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Hy^ lHLd$迿lDa^ H.^ EH5~i Hoi <{H Xr H=] H1޿H _ H=] HY1轿H=] H H`1蜿 h H=n] H1AxfD=h \H5g H=g 5e] AH=g Li=rg (HH #] HH\ SH 4q H=\ H1躾H \ H=) 荾H  H=o\ H1|H \ H=N\ H1[H 4\ H= .H < H=\ Hw1H [ H= H H=[ H1߽H [ H=[ H"1辽H [ H=o 葽H z[ H=_tH [ H=V[ H1cH=c[ H}H=-[ H HHE1/H5[ NH=wg RHT$dH3%(>H[]A\H Io H=Z H1ϼH Z H=!袼H Z H=Z H1葼H=jZ H d H1p:H5c Hc <}t~H n H=Z H.1%H H=Y H1D\c H=Y H H1Eػ~fD="c pfD|$HT$HH=Y H m H=TY Hj1aH :Y H=*4d^Y OH m HH=X H gm H=X H1H=X H g L8c H1źkƹfDAWAVAAUATL%&- UH-&- SIIL)HHHt 1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_Ðf.HHStandard InputStandard Outputusage: %s [options] dtl_file dvi_file [%s]s(dinfo) : Current DTL input line %luRead %ld DTL bytes ( in current command), wrote DVI bytes. Successfully interpreted DVI command%s. dtl line >= wb(gmalloc) : INTERNAL ERROR : %c%02X%d(skip_space) : end of DTL line (at least) (read_token) : token = "%s" varietysequences-6unsigned number expected, not(set_seq) : end of dtl file, %lx%looctal number expected, not(get_Lstring) : string is: "cannot read string[] from dtl file. char_status = CHAR_FAIL, (%ld of %ld). characters. ) in DTL file is wrong Writing correct value () to DVI file ) faulty in table "%s". %d%nrange is 1 to 4. (special) : leaving special. (fontdef) : font (fontdef) : leaving fontdef. premature end of DTL file! troublesome token = "%s" }(post_post) : WARNING : DVI size {not `%c' (char %d). (dt2dv) : command = "%s". (dt2dv) : Read (from file "%s") lines); wrote (to file "%s") DVI bytes; completely interpreted dt2dv0.6.0-debugdetailed debugging-group-si-soff1f2f3f4op_128_170s1s2s3s4srp1p2p3p4prnopbop-4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4eopr1-1r2-2r3-3r4w0w1w2w3w4x0x1x2x3x4d1d2d3d4y0y1y2y3y4z0z1z2z3z4\wzfnspecialfdprepost_postopcodeMessages, like this one, go to stderr. (dexit) : exiting with status %d. (mem_viol) : called with wrong signal! (mem_viol) : RUNTIME MEMORY ERROR : memory violation, (open_dtl) : INTERNAL ERROR : dtl file's name is NULL. (open_dtl) : INTERNAL ERROR : address of dtl variable is NULL. (open_dtl) : DTL FILE ERROR : Cannot open "%s" for text reading. (open_dvi) : INTERNAL ERROR : dvi file's name is NULL. (open_dvi) : INTERNAL ERROR : address of dvi variable is NULL. (open_dvi) : DVI FILE ERROR : Cannot open "%s" for binary writing. (process) : at most two filenames allowed. unreasonable request to malloc %ld bytes (gmalloc) : MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR : operating system failed to malloc %ld bytes (check_byte) : INTERNAL ERROR : byte %d not in the range of 0 to 255. (put_byte) : DVI FILE ERROR (%s) : cannot write to dvi file. (ls_putb) : ERROR : No more room in Lstring. (cons_cmds) : INTERNAL ERROR : prefix's last suffix %d < first suffix (%d) (read_line_char) : end of DTL file (read_line_char) : new DTL input line: (read_char) : character %d not in range 0 to 255 (read_char) : character %d not printable and not white space. (read_token) : end of dtl file. (read_variety) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : DTL signature must begin with "variety", not "%s". DTL variety must be "%s", not "%s". (read_variety) : DTL variety %s is OK. (get_unsigned) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : %s "%s". (get_signed) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : %s "%s". (put_unsigned) : INTERNAL ERROR : asked for %d bytes. Must be 1 to 4. or serious dtl file reading error ERROR : DTL character %d is not in range 0 to 255 (xfer_hex) : INTERNAL ERROR : asked for %d bytes. Must be 1 to 4. hexadecimal number expected, not(xfer_hex) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : %s "%s". (xfer_oct) : INTERNAL ERROR : asked for %d bytes. Must be 1 to 4. (xfer_oct) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : %s "%s". (put_signed) : INTERNAL ERROR : asked for %d bytes. Must be 1 to 4. (check_bmes) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : end of dtl file, or reading error BMES_CHAR (`%c') expected before string, not `%c' (char %d). (check_emes) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : EMES_CHAR (`%c') expected to follow string, not `%c' (char %d). (get_Lstring) : entering get_Lstring. (get_Lstring) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : (get_Lstring) : INTERNAL ERROR : but ch = %c (char %d) is not EMES_CHAR = %c (char %d) char_status = %d is unfamiliar! (get_Lstring) : leaving get_Lstring. (put_Lstring) : DVI File ERROR : not all bytes written (xfer_len_string) : entering xfer_len_string. (xfer_len_string) : string's nominal length k = (xfer_len_string) : WARNING : string length ((xfer_len_string) : leaving xfer_len_string. (xfer_bop_address) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : signed number expected, not "%s". (xfer_bop_address) : WARNING : byte address (for previous bop in DTL file is wrong (xfer_postamble_address) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : (xfer_postamble_address) : WARNING : byte address (for postamble in DTL file is wrong (put_table) : DTL FILE (OR INTERNAL) ERROR : opcode %d is outside table %s [ %d to %d ] ! (put_table) : INTERNAL ERROR : opcode %d for command "%s"(put_table) : INTERNAL ERROR : internal read of table %s failed! (special) : entering special. (special) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : special %d, (fontdef) : entering fontdef. (fontdef) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : font def %d, but range is 1 to 4. (fontdef) : about to read font number. (fontdef) : WARNING : font area string's length ((fontdef) : WARNING : font string's length ((preamble) : entering preamble. (preamble) : leaving preamble. (post_post) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : %d complete iterations of "padding byte" loop; token "%s" should be ECOM ("%s") (post_post) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : fewer than four `223' padding bytes. Will write at least four `223' padding bytes. (bytes) wouldn't be a multiple of 4 ! Will write (at least four) `223' padding bytes until it is. (xfer_args) : opcode %d not handled. (dt2dv) : end of input, or reading error. (dt2dv) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : command must begin with "%s", (dt2dv) : DTL FILE ERROR (%s) : unknown command "%s". ECOM ("%s") expected, not `%c' (char %d). Program "%s" version %s compiled in %sstandard C. each DTL command is in parenthesesread all DTL commands from standard inputwrite all DVI commands to standard output; @X0@P8 (0p0H`0p0@hЯ @p8```( x@@Pp0 `0 P p  P p  p`  ( x ` ( P P Ph zRx +zRx $@FJ w?;*3$"D\PtH$`7Dl,'IHA AB DxLA A,$AAD t FAA ,TxAAD t FAA hDk A LةBBE A(A0p (D BBBA S(D BBB8DP A gA,ЪDu A L@LDLdxBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA $H-AAN ZAAPDAu J C$4Hl D P H ,$AAG0i AAD DThTBBI A(D0I@ 0A(A BBBB <BBD A(G@P (A ABBJ DBBE A(D0F@ 0A(A BBBD D$xBBE A(D0I@B 0A(A BBBG 4lzBAD G0  AABH ,(bBHA  ABA h0LkBEE H(A0p (I BBBD H(D BBB<RTK Q A tHK Q A <BBA A(I@` (A ABBA <hBBD A(I@ (A ABBA ,%AAF0t AAA ,D%AAF0t AAA ,t)BAD ^AB[DO A ,()BAD ^AB(*D D A 8&D B A 4HAYTH$Ab$tX5AAL aDApAPpZLxBBE A(D0D@6 0A(A BBBH [HBP,$AAO b AAA DTxBBE A(D0FP 0A(A BBBF $AN o AA $AN o AA L_BBB B(A0A8Fp7 8A0A(B BBBA ,< 7BAD w ABG Ll ~BBB B(D0A8J 8A0A(B BBBA , #AAJ  EAA $ AAJ FA< BBI A(D0q(A BBBlT NDD W(F0F8F@Q A FBG P K(F0F8F@X _ (F0F8F@J 4 HBAH V0  AABA , pBAD  CBA D, eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBBt   aȍ Ѝ o   @H @ ooooo &6FVfv&6FVf 0el 7e0Jeh w0Qed w@Ue` xpYe [ee^eeaeedeege` reeueexee{ee~eeeeeeeeeeeee~de ee~d#c~dga~deeeeeeeee~deeeeeeeee~deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~deeeefefef~d fefefefefia~eeeeee#cgaefb5bbff?Ye f(f+f4f/f9f 197bd25e862b4d41810f16caa36b594d5ebb67.debugg3R.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oH> FNoP[o`jH H @tB@~yppEaa aa0@x@x PzPz ȍ ȍЍ Ѝ؍ ؍ Џ Џ0  H @ (S (4\