Parsed test spec with 2 sessions starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u s1c s2d s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u: UPDATE foo SET a=2 WHERE a=1; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2d: DELETE FROM foo WHERE a=1; step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u s2d s1c s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u: UPDATE foo SET a=2 WHERE a=1; step s2d: DELETE FROM foo WHERE a=1; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2d: <... completed> error in steps s1c s2d: ERROR: tuple to be deleted was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s2d s1u s2c s1c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2d: DELETE FROM foo WHERE a=1; step s1u: UPDATE foo SET a=2 WHERE a=1; step s2c: COMMIT; step s1u: <... completed> step s1c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u2 s1c s2u2 s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u2: UPDATE footrg SET b='EFG' WHERE a=1; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2u2: UPDATE footrg SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=1; step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u2 s2u2 s1c s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u2: UPDATE footrg SET b='EFG' WHERE a=1; step s2u2: UPDATE footrg SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=1; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2u2: <... completed> error in steps s1c s2u2: ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s2u2 s1u2 s2c s1c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2u2: UPDATE footrg SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=1; step s1u2: UPDATE footrg SET b='EFG' WHERE a=1; step s2c: COMMIT; step s1u2: <... completed> error in steps s2c s1u2: ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s1c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u3pc s2i s1c s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s2i: INSERT INTO bar VALUES(7); step s1c: COMMIT; step s2i: <... completed> error in steps s1c s2i: ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u3pc s2i s1r s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s2i: INSERT INTO bar VALUES(7); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s2i: <... completed> step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u3npc s1u3pc s2i s1c s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u3npc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=7; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s2i: INSERT INTO bar VALUES(7); step s1c: COMMIT; step s2i: <... completed> error in steps s1c s2i: ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u3npc s1u3pc s2i s1r s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u3npc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=7; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s2i: INSERT INTO bar VALUES(7); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s2i: <... completed> step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u3npc s1u3pc s1u3pc s2i s1c s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u3npc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=7; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s2i: INSERT INTO bar VALUES(7); step s1c: COMMIT; step s2i: <... completed> error in steps s1c s2i: ERROR: tuple to be locked was already moved to another partition due to concurrent update step s2c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s2b s1u3npc s1u3pc s1u3pc s2i s1r s2c step s1b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s2b: BEGIN ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED; step s1u3npc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET b='XYZ' WHERE a=7; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s1u3pc: UPDATE foo_range_parted SET a=11 WHERE a=7; step s2i: INSERT INTO bar VALUES(7); step s1r: ROLLBACK; step s2i: <... completed> step s2c: COMMIT;