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Your passphrase for client certificate: %s can only be stored to disk unencrypted! You are advised to configure your system so that Subversion can store passphrase encrypted, if possible. See the documentation for details. You can avoid future appearances of this warning by setting the value of the 'store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext' option to either 'yes' or 'no' in '%s'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION! Your password for authentication realm: %s can only be stored to disk unencrypted! You are advised to configure your system so that Subversion can store passwords encrypted, if possible. See the documentation for details. You can avoid future appearances of this warning by setting the value of the 'store-plaintext-passwords' option to either 'yes' or 'no' in '%s'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyrus SASL authentication is available. Error: no prefixes supplied. Fetching external item into '%s': Global options: Log message unchanged or not specified (a)bort, (c)ontinue, (e)dit: Performing status on external item at '%s': Recovery completed. Upgrade completed. Valid options: Warning: %s * adding path : %s ... * deleting path : %s ... * editing path : %s ... * replacing path : %s ... Missing ranges: %ld => (dropped) '%s' Merged %s:r%s%s Reverse-merged %s:r%s%s - %s - handles '%s' scheme Property conflicts: %u Text conflicts: %u Tree conflicts: %u Unknown verification failure. Updated '%s' to r%ld. (%a, %d %b %Y) (%d more duplicate targets found) (expecting compatibility) (expecting equality) (from %s:%ld) (the answer to life, the universe, and everything) - The certificate has an unknown error. - The certificate has expired. - The certificate hostname does not match. - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the fingerprint to validate the certificate manually! - The certificate is not yet valid. ARG done. removing '\r' from %s ... with no output. with output: | %d line | %d lines"%s": unknown command. %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y%b %d %Y%b %d %H:%M%s (nonexistent)%s (revision %ld)%s (working copy)%s blocked by %s hook (exit code %d)%s file '%s' contains unexpected non-digit '%c' within '%s'%s hook failed (exit code %d)%s property on '%s' contains unrecognized EOL-style '%s'%s, %s %s%s, version %s compiled %s, %s on %s %s: expected: %s actual: %s %sProperty changes on: %s%s%swarning: W%06d: %s '%s' is not the same repository as '%s''%s' REPORT not implemented'%s' already exists'%s' already exists and has an unknown node kind'%s' already exists and is a file'%s' already exists and is in the way'%s' already exists and is not a directory'%s' already exists, so may be out of date; try updating'%s' cannot be deleted'%s' contains invalid filesystem format option '%s''%s' does not appear to be a URL'%s' does not appear to be a working copy path'%s' does not define '%s()''%s' does not exist'%s' does not exist in revision %ld'%s' does not have a URL associated with it'%s' doesn't exist '%s' ends in a reserved name'%s' exists and is non-empty'%s' exists and is not a directory'%s' has an unrecognized node kind'%s' has been modified since the commit began (restart the commit)'%s' has local modifications -- commit or revert them first'%s' has no URL'%s' has no pristine version until it is committed'%s' hook failed (did not exit cleanly: apr_exit_why_e was %d, exitcode was %d). '%s' hook succeeded, but error output could not be read'%s' in revision %ld is an unrelated object'%s' is a URL when it should be a local path'%s' is a URL when it should be a path '%s' is a URL, but URLs cannot be commit targets'%s' is a URL, probably should be a path'%s' is a reserved name and cannot be imported'%s' is a subdirectory of an existing repository rooted at '%s''%s' is a wcprop, thus not accessible to clients'%s' is already a working copy for a different URL'%s' is already locked via '%s'.'%s' is already locked.'%s' is already under version control'%s' is already under version control but is excluded.'%s' is an existing item in conflict; please mark the conflict as resolved before adding a new item here'%s' is an existing repository'%s' is in the way of the resource actually under version control'%s' is just a peg revision. Maybe try '%s@' instead?'%s' is neither a file nor a directory name'%s' is not a directory'%s' is not a directory in filesystem '%s''%s' is not a file'%s' is not a file in filesystem '%s''%s' is not a file in revision %ld'%s' is not a file or directory'%s' is not a local path'%s' is not a regular file. Please move it out of the way and try again'%s' is not a relative path'%s' is not a valid --accept value'%s' is not a valid --show-revs value'%s' is not a valid EOL value'%s' is not a valid Subversion property name'%s' is not a valid administrative directory name'%s' is not a valid depth; try 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity''%s' is not a valid depth; try 'exclude', 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity''%s' is not a valid location inside a repository'%s' is not a versioned working copy'%s' is not a working copy'%s' is not a working copy directory'%s' is not a working copy root'%s' is not an ancestor of '%s''%s' is not known to exist in the repository and is not part of the commit, yet its child '%s' is part of the commit'%s' is not locked'%s' is not locked in the repository'%s' is not locked in this working copy'%s' is not of the right kind'%s' is not the root of the repository'%s' is not the root of the working copy '%s''%s' is not under version control'%s' is of unknown type '%s' is out of date'%s' is out of date; try updating'%s' is scheduled for addition, but is missing'%s' is the root of a working copy and cannot be deleted'%s' isn't a child of repository root URL '%s''%s' isn't a child of session URL '%s''%s' isn't in the same repository as '%s''%s' locked by user '%s'. '%s' must be from the same repository as '%s''%s' not found'%s' not found in filesystem'%s' path not found'%s' prevents creating parent of '%s''%s' refers to a directory'%s' returned %d'%s' shares no common ancestry with '%s''%s' to '%s' is not a valid relocation'%s' unlocked by user '%s'. '%s' unlocked. '%s': a peg revision is not allowed here'%s': no lock token available'%s@%ld' must be ancestrally related to '%s@%ld''--new' option only valid with '--old' option'--xml' option only valid with '--summarize' option'depth' option requires 'diff' option'diff' option is not supported in XML mode'diff-cmd' option requires 'diff' option'extensions' option requires 'diff' option'get-deleted-rev' not implemented'get-file-revs' not implemented'get-location-segments' not implemented'get-locations' not implemented'incremental' option only valid in XML mode'internal-diff' option requires 'diff' option'quiet' and 'diff' options are mutually exclusive'stat' not implemented'verbose' option invalid in XML mode'with-all-revprops' option only valid in XML mode'with-no-revprops' option only valid in XML mode'with-revprop' option only valid in XML mode(Binary files differ) (R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? (R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? (invalid date)(local)(no author)(no date)(no error message)(no error)(unreleased development version)* Dumped revision %ld. * Verified revision %ld. * linked dependencies: * loaded shared libraries: --- Eliding mergeinfo from '%s': --- Merging (from foreign repository) r%ld into '%s': --- Merging (from foreign repository) r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Merging differences between foreign repository URLs into '%s': --- Merging differences between repository URLs into '%s': --- Merging r%ld into '%s': --- Merging r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for merge between repository URLs into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for reverse merge of r%ld into '%s': --- Recording mergeinfo for reverse merge of r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging (from foreign repository) r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging (from foreign repository) r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging r%ld into '%s': --- Reverse-merging r%ld through r%ld into '%s': --This line, and those below, will be ignored----accept=%s incompatible with --non-interactive--allow-mixed-revisions cannot be used with --reintegrate--auto-props and --no-auto-props are mutually exclusive--depth and --set-depth are mutually exclusive--depth cannot be used with --reintegrate--diff-cmd and --internal-diff are mutually exclusive--disable-locking and --steal-lock are mutually exclusive--encoding option applies only to textual Subversion-controlled properties--force cannot be used with --reintegrate--message (-m) and --file (-F) are mutually exclusive--reintegrate can only be used with a single merge source--reintegrate cannot be used with --ignore-ancestry--reintegrate cannot be used with --record-only--relocate and --depth are mutually exclusive--relocate and --non-recursive (-N) are mutually exclusive--verbose cannot be used with --revprop or --strict or --xml--with-all-revprops and --with-no-revprops are mutually exclusive--with-revprop and --with-no-revprops are mutually exclusive-c and -r are mutually exclusive-r and -c can't be used with --reintegrate.merge-left.r%ld%s%s.merge-right.r%ld%s%s.working%s%s<<< Skipped original revision %ld <<< Started new transaction, based on original revision %ld <<<<<<< (local property value)<<<<<<< MINE<<<<<<< MINE (select with 'mc') is missing ancestry> applied hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## with fuzz %lu (%s) > applied hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## with offset %s> applied hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ with fuzz %lu > applied hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ with offset %s> hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## already applied (%s) > hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ already applied > rejected hunk ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## (%s) > rejected hunk @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ >>>>>>> THEIRS>>>>>>> THEIRS (select with 'tc')A MERGE response for '%s' is not a child of the destination ('%s')A checksum mismatch occurredA conflict in the working copy obstructs the current operationA file external cannot overwrite an existing versioned itemA log message was given where none was necessaryA packed revprop could not be readA path under version control is needed for this operationA problem occurred; see other errors for detailsA report cannot be generated because no data was suppliedA repository hook failedA representation vanished or changed between readsAPR memcache library not availableARG (some commands also take ARG1:ARG2 range) A revision argument can be one of: NUMBER revision number '{' DATE '}' revision at start of the date 'HEAD' latest in repository 'BASE' base rev of item's working copy 'COMMITTED' last commit at or before BASE 'PREV' revision just before COMMITTEDAborting commit: '%s' remains in conflictAborting commit: '%s' remains in tree-conflictAccess to '%s' forbiddenActivity not foundAddedAdding %s Adding (bin) %s Adding copy of %s Adding copy of (bin) %s Additional errors:Admin area of '%s' is missingAll authentication providers exhaustedAll non-relative targets must have the same root URLApache got a malformed URIApache has no path to an SVN filesystemApply-textdelta already activeApply-textdelta not activeArgument to --limit must be positiveArgument to --strip must be positiveAssertion failureAssociate (or dissociate) changelist CLNAME with the named files. usage: 1. changelist CLNAME PATH... 2. changelist --remove PATH... At least one revision must be something other than BASE or WORKING when diffing a URLAt revision %ld. Atomic data storage is corruptAttempt to add tree conflict that already exists at '%s'Attempt to change immutable filesystem nodeAttempt to deltify '%s' against itselfAttempt to fetch capability '%s' resulted in '%s'Attempt to pop empty WC unwind stackAttempt to remove or recreate fs root dirAttempt to set wcprop '%s' on '%s' in a non-commit operationAttempt to unlock with non-empty unwind stackAttempted command in administrative dirAttempted merge tracking info change on immutable nodeAttempted mergeinfo count change on immutable nodeAttempted removal of immutable nodeAttempted to clone child of non-mutable nodeAttempted to create a node with an illegal name '%s'Attempted to create entry in non-directory parentAttempted to create entry that already existsAttempted to delete a node with an illegal name '%s'Attempted to delete entry '%s' from *non*-directory nodeAttempted to delete entry '%s' from immutable directory nodeAttempted to get checksum of a *non*-file nodeAttempted to get entries of a non-directory nodeAttempted to get length of a *non*-file nodeAttempted to get textual contents of a *non*-file nodeAttempted to lock an already-locked dirAttempted to make a child clone with an illegal name '%s'Attempted to open node with an illegal name '%s'Attempted to open non-existent child node '%s'Attempted to set entry in immutable nodeAttempted to set entry in non-directory nodeAttempted to set textual contents of a *non*-file nodeAttempted to set textual contents of an immutable nodeAttempted to update ancestry of non-mutable nodeAttempted to write to non-transaction '%s'Attempted to write to readonly SQLite dbAttempting restricted operation for modified resourceAttempting to commit to a URL more than onceAttempting to delete nonexistent property '%s' on '%s' Authentication error from server: %sAuthentication failedAuthentication realm: %s Author name cannot contain a newlineAuthor name should not contain a newline; value will not be set unless forcedAuthorization failedBad URL passed to RA layerBad arguments to SQL operators GLOB or LIKEBad base MD5 checksum for '%s'; expected: '%s'; found '%s'; Bad database version: compiled with %d.%d.%d, running against %d.%d.%dBad database version: got %d.%d.%d, should be at least %d.%d.%dBad merge; ancestor, source, and target not all in same fsBad merge; target '%s' has id '%s', same as ancestorBad parent pool passed to svn_make_pool()Bad property nameBad property name: '%s'Bad return value while loading crypto driverBase checksum mismatch for '%s'Base checksum mismatch on '%s'Baseline incorrectBerkeley DB deadlock errorBerkeley DB errorBerkeley DB error for filesystem '%s' while %s: Berkeley DB error for filesystem '%s' while closing environment: Berkeley DB error for filesystem '%s' while creating environment: Berkeley DB error for filesystem '%s' while opening environment: Bogus URLBogus UUIDBogus dateBogus filenameBogus mime-typeBogus revision information givenBogus revision reportBogus server specificationBring changes from the repository into the working copy. usage: update [PATH...] If no revision is given, bring working copy up-to-date with HEAD rev. Else synchronize working copy to revision given by -r. For each updated item a line will be printed with characters reporting the action taken. These characters have the following meaning: A Added D Deleted U Updated C Conflict G Merged E Existed R Replaced Characters in the first column report about the item itself. Characters in the second column report about properties of the item. A 'B' in the third column signifies that the lock for the file has been broken or stolen. A 'C' in the fourth column indicates a tree conflict, while a 'C' in the first and second columns indicate textual conflicts in files and in property values, respectively. If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working copy do not automatically cause a failure if the update attempts to add the same path. If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned. For files, any content differences between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied to the obstructing path. Obstructing paths are reported in the first column with code 'E'. If the specified update target is missing from the working copy but its immediate parent directory is present, checkout the target into its parent directory at the specified depth. If --parents is specified, create any missing parent directories of the target by checking them out, too, at depth=empty. Use the --set-depth option to set a new working copy depth on the targets of this operation. Can only crop a working copy with a restrictive depthCan only crop directoriesCan only get the pristine contents of files; '%s' is not a fileCan't accept client connectionCan't add '%s' to a parent directory scheduled for deletionCan't add '%s' with URL '%s', but with the data from '%s'Can't add '%s', because no parent directory is foundCan't add file at '%s'Can't add node at '%s'Can't append '%s' to '%s'Can't bind server socketCan't calculate requested dateCan't change perms of file '%s'Can't change working directory to '%s'Can't check directory '%s'Can't check path '%s'Can't close file '%s'Can't close prototype revision lockfile for transaction '%s'Can't close streamCan't commit to '%s' because it is not a directoryCan't connect to host '%s'Can't convert string from '%s' to '%s':Can't convert string from '%s' to native encoding:Can't convert string from native encoding to '%s':Can't copy '%s' to '%s'Can't create a character converter from '%s' to '%s'Can't create a character converter from '%s' to native encodingCan't create a character converter from native encoding to '%s'Can't create an entry for a forbidden nameCan't create an entry with a reserved name while trying to add '%s'Can't create cache mutexCan't create directory '%s'Can't create directory at '%s'Can't create mutexCan't create null stdout for hook '%s'Can't create process '%s' attributesCan't create server socketCan't create sessionCan't create symbolic link '%s'Can't create temporary file from template '%s'Can't create thread poolCan't create tunnelCan't delete node at '%s'Can't delete node at '%s' as it does not existCan't detect MIME type of non-file '%s'Can't determine the native path encodingCan't expand timeCan't fetch FSFS shared dataCan't find a temporary directoryCan't find a working copy pathCan't find an entryCan't find parent directory's node while trying to add '%s'Can't flush file '%s'Can't flush file to diskCan't flush streamCan't get address infoCan't get attribute information from file '%s'Can't get attribute information from streamCan't get entries of non-directoryCan't get exclusive lock on file '%s'Can't get file nameCan't get hostnameCan't get module file nameCan't get passwordCan't get shared lock on file '%s'Can't get socket timeoutCan't get text contents of a directoryCan't get username or passwordCan't get working directoryCan't hide directory '%s'Can't increment mergeinfo count on *file* node-revision %%s to %%%s (> 1)Can't increment mergeinfo count on node-revision %%s to negative value %%%sCan't install '%s' from pristine store, because no checksum is recorded for this fileCan't iterate a membuffer-based cacheCan't iterate a memcached cacheCan't listen on server socketCan't lock cache mutexCan't lock mutexCan't make directory '%s'Can't manipulate current dateCan't move '%s' to '%s'Can't obtain lock on non-directory '%s'.Can't open '%s'Can't open '%s' as it does not existCan't open directory '%s'Can't open file '%s'Can't open stdinCan't open stdio fileCan't operate on '%s' because '%s' is not a directoryCan't parse lock/entries hashfile '%s'Can't perform directory operation on '%s' as it is not a directoryCan't perform file operation on '%s' as it is not a fileCan't perform this operation without a valid lock tokenCan't push taskCan't read '%s'Can't read '%s' from pristine store because no checksum suppliedCan't read contents of linkCan't read directoryCan't read directory '%s'Can't read directory entry in '%s'Can't read file '%s'Can't read first line of format file '%s'Can't read from connectionCan't read index file '%s' at offset 0x%sCan't read length line in file '%s'Can't read length line in streamCan't read streamCan't recode error string from APRCan't remove '%s'Can't remove directory '%s'Can't remove file '%s'Can't restore working directoryCan't retrieve an access baton for non-directory '%s'Can't revert '%s' without reverting childrenCan't revert '%s' without reverting parentCan't schedule an addition of '%s' below a not-directory nodeCan't schedule the working copy at '%s' from repository '%s' with uuid '%s' for addition under a working copy from repository '%s' with uuid '%s'.Can't set access time of '%s'Can't set aside '%s'Can't set file '%s' read-onlyCan't set file '%s' read-writeCan't set options on server socketCan't set permissions on '%s'Can't set position pointer in file '%s'Can't set position pointer in streamCan't set process '%s' child errfileCan't set process '%s' child errfile for error handlerCan't set process '%s' child inputCan't set process '%s' child outfileCan't set process '%s' cmdtypeCan't set process '%s' directoryCan't set process '%s' error handlerCan't set process '%s' stdio pipesCan't set properties at not existing '%s'Can't set properties on '%s': invalid status for updating properties.Can't set proplist on *immutable* node-revision %sCan't set text contents of a directoryCan't specify -c with --oldCan't split line into components: '%s'Can't start process '%s'Can't stat '%s'Can't store FSFS shared dataCan't tokenize command '%s'Can't truncate file '%s'Can't truncate streamCan't unlock cache mutexCan't unlock file '%s'Can't unlock mutexCan't unlock nonlocked transaction '%s'Can't unlock prototype revision lockfile for transaction '%s'Can't unlock unknown transaction '%s'Can't update '%s' because it is not a fileCan't update file at '%s'Can't write file '%s'Can't write streamCan't write to '%s'Can't write to connectionCan't write to file '%s'Can't write to streamCan't write-lock cache mutexCannot accept '%s' property because it is not encoded in UTF-8Cannot accept non-LF line endings in '%s' propertyCannot both exclude and switch a pathCannot calculate blame information for binary file '%s'Cannot change node kindCannot commit '%s' because it was moved from '%s' which is not part of the commit; both sides of the move must be committed togetherCannot commit '%s' because it was moved to '%s' which is not part of the commit; both sides of the move must be committed togetherCannot commit both '%s' and '%s' as they refer to the same URLCannot compare file contents between two different filesystemsCannot compare property value between two different filesystemsCannot copy '%s' excluded by serverCannot copy between two different filesystems ('%s' and '%s')Cannot copy path '%s' into its own child '%s'Cannot copy revprops for a revision (%ld) that has not been synchronized yetCannot copy to '%s' as it is scheduled for deletionCannot copy to '%s', as it is not from repository '%s'; it is from '%s'Cannot crop '%s': it is going to be removed from repository. Try commit insteadCannot crop '%s': it is to be added to the repository. Try commit insteadCannot delete '%s' as '%s' is excluded by serverCannot delete a file externalCannot deltify revisions prior to r%ldCannot determine revision of working copyCannot display: file marked as a binary type.%sCannot display: property value is binary data Cannot exclude '%s': it is a switched pathCannot exclude '%s': it is a working copy rootCannot exclude '%s': it is to be added to the repository. Try commit insteadCannot exclude '%s': it is to be deleted from the repository. Try commit insteadCannot get the pristine contents of '%s' because it has an unexpected statusCannot get the pristine contents of '%s' because its delete is already committedCannot handle status of '%s'Cannot ignore properties and show only properties at the same timeCannot insert a file external defined on '%s' into the working copy '%s'.Cannot invoke editor to get log message when non-interactiveCannot merge into a working copy that has local modificationsCannot merge into a working copy with a switched subtreeCannot merge into mixed-revision working copy [%ld:%ld]; try updating firstCannot mix repository and working copy sourcesCannot mix repository and working copy targetsCannot modify transaction named '%s' in filesystem '%s'Cannot move URL '%s' into itselfCannot move a file externalCannot move path '%s' into itselfCannot move the external at '%s'; please edit the svn:externals property on '%s'.Cannot negotiate authentication mechanismCannot relocate '%s' as it is not the root of a working copyCannot relocate '%s' as it is not the root of a working copy; try relocating '%s' insteadCannot relocate a single fileCannot remove the external at '%s'; please edit or delete the svn:externals property on '%s'Cannot replace a directory from withinCannot reverse-merge a range from a path's own future history; try updating firstCannot set '%s' on a directory ('%s')Cannot set '%s' on a file ('%s')Cannot set non-inheritable mergeinfo on a non-directory ('%s')Cannot specify a revision range with two URLsCannot specify revision for deleting versioned property '%s'Cannot specify revision for editing versioned property '%s'Cannot specify revision for setting versioned property '%s'Cannot specify revisions (except HEAD) with move operationsCannot specify revisions via both command-line arguments and the --revision (-r) optionCannot strip %u components from '%s'Cannot switch '%s' because it is not in the repository yetCannot upgrade with existing logs; run a cleanup operation on this working copy using a client version which is compatible with this working copy's format (such as the version you are upgrading from), then retry the upgrade with the current versionCannot use --username or --password with any of --source-username, --source-password, --sync-username, or --sync-password. Cannot verify lock on path '%s'; no matching lock-token availableCannot verify lock on path '%s'; no username availableCannot write lock/entries hashfile '%s'Cannot write to the prototype revision file of transaction '%s' because a previous representation is currently being written by another processCannot write to the prototype revision file of transaction '%s' because a previous representation is currently being written by this processCapability entry is not a wordCaught signalCease invocation of this APICertificate information: - Hostname: %s - Valid: from %s until %s - Issuer: %s - Fingerprint: %s Changed path list must have item number 1Changed paths: Changed-path entry not a listChangelist doesn't matchChangelist: %s Changing directory '%s' is forbidden by the serverChanging file '%s' is forbidden by the serverCheck out a working copy from a repository. usage: checkout URL[@REV]... [PATH] If specified, REV determines in which revision the URL is first looked up. If PATH is omitted, the basename of the URL will be used as the destination. If multiple URLs are given each will be checked out into a sub-directory of PATH, with the name of the sub-directory being the basename of the URL. If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working copy destination do not automatically cause the check out to fail. If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned. For files, any content differences between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied to the obstructing path. See also 'svn help update' for a list of possible characters reporting the action taken. Checked out external at revision %ld. Checked out revision %ld. Checkout complete. Checksum mismatch for '%s'Checksum mismatch for '%s': expected: %s recorded: %s Checksum mismatch for resulting fulltext (%s)Checksum mismatch for text base of '%s'Checksum mismatch on representation '%s'Checksum mismatch while reading representationChecksum mismatch while updating '%s': expected: %s actual: %s Checksum: %s Cleanup with an older 1.7 client before upgrading with this clientClient certificate filename: Client/server version mismatchCommand 'finish-replay' invalid outside of replaysComment (%i line): %s Comment (%i lines): %s Comment (%i line): %s Comment (%i lines): %s CommitCommit an unversioned file or tree into the repository. usage: import [PATH] URL Recursively commit a copy of PATH to URL. If PATH is omitted '.' is assumed. Parent directories are created as necessary in the repository. If PATH is a directory, the contents of the directory are added directly under URL. Unversionable items such as device files and pipes are ignored if --force is specified. Commit can only commit to a single repository at a time. Are all targets part of the same working copy?Commit failed (details follow):Commit item '%s' has copy flag but an invalid revisionCommit item '%s' has copy flag but no copyfrom URLCommit rejected because mergeinfo on '%s' contains unexpected string terminatorCommit rejected because mergeinfo on '%s' is syntactically invalidCommit succeeded, but other errors follow:Commit succeeded, but post-commit hook failedCommit targets must be local pathsCommitted revision %ld%s. Committed revision %ld. Committing in directory scheduled for additionCommitting transaction... Compression of svndiff data failedConfig error: invalid boolean value '%s' for '%s'Config error: invalid boolean value '%s' for '[%s] %s'Config error: invalid integer value '%s'Config error: invalid value '%s' for option '%s'Configuration File: %s Conflict Current Base File: %s Conflict Previous Base File: %s Conflict Previous Working File: %s Conflict Properties File: %s Conflict at '%s'Conflict callback violated API: returned no resultsConflict for property '%s' discovered on '%s'. Conflict not setConflict resolution failedConnection timed outConnection to '%s' failedConstraint error in SQLite dbContainer index out of range.Copied From Rev: %ld Copied From URL: %s Copied properties for revision %ld (%s* properties skipped). Copied properties for revision %ld. Copied: %s (from rev %ld, %s) Copy from mutable tree not currently supportedCopy source checksum mismatch on copy from '%s'@%ld to '%s' in rev based on r%ldCopyfrom-url '%s' has different repository root than '%s'Copying from transactions not allowedCorrupt 'current' fileCorrupt DB: faulty predecessor countCorrupt DB: initial copy id not '0' in filesystem '%s'Corrupt DB: initial revision number is not '0' in filesystem '%s'Corrupt DB: initial transaction id not '0' in filesystem '%s'Corrupt L2P index for r%ld only covers r%ld:%ldCorrupt data for '%s'Corrupt entry in 'copies' table for '%s' in filesystem '%s'Corrupt entry in 'transactions' table for '%s' in filesystem '%s'Corrupt filesystem revision %ld in filesystem '%s'Corrupt index file.Corrupt index: number too largeCorrupt lock in 'locks' table for '%s' in filesystem '%s'Corrupt lockfile for path '%s' in filesystem '%s'Corruption detected whilst reading delta chain from representation '%s' to '%s'Could not add all targets because some targets are already versionedCould not add all targets because some targets don't existCould not cat all targets because some targets are directoriesCould not cat all targets because some targets are not versionedCould not cat all targets because some targets don't existCould not convert '%s' into a numberCould not create SASL context: %s%sCould not create top-level directoryCould not display info for all targets because some targets don't existCould not display properties of all targets because some targets are not versionedCould not display properties of all targets because some targets don't existCould not find end of line in range list line in '%s'Could not initialize SQLiteCould not initialize the SASL libraryCould not initialize the revprop caching infrastructure.Could not initialized the SASL library: %s%sCould not list all targets because some targets don't existCould not obtain the list of SASL mechanismsCould not parse mergeinfo string '%s'Could not perform blame on all targets because some targets don't existCould not read revprops for revision %ldCould not resolve proxy server '%s'Could not set changelists on all targets because some targets are not versionedCould not set changelists on all targets because some targets don't existCould not use external editor to fetch log message; consider setting the $SVN_EDITOR environment variable or using the --message (-m) or --file (-F) optionsCouldn't determine absolute path of '%s'Couldn't do property mergeCouldn't find a repositoryCouldn't get lock on destination repos after %d attemptsCouldn't obtain the authenticated usernameCouldn't open a repositoryCouldn't open a working copy file because access was deniedCouldn't open rep-cache databaseCouldn't perform atomic initializationCreate a new directory under version control. usage: 1. mkdir PATH... 2. mkdir URL... Create version controlled directories. 1. Each directory specified by a working copy PATH is created locally and scheduled for addition upon the next commit. 2. Each directory specified by a URL is created in the repository via an immediate commit. In both cases, all the intermediate directories must already exist, unless the --parents option is given. Create an unversioned copy of a tree. usage: 1. export [-r REV] URL[@PEGREV] [PATH] 2. export [-r REV] PATH1[@PEGREV] [PATH2] 1. Exports a clean directory tree from the repository specified by URL, at revision REV if it is given, otherwise at HEAD, into PATH. If PATH is omitted, the last component of the URL is used for the local directory name. 2. Exports a clean directory tree from the working copy specified by PATH1, at revision REV if it is given, otherwise at WORKING, into PATH2. If PATH2 is omitted, the last component of the PATH1 is used for the local directory name. If REV is not specified, all local changes will be preserved. Files not under version control will not be copied. If specified, PEGREV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Created: %s Creating DAV sandbox dirCreating authz fileCreating conf directoryCreating db lock fileCreating db logs lock fileCreating hook directoryCreating lock dirCreating passwd fileCreating post-commit hookCreating post-revprop-change hookCreating pre-commit hookCreating pre-revprop-change hookCreating start-commit hookCreating svnserve.conf fileCredential data unavailableCredentials not savedData cannot be safely XML-escapedDecompression of svndiff data failedDefault entry has no revision numberDefault entry is missing URLDelete failed: directory has no entry '%s'DeletedDeleted node '%s' can't be copied.Deleting %s Deleting copy of %s Delta depth 'exclude' not supportedDelta does not contain enough new dataDelta does not fill the target windowDeltifying revision %ld...Depth 'exclude' not supported for linkDepth: INVALID Depth: empty Depth: exclude Depth: files Depth: immediates Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svndumpfilter help [SUBCOMMAND...] Destination '%s' already existsDestination '%s' exists. Cannot overwrite directory with non-directoryDestination '%s' is not a directoryDestination HEAD (%ld) is not the last merged revision (%ld); have you committed to the destination without using svnsync?Destination directory exists, and will not be overwritten unless forcedDestination directory exists; please remove the directory or use --force to overwriteDestination file '%s' exists, and will not be overwritten unless forcedDestination repository already contains revision history; consider using --allow-non-empty if the repository's revisions are known to mirror their respective revisions in the source repositoryDestination repository has more revisions than source repositoryDestination repository has not been initializedDestination repository is already synchronizing from '%s'Detected a cycle while processing the operationDidn't receive end marker for lock responsesDidn't receive end marker for unlock responsesDiff data source modified unexpectedlyDiff target '%s' was not found in the repository at revision '%ld'Diff target '%s' was not found in the repository at revision '%ld' or '%ld'Diff target '%s' was not found in the repository at revisions '%ld' and '%ld'Diff targets '%s' and '%s' were not found in the repository at revisions '%ld' and '%ld'Diff version inconsistencies in representation '%s'Directory '%s' has no THIS_DIR entryDirectory '%s' has no URLDirectory '%s' is locked in another working copyDirectory '%s' is missingDirectory '%s' is out of dateDirectory entry corruptDirectory entry corrupt in '%s'Directory needs to be empty but is notDirlist element not a listDisable built-in locking. Use of this option can corrupt the mirror unless you ensure that no other instance of svnsync is running concurrently.Disabled repository featureDisplay information about a local or remote item. usage: info [TARGET[@REV]...] Print information about each TARGET (default: '.'). TARGET may be either a working-copy path or URL. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Do not display filtering statistics.Don't filter revision properties.Don't know anything about capability '%s'Don't know how to handle '%s' for capability '%s'Dropped %d node: Dropped %d nodes: Dropped %d revision. Dropped %d revisions. Dump stream contains a malformed header (with no ':') at '%.20s'Dump stream contains a malformed header (with no value) at '%.20s'Dumpstream data appears to be malformedDuplicate targets in svn:externals propertyE%06d: While validating fspath '%s': %sEditor drive was abortedEither a URL or versioned item is requiredEmpty 'victim' field in tree conflict descriptionEmpty L2P index pageEmpty error listEmpty noderev in cacheEmpty regions must have item number 0 and checksum 0End of file while reading from terminalEnd revision %ld is invalid (youngest revision is %ld)Enter your Subversion password for %sEntry '%s' has invalid '%s' valueEntry '%s' has invalid 'depth' valueEntry '%s' has invalid 'schedule' valueEntry '%s' has invalid node kindEntry '%s' has no URLEntry already existsEntry contains non-canonical path '%s'Entry for '%s' has invalid repository rootEntry has an invalid attributeEntry has no URLEntry has no revisionError aborting reportError at entry %d in entries file for '%s':Error bumping revisions post-commit (details follow):Error calling external programError closing directoryError closing directory '%s'Error closing filesystemError closing null fileError converting depth from locale to UTF-8Error converting entry in directory '%s' to UTF-8Error copying logfile; the DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE feature may be interfering with the hotcopy algorithm. If the problem persists, try deactivating this feature in DB_CONFIGError creating OpenSSL crypto contextError creating derived keyError during block decryptionError during block encryptionError fetching result lengthError finalizing block decryptionError finalizing block encryptionError getting UID of processError handling externals definition for '%s':Error in child process: %sError in options to internal diffError initializing block decryptionError initializing block encryptionError initializing command line argumentsError normalizing edited contents to internal formatError normalizing log message to internal formatError normalizing property valueError obtaining random dataError opening db lockfileError parsing %s property on '%s': '%s'Error parsing '%s'Error parsing argumentsError parsing memcache server '%s'Error parsing revision numberError parsing tree conflict skelError reading changes for key '%s'Error resolving case of '%s'Error running '%s': exitcode was %d, args were: in directory '%s', basenames: %s %s %sError running catastrophic recovery on hotcopy; the DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE feature may be interfering with the hotcopy algorithm. If the problem persists, try deactivating this feature in DB_CONFIGError running contextError running editor.Error running post-commit hookError running post-lock hookError running post-unlock hookError unlocking locked dirs (details follow):Error validating server certificate for '%s': Error waiting for process '%s'Error while replaying commitError writing hash to '%s'Error writing stream: unexpected EOFError writing to streamExcluding (and dropping empty revisions for) prefix patterns: Excluding (and dropping empty revisions for) prefixes: Excluding prefix patterns: Excluding prefixes: Expected '%s' to be a directory but found a fileExpected 'revprops', found '%s'Expected FS format '%d'; found format '%d'Expected FS format between '1' and '%d'; found format '%d'Expected current rev to be <= %ld but found %ldExpected node '%s' to be added.Expected node '%s' to be deleted.Expected repository format '%d' or '%d'; found format '%d'Expected valid revision rangeExpires: %s Explicit target argument requiredExplicit target required ('%s' interpreted as prop value)Export complete. Exported external at revision %ld. Exported revision %ld. External at revision %ld. External checkout complete. External export complete. External update complete. FSFS format (%d) too old to pack; please upgrade the filesystem.FSFS is not compatible with Subversion prior to 1.1Failed processing one or more externals definitionsFailed to add directory '%s': object of the same name as the administrative directoryFailed to add file '%s': object of the same name as the administrative directoryFailed to calculate MD5 digest for '%s'Failed to connect to Service Control ManagerFailed to create hotcopy at '%s'. The file '%s' is missing from the source repository. Please create this file, for instance by running 'svnadmin upgrade %s'Failed to create winservice_start_eventFailed to delete mmap '%s'Failed to execute WebDAV PROPPATCHFailed to find time on revision %ldFailed to get exclusive repository access; perhaps another process such as httpd, svnserve or svn has it open?Failed to get lock on destination repos, currently held by '%s' Failed to get new string keyFailed to load current propertiesFailed to load module for FS type '%s'Failed to load propertiesFailed to locate 'copyfrom' path in working copyFailed to lock '%s'Failed to parse version number stringFailed to read revprop pack file for r%ldFailed to read the requestFailed to revert '%s' -- try updating instead. Failed to run '%s' hook; broken symlinkFailed to start '%s' hookFailed to unlock '%s'Failure loading pluginFailure occurred processing one or more externals definitionsFailure occurred resolving one or more conflictsFailure opening '%s'Failure reading representation '%s'Fetching error from APRFewer L2P index pages than revisionsFile '%s' already existsFile '%s' has inconsistent newlinesFile '%s' has local modificationsFile '%s' is locked in another working copyFile '%s' is out of dateFile already exists: filesystem '%s', revision %ld, path '%s'File already exists: filesystem '%s', transaction '%s', path '%s'File is not mutable: filesystem '%s', revision %ld, path '%s'File not found: revision %ld, path '%s'File not found: transaction '%s', path '%s'File offset 0x%s too large, max = 0x%sFilesystem Format: %d Filesystem Type: %s Filesystem directory has no such entryFilesystem has no itemFilesystem has no such checksum-representation index recordFilesystem has no such copyFilesystem has no such lockFilesystem has no such node origin recordFilesystem has no such node-rev-idFilesystem has no such representationFilesystem has no such stringFilesystem is already openFilesystem is corruptFilesystem is not openFilesystem object already openFilesystem object has not been opened yetFilesystem path '%s' is neither a file nor a directoryFilesystem upgrade is not supportedFilter out nodes with given prefixes from dumpstream. usage: svndumpfilter exclude PATH_PREFIX... Filter out nodes without given prefixes from dumpstream. usage: svndumpfilter include PATH_PREFIX... Final line in revision file (r%ld) longer than 64 charactersFinal line in revision file r%ld missing spaceFirst line of '%s' contains non-digitFirst revision cannot be higher than secondFormat of an svn:externals property was invalidFound a working copy pathFound an unexpected \0 in the file external '%s'Found format '%d', only created by unreleased dev builds; see http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7#revprop-packingFound malformed header '%s' in revision fileFraming error in pipe protocolGNOME Keyring is locked and we are non-interactiveGeneral filesystem errorGot source path but no source revision for '%s'Got unrecognized encoding '%s'HTTP Path Not FoundHeader end not foundHistory item limit reachedIllegal URL '%s'Illegal file external revision kind %d for path '%s'Illegal parent directory URL '%s'Illegal repository URL '%s'Illegal repository root URL '%s'Illegal svn repository URL '%s'Illegal target for the requested operationImpossibly long repository root from serverImproper relative URL '%s'In file '%s' line %d: assertion failed (%s)In file '%s' line %d: internal malfunctionIncluding (and dropping empty revisions for) prefix patterns: Including (and dropping empty revisions for) prefixes: Including prefix patterns: Including prefixes: Incoming property value: Incompatible library versionIncomplete dataIncomplete or unterminated property blockInconsistent line ending styleIncorrect arguments suppliedIncorrect parameters givenIndexIndex files are inconsistent.Index offset and rev / pack file size do not matchIndex rev / pack file revision numbers do not matchIndex stream header prefix mismatch. expected: %s found: %sInitialization of SSPI library failedInitialization of the GSSAPI context failedInput/output errorInquiry about unknown capabilityInsufficient NODES rows for '%s'IntelIntel 64-bitInter-repository relocation not allowedInternal error: a null transaction id was passed to get_txn_proplist()Invalid %s property on '%s': cannot use a URL '%s' as the target directory for an external definitionInvalid %s property on '%s': cannot use two absolute URLs ('%s' and '%s') in an external; one must be a path where an absolute or relative URL is checked out toInvalid %s property on '%s': target '%s' is an absolute path or involves '..'Invalid 'conflict_result' argumentInvalid 'node_kind' field in tree conflict descriptionInvalid FNV1 checksum in P2L indexInvalid URL '%s'Invalid URL: illegal character in proxy port numberInvalid URL: negative proxy port numberInvalid URL: proxy port number greater than maximum TCP port number 65535Invalid argument '%s' in diff optionsInvalid atomicInvalid authz configurationInvalid change kind in rev fileInvalid change ordering: add change on preexisting pathInvalid change ordering: new node revision ID without deleteInvalid change ordering: non-add change on deleted pathInvalid change type %dInvalid changelist nameInvalid changes line in rev-fileInvalid character '%c' found in range listInvalid character '%c' found in revision listInvalid character in hex checksumInvalid character in revision numberInvalid compression methodInvalid config: illegal character in timeout valueInvalid config: negative timeout valueInvalid config: unable to load certificate file '%s'Invalid config: unknown HTTP library '%s'Invalid configuration valueInvalid conflict info '%s' in tree conflict descriptionInvalid control character '0x%02x' in path '%s'Invalid copy source path '%s'Invalid copy-from path in changes lineInvalid depth (%c) for path '%s'Invalid diff stream: [new] insn %d overflows the new data sectionInvalid diff stream: [src] insn %d overflows the source viewInvalid diff stream: [tgt] insn %d starts beyond the target view positionInvalid diff stream: insn %d cannot be decodedInvalid diff stream: insn %d has length zeroInvalid diff stream: insn %d overflows the target viewInvalid editor anchoring; at least one of the input paths is not a directory and there was no source entryInvalid end revision %ldInvalid entry terminatorInvalid escape sequenceInvalid escaped characterInvalid file or dir token during editInvalid filesystem path syntaxInvalid filesystem revision numberInvalid filesystem transaction nameInvalid generation number data.Invalid item type in P2L indexInvalid length (%%%s) when about to read a stringInvalid link representationInvalid lockInvalid mergeinfo detected in merge targetInvalid mergeinfo detected on '%s', merge tracking not possibleInvalid mergeinfo detected on merge target '%s', merge tracking not possibleInvalid mergeinfo-mod flag in rev-fileInvalid name for FS type '%s'Invalid number of revisions in L2P indexInvalid operation on the current working directoryInvalid option. Invalid option; cannot choose based on conflicts in a binary file. Invalid option; cannot display conflicts for a binary file. Invalid option; original files not available. Invalid option; there's no merged version to diff. Invalid option; there's no merged version to edit. Invalid path component strip count specifiedInvalid path in changes lineInvalid peg revision %ldInvalid port '%s'Invalid prop-mod flag in rev-fileInvalid property value found in dumpstream; consider repairing the source or using --bypass-prop-validation while loading.Invalid relocationInvalid relocation destination: '%s' (does not point to target)Invalid relocation destination: '%s' (not a URL)Invalid report for top level of working copyInvalid revision footerInvalid revision number '%ld'Invalid revision number '0' found in range listInvalid revision number (%ld)Invalid revision number (%ld) specifiedInvalid revision number found parsing '%s'Invalid revision number suppliedInvalid revision range '%s' providedInvalid revision specifierInvalid scheduleInvalid source URL prefix: '%s' (does not overlap target's URL '%s')Invalid start revision %ldInvalid strip count '%s'Invalid switchInvalid syntax of argument of --config-optionInvalid target pathInvalid text-mod flag in rev-fileInvalid value (%%%s) for node revision mergeinfo countInvalid value for field '%s'Invalid version info in tree conflict descriptionInvalid version line in entries file of '%s'Item already exists in filesystemItem index %s exceeds l2p limit of %s for revision %ldItem index %s too large in l2p proto index for revision %ldItem index %s too large in revision %ldItem index too large for this revision.Item is not readableItem is not writableItem is out of dateItem is partially readableItems are nested too deeplyIteration terminated before completionL2P actual page size does not match page table value.L2P index page count %d exceeds current limit of 2G pagesL2P index page count implausibly largeL2P index page size %s exceeds current limit of 2G entriesL2P index page size is not a power of twoL2P page table exceededLOWER revision cannot be greater than UPPER revision; consider reversing your revision rangeLast Changed Author: %s Last Changed DateLast Changed Rev: %ld Last Merged Revision: %s Last P2L index entry extends beyond the last page in revision %ld.Left locally modified or unversioned filesLine endings other than expectedList directory entries in the repository. usage: list [TARGET[@REV]...] List each TARGET file and the contents of each TARGET directory as they exist in the repository. If TARGET is a working copy path, the corresponding repository URL will be used. If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. The default TARGET is '.', meaning the repository URL of the current working directory. With --verbose, the following fields will be shown for each item: Revision number of the last commit Author of the last commit If locked, the letter 'O'. (Use 'svn info URL' to see details) Size (in bytes) Date and time of the last commit Local URL '%s' contains only a hostname, no pathLocal URL '%s' contains unsupported hostnameLocal URL '%s' does not contain 'file://' prefixLocal property value: Local, non-commit operations do not take a log message or revision propertiesLocation entry not a listLocation segment entry not a listLockLock Comment (%i line): %s Lock Comment (%i lines): %s Lock CreatedLock ExpiresLock Owner: %s Lock Token: %s Lock comment contains a zero byteLock comment contains illegal charactersLock comment file is a versioned file; use '--force-log' to overrideLock element not a listLock failed: newer version of '%s' existsLock has expiredLock has expired: lock-token '%s' in filesystem '%s'Lock operation failedLock response not a listLock token '%s' is not ASCII or is a control character at byte %uLock token URI '%s' has bad scheme; expected '%s'Lock token URI '%s' is not XML-safeLock token is incorrectLock was stolen by '%s'; unable to remove itLock working copy paths or URLs in the repository, so that no other user can commit changes to them. usage: lock TARGET... Use --force to steal the lock from another user or working copy. Log entry not a listLog format too old, please use Subversion 1.6 or earlierLog message contains a zero byteLog message file is a versioned file; use '--force-log' to overrideLog path entry not a stringLog revprop entry not a stringMD5 checksum is missingMD5 checksum mismatch on representation '%s'MERGEDMIME type '%s' contains invalid character '%c' in media typeMIME type '%s' contains invalid character '0x%02x' in postfixMIME type '%s' does not contain '/'MIME type '%s' has empty media typeMINEMalformed UUID '%s'Malformed XML: %s at line %ldMalformed copyfrom line in node-rev '%s'Malformed copyroot line in node-rev '%s'Malformed dumpfile header '%s'Malformed dumpstream: Revision 0 must not contain node recordsMalformed error listMalformed fileMalformed network dataMalformed node revision ID string.Malformed representation headerMalformed skeleton dataMalformed stream dataMalformed svndiff data in representationMalformed text representation offset line in node-revMalformed transaction ID string.Merge conflict during commitMerge from foreign repository is not compatible with mergeinfo modificationMerge source requiredMerge sources must both be either paths or URLsMerge target '%s' does not exist in the working copyMerge tracking not allowed with missing subtrees; try restoring these items first: Merge tracking not possible, use --ignore-ancestry or fix invalid mergeinfo in target with 'svn propset'Merged via:Mergeinfo element is not a listMergeinfo for '%s' maps to an empty revision rangeMergeinfo parse errorMergeinfo referencing revision(s) prior to the oldest dumped revision (r%ld). Loading this dump may result in invalid mergeinfo.Mismatch popping the WC unwind stackMismatched FS module version for '%s': found %d.%d.%d%s, expected %d.%d.%d%sMismatched RA version for '%s': found %d.%d.%d%s, expected %d.%d.%d%sMissing a row in WCROOT for '%s'.Missing a row in WCROOT.Missing changed-path information for '%s' in revision %ldMissing cpath field in node-rev '%s'Missing default entryMissing end of line in wcprops file for '%s'Missing entry terminatorMissing id field in node-revMissing kind field in node-rev '%s'Missing merge source path '%s'; try with --skip-missing-merge-sourcesMissing propname and repository path argumentsMissing propname argumentMissing propname or repository path argumentMissing repository path argumentMissing required node revision IDMissing required revision specificationMissing revisionMixed-revision working copy was found but not expectedModification of '%s' already existsModifiedModule for accessing a repository on local disk.Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol.Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol. - with Cyrus SASL authenticationModule for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol using serf.Module for working with a Berkeley DB repository.Module for working with a plain file (FSFS) repository.Moved From: %s Moved To: %s Moves between the working copy and the repository are not supportedMoving a path from one changelist to anotherMultiple revision arguments encountered; can't specify -c twice, or both -c and -rMultiple revision arguments encountered; try '-r N:M' instead of '-r N -r M'Must specify host and port for memcache server '%s'Must specify the revision as a number, a date or 'HEAD' when operating on a revision propertyMutually exclusive arguments specifiedNOTE: Normalized %s* properties to LF line endings (%d rev-props, %d node-props). NULL mergeinfo catalog Name does not refer to a filesystem directoryName does not refer to a filesystem fileName is not a single path componentName: %s Negative expiration date passed to svn_fs_lockNegative number in range (%s) not supported with -cNegative revision number found parsing '%s'Neither the reintegrate source nor target can be the root of the repositoryNetwork connection closed unexpectedlyNetwork read/write errorNew entry name required when importing a fileNew pristine text '%s' has different size: %ld versus %ldNo Location header receivedNo REPOSITORY table entry for id '%ld'No auth file path availableNo authentication provider availableNo changes to property '%s' on '%s' No changes to property '%s' on revision %ld No commits in repositoryNo common parent found, unable to operate on disjoint argumentsNo conflict-callback and no pre-defined conflict-choice providedNo copy with id '%s' in filesystem '%s'No copyfrom URL for '%s'No default entry in directory '%s'No editor found.No external editor availableNo external merge tool availableNo lock on path '%s' in filesystem '%s'No lock token providedNo non-tracing links found in the error chainNo pathname preceding ':'No paths to unlock providedNo program providedNo provider registered for '%s' credentialsNo record in 'checksum-reps' table for checksum '%s' in filesystem '%s'No record in 'node-origins' table for node id '%s' in filesystem '%s'No representation found at offset %s for item %s in revision %ldNo such XML tag attributeNo such packed revision %ldNo such representation '%s'No such revision %ldNo such revision %ld (HEAD is %ld)No such revision %ld in filesystem '%s'No such transaction '%s'No token given for path '%s' in filesystem '%s'No transaction named '%s' in filesystem '%s'No user associated with filesystemNo username is currently associated with filesystem '%s'No valid copyfrom revision in filtered streamNo valid revision range 'end' in filtered streamNo valid revision range 'start' in filtered streamNo valid target foundNo versioned parent directoriesNo write-lock in '%s'Node '%s' exists.Node '%s' has no pristine textNode '%s' has unexpectedly changed kindNode '%s' is no existing file externalNode Kind: directory Node Kind: file Node Kind: none Node Kind: unknown Node origin for '%s' exists in filesystem '%s' with a different value (%s) than what we were about to store (%s)Node origin for '%s' exists with a different value (%s) than what we were about to store (%s)Node-revision #'%s' claims to have mergeinfo but doesn'tNode-revision '%s' claims to have mergeinfo but doesn'tNode-revision '%s' claims to sit atop a tree containing mergeinfo but is not a directoryNode-revision '%s@%ld' claims to have mergeinfo but doesn'tNon-ASCII character (code %d) detected, and unable to convert to/from UTF-8Non-canonical cpath field in node-rev '%s'Non-numeric change argument (%s) given to -cNon-numeric limit argument givenNon-numeric revision specifiedNon-recursive relocation not supportedNon-string as part of file contentsNone of the environment variables SVN_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR are set, and no 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option was foundNot all required revisions are specifiedNot authorized to open root of edit operationNot enough arguments givenNot enough arguments providedNull rep, but offset past zero alreadyNumber is larger than maximumObject is not a revision rootObject is not a transaction rootObstructed updateOffset %s too large in revision %ldOne or more conflicts were produced while merging r%ld:%ld into '%s' -- resolve all conflicts and rerun the merge to apply the remaining unmerged revisionsOnly SHA1 checksums can be used as keys in the checksum-reps table. Only SHA1 checksums can be used as keys in the rep_cache table. Only depths 'infinity' and 'empty' are currently supportedOnly diffs between a path's text-base and its working files are supported at this timeOnly one revision allowedOnly relative paths can be specified after a URL for 'svn log', but '%s' is not a relative pathOpenSSL crypto driver errorOperation does not apply to binary fileOperation does not apply to directoryOperation does not support multiple sourcesOutput the content of specified files or URLs with revision and author information in-line. usage: blame TARGET[@REV]... If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Output the content of specified files or URLs. usage: cat TARGET[@REV]... If specified, REV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. Owner: %s P2L index page size is not a power of twoP2L page count does not match rev / pack file sizeP2L page description overlaps with next page descriptionPOST request did not return transaction informationPREV, BASE, or COMMITTED revision keywords are invalid for URLPacked data stream is corruptPacked file '%s' misses a tagPacked revprop manifest for r%ld has too few entriesPacked revprop manifest for r%ld has too many entriesPacked revprop manifest for r%ld not properly terminatedPacked revprop size exceeds pack file sizePacking revisions in shard %s...Packing revprops in shard %s...Page exceeds L2P index page sizeParser error: invalid inputPassphrase for '%s': Password for '%s' GNOME keyring: Password for '%s': Password: [not shown] Path '%s' already existsPath '%s' already exists as unversioned nodePath '%s' already exists, but is not a directoryPath '%s' contains '.' or '..' elementPath '%s' does not existPath '%s' does not exist in revision %ldPath '%s' does not share common version control ancestry with the requested switch location. Use --ignore-ancestry to disable this check.Path '%s' doesn't exist in HEAD revisionPath '%s' doesn't exist in revision %ldPath '%s' ends in '%s', which is unsupported for this operationPath '%s' exists, but is excludedPath '%s' has no committed revisionPath '%s' is already locked by user '%s' in filesystem '%s'Path '%s' is not a URLPath '%s' is not a directoryPath '%s' is not a filePath '%s' is not in UTF-8Path '%s' is not in the working copyPath '%s' isn't locked. Path '%s' must be an immediate child of the directory '%s'Path '%s' must be inside the directory '%s'Path '%s' not found in head revisionPath '%s' not found in revision %ldPath '%s' not presentPath '%s' not relative to base URLsPath has no lock tokenPath is already lockedPath is not a stringPath is not a working copy directoryPath is not a working copy filePath is not an immediate child of the specified directoryPath is not lockedPath syntax not supported in this contextPath: %s Pathname not terminated by ':'Peg revision must precede end revisionPlease see the 'svn upgrade' commandPlease type 'yes' or 'no': PowerPCPowerPC 64-bitPremature EOF seen from server (http status=%d)Premature end of content data in dumpstreamPrevious operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interruptedPristine checksum for file '%s' is missingPristine text '%s' not presentProblem on first log entry in a working copyProblem running logProcess '%s' returned error exitcode %dProp diffs element not a listProperties on '%s': Property '%s' is an entry propertyProperty '%s' is not a regular propertyProperty '%s' not found on path '%s' in revision %ldProperty '%s' not found on path '%s' in transaction %sProperty '%s' not found on revision %ldProperty not foundProperty value in filesystem differs from the provided base valueProplist element not a listProvided IV has incorrect lengthProxy authentication failedPut files and directories under version control, scheduling them for addition to repository. They will be added in next commit. usage: add PATH... Python exception has been set with the errorQuerying mergeinfo requires version %d of the FSFS filesystem schema; filesystem '%s' uses only version %dRA layer didn't receive requested OPTIONS infoRA layer failed to create HTTP requestRA layer failed to fetch propertiesRA layer failed to init socket layerRA layer file already existsRA layer request failedREVISION PATH -------- ---- REVISION PATH -------- --------- Ran out of unique namesRange list parsing ended before hitting newlineRead access denied for root of editRead additional prefixes, one per line, from file ARG.Read error in pipeReading '%s'Reading from stdin is disallowedReading one svndiff window read beyond the end of the representationRecovery encountered a deltified directory representationRecovery encountered a non-directory nodeRedirect cycle detected for URL '%s'Redirecting to URL '%s': Reference to non-existent node '%s' in filesystem '%s'Referencing data in revision %ld, which is older than the oldest dumped revision (r%ld). Loading this dump into an empty repository will fail.Reintegrate can only be used if revisions %ld through %ld were previously merged from %s to the reintegrate source, but this is not the case: %sReintegrate merge not possibleRelative source revision %ld is not available in current repositoryRelocate the working copy to point to a different repository root URL. usage: 1. relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH...] 2. relocate TO-URL [PATH] Rewrite working copy URL metadata to reflect a syntactic change only. This is used when a repository's root URL changes (such as a scheme or hostname change) but your working copy still reflects the same directory within the same repository. 1. FROM-PREFIX and TO-PREFIX are initial substrings of the working copy's current and new URLs, respectively. (You may specify the complete old and new URLs if you wish.) Use 'svn info' to determine the current working copy URL. 2. TO-URL is the (complete) new repository URL to use for PATH. Examples: svn relocate http:// svn:// project1 project2 svn relocate http://www.example.com/repo/project \ svn://svn.example.com/repo/project Remove 'conflicted' state on working copy files or directories. usage: resolved PATH... Note: this subcommand does not semantically resolve conflicts or remove conflict markers; it merely removes the conflict-related artifact files and allows PATH to be committed again. It has been deprecated in favor of running 'svn resolve --accept working'. Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions. usage: 1. propdel PROPNAME [PATH...] 2. propdel PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [TARGET] 1. Removes versioned props in working copy. 2. Removes unversioned remote prop on repos revision. TARGET only determines which repository to access. Remove files and directories from version control. usage: 1. delete PATH... 2. delete URL... 1. Each item specified by a PATH is scheduled for deletion upon the next commit. Files, and directories that have not been committed, are immediately removed from the working copy unless the --keep-local option is given. PATHs that are, or contain, unversioned or modified items will not be removed unless the --force or --keep-local option is given. 2. Each item specified by a URL is deleted from the repository via an immediate commit. Remove revisions emptied by filtering.Removed lock on '%s'. Renumber revisions left after filtering.Rep '%s' both mutable and non-fulltextRep '%s' is not mutableRep contents are too large: got %s, limit is %sReplacing %s Replacing copy of %s Repository '%s' is not initialized for synchronizationRepository '%s' not found in the databaseRepository Capability: %s Repository Format: %d Repository Root: %s Repository URL required when importingRepository UUID '%s' doesn't match expected UUID '%s'Repository UUID does not match expected UUIDRepository UUID: %s Repository access is needed for this operationRepository access method not implementedRepository argument requiredRepository argument required Repository creation failedRepository has been movedRepository has no UUIDRepository has not been enabled to accept revision propchanges; ask the administrator to create a pre-revprop-change hookRepository is corruptRepository lock acquired. Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time... Repository lock acquired. Please wait; upgrading the repository may take some time... Repository moved permanently to '%s'; please relocateRepository moved temporarily to '%s'; please relocateRepository root URL does not match expected root URLRepository upgrade is not supportedRepresentation is being writtenRepresentation is not of type 'delta'Representation key for checksum '%s' exists in filesystem '%s'.Request depth 'exclude' not supportedReserved directory name in command line argumentsResolved conflicted state of '%s' Resolving '^/': no repository root found in the target arguments or in the current directoryResource is not under version control.Restored '%s' Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported by '%s'Reverse merged via:Reverted '%s' Revision %ld committed as %ld. Revision %ld doesn't match existing revision %ld in '%s'Revision %ld has a non-file where its revprops file should beRevision %ld has a revs file but no revprops fileRevision %ld has a revs file but the revprops file is inaccessibleRevision %ld not covered by item indexRevision %ld skipped. Revision '%ld' does not existRevision 0x%s too large, max = 0x%sRevision being currently copied (%ld), last merged revision (%ld), and destination HEAD (%ld) are inconsistent; have you committed to the destination without using svnsync?Revision entry not a listRevision file (r%ld) lacks trailing newlineRevision not covered by index.Revision property '%s' not allowed in this contextRevision property pair is emptyRevision range is not allowedRevision with no L2P index pagesRevision: %ld Revisions do not cover the full L2P index page tableRevisions must not be greater than the youngest revision (%ld)Revisions renumbered as follows: Revprop changeRevprop pack file for r%ld is corruptRevprop pack for revision r%ld starts at non-packed revisions r%ldRoot object must be a transaction rootRun 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for details)SASL authentication error: %s%sSHA1 checksum mismatch on representation '%s'SQLite busy at transaction rollback; resetting all busy SQLite statements to allow rollbackSQLite compiled for %s, but running with %sSQLite errorSQLite hotcopy failed for %sSQLite is required to be compiled and run in thread-safe modeSafe data '%s' was followed by non-ASCII byte %d: unable to convert to/from UTF-8Schedule: add Schedule: delete Schedule: normal Schedule: replace Scope not allowed in memcache server '%s'Second revision requiredSending %s Sending copy of %s Serialized hash malformedSerialized hash missing terminatorServer SSL certificate untrustedServer can only replay from the root of a repositoryServer did not send repository rootServer does not support custom revprops via logServer does not support edit pipeliningServer does not support locking featuresServer doesn't support setting arbitrary revision properties during commitServer doesn't support the get-lock commandServer doesn't support the lock commandServer doesn't support the replay commandServer doesn't support the replay-range commandServer doesn't support the unlock commandServer only supports versions up to %dServer requires minimum version %dSession URL does not match expected session URLSession is rooted at '%s' but the repos root is '%s'Set new value for property '%s' on '%s' Set new value for property '%s' on revision %ld Setting property '%s' on non-local targets is not supportedSetting property on non-local targets needs a base revisionSize of uncompressed data does not match stored original lengthSkip missing merge sources.Skipped '%s' Skipped '%s' -- Access denied Skipped '%s' -- An obstructing working copy was found Skipped '%s' -- Has no versioned parent Skipped '%s' -- Node remains in conflict Skipped missing target: '%s' Skipped target: '%s' -- copy-source is missing Something is wrong with the log message's contentsSomething's amiss with the wc sqlite databaseSorry, svn_client_diff6 was called in a way that is not yet supportedSource leftSource '%s' is not a directorySource '%s' is unexpected kindSource Repository UUID: %s Source URL: %s Source and destination URLs appear not to point to the same repository.Source rightSource url '%s' is from different repositorySpecial code for wrapping server errors to report to clientSpecifying 'old_value_p' is not allowed when the '%s' capability is not advertised, and could indicate a bug in your clientStandard properties can't be set explicitly as revision propertiesStart revision %ld is greater than end revision %ldStatus against revision: %6ld Steal locks as necessary. Use, with caution, if your mirror repository contains stale locks and is not being concurrently accessed by another svnsync instance.Stole lock previously held by '%s' Storage of non-regular property '%s' is disallowed through the repository interface, and could indicate a bug in your clientStore passphrase unencrypted (yes/no)? Store password unencrypted (yes/no)? Stream doesn't support seekingStream doesn't support this capabilityStrict output of property values only available for single-target, non-recursive propget operationsString does not represent a node or node-rev-idString length larger than maximumSubcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svn help %s' for usage. Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnadmin help %s' for usage. Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svndumpfilter help %s' for usage. Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnlook help %s' for usage. Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnrdump help %s' for usage. Subcommand '%s' doesn't accept option '%s' Type 'svnsync help %s' for usage. Subcommand argument required Subversion is a tool for version control. For additional information, see http://subversion.apache.org/ Successful edit status returned too soonSuccessor id '%s' (for '%s') already exists in filesystem '%s'Sum of subblock sizes larger than total block content lengthSummary of conflicts: Summary of updates: Svndiff compressed data is invalidSvndiff contains a too-large windowSvndiff contains corrupt window headerSvndiff data contains backward-sliding source viewSvndiff data contains corrupt windowSvndiff data contains invalid instructionSvndiff data ends unexpectedlySvndiff data has invalid headerSvndiff has backwards-sliding source viewsSvndiff has invalid headerSvndiff source length inconsistencySymbolic links are not supported on this platformSyntax error in native-eol argument '%s'Syntax error in revision argument '%s'Syntax error parsing peg revision '%s'Syntax error parsing peg revision '%s'; did you mean '%s@'?System information: THEIRSTarget changelist name must not be emptyTarget path '%s' does not existTarget server does not support atomic revision property edits; consider upgrading it to 1.7 or using an external locking programTarget server does not support atomic revision property edits; consider upgrading it to 1.7.Targets must be URLsTargets must be working copy pathsTest failedTest skippedText Last UpdatedText delta chunk not a stringThe '%s' feature requires version %d of the filesystem schema; filesystem '%s' uses only version %dThe '--transaction' (-t) and '--revision' (-r) arguments cannot co-existThe EDITOR, SVN_EDITOR or VISUAL environment variable or 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option is empty or consists solely of whitespace. Expected a shell command.The OPTIONS response did not include the requested activity-collection-set valueThe OPTIONS response did not include the requested checked-in valueThe OPTIONS response did not include the youngest revisionThe PROPFIND response did not include the requested 'DAV:' propertiesThe PROPFIND response did not include the requested baseline-collection valueThe PROPFIND response did not include the requested propertiesThe PROPFIND response did not include the requested resourcetype valueThe PROPFIND response did not include the requested version-controlled-configuration valueThe PROPFIND response did not include the requested version-name valueThe SQLite db is busyThe SVN_MERGE environment variable is empty or consists solely of whitespace. Expected a shell command. The URL '%s' has a different repository root than its parentThe UUID property was not found on the resource or any of its parentsThe environment variable SVN_MERGE and the merge-tool-cmd run-time configuration option were not set. The existing node '%s' can not be restored.The external relative URL '%s' cannot have backpaths, i.e. '..'The file '%s' changed unexpectedly during diffThe file '%s' has no checksumThe file '%s' has no checksum.The file external '%s' can not be created because the node exists.The file external from '%s' cannot overwrite the existing versioned item at '%s'The filesystem does not support 'absent' nodesThe filesystem editor completion process was not followedThe following repository access (RA) modules are available: The following repository back-end (FS) modules are available: The generated transaction name is too longThe get-file-revs command didn't return any revisionsThe latest repos revision is %ld. The location for '%s' for revision %ld does not exist in the repository or refers to an unrelated objectThe lock comment is a pathname (was -F intended?); use '--force-log' to overrideThe log message file is under version controlThe log message is a pathnameThe log message is a pathname (was -F intended?); use '--force-log' to overrideThe node '%s' can not be restored.The node '%s' comes from unexpected repository '%s', expected '%s'; if this node is a file external using the correct URL in the external definition can fix the problem, see issue #4087The node '%s' does not have properties in this state.The node '%s' has a corrupt checksum value.The node '%s' is not a fileThe node '%s' is not an external.The node '%s' is not in working copy '%s'The node '%s' is not installableThe node '%s' was not found.The operation cannot be performed with the specified depthThe operation is forbidden by the serverThe operation was interruptedThe pristine text with MD5 checksum '%s' was not foundThe pristine text with checksum '%s' was not foundThe properties of '%s' are in an indeterminate state and cannot be upgraded. See issue #2530.The property '%s' may not be merged into '%s'.The range of revisions dumped contained mergeinfo which reference revisions outside that range.The range of revisions dumped contained references to copy sources outside that range.The repository at '%s' has uuid '%s', but the WC has '%s'The repository is locked, perhaps for db recoveryThe root directory cannot be deletedThe server state conflicts with the requested preconditionsThe service failed to startThe service failed to start; an internal error occurred while starting the serviceThe specified diff option is not supportedThe specified node is not a symlinkThe specified path has an unexpected statusThe specified transaction is not mutableThe symlink at '%s' points nowhereThe working copy at '%s' is format 22 with WORKING nodes; use a format 22 client to diff/revert before using this clientThe working copy at '%s' is format 26 with conflicts; use a format 26 client to resolve before using this clientThe working copy is missingThe working copy needs to be upgradedThere is already a versioned item '%s'There is no change 0There is no valid URI above '%s'This client is too old to work with the working copy at '%s' (format %d). You need to get a newer Subversion client. For more details, see http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#working-copy-format-change This editor can only update '%s'This is an empty revision for padding.This working copy is corrupt and cannot be upgraded. Please check out a new working copy.To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.To turn off the %s property, use 'svn propdel'; setting the property to '%s' will not turn it off.Token '%s' does not point to any existing lock in filesystem '%s'Token '%s' is unrecognizedToo many arguments givenToo many arguments to import commandToo many memcached servers configuredTransaction '%s' cleanup failedTransaction '%s' is not based on a revision; how oddTransaction '%s' out-of-date with respect to revision '%s'Transaction '%s' removed. Transaction aborted, but cleanup failedTransaction is deadTransaction is dead: '%s'Transaction is not deadTransaction is not dead: '%s'Transaction is out of dateTransaction out of dateTransmitting file data Traversal of '%s' found no ambient depthTreat the path prefixes as file glob patterns.Tree conflictTried a versioning operation on an unversioned resourceTried to change an immutable representationTruncated protorev file detectedTry 'svn add' or 'svn add --non-recursive' instead?Try 'svn mkdir --parents' instead?Try 'svn revert --depth infinity' instead?Try 'svnadmin help' for more infoTry 'svndumpfilter help' for more infoTry 'svnlook help' for more infoTry 'svnsync help' for more infoTrying to add new property '%s' but the property already exists. Trying to add new property '%s' but the property has been locally deleted. Trying to change property '%s' but the local property value conflicts with the incoming change. Trying to change property '%s' but the property does not exist locally. Trying to change property '%s' but the property has already been locally changed to a different value. Trying to change property '%s' but the property has been locally added with a different value. Trying to change property '%s' but the property has been locally deleted. Trying to delete property '%s' but the local property value is different. Trying to delete property '%s' but the property has been locally added. Trying to delete property '%s' but the property has been locally deleted and had a different value. Trying to delete property '%s' but the property has been locally modified. Trying to use an unsupported featureTunnel scheme %s requires environment variable %s to be definedTwo top-level reports with no targetTwo versioned resources are unrelatedType '%s --help' for usage. Type '%s help' for usage. Type 'svnversion --help' for usage. UINT32 0x%s too large, max = 0x%sURL '%s' (uuid: '%s') doesn't match existing URL '%s' (uuid: '%s') in '%s'URL '%s' at revision %ld doesn't existURL '%s' at revision %ld is not a file or a directoryURL '%s' contains a '..' elementURL '%s' does not begin with a schemeURL '%s' does not existURL '%s' doesn't existURL '%s' is not a child of the session's repository root URL '%s'URL '%s' non-existent in revision %ldURL '%s' not within a repositoryURL '%s' of '%s' is not in repository '%s'URL '%s' refers to a directoryURL '%s' refers to a file, not a directoryURL access forbidden for unknown reasonURL: %s UUID Token: %s UUID: %s Unable to check path existence for '%s'Unable to create transaction directory in '%s' for revision %ldUnable to determine local hostnameUnable to extract data from response headerUnable to find repository location for '%s' in revision %ldUnable to locate auth fileUnable to lock/unlock across multiple repositoriesUnable to make name for '%s'Unable to make name in '%s'Unable to open auth file for readingUnable to open auth file for writingUnable to open repository '%s'Unable to open root of editUnable to parse URL '%s'Unable to parse overlapping revision ranges '%s' and '%s' with different inheritance typesUnable to parse reversed revision range '%ld-%ld'Unable to parse revision range '%ld-%ld' with same start and end revisionsUncommitted local addition, copy or move%sUndefined tunnel scheme '%s'Unexpected EOFUnexpected EOF on streamUnexpected EOF writing contentsUnexpected IV length returnedUnexpected XML element foundUnexpected end of entryUnexpected end of index file %s at offset 0x%sUnexpected end of svndiff inputUnexpected immutable node at '%s'Unexpected node kind %d for '%s'Unexpected node kind foundUnexpected or unknown property kindUnexpected server response to authenticationUnexpectedly found '%s': path is marked 'missing'Unknown FS typeUnknown FS type '%s'Unknown authorization methodUnknown changelistUnknown editor command '%s'Unknown enumeration value in tree conflict descriptionUnknown error adding server to memcacheUnknown error creating apr_memcache_tUnknown error creating memcache serverUnknown hostname '%s'Unknown memcached error while readingUnknown memcached error while writingUnknown node kind for '%s'Unknown node kind for representation '%s'Unknown or unversionable type for '%s'Unknown revprop word '%s' in log commandUnknown status '%s' in command responseUnknown status for lock commandUnknown status for unlock commandUnknown string value of tokenUnknown svn protocol commandUnknown svn_node_kindUnlockUnlock response not a listUnlock succeeded, but post-unlock hook failedUnlock working copy paths or URLs. usage: unlock TARGET... Use --force to break the lock. Unmergeable scheduling requested on an entryUnreadable path encountered; access deniedUnrecognized URL scheme '%s'Unrecognized URL scheme for '%s'Unrecognized binary data encoding; can't decodeUnrecognized file in argument of %sUnrecognized format for the relative external URL '%s'Unrecognized line ending styleUnrecognized line ending style '%s' for '%s'Unrecognized node-action on node '%s'Unrecognized record type in streamUnrecognized revision type requested for '%s'Unrecognized stream dataUnsupported FS formatUnsupported FS loader version (%d) for bdbUnsupported FS loader version (%d) for fsfsUnsupported FS typeUnsupported RA loader version (%d) for ra_localUnsupported RA loader version (%d) for ra_serfUnsupported RA loader version (%d) for ra_svnUnsupported RA plugin ABI versionUnsupported checksum typeUnsupported depth for revert of '%s'Unsupported dumpfile version: %dUnsupported encoding '%s'Unsupported external: URL of file external '%s' is not in repository '%s'Unsupported node kind for path '%s'Unsupported report depth '%s'Unsupported repository versionUnsupported revision specifier used; use only integer values or 'HEAD'Unsupported schema found in SQLite dbUnsupported working copy formatUnversioned directory%sUnversioned file%sUnversioned properties on revision %ld: Unversioned symlink%sUpdate complete. Update the working copy to a different URL within the same repository. usage: 1. switch URL[@PEGREV] [PATH] 2. switch --relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH...] 1. Update the working copy to mirror a new URL within the repository. This behavior is similar to 'svn update', and is the way to move a working copy to a branch or tag within the same repository. If specified, PEGREV determines in which revision the target is first looked up. If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working copy do not automatically cause a failure if the switch attempts to add the same path. If the obstructing path is the same type (file or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy. This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned. For files, any content differences between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local modification to the working copy. All properties from the repository are applied to the obstructing path. Use the --set-depth option to set a new working copy depth on the targets of this operation. By default, Subversion will refuse to switch a working copy path to a new URL with which it shares no common version control ancestry. Use the '--ignore-ancestry' option to override this sanity check. 2. The '--relocate' option is deprecated. This syntax is equivalent to 'svn relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH]'. See also 'svn help update' for a list of possible characters reporting the action taken. Examples: svn switch ^/branches/1.x-release svn switch --relocate http:// svn:// svn switch --relocate http://www.example.com/repo/project \ svn://svn.example.com/repo/project Updated external to revision %ld. Updated to revision %ld. Updating '%s': Upgrade of this repository is not supported; consider dumping and loading the data elsewhereUpgrade of this repository's underlying versioned filesystem is not supported; consider dumping and loading the data elsewhereUpgrade the metadata storage format for a working copy. usage: upgrade [WCPATH...] Local modifications are preserved. Upgraded '%s' Use --force to override this restriction (local modifications may be lost)Use of two URLs is not compatible with mergeinfo modificationUser '%s' does not own lock on path '%s' (currently locked by '%s')User '%s' is trying to use a lock owned by '%s' in filesystem '%s'Username does not match lock ownerUsername: Valid UTF-8 data (hex:%s) followed by invalid UTF-8 sequence (hex:%s)Version file format not correctWaiting on repository lock; perhaps another process has it open? When specifying working copy paths, only one target may be givenWhile handling serf response:While preparing '%s' for commitWhile reading representation offsets for node-revision '%s':Windows service mode (Service Control Manager)Word too longWorking Copy Root Path: %s Working copy '%s' can't be upgraded because it doesn't have a urlWorking copy '%s' can't be upgraded because the repository root is not available and can't be retrievedWorking copy '%s' can't be upgraded because the repository uuid is not available and can't be retrievedWorking copy '%s' is an old development version (format %d); to upgrade it, use a format 18 client, then use 'tools/dev/wc-ng/bump-to-19.py', then use the current clientWorking copy '%s' is not lockedWorking copy '%s' is too old (format %d, created by Subversion %s)Working copy '%s' lockedWorking copy '%s' locked.Working copy and merge source not ready for reintegrationWorking copy format of '%s' is too old (%d); please check out your working copy againWorking copy is corruptWorking copy is not up-to-dateWorking copy locked; if no other Subversion client is currently using the working copy, try running 'svn cleanup' without the --remove-unversioned and --remove-ignored options first.Working copy locked; try running 'svn cleanup' on the root of the working copy ('%s') instead.Working copy not locked at '%s'.Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please reportWorking copy path '%s' does not exist in repositoryWorking copy text base is corruptWrite denied: not authorized to read all of revision %ldWrite errorWrite error in pipeWrong number of targets specifiedWrong or unexpected property valueXML data was not well-formedXML parser failed in '%s'XML stream truncated: %sXML stream truncated: closing '%s' missingYou must specify exactly one of -d, -i, -t or -X. You must specify exactly one of -d, -i, -t, --service or -X. Your commit message was left in a temporary file:[Error output could not be read.][Error output could not be translated from the native locale to UTF-8.]accept merged version of fileadd intermediate parentsallocating new copy ID (getting 'next-key')allocating new node ID (getting 'next-key')allocating new representation (getting next-key)allocating new representation reuse ID (getting 'next-key')allocating new transaction ID (getting 'next-key')allow a non-empty destination repositoryappending stringapply the unidiff in reversebe verbosebuffer errorbumping next copy keybumping next node ID keybumping next representation keybumping next representation reuse IDbumping next string keybumping next transaction keybypass property validation logicbypass the repository hook systemcall hook after changing revision propertycall hook before changing revision propertycall post-commit hook after committing revisionscall pre-commit hook before committing revisionscannot assign with 'with-revprop' option (drop the '=')cannot handle node kind for '%s'change merged file in an editor [edit]clearing stringclosing changes cursorclosing string-reading cursorcode (%d), reason ("%s"), msg ("%s")compression level to use for network transmissions [0 .. no compression, 5 .. default, 9 .. maximum compression]connect to source repository with password ARGconnect to source repository with username ARGconnect to sync repository with password ARGconnect to sync repository with username ARGconvert translatable properties from encoding ARG to UTF-8. If not specified, then properties are presumed to be encoded in UTF-8.corrupt datacreating 'changes' tablecreating 'checksum-reps' tablecreating 'copies' tablecreating 'lock-tokens' tablecreating 'locks' tablecreating 'miscellaneous' tablecreating 'node-origins' tablecreating 'nodes' tablecreating 'representations' tablecreating 'revisions' tablecreating 'strings' tablecreating 'transactions' tablecreating 'uuids' tablecreating changecreating cursor for reading a stringcreating cursor for reading changescreating cursor for reading lock tokensdaemon modedatabase inconsistency at local_relpath='%s' verifying expression '%s'deleting changesdeleting entry from 'checksum-reps' tabledeleting entry from 'copies' tabledeleting entry from 'lock-tokens' tabledeleting entry from 'node-origins' tabledeleting entry from 'nodes' tabledeleting entry from 'transactions' tabledeleting lock from 'locks' tabledeleting record from 'miscellaneous' tabledeleting representationdeleting stringdescend recursively, same as --depth=infinitydirdisable automatic log file removal [Berkeley DB]disable automatic propertiesdisable fsync at transaction commit [Berkeley DB]display this helpdisplay update informationdo not cache authentication tokensdo not cross copies while traversing historydo not output the trailing newlinedo not print differences for added filesdo not print differences for deleted filesdon't delete changelists after commitdon't diff copied or moved files with their sourcedon't expand keywordsdon't print unversioned itemsdon't unlock the targetsdone. dump incrementallydump or hotcopy incrementallyempty mergeinfo catalog enable automatic propertiesfetching changesfetching lock tokensfetching lock tokens (closing cursor)fetching miscellaneous recordfetching string lengthfileforce operation to runforce read only, overriding repository config fileforce validity of lock comment sourceforce validity of log message sourceget repository uuidgetting next-key valuegive output suitable for concatenationignore any repos UUID found in the streamignore externals definitionsignore properties during the operationignore whitespace during pattern matchingincoming %sincoming addincoming deleteincoming dir addincoming dir editincoming editinetd modeinvalid 'accept' ARGkeep path in working copylast changed rather than current revisionslimit operation by depth ARG ('empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity')listen-once mode (useful for debugging)load at specified directory in repositorylocal dir addlocal dir deletelocal dir editlocal dir missinglocal dir moved awaylocal dir moved herelocal dir replacelocal editlocal file addlocal file deletelocal file editlocal file missinglocal file moved awaylocal file moved heremake intermediate directoriesmaximum number of history entriesmaximum number of log entriesmemory-cache-size invalidmergemerge only mergeinfo differencesmissing --accept optionmoved from %smoved to %smoving cursornnext-id file corruptnono progress (only errors) to stderrnonenumber of leading path components to strip from paths parsed from the patch file. --strip 0 is the default and leaves paths unmodified. --strip 1 would change the path 'doc/fudge/crunchy.html' to 'fudge/crunchy.html'. --strip 2 would leave just 'crunchy.html' The expected component separator is '/' on all platforms. A leading '/' counts as one component.obsolete; try --depth=files or --depth=immediatesopening 'changes' tableopening 'checksum-reps' tableopening 'copies' tableopening 'lock-tokens' tableopening 'locks' tableopening 'miscellaneous' tableopening 'node-origins' tableopening 'nodes' tableopening 'representations' tableopening 'revisions' tableopening 'strings' tableopening 'transactions' tableopening 'uuids' tableoperate on a revision property (use with -r or -t)operate on a revision property (use with -r)operate on revision ARG (or range ARG1:ARG2) A revision argument can be one of: NUMBER revision number 'HEAD' latest in repositoryoperate on single directory onlyoperate only on members of changelist ARGout of memoryoutput in XMLoverride diff-cmd specified in config filepass contents of file ARG as additional argspost commit FS processing had error: %spost commit FS processing had error: %s %spost-commit hook failed with no error message.predecessor count for the root node-revision is wrong: found (%d+%ld != %d), committing r%ldprefer IPv6 when resolving the listen hostname [IPv4 is preferred by default. Using IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time is not supported in daemon mode. Use inetd mode or tunnel mode if you need this.]print as little as possibleprint differences against the copy sourceprint extra informationprint nothing, or only summary informationproduce diff outputproperty '%s' deleted from '%s'. property '%s' deleted from repository revision %ld property '%s' set on '%s' property '%s' set on repository revision %ld ra_serf was compiled for serf %d.%d.%d but loaded an incompatible %d.%d.%d libraryread configuration from file ARGread lock comment from file ARGread log message from file ARGread property value from file ARGread user configuration files from directory ARGreading copyreading filesystem revisionreading lockreading lock tokenreading node revisionreading representationreading stringreading transactionreading transaction list (closing cursor)reading transaction list (listing keys)reading transaction list (opening cursor)relocate via URL-rewritingremove changelist associationremove redundant Berkeley DB log files from source repository [Berkeley DB]retrieve all revision propertiesretrieve no revision propertiesretrieve revision property ARGrevprop '%s' has unexpected value in filesystemrevprop '%s' in r%ld has unexpected value in repository (maybe someone else changed it?)revprop '%s' in r%ld is unexpectedly absent in repository (maybe someone else deleted it?)revprop '%s' in r%ld is unexpectedly present in repository (maybe someone else set it?)root of directory to serverun in foreground (useful for debugging) [mode: daemon]set new working copy depth to ARG ('exclude', 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', or 'infinity')set repos UUID to that found in stream, if anyset repository uuidset revision property ARG in new revision using the name[=value] formatset user configuration option in the format: FILE:SECTION:OPTION=[VALUE] For example: servers:global:http-library=serfshow a summary of the resultsshow all conflicts (ignoring merged version)show details for copiesshow diffshow full paths instead of indenting themshow help on a subcommandshow node revision ids for each pathshow program version informationsize of the extra in-memory cache in MB used to minimize redundant operations. Default: 16. [used for FSFS repositories only]specify a password ARGspecify a password ARG (deprecated; see --source-password and --sync-password)specify a username ARGspecify a username ARG (deprecated; see --source-username and --sync-username)specify automatic conflict resolution action ('postpone', 'working', 'base', 'mine-conflict', 'theirs-conflict', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full', 'edit', 'launch') (shorthand: 'p', 'mc', 'tc', 'mf', 'tf', 'e', 'l')specify automatic conflict resolution source ('base', 'working', 'mine-conflict', 'theirs-conflict', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full')specify lock comment ARGspecify log message ARGspecify revision number ARGspecify revision number ARG (or X:Y range)specify transaction name ARGspecify which collection of revisions to display ('merged', 'eligible')storing checksum-reps recordstoring copy recordstoring empty contentsstoring filesystem revisionstoring lock recordstoring lock token recordstoring miscellaneous recordstoring node revisionstoring node-origins recordstoring representationstoring transaction recordstream errorstrip count must be positivesubcommand argument required svn: The depth of this commit is '%s', but copies are always performed recursively in the repository. svndiff window length is corruptsvnserve log filesvnserve: The --service flag is only valid if the process is started by the Service Control Manager. switchsystem('%s') returned %dthe change made by revision ARG (like -r ARG-1:ARG) If ARG is negative this is like -r ARG:ARG-1 If ARG is of the form ARG1-ARG2 then this is like ARG1:ARG2, where ARG1 is inclusivethe change made in revision ARGtheir versiontreat value as being in charset encoding ARGtry operation but make no changestunnel modetunnel username (default is current uid's name) [mode: tunnel]unknownunknown capability '%s'unknown errorupdateupdating filesystem revisionusage: 1. svnsync copy-revprops DEST_URL [SOURCE_URL] 2. svnsync copy-revprops DEST_URL REV[:REV2] Copy the revision properties in a given range of revisions to the destination from the source with which it was initialized. If the revision range is not specified, it defaults to all revisions in the DEST_URL repository. Note also that the 'HEAD' revision is the latest in DEST_URL, not necessarily the latest in SOURCE_URL. If SOURCE_URL is provided, use that as the source repository URL, ignoring what is recorded in the destination repository as the source URL. Specifying SOURCE_URL is recommended in particular if untrusted users/administrators may have write access to the DEST_URL repository. Form 2 is deprecated syntax, equivalent to specifying "-rREV[:REV2]". usage: 1. svnlook propget REPOS_PATH PROPNAME PATH_IN_REPOS 2. svnlook propget --revprop REPOS_PATH PROPNAME Print the raw value of a property on a path in the repository. With --revprop, print the raw value of a revision property. usage: 1. svnlook proplist REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS 2. svnlook proplist --revprop REPOS_PATH List the properties of a path in the repository, or with the --revprop option, revision properties. With -v, show the property values too. usage: svnadmin crashtest REPOS_PATH Open the repository at REPOS_PATH, then abort, thus simulating a process that crashes while holding an open repository handle. usage: svnadmin create REPOS_PATH Create a new, empty repository at REPOS_PATH. usage: svnadmin deltify [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] REPOS_PATH Run over the requested revision range, performing predecessor delti- fication on the paths changed in those revisions. Deltification in essence compresses the repository by only storing the differences or delta from the preceding revision. If no revisions are specified, this will simply deltify the HEAD revision. usage: svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]] Dump the contents of filesystem to stdout in a 'dumpfile' portable format, sending feedback to stderr. Dump revisions LOWER rev through UPPER rev. If no revisions are given, dump all revision trees. If only LOWER is given, dump that one revision tree. If --incremental is passed, the first revision dumped will describe only the paths changed in that revision; otherwise it will describe every path present in the repository as of that revision. (In either case, the second and subsequent revisions, if any, describe only paths changed in those revisions.) usage: svnadmin help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnadmin list-dblogs REPOS_PATH List all Berkeley DB log files. WARNING: Modifying or deleting logfiles which are still in use will cause your repository to be corrupted. usage: svnadmin list-unused-dblogs REPOS_PATH List unused Berkeley DB log files. usage: svnadmin lslocks REPOS_PATH [PATH-IN-REPOS] Print descriptions of all locks on or under PATH-IN-REPOS (which, if not provided, is the root of the repository). usage: svnadmin lstxns REPOS_PATH Print the names of all uncommitted transactions. usage: svnadmin pack REPOS_PATH Possibly compact the repository into a more efficient storage model. This may not apply to all repositories, in which case, exit. usage: svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH Run the recovery procedure on a repository. Do this if you've been getting errors indicating that recovery ought to be run. Berkeley DB recovery requires exclusive access and will exit if the repository is in use by another process. usage: svnadmin rmlocks REPOS_PATH LOCKED_PATH... Unconditionally remove lock from each LOCKED_PATH. usage: svnadmin rmtxns REPOS_PATH TXN_NAME... Delete the named transaction(s). usage: svnadmin setlog REPOS_PATH -r REVISION FILE Set the log-message on revision REVISION to the contents of FILE. Use --bypass-hooks to avoid triggering the revision-property-related hooks (for example, if you do not want an email notification sent from your post-revprop-change hook, or because the modification of revision properties has not been enabled in the pre-revprop-change hook). NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will overwrite the previous log message. usage: svnadmin setuuid REPOS_PATH [NEW_UUID] Reset the repository UUID for the repository located at REPOS_PATH. If NEW_UUID is provided, use that as the new repository UUID; otherwise, generate a brand new UUID for the repository. usage: svnadmin upgrade REPOS_PATH Upgrade the repository located at REPOS_PATH to the latest supported schema version. This functionality is provided as a convenience for repository administrators who wish to make use of new Subversion functionality without having to undertake a potentially costly full repository dump and load operation. As such, the upgrade performs only the minimum amount of work needed to accomplish this while still maintaining the integrity of the repository. It does not guarantee the most optimized repository state as a dump and subsequent load would. usage: svnlook author REPOS_PATH Print the author. usage: svnlook cat REPOS_PATH FILE_PATH Print the contents of a file. Leading '/' on FILE_PATH is optional. usage: svnlook changed REPOS_PATH Print the paths that were changed. usage: svnlook date REPOS_PATH Print the datestamp. usage: svnlook diff REPOS_PATH Print GNU-style diffs of changed files and properties. usage: svnlook dirs-changed REPOS_PATH Print the directories that were themselves changed (property edits) or whose file children were changed. usage: svnlook filesize REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS Print the size (in bytes) of the file located at PATH_IN_REPOS as it is represented in the repository. usage: svnlook help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnlook history REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] Print information about the history of a path in the repository (or the root directory if no path is supplied). usage: svnlook info REPOS_PATH Print the author, datestamp, log message size, and log message. usage: svnlook lock REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS If a lock exists on a path in the repository, describe it. usage: svnlook log REPOS_PATH Print the log message. usage: svnlook tree REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] Print the tree, starting at PATH_IN_REPOS (if supplied, at the root of the tree otherwise), optionally showing node revision ids. usage: svnlook uuid REPOS_PATH Print the repository's UUID. usage: svnlook youngest REPOS_PATH Print the youngest revision number. usage: svnrdump dump URL [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] Dump revisions LOWER to UPPER of repository at remote URL to stdout in a 'dumpfile' portable format. If only LOWER is given, dump that one revision. usage: svnrdump help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnrdump load URL Load a 'dumpfile' given on stdin to a repository at remote URL. usage: svnsync help [SUBCOMMAND...] Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands. usage: svnsync info DEST_URL Print information about the synchronization destination repository located at DEST_URL. usage: svnsync initialize DEST_URL SOURCE_URL Initialize a destination repository for synchronization from another repository. If the source URL is not the root of a repository, only the specified part of the repository will be synchronized. The destination URL must point to the root of a repository which has been configured to allow revision property changes. In the general case, the destination repository must contain no committed revisions. Use --allow-non-empty to override this restriction, which will cause svnsync to assume that any revisions already present in the destination repository perfectly mirror their counterparts in the source repository. (This is useful when initializing a copy of a repository as a mirror of that same repository, for example.) You should not commit to, or make revision property changes in, the destination repository by any method other than 'svnsync'. In other words, the destination repository should be a read-only mirror of the source repository. usage: svnsync synchronize DEST_URL [SOURCE_URL] Transfer all pending revisions to the destination from the source with which it was initialized. If SOURCE_URL is provided, use that as the source repository URL, ignoring what is recorded in the destination repository as the source URL. Specifying SOURCE_URL is recommended in particular if untrusted users/administrators may have write access to the DEST_URL repository. use ARG as diff commanduse ARG as external editoruse ARG as merge commanduse ARG as the newer targetuse ARG as the older targetuse a different EOL marker than the standard system marker for files with the svn:eol-style property set to 'native'. ARG may be one of 'LF', 'CR', 'CRLF'use deltas in dump outputuse git's extended diff formatuse strict semanticsuse threads instead of fork [mode: daemon]use/display additional information from merge historyutf8proc library errorversion errorwait instead of exit if the repository is in use by another processwrite server process ID to file ARG [mode: daemon, listen-once, service]write server process ID to file ARG [mode: daemon, listen-once]writing copied datayyes||||||| ORIGINALProject-Id-Version: subversion 1.9 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dev@subversion.apache.org PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-26 16:08+0800 Last-Translator: Language-Team: Simplified Chinese Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5 --- 修改列表 '%s': ------- 提交新版本 %ld (从原始版本 %ld 装载) >>> ------- 提交后版本 %ld >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 注意! 你的客户端证书密码: %s 只能明文保存在磁盘上! 如果可能的话,请考虑配置你的系统,让 Subversion 可以保存加密后的密码。请参阅文档以获得详细信息。 你可以通过在 “%s” 中设置选项 “store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext” 为 “yes” 或 “no” 来避免再次出现此警告。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 注意! 你的密码,对于认证域: %s 只能明文保存在磁盘上! 如果可能的话,请考虑配置你的系统,让 Subversion 可以保存加密后的密码。请参阅文档以获得详细信息。 你可以通过在“%s”中设置选项“store-plaintext-passwords”为“yes”或“no”, 来避免再次出现此警告。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyrus SASL 认证可用。 错误: 没有提供前缀。 正在取得外部项目至 '%s': 全局选项: 日志信息未修改,或未指定 a)终止,c)继续,e)编辑: 对外部项目“%s”进行状态检查: 完成修复。 完成升级。 有效选项: 警告: %s * 正在增加路径: %s ... * 正在删除路径: %s ... * 正在修改路径: %s ... * 正在替换路径: %s ... 丢失的范围: %ld => (丢弃) '%s' 已经合并 %s:r%s%s 已经撤销合并 %s:r%s%s - %s - 处理“%s”方案 属性冲突:%u 正文冲突:%u 树冲突:%u 未知的验证失败。 更新 '%s' 到版本 %ld。 (%a, %Y-%m-%d) (发现了 %d 个重复目标) (期望兼容) (期望相等) (从 %s:%ld) (生命,宇宙,和一切的答案) - 证书发生未知错误。 - 证书已过期。 - 证书的主机名称不匹配。 - 此证书并不是由信任的权威机权颁发。请使用此指纹手工验证其有效性! - 证书未生效。 ARG完成。 正在从 '%s' 删除 '\r' ... 没有输出。 输出: | %d 行“%s”: 未知命令。 %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y%Y-%m-%d%b %d %H:%M%s (不存在的)%s (版本 %ld)%s (工作副本)%s 被 %s 钩子阻塞(退出代码 %d)%s 文件“%s”包含意外的非数字字符 '%c' 在 '%s' 中钩子 “%s” 失败(退出代码 %d)属性 %s (对象 '%s') 包含不可识别的行结束符号 '%s'%s, %s %s%s,版本 %s 编译于 %s,%s 在 %s %s: 期望: %s 实际: %s %s 属性改变: %s%s%s 警告: W%06d: %s “%s” 与 “%s” 并不在同一个版本库中未实现 “%s” REPORT “%s” 已存在“%s”已存在,具有未知的节点类型“%s”已存在,它是文件“%s”已存在,变成拦路虎“%s” 已经存在并且不是目录“%s” 已经存在,因此可能过时;请先更新'%s' 不能被删除“%s”包含非法文件系统格式选项“%s”“%s”不像是URL“%s”不像是工作副本路径“%s” 未定义 “%s()”“%s” 不存在没有路径 “%s” 在版本 %ld 中“%s” 没有关联的 URL“%s” 不存在 “%s”以保留名称结束“%s”已存在并且非空“%s” 已存在且不是目录“%s”有无法识别的节点种类自提交开始,“%s” 已有本地修改 (重新提交)“%s” 已有本地修改 -- 请先提交或撤销“%s” 没有 URL在提交之前,“%s”没有基础版本钩子“%s”失败(没有干净的退出: apr_exit_why_e 是 %d,exitcode 是 %d)。钩子执行“%s”成功,没有可用的错误输出“%s” 于版本 %ld 是一个无关对象“%s”应该是本地路径,实际上却是 URL“%s”应该是路径,却是URL “%s” 是 URL,但是 URL 不可作为提交目标“%s”是 URL,也许应该是路径。“%s” 是保留名称,无法被导入“%s” 是当前根为 “%s” 的版本库的子目录“%s” 是一个工作副本属性,应此不能被客户端存取“%s” 已经是指向不同 URL 的工作副本'%s' 已经通过 '%s' 锁定。'%s' 已经锁定。“%s”已纳入版本控制'%s' 已纳入版本控制,却被排除。条目“%s”处于冲突状态;请在新增之前标记冲突为已经解决版本库的“%s”已经存在“%s” 阻碍资源纳入版本控制“%s” 是铆钉版本。或许你应该使用 “%s@” ?“%s”不是文件名也不是目录名“%s”不是目录“%s”在文件系统“%s”中不是目录“%s”不是一个文件“%s”在文件系统“%s”中不是文件“%s” 不是文件,版本 %ld“%s”不是文件或目录“%s”不是本地路径'%s' 不是普通文件。请移除后重试'%s' 不是相对路径“%s” 是非法 --accept 取值“%s” 是非法 --show-revs 取值“%s” 不是一个有效的 EOL 值“%s”不是有效的 Subversion 属性名称“%s”不是一个有效的管理目录名“%s” 不是有效的深度;尝试 “empty”,“files”,“immediates”,或 “infinity”“%s” 不是有效的深度;尝试 “exclude”,“empty”,“files”,“immediates”,或 “infinity”“%s”在版本库中不是合法的位置“%s”不是已版本控制的工作副本“%s”不是工作副本“%s” 不是工作副本目录'%s' 不是工作副本根目录“%s”不是“%s”的祖先“%s” 不在版本库中,也不是提交的一部分,但是它的子路径 “%s” 是提交的一部分“%s” 没有被锁定版本库中的“%s”没有被锁定“%s” 没有在工作副本中锁定“%s” 的类型错误“%s” 不是版本库的根“%s”不是工作副本“%s”的根“%s” 尚未纳入版本控制“%s” 的类型未知 “%s” 已经过时“%s” 已经过时;请先更新丢失了预定增加的“%s”不能删除工作副本根目录 '%s'“%s” 不是版本库根 URL “%s” 的子节点“%s” 不是会话 URL “%s” 的子节点“%s”与“%s”并不在同一个版本库中“%s”被用户“%s”锁定。 “%s”必须与“%s”在同一个版本库中找不到 “%s”在文件系统中找不到“%s”找不到路径 “%s”'%s' 阻止创建 '%s' 的父亲“%s” 引用一个目录“%s” 返回 %d“%s”与“%s”没有共同的祖先“%s”到“%s”不是有效的重定位“%s”被用户“%s”解锁。 “%s”解除锁定。 '%s': 此处不允许铆钉版本范围“%s”:没有可用的锁定令牌“%s@%ld”必须与“%s@%ld”有祖先关系“--new” 选项只能与 “--old” 同时使用“--xml” 选项只能与 “--summarize” 同时使用'depth' 选项需要 'diff' 选项在 XML 模式不支持 'diff' 选项'diff-cmd' 选项需要 'diff' 选项'extensions' 选项徐啊哟 'diff' 选项未实现 “get-deleted-rev”未实现“get-file-revs”未实现 “get-location-segments”未实现“get-locations”只有在XML模式“incremental”选项才有效'internal-diff' 选项需要 'diff' 选项'quiet' 与 'diff' 选项是互斥的未实现“stat”在XML模式中“verbose”选项无效只有在 XML 模式 “with-all-revprops” 选项才有效只有在 XML 模式 “with-no-revprops” 选项才有效只有在 XML 模式 “with-revprop” 选项才有效(二进制文件不同) (R)拒绝 或 (t)暂时接受 ?(R)拒绝,(t)暂时接受,或(p)永远接受?(非法日期)(本地)(没有作者信息)(没有时间信息)(没有错误信息)(没有错误)(未发布的开发版本)* 已转存版本 %ld。 * 已校验版本 %ld。 * 链接的依赖库: * 已加载的共享库: --- 正在从 '%s' 删除合并信息: --- 正在合并(从外部版本库) r%ld 到 “%s”: --- 正在合并(从外部版本库) r%ld,经由 r%ld,到 “%s”: --- 正在合并外部版本库 URL 之间的差异到 “%s”: --- 正在合并版本库 URL 之间的差异到 “%s”: --- 正在合并 r%ld 到 “%s”: --- 正在合并 r%ld,经由 r%ld,到 “%s”: --- 记录版本库 URL 之间的合并信息到“%s”: --- 记录合并 r%ld 到“%s”的信息: --- 记录合并 r%ld,经由 r%ld,到“%s”的信息: --- 记录反向合并 r%ld 到“%s”的信息: --- 记录反向合并 r%ld,经由 r%ld,到“%s”的信息: --- 正在反向合并(从外部版本库) r%ld 到 “%s”: --- 正在反向合并(从外部版本库) r%ld,经由 r%ld,到 “%s”: --- 正在反向合并 r%ld 到 “%s”: --- 正在反向合并 r%ld,经由 r%ld,到 “%s”: --此行及以下内容将会被忽略----accept=%s 与 --non-interactive 不兼容--allow-mixed-revisions 不能与 --reintegrate 共存--auto-props 与 --no-auto-props 是互斥的--depth 与 --set-depth 是互斥的--depth 不能与 --reintegrate 共存--diff-cmd 与 --internal-diff 是互斥的--disable-locking 与 --steal-lock 是互斥的--encoding 选项只能用于 Subversion 的文本属性--force 不能与 --reintegrate 共存--message (-m) 与 --file (-F) 是互斥的--reintegrate 只能用于单一合并源--reintegrate 不能与 --ignore-ancestry 共存--reintegrate 不能与 --record-only 共存--relocate 与 --depth 是互斥的--relocate 与 --non-recursive (-N) 是互斥的--verbose 不能与 --revprop, --strict 或 --xml 共存--with-all-revprops 与 --with-no-revprops 是互斥的--with-revprop 与 --with-no-revprops 是互斥的-c 与 -r 是互斥的-r 和 -c 不能与 --reintegrate 共存.merge-left.r%ld%s%s.merge-right.r%ld%s%s.working%s%s<<< 已跳过原始版本 %ld <<< 开始新的事务,基于原始版本 %ld <<<<<<< (本地属性值)<<<<<<< 我的<<<<<<< 我的版本 (使用 “mc” 选择) 没有祖先> 已应用块 ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## 模糊 %lu (%s) > 已应用块 ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ##,偏移 %s> 已应用块 @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ 模糊 %lu > 已应用块 @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ 偏移 %s> 块 ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## 已经应用 (%s) > 块 @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ 已经应用 > 已拒绝块 ## -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu ## (%s) > 已拒绝的块 @@ -%lu,%lu +%lu,%lu @@ >>>>>>> 别人的>>>>>>> 他人版本 (使用 “tc” 选择)“%s”的 MERGE 响应并不是目标 (“%s”) 的子项校验和错误工作副本中的冲突阻止了当前操作外部引用的文件不能覆写已存的版本控制的条目在不需要时给出日志信息不能读取打包的 revprop只能对纳入版本控制的路径执行此操作发生问题;请参阅其它错误信息没有数据,无法产生报告版本库钩子错误读取时修订版消失或改变APR memcache 库不可用ARG (一些命令也接受ARG1:ARG2范围) 版本参数可以是如下之一: NUMBER 版本号 '{' DATE '}' 在指定时间以后的版本 'HEAD' 版本库中的最新版本 'BASE' 工作副本的基线版本 'COMMITTED' 最后提交或基线之前 'PREV' COMMITTED的前一版本提交终止: “%s” 处于冲突状态提交终止: “%s” 仍处于树冲突状态禁止访问 '%s'没有找到活动项已增加正在增加 %s 正在增加 (二进制) %s 正在增加副本 %s 正在增加 (二进制) %s 额外错误:“%s”的管理目录丢失所有的认证提供者都不可用所有非相对目标必须有相同的根 URLApache 得到非法 URIApache 没有指向 SVN 文件系统的路径已经激活 Apply-textdelta没有激活 Apply-textdelta--limit 取值必须为正--strip 参数的取值必须为正断言失败耦合(或解耦)命名文件与修改列表 CLNAME。 使用: 1. changelist CLNAME PATH... 2. changelist --remove PATH... 要比较 URL 的时候,必须有一个版本,既不是基础版本,又不是工作版本版本 %ld。 原子数据存储损坏试图增加已经位于“%s”的树冲突试图修改不变的文件系统节点“%s”试图与自身比较试图取得特性 “%s” 导致 “%s”试图弹出空的工作副本展开堆栈试图删除或重建文件系统根目录试图在非提交操作中,设定工作副本属性 “%s” 于 “%s”试图解锁非空展开堆栈试图在管理目录中执行命令试图在不变节点合并跟踪信息的修改试图在不变节点修改合并信息计数试图删除不变节点试图克隆非可变节点的子节点试图用非法的名字“%s”创建节点试图在非目录的父节点创建条目试图创建已经存在的条目试图删除一个非法名字“%s”的节点试图从*非*目录节点删除条目“%s”试图从不变目录节点删除条目“%s”试图获取*非*文件节点的校验和试图从非目录节点中获取条目试图获取*非*文件节点的长度试图获取*非*文件节点的文本内容试图锁定已加锁的目录试图以非法名字“%s”创建子克隆试图以非法名字“%s”打开节点试图打开不存在的子节点“%s”试图在不变节点设置条目试图在非目录节点中设置条目试图设置*非*文件节点的文本内容试图设置不变节点的文本内容试图更新非可变节点的前驱试图写至非事务 '%s'试图写至只读 SQLite 数据库试图对已修改的资源进行受限操作试图对 URL 进行多次提交试图删除不存在的属性“%s”于“%s” 服务器报告认证错误: %s认证失败认证领域: %s 作者名称不能换行作者名称不能包含换行;除非强迫为之,否则其值不会被设定认证失败传递至 RA 层的 URL 错误传递给 SQL 操作符 GBLOB 或 LIKE 的参数错误'%s' 的基础的 MD5 校验和错误; 期望 '%s'; 发现 '%s'; 不正确的数据库版本: 用 %d.%d.%d 版本编译,正在运行版本 %d.%d.%d不正确的数据库版本: 得到 %d.%d.%d,应该最低是 %d.%d.%d错误的合并;初始,原始,目标不在同一个文件系统错误的合并: 目标“%s”拥有标识“%s”,与初始相同无效的父内存池传递到 svn_make_pool()属性名称错误属性名称错误: “%s”在加载加密驱动时,返回了错误的返回值“%s”的校验和错误'%s' 的校验和错误基线错误BDB 死锁BDB 错误当 %s 关闭文件系统 “%s” 的 BDB 环境句柄时出错: 关闭文件系统“%s”的BDB环境句柄时出错: 创建文件系统“%s”的BDB环境句柄时出错: 打开文件系统“%s”的BDB环境句柄时出错: 非法 URL非法 UUID非法日期非法的文件名非法 mime-type给出的版本信息非法版本报告非法假的服务器规格将版本库的修改合并到工作副本中。 用法: update [PATH...] 如果没有指定版本,则将工作副本更新到 HEAD 版本。否则同步到 -r 选项所 指定的版本。 每更新一项就输出一行信息,使用首字符来报告执行的动作。这些字符的含义是: A 已添加 D 已删除 U 已更新 C 合并冲突 G 合并成功 E 已存在 R 已替换 第一列字符报告项目本身。 第二列表示报告项目属性。 第三列中的字符“B”表示此文件上的锁被终止或窃取。 第四列中的字符“C”表示树冲突,同时“C”出现在第一列或第二列,分别表示 内容冲突或属性冲突。 如果使用了 “--force” 选项,在工作副本中未版本控制的障碍路径,不会自动 导致签出失败。 如果障碍路径与版本库中的对应路径类型相同(文件或目录),它 将成为受版本控制的路径,但是内容不改变。它意味着障碍路径的子孙,也可能 是障碍路径,同样会受版本控制。对于障碍路径中的文件,如果与版本库内的 不同,将视为工作副本发生本地修改。版本库中的所有属性都应用于障碍路径。 用第一列字符 “E” 来报告障碍路径。 如果工作副本中并没有指定的更新目标,但是有其父目录,那么就在指定路径上 将目标检出到其父目录中。如果使用了选项 --parents,就会创建目标的所有不 存在的父目录 (使用选项 --depth=empty)。 使用“--set-depth”选项设置此操作目标的工作副本之新深度。 只能修剪工作副本到有限深度只能修剪目录只能取得文件的原始内容;“%s”不是文件无法接受客户连接增加 “%s” 到调度删除的目录中不能增加 '%s' 为 URL '%s' (数据来自 '%s')不能增加“%s”,因为没有发现它的父目录不能在“%s”增加文件不能在“%s”增加节点不能附加 “%s” 到 “%s”不能绑定服务器套接字无法计算被请求的日期不能改变文件 “%s” 的权限无法改变工作目录到“%s”无法检查目录 “%s”无法检查路径 “%s”无法关闭文件“%s”不能为事务“%s”关闭原型版本锁文件无法关闭流不能提交到“%s”,因为不是目录无法连接主机“%s”不能把字符串从“%s”编码转换为“%s”编码。不能把字符串从”%s“编码转换为本地编码。不能把字符串从本地编码转换为“%s”编码: 不能复制 “%s” 到 “%s”不能创建从“%s”到“%s”的字符转换器不能创建从“%s”到本地编码的字符转换器不能创建从本地编码到“%s”的字符转换器不能为禁用的名称创建条目增加 “%s” 时无法创建使用保留名称的条目无法创建缓存互斥体无法创建目录 “%s”不能在“%s”创建目录无法创建互斥体无法为钩子“%s”创建空标准输出无法创建进程“%s”的属性无法创建服务器套接字无法创建回话无法创建符号连接 “%s”无法从模版“%s”创建临时文件无法创建线程池无法创建隧道不能在“%s”删除节点不能在“%s”删除节点,因为它并不存在不能检测非文件的“%s”之MIME类型不能确定本地路径编码无法明确时间不能获取文件系统互斥体无法找到临时目录找不到工作副本路径无法找到条目增加 “%s” 时无法找到父目录节点不能刷新文件 “%s”不能刷新文件到磁盘不能刷新流不能获取地址信息无法从文件“%s”获取属性信息无法从流获取属性信息不能获取非目录的条目不能获取文件“%s”的排它锁无法获取文件名无法获取主机名称无法获取模块文件名无法取得密码不能获取文件 “%s” 的共享锁无法获得 socket 超时无法获得目录的文本内容无法取得用户名称或密码无法取得工作目录无法隐藏目录 “%s”不能在*文件*修订节点增加合并信息计数 %%s 到 %%%s (> 1)不能在节点版本 %%s 增加合并信息计数,因为会溢出到负值 %%%s文件 '%s' 没有校验和记录,因此不能从原始内容仓库中安装不能迭代基于内存的缓存不能迭代 memcached 缓存不能监听服务器套接字不能锁定缓存互斥体不能锁定互斥体无法创建目录 “%s”不能获得当前日期不能移动 “%s” 到 “%s”不能获取非目录对象 '%s' 的锁不能打开 “%s”不能打开“%s”,因为它不存在无法打开目录“%s”不能打开文件“%s”无法打开标准输入无法打开标准输出/入文件不能针对“%s”操作,因为“%s”不是目录不能解析锁/条目的哈希文件“%s“不能对“%s”执行目录操作,因为它不是目录不能对“%s”执行文件操作,因为它不是文件不能在没有合法的锁令牌时执行此操作不能创建线程池任务不能读取“%s”没有提供校验和,因此不能从原始内容仓库中读取 '%s'不能读取链接的内容无法读取目录无法读取目录 “%s”无法在 “%s” 读取目录内容不能读取文件“%s”不能读取格式文件“%s”的首行无法读取连接不能读取索引文件“%s”,偏移 0x%s不能从文件 “%s” 中读取长行无法从流中读取长行无法读取流无法重新编码 APR 的错误信息无法删除“%s”无法删除目录 “%s”不能移动文件“%s”无法还原工作目录不能获取非目录对象 '%s' 的访问权不能恢复 '%s',而不恢复孩子。不能恢复 '%s',而不恢复父亲。不能在非目录节点 '%s' 下调度增加不能调度工作副本 '%s' (版本库 '%s',uuid '%s') 在版本库 '%s' (uuid '%s') 的工作副本下增加。不能设置 “%s” 的存取时间不能撤销“%s”无法设置文件 “%s” 只读无法设置文件 “%s” 可读写不能对服务器套接字设置选项不能在 “%s” 设置权限无法在文件“%s”设置定位指针无法在流中设置定位指针无法设置“%s”的子进程错误输出文件无法为错误处理函数设置“%s”的子进程错误输出文件无法设置“%s”的子进程输入文件无法设置“%s”的子进程输出文件无法设置进程“%s”的命令类型无法设定进程“%s”的目录无法设置进程“%s”的错误处理函数无法设置进程“%s”的标准 IO 管道不能在不存在的“%s”上设置属性不能对 '%s' 设置属性: 对于更新属性,状态非法。不能在*不变*节点版本 %s 设置属性列表无法设定目录的文本内容不能同时指定 -c 和 --old不能分割行到组件:“%s”不能取得进程“%s”状态不能取得“%s”的状态不能存储文件系统共享数据不能解析命令“%s”不能截断文件 “%s”无法截断流不能解锁缓存互斥体无法解锁文件“%s”不能解锁互斥体不能解锁未锁事务“%s”不能为事务“%s”解锁原型版本锁文件不能解锁未知事务“%s”不能更新 '%s',因为它不是文件不能在“%s”更新文件无法写入文件“%s”无法写入流无法写入“%s”无法写入连接无法写入文件“%s”无法写入流不能获得缓存互斥体的写入锁不能接受属性 “%s”,因为它的编码不是 UTF-8不能接受属性 “%s” 的非 LF 行结束符不能同时排除和切换同一路径无法为二进制文件 “%s” 计算追溯信息无法修改节点类型不能提交 '%s',因为它是自 '%s' 移入的,并且不是此提交的一部分;它们必须同时提交不能提交 '%s',因为已经移到 '%s',并且不是此提交的一部分;它们必须同时提交无法同时提交 “%s” 与 “%s”,因为它们都指向同一个 URL不能在两个不同的文件系统间比较文件内容不能在两个不同的文件系统之间比较属性值不能复制被服务器排除的 '%s'不能在两个不同的文件系统(“%s”和“%s”)之间复制无法复制路径 “%s” 到其子目录 “%s” 中不能在尚未同步时复制版本(%ld)的 revprops无法复制到“%s”,因为它已调度删除无法复制到“%s”,因为它不在版本库“%s”中;它来自“%s”无法修剪 “%s”: 它将要从版本库中删除;请先提交无法修剪 '%s': 它将要增加到版本库中。请先提交不能删除 '%s',因为 '%s' 被服务器排除无法删除外部文件不能在 r%ld 之前计算增量变化不能确定工作副本的版本无法显示: 文件标记为二进制类型。%s无法显示: 属性取值为二进制数据 不能排除 '%s':它是已切换的路径不能排除 '%s': 它是工作副本根目录不能排除 '%s': 它将要增加到版本库中。请先提交不能排除 '%s': 它将要从版本库中删除。请先提交不能取得“%s”的原始内容,因为其状态未知不能取得“%s”的原始内容,因为其删除操作已经提交不能处理“%s”的状态不能在忽略属性的同时,只显示属性不能将在“%s”定义的文件外部引用插入到工作副本“%s”。在非交互式环境中不能调用编辑器获得日志信息不能合并到有本地修改的工作副本中不能合并到已经切换子目录的工作副本中不能合并到有混合版本的工作副本 [%ld:%ld] 中;请先更新不能在源中混合版本库和工作副本不能混合版本库和工作副本目标无法修改名为 “%s” 的事务,其文件系统是 “%s”无法移动 URL “%s” 到本身无法移动外部文件无法移动路径 “%s” 到本身不能移动在“%s”的外部引用;请在“%s”修改属性 svn:externals property 。无法协商认证机制不能重新定位 '%s',因为它不是工作副本根目录不能重新定位 '%s',因为它不是工作副本根目录;请重新定位 '%s'无法重新定位单个文件不能在“%s”删除外部引用;请在“%s”修改或删除属性 svn:externals不能在子目录中替换目录不能从路径的未来历史中反向合并范围;请先更新无法设定“%s”于目录 (“%s”)无法设定“%s”于文件 (“%s”)无法在非目录对象(“%s”)设定不可继承的合并信息不能对两个 URL 指定版本范围删除纳入版本控制的属性 “%s” 时不可指定版本编辑纳入版本控制的属性 “%s” 时不可指定版本设置受版本控制的属性 “%s” 时不能指定版本移动操作不能指定版本不能同时使用 不能修剪 %u 个组件于“%s”不能切换“%s”,因为还不在版本库中不能在有日志文件时升级;请先使用与此工作副本格式兼容的客户端(例如生成此工作副本的客户端)执行清理操作,再升级不能将 --username 或 --password 与 --source-username, --source-password, --sync-username, 或 --sync-password 一起使用。 不能校验路径“%s”的锁;没有匹配的可用锁令牌不能校验路径“%s”上的锁;没有用户名无法写入锁/条目的哈希文件“%s”因为其它进程正在写入以前版本,所以不能为事务 '%s' 写入原型版本文件。因为当前进程正在写入以前版本,所以不能为事务 '%s' 写入原型版本文件。容量类型不是 word 捕捉到信号停止调用此 API证书信息: - 主机名称: %s - 有效时间: 自 %s 至 %s - 发行者: %s - 指纹: %s 路径修改列表必须具有项目 1改变的路径: 已修改路径条目不是列表修改列表不匹配修改列表: %s 服务器禁止修改目录“%s”服务器禁止修改文件“%s”从版本库签出工作副本。 使用: checkout URL[@REV]... [PATH] 如果指定 REV,那么它确定了从 URL 首先查找的版本。 如果省略路径参数,则 URL 最末尾的目录名作为目标目录名。如果指定多个 URL, 则依次将其签出到 PATH 的子目录中,子目录名就是 URL 最末尾的目录名。 如果使用了 “--force” 选项,在工作副本中未版本控制的障碍路径,不会自动导 致签出失败。 如果障碍路径与版本库中的对应路径类型相同(文件或目录),它将成 为受版本控制的路径,但是内容不改变。它意味着障碍路径的孩子,如果也是障碍路 径,那么也会受版本控制。对于障碍路径中的文件,如果与版本库内的不同,将视为工 作副本发生本地修改。版本库中的所有属性都应用于障碍路径。 参见 “svn help update” 以获取报告执行动作的字符列表。 取出版本 %ld 的外部项目。 取出版本 %ld。 完成取出。 '%s' 的校验和不匹配'%s' 的校验和不匹配: 期望: %s 记录: %s 结果的校验和不匹配: (%s)'%s' 的文本校验和不匹配'%s' 的校验和不匹配读取修订版时校验和不匹配更新 '%s' 时,校验和不匹配: 期望: %s 实际: %s 校验和: %s 请在用此客户端升级之前,用旧的 1.7 客户端清理客户证书文件名: 客户端/服务器版本不匹配finish-replay命令只在重放时有效注释 (%i 行): %s 注释 (%i 行): %s 提交将未纳入版本控制的文件或目录树提交到版本库。 用法: import [PATH] URL 递归地提交 PATH 的副本至 URL。 如果省略 PATH,则默认为 “.”。 父目录会根据需要在版本库内创建。 如果 PATH 是目录,则其下的内容直接加入到 URL 指定的位置内。 如果使用了 “--force”,那么不能纳入版本控制的项目,例如设备文件,管道等,会被忽略。 每次提交只能针对一个版本库。 是否所有目标都属于同一工作副本?提交失败(细节如下): 提交项目 “%s” 有复制标志,但是版本无效提交项目 “%s” 有复制标记,但是没有源地址(copyfrom URL)由于 '%s' 上的合并信息包含意外的字符串终结符,提交被拒绝由于 '%s' 上的合并信息非法,提交被拒绝提交成功,但是发生了其它错误,细节如下: 提交成功,但是后置提交钩子(post-commit)失败提交目标必须是本地路径提交后的版本为 %ld%s。 已提交版本 %ld。 在调度增加的目录中进行提交正在读取事务 压缩 svndiff 数据失败配置错误: 无效布尔值 “%s”,对于 “%s”配置错误: 无效布尔值 “%s”,对于 “[%s] %s”配置错误: 无效整数值“%s”配置错误: 无效取值 “%s”,对于选项 “%s”配置文件: %s 与当前的参考文件冲突: %s 与之前的参考文件冲突: %s 与之前的工作文件冲突: %s 属性冲突的文件: %s 在“%s”冲突冲突的回调函数违反 API:没有返回结果。属性 “%s” 冲突,位于 “%s”。 没有设置冲突解决冲突失败连接超时连接到“%s”失败在 SQLite 数据库中的约束出错容器索引越界。从版本 %ld 复制: 从URL %s 复制: 从版本 %ld (忽略 %s* 属性)复制属性。 复制版本 %ld 的属性。 已复制: %s (来自版本 %ld,%s) 当前不支持从可变的树复制从 “%s@%ld” 复制到 “%s”,基于版本 r%ld 的源校验和不匹配Copyfrom-url“%s”与“%s”的版本库根目录不相同不允许从事务复制文件 “current” 损坏损坏的数据库: 先前的数目不完整损坏的数据库: 初始的副本编号在文件系统“%s”中不是“0”损坏的数据库: 初始的版本号在文件系统“%s”中不是“0”损坏的数据库: 初始的事务编号在文件系统“%s”中不是“0”r%ld 的 L2P 索引损坏,只覆盖了 r%ld:%ld'%s' 的数据损坏“%s” 的 “copies” 表有无效入口,其文件系统是 “%s”“%s” 的 “transactions” 表有无效入口,其文件系统是 “%s”文件系统版本 %ld 损坏,其文件系统是 “%s”损坏的索引文件损坏的索引: 数字太大“%s” 的 “locks” 表锁损坏,其文件系统是 “%s”路径 “%s”的锁文件损坏,其文件系统是 “%s”从修订版“%s”到“%s”读差异链时检测到数据损坏因为一些目标已经版本化,所以不能增加全部目标因为一些目标不存在,所以不能增加全部目标因为一些目标是目录,所以不能显示全部目标因为一些目标没有版本化,所以不能显示全部目标因为一些目标不存在,所以不能显示全部目标无法转换 '%s' 到数字不能创建 SASL 上下文: %s%s无法创建最上层目录因为一些目标不存在,所以不能显示全部目标因为一些目标没有版本化,所以不能显示全部目标的属性因为一些目标不存在,所以不能显示全部目标的属性在“%s”的范围列表行中没有找到行结束符不能初始化 SQLite不能初始化 SASL 库不能初始化 revprop 缓存不能初始化 SASL 库: %s%s因为一些目标不存在,所以不能列出全部目标不能获得SASL机制列表不能解析合并信息字符串“%s”因为一些目标不存在,所以不能追溯全部目标无法找到版本 %ld 的版本属性不能解析代理服务器“%s”因为一些目标没有版本化,所以不能对全部目标设置修改列表因为一些目标不存在,所以不能对全部目标设置修改列表无法使用外部编辑器获得日志信息;考虑设置环境变量 $SVN_EDITOR,或者使用 --message (-m) 或 --file (-F) 选项不能确定“%s”的绝对路径无法进行属性合并无法找到版本库尝试 %d 次后,对目标版本库加锁失败不能获得已经认证的用户名称无法打开版本库不能打开工作副本文件,访问被拒绝无法打开缓存数据库不能完成原子的初始化创建纳入版本控制的新目录。 用法: 1、mkdir PATH... 2、mkdir URL... 创建版本控制的目录。 1、每个以工作副本 PATH 指定的目录,都会在本地创建,并且加入增加 调度,直到下次提交。 2、每个以 URL 指定的目录,都会通过立即提交在版本库中创建。 在这两个情况下,所有的中间目录都必须事先存在, 除非使用选项 --parents。 产生一个无版本控制的目录树副本。 用法: 1、export [-r REV] URL[@PEGREV] [PATH] 2、export [-r REV] PATH1[@PEGREV] [PATH2] 1、从 URL 指定的版本库,导出一个干净的目录树到 PATH。如果有指定 REV 的话,内容即为该版本的,否则就是 HEAD 版本。如果 PATH 被省略的话,URL的最后部分会被用来当成本地的目录名称。 2、在工作副本中,从指定的 PATH1 导出一个干净的目录树到 PATH2。如果 有指定 REV 的话,会从指定的版本导出,否则从工作副本导出。如果 PATH2 被省略的话,PATH1 的最后部分会被用来当成本地的目录名称。 如果没有指定 REV 的话,所有的本地修改都保留,但是未纳入版本控制 的文件不会被复制。 如果指定了 PEGREV ,将从指定的版本本开始查找。 已创建: %s 正在创建 DAV 沙箱目录正在创建 authz 文件正在创建 conf 目录正在创建数据库锁文件正在创建数据库日值锁文件正在创建钩子目录正在创建锁文件目录正在创建 passwd 文件正在创建 post-commit 钩子正在创建 post-revprop-change 钩子正在创建 pre-commit 钩子正在创建 pre-revprop-change 钩子正在创建 start-commit 钩子正在创建 svnserve.conf 文件无法取得凭证数据没有保存凭证数据XML 数据不能正确解码解压 svndiff 数据失败默认条目没有版本号默认条目没有URL删除失败: 目录没有条目“%s”已删除已经删除的节点“%s”不能被复制。正在删除 %s 正在删除副本 %s 不支持差异深度 “exclude”Delta 没有包含足够新数据Delta 没有填充目标窗口正在计算版本 %ld 差异...深度 “exclude” 不支持链接深度: 非法 深度: 空 深度: 排除 深度: 文件 深度: 直接 描述本程序或其子命令的用法。 用法: help [子命令...] 描述本程序或其子命令的用法。 用法: svndumpfilter help [SUBCOMMAND...] 目的 “%s” 已存在目标“%s”已存在。不能用非目录覆盖目录目的 “%s” 不是目录目标 HEAD (%ld)不是最后合并版本(%ld);你是否使用非 svnsync 方法提交到目标版本库?目的目录已存在,除非强迫为之,否则不会覆盖目的目录已存在;请删除目录或用 --force 来覆盖目录目标文件“%s”已存在,除非强迫为之,否则不会被覆盖目标版本库已经包含版本历史;如果你确信它们是镜像源版本库的对应版本的话, 考虑使用选项 '--allow-non-empty'目标版本库的版本数量比源版本库多目标版本库没有初始化目标版本库已经与“%s”同步当处理此操作是,检测到死循环加锁响应没有结束标记解锁响应没有结束标记svndiff 数据被意外修改差异目标 '%s' 不在版本库的版本 '%ld' 中差异目标 '%s' 不在版本库的版本 '%ld' 或 '%ld' 中差异目标 '%s' 不在版本库的版本 '%ld' 和 '%ld' 中差异目标 '%s' 与 '%s' 不在版本库的版本 '%ld' 和 '%ld' 中在修订版“%s”中diff的版本不一致目录“%s”没有 THIS_DIR 入口目录 “%s” 没有 URL目录“%s”在其它工作副本中被锁定目录“%s”丢失目录 “%s” 已经过时目录条目损坏'%s' 的目录入口损坏必须为空的目录有内容目录列表元素不是列表禁用内置锁。使用此选项可能 会损坏镜像,除非你能确认没有其它 svnsync 实例同时运行。关闭版本库特性显示本地或远程条目的信息。 用法: info [TARGET[@REV]...] 显示每个 TARGET 的信息 (默认: “.”)。 TARGET 可以是工作副本中的路径或版本库中的 URL。REV 指定从哪个 版本开始查找目标。 不显示过滤的统计数据。不过滤版本属性。不知道特性 “%s” 的任何信息不知道如何处理“%s”,对于特性“%s”丢弃 %d 个节点: 删除 %d 个版本。 转存流在“%.20s”包含错误头部(没有“:”)转存流在“%.20s”包含错误头部(没有值)转存流中出现非法数据svn:externals 属性包含重复的目标E%06d: 当验证文件系统路径“%s”时出错:%s编辑器中止必须提供URL或纳入版本控制的项目树冲突描述中的 “victim” 域为空空的 L2P 索引页错误列表为空缓存中 noderev 为空空区域必须具有项目 0 和校验和 0从终端读到了文件结束标记结束版本 %ld 无效 (最新版本是 %ld)为 %s 输入你的 Subversion 密码入口“%s”有无效值“%s”入口 '%s' 有无效 'depth' 值入口 '%s' 有无效 'schedule' 值入口“%s”有无效的节点种类条目“%s”没有URL条目已存在入口包含不规范的路径 “%s”“%s”条目的版本库根目录无效条目有无效属性入口没有 URL条目没有版本取消报告出错条目文件中的条目 %d 出错于 “%s”执行 post-commit 出错 (细节如下): 调用外部程序错误关闭目录失败关闭目录 “%s” 出错关闭文件系统出错关闭空文件出错将深度从本地编码转换到 UTF8 失败目录 “%s” 中的条目从本地编码转换到 UTF8 失败复制日志文件出错;DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE 特性可能妨碍热复制。如果问题一直存在,请 尝试在 DB_CONFIG 中禁用此特性。创建 OpenSSL 加密上下文失败创建衍生密钥失败在块解密期间出错在块加密期间出错获得结果的长度失败在终结块解密时出错在终结块加密时出错获取进程用户 ID(UID) 时出错处理外部引用“%s”时出错:子进程错误: %s内部比较的选项错误初始化块解密失败初始化块加密失败初始化命令行参数出错将编辑内容规格化为内部格式出错将日志内容规格化为内部格式出错规格化属性值出错获得随机数据失败打开数据库锁文件出错解析 %s 属性于“%s”出错: “%s”解析“%s”时出错解析参数出错解析 memcache 服务器 “%s” 时出错解析版本号出错解析树冲突骨架出错读取键 “%s” 的修改时出错解析“%s”出错运行“%s”出错: 退出码是 %d,参数是: 在目录“%s”,基本名字: %s %s %s热复制时执行灾难恢复出错;DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE 特性可能妨碍热复制。如果问题一直 存在,请尝试在 DB_CONFIG 中禁用此特性。执行上下文错误执行编辑器错误。执行 post-commit 钩子错误执行 post-lock 钩子错误执行 post-unlock 钩子错误解除锁定目录出错(细节如下): 验证“%s”的服务器证书时出错: 等待进程“%s”出错重演提交操作错误写哈希数据至“%s”时出错写入流出错: 意外的 EOF写入流出错排除(以及丢弃空版本)的前缀匹配模式: 排除 (以及丢弃空版本) 的前缀: 排除前缀匹配模式: 排除前缀: 期望“%s”是目录,但它是文件期望“revprops”,发现“%s”期望文件系统格式“%d”;发现格式“%d”期望文件系统格式在“1”到“%d”之间;发现格式“%d”期望当前版本 <= %ld,但它是 %ld期望节点“%s”被增加。期望节点“%s”被删除。期望版本库格式是“%d”或“%d”;发现格式是“%d”期望合法的版本范围过期: %s 必须明确地提供目标参数必须明确地提供目的 (“%s”解释为属性内容)完成导出。 已导出版本 %ld 的外部项目。 已导出版本 %ld。 外部项目版本 %ld。 完成取出外部项目。 完成外部项目导出。 完成外部项目更新。 要打包的 FSFS 格式 (%d) 太旧,请升级。FSFS 与 Subversion 1.1 之前的版本不兼容处理一个或更多的外部定义失败无法增加目录“%s”: 对象与管理目录同名无法增加文件“%s”: 对象与管理目录同名计算“%s”的MD5摘要失败连接服务管理器失败在“%s”创建热备份失败。源版本库丢失了文件“%s”。请创建此文件,例如通过执行“svnadmin upgrade %s”来创建它。创建 Windows 服务启动事件失败删除 mmap“%s”失败执行 WebDAV PROPPATCH 失败无法找到版本 %ld 的时间无法独占访问版本库;可能是其它如 httpd,svnserve 或 svn 等进程已经打开它, 尚未关闭?从目标版本库获得锁失败,当前被“%s”持有 取新的字符串键失败加载当前属性失败加载 “%s” 文件系统模块失败加载属性失败在工作副本中定位 “copyfrom” 的路径失败。锁定“%s”失败解析版本号字符串失败读取 r%ld 的 revprop 打包文件失败读取请求失败无法恢复“%s”-- 请改用更新试试。 运行钩子“%s”失败;符号连接损坏启动钩子“%s”失败解锁“%s”失败加载插件失败处理一个或更多的外部定义失败处理一个或更多的冲突失败打开“%s”失败读取修订版“%s”失败正在从 APR 获取错误L2P 索引页少于版本数目文件“%s”已存在文件 “%s” 内的换行符不一致文件“%s”有本地修改文件“%s” 在其它工作副本中被锁定文件 “%s” 已经过时文件已经存在: 文件系统“%s”,版本“%ld”,路径“%s”文件已经存在: 文件系统“%s”,事务“%s”,路径“%s”文件不是可变的: 文件系统“%s”,版本“%ld”,路径 “%s”没有找到文件: 版本“%ld”,路径 “%s”没有找到文件: 事务“%s”,路径 “%s”文件偏移 0x%s 太大,最大值是 0x%s文件系统格式: %d 文件系统类型: %s 文件系统目录没有此条目文件系统没有条目文件系统没有此校验和展现索引记录文件系统此副本文件系统没有此锁文件系统没有此节点的原始记录文件系统没有此 node-rev-id文件系统没有此修订版文件系统没有此字符串文件系统已经打开文件系统损坏文件系统尚未打开文件系统对象已经打开文件系统对象尚未打开文件系统中路径“%s”既不是文件也不是目录不支持文件系统升级从转存流删除匹配指定前缀的节点。 用法: svndumpfilter exclude PATH_PREFIX... 从转储串流中删除未包含指定前缀的节点。 用法: svndumpfilter include PATH_PREFIX... 版本文件 (r%ld) 的最后一行大于 64 个字符版本文件 (r%ld) 的最后一行缺少空白字符“%s” 的第一行包含了非数字第一个版本不可大于第二个svn:externals 属性格式非法找到一个工作副本路径在外部引用的文件 “%s” 中,发现不期望的 \0发现了文件系统格式“%d”,它是由未发布的开发版本创建的;参见 http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.7#revprop-packing在版本文件中找到非法文件头“%s”管道协议中帧错误GNOME Keyring 被锁定,并且我们处于非交互方式普通文件系统错误获得源路径,但“%s”没有源版本得到不能识别的编码“%s”找不到 HTTP 路径找不到 Header 的结束标记达到历史项目限制非法 URL “%s”非法的外部引用文件的版本类型 %d,在路径 “%s” 中非法父目录 URL “%s”非法版本库 URL “%s”非法版本库根 URL “%s”非法的svn版本库URL“%s”此请求操作的目标非法服务器返回的版本库根路径太长不正确的相对 URL“%s”文件 “%s”,行 %d:断言失败(%s)文件 “%s” 行 %d:内部故障包含(以及丢弃空版本)的前缀匹配模式: 包含 (以及丢弃空版本) 的前缀: 包含的前缀匹配模式: 包含的前缀: 外部属性取值: 不兼容的库版本数据不完整不完整或未结束的属性块不一致的行结束样式提供了不正确的参数参数不正确索引索引文件不一致。索引偏移与版本/打包文件大小不匹配索引版本与打包文件版本号不匹配索引头前缀不匹配 期望: %s 发现: %s初始化 SSPI 库失败初始化 GSSAPI 失败输出/输出错误查询未知特性'%s' 的节点行数不足IntelIntel 64 位不支持版本库之间的重新定位内部错误: 向 get_txn_proplist() 传递了空事务标识非法属性 “%s” 于 “%s”: 对于外部定义,不能使用 URL "%s" 作为目标目录非法属性 “%s” 于 “%s”: 不能在外部定义中使用 2 个绝对 URL(“%s” 和 “%s”);绝对或相对 URL 必须检出到本地路径无效属性 %s 位于 “%s”: 目标 “%s” 包含 “..” 或是绝对路径无效的 “conflict_result” 参数树冲突描述中有非法的 “node_kind” 域在 P2L 索引中的 FNV1 校验和非法无效URL“%s”无效URL: 代理端口中有非法字符无效URL: 负的代理端口无效URL: 代理端口大于TCP通信端口最大值65535diff 选项中参数'%s'无效无效原子认证配置无效rev 文件中有无效的改变种类无效的改变顺序: 在已有路径增加修改无效的改变顺序: 没有删除新节点版本 ID无效的改变顺序: 在已经删除的路径执行非增加修改无效的修改类型 %d无效的修改列表名称rev-file 中有非法修改行在范围列表中发现无效字符 “%c”在版本列表中发现无效字符 “%c”在 16 进制的校验和中发现无效字符版本数字中包含非法字符无效的压缩方法无效配置: 超时数值中有非法字符无效配置: 负的超时无效的配置: 无法加载证书文件“%s”无效配置: 未知的 HTTP 库“%s”无效的配置取值树冲突描述中有非法的冲突信息 '%s'无效控制字符 “0x%02x” 在路径 “%s” 中复制源路径“%s”无效修改行中包含无效的 copy-from 路径非法深度(%c)于路径 “%s”无效的差异流: [new] insn %d 溢出新数据区域无效的差异流: [src] insn %d 溢出源视图无效的差异流: [tgt] insn %d 起点超过目标视图位置无效的差异流: insn %d 不能解码无效的差异流: insn %d 出现 0 长度无效的差异流: insn %d 溢出目标视图无效编辑器定位;至少一个输入路径不是目录,并且没有源入口无效结束版本 %ld无效的条目终止符无效的转义序列无效的转义字符编辑时遇到无效的文件或目录令牌无效文件系统路径语法无效文件系统版本号无效的文件系统事务名称无效的生成编号数据。在 P2L 索引中的项目类型非法长度 (%%%s) 对于字符串非法非法链接表示无效锁在合并目标检测到了合并信息在“%s”发现了非法的合并信息;合并跟踪是不可能的在合并目标“%s”发现了非法的合并信息;合并跟踪是不可能的rev-file 中有无效的 mergeinfo-mod 标志文件类型“%s”的名称无效在 L2P 索引中,版本数字非法操作对当前工作目录无效无效选项。 非法选项;不能为二进制文件冲突选择基准。 非法选项;不能显示二进制文件的冲突。 非法选项;原始文件不可用。 非法选项;没有已合并的版本来比较差异。 非法选项;没有已合并的版本来编辑。 指定了无效的路径组件修剪计数修改行中包含无效的路径无效的铆钉版本 %ld无效端口“%s”rev-file 中有无效的 prop-mod 标志在转储流中发现非法的属性值;考虑修复,或者在加载时使用选项 '--bypass-prop-validation' 。无效重定位非法迁移目标: '%s' (没有指向目标)非法迁移目标: '%s' (不是 URL)最上层工作副本报告无效非法版本页脚无效的版本号“%ld”在范围列表中发现无效的版本号 “0”无效的版本号 (%ld)指定了无效的版本 (%ld)解析 “%s” 时发现无效的版本号提供了无效的版本号码提供了无效的版本范围 '%s'无效的版本说明无效的调度非法源 URL 前缀: '%s' (不与目标的 URL '%s' 交叠)无效起始版本 %ld无效修剪计数 '%s'无效的切换参数 --config-option 的语法无效无效目标路径rev-file 中有无效的 text-mod 标志节点合并信息计数的值非法(%%%s)“%s”域的值无效树冲突描述中有非法的版本信息“%s”文件中的版本行无效文件系统已有此条目项目索引 %s 超出 %s 的 L2P 限制,版本 %ld在 L2P 协议索引中的项目索引 %s 太大,版本 %ld项目索引 %s 太大,版本 %ld此版本的条目索引太大。条目不可读条目不能写条目过时条目部分可读条目嵌套太深迭代在完成前终止L2P 实际页大小与页表值不匹配L2P 索引页计数 %d 大于当前 2G 的页限制L2P 索引页数量难以置信的大L2P 索引页大小 %s 超出当前 2G 的页限制L2P 索引页大小不是2的幂L2P 页表溢出LOWER 版本号不能大于 UPPER 版本号;考虑将你的版本范围翻转最后修改的作者: %s 最后修改的时间最后修改的版本: %ld 最后合并的版本: %s 最后的 P2L 索引入口延伸超出最后的页,版本 %ld.保留本地修改或未纳入版本控制的文件行意外结束列出版本库中的目录内容。 用法: list [TARGET[@REV]...] 显示版本库中文件和子目录列表。如果 TARGET 是工作副本路径,那么操作对应的 版本库URL指定的TARGET。REV指定从在哪个版本查找TARGET。 TARGET默认是“.”,表示当前工作目录对应的版本库URL。 使用 --verbose 时,每个条目会显示以下额外信息: 最后一次提交的版本号码 最后一次提交的作者 如果被锁定,显示字母“O”。(使用“svn info URL”查看详细信息) 大小 (以字节为单位) 最后一次提交的日期与时间 本地URL“%s”只有主机名称,没有路径本地URL“%s”包含不支持的主机名称本地URL“%s”没有“file://”前缀本地属性取值: 本地操作,非提交操作无须日志信息或版本属性区域条目不是列表位置分段入口不是列表加锁锁定注释(%i 行): %s 已创建锁定锁定过期锁定所有者: %s 锁定令牌: %s 加锁注释中有一个零字节锁定注释包含非法字符锁注释文件受版本控制;请使用 “--force-log” 强制执行Lock元素不是列表加锁失败: “%s”的新版本已经存在锁过期锁已经过期:令牌 “%s”,文件系统 “%s”锁操作失败加锁响应不是列表锁令牌 '%s' 在字节 %u 处,不是 ASCII 字符或者是一个控制字符锁令牌 URI '%s' 的方案错误;期望是 '%s'锁令牌 URI '%s' 不是 XML 安全的不正确的锁定令牌锁被 '%s' 窃取;不能删除锁定版本库中的路径,使得其他用户不能向其提交修改。 用法: lock TARGET... 使用 --force 选项可以从其他用户或工作副本窃取到锁。 日志条目不是列表日志格式太旧,请使用 Subversion 1.6 或更新的版本日志信息中有一个零字节日志信息文件受版本控制;请使用 “--force-log” 强制执行日志路径入口不是字符串日志 revprop 入口不是字符串没有 MD5 校验和“%s” 的 MD5 校验和不匹配已合并MIME 类型“%s”的媒体类型中包含非法字符“%c”MIME 类型“%s”中包含非法字符“0x%02x”MIME 类型 “%s” 没有包含 “/”MIME 类型“%s”含有空的媒体类型我的非法 UUID “%s”非法 XML: %s 在第 %ld 行node-rev '%s' 中的 copyfrom 行非法node-rev '%s' 中的 copyroot 行非法非法的转存文件头 '%s'非法的转存流: 版本 0 不能包含节点记录错误列表非法文件格式错误非法网络数据畸形的节点版本 ID 字符串。非法展现头非法骨架数据非法流数据修订版的 svndiff 数据非法node-rev 中有非法的文本修订版偏移行畸形的事务 ID 字符串。提交时发生合并冲突从外部版本库合并与合并信息修改不兼容需要合并源合并源必须同时是路径或 URL合并目标 “%s” 不在工作副本中合并跟踪不允许丢失子树; 请先恢复这些项目: 不能执行合并跟踪,对目标使用“svn propset”修正非法合并信息,或者使用选项 --ignore-ancestry合并通过: Mergeinfo 元素不是列表“%s” 的合并信息映射到空的版本范围分析合并信息出错合并信息引用的版本比最旧的转存版本 (r%ld) 还旧。加载这个转存可能导致非法的合并信息。不匹配的弹出工作副本展开堆栈文件系统模块 “%s” 版本不匹配 : 找到 %d.%d.%d%s,期望 %d.%d.%d%s“%s” 的 RA 版本不匹配: 找到 %d.%d.%d%s,期望 %d.%d.%d%sWCROOT 中的 '%s' 丢失了一行。WCROOT 中丢失了一行。未提供 “%s” 于版本 %ld 中的 changed-path 信息node-rev '%s' 中没有 cpath 字段丢失默认条目wcprops文件“%s”丢失了行结束符条目终结符丢失node-rev 中没有 idnode-rev '%s' 中没有 kind 字段缺少合并源路径 “%s”;尝试 --skip-missing-merge-sources未提供属性名称与版本库路径参数丢失属性名参数未提供属性名称或版本库路径参数未提供版本库路径参数缺少必须的节点版本 ID未提供请求的版本丢失版本发现了不期望的混合版本的工作副本“%s” 的修改已存在已修改访问本地磁盘的版本库模块。使用 svn 网络协议访问版本库的模块。使用 svn 网络协议访问版本库的模块。 - 使用 Cyrus SASL 认证通过 WebDAV 协议使用 serf 访问版本库的模块。模块只能操作BDB版本库。模块与文本文件(FSFS)版本库一起工作。移自: %s 移到: %s 不支持在工作副本和版本库之间移动将路径从一个修改列表移到另一个遇到了多个版本参数;不能指定 -c 两次或者同时使用 -c 和 -r遇到了多个版本参数;请使用“-r N:M”代替“-r M -r N”memcache 服务器 “%s” 中必须指定主机和端口操作版本属性时,必须指定数字、日期形式的版本号或“HEAD”。参数冲突注意: 已经标准化 %s* 属性为 LF 行尾 (%d rev-props, %d node-props)。 空值合并信息目录 文件系统无此目录文件系统无此文件名称不是单一路径名称: %s 传递到 svn_fs_lock 的有效期非法-c 选项不支持负数在范围 (%s) 中解析 “%s” 时发现负的版本号复兴源或目标都不能是版本库的根。网络连接意外关闭网络读写错误导入文件时,需要一个新的条目名称新原始内容 '%s' 有不同的大小: %ld 与 %ld没有收到位置头对于标识 '%ld' 没有 REPOSITORY 表入口未提供 auth 文件路径没有可用的认证提供者属性 “%s” 于 “%s” 没有改变 属性 “%s” 于版本 %ld 没有改变 版本库中没有提交没有找到公共父节点,不能在分离的参数上操作没有冲突回调,也没有提供预定义的冲突选择没有标识 “%s” 的副本,其文件系统是 “%s”'%s' 没有 copyfrom URL在目录“%s”中没有默认入口没有发现编辑器。没有外部编辑器可用没有外部合并工具可用路径“%s”没有被锁定,其文件系统是“%s”没有提供锁定令牌没有发现错误链中的非跟踪链接没有路径名称前缀 “:”没有提供解锁的路径没有提供程序没有提供程序为 '%s' 凭据注册在 “checksum-reps” 表中,没有校验和 “%s” 的记录,其文件系统是 “%s”在 “node-origins” 表中,没有节点 “%s” 的记录,其文件系统是 “%s”在偏移 %s 发现非展现数据,项目 %s,版本 %ld没有这种 XML 标签属性没有此打包版本 %ld没有修订版“%s”没有版本 %ld没有版本 %ld (HEAD 是 %ld)没有版本 %ld,其文件系统是“%s”没有事务 '%s'路径 “%s” 没有令牌,其文件系统是 “%s”事务 “%s” 不在文件系统 “%s” 中没有用户与文件系统关联当前没有用户名称与文件系统“%s”关联在过滤流中没有有效的copyfrom版本在过滤流中没有有效的版本范围 “end”在过滤流中没有有效的版本范围 “start”没有发现合法目标没有受版本控制的父目录“%s”没有写入锁定节点“%s”已存在节点 '%s' 没有原始内容节点 “%s” 的类型意外改变节点 '%s' 的外部链接不是现存文件节点种类: 目录 节点种类: 文件 节点种类: 无 节点种类: 未知 “%s” 的原始节点在文件系统 “%s” 中,取值(%s)与我们要存储的值(%s)不同“%s” 的 origin 节点取值(%s)与我们要存储的值(%s)不同节点版本 #“%s” 声称有合并信息,实际上却没有节点版本“%s”声称自己有合并信息,实际上却没有节点版本“%s”声称自己是包含合并信息的树顶,实际上却不是目录节点版本“%s@%ld”声称有合并信息,实际上却没有检测到非ASCII字符 (代码 %d),并且不能转换到/自 UTF-8node-rev '%s' 中包含非正则 cpath 字段-c 选项的取值(%s)不是数字--limit 取值不是数字指定了非数字版本不支持非递归的重新定位部分文件内容不是字符串没有设置 SVN_EDITOR,VISUAL 或 EDITOR 环境变量,运行时的配置参数中也没有 “editor-cmd” 选项没有全部提供需要的版本无权打开根进行编辑操作没有提供足够的参数没有提供足够的参数空的版本,但是偏移已经大于零数字超过上限对象不是版本的根对象不是事务的根更新阻塞偏移 %s 太大,版本 %ld当合并 r%ld:%ld 到 “%s” 时出现了一个或更多的冲突 请解决所有冲突后,再次运行合并,处理剩余的未合并版本在校验和展现表中,只有 SHA1 校验和能用做键值。 在表 rep_cache 中,只有 SHA1 校验和才能用作键。 当前仅支持深度 'infinity' 和 'empty'当前只支持纯文本类型的参考文件与其工作文件比较比较差异只允许一个版本对于 'svn log',在 URL 后只能指定相对路径,但 '%s' 不是相对路径OpenSSL 加密驱动错误不能对二进制文件执行此操作不能对目录执行此操作此操作不支持多个源对象输出指定文件或URL的追溯内容,包含版本和作者信息。 用法: blame 目标[@版本]... 如果指定了版本,将从指定的版本开始查找。 输出指定文件或URL的内容。 用法: cat 目标[@版本]... 如果指定了版本,将从指定的版本开始查找。 所有者: %s P2L 索引页大小不是2的幂P2L 页计数与版本/打包文件大小不匹配P2L 页描述与下页的描述重叠POST 请求没有返回事务的信息对于 URL,版本关键字 PREV,BASE,或 COMMITTED 非法打包数据流损坏打包文件 '%s' 缺少一个标签r%ld 的打包的 revprop 清单包含的项目太少r%ld 的打包的 revprop 清单包含了太多的项目r%ld 的打包的 revprop 清单没有正确结束打包的 revprop 大小超出打包文件大小正在打包版本碎片 %s ...正在打包版本属性碎片 %s ...页超出 L2P 索引页大小解析错误: 非法输入“%s”的密码: GNOME keyring [%s] 的密码: “%s”的密码: 密码: [未显示] 路径 “%s” 已经存在路径 “%s” 已经作为非版本控制节点存在路径 “%s” 已经存在,但不是目录路径 “%s” 包含 “.” 或 “..” 元素路径 “%s” 不存在路径 “%s” 不在版本 %ld 中路径“%s”与请求的切换位置没有共同的祖先。使用 --ignore-ancestry 可以禁用此检查。HEAD中没有路径“%s”路径 “%s” 不在版本 %ld 中路径“%s”以“%s”结束,此操作不支持路径 “%s” 存在,但被排除路径 “%s” 没有提交过路径“%s”已经被用户“%s”锁定,其文件系统是“%s”路径“%s”不是URL路径 “%s” 不是目录路径“%s”不是文件路径 “%s” 不是 UTF-8 编码路径 “%s” 不在工作副本中路径 “%s” 没有被锁定。 路径 “%s” 必须是目录 “%s” 的直接子孙路径“%s”必须在目录“%s”中HEAD 版本中找不到路径 “%s”路径 “%s” 不在版本 %ld 中路径 “%s” 不存在路径“%s”不是相对于基础 URL路径没有锁定令牌已经锁定路径路径不是字符串路径不是工作副本目录路径不是工作副本文件路径不是指定目录的直接子孙路径没有加锁此上下文不支持路径语法路径: %s 路径名称没有以 “:” 结束铆钉版本必须小于结束版本请参阅命令 'svn upgrade'请输入 'yes' 或 'no': PowerPCPowerPC 64 位从服务器发现 EOF 太早 (http status=%d)转存流中内容数据过早结束以前的操作没有完成;如果它被中断,请执行“svn cleanup”文件“%s”的原始内容校验和丢失原始内容 “%s” 不存在操作工作副本的第一个日志条目出错执行日志出错进程“%s”返回错误退出码 %dProp diffs 元素不是一个列表“%s” 上的属性: 属性 “%s” 是条目属性属性 “%s” 不是常规属性属性 “%s” 不在路径 “%s” 的版本 %ld 中属性 “%s” 不在路径 “%s” 中,事务 “%s”属性“%s”在版本 %ld 中找不到找不到属性文件系统中的属性值与提供的基础值不同Proplist 元素不是列表提供的 IV 的长度不正确代理认证失败把文件和目录纳入版本控制,通过调度加到版本库。它们会在下一次提交时加入。 用法: add 路径... Python 异常被设为错误查询合并信息需要 FSFS 文件系统方案版本 %d;文件系统“%s”只使用版本 %dRA 层无法取得请求的 OPTIONS 信息RA 层创建 HTTP 请求失败RA 层无法取得属性RA 层无法初始化 socket 层RA 层文件已经存在RA 层请求失败修 订 版 路径 -------- ---- 修 订 版 路径 -------- --------- 唯一名称耗尽在遇到新行之前范围列表分析结束编辑根目录时拒绝读取从文件 ARG 中读取额外的前缀,每个一行。管道读取错误正在读取 “%s”不接受从标准输入设备读取读svndiff窗口时超出了结尾修复时遇到差异目录表示修复时遇到非目录节点z在 URL '%s' 检测到循环重定向正在重定向到 URL '%s': 引用不存在的节点 “%s”,其文件系统是 “%s”版本 %ld 引用的数据比最旧的转存版本 (r%ld) 还旧。加载这个转存到空的版本库会失败。复兴只能用于版本 %ld 到 %ld 以前曾经从 %s 合并到复兴源的情况,但是现在不是这种情况: %s复兴合并是不可能的当前版本库不存在相对源版本 %ld重新定位工作副本,指向不同的版本库根 URL。 用法: 1. relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH...] 2. relocate TO-URL [PATH] 改写工作副本 URL 元数据,以反映仅版本库根 URL 的改变。这用于仅版本库根 URL 改变(例如方案或主机名称),但是工作副本内容仍旧与版本库对应的情况。 1. FROM-PREFIX 和 TO-PREFIX 分别对应工作副本的旧 URL 与新 URL 开始子串 (如果你喜欢,可以指定完整的 URL)。请使用 'svn info' 来确定当前工作 副本的 URL。 2. TO-URL 是用于 PATH 的(完整的)新版本库 URL。 例如: svn relocate http:// svn:// project1 project2 svn relocate http://www.example.com/repo/project \ svn://svn.example.com/repo/project 删除工作副本中目录或文件的“冲突”状态。 用法: resolved PATH... 注意: 本子命令不会依语法来解决冲突或是删除冲突标记;它只是删除冲突相关的 附加文件,让 PATH 可以被再次提交。它已经过时,被 “svn resolve --accept working”取代。 删除目录、文件或版本的属性。 用法: 1、propdel PROPNAME [PATH...] 2、propdel PROPNAME --revprop -r REV [URL] 1、删除工作副本中纳入版本管理的文件或目录的属性。 2、删除版本库中版本的属性。TARGET只用来判断访问哪个版本库。 从版本库中删除文件和目录。 用法: 1、delete PATH... 2、delete URL... 1、每个 PATH 指定的项目会被调度到下次提交时从版本库删除。除非给出 --keep-local 参数,工作副本中没有提交的文件和目录会被立即删除。 如果 PATH 未版本控制或者包含未版本控制的项目,或者包含已修改的 项目,那么仅当给出 --force 或 --keep-local 参数时这些项目才会被 删除。 2、每个 URL 指定的项目会通过立即提交从版本库中删除。 删除因过滤而产生的空版本。删除 “%s” 上的锁。 过滤后重编余下的版本。版本 “%s” 可变并且非全文本版本“%s”是不可变的版本内容太大: 得到 %s,上限是 %s正在替换 %s 正在替换副本 %s 版本库“%s”没有为同步初始化在数据库中找不到版本库“%s”版本库特性: %s 版本库格式: %d 版本库根: %s 导入时必须提供版本库的URL版本库的 UUID“%s”与期望的 UUID“%s”不匹配版本库的 UUID 与期望的 UUID 不匹配版本库 UUID: %s 此操作需要存取版本库版本库未实现存取方法需要版本库参数需要版本库参数 创建版本库失败版本库已经移动版本库没有 UUID此版本库不允许修改版本属性;请管理员创建 pre-revprop-change 钩子版本库已损坏已取得版本库锁定。 请稍候;修复版本库可能需要一段时间... 已取得版本库锁定。 请稍候;升级版本库可能需要一段时间... 版本库永久移到 “%s”;请重新定位。版本库临时移到‘%s’;请重新定位。版本库根 URL 与期望的根 URL 不匹配不支持版本库升级正在写修订版修订版不是“delta”类型校验和 “%s” 的展现键已经存在于文件系统 “%s” 中。不支持请求的深度 “exclude”在命令行参数中包含保留的目录名称“%s”的冲突状态已解决 解析“^/”: 在目标参数或当前目录中找不到版本库的根资源尚未纳入版本控制已还原“%s” “%s” 不支持取回合并信息已经撤销合并,通过:已恢复“%s” 版本 %ld 提交为 %ld。 版本 %ld 不匹配现有版本 %ld 于 “%s”版本 %ld 有非文件项目,与其属性文件的记录矛盾版本 %ld 有版本文件,但是没有版本属性文件版本 %ld 有版本文件,但是版本属性文件不可访问版本 %ld 没有被项目索引覆盖跳过版本 %ld。 版本 '%ld' 不存在版本 0x%s 太大,最大值是 0x%s当前复制版本(%ld), 最后合并版本(%ld), 和目标 HEAD (%ld) 不一致;你是否使用非svnsync方法提交到目标版本库?版本条目不是列表版本文件 (r%ld) 缺少结尾换行索引中没有此版本。此上下文中不允许版本属性 “%s”版本属性对为空不允许的版本范围版本没有 L2P 索引页版本: %ld 版本没有覆盖全部 L2P 索引页表版本号不能大于最新的版本号(%ld)版本被重新编号如下: 版本属性改变r%ld 的 revprop 打包文件损坏r%ld 的打包的 revprop 起始于非打包版本 r%ld根对象必须是事务的根运行“svn cleanup”删除锁 (运行“svn help cleanup”以得到详细信息)SASL 认证错误: %s%s“%s” 的 SHA1 校验和不匹配SQLite 忙于回滚事务; 请重置所有繁忙的 SQLite 语句,以便允许回滚SQLite 编译为 %s,但是运行于 %sSQLite 错误SQLite 由于 %s 导致热复制失败SQLite 需要在编译和运行时都处于线程安全模式安全数据“%s”后面是非ASCII字节 %d: 不能转换到/自 UTF-8调度: 增加 调度: 删除 调度: 正常 调度: 替换 memcache 服务器 “%s” 中不允许出现范围需要第二个版本正在发送 %s 正在发送副本 %s 畸形的序列化哈希值序列化哈希值没有终结符服务器的 SSL 证书不被信任服务器只能从版本库的根重放服务器没有返回版本库根路径服务器不支持通过日志自定义 revprops服务器不支持流水线编辑服务器不支持加锁在提交时,服务器不支持设置任意版本属性服务器不支持命令 get-lock服务器不支持加锁服务器不支持重放命令服务器不支持重放范围命令服务器不支持解锁服务器支持的版本不大于 %d服务器要求的最低版本是 %d会话 URL 与期望的会话 URL 不匹配会话根是“%s”,但是版本库根是“%s”属性 “%s” 于 “%s” 被设为新值 属性 “%s” 于版本 %ld 被设为新值 不支持对非本地目标设置属性“%s”设定非本地目标的属性需要版本参数解压后的数据长度与原始长度不相等跳过缺少的合并源跳过“%s” 已跳过 '%s' -- 拒绝访问 忽略“%s” -- 发现障碍工作副本 已跳过 '%s' -- 没有已版本控制的父亲 已跳过 '%s' -- 节点处于冲突状态 跳过缺少的目标: “%s” 跳过目标: '%s' -- copy-source 丢失 日志信息内容不妥工作副本的 SQLite 数据库有错误抱歉,svn_client_diff6 尚不支持这种调用方式源 左边源 “%s” 不是目录源 “%s” 具有意外的类型源版本库 UUID: %s 源 URL: %s 来源与目标 URL 似乎不在同一版本库。源 右边源 URL “%s” 来自其它版本库用专用代码封装服务器错误以便报告客户端当特性 '%s' 没有广告时,不允许指定 'old_value_p',也说明您的客户端有问题标准属性不能设置为版本属性起始版本 %ld 大于结束版本 %ld版本 %6ld 的状态 在需要时窃取锁。请小心使用 如果你的镜像包含过时的锁,并且没有其它 svnsync 实例同时运行。窃取被 '%s' 持有的锁 不允许通过版本库接口存储非正规属性“%s”,它说明您的客户端有漏洞保存未加密的密码(yes/no)?保存未加密的密码(yes/no)?流不支持定位操作流不支持此特性精确的输出属性值只适用于单一目标的非递归操作 propget字符串不是节点或 node-rev-id字符串长度超出上限子命令“%s”不接受选项“%s” 输入“svn help %s”得到用法。 子命令“%s”不接受选项“%s” 使用“svnadmin help %s”得到用法。 子命令“%s”不接受选项“%s” 使用“svndumpfilter help %s”得到用法。 子命令“%s”并不接受选项“%s” 使用“svnlook help %s”得到用法。 子命令“%s”不接受选项“%s” 输入“svnrdump help %s”得到用法。 子命令“%s”不接受选项“%s” 使用“svnsync help %s”得到用法。 必须提供子命令参数 Subversion 是版本控制工具。 欲取得详细资料,请参阅 http://subversion.apache.org/ 太快返回编辑成功状态后续 id “%s”(对于 %s)已经在文件系统 “%s” 中子块大小之和大于块内容长度冲突概要: 更新概要: 非法 svndiff 压缩数据Svndiff 数据包含太大的窗口Svndiff 数据包含无效窗口Svndiff 数据包含向后变化的资源视图Svndiff 数据包含损坏窗口svndiff 数据包含无效指令svndiff 数据意外结束svndiff 数据包含无效头Svndiff 数据包含向后变化的资源视图Svndiff 数据包含无效头svndiff源长度不一致此平台不支持符号链接原生换行符号参数 “%s” 中有语法错误版本参数“%s”中有语法错误解析铆钉版本 '%s' 时发生语法错误解析铆钉版本 '%s' 时发生语法错误;你是不是想执行 '%s@'?系统信息: 别人的目标修改列表的名称不能为空目标路径 “%s” 不存在目标服务器不支持原子版本的属性编辑; 请考虑升级到 1.7 或者使用外部加锁程序目标服务器不支持原子版本的属性编辑; 请考虑升级到 1.7 。目标必须是 URL目标必须是工作副本路径测试失败跳过测试文本最后更新文本差异块不是字符串“%s”特性需要文件系统方案版本 %d;文件系统“%s”版本仅为 %d“--transaction” (-t) 与 “--revision” (-r) 参数不能同时存在环境变量 EDITOR,SVN_EDITOR,或 VISUAL;或者运行时配置选项 “editor-cmd” 为空或取值包含了不加引号的空格。期望外壳命令。OPTIONS 响应中没有包含请求的 activity-collection-set 值。OPTIONS 响应中没有包含请求的 checked-in 值。OPTIONS 响应中没有包含最新的版本PROPFIND 响应中没有包含请求的 'DAV:' 属性PROPFIND 响应中没有包含请求的 baseline-collection 值。PROPFIND 响应中没有包含请求的属性PROPFIND 响应中没有包含请求的 resourcetype 值PROPFIND 响应中没有包含请求的 version-controlled-configuration 值。PROPFIND 响应中没有包含请求的 version-name 值。SQLite 数据库繁忙环境变量 SVN_MERGE 没有设置或者由空白组成。期望外壳命令。 URL “%s” 与其父目录的版本库根目录不相同无法在本资源或其任何父项目中找到UUID属性环境变量 SVN_MERGE 没有设置,运行时的配置中也没有设置 “merge-tool-cmd”。 已有节点 '%s' 不能恢复。外部相对 URL “%s” 不能包含后退路径,例如 “..”文件“%s”在比较期间意外改变文件 '%s' 没有校验和。文件 '%s' 没有校验和。不能创建文件外部引用 '%s',节点已经存在。来源于 “%s” 的外部引用的文件不能覆写位于 “%s” 的已存版本控制条目此文件系统不支持 'absent' 节点没有运行文件系统编辑器完成进程可使用以下的版本库访问模块: 下列版本库后端(FS) 模块可用: 产生的事务名称太长get-file-revs 命令没有返回任何版本最新的版本库版本是 %ld。 “%s” 不在版本库的版本 %ld 中,或是指向一个无关对象锁注释是路径名称 (本来想用-F 选项的吗?);请使用“--force-log”强制执行日志信息文件被纳入版本控制日志信息是路径名日志信息是路径名称 (本来想用 -F 选项的吗?);请使用“--force-log”强制执行节点 '%s' 不能恢复。节点“%s”来自不期望的版本库“%s”,期望的版本库是“%s”;如果此节点是文件外部引用,那么在外部定义中使用正确的 URL 可以修正这个问题,请参见问题 #4087 以获得详细信息节点 '%s' 没有属性。节点 '%s' 的校验和损坏。节点 '%s' 不是文件节点 “%s” 不是外部对象节点“%s”不在工作副本“%s”中节点 '%s' 不可安装找不到节点 '%s'。在指定的深度不能执行此操作操作被服务器禁止操作被中断找不到 MD5 校验和为“%s”的原始内容找不到校验和为“%s”的原始内容'%s' 的属性处于不确定的状态,不能更新。详情参见问题 #2530。属性 “%s” 不能合并到 “%s”。导出的版本范围包含的合并信息,其引用的版本超出导出范围。导出的版本范围包含的引用超出导出范围。版本库 “%s” 的 uuid 是 “%s”,但是工作副本的是 “%s”版本库被锁,可能正在恢复不能删除根目录服务器状态与请求的前置条件冲突。启动服务失败发生内部错误,启动服务失败不支持指定的 diff 选项指定的节点不是符号连接指定的路径有不期望的状态指定的事务不可改变符号连接 '%s' 没有指向任何地方位于 '%s' 的工作副本是有 WORKING 节点的格式 22;请先使用支持格式 22 的客户端比较/还原后,再使用此客户端位于 '%s' 的工作副本是有冲突的格式 26;请先使用支持格式 26 的客户端解决冲突后,再使用此客户端工作副本丢失工作副本需要升级已有纳入版本控制项“%s”没有版本 0在 '%s' 的上级没有合法的 URI此客户端对于工作副本“%s”太旧(格式 %d)。 你需要取得更新的 Subversion 客户端。参见 http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#working-copy-format-change 以获得更详细的信息。 此编辑器只能更新“%s”这是一个用来填充的空版本。此工作副本损坏,不能升级。请重新检出。为了更好的诊断 SSH 连接问题,请从你的 Subversion 配置文件中,[tunnels] 节,删除 ssh 命令行参数 -q 。使用 “svn propdel” 关闭属性 %s; 设置属性为 “%s” 不会关闭它。标识“%s”没有指向文件系统“%s”中存在的锁无法识别令牌 “%s”参数过多导入命令参数太多配置了太多的 memcached 服务器事务 '%s' 清理失败事务“%s”并非基于某个版本;多神秘啊!事务 “%s” 过时,对于版本 “%s” 事务“%s”被删除。 事务终止,但清除失败事务已经结束事务已结束: “%s”事务尚未结束事务未结束: “%s”事务过时事务过时传输文件数据在 “%s” 中找不到深度将路径前缀视为文件统配模式。树冲突试图对未纳入版本控制的资源进行版本操作试图修改不变的修订版检测到文件 protorev 被截断尝试用 “svn add”或 “svn add --non-recursive”代替?尝试 “svn mkdir --parents”?尝试 “svn revert --depth infinity”?请使用“svnadmin help”以得到更多信息请使用“svndumpfilter help”以得到更多信息请使用“svnlook help”以得到更多信息请使用 “svnsync help” 以得到更多信息试图增加新属性 “%s”,但是它已经存在。 试图增加新属性 “%s”,但是它已经在本地被删除。 试图修改属性 “%s”,但是它的本地取值不同。 试图修改属性 “%s”,但是它并不存在。 试图修改属性 “%s”,但是它的本地取值已经改变。 试图修改属性 “%s”,但是它已经在本地被增加,并且取值不同。 试图修改属性 “%s”,但是它已经在本地被删除。 试图删除属性 “%s”,但是它的本地取值不同。 试图删除属性 “%s”,但是它已经在本地被增加。 试图删除属性 “%s”,但是它已经在本地被修改,并且具有不同的取值。 试图删除属性 “%s”,但是它已经在本地被修改。 试图使用不支持的特性隧道方案 %s 需要设定环境变量 %s两个最上层报告没有目标两个纳入版本控制的资源不相关使用“%s --help”得到用法。 使用“%s help”得到用法。 使用 “svnversion --help” 得到用法。 UINT32 0x%s 太大,最大值是 0x%sURL “%s”(uuid: '%s') 不匹配现有 URL “%s”(uuid: '%s') 于 “%s”URL “%s” 在版本 %ld 中不存在URL “%s” 在版本 %ld 中不是文件或目录URL“%s”包含“..”元素URL “%s” 没有以方案开始URL “%s” 不存在URL “%s” 不存在URL “%s” 不是会话版本库根 URL “%s” 的子节点URL “%s” 不在版本 %ld 中URL '%s' 不在版本库中URL“%s”(本地路径“%s”)不在版本库“%s”中URL “%s” 指向目录URL “%s” 指向一个文件,不是目录因为未知的理由,禁止访问 URLURL: %s UUID 标识: %s UUID: %s 无法检查路径“%s”是否存在无法在“%s”中为版本 %ld 创建事务目录无法确定本地主机名称不能从响应的头信息中获取数据“%s” 的版本库位置不在版本 %ld 中无法定位认证文件文件不能跨越多个版本库进行锁定/解锁不能为 “%s” 产生名字不能按照“%s”生成名字不能打开认证文件读取数据无法打开认证文件写入数据无法打开版本库“%s”无法打开根来编辑不能解析 URL “%s”不支持解析重叠且继承类型不同的版本范围 “%s” 和 “%s”不能解析反向的版本范围 “%ld - %ld”不能解析开始与结束版本相同的版本范围 “%ld-%ld”未提交的本地增加,复制或移动 %s无法识别的隧道方案 “%s”流意外结束流意外结束写内容时意外结束返回了意外的 IV 长度发现意外的 XML 元素入口意外结束索引文件“%s”在偏移 0x%s 处意外结束svndiff 输入意料结束“%s”有意外的不变节点意外发现节点种类 %d 于“%s”发现意外节点种类意外或未知的属性类型服务器意外响应认证请求意外发现“%s”: 路径被标记为“丢失”未知的FS类型未知的文件系统类型 “%s”未知认证未知修改列表未知编辑器命令“%s”树冲突描述中有未知的枚举值增加 memcache 服务器时出现未知错误创建 memcache apr_memcache_t 时出现未知错误创建 memcache 服务器时出现未知错误未知的主机“%s”当读取时出现未知的 memcached 错误当写入时出现未知的 memcached 错误“%s” 是未知的节点类型修订版“%s”的节点类型未知“%s” 是未知类型或不可纳入版本控制日志命令中有未知的 revprop 单词 “%s”命令响应中的状态 “%s” 未知加锁命令的状态未知未知的解锁命令状态未知的字符串令牌值未知的 svn 协议命令未知的 svn_node_kind解锁解锁响应不是列表解锁成功,但是后置解锁钩子(post-unlock)失败解除工作副本或URL的锁定。 用法: unlock TARGET... 使用 --force 终止锁定。 条目有无法合并的调度遇到不可读的路径;拒绝访问。无法识别的URL方案(一般需要svn://,http://,file://等开头)“%s”无法识别的URL方案(一般需要svn://,http://,file://等开头)“%s”无法识别的二进制数据编码: 无法解码不能识别参数 %s 指定的文件外部相对 URL “%s” 的格式无法识别无法识别的行结束样式无法识别的行结束样式“%s”,对于“%s”节点“%s”的动作不能识别流中有无法识别的记录类型“%s” 的请求版本类型无法识别无法识别的流数据不支持的文件系统格式不支持的BDB之FS加载器版本 (%d)不支持的FSFS之FS加载器版本 (%d)不支持的文件系统类型不支持ra_local RA加载器版本 %d不支持的 ra_serf RA 加载器版本(%d)不支持 ra_svn RA 加载器版本(%d)不支持此 RA 插件的 ABI 版本不支持的校验和类型对于恢复 '%s',其深度不受支持不支持的转存文件版本: %d不支持的编码“%s”不支持的外部对象:文件外部对象“%s”的 URL 不在版本库“%s”中路径 “%s” 有不支持的节点种类不支持报告深度“%s”不支持此版本库版本使用了不支持的版本格式;请只使用 'HEAD' 或整数不支持 SQLite 数据库中的方案不支持此工作副本格式目录 %s 未版本控制文件 %s 未版本控制版本 %ld 上的未纳入版本控制的属性: 未版本控制的符号链接 %s完成更新。 更新工作副本至同一版本库中的不同 URL。 用法: 1、switch URL[@PEGREV] [PATH] 2、switch --relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH...] 1、更新工作副本,与同一版本库中的新 URL 对应。其行为跟 “svn update” 很像, 也是将工作副本切换到同一版本库中某个分支或者标签的方法。PEGREV 决定从 哪个版本查找目标。 如果使用了 “--force” 选项,在工作副本中未版本控制的障碍路径,不会自动 导致失败。如果障碍路径与版本库中的对应路径类型相同(文件或目录),它将成 为受版本控制的路径,但是内容不改变。它意味着障碍路径的子孙,也可能是障 碍路径,同样会受版本控制。对于障碍路径中的文件,如果与版本库内的不同, 将视为工作副本发生本地修改。版本库中的所有属性都应用于障碍路径。 使用 “--set-depth” 选项设置此操作目标的工作副本之新深度。 如果新 URL 与工作副本路径没有版本继承关系,Subversion 将会拒绝操作。选项 '--ignore-ancestry' 可以禁止此检查。 2、选项 “--relocate” 已经淘汰。它的句法等价于 “svn relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX [PATH]”。 参见 “svn help update” 以获取报告执行动作的字符列表。 样例: svn switch ^/branches/1.x-release svn switch --relocate http:// svn:// svn switch --relocate http://www.example.com/repo/project \ svn://svn.example.com/repo/project 更新外部项目至版本 %ld。 更新到版本 %ld。 正在升级 '%s': 不支持升级此版本库;请考虑使用导出后加载数据的升级方案文件系统不支持升级此版本库;请考虑使用导出后加载数据的升级方案升级工作副本的元数据存储格式。 用法: upgrade [WCPATH...] 保留本地修改。 已升级的“%s” 请使用 --force 选项强制执行(可能会丢失本地修改)使用两个 URL 与合并信息修改不兼容用户 “%s” 不是路径 “%s” 的锁的所有者(当前由用户 “%s” 锁定)用户“%s”试图使用“%s”的锁,其文件系统是“%s”用户不是锁所有者用户名: 有效 UTF-8 数据 (16进制: %s) 后面是无效 UTF-8 序列 (16进制: %s)版本文件格式不正确等待版本库锁定中;也许其它的进程把它打开了? 当指定工作副本路径时,只能给出一个目标当处理 serf 的响应时:当为提交操作准备“%s”时读取节点版本“%s”的偏移失败:Windows 服务方式(服务管理器)单词太长工作副本根目录: %s 由于没有 URL,所以工作副本“%s”不能被升级由于版本库的根不可用,并且不能找回,所以工作副本“%s”不能被升级由于版本库的 UUID 不可用,并且不能找回,所以工作副本“%s”不能被升级工作副本 '%s' 是旧开发版本的格式(%d); 请使用格式 18 客户端清理后, 再使用 'tools/dev/wc-ng/bump-to-19.py' 升级,最后使用当前客户端工作副本“%s”未被锁定工作副本 '%s' 格式太旧 (格式 %d, Subversion %s 创建)工作副本“%s”已经锁定工作副本 '%s' 已经锁定。工作副本与合并来源没有准备好复兴“%s”的工作副本格式太旧(%d);请重新取出工作副本工作副本已损坏工作副本没有更新到最新版本工作副本锁定;如果没有其它 Subversion 客户端正在使用此工作副本,请先尝试执行命令 'svn cleanup',不使用参数 --remove-unversioned 和 --remove-ignored。工作副本被锁定;请先对工作副本(“%s”)根目录执行“svn cleanup”。工作副本 '%s' 未被锁定。工作副本没有锁定;这可能是一个漏洞,请报告工作副本路径“%s”不在版本库中工作副本的参考文件损坏拒绝写入: 未授权读取版本 %ld 的所有数据。写入错误管道写入错误指定的目标数目错误错误或不期望的属性值XML 数据语法错误XML 解析器失败于“%s”XML 流被截断: %sXML 流被截断: 丢失了 '%s' 的关闭标签您必须指定 -d, -i, -t 或 -X 中的一个。 您必须指定 -d, -i, -t, --service 或 -X 中的一个。 您的提交信息保留在临时文件中: [没有可用的错误输出。][错误输出不能从本地区域转变为 UTF-8。]接受文件的合并版本增加中间父目录正在分配新副本 ID(正在获取 “next-key”)正在分配新的节点 ID (正在获取“next-key”)正在分配新修订版(正在获取 next-key)正在分配新展现的复用 ID(正在获取 “next-key”)正在分配新事务 ID(正在获取 “next-key”)允许非空目标版本库正在追加字符串反向应用补丁详细缓冲区写入错误正在提取下一个副本键正在提取下一个节点 ID 键正在提取下一个修订版键跳到下个展现复用 ID正在跳到下一个字符串键正在跳到下一个事务键跳过属性校验逻辑跳过版本库钩子系统修改属性后调用钩子修改属性前调用钩子提交版本后调用 post-commit 钩子提交版本前调用 pre-commit 钩子选项 'with-revprop' 不接受赋值(请删除 '=')不能为 '%s'“处理节点类型在编辑器中修改合并后的文件 [edit]正在清理字符串正在关闭修改指针正在关闭读取字符串的游标代码 (%d), 原因 ("%s"), 消息 ("%s")用于网络传输的压缩级别 [0 .. 不压缩, 5 .. 默认, 9 .. 最大压缩]使用密码 ARG 连接源版本库使用用户名称 ARG 连接源版本库使用密码 ARG 连接目的版本库使用用户名称 ARG 连接目的版本库将可翻译的属性从编码 ARG 转换到 UTF-8。如果不指定,那么假定属性的编码是 UTF-8。损坏的数据正在创建“changes”表正在创建“checksum-reps”表正在创建“copies”表正在创建“lock-tokens”表正在创建“locks”表正在创建“miscellaneous”表正在创建“node-origins”表正在创建“nodes”表正在创建“representations”表正在创建“revisions”表正在创建“strings”表正在创建“transactions”表正在创建“uuids”表正在创建修改正在为读取字符串创建指针正在为读取修改创建指针正在为读取加锁令牌创建游标后台模式数据库不一致,路径是“%s”,校验表达式是“%s”正在删除修改正在从 “checksum-reps” 表中删除条目正在从 “copies” 表中删除条目正在从 “lock-tokens” 表中删除条目正在从“node-origins”表删除条目正在从“nodes”表删除条目正在从“transactions”表删除条目正在从“locks”表删除锁正在从“miscellaneous”表删除条目正在删除修订版正在删除字符串向下递归,与 --depth=infinity 相同目录禁用自动删除日志文件 [BDB]关闭自动属性在提交事务时禁用fsync [BDB]显示本帮助显示更新信息不要缓存用户认证令牌查看历史不要跨越不同的副本不输出其后的换行符不要输出增加文件造成的差异不要输出删除文件造成的差异不要在提交后删除修改列表请不要将复制或移动的文件与其源文件比较不要展开关键字不打印未版本控制的条目不要解锁目标完成。 以增量方式进行转存以增量方式进行转存或热复制空合并信息目录 启用自动属性正在获取修改正在取出加锁令牌正在取出加锁令牌 (正在关闭游标)正在取出杂项记录正在获取字符串的长度文件强制操作运行强制只读;覆盖版本库配置文件强制校验锁定注释源强制校验日志信息资源获取版本库 UUID正在取出 next-key 的值给予适合串联的输出忽略所有流中的版本库 UUID忽略外部项目操作时忽略属性在模式匹配时,忽略空白进入的 %s进入的增加进入的删除进入的目录增加进入的目录编辑进入的编辑inetd 模式无效的 “accept” 参数在工作副本中保留路径最近一次改变的,而不是目前的版本限制操作深度是 ARG ('empty', 'files', 'immediates', 或 'infinity')监听一次方式(调试用)加载到版本库指定的目录中本地目录增加本地目录删除本地目录编辑本地目录缺失本地目录移走本地目录移入本地目录替换本地编辑本地文件增加本地文件删除本地文件编辑本地文件缺失本地文件移走本地文件移入创建中间目录历史项最大数量日值项最大值非法的 memory-cache-size合并只合并合并信息的差异缺少选项 --accept移自 %s移到 %s正在移动指针nnext-id 文件损坏no在标准错误输出不显示进度 (仅错误)无需要从补丁文件中的路径中裁剪的前导路径组件数量。 默认 --strip 0 不修改路径。指定 --strip 1 会将 路径 'doc/fudge/crunchy.html' 转换为 'fudge/crunchy.html'。指定 --strip 2 会得到 'crunchy.html' 。在所有平台中期望的组件分隔符 都是 '/'。前导 '/' 被计算为一个组件。过时;尝试 --depth=files 或 --depth=immediates正在打开“changes”表正在打开“checksum-reps”表正在打开“copies”表正在打开“lock-tokens”表正在打开“locks”表正在打开“miscellaneous”表正在打开“node-origins”表正在打开“nodes”表正在打开“representations”表正在打开“revisions”表正在打开“strings”表正在打开“transactions”表正在打开“uuids”表操作版本的属性(使用 -r 或 -t)在版本属性上操作(使用-r参数)对版本 ARG (或版本范围 ARG1:ARG2) 操作 版本可以是下述格式之一: 整数 版本号 'HEAD' 最新版本只在单个目录操作只能对修改列表 ARG 的成员操作内存不足输出为 XML覆盖配置文件中指定的 diff-cmd传递文件 ARG 内容为附件参数提交后的文件系统进程出错: %s提交后的文件系统进程出错: %s %s调用 post-commit 钩子失败 (没有错误信息)。根节点版本的前任计数错误: 发现 (%d+%ld != %d), 正在提交 r%ld在使用主机名称监听时,首选 IPv6 [默认首选 IPv4。不支持在守护进程模式中同时使用 IPv4 和 IPv6。如果需要,请使用 inetd 模式或隧道模式。]尽可能少打印显示与原始内容的差异打印附加信息不打印信息,或只打印概要信息产生差异输出删除属性 “%s” 于 “%s”。 删除属性 “%s” 于版本库版本 %ld 设置属性 “%s” 于 “%s” 设定属性 “%s” 于版本库版本 %ld ra_serf 为 serf %d.%d.%d 编译,但是加载了不兼容的共享库 %d.%d.%d从文件 ARG 读取配置从文件 ARG 读取加锁注释从文件ARG读取日志信息从文件 ARG 读取属性值从目录 ARG 读取用户配置文件正在读取副本正在读取文件系统版本正在读取锁正在读取加锁令牌正在读取节点版本正在读取修订版正在读取字符串正在读取事务正在读取事务列表(游标已关闭)正在读取事务列表(正在枚举键)正在读取事务列表(游标已打开)通过URL改写重新定位删除修改列表耦合删除源版本库中多余的BDB日志文件 [BDB]获取所有版本属性没有找回版本属性获取版本属性 ARGrevprop“%s”在文件系统中有不期望的值revprop “%s” 于版本 r%ld 在版本库中出乎意料地取值(可能某人修改了?)revprop “%s” 于版本 r%ld 出乎意料地不在版本库中(可能某人删除了?)revprop “%s” 于版本 r%ld 出乎意料地在版本库中(可能某人设置了?)服务的根目录在前台运行(调试用) [方式: daemon]设置工作副本的新深度为 ARG('exclude', 'empty', 'files', 'immediates', 或 'infinity')如果流中存在UUID,则设定为版本库的 UUID设置版本库 UUID在新版本设置版本属性 ARG 使用格式 name[=value]以下属格式设置用户配置选项: FILE:SECTION:OPTION=[VALUE] 例如: servers:global:http-library=serf显示结果的概要显示所有冲突 (忽略已合并版本)显示每个副本的详细信息显示差异显示完整路径(代替缩进)显示子命令帮助信息为每个路径显示节点版本编号显示程序版本信息用来减少冗余操作的内存中的额外缓存的大小(MB) 默认值: 16。 [仅用于 FSFS 仓库]指定密码 ARG指定密码 ARG (已经过时; 参看 --source-password 和 --sync-password)指定用户名称 ARG指定用户名称 ARG (已经过时; 参看 --source-username 和 --sync-username)指定自动解决冲突动作 ('postpone', 'working', 'base', 'mine-conflict', 'theirs-conflict', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full', 'edit', 'launch') (shorthand: 'p', 'mc', 'tc', 'mf', 'tf', 'e', 'l')指定自动解决冲突动作的源 ('base', 'working', 'mine-conflict', 'theirs-conflict', 'mine-full', 'theirs-full')指定加锁注释ARG指定日志信息ARG指定版本编号 ARG指定版本 ARG (或 X:Y 范围)指定事务名称 ARG指定显示哪个版本集合 ('merged', 'eligible')正在存储校验和展现记录正在存储副本记录正在存储空内容正在存储文件系统版本正在存储加锁记录正在存储加锁令牌记录正在存储杂项记录正在存储节点版本正在存储节点原始记录正在存储修订版正在存储事务记录流写入错误修剪计数取值必须为正必须提供子命令参数 svn: 此提交的深度是“%s”,但是在版本库中执行的复制总是递归的。 svndiff 的窗体长度已损坏svnserve 日志文件svnserve: 只有被服务控制管理器启动时 --service 选项才有效。 切换system('%s') 返回 %d版本 ARG (如同 -r ARG-1:ARG) 做的修改 如果 ARG 为负数则等价于 -r ARG:ARG-1 如果 ARG 的格式是 ARG1-ARG2,那么它等价于 ARG1:ARG2,包含 ARG1版本 ARG 引起的改变别人的版本将ARG的值视为字符编码尝试操作但没有修改隧道模式隧道用户名(默认是当前UID对应的用户名) [方式: tunnel]未知未知特性“%s”未知错误更新正在更新文件系统版本用法: 1. svnsync copy-revprops DEST_URL [SOURCE_URL] 2. svnsync copy-revprops DEST_URL REV[:REV2] 从源版本库复制指定版本范围的版本属性到目标版本库。如果没有头指定版本范围, 就复制全部版本到位于 DEST_URL 的版本库。请注意,'HEAD' 是位于 DEST_URL 的最新版本,不需要是位于 SOURCE_URL 的最新版本。 如果提供了 SOURCE_URL,就用作源版本库的 URL,从而忽略在目标版本库中记录的 源 URL。如果有不信任的用户/管理员可以写入位于 DEST_URL 的版本库,那么特别 推荐指定 SOURCE_URL。 格式 2 是已经废弃的语法,等价于指定 "-rREV[:REV2]" 。 用法: 1、svnlook propget REPOS_PATH PROPNAME PATH_IN_REPOS 2、svnlook propget --revprop REPOS_PATH PROPNAME 显示版本库中指定路径上属性的原始值。 用 --revprop 选项显示版本属性的原始值。 用法: 1、svnlook proplist REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS 2、svnlook proplist --revprop REPOS_PATH 列出版本库中某个路径的属性。 使用 --revprop 选项列出版本属性。 使用 -v 选项显示属性的内容。 用法: svnadmin crashtest REPOS_PATH 打开位于 REPOS_PATH 的版本库, 然后终止, 从而模拟一个持有版本库句柄进程的崩溃。 用法: svnadmin create REPOS_PATH 在 REPOS_PATH 创建一个新的空版本库。 用法: svnadmin deltify [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] REPOS_PATH 在指定的版本范围中,对其中变动的路径增量计算。借助只储存与以前版本的差异, 它本质上可压缩版本库。如果没有指定版本则直接对 HEAD 版本进行。 用法: svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]] 将文件系统的内容,以可移植“转存”格式输出到标准输出,并将反馈输出到标准错误。 转存 LOWER 与 UPPER 版本之间的内容。如果没有指定版本,则转储所有的版本树。 如果只有指定 LOWER ,则只转储一个版本树。如果使用了 --incremental 选项,那么 第一个转存的版本只描述它改变的路径;否则它会描述此版本在版本库中涉及到的每个 路径。(在任何情况下,第二个以及后续的版本,只描述这些版本改变的路径。) 用法: svnadmin help [SUBCOMMAND...] 显示本程序或其子命令的用法。 用法: svnadmin list-dblogs REPOS_PATH 列出所有的BDB日志文件。 警告: 修改或删除仍在使用中的记录文件将导致版本库损坏。 用法: svnadmin list-unused-dblogs REPOS_PATH 列出无用的BDB日志文件。 用法: svnadmin lslocks REPOS_PATH [PATH-IN-REPOS] 显示位于 PATH-IN-REPOS 或其子孙上的所有锁的描述(如果没有提供 PATH-IN-REPOS, 那么显示版本库根的信息)。 用法: svnadmin lstxns REPOS_PATH 显示所有未提交事务的名称。 用法: svnadmin pack REPOS_PATH 使用更有效的存储模型压缩版本库。 它可能不适用于所有的版本库,此时直接结束。 用法: svnadmin recover REPOS_PATH 对版本库运行修复程序。当你遇到应当执行修复的错误指示时,请执行此命令。 修复 Berkeley DB 需要独占访问,如果版本库被其它进程使用,它会立即退出。 用法: svnadmin rmlocks REPOS_PATH LOCKED_PATH... 无条件地从每个 LOCKED_PATH 删除锁。 用法: svnadmin rmtxns REPOS_PATH TXN_NAME... 从版本库删除命名事务。 用法: svnadmin setlog REPOS_PATH -r REVISION FILE 将版本 REVISION 的日志信息设为 FILE 的内容。使用 --bypass-hooks 来避 免触发与修改属性相关的钩子(例如,你不需要你的 post-revprop-change 钩 子发送 email通知,或者在 pre-revprop-change 钩子中禁止了修改属性)。 注意: 修订属性并未纳入版本管理,所以这个命令会覆盖以前的属性取值。 用法: svnadmin setuuid REPOS_PATH [NEW_UUID] 重置位于 REPOS_PATH 的版本库 UUID。如果提供 NEW_UUID,那么它就成为版本库的 新 UUID;否则就为版本库生成一个新的 UUID。 用法: svnadmin upgrade REPOS_PATH 升级位于 REPOS_PATH 处的版本库到支持的最新方案版本。 此功能为想使用新的 Subversion 特性,并且不想付出全库导出后加载数据操作 等代价的版本库管理员提供便利。同样地,此升级操作在保持版本库完整性的前 提下执行最少的工作来完成升级。它不担保版本库的状态与导出后加载的升级方 案一样最优化。 用法: svnlook author REPOS_PATH 显示作者。 用法: svnlook cat REPOS_PATH FILE_PATH 显示文件的内容。可省略 FILE_PATH 前的“/”。 用法: svnlook changed REPOS_PATH 显示已改变的路径。 用法: svnlook date REPOS_PATH 显示时戳。 用法: svnlook diff REPOS_PATH 以 GNU 样式,显示版本库中改变的文件与属性差异。 用法: svnlook dirs-changed REPOS_PATH 显示本身改变 (编辑属性) 的目录,或是其中的文件修改过的目录。 用法: svnlook filesize REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS 显示位于 PATH_IN_REPOS 的文件在版本库中展现的大小(字节) 用法: svnlook help [SUBCOMMAND...] 显示本程序或其子命令的用法。 用法: svnlook history REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] 显示版本库中,某个路径的历史记录信息 (如果没有指定路径,则为根目录)。 用法: svnlook info REPOS_PATH 显示作者,时戳,日志信息大小,以及日志信息。 用法: svnlook lock REPOS_PATH PATH_IN_REPOS 如果版本库中的路径存在锁,显示其详细信息。 用法: svnlook log REPOS_PATH 显示日志信息。 用法: svnlook tree REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS] 显示目录树,从 PATH_IN_REPOS 开始 (如果省略此参数就从版本库的根目录开始), 可选的显示节点版本 id。 用法: svnlook uuid REPOS_PATH 显示版本库的 UUID。 用法: svnlook youngest REPOS_PATH 显示最新的版本号。 用法: svnrdump dump URL [-r LOWER[:UPPER]] 以可移植的 'dumpfile' 格式导出远程版本库 URL 中的 LOWER 到 UPPER 的所有版本到标准输出。 如果只给出 LOWER,那么就导出这一个版本。 用法: svnrdump help [SUBCOMMAND...] 显示本程序或其子命令的用法。 用法: svnrdump load URL 从标准输入加载 'dumpfile' 到远程版本库 URL。 用法: svnsync help [SUBCOMMAND...] 显示本程序或其子命令的用法。 用法: svnsync info DEST_URL 打印位于 DEST_URL 的同步目标版本库信息。 用法: svnsync initialize DEST_URL SOURCE_URL 初始化一个目标版本库以从另一个版本库同步。 如果源 URL 不是版本库的根,只有版本库中指定的部分会被同步。 目标 URL 必须指向版本库的根目录,并且允许修改版本属性。一般来说, 目标版本库不能包含已经提交的版本。可使用 --allow-non-empty 来越 过此限制,它导致 svnsync 假定目标版本库中的版本是源版本库中对应 版本的镜像(例如,这对于从源版本库的副本初始化镜像特别有用)。 除了 svnsync 外,你不应该在目标版本库中提交,或者修改版本属性。也就是说, 目标版本库应该是源版本库的只读镜像。 用法: svnsync synchronize DEST_URL [SOURCE_URL] 从源版本库复制所有挂起的版本到目标版本库。 如果提供了 SOURCE_URL,就用作源版本库的 URL,从而忽略在目标版本库中记录的 源 URL。如果有不信任的用户/管理员可以写入位于 DEST_URL 的版本库,那么特别 推荐指定 SOURCE_URL。 使用 ARG 作为比较命令使用 ARG 作为外部编辑器使用 ARG 作为合并命令使用 ARG 作为新目标使用 ARG 作为旧目标使用非标准的 EOL 标记 系统中立的文件标记 svn:eol-style 属性取值为 “native”。 ARG 可以是以下之一“LF”,“CR”,“CRLF”在转存输出中使用差异使用 git 的扩展差异格式使用严格的语法使用线程代替进程 [方式: daemon]从合并历史使用/显示额外信息UTF8 处理库错误版本错误如果版本库被其他进程占用,等待而不直接退出写进程 PID 到文件 ARG [方式: daemon, listen-once, service]写进程 PID 到文件 ARG [方式: daemon, listen-once]正在写入已复制的数据yyes||||||| 原始版本