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Installing new config file as you requested. Version in package is the same as at last installation. not a plain file %.255s %.250s (version %.250s) is to be installed. %.250s is %s. %.250s is installed, but is version %.250s. %.250s is not installed. %.250s is to be deconfigured. %.250s is to be installed, but is version %.250s. %.250s is to be removed. %.250s is unpacked, but has never been configured. %.250s is unpacked, but is version %.250s. %.250s latest configured version is %.250s. %.250s provides %.250s and is to be installed. %.250s provides %.250s but is %s. %.250s provides %.250s but is to be deconfigured. %.250s provides %.250s but is to be removed. Package %s is not configured yet. Package %s is not installed. Package %s is to be removed. Package %s which provides %s is not configured yet. Package %s which provides %s is not installed. Package %s which provides %s is to be removed. Version of %s on system is %s. %d in %s: %s (%jd bytes) %s (not a plain file) ==> Keeping old config file as default. ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version. ==> Using current old file as you requested. ==> Using new config file as default. ==> Using new file as you requested. Package %s: part(s) The default action is to install the new version. The default action is to keep your current version. and depends on %s (subprocess): %s %s breaks %s%s conflicts with %s%s depends on %s%s enhances %s%s pre-depends on %s%s recommends %s%s suggests %s%s: Part format version: %d.%d Part of package: %s ... version: %s ... architecture: %s ... MD5 checksum: %s ... length: %jd bytes ... split every: %jd bytes Part number: %d/%d Part length: %jd bytes Part offset: %jd bytes Part file size (used portion): %jd bytes %s: conffile '%.250s' is not a plain file or symlink (= '%s')%s: conffile '%.250s' resolves to degenerate filename ('%s' is a symlink to '%s')%s: config file '%s' is a circular link (= '%s')%s: dependency problems, but configuring anyway as you requested: %s%s: internal bzip2 read error%s: internal bzip2 read error: '%s'%s: internal bzip2 write error%s: internal bzip2 write error: '%s'%s: internal gzip read error%s: internal gzip read error: %s%s: internal gzip read error: '%s'%s: internal gzip write error%s: internal gzip write error: %s%s: lzma error: %s%s: lzma read error%s: lzma write error%s: unable to open %s to compute its digest: %s%s: unable to readlink conffile '%s' (= '%s'): %s%s: unable to stat config file '%s' (= '%s'): %s%s: zstd close error%s: zstd error: %s%s: zstd read error%s: zstd write error'%s' clashes with '%s''%s' field, invalid package name '%.255s': %s'%s' field, missing package name, or garbage where package name expected'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': '%c' is obsolete, use '%c=' or '%c%c' instead'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': bad version relationship %c%c'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': implicit exact match on version number, suggest using '=' instead'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': version value starts with non-alphanumeric, suggest adding a space'%s' field, reference to '%.255s': version unterminated'%s' field, syntax error after reference to package '%.255s'(Reading database ... (no description available)(total %jd bytes) -%c option does not take a value-%c option takes a value--%s --pending does not take any non-option arguments--%s --recursive needs at least one path argument--%s needs --%s needs --%s needs a .deb filename argument--%s needs a argument--%s needs a single argument--%s needs a target directory. Perhaps you should be using dpkg --install ?--%s needs at least one package archive file argument--%s needs at least one package name argument--%s needs four arguments--%s option does not take a value--%s option takes a value--%s requires one or more part file arguments--%s takes at most two arguments (.deb and directory)--%s takes no arguments--%s takes only one argument (.deb filename)--auto requires exactly one part file argument--auto requires the use of the --output option--compare-versions bad relation--compare-versions takes three arguments: --search needs at least one file name pattern argument--split needs a source filename argument--split takes at most a source filename and destination prefix--update given but %s does not exist--update is useless for --remove; however: is the filename of a Debian format archive. is the name of an administrative file component. is the name of a field in the main 'control' file. Adding '%s' Authenticating %s ... Commands: --add add a new entry into the database. --remove remove from the database. --list [] list current overrides in the database. Commands: --check-supported Check if the running dpkg supports triggers. Commands: -s|--split [] Split an archive. -j|--join ... Join parts together. -I|--info ... Display info about a part. -a|--auto -o Auto-accumulate parts. -l|--listq List unmatched pieces. -d|--discard [ ...] Discard unmatched pieces. Commands: [--add] add a diversion. --remove remove the diversion. --list [] show file diversions. --listpackage show what package diverts the file. --truename return the diverted file. Comparison operators for --compare-versions are: lt le eq ne ge gt (treat empty version as earlier than any version); lt-nl le-nl ge-nl gt-nl (treat empty version as later than any version); < << <= = >= >> > (only for compatibility with control file syntax). Debian %s package trigger utility version %s. Debian %s version %s. Debian '%s' package archive backend version %s. Debian '%s' package management program version %s. Debian '%s' package split/join tool; version %s. Deleted %s. DescriptionErrors were encountered while processing: Exit status: 0 = ok 1 = with --auto, file is not a part 2 = trouble File '%.250s' is not part of a multipart archive. Format syntax: A format is a string that will be output for each package. The format can include the standard escape sequences \n (newline), \r (carriage return) or \\ (plain backslash). Package information can be included by inserting variable references to package fields using the ${var[;width]} syntax. Fields will be right-aligned unless the width is negative in which case left alignment will be used. Ignoring request to remove shared diversion '%s'. Ignoring request to rename file '%s' owned by diverting package '%s' Installing new version of config file %s ... Junk files left around in the depot directory: Leaving '%s' More than one copy of package %s has been unpacked in this run ! Only configuring it once. NameNo diversion '%s', none removed. Options: --depotdir Use instead of %s/%s. --admindir Use instead of %s. --root Use instead of %s. -S, --partsize In KiB, for -s (default is 450). -o, --output Filename, for -j (default is __.deb). -Q, --npquiet Be quiet when -a is not a part. --msdos Generate 8.3 filenames. Options: --package name of the package whose copy of will not be diverted. --local all packages' versions are diverted. --divert the name used by other packages' versions. --rename actually move the file aside (or back). --no-rename do not move the file aside (or back) (default). --admindir set the directory with the diversions file. --instdir set the root directory, but not the admin dir. --root set the directory of the root filesystem. --test don't do anything, just demonstrate. --quiet quiet operation, minimal output. --help show this help message. --version show the version. Package %s is on hold, not touching it. Use --force-hold to override. Package %s listed more than once, only processing once. Package '%s' does not contain any files (!) Packages not yet reassembled: Part %d of package %s filed (still want Processing was halted because there were too many errors. Putting package %s together from %d part: Putting package %s together from %d parts: Recorded info about %s from %s. Removing '%s' Replacing available packages info, using %s. Setting up %s (%s) ... Splitting package %s into %d part: Splitting package %s into %d parts: The following packages are in a mess due to serious problems during installation. They must be reinstalled for them (and any packages that depend on them) to function properly: The following packages are only half configured, probably due to problems configuring them the first time. The configuration should be retried using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect: The following packages are only half installed, due to problems during installation. The installation can probably be completed by retrying it; the packages can be removed using dselect or dpkg --remove: The following packages have been unpacked but not yet configured. They must be configured using dpkg --configure or the configure menu option in dselect for them to work: Type 'exit' when you're done. Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files; Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages.Type dpkg-split --help for help.Type dpkg-trigger --help for help about this utility.Updating available packages info, using %s. Usage: %s [