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Lynx ROMAtom syndication feedAudible Enhanced audioAudible.Com audioAutoCAD imageBCPIO documentBDF fontBPS patchBandai WonderSwan Color ROMBandai WonderSwan ROMBibTeX documentBitTorrent seed fileBlender sceneBlu-ray video discBzip archiveC headerC shell scriptC source codeC# source codeC++ headerC++ source codeCCITT G3 fax imageCCMX color correction fileCD Table Of ContentsCD image cuesheetCGM imageCHM documentCMU raster imageCMake source codeCOBOL source codeCPIO archiveCPIO archive (gzip-compressed)CSS stylesheetCSV Schema documentCSV documentCanon CR2 raw imageCanon CRW raw imageChangeLog documentCisco VPN settingsCitrix ICA settings fileCoffeeScript documentCommodore 64 audioCommon Lisp source codeCompressed CD imageCompressed FictionBook documentCorel Draw drawingD source codeD-Bus service fileDAR archiveDCL scriptDER/PEM/Netscape-encoded X.509 certificateDIB imageDICOM imageDOS fontDOS/Windows executableDPX imageDSSSL documentDTD fileDTS audioDTSHD audioDV videoDXF vector imageDebian packageDia diagramDia shapeDirectDraw surfaceDjVu documentDjVu imageDocBook documentDolby Digital audioDoom WAD fileDreamcast disc imageECMAScript programEMF imageEPS imageEPS image (bzip-compressed)EPS image (gzip-compressed)EXR imageEgon Animator animationEiffel source codeEmacs Lisp source codeEnlightenment themeErlang source codeExcel 2007 binary spreadsheetExcel 2007 spreadsheetExcel 2007 spreadsheet templateExcel add-inExcel spreadsheetExcel spreadsheet templateFITS documentFLAC audioFLIC animationFLTK Fluid fileFPX imageFastTracker II audioFictionBook documentFlash videoFlatpak application bundleFlatpak repository descriptionFlatpak repository referenceFloppy disk imageFont collectionFortran source codeFuji RAF raw imageG-code fileGD-ROM image cuesheetGDBM databaseGEDCOM family historyGIF imageGIMP brushGIMP brush pipeGIMP imageGIMP patternGML documentGNU Oleo spreadsheetGNU mail messageGNUnet search fileGPX geographic dataGSM 06.10 audioGTK+ Builder interface documentGTKtalog catalogGame Boy Advance ROMGame Boy Color ROMGame Boy ROMGame Gear ROMGameCube disc imageGenesis 32X ROMGenesis ROMGenie source codeGeoJSON geospatial dataGherkin documentGlade projectGnuCash financial dataGnumeric spreadsheetGnuplot documentGo source codeGoogle Video Pointer shortcutGradle scriptsGraphite scientific graphGraphviz DOT graphGroovy source codeGzip archiveHD DVD video discHDF documentHEIF imageHFE floppy disk imageHPGL fileHTML documentHTTP Live Streaming playlistHaansoft Hangul documentHaansoft Hangul document templateHaskell source codeICC profileIDL documentIEF imageIFF fileIGES documentILBM imageIPS patchISI videoIT 8.7 color calibration fileImpulse Tracker audioInternet shortcutJAD documentJBuilder projectJET databaseJNG imageJNLP fileJPEG imageJPEG-2000 JP2 imageJPEG-2000 JPM imageJPEG-2000 JPX imageJPEG-2000 MJ2 videoJPEG-2000 codestreamJRD documentJSON documentJSON patchJSON-LD documentJava JCE keystoreJava archiveJava byte codeJava classJava keystoreJava source codeJavaFX videoJavaScript programJupyter notebook documentKChart chartKFormula formulaKIllustrator drawingKML geographic compressed dataKML geographic dataKPovModeler sceneKPresenter presentationKSpread spreadsheetKSpread spreadsheet (encrypted)KSysV init packageKWord documentKWord document (encrypted)Kaitai Struct definition fileKarbon14 drawingKexi database fileKexi settingsKexi shortcutKhronos texture imageKindle book documentKivio flowchartKodak DCR raw imageKodak K25 raw imageKodak KDC raw imageKontour drawingKotlin source codeKrita documentKugar documentLDIF address bookLHA archiveLHS source codeLHZ archiveLIBGRX fontLZ4 archiveLZMA archiveLZO archiveLightWave objectLightWave sceneLilypond music sheetLinux PSF console fontLinux PSF console font (gzip-compressed)Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheetLotus AmiPro documentLotus Word Pro documentLrzip archiveLua scriptLyX documentLzip archiveM4 macroMAME compressed hard disk imageMATLAB fileMDI imageMHTML web archiveMIDI audioMJPEG video streamMNG animationMOF fileMP2 audioMP3 ShoutCast playlistMP3 audioMP3 audio (streamed)MPEG videoMPEG video (streamed)MPEG-2 transport streamMPEG-4 audioMPEG-4 audio bookMPEG-4 ringtoneMPEG-4 videoMPSub subtitlesMRML playlistMSX ROMMXF videoMacOS X iconMacPaint Bitmap imageMacintosh AppleDouble-encoded fileMacintosh BinHex-encoded fileMacintosh MacBinary fileMacintosh Quickdraw/PICT drawingMagicPoint presentationMakefile build fileManpage manual documentMarkaby scriptMarkdown documentMaster System ROMMathML documentMathematica Notebook fileMatroska 3D videoMatroska audioMatroska streamMatroska videoMaven description fileMeson source codeMetalink fileMicroDVD subtitlesMicrosoft ASX playlistMicrosoft Cabinet archiveMicrosoft Publisher documentMicrosoft Visio documentMicrosoft Windows theme packMicrosoft Works documentMiniPSF audioMinolta MRW raw imageMobipocket e-bookModelica modelMonkey's audioMozilla bookmarksMulti-page TIFF imageMup musical composition documentMusepack audioNES ROMNFO documentNIFF imageNautilus linkNeo-Geo Pocket Color ROMNeo-Geo Pocket ROMNewzBin usenet indexNikon NEF raw imageNintendo 3DS ExecutableNintendo 3DS ROMNintendo DS ROMNintendo FDS disk imageNintendo64 ROMNullSoft videoOCL fileOCaml source codeODA documentODB databaseODC chartODC templateODF formulaODF templateODG drawingODG drawing (Flat XML)ODG templateODI imageODM documentODP presentationODP presentation (Flat XML)ODP templateODS spreadsheetODS spreadsheet (Flat XML)ODS templateODT documentODT document (Flat XML)ODT templateOGM videoOLE2 compound document storageOOC source codeOPML syndication feedOSTree software updatesOTH templateOWL XML fileObjective-C source codeOffice Open XML Visio drawingOffice Open XML Visio stencilOffice Open XML Visio templateOffice drawingOgg FLAC audioOgg Speex audioOgg Theora videoOgg Vorbis audioOgg audioOgg multimedia fileOgg videoOlympus ORF raw imageOpenCL source codeOpenOffice Calc spreadsheetOpenOffice Calc templateOpenOffice Draw drawingOpenOffice Draw templateOpenOffice Impress presentationOpenOffice Impress templateOpenOffice Math formulaOpenOffice Writer documentOpenOffice Writer global documentOpenOffice Writer templateOpenOffice.org extensionOpenRaster imageOpenType fontOpenXPS documentOpus audioPAK archivePBM imagePC Engine ROMPCD imagePCF fontPCL filePCM audioPCX imagePDF documentPDF document (XZ-compressed)PDF document (bzip-compressed)PDF document (gzip-compressed)PDF document (lzip-compressed)PEF executablePGM imagePGN chess game notationPGP keysPGP/MIME-encrypted message headerPHP scriptPKCS#10 certification requestPKCS#12 certificate bundlePKCS#7 certificate bundlePKCS#7 filePKCS#8 private keyPKCS#8 private key (encrypted)PNG imagePNM imagePPM imagePSF audioPSFlib audio libraryPack200 Java archivePadus DiscJuggler CD imagePalm OS databasePanasonic raw imageParchive archivePartially downloaded filePascal source codePathetic Writer documentPentax PEF raw imagePerl scriptPhotoshop imagePicture CDPkiPath certification pathPlanPerfect spreadsheetPlucker documentPocket Word documentPostScript documentPostScript document (bzip-compressed)PostScript document (gzip-compressed)PostScript type-1 fontPowerPoint 2007 presentationPowerPoint 2007 presentation templatePowerPoint 2007 showPowerPoint 2007 slidePowerPoint add-inPowerPoint presentationPowerPoint presentation templatePowerPoint slidePyspread spreadsheetPyspread spreadsheet (bzip-compressed)Python 3 scriptPython bytecodePython scriptQEMU QCOW disk imageQpress archiveQt Designer interface documentQt MOC fileQt Markup Language fileQtiPlot documentQuattro Pro spreadsheetQuickTime imageQuickTime playlistQuickTime videoQuicken documentRAML documentRAR archiveRDF fileREADME documentRELAX NG XML schemaRGB imageRIFF audioRIFF containerRLE bitmap imageRPM packageRPM spec fileRSS summaryRTF documentRaw disk imageRaw disk image (XZ-compressed)RealAudio documentRealMedia documentRealMedia playlistRealPix documentRealText documentRealVideo documentRuby scriptRust source codeSAMI subtitlesSAP Thomson floppy disk imageSC/Xspread spreadsheetSCSS pre-processor fileSCons configuration fileSDP multicast stream fileSG-1000 ROMSGF recordSGI imageSGI videoSGML documentSIS packageSISX packageSMAF audioSMIL documentSPSS data fileSPSS portable data fileSQL codeSQLite2 databaseSQLite3 databaseSSA subtitlesSTL 3D modelSV4 CPIO archiveSV4 CPIO archive (with CRC)SVG imageSageMath scriptSass CSS pre-processor fileScala source codeScheme source codeScream Tracker 3 audioScream Tracker audioScream Tracker instrumentSega CD disc imageSega Pico ROMSega Saturn disc imageSetext documentShockwave Flash fileShorten audioSiag spreadsheetSieve mail filter scriptSigma X3F raw imageSkencil documentSnap packageSony ARW raw imageSony SR2 raw imageSony SRF raw imageSource RPM packageSpeedo fontSpeex audioSquashfs filesystem imageStampede packageStarCalc spreadsheetStarChart chartStarDraw drawingStarImpress presentationStarMail emailStarMath formulaStarWriter documentStuffIt archiveSubRip subtitlesSubViewer subtitlesSun raster imageSunOS News fontSuper NES ROMSuper Video CDSystemVerilog headerSystemVerilog source codeT602 documentTGA imageTGIF documentTIFF imageTNEF messageTSV documentTar archiveTar archive (LZ4-compressed)Tar archive (LZMA-compressed)Tar archive (LZO-compressed)Tar archive (XZ-compressed)Tar archive (Zstandard-compressed)Tar archive (bzip-compressed)Tar archive (compressed)Tar archive (gzip-compressed)Tar archive (lrzip-compressed)Tar archive (lzip-compressed)Tcl scriptTeX DVI documentTeX DVI document (bzip-compressed)TeX DVI document (gzip-compressed)TeX documentTeX fontTeX font metricsTeXInfo documentThomson Mémo7 cartridgeThomson cassetteToutDoux documentTriG RDF documentTroff ME input documentTroff MM input documentTroff MS input documentTroff documentTrueAudio audioTrueType XML fontTrueType fontTurtle documentTwig templateUFRaw ID imageULAW (Sun) audioUNIX softwareUNIX-compressed fileUSAC audioUnidata NetCDF documentUsenet news messageUstar archiveV fontVBScript programVCS/ICS calendarVHDL source codeVOC audioVRML documentVala source codeVerilog source codeVideo CDVirtual Boy ROMVivo videoWAIS source codeWAV audioWBMP imageWIM disk imageWMF imageWML documentWMLScript programWOFF fontWOFF2 fontWPL playlistWRI documentWWF documentWarpScript source codeWavPack audioWavPack audio correction fileWavelet videoWeb application cache fileWebM audioWebM videoWebP imageWebVTT subtitlesWii disc imageWiiWare bundleWinHelp help fileWindows BMP imageWindows Installer packageWindows Media Station fileWindows Media audioWindows Media videoWindows Registry extractWindows animated cursorWindows cursorWindows iconWindows softwareWord 2007 documentWord 2007 document templateWord documentWord document templateWord templateWordPerfect documentWordPerfect/Drawperfect imageX window imageX-Motif UIL tableX.509 certificateX11 cursorXAR archiveXBEL bookmarksXBM imageXFig imageXHTML pageXLIFF translation fileXMCD CD databaseXMF audioXMI fileXML documentXML entities documentXPInstall installer moduleXPM imageXPS documentXSL FO fileXSLT stylesheetXSPF playlistXUL interface documentXZ archiveXbase documentYAML documentYouTube media archiveZip archiveZlib archiveZoo archiveZstandard archiveapplication logaudio CDaudio DVDauthor creditsauthor listbackup filebinary differences between filesblank Blu-ray discblank CD discblank DVD discblank HD DVD discblock devicecertificate revocation listcharacter devicecomic book archivecompound documentcompound documentscompressed GIMP imagecompressed SVG imagecompressed Tracker audiodesktop configuration filedetached OpenPGP signaturedetached S/MIME signaturedifferences between filesdigital photosdigital raw imagee-book readereMusic download packageelectronic book documentelectronic business cardemail headersemail messageempty documentencrypted messageenriched text documentexecutablefoldergeneric font filehelp pageiMelody ringtoneiPod firmwareiRiver playlistinstallation instructionsiptables configuration filelibtool shared librarylicense termsmail delivery reportmail disposition reportmail system reportmailbox filemanual page (compressed)message catalogmessage digestmessage in several formatsmount pointnetwork packet captureobject codepacked font filepartial email messagepipeplain text documentportable audio playerprofiler resultsprogram crash dataraw CD imagereStructuredText documentreference to remote filerejected patchresource locationrich text documentshared libraryshell archiveshell scriptsigned messagesocketsoftwarespreadsheet interchange documentstream of data (server push)symbolic linksystemd unit filethemetranslated messages (machine-readable)translation filetranslation templatetxt2tags documentunknownuuencoded filevideo DVDProject-Id-Version: shared-mime-info Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-30 12:22+0000 Last-Translator: Bruce Cowan , 2021 Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/shared-mime-info/language/en_GB/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: en_GB Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); 3D Studio image3GPP multimedia file3GPP2 multimedia file7-zip archiveAAC audioACE archiveAIFC audioAIFF/Amiga/Mac audioAMR audioAMR-WB audioANIM animationAR archiveARC archiveARJ archiveASF videoASP pageASTC textureATK insetAV1 Image File Format (AVIF)AVI videoAWK scriptAbiWord documentAda source codeAdobe DNG negativeAdobe FrameMaker MIF documentAdobe FrameMaker documentAdobe FrameMaker fontAdobe Illustrator documentAdobe PageMaker documentAdobe font metricsAlzip archiveAmazonMP3 download fileAmiga SoundTracker audioAmiga disk imageAndroid packageAnnodex audioAnnodex exchange formatAnnodex videoAportisDoc documentAppImage application bundleApple Keynote 5 presentationApple System ProfilerApple disk imageAppleWorks documentApplix Graphics imageApplix Spreadsheets spreadsheetApplix Words documentAtari 2600 ROMAtari 7800 ROMAtari Lynx ROMAtom syndication feedAudible Enhanced audioAudible.Com audioAutoCAD imageBCPIO documentBDF fontBPS patchBandai WonderSwan Color ROMBandai WonderSwan ROMBibTeX documentBitTorrent seed fileBlender sceneBlu-ray video discBzip archiveC headerC shell scriptC source codeC# source codeC++ headerC++ source codeCCITT G3 fax imageCCMX colour correction fileCD Table Of ContentsCD image cuesheetCGM imageCHM documentCMU raster imageCMake source codeCOBOL source codeCPIO archiveCPIO archive (gzip-compressed)CSS stylesheetCSV Schema documentCSV documentCanon CR2 raw imageCanon CRW raw imageChangeLog documentCisco VPN settingsCitrix ICA settings fileCoffeeScript documentCommodore 64 audioCommon Lisp source codeCompressed CD imageCompressed FictionBook documentCorel Draw drawingD source codeD-Bus service fileDAR archiveDCL scriptDER/PEM/Netscape-encoded X.509 certificateDIB imageDICOM imageDOS fontDOS/Windows executableDPX imageDSSSL documentDTD fileDTS audioDTSHD audioDV videoDXF vector imageDebian packageDia diagramDia shapeDirectDraw surfaceDjVu documentDjVu imageDocBook documentDolby Digital audioDoom WAD fileDreamcast disc imageECMAScript programEMF imageEPS imageEPS image (bzip-compressed)EPS image (gzip-compressed)EXR imageEgon Animator animationEiffel source codeEmacs Lisp source codeEnlightenment themeErlang source codeExcel 2007 binary spreadsheetExcel 2007 spreadsheetExcel 2007 spreadsheet templateExcel add-inExcel spreadsheetExcel spreadsheet templateFITS documentFLAC audioFLIC animationFLTK Fluid fileFPX imageFastTracker II audioFictionBook documentFlash videoFlatpak application bundleFlatpak repository descriptionFlatpak repository referenceFloppy disk imageFont collectionFortran source codeFuji RAF raw imageG-code fileGD-ROM image cuesheetGDBM databaseGEDCOM family historyGIF imageGIMP brushGIMP brush pipeGIMP imageGIMP patternGML documentGNU Oleo spreadsheetGNU mail messageGNUnet search fileGPX geographic dataGSM 06.10 audioGTK+ Builder interface documentGTKtalog catalogueGame Boy Advance ROMGame Boy Colour ROMGame Boy ROMGame Gear ROMGameCube disc imageGenesis 32X ROMGenesis ROMGenie source codeGeoJSON geospatial dataGherkin documentGlade projectGnuCash financial dataGnumeric spreadsheetGnuplot documentGo source codeGoogle Video Pointer shortcutGradle scriptsGraphite scientific graphGraphviz DOT graphGroovy source codeGzip archiveHD DVD video discHDF documentHEIF imageHFE floppy disk imageHPGL fileHTML documentHTTP Live Streaming playlistHaansoft Hangul documentHaansoft Hangul document templateHaskell source codeICC profileIDL documentIEF imageIFF fileIGES documentILBM imageIPS patchISI videoIT 8.7 color calibration fileImpulse Tracker audioInternet shortcutJAD documentJBuilder projectJET databaseJNG imageJNLP fileJPEG imageJPEG-2000 JP2 imageJPEG-2000 JPM imageJPEG-2000 JPX imageJPEG-2000 MJ2 videoJPEG-2000 codestreamJRD documentJSON documentJSON patchJSON-LD documentJava JCE keystoreJava archiveJava byte codeJava classJava keystoreJava source codeJavaFX videoJavaScript programJupyter notebook documentKChart chartKFormula formulaKIllustrator drawingKML geographic compressed dataKML geographic dataKPovModeler sceneKPresenter presentationKSpread spreadsheetKSpread spreadsheet (encrypted)KSysV init packageKWord documentKWord document (encrypted)Kaitai Struct definition fileKarbon14 drawingKexi database fileKexi settingsKexi shortcutKhronos texture imageKindle book documentKivio flowchartKodak DCR raw imageKodak K25 raw imageKodak KDC raw imageKontour drawingKotlin source codeKrita documentKugar documentLDIF address bookLHA archiveLHS source codeLHZ archiveLIBGRX fontLZ4 archiveLZMA archiveLZO archiveLightWave objectLightWave sceneLilypond music sheetLinux PSF console fontLinux PSF console font (gzip-compressed)Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheetLotus AmiPro documentLotus Word Pro documentLrzip archiveLua scriptLyX documentLzip archiveM4 macroMAME compressed hard disk imageMATLAB fileMDI imageMHTML web archiveMIDI audioMJPEG video streamMNG animationMOF fileMP2 audioMP3 ShoutCast playlistMP3 audioMP3 audio (streamed)MPEG videoMPEG video (streamed)MPEG-2 transport streamMPEG-4 audioMPEG-4 audio bookMPEG-4 ringtoneMPEG-4 videoMPSub subtitlesMRML playlistMSX ROMMXF videoMacOS X iconMacPaint Bitmap imageMacintosh AppleDouble-encoded fileMacintosh BinHex-encoded fileMacintosh MacBinary fileMacintosh Quickdraw/PICT drawingMagicPoint presentationMakefile build fileManpage manual documentMarkaby scriptMarkdown documentMaster System ROMMathML documentMathematica Notebook fileMatroska 3D videoMatroska audioMatroska streamMatroska videoMaven description fileMeson source codeMetalink fileMicroDVD subtitlesMicrosoft ASX playlistMicrosoft Cabinet archiveMicrosoft Publisher documentMicrosoft Visio documentMicrosoft Windows theme packMicrosoft Works documentMiniPSF audioMinolta MRW raw imageMobipocket e-bookModelica modelMonkey's audioMozilla bookmarksMulti-page TIFF imageMup musical composition documentMusepack audioNES ROMNFO documentNIFF imageNautilus linkNeo-Geo Pocket Colour ROMNeo-Geo Pocket ROMNewzBin usenet indexNikon NEF raw imageNintendo 3DS ExecutableNintendo 3DS ROMNintendo DS ROMNintendo FDS disk imageNintendo64 ROMNullSoft videoOCL fileOCaml source codeODA documentODB databaseODC chartODC templateODF formulaODF templateODG drawingODG drawing (Flat XML)ODG templateODI imageODM documentODP presentationODP presentation (Flat XML)ODP templateODS spreadsheetODS spreadsheet (Flat XML)ODS templateODT documentODT document (Flat XML)ODT templateOGM videoOLE2 compound document storageOOC source codeOPML syndication feedOSTree software updatesOTH templateOWL XML fileObjective-C source codeOffice Open XML Visio drawingOffice Open XML Visio stencilOffice Open XML Visio templateOffice drawingOgg FLAC audioOgg Speex audioOgg Theora videoOgg Vorbis audioOgg audioOgg multimedia fileOgg videoOlympus ORF raw imageOpenCL source codeOpenOffice Calc spreadsheetOpenOffice Calc templateOpenOffice Draw drawingOpenOffice Draw templateOpenOffice Impress presentationOpenOffice Impress templateOpenOffice Math formulaOpenOffice Writer documentOpenOffice Writer global documentOpenOffice Writer templateOpenOffice.org extensionOpenRaster imageOpenType fontOpenXPS documentOpus audioPAK archivePBM imagePC Engine ROMPCD imagePCF fontPCL filePCM audioPCX imagePDF documentPDF document (XZ-compressed)PDF document (bzip-compressed)PDF document (gzip-compressed)PDF document (lzip-compressed)PEF executablePGM imagePGN chess game notationPGP keysPGP/MIME-encrypted message headerPHP scriptPKCS#10 certification requestPKCS#12 certificate bundlePKCS#7 certificate bundlePKCS#7 filePKCS#8 private keyPKCS#8 private key (encrypted)PNG imagePNM imagePPM imagePSF audioPSFlib audio libraryPack200 Java archivePadus DiscJuggler CD imagePalm OS databasePanasonic raw imageParchive archivePartially downloaded filePascal source codePathetic Writer documentPentax PEF raw imagePerl scriptPhotoshop imagePicture CDPkiPath certification pathPlanPerfect spreadsheetPlucker documentPocket Word documentPostScript documentPostScript document (bzip-compressed)PostScript document (gzip-compressed)PostScript type-1 fontPowerPoint 2007 presentationPowerPoint 2007 presentation templatePowerPoint 2007 showPowerPoint 2007 slidePowerPoint add-inPowerPoint presentationPowerPoint presentation templatePowerPoint slidePyspread spreadsheetPyspread spreadsheet (bzip-compressed)Python 3 scriptPython bytecodePython scriptQEMU QCOW disk imageQpress archiveQt Designer interface documentQt MOC fileQt Markup Language fileQtiPlot documentQuattro Pro spreadsheetQuickTime imageQuickTime playlistQuickTime videoQuicken documentRAML documentRAR archiveRDF fileREADME documentRELAX NG XML schemaRGB imageRIFF audioRIFF containerRLE bitmap imageRPM packageRPM spec fileRSS summaryRTF documentRaw disk imageRaw disk image (XZ-compressed)RealAudio documentRealMedia documentRealMedia playlistRealPix documentRealText documentRealVideo documentRuby scriptRust source codeSAMI subtitlesSAP Thomson floppy disk imageSC/Xspread spreadsheetSCSS pre-processor fileSCons configuration fileSDP multicast stream fileSG-1000 ROMSGF recordSGI imageSGI videoSGML documentSIS packageSISX packageSMAF audioSMIL documentSPSS data fileSPSS portable data fileSQL codeSQLite2 databaseSQLite3 databaseSSA subtitlesSTL 3D modelSV4 CPIO archiveSV4 CPIO archive (with CRC)SVG imageSageMath scriptSass CSS pre-processor fileScala source codeScheme source codeScream Tracker 3 audioScream Tracker audioScream Tracker instrumentSega CD disc imageSega Pico ROMSega Saturn disc imageSetext documentShockwave Flash fileShorten audioSiag spreadsheetSieve mail filter scriptSigma X3F raw imageSkencil documentSnap packageSony ARW raw imageSony SR2 raw imageSony SRF raw imageSource RPM packageSpeedo fontSpeex audioSquashfs filesystem imageStampede packageStarCalc spreadsheetStarChart chartStarDraw drawingStarImpress presentationStarMail e-mailStarMath formulaStarWriter documentStuffIt archiveSubRip subtitlesSubViewer subtitlesSun raster imageSunOS News fontSuper NES ROMSuper Video CDSystemVerilog headerSystemVerilog source codeT602 documentTGA imageTGIF documentTIFF imageTNEF messageTSV documentTar archiveTar archive (LZ4-compressed)Tar archive (LZMA-compressed)Tar archive (LZO-compressed)Tar archive (XZ-compressed)Tar archive (Zstandard-compressed)Tar archive (bzip-compressed)Tar archive (compressed)Tar archive (gzip-compressed)Tar archive (lrzip-compressed)Tar archive (lzip-compressed)Tcl scriptTeX DVI documentTeX DVI document (bzip-compressed)TeX DVI document (gzip-compressed)TeX documentTeX fontTeX font metricsTeXInfo documentThomson Mémo7 cartridgeThomson cassetteToutDoux documentTriG RDF documentTroff ME input documentTroff MM input documentTroff MS input documentTroff documentTrueAudio audioTrueType XML fontTrueType fontTurtle documentTwig templateUFRaw ID imageULAW (Sun) audioUNIX softwareUNIX-compressed fileUSAC audioUnidata NetCDF documentUsenet news messageUstar archiveV fontVBScript programVCS/ICS calendarVHDL source codeVOC audioVRML documentVala source codeVerilog source codeVideo CDVirtual Boy ROMVivo videoWAIS source codeWAV audioWBMP imageWIM disk imageWMF imageWML documentWMLScript programWOFF fontWOFF2 fontWPL playlistWRI documentWWF documentWarpScript source codeWavPack audioWavPack audio correction fileWavelet videoWeb application cache fileWebM audioWebM videoWebP imageWebVTT subtitlesWii disc imageWiiWare bundleWinHelp help fileWindows BMP imageWindows Installer packageWindows Media Station fileWindows Media audioWindows Media videoWindows Registry extractWindows animated cursorWindows cursorWindows iconWindows softwareWord 2007 documentWord 2007 document templateWord documentWord document templateWord templateWordPerfect documentWordPerfect/Drawperfect imageX window imageX-Motif UIL tableX.509 certificateX11 cursorXAR archiveXBEL bookmarksXBM imageXFig imageXHTML pageXLIFF translation fileXMCD CD databaseXMF audioXMI fileXML documentXML entities documentXPInstall installer moduleXPM imageXPS documentXSL FO fileXSLT stylesheetXSPF playlistXUL interface documentXZ archiveXbase documentYAML documentYouTube media archiveZip archiveZlib archiveZoo archiveZstandard archiveapplication logaudio CDaudio DVDauthor creditsauthor listbackup filebinary differences between filesblank Blu-ray discblank CD discblank DVD discblank HD DVD discblock devicecertificate revocation listcharacter devicecomic book archivecompound documentcompound documentscompressed GIMP imagecompressed SVG imagecompressed Tracker audiodesktop configuration filedetached OpenPGP signaturedetached S/MIME signaturedifferences between filesdigital photosdigital raw imagee-book readereMusic download packageelectronic book documentelectronic business cardemail headersemail messageempty documentencrypted messageenriched text documentexecutablefoldergeneric font filehelp pageiMelody ringtoneiPod firmwareiRiver playlistinstallation instructionsiptables configuration filelibtool shared librarylicence termsmail delivery reportmail disposition reportmail system reportmailbox filemanual page (compressed)message cataloguemessage digestmessage in several formatsmount pointnetwork packet captureobject codepacked font filepartial email messagepipeplain text documentportable audio playerprofiler resultsprogram crash dataraw CD imagereStructuredText documentreference to remote filerejected patchresource locationrich text documentshared libraryshell archiveshell scriptsigned messagesocketsoftwarespreadsheet interchange documentstream of data (server push)symbolic linksystemd unit filethemetranslated messages (machine-readable)translation filetranslation templatetxt2tags documentunknownuuencoded filevideo DVD