L%" *#Hl"%0-B Wx-p%"1%9'_#/  ;\z   BMP image has unsupported header sizeCompressed icons are not supportedError writing to image file: %sFailed to load image '%s': %sFailed to open '%s' for writing: %sFailed to open temporary fileFailed to read from temporary fileFile does not appear to be a GIF fileGIF image is corrupt (incorrect LZW compression)Icon has zero heightIcon has zero widthImage format unknownImage header corruptImage type '%s' is not supportedInvalid header in iconThe BMP image formatThe GIF image formatUnsupported icon typeProject-Id-Version: gtk+ VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gdk-pixbuf PO-Revision-Date: 2004-05-25 17:46+0330 Last-Translator: Gurban Mühemmet Tewekgeli Language-Team: Turkmen Language: tk MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); BMP resimde arkalanmaýan başlyg ululyky barGisilen tymsallar arkalanmaýarResim faýla ýazmakda hata boldy: %s'%s' resimi ýüklenip bilmedi: %s'%s' faýly ýazmak uçin açmakda hata boldy: %sWagtlaýyn faýly açmakda hata boldyWagtlaýyn faýldan okamakda hata boldyBu faýl bir GIF faýl bolmaly dälGIF resim pasydlanypdyr (nädögri LZW gysmak))Tymsalyň boýy sifirTymsalyň giňliki sifirResim hili natanyşResym Başlygy Pasyd BouldirResimiň '%s' hili arkalanmaýarTymsal içinde maýyp başlygBMP resim hiliGIF resim hiliArkalanmaýan tymsal hili