Parsed test spec with 3 sessions starting permutation: s1b s1l s2b s2l s3b s3u s3d s1c s2c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s2b: BEGIN; step s2l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u: UPDATE parent SET c=lower(c); step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s2c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s2b s2l s3b s3u s3svu s3d s1c s2c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s2b: BEGIN; step s2l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u: UPDATE parent SET c=lower(c); step s3svu: SAVEPOINT f; UPDATE parent SET c = 'bbb'; ROLLBACK TO f; step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s2c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s2b s2l s3b s3u2 s3d s1c s2c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s2b: BEGIN; step s2l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u2: UPDATE parent SET i = i; step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s2c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s2b s2l s3b s3u2 s3svu s3d s1c s2c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s2b: BEGIN; step s2l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u2: UPDATE parent SET i = i; step s3svu: SAVEPOINT f; UPDATE parent SET c = 'bbb'; ROLLBACK TO f; step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s2c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s2c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s3b s3u s3d s1c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u: UPDATE parent SET c=lower(c); step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s1c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s3b s3u s3svu s3d s1c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u: UPDATE parent SET c=lower(c); step s3svu: SAVEPOINT f; UPDATE parent SET c = 'bbb'; ROLLBACK TO f; step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s1c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s3b s3u2 s3d s1c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u2: UPDATE parent SET i = i; step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s1c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT; starting permutation: s1b s1l s3b s3u2 s3svu s3d s1c s3c step s1b: BEGIN; step s1l: INSERT INTO child VALUES (1); step s3b: BEGIN; step s3u2: UPDATE parent SET i = i; step s3svu: SAVEPOINT f; UPDATE parent SET c = 'bbb'; ROLLBACK TO f; step s3d: DELETE FROM parent; step s1c: COMMIT; step s3d: <... completed> error in steps s1c s3d: ERROR: update or delete on table "parent" violates foreign key constraint "child_i_fkey" on table "child" step s3c: COMMIT;