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This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty. %s (package says %s, not %s) new version is %s old version is %s$ORIGIN is used in RPATH of %s and the corresponding directory could not be identified due to lack of DEBIAN sub-directory in the root of package's build tree%d similar warning has been skipped (use -v to see it)%d other similar warnings have been skipped (use -v to see them all)%s and %s fields are required to compute the source basename%s contains an insecure path: %s%s contains an unresolvable reference to symbol %s: it's probably a plugin%s didn't complete in %d second%s didn't complete in %d seconds%s does not exist%s doesn't contain a valid OpenPGP signature%s doesn't contain any information about the source package%s doesn't list any binary package%s doesn't match completely %s%s field contains both global and implementation specific keywords%s field contains value %s, but no tests control file %s%s field keyword "%s" is invalid; use "%s" instead%s field keyword "%s" is unknown%s field keyword "%s" is unknown in dpkg namespace%s field keyword "%s" is uppercase; use "%s" instead%s field of package %s: %s file%s has an unexpected SONAME (%s)%s is a symlink%s is a symlink to outside %s%s is deprecated; it is without effect%s is empty%s is not a compression level%s is not a plain file%s is not a supported compression%s is not a supported compression method%s is not a supported print format%s is not a supported variable name%s is not a valid option for %s%s is not a valid version%s is not the name of a file%s module name is deprecated; it should be capitalized with only alphanumeric characters%s must be updated to support the 'build-arch' and 'build-indep' targets (at least '%s' seems to be missing)%s needs a parameter%s origin filename is deprecated; it should have only alphanumeric or dash characters%s package '%s' with udeb specific field %s%s should be a directory or non-existing%s should be a file or non-existing%s should not be linked against %s (it uses none of the library's symbols)%s subprocess failed with unknown status code %d%s subprocess returned exit status %d%s subprocess was killed by signal %d%s(l%s): %s%s(l%s): %s LINE: %s'%s' is not a legal architecture in list '%s''%s' is not a legal architecture string in package '%s''%s' is not supported by the source format '%s''%s' option specifies non-existing version '%s''dpkg-deb -I %s control' exited with %d, skipping package'offset' without 'count' has no effect'since' option specifies most recent version '%s', ignoring'until' option specifies oldest version '%s', ignoring(Use -d flag to override.)--%s needs a directory--%s needs at least one argument, the .dsc--%s needs the .dsc file as first argument, not a directory--%s takes no more than two arguments--target-format option is missing-E and -W are deprecated, they are without effect-L is obsolete; it is without effect-b takes at most a directory and an orig source argument (with v1.0 source package)-b takes only one parameter with format '%s'-s%s is deprecated; always using gpg style interface-s%s option overrides earlier -s%s option.orig directory name %s is not - (wanted %s).orig.tar name %s is not _.orig.tar (wanted %s) is the control file to process (default: debian/control).Build conflicts: %sBuild options: -c get control info from this file. -l get per-version info from this file. -F force changelog format. --format= set the format to be used for the source package. -V= set a substitution variable. -T read variables here. -D= override or add a .dsc field and value. -U remove a field. -i, --diff-ignore[=] filter out files to ignore diffs of (defaults to: '%s'). -I, --tar-ignore[=] filter out files when building tarballs (defaults to: %s). -Z, --compression= select compression to use (defaults to '%s', supported are: %s). -z, --compression-level= compression level to use (defaults to '%d', supported are: '1'-'9', 'best', 'fast')Commands: --get output the requested flag to stdout. --origin output the origin of the flag to stdout: value is one of vendor, system, user, env. --status output a synopsis with all parameters affecting the program behaviour, the resulting flags and their origin. --query like --status, but in deb822 format. --query-features output the status of features for the given area. --list output a list of the flags supported by the current vendor. --export=(sh|make|cmdline|configure) output something convenient to import the compilation flags in a shell script, in make, or in a command line. --dump output all compilation flags with their values. --help show this help message. --version show the version. Commands: --is returns true if current vendor is . --derives-from returns true if current vendor derives from . --query print the content of the vendor-specific field. --help show this help message. --version show the version.Commands: -l, --list list variables (default). -L, --list-known list valid architectures (matching some criteria). -e, --equal compare with host Debian architecture. -i, --is match against host Debian architecture. -q, --query prints only the value of . -s, --print-set print command to set environment variables. -u, --print-unset print command to unset environment variables. -c, --command set environment and run the command in it. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.Commands: -x, --extract .dsc [] extract source package. -b, --build build source package. --print-format print the format to be used for the source package. --before-build run the corresponding source package format hook. --after-build run the corresponding source package format hook. --commit [ []] store upstream changes in a new patch.Debian %s version %s. Dependency fields recognized are: %s Dpkg::Compression::Process can only start one subprocess at a timeDpkg::Shlibs::Objdump couldn't parse %s Enter the desired patch name: Extract options: --no-copy don't copy .orig tarballs --no-check don't check signature and checksums before unpacking --no-overwrite-dir do not overwrite directory on extraction --require-valid-signature abort if the package doesn't have a valid signature --require-strong-checksums abort if the package contains no strong checksums --ignore-bad-version allow bad source package versions.File::FcntlLock not available; using flock which is not NFS-safeFormat '3.0 (custom)' is only used to create source packagesGeneral options: --threads-max= use at most with compressor. -q quiet mode. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.Hint: make sure the version in debian/changelog matches the unpacked source treeNote: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file. To help dpkg-shlibdeps find private libraries, you might need to use -l.OpenPGP signature not allowed hereOptions passed to dpkg-architecture: -a, --host-arch set the host Debian architecture. -t, --host-type set the host GNU system type. --target-arch set the target Debian architecture. --target-type set the target GNU system type.Options passed to dpkg-genchanges: -si source includes orig, if new upstream (default). -sa source includes orig, always. -sd source is diff and .dsc only. -v changes since version . -m, --source-by= maintainer for this source or build is . --build-by= ditto. -e, --release-by= maintainer for this change or release is . --changed-by= ditto. -C changes are described in . --changes-option= pass option to dpkg-genchanges.Options passed to dpkg-source: -sn force Debian native source format. -s[sAkurKUR] see dpkg-source for explanation. -z, --compression-level= compression level to use for source. -Z, --compression= compression to use for source (gz|xz|bzip2|lzma). -i, --diff-ignore[=] ignore diffs of files matching . -I, --tar-ignore[=] filter out files when building tarballs. --source-option= pass option to dpkg-source. Options: --build=[,...] specify the build : full, source, binary, any, all (default is 'full'). -F, --build=full normal full build (source and binary; default). -g, --build=source,all source and arch-indep build. -G, --build=source,any source and arch-specific build. -b, --build=binary binary-only, no source files. -B, --build=any binary-only, only arch-specific files. -A, --build=all binary-only, only arch-indep files. -S, --build=source source-only, no binary files. -nc, --no-pre-clean do not pre clean source tree (implies -b). --pre-clean pre clean source tree (default). --no-post-clean do not post clean source tree (default). -tc, --post-clean post clean source tree. --sanitize-env sanitize the build environment. -D, --check-builddeps check build dependencies and conflicts (default). -d, --no-check-builddeps do not check build dependencies and conflicts. --ignore-builtin-builddeps do not check builtin build dependencies. -P, --build-profiles= assume comma-separated build as active. --rules-requires-root assume legacy Rules-Requires-Root field value. -R, --rules-file= rules file to execute (default is debian/rules). -T, --rules-target= call debian/rules . --as-root ensure -T calls the target with root rights. -j, --jobs[=|auto] jobs to run simultaneously (passed to ), (default; default is auto, opt-in mode). -J, --jobs-try[=|auto] alias for -j, --jobs. --jobs-force[=|auto] jobs to run simultaneously (passed to ), (default is auto, forced mode). -r, --root-command= command to gain root rights (default is fakeroot). --check-command= command to check the .changes file (no default). --check-option= pass to check . --hook-= set as the hook , known hooks: init preclean source build binary buildinfo changes postclean check sign done --buildinfo-file= set the .buildinfo filename to generate. --buildinfo-option= pass option to dpkg-genbuildinfo. --changes-file= set the .changes filename to generate. --sign-backend= OpenPGP backend to use to sign (default is auto). -p, --sign-command= command to sign .dsc and/or .changes files (default is gpg). --sign-keyfile= the key file to use for signing. -k, --sign-keyid= the key id to use for signing. --sign-key= alias for -k, --sign-keyid. -ap, --sign-pause add pause before starting signature process. -us, --unsigned-source unsigned source package. -ui, --unsigned-buildinfo unsigned .buildinfo file. -uc, --unsigned-changes unsigned .buildinfo and .changes file. --no-sign do not sign any file. --force-sign force signing the resulting files. --admindir= change the administrative directory. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.Options: --build=[,...] specify the build : full, source, binary, any, all (default is 'full'). -c get control info from this file. -l get per-version info from this file. -f get .deb files list from this file. -F force changelog format. -O[] write to stdout (or ). -u directory with files (default is '..'). --always-include-kernel always include Build-Kernel-Version. --always-include-path always include Build-Path. --admindir= change the administrative directory. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version. Options: --build=[,...] specify the build : full, source, binary, any, all (default is 'full'). -g source and arch-indep build. -G source and arch-specific build. -b binary-only, no source files. -B binary-only, only arch-specific files. -A binary-only, only arch-indep files. -S source-only, no binary files. -c get control info from this file. -l get per-version info from this file. -f get .deb files list from this file. -v include all changes later than version. -C use change description from this file. -m override control's maintainer value. -e override changelog's maintainer value. -u directory with files (default is '..'). -si source includes orig, if new upstream (default). -sa source includes orig, always. -sd source is diff and .dsc only. -q quiet - no informational messages on stderr. -F force changelog format. -V= set a substitution variable. -T read variables here, not debian/substvars. -D= override or add a field and value. -U remove a field. -O[] write to stdout (default) or . -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version. Options: --vendor assume is the current vendor.Options: -A ignore Build-Depends-Arch and Build-Conflicts-Arch. -B ignore Build-Depends-Indep and Build-Conflicts-Indep. -I ignore built-in build dependencies and conflicts. -d build-deps use given string as build dependencies instead of retrieving them from control file -c build-conf use given string for build conflicts instead of retrieving them from control file -a arch assume given host architecture -P profiles assume given build profiles (comma-separated list) --admindir= change the administrative directory. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.Options: -a, --host-arch set host Debian architecture. -t, --host-type set host GNU system type. -A, --target-arch set target Debian architecture. -T, --target-type set target GNU system type. -W, --match-wildcard restrict architecture list matching . -B, --match-bits restrict architecture list matching . -E, --match-endian restrict architecture list matching . --print-format use for --print-set and --print-unset, allowed values: shell (default), make. -f, --force force flag (override variables set in environment).Options: -l, --file get per-version info from this file. -F force changelog format. -S, --show-field show the values for . -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.Options: -l add directory to private shared library search list. -p set :* instead of shlibs:*. -O[] write variable settings to stdout (or ). -L shlibs override file, not debian/shlibs.local. -T update variables here, not debian/substvars. -t set package type (default is deb). -x exclude package from the generated dependencies. -S search needed libraries in the given package build directory first. -I ignore needed libraries, shlibs and symbols files in the given build directory. -v enable verbose mode (can be used multiple times). --ignore-missing-info don't fail if dependency information can't be found. --warnings= define set of active warnings (see manual page). --admindir= change the administrative directory. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version.Options: -l add directory to private shared library search list. -p generate symbols file for package. -P temporary build directory instead of debian/tmp. -e explicitly list libraries to scan. -v version of the packages (defaults to version extracted from debian/changelog). -c compare generated symbols file with the reference template in the debian directory and fail if difference is too important; level goes from 0 for no check, to 4 for all checks (default level is 1). -q keep quiet and never emit any warnings or generate a diff between generated symbols file and the reference template. -I force usage of as reference symbols file instead of the default file. -O[] write to stdout (or ), not .../DEBIAN/symbols. -t write in template mode (tags are not processed and included in output). -V verbose output; write deprecated symbols and pattern matching symbols as comments (in template mode only). -a assume as host architecture when processing symbol files. -d display debug information during work. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version. Options: -p print control file for package. -c get control info from this file. -l get per-version info from this file. -F force changelog format. -v set version of binary package. -f write files here instead of debian/files. -P temporary build directory instead of debian/tmp. -n assume the package filename will be . -O[] write to stdout (or ), not .../DEBIAN/control. -is, -ip, -isp, -ips deprecated, ignored for compatibility. -D= override or add a field and value. -U remove a field. -V= set a substitution variable. -T read variables here, not debian/substvars. -?, --help show this help message. --version show the version. Packages in archive but missing from override file:Packages in override file but not in archive:Packages in override file with incorrect old maintainer value:Packages specifying same maintainer as override file:Packages with multiple instances but no --multiversion specified:Parser options: --format set output format (defaults to 'dpkg'). --reverse include all changes in reverse order. --all include all changes. -s, --since include all changes later than . -v ditto. -u, --until include all changes earlier than . -f, --from include all changes equal or later than . -t, --to include all changes up to or equal than . -c, --count include entries from the top (or tail if is lower than 0). -n ditto. -o, --offset change starting point for --count, counted from the top (or tail if is lower than 0). Positional options (order is significant): include dependencies for , -e (use -e if starts with '-') -d next executable(s) set shlibs:.Press to start the signing process. Source format specific build and extract options are available; use --format with --help to see them.This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty. Unmet build dependencies: %sUsage: %s []Usage: %s [