contains %zu entries: Symbol table [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %u entry: Symbol table [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %u entries: Table at offset %zu: section ‘%s’ does not exist section [%lu] does not exist Library Time Stamp Checksum Version Flags %s: %s %u: %s [ [Compression Size Al] [Compression Size Al] Build ID: Linker version: %.*s OS: %s, ABI: PC: Provider: %zu padding bytes %zu padding bytes 0 *local* 1 *global* %#06x: Name: %s Flags: %s Version: %hu %#06x: Parent %d: %s %#06x: Version: %hd Flags: %s Index: %hd Cnt: %hd Name: %s %#06x: Version: %hu File: %s Cnt: %hu ABI Version: %hhd Data: %s Flags: %s Ident Version: %hhd %s Machine: %s Machine: : 0x%x Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name OS/ABI: %s Offset Type Value Name Offset Type Value Addend Name Offset Type Value Name Offset Type Value Addend Name Owner Data size Type Owner Size Section header string table index: XINDEX%s Type Value Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type: Version: %d %s unknown version, cannot parse section %lu local symbol String table: [%2u] ‘%s’ %lu local symbols String table: [%2u] ‘%s’ ([0] not available) (ex %s) *** error while reading abbreviation: %s *** error, missing string terminator Args: Average number of tests: successful lookup: %f unsuccessful lookup: %f Base: Call site encoding: %#x Entry Dir Time Size Name LPStart encoding: %#x Length Number % of total Coverage Name: Not associated with a CU. Semaphore: TType encoding: %#x Unknown CU base: [%*zu] ??? [%6tx] [%6tx] [%6tx] empty list advance address by %u to advance address by constant %u to advance address by fixed value %u to copy end of sequence error while freeing sub-ELF descriptor: %s extended opcode %u: no arguments. set address to set basic block flag set discriminator to %u set epilogue begin flag set function name %s (0x%x) set inlined context %u, function name %s (0x%x) set isa to %u set prologue end flag special opcode %u: address+%u = unknown opcode%*s%-*s %-*s Class Type %-*s %*s Section %*s*** missing DW_MACINFO_start_file argument at end of section%*s*** non-terminated string at end of section%s %s diff: ELF header%s %s diff: program header count%s %s diff: section count%s %s diff: shdr string index%s %s differ: build ID content%s %s differ: build ID length%s %s differ: gap%s %s differ: program header %d%s %s differ: section [%zu,%zu] ‘%s’ content%s %s differ: section [%zu] ‘%s’ content%s %s differ: section [%zu] ‘%s’ header%s %s differ: section [%zu] ‘%s’ note ‘%s’ content%s %s differ: section [%zu] ‘%s’ note ‘%s’ type%s %s differ: section [%zu] ‘%s’ note name%s %s differ: section [%zu] ‘%s’ number of notes%s %s differ: section [%zu], [%zu] name%s %s differ: symbol table [%zu,%zu]%s %s differ: symbol table [%zu]%s %s differ: unequal amount of important sections%s (default)%s in %s %s is no regular file%s not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC %s segment not contained in a loaded segment %s%s%s%s: Invalid operation%s%s%s: file format not recognized%s%s%s: no symbols%s: File format not recognized%s: INTERNAL ERROR %d (%s): %s%s: cannot use -o or -f when stripping archive%s: entries (%zd) in section %zd ‘%s’ is too large%s: entry size in section %zd ‘%s’ is not what we expect%s: error updating shdrstrndx: %s%s: error while creating ELF header: %s%s: error while getting shdrstrndx: %s%s: error while reading the file: %s%s: error while updating ELF header: %s%s: file format not recognized%s: invalid argument ‘%s’ for ‘--color’ valid arguments are: - 'always', 'yes', ‘force’ - 'never', 'no', ‘none’ - 'auto', 'tty', ‘if-tty’ %s: no entry %s in archive! %s: no support for stripping archive%s: not an archive file%s: size of section %zd ‘%s’ is not multiple of entry size%zu byte block:‘%c’ is only meaningful with the ‘x’ option‘%s’ is no archive‘%s’ is not a DSO or PIE‘%s’ is not an archive, cannot print archive index‘N’ is only meaningful with the ‘x’ and ‘d’ options'a', 'b', and ‘i’ are only allowed with the ‘m’ and ‘r’ options(TOTALS) (bytes into file)(bytes)(current)(optional) EXECUTABLE that produced COREFILE, line%+d = %zu , op_index = %u, line%+d = %zu , op_index to %u, use --force--reloc-debug-sections used without -f--reloc-debug-sections-only incompatible with -f, -g, --remove-comment and --remove-section-1 needs a thread id given by -p.-F option specified twice-d option specified twice-e EXEC needs a core given by --core.-f option specified twice-m, -a, -R, and -i options not allowed with explicit files-n MAXFRAMES should be 0 or higher.-n cannot be used with explicit files or -o or -d-o option specified twice-o or -d is required when using implicit files-p PID should be a positive process id.-t option specified twice.debug_addr section missing.debug_line section missing.debug_line_str section missing.debug_loc section missing.debug_loclists section missing.debug_ranges section missing.debug_rnglists section missing.debug_str section missing.debug_str_offsets section missing.gnu.versym section present without .gnu.versym_d or .gnu.versym_r : %dARCHIVEAdditional flagsAdditional output selection:Additionally show frame activationAdditionally show function namesAdditionally show inlined function frames using DWARF debuginfo if available (implies -d)Additionally show module file informationAdditionally show source file informationAdditionally try to lookup DWARF debuginfo name for frame addressAlias for --radix=oAll these plus -p .strtab -p .dynstr -p .commentAllow filename to be truncated if necessary.Also read file names to process from standard input, separated by ASCII NUL bytesAlso read file names to process from standard input, separated by newlinesAlso show function namesAlso show line table flagsAlso show symbol and the section namesAlso show symbol or section namesApply relocations to section contents in ET_REL filesArchive member ‘%s’ contains: Archive name requiredBe extremely strict, flag level 2 features.Be silent when a section cannot be compressedBinary has been created with GNU ld and is therefore known to be broken in certain waysBinary is a separate debuginfo fileCORE (Core file)COUNT parameter requiredCallback returned failureCallbacks missing for ET_REL fileCan only check %u headers, phnum was %u Can only check %u headers, shnum was %u Cannot both keep and remove section ‘%s’Cannot open core file ‘%s’Cannot remove allocated section ‘%s’Cannot remove symbol [%zd] from allocated symbol table [%zd]Classification optionsCombine stripped files with separate symbols and debug information. The first form puts the result in DEBUG-FILE if -o was not given. MODULE arguments give file name patterns matching modules to process. With -f these match the file name of the main (stripped) file (slashes are never special), otherwise they match the simple module names. With no arguments, process all modules found. Multiple modules are written to files under OUTPUT-DIRECTORY, creating subdirectories as needed. With -m these files have simple module names, otherwise they have the name of the main file complete with directory underneath OUTPUT-DIRECTORY. With -n no files are written, but one line to standard output for each module: START+SIZE BUILDID FILE DEBUGFILE MODULENAME START and SIZE are hexadecimal giving the address bounds of the module. BUILDID is hexadecimal for the build ID bits, or - if no ID is known; the hexadecimal may be followed by @0xADDR giving the address where the ID resides if that is known. FILE is the file name found for the module, or - if none was found, or . if an ELF image is available but not from any named file. DEBUGFILE is the separate debuginfo file name, or - if no debuginfo was found, or . if FILE contains the debug information.Command Modifiers:Commands:Compare relevant parts of two ELF files for equality.Compress or decompress sections in an ELF file.Contents of section %s: Control options:Control treatment of gaps in loadable segments [ignore|match] (default: ignore)Copy modified/access timestamps to the outputCopyright (C) %s The elfutils developers <%s>. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Couldn't find architecture of any ELFCouldn't show any frames.Couldn't uncompress sectionCreate multiple output files under DIRECTORYCreate output for modules that have no separate debug informationCreate, modify, and extract from archives.DWARF data in ‘%s’ not adjusted for prelinking bias; consider prelink -uDWARF data not adjusted for prelinking bias; consider prelink -uDYN (Shared object file)Decode low-level symbol names into source code namesDelete files from archive.Determine the type of an ELF file. All of the classification options must apply at the same time to a particular file. Classification options can be negated using a “--not-” prefix. Since modern ELF does not clearly distinguish between programs and dynamic shared objects, you should normally use either --executable or --shared to identify the primary purpose of a file. Only one of the --shared and --executable checks can pass for a file. If you want to know whether an ELF object might a program or a shared library (but could be both), then use --program or --library. Some ELF files will classify as both a program and a library. If you just want to know whether an ELF file is loadable (as program or library) use --loadable. Note that files that only contain (separate) debug information (--debug-only) are never --loadable (even though they might contain program headers). Linux kernel modules are also not --loadable (in the normal sense). Without any of the --print options, the program exits with status 0 if the requested checks pass for all input files, with 1 if a check fails for any file, and 2 if there is an environmental issue (such as a file read error or a memory allocation error). When printing file names, the program exits with status 0 even if no file names are printed, and exits with status 2 if there is an environmental issue. On usage error (e.g. a bad option was given), the program exits with a status code larger than 2. The --quiet or -q option suppresses some error warning output, but doesn't change the exit status.Discard symbols from object files.Display (only) the dynamic symbol tableDisplay DWARF section content. SECTION can be one of abbrev, addr, aranges, decodedaranges, frame, gdb_index, info, info+, loc, line, decodedline, ranges, pubnames, str, macinfo, macro or exceptionDisplay architecture specific information, if anyDisplay assembler code of executable sectionsDisplay content of archive.Display debugger-only symbolsDisplay dynamic symbols instead of normal symbolsDisplay histogram of bucket list lengthsDisplay just offsets instead of resolving values to addresses in DWARF dataDisplay only defined symbolsDisplay only external symbolsDisplay only undefined symbolsDisplay relocation information.Display relocationsDisplay sections for exception handlingDisplay the ELF file headerDisplay the ELF notesDisplay the dynamic segmentDisplay the full contents of all sections requestedDisplay the program headersDisplay the section groupsDisplay the sections' headersDisplay the symbol index of an archiveDisplay the symbol table sectionsDisplay the total sizes (bsd only)Display versioning informationDo not find symbol names for addresses in DWARF dataDo not output file namesDo not print anything if successfulDo not read files from standard input (default)Do not replace existing files with extracted files.Do not resolve address to function symbol nameDo not sort the symbolsDump the uninterpreted contents of SECTION, by number or nameDwfl already has attached stateDwfl has no attached stateELF Header: Magic: ELF file does not match build IDELF file openedELF headerELF header identification (e_ident) differentELF header machine type (e_machine) differentELF header type (e_type) differentELF input selection:ELF output selection:ELF version not setEXEC (Executable file)Embed name FILE instead of -f argumentError parsing /proc filesystemError reading process memoryExtract files from archive.Extract the removed sections into FILEFDE address encoding: FILE...FILE1 FILE2File is (primarily) an ELF program executable (not primarily a DSO)File is (primarily) an ELF shared object (DSO) (not primarily an executable)File is a debug only ELF file (separate .debug, .dwo or dwz multi-file)File is a linux kernel moduleFile is a loadable ELF object (program or shared object)File is an ELF archive or static libraryFile is an ELF core dump fileFile is an ELF file with symbol table or .debug_* sections and can be stripped furtherFile is an ELF program executable (might also be a DSO)File is an ELF shared object (DSO) (might also be an executable)File is an regular ELF object (not an archive/static library)File looks like an ELF object or archive/static library (default)Find addresses from signatures found in COREFILEFind addresses in FILEFind addresses in files mapped as read from FILE in Linux /proc/PID/maps formatFind addresses in files mapped into process PIDFind addresses in the running kernelForce combining files even if some ELF headers don't seem to matchForce compression of section even if it would become larger or update/rewrite the file even if no section would be (de)compressedForce regeneration of symbol table.GNU_RELRO [%u] flags are not a subset of the loadable segment [%u] flags Generate an index to speed access to archives.I/O errorINTERP program header entry but no .interp section INVALID SECTIONINVALID SYMBOLIf printing file names, print files that do not matchIf printing file names, print matching files (default)Ignore differences in build IDIgnore permutation of buckets in SHT_HASH sectionIgnored for compatibility (lines always wide)Include index for symbols from archive membersInput Selection:Input flagsInput format options:Input selection options:Insert file after [MEMBER].Insert file before [MEMBER].Internal error due to eblInvalid DWARFInvalid argumentInvalid format: %sInvalid number of parameters. Invalid radix: %sInvalid registerInvalid value ‘%s’ for --gaps parameter.Keep the named section. SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern. May be given more than once.Kernel with all modulesLSDA pointer encoding: LZMA decompression failedLibrary rpath: [%s] Library runpath: [%s] Library soname: [%s] List section sizes of FILEs (a.out by default).List symbols from FILEs (a.out by default).Locate source files and line information for ADDRs (in a.out by default).Locate source of text relocations in FILEs (a.out by default).MEMBER parameter required for 'a', 'b', and ‘i’ modifiersMark special symbolsMatch MODULE against file names, not module namesMiscellaneous:Missing data in core fileMissing file name. Mode selection:More than one operation specifiedMove files in archive.NONE (None)No DWARF information foundNo ELF program headersNo backendNo errorsNo input file givenNo modules recognized in core fileNo operation specified. No such section ‘%s’ in ‘%s’No symbol table foundNot an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start Not an ET_CORE ELF fileNot enough memoryOFFSETOS Specific: (%x) One of -p PID or --core COREFILE should be given.Only NUL-terminated sequences of MIN-LEN characters or more are printedOnly classify regular (not symlink nor special device) filesOnly display information for section NAME.Only list module and file names, build IDsOnly one input file allowed together with ‘-o’Only one input file allowed together with ‘-o’ and ‘-f’Output Selection:Output additional information (can be specified multiple times)Output all differences, not just the firstOutput content selection:Output control:Output flagsOutput format options:Output format:Output formattingOutput names of files, separated by ASCII NULOutput names of files, separated by newlineOutput nothing; yield exit status onlyOutput options:Output selection options:Output selection:PT_GNU_EH_FRAME present but no .eh_frame_hdr section Pedantic checking of ELF files compliance with gABI/psABI spec.Place (de)compressed output into FILEPlace output into FILEPlace stripped output into FILEPrepend PATH to all file namesPreserve original dates.Print a message for each section being (de)compressedPrint a stack for each thread in a process or core file. Program exits with return code 0 if all frames were shown without any errors. If some frames were shown, but there were some non-fatal errors, possibly causing an incomplete backtrace, the program exits with return code 1. If no frames could be shown, or a fatal error occurred the program exits with return code 2. If the program was invoked with bad or missing arguments it will exit with return code 64.Print address before each entryPrint all information on one line, and indent inlinesPrint files in archive.Print information from ELF file in human-readable form.Print location of the string in base 8, 10, or 16 respectively.Print name of the file before each string.Print name of the input file before every symbolPrint size and permission flags for loadable segmentsPrint size of defined symbolsPrint string contents of sectionsPrint the strings of printable characters in files.Processor Specific: (%x) Program Headers:Provide verbose output.Quick append files to archive.REL (Relocatable file)Relax a few rules to handle slightly broken ELF filesRemove .comment sectionRemove all debugging symbolsRemove section headers (not recommended)Remove the named section. SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern. May be given more than once. Only non-allocated sections can be removed.Replace existing or insert new file into archive.Request debuginfo-related content from debuginfods listed in $Resolve all trivial relocations between debug sections if the removed sections are placed in a debug file (only relevant for ET_REL files, operation is not reversible, needs -f)Reverse the sense of the sortRun executableSECTION name to (de)compress, SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern (defaults to '.?(z)debug*')STRIPPED-FILE DEBUG-FILE [MODULE...]Same as --format=bsdSame as --format=posixSame as -b.Same as ‘--format=bsd’Same as ‘--format=sysv’Same as ‘--radix=10’Same as ‘--radix=16’Same as ‘--radix=8’Scan entire file, not only loaded sectionsSearch path for separate debuginfo filesSection Headers:Section syntax requires exactly one moduleSee dwarf_errnoSee ebl_errno (XXX missing)See elf_errnoSee errnoSelect character size and endianness: s = 7-bit, S = 8-bit, {b,l} = 16-bit, {B,L} = 32-bitShared library: [%s] Show absolute file names using compilation directory (default)Show all additional information (activation, debugname, inlines, module and source)Show all source locations that caused inline expansion of subroutines at the address.Show at most MAXFRAMES per thread (default 256, use 0 for unlimited)Show compression information for compressed sections (when used with -S); decompress section before dumping data (when used with -p or -x)Show demangled symbols (ARG is always ignored)Show information from FILEs (a.out by default).Show instances of inlined functionsShow module build-id, load address and pc offsetShow module memory map with build-id, elf and debug files detectedShow only base names of source filesShow raw function symbol names, do not try to demangle namesShow relative file names without compilation directoryShow stack found in COREFILEShow stack of process PIDShow the backtrace of only one threadSilently skip unfindable filesSimilar to --reloc-debug-sections, but resolve all trivial relocations between debug sections in place. No other stripping is performed (operation is not reversible, incompatible with -f, -g, --remove-comment and --remove-section)Similar to ‘--format=sysv’ output but in one lineSkipping section %zd ‘%s’ data outside fileSort symbols numerically by addressStand aloneSuppress message when library has to be created.Suppress some error output (counterpart to --verbose)Treat addresses as offsets relative to NAME section.Try to open compressed files or embedded (kernel) ELF imagesUnable to find more threadsUnknown DWARF debug section ‘%s’. Unknown register valueUnknown versionUnsupported DWARFUnsupported relocation typeUnwinding not supported for this architectureUpdate only older files in archive.Use PATH as root of debuginfo hierarchyUse RADIX for printing symbol valuesUse actual uid, gid, and date in archive members.Use full path for file matching.Use instance [COUNT] of name.Use module rather than file namesUse the dynamic segment when possible for displaying infoUse the named SECTION (default .gnu_debugdata) as (compressed) ELF input dataUse the output format FORMAT. FORMAT can be ‘bsd’ or ‘sysv’. The default is ‘bsd’Use the output format FORMAT. FORMAT can be ‘bsd’, ‘sysv’ or ‘posix’. The default is ‘sysv’Use zero for uid, gid, and date in archive members.Used with -w to find the skeleton Compile Units in FILE associated with the Split Compile units in a .dwo input fileWARNING: What type of compression to apply. TYPE can be ‘none’ (decompress), ‘zlib’ (ELF ZLIB compression, the default, ‘zlib-gabi’ is an alias) or ‘zlib-gnu’ (.zdebug GNU style compression, ‘gnu’ is an alias)[ADDR...][FILE...][MEMBER] [COUNT] ARCHIVE [FILE...][Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flags Lk Inf Al[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flags Lk Inf Ala relocation modifies memory at offset %llu in a write-protected segment address out of rangeaddress range overlaps an existing modulearchive name requiredarchive/member file descriptor mismatchbad compression header for section %zd: %sbad data for group symbol section: %sbad dynamic symbolbad gnu compressed size for section %zd: %sbad relocationbad sh_link for group section: %sbad symbol name for group section: %sbase addressbssdatadecfilenamehextextbzip2 decompression failedcall frame search table must be allocated call frame search table must not be executable call frame search table must not be writable call frame search table reference in program header has wrong offset call frame search table size mismatch in program and section header cannot add new section: %scannot add section name to string table: %scannot allocate section data: %scannot both keep and remove .comment sectioncannot cache section addresses for module '%s': %scannot change mode of %scannot change mode of output filecannot change modification time of %scannot compress datacannot convert core note data: %scannot copy ELF header: %scannot copy program header: %scannot copy section data: %scannot copy section header: %scannot create EBL descriptor for ‘%s’cannot create EBL handlecannot create ELF descriptor for '%s': %scannot create ELF descriptor: %scannot create ELF header: %scannot create backend for ELF file cannot create backend for elf filecannot create directory ‘%s’cannot create hash tablecannot create new ehdr for file '%s': %scannot create new filecannot create new phdr for file '%s': %scannot create output filecannot create program headers: %scannot create search treecannot create temp file ‘%s’cannot decompress DWARFcannot decompress datacannot determine number of program headers: %scannot determine number of sections: %scannot disassemblecannot extract member at offset %zu in '%s': %scannot find debug file for module '%s': %scannot find kernel modulescannot find kernel or modulescannot find matching section for [%zu] ‘%s’cannot find stripped file for module '%s': %scannot find symbol ‘%s’cannot generate Elf descriptor for '%s': %s cannot generate Elf descriptor: %scannot get %s content: %scannot get .debug_addr section data: %scannot get .debug_aranges content: %scannot get .debug_loc content: %scannot get .debug_loclists content: %scannot get .debug_ranges content: %scannot get .debug_rnglists content: %scannot get .debug_str_offsets section data: %scannot get DIE offset: %scannot get ELF descriptor for %s: %s cannot get ELF headercannot get ELF header '%s': %scannot get ELF header of '%s': %scannot get ELF header: %scannot get ELF: %scannot get content of note: %scannot get content of section %zu in '%s': %scannot get content of section %zu: %scannot get data for section %d: %scannot get data for section [%zu] '%s': %scannot get data for symbol %zu cannot get data for symbol section cannot get debug context descriptor: %scannot get hdrstrndx of '%s': %scannot get line data section data: %scannot get macro information section data: %scannot get new zero section: %scannot get next DIE: %scannot get next DIE: %s cannot get next unit: %scannot get number of phdrscannot get number of program headers: %scannot get number of sections: %scannot get program header count of '%s': %scannot get program header count: %scannot get program header entry %d of '%s': %scannot get program header entry %d: %s cannot get program header index at offset %zd: %scannot get program header: %scannot get relocation at index %d in section %zu in '%s': %scannot get relocation: %scannot get section [%zd] header: %scannot get section count of '%s': %scannot get section count: %scannot get section data: %scannot get section headercannot get section header cannot get section header for section [%2zu] '%s': %s cannot get section header of section %zu: %scannot get section header of zeroth section cannot get section header string table indexcannot get section header string table index: %scannot get section header string table section index: %scannot get section header: %scannot get section namecannot get section: %scannot get shdrstrndx:%scannot get string section data: %scannot get string table by using dynamic segmentcannot get symbol in '%s': %scannot get symbol index of archive '%s': %scannot get symbol section data: %scannot get symbol table entry: %scannot get symbol table section %zu in '%s': %scannot get symbol version: %scannot handle .debug_line version: %u cannot handle DWARF type descriptioncannot handle address size: %u cannot handle segment selector size: %u cannot insert into hash tablecannot load data of '%s': %scannot load kernel symbolscannot manipulate null sectioncannot open %.*scannot open %scannot open ‘%s’cannot open EBL backendcannot open archive ‘%s’cannot open archive '%s': %scannot open debug file ‘%s’ for module '%s': %scannot open input file ‘%s’cannot open stripped file ‘%s’ for module '%s': %scannot read %s: %scannot read ‘.gnu.prelink_undo’ section: %scannot read ELF core file: %scannot read ELF header of %s(%s): %scannot read ELF header: %scannot read ELF header: %s cannot read ELF: %scannot read content of %s: %scannot read data from filecannot read dynamic section: %scannot read note section [%zu] ‘%s’ in '%s': %scannot read section [%zu] name: %scannot read section data: %scannot read section header string table: %scannot rename output filecannot rename temporary file to %.*scannot represent ar_datecannot represent ar_gidcannot represent ar_modecannot represent ar_sizecannot represent ar_uidcannot reset archive offset to beginningcannot set access and modification date of ‘%s’cannot stat %scannot stat ‘%s’cannot stat archive ‘%s’cannot stat input filecannot stat input file ‘%s’cannot update ELF header: %scannot update new zero section: %scannot update program header: %scannot update relocation: %scannot update section header string table data: %scannot update section header: %scannot update symbol table: %scannot write data to filecannot write output file: %scannot write section datacolorize the output. WHEN defaults to ‘always’ or can be ‘auto’ or ‘never’command option requiredcorrupt .gnu.prelink_undo section datacould not obtain section headercould not obtain section namecouldn't get DWARF CU: %scouldn't get shdr for group section: %scouldn't get symbol for group section: %sdata/scn mismatchdebug information too bigdebuginfo BUILDID debuginfo PATH executable BUILDID executable PATH source BUILDID /FILENAME source PATH /FILENAME section BUILDID SECTION-NAME section PATH SECTION-NAME Offsetdescriptor is not for an archiveduplicate symbolduplicate version index %d dynamic section reference in program header has wrong offset dynamic section size mismatch in program and section header e_ident[%d] == %d is no known class e_ident[%d] == %d is no known data encoding e_ident[%zu] is not zero either the file containing the function ‘%s’ or the file containing the function ‘%s’ is not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC empty blockerror during output of dataerror while closing Elf descriptor: %serror while closing Elf descriptor: %s error while finishing '%s': %serror while freeing sub-ELF descriptor: %serror while rewinding file descriptorexactly two file arguments are requiredexecutable header not created firstexecutable/DSO with .eh_frame_hdr section does not have a PT_GNU_EH_FRAME program header entryexecutables and DSOs cannot have zero program header offset failed reading '%s': %sfailed to write %sfile descriptor disabledfile has no program headergelf_getrel failed: %sgelf_getrela failed: %sgetting get section header of section %zu: %sgroup has invalid section index [%zd]gzip decompression failedhash section [%2zu] ‘%s’ does not contain enough data hash section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has zero bit mask words hash section [%2zu] ‘%s’ invalid sh_entsize hash section [%2zu] ‘%s’ uses too much data illformed file ‘%s’image truncatedinput file is emptyinvalid .debug_line sectioninvalid CFI sectioninvalid COUNT parameter %sinvalid DWARFinvalid DWARF versioninvalid ELF fileinvalid ELF file datainvalid ELF header size: %hd invalid SDT probe descriptor invalid TType encodinginvalid ‘Elf’ handleinvalid accessinvalid address range indexinvalid archive fileinvalid augmentation lengthinvalid binary classinvalid chain in sysv.hash section %dinvalid chain in sysv.hash64 section %dinvalid character ‘%c’ at line %d; ignoredinvalid character ‘\%o’ at line %d; ignoredinvalid commandinvalid contents in ‘%s’ sectioninvalid datainvalid data at offset %tu in section [%zu] ‘%s’invalid data in gnu.hash section %dinvalid data in section [%zu] ‘%s’invalid data in sysv.hash section %dinvalid data in sysv.hash64 section %dinvalid directory indexinvalid encodinginvalid fileinvalid file descriptorinvalid fmag field in archive headerinvalid line indexinvalid loclists datainvalid machine flags: %s invalid maximum operations per instruction is zeroinvalid minimum length of matched string sizeinvalid number of program header entries invalid number of program header table entries invalid number of section header table entries invalid offsetinvalid offset %zu for symbol %sinvalid opcodeinvalid operandinvalid operationinvalid parameterinvalid program header offset invalid program header position or size invalid program header size: %hd invalid range list datainvalid reference valueinvalid sectioninvalid section alignmentinvalid section entry sizeinvalid section flagsinvalid section headerinvalid section header index invalid section header position or size invalid section header size: %hd invalid section header table offset invalid section indexinvalid section typeinvalid section type for operationinvalid sh_link value in section %zuinvalid size of destination operandinvalid size of source operandinvalid string offset in symbol [%zu]invalid value ‘%s’ for %s parameterinvalid versionloadable segment GNU_RELRO applies to is not writable loadable segment [%u] flags do not match GNU_RELRO [%u] flags loadable segment [%u] is executable but contains no executable sections loadable segment [%u] is writable but contains no writable sections lseek failedmatched more than one modulememory exhaustedmodule ‘%s’ file ‘%s’ is not strippedmore sections in stripped file than debug file -- arguments reversed?more than one GNU_RELRO entry in program header more than one INTERP entry in program header more than one TLS entry in program header more than one dynamic section present more than one version definition section present more than one version reference section present more than one version symbol table present mprotect failednono .gnu.versym section present but .gnu.versym_d or .gnu.versym_r section exist no DWARF informationno ELF fileno address valueno alternative debug link foundno backend support availableno block datano constant valueno entries foundno entry %s in archive no errorno flag valueno index availableno matching address rangeno matching modules foundno memory to create section header string tableno reference valueno regular fileno sections in stripped fileno string datano such fileno support library found for machineno text relocations reported in ‘%s’nonenot a CU (unit) DIEnot a location list valuenot a valid ELF filenot implementedoffset out of rangeonly executables, shared objects, and core files can have program headers only one of -e, -p, -k, -K, or --core allowedonly one of -o or -d allowedonly relocatable files can contain section groupsopeningout of memoryoutput directory ‘%s’overflow with shnum = %zu in ‘%s’ sectionphdr[%d]: cannot get content of note section: %s phdr[%d]: no note entries defined for the type of file position member %s not foundprogram headerprogram header entry %d: alignment not a power of 2 program header entry %d: file offset and virtual address not module of alignment program header entry %d: file size greater than memory size program header offset in ELF header and PHDR entry do not matchprogram header only allowed in executables, shared objects, and core filesprogram headersr_offset is bogusre-mmap failedreadingreading from standard inputrelocation refers to undefined symbolsection [%2d] ‘%s’ has different number of entries than symbol table [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] ‘%s’ has wrong type: expected %s, is %s section [%2d] ‘%s’ is contained in more than one section group section [%2d] ‘%s’ refers in sh_link to section [%2d] ‘%s’ which is no dynamic symbol table section [%2d] '%s': %s tag missing in DSO marked during prelinking section [%2d] '%s': %s tag missing in prelinked executable section [%2d] '%s': ‘%s’ in zeroth entry not zero section [%2d] '%s': 2nd hash function shift too big: %u section [%2d] '%s': BASE definition must have index VER_NDX_GLOBAL section [%2d] '%s': DT_RELACOUNT used for this REL section section [%2d] '%s': DT_RELCOUNT used for this RELA section section [%2d] '%s': DT_RELCOUNT value %d too high for this section section [%2d] '%s': XINDEX for zeroth entry not zero section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol present, but no .got section section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol refers to bad section [%2d] section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol refers to section [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has duplicate version name ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has invalid name reference section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has unknown flag section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has wrong hash value: %#x, expected %#x section [%2d] '%s': auxiliary entry %d of entry %d has wrong next field section [%2d] '%s': bitmask does not match names in the hash table section [%2d] '%s': bitmask size zero or not power of 2: %u section [%2d] '%s': cannot get content of note section section [%2d] '%s': cannot get data: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get dynamic section entry %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get relocation %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get section data section [%2d] '%s': cannot get section data. section [%2d] '%s': cannot get section header for element %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol %d: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol %zu: %s section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol for signature section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol name for signature section [%2d] '%s': cannot get symbol table: %s section [%2d] '%s': chain array too large section [%2d] '%s': contains %s entry but not %s section [%2d] '%s': element %zu references section [%2d] ‘%s’ without SHF_GROUP flag set section [%2d] '%s': empty object attributes section section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has duplicate version name ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid file reference section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid name reference section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid name reference in auxiliary data section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has invalid offset to next entry section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has unknown flag section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong hash value: %#x, expected %#x section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong next field in auxiliary data section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong offset of auxiliary data section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has wrong version %d section [%2d] '%s': entry %d has zero offset to next entry, but sh_info says there are more entries section [%2d] '%s': entry %d references unknown dependency section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: %s value must be valid offset in section [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: %s value must point into loaded segment section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: DT_PLTREL value must be DT_REL or DT_RELA section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: level 2 tag %s used section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: more than one entry with tag %s section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: pointer does not match address of section [%2d] ‘%s’ referenced by sh_link section [%2d] '%s': entry %zu: unknown tag section [%2d] '%s': entry size does not match Elf32_Word section [%2d] '%s': extended index table too small for symbol table section [%2d] '%s': extended section index in section [%2zu] ‘%s’ refers to same symbol table section [%2d] '%s': extended section index section not for symbol table section [%2d] '%s': hash bucket reference %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': hash chain for bucket %zu lower than symbol index bias section [%2d] '%s': hash chain for bucket %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': hash chain reference %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': hash table entry size incorrect section [%2d] '%s': hash table has not even room for initial administrative entries section [%2d] '%s': hash table not for dynamic symbol table section [%2d] '%s': hash table section is too small (is %ld, expected %ld) section [%2d] '%s': hash table section is too small (is %ld, expected at least %ld) section [%2d] '%s': hash value for symbol %u in chain for bucket %zu wrong section [%2d] '%s': invalid destination section index section [%2d] '%s': invalid destination section type section [%2d] '%s': invalid sh_link symbol table section index [%2d] section [%2d] '%s': invalid symbol index in sh_info section [%2d] '%s': mandatory tag %s not present section [%2d] '%s': mask index for symbol %u in chain for bucket %zu wrong section [%2d] '%s': more than one BASE definition section [%2d] '%s': no BASE definition section [%2d] '%s': no hash section present section [%2d] '%s': no note entries defined for the type of file section [%2d] '%s': no relocations for merge-able string sections possible section [%2d] '%s': non-DSO file marked as dependency during prelink section [%2d] '%s': non-DT_NULL entries follow DT_NULL entry section [%2d] '%s': non-relative relocation at index %zu; DT_RELCOUNT specified %d relative relocations section [%2d] '%s': nonzero sh_%s for NULL section section [%2d] '%s': not all of %s, %s, and %s are present section [%2d] '%s': not enough data section [%2d] '%s': not marked to be allocated section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: attribute subsection has unexpected tag %u section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: endless ULEB128 in attribute subsection tag section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: endless ULEB128 in attribute tag section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: extra bytes after last attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: invalid length in attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: invalid length in attribute subsection section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: truncated attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unrecognized attribute tag %u section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unterminated string in attribute section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unterminated vendor name string section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: vendor ‘%s’ unknown section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: zero length field in attribute section section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: zero length field in attribute subsection section [%2d] '%s': only relocatable files can have extended section index section [%2d] '%s': referenced as string table for section [%2d] ‘%s’ but type is not SHT_STRTAB section [%2d] '%s': relative relocations after index %d as specified by DT_RELCOUNT section [%2d] '%s': relocatable files cannot have hash tables section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: copy relocation against symbol of type %s section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: invalid symbol index section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: invalid type section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: offset out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: only symbol ‘_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_’ can be used with %s section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: read-only section modified but text relocation flag not set section [%2d] '%s': relocation %zu: relocation type invalid for the file type section [%2d] '%s': relocations are against loaded and unloaded data section [%2d] '%s': section entry size does not match ElfXX_Dyn section [%2d] '%s': section entry size does not match ElfXX_Rela section [%2d] '%s': section group [%2zu] ‘%s’ does not precede group member section [%2d] '%s': section group contains another group [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': section group with only one member section [%2d] '%s': section group without flags word section [%2d] '%s': section group without member section [%2d] '%s': section groups only allowed in relocatable object files section [%2d] '%s': section index %zu out of range section [%2d] '%s': section reference in sh_link is no symbol table section [%2d] '%s': section size not multiple of sizeof(Elf32_Word) section [%2d] '%s': section with SHF_GROUP flag set not part of a section group section [%2d] '%s': sh_flags not set correctly section [%2d] '%s': sh_flags not zero section [%2d] '%s': sh_info not zero section [%2d] '%s': sh_info should be zero section [%2d] '%s': sh_link does not link to string table section [%2d] '%s': sh_link extended section index [%2d] is invalid section [%2d] '%s': signature symbol cannot be empty string section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: cannot read version data section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: invalid version index %d section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: local symbol with global scope section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: local symbol with version section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: version index %d is for defined version section [%2d] '%s': symbol %d: version index %d is for requested version section [%2d] '%s': symbol %u referenced in chain for bucket %zu is undefined section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s) does not fit completely in referenced section [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): COMMON only allowed in relocatable files section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): TLS symbol but couldn't get TLS program header entry section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): TLS symbol but no TLS program header entry section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): function in COMMON section is nonsense section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): invalid section index section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): local COMMON symbols are nonsense section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): local symbol outside range described in sh_info section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): non-local section symbol section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): non-local symbol outside range described in sh_info section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): referenced section [%2d] ‘%s’ does not have SHF_TLS flag set section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): st_value out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): st_value out of bounds of referenced section [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): st_value short of referenced section [%2d] ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): symbol in dynamic symbol table with non-default visibility section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): too large section index but no extended section index section section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unique symbol not of object type section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unknown bit set in st_other section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unknown symbol binding section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): unknown type section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu: invalid name value section [%2d] '%s': symbol reference in chain for bucket %zu out of bounds section [%2d] '%s': symbol table cannot have more than one extended index section section [%2d] '%s': unknown parent version ‘%s’ section [%2d] '%s': unknown section group flags section [%2d] '%s': unrecognized attribute format section [%2d]: referenced as string table for section [%2d] ‘%s’ but section link value is invalid section [%2u] '%s': entry size is does not match ElfXX_Sym section [%2u] '%s': number of local entries in ‘st_info’ larger than table size section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has SHF_ALLOC flag not set but there are loadable segments section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has SHF_ALLOC flag set but there is no loadable segment section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has not type NOBITS but is not read from the file in segment of program header entry %d section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has type NOBITS but is read from the file in segment of program header entry %d section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has type NOBITS but is read from the file in segment of program header entry %d and file contents is non-zero section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has unexpected type %d for an executable section section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has unsupported type %d section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has wrong flags: expected %s and possibly %s, is %s section [%2zu] ‘%s’ has wrong flags: expected %s, is %s section [%2zu] ‘%s’ is both executable and writable section [%2zu] ‘%s’ is executable in nonexecutable segment %d section [%2zu] ‘%s’ is extension section index table in non-object file section [%2zu] ‘%s’ is writable in unwritable segment %d section [%2zu] ‘%s’ must be allocated section [%2zu] ‘%s’ must be of type NOBITS in debuginfo files section [%2zu] ‘%s’ must not be executable section [%2zu] ‘%s’ must not be writable section [%2zu] ‘%s’ not fully contained in segment of program header entry %d section [%2zu] ‘%s’ present in object file section [%2zu] '%s': ELF header says this is the section header string table but type is not SHT_TYPE section [%2zu] '%s': alloc flag set but section not in any loaded segment section [%2zu] '%s': allocated section cannot be compressed section [%2zu] '%s': compressed section with no compression header: %s section [%2zu] '%s': invalid section reference in info value section [%2zu] '%s': invalid section reference in link value section [%2zu] '%s': merge flag set but entry size is zero section [%2zu] '%s': nobits section cannot be compressed section [%2zu] '%s': reference to symbol index 0 section [%2zu] '%s': relocatable files cannot have dynamic symbol tables section [%2zu] '%s': size not multiple of entry size section [%2zu] '%s': strings flag set without merge flag section [%2zu] '%s': thread-local data sections address not zero section [%2zu]: invalid name section ‘sh_size’ too small for datasection contains compressed datasection does not contain compressed datasection header string table indexsection header table must be present section headerssh_link in hash sections [%2zu] ‘%s’ and [%2zu] ‘%s’ not identical sprintf failurestatic executable cannot have dynamic sections stripped program header (e_phnum) smaller than unstrippedsymbol %d referenced in new hash table in [%2zu] ‘%s’ but not in old hash table in [%2zu] ‘%s’ symbol %d referenced in old hash table in [%2zu] ‘%s’ but not in new hash table in [%2zu] ‘%s’ symbol 0 should have zero extended section index symbol [%zu] has invalid section indexsymbol table [%zu] in ‘%s’ has zero sh_entsizeLineNameSizeTotalValueaddrsectionsizetext relocation flag set but not needed text relocation flag set but there is no read-only segment the archive ‘%s’ is too largethe file containing the function ‘%s’ is not compiled with -fpic/-fPIC the file containing the function ‘%s’ might not be compiled with -fpic/-fPIC too many offset entries for unit lengthunexpected section type in [%zu] with sh_link to symtabunknown ELF header version number e_ident[%d] == %d unknown SDT version %u unknown compression typeunknown compression type ‘%s’unknown data encodingunknown errorunknown form: %sunknown language codeunknown machine type %d unknown object file type %d unknown object file version unknown typeunknown versionunknown version (%d) or unit type (%d)unsupported ABI version e_ident[%d] == %d unsupported OS ABI e_ident[%d] == ‘%s’ unsupported address sizeunsupported aranges versionunsupported segment sizeupdate() for write on read-only filewhile close ‘%s’while closing ‘%s’while computing checksum for debug informationwhile create section header section: %swhile create section header string table: %swhile creating ‘%s’while generating output file: %swhile opening ‘%s’while preparing output for ‘%s’while reading ELF filewhile reading i386 CPU description: %s at line %dwhile writing ‘%s’while writing '%s': %swriting to standard outputyeszeroth section has nonzero address zeroth section has nonzero align value zeroth section has nonzero entry size value zeroth section has nonzero flags zeroth section has nonzero link value while ELF header does not signal overflow in phnum zeroth section has nonzero link value while ELF header does not signal overflow in shstrndx zeroth section has nonzero name zeroth section has nonzero offset zeroth section has nonzero size value while ELF header has nonzero shnum value zeroth section has nonzero type zstd decompression failed| PRIx64PRIxMAXPRIu32PRIu64PRId64PRId16PRIuFAST32PRIuMAXPRIu16PRIuFAST16PRIu8PRIuFAST8PRIdFAST8PRIx8PRIx16PRId32PRIx32: %#offset %# lies outside section '%s'offset %# lies outside contents of '%s'section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): XINDEX used for index which would fit in st_shndx (%) section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol value %# does not match %s section address %# section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol size % does not match %s section size % section [%2d] '%s': _DYNAMIC_ symbol value %# does not match dynamic segment address %# section [%2d] '%s': _DYNAMIC symbol size % does not match dynamic segment size % extended section index is % but symbol index is not XINDEX section [%2d] '%s': hash chain reference % out of bounds hash section [%2zu] '%s' invalid symbol index % (max_nsyms: %, nentries: % section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unrecognized %s attribute value % section [%2zu] '%s' contains invalid processor-specific flag(s) %# section [%2zu] '%s' contains unknown flag(s) %# phdr[%d]: unknown core file note type % at offset % section [%2d] '%s': unknown core file note type % at offset %zu phdr[%d]: unknown object file note type % with owner name '%s' at offset %zu section [%2d] '%s': unknown object file note type % with owner name '%s' at offset %zu phdr[%d]: extra % bytes after last note section [%2d] '%s': extra % bytes after last note program header entry %d: unknown program header entry type %# Entry point address: %# Start of program headers: % %s Start of section headers: % %s Size of this header: % %s Size of program header entries: % %s Number of program headers entries: % (% in [0].sh_info) Size of section header entries: % %s Number of section headers entries: % (% in [0].sh_size) (% in [0].sh_link) Section header string table index: % There are %zd section headers, starting at offset %#: Dynamic segment contains %lu entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Dynamic segment contains %lu entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Dynamic segment contains %lu entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Dynamic segment contains %lu entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 % (bytes) Invalid symbol table at offset %#0 Relocation section [%2zu] '%s' for section [%2u] '%s' at offset %#0 contains %d entry: Relocation section [%2zu] '%s' for section [%2u] '%s' at offset %#0 contains %d entries: Relocation section [%2u] '%s' at offset %#0 contains %d entry: Relocation section [%2u] '%s' at offset %#0 contains %d entries: %5u: %0* %6 %-7s %-6s %-9s %6s %s Version needs section [%2u] '%s' contains %d entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Version needs section [%2u] '%s' contains %d entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Version definition section [%2u] '%s' contains %d entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Version definition section [%2u] '%s' contains %d entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Version symbols section [%2u] '%s' contains %d entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Version symbols section [%2u] '%s' contains %d entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Histogram for bucket list length in section [%2u] '%s' (total of %d bucket): Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' Histogram for bucket list length in section [%2u] '%s' (total of %d buckets): Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] '%s' 0 %6 %5.1f%% %7d %6 %5.1f%% %5.1f%% Symbol Bias: %u Bitmask Size: %zu bytes %%% bits set 2nd hash shift: %u Library list section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#0 contains %d entry: Library list section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#0 contains %d entries: Object attributes section [%2zu] '%s' of % bytes at offset %#0: %-13s %4 %-4u %12 File: %11 %s: %, %s %s: % %u: % %*s[%2] %s %s %# used with different address sizes%s %# used with different offset sizes%s %# used with different base addresses%s %# used with different attribute %s and %s [%6tx] ... % bytes ... DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#: [ Code] Abbreviation section at offset %: [%5u] offset: %, children: %s, tag: %s DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#: Length: %8 DWARF version: %8 Address size: %8 Segment size: %8 DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %# contains %zu entry: DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %# contains %zu entries: [%*zu] start: %0#*, length: %5, CU DIE offset: %6 Length: %6 DWARF version: %6 CU offset: %6 Address size: %6 Segment size: %6 Table at Offset 0x%: Offset entries: %8 CU [%6] base: Offsets starting at 0x%: CU [%6] base: Call frame information section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#: (offset: %#) (end offset: %#) %-26sLSDA pointer: %# DIE [%] cannot get attribute code: %sDIE [%] cannot get attribute form: %sDIE [%] cannot get attribute '%s' (%s) value: %sinvalid file (%): %sno srcfiles for CU [%] DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#: [Offset] Type unit at offset %: Version: %, Abbreviation section offset: %, Address size: %, Offset size: % Type signature: %#, Type offset: %# [%] Compilation unit at offset %: Version: %, Abbreviation section offset: %, Address size: %, Offset size: % Unit type: %s (%)cannot get tag of DIE at offset [%] in section '%s': %s Split compilation unit at offset %: Version: %, Abbreviation section offset: %, Address size: %, Offset size: % DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#: Length: % DWARF version: % Prologue length: % Address size: %zd Segment selector size: %zd Min instruction length: % Max operations per instruction: % Initial value if 'is_stmt': % Line base: % Line range: % Opcode base: % Opcodes: [%*] %hhu argument [%*] %hhu arguments define new file: dir=%u, mtime=%, length=%, name=%s advance line by constant %d to % set file to % set column to % set '%s' to % unknown opcode with % parameter: unknown opcode with % parameters: Offset: 0x% Version: % Flag: 0x% Offset length: % .debug_line offset: 0x% extension opcode table, % items: [%] % arguments: [%5d] DIE offset: %6, CU DIE offset: %6, name: %s DWARF section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %#: %*s String Length: %8 Offset size: %8 DWARF version: %8 Padding: %8 [%4u] Call site start: %# Call site length: % Landing pad: %# Action: %u GDB section [%2zu] '%s' at offset %# contains % bytes : Version: % CU offset: %# TU offset: %# address offset: %# symbol offset: %# constant offset: %# CU list at offset %# contains %zu entries: TU list at offset %# contains %zu entries: Address list at offset %# contains %zu entries: Symbol table at offset %# contains %zu slots: %-13.*s %9 %s Note section [%2zu] '%s' of % bytes at offset %#0: Note segment of % bytes at offset %#0: Hex dump of section [%zu] '%s', % bytes at offset %#0: Hex dump of section [%zu] '%s', % bytes (%zd uncompressed) at offset %#0: String section [%zu] '%s' contains % bytes at offset %#0: String section [%zu] '%s' contains % bytes (%zd uncompressed) at offset %#0: : %#offset %# lies outside section ‘%s’offset %# lies outside contents of ‘%s’section [%2d] '%s': symbol %zu (%s): XINDEX used for index which would fit in st_shndx (%) section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol value %# does not match %s section address %# section [%2d] '%s': _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol size % does not match %s section size % section [%2d] '%s': _DYNAMIC_ symbol value %# does not match dynamic segment address %# section [%2d] '%s': _DYNAMIC symbol size % does not match dynamic segment size % extended section index is % but symbol index is not XINDEX section [%2d] '%s': hash chain reference % out of bounds hash section [%2zu] ‘%s’ invalid symbol index % (max_nsyms: %, nentries: % section [%2d] '%s': offset %zu: unrecognized %s attribute value % section [%2zu] ‘%s’ contains invalid processor-specific flag(s) %# section [%2zu] ‘%s’ contains unknown flag(s) %# phdr[%d]: unknown core file note type % at offset % section [%2d] '%s': unknown core file note type % at offset %zu phdr[%d]: unknown object file note type % with owner name ‘%s’ at offset %zu section [%2d] '%s': unknown object file note type % with owner name ‘%s’ at offset %zu phdr[%d]: extra % bytes after last note section [%2d] '%s': extra % bytes after last note program header entry %d: unknown program header entry type %# Entry point address: %# Start of program headers: % %s Start of section headers: % %s Size of this header: % %s Size of program header entries: % %s Number of program headers entries: % (% in [0].sh_info) Size of section header entries: % %s Number of section headers entries: % (% in [0].sh_size) (% in [0].sh_link) Section header string table index: % There are %zd section headers, starting at offset %#: Dynamic segment contains %lu entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Dynamic segment contains %lu entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Dynamic segment contains %lu entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Dynamic segment contains %lu entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 % (bytes) Invalid symbol table at offset %#0 Relocation section [%2zu] ‘%s’ for section [%2u] ‘%s’ at offset %#0 contains %d entry: Relocation section [%2zu] ‘%s’ for section [%2u] ‘%s’ at offset %#0 contains %d entries: Relocation section [%2u] ‘%s’ at offset %#0 contains %d entry: Relocation section [%2u] ‘%s’ at offset %#0 contains %d entries: %5u: %0* %6 %-7s %-6s %-9s %6s %s Version needs section [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %d entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Version needs section [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %d entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Version definition section [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %d entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Version definition section [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %d entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Version symbols section [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %d entry: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Version symbols section [%2u] ‘%s’ contains %d entries: Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Histogram for bucket list length in section [%2u] ‘%s’ (total of %d bucket): Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ Histogram for bucket list length in section [%2u] ‘%s’ (total of %d buckets): Addr: %#0* Offset: %#08 Link to section: [%2u] ‘%s’ 0 %6 %5.1f%% %7d %6 %5.1f%% %5.1f%% Symbol Bias: %u Bitmask Size: %zu bytes %%% bits set 2nd hash shift: %u Library list section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#0 contains %d entry: Library list section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#0 contains %d entries: Object attributes section [%2zu] ‘%s’ of % bytes at offset %#0: %-13s %4 %-4u %12 File: %11 %s: %, %s %s: % %u: % %*s[%2] %s %s %# used with different address sizes%s %# used with different offset sizes%s %# used with different base addresses%s %# used with different attribute %s and %s [%6tx] ... % bytes ... DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#: [ Code] Abbreviation section at offset %: [%5u] offset: %, children: %s, tag: %s DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#: Length: %8 DWARF version: %8 Address size: %8 Segment size: %8 DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %# contains %zu entry: DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %# contains %zu entries: [%*zu] start: %0#*, length: %5, CU DIE offset: %6 Length: %6 DWARF version: %6 CU offset: %6 Address size: %6 Segment size: %6 Table at Offset 0x%: Offset entries: %8 CU [%6] base: Offsets starting at 0x%: CU [%6] base: Call frame information section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#: (offset: %#) (end offset: %#) %-26sLSDA pointer: %# DIE [%] cannot get attribute code: %sDIE [%] cannot get attribute form: %sDIE [%] cannot get attribute ‘%s’ (%s) value: %sinvalid file (%): %sno srcfiles for CU [%] DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#: [Offset] Type unit at offset %: Version: %, Abbreviation section offset: %, Address size: %, Offset size: % Type signature: %#, Type offset: %# [%] Compilation unit at offset %: Version: %, Abbreviation section offset: %, Address size: %, Offset size: % Unit type: %s (%)cannot get tag of DIE at offset [%] in section '%s': %s Split compilation unit at offset %: Version: %, Abbreviation section offset: %, Address size: %, Offset size: % DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#: Length: % DWARF version: % Prologue length: % Address size: %zd Segment selector size: %zd Min instruction length: % Max operations per instruction: % Initial value if 'is_stmt': % Line base: % Line range: % Opcode base: % Opcodes: [%*] %hhu argument [%*] %hhu arguments define new file: dir=%u, mtime=%, length=%, name=%s advance line by constant %d to % set file to % set column to % set ‘%s’ to % unknown opcode with % parameter: unknown opcode with % parameters: Offset: 0x% Version: % Flag: 0x% Offset length: % .debug_line offset: 0x% extension opcode table, % items: [%] % arguments: [%5d] DIE offset: %6, CU DIE offset: %6, name: %s DWARF section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %#: %*s String Length: %8 Offset size: %8 DWARF version: %8 Padding: %8 [%4u] Call site start: %# Call site length: % Landing pad: %# Action: %u GDB section [%2zu] ‘%s’ at offset %# contains % bytes : Version: % CU offset: %# TU offset: %# address offset: %# symbol offset: %# constant offset: %# CU list at offset %# contains %zu entries: TU list at offset %# contains %zu entries: Address list at offset %# contains %zu entries: Symbol table at offset %# contains %zu slots: %-13.*s %9 %s Note section [%2zu] ‘%s’ of % bytes at offset %#0: Note segment of % bytes at offset %#0: Hex dump of section [%zu] '%s', % bytes at offset %#0: Hex dump of section [%zu] '%s', % bytes (%zd uncompressed) at offset %#0: String section [%zu] ‘%s’ contains % bytes at offset %#0: String section [%zu] ‘%s’ contains % bytes (%zd uncompressed) at offset %#0: