#!/usr/bin/perl # Inspired by latexpand by D. Musliner, University of Michigan # 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016: Matthieu Moy # BSD License use strict; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use IO::Handle; my $TEXINPUTS = $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'}; if (!$TEXINPUTS) { $TEXINPUTS = getcwd(); } my $verbose; my $keep_comments; my $keep_includes; my $empty_comments; my $help; my $long_help; my $output; my $explain; my $show_graphics; my $graphics_extensions = ":.pdf:.png:.jpg:.eps"; my $expand_usepackage; my $expand_bbl; my $fatal; my $version; my $makeatletter; GetOptions ( 'h' => \$help, 'help' => \$long_help, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 'keep-comments' => \$keep_comments, 'keep-includes' => \$keep_includes, 'empty-comments' => \$empty_comments, 'output|o=s' => \$output, 'explain' => \$explain, 'show-graphics' => \$show_graphics, 'graphics-extensions' => \$graphics_extensions, 'expand-usepackage' => \$expand_usepackage, 'expand-bbl=s' => \$expand_bbl, 'fatal' => \$fatal, 'version' => \$version, 'makeatletter' => \$makeatletter, ) or pod2usage(2); version() if $version; pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $long_help; sub get_version { # $VERSION's value will be substituted by 'make dist', but the # next line won't (the string has to be broken to avoid it). my $VERSION = 'v1.3'; if ($VERSION eq '@LATEXPAND' . '_VERSION@') { my($vol,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($0); chdir($dir); $VERSION = `git describe --tags HEAD 2>/dev/null`; } if ($VERSION eq '') { $VERSION = ''; } $VERSION =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $VERSION; } sub version { print "latexpand version ". get_version() .".\n"; exit(0); } my $nl = ""; if ($empty_comments) { $nl = "%\n"; } if ($output && $output ne "-") { open (my $OUTPUT, '>', "$output") or die $!; STDOUT->fdopen(\*$OUTPUT, 'w') or die $!; } sub say { if ($verbose) { print STDERR "$_[0]"; } } my $makeatletter_found; my $in_preamble; foreach my $file (@ARGV) { say "processing $file\n"; $makeatletter_found = 0; $in_preamble = 1; process_file($file, " "); } sub process_file { my $file = shift; my $prefix = (shift || ""); my $in_comment = 0; open(my $FILE, "<", $file) or die "could not open input file '$file'\n"; while (my $line = <$FILE>) { if ($line =~ /^[ \t]*\\endinput/) { $line =~ s/(\\endinput.*)\n/% $1/; $in_comment = 1; process_line($line, $prefix); last; } process_line($line, $prefix, $file); if ($line =~ /^%.*[^\n]\z/ || $line =~ /[^\\]%.*[^\n]\z/) { # file ends with a comment not ending with a newline print "\n"; } # Garbage at end of line after \end{document} is # ignored by LaTeX, but we don't allow anything before # to avoid e.g. \verb|\end{document}| from terminating # the file. if (!$keep_comments && $line =~ /^[ \t]*\\end\{document\}/) { last; } } close($FILE); return $in_comment; } sub process_line { my ($line, $prefix, $file) = @_; $_ = $line; # Consider \makeatletter only in preamble, because we do want # to warn on \someCommand{\makeatletter\command@with@arobase}. if ($in_preamble && /^[^%]*\\makeatletter/) { $makeatletter_found = 1; } if ($in_preamble && /^[^%]*\\makeatother/) { $makeatletter_found = 0; } if (!$makeatletter && !$makeatletter_found && (my ($command) = /^[^%]*(\\[[:alpha:]]*@[[:alpha:]]*)/)) { print STDERR "Warning: command $command containing @ found in\n"; print STDERR "Warning: $file.\n"; print STDERR "Warning: consider using --makeatletter if the result is not compilable.\n"; } unless ($keep_comments) { if (!$empty_comments) { # Include \n in pattern to avoid matching # comments at end of files # remove comments + whitespace-only lines completely s/^\s*%.*\n//; # remove only the comment if the line has actual content s/([^\\])%.*\n/$1\n/; } # Apply the "empty comments" treatment unconditionally # for end-of-files comments not matched above (it # doesn't harm to keep an empty comment sometimes, but # it may harm to leave a real comment if the goal was # to strip them). s/^%.*$/%/; s/([^\\])%.*$/$1%/; } unless ($keep_includes) { if (my ($before, $ignored, $full_filename, $after) = /^(([^%]|[^\\]%)*)\\include[{\s]+(.*?)[\s}](.*)$/) { $full_filename = find_tex_file($full_filename . ".tex"); if ($full_filename) { say $prefix . "Found include for file: $full_filename\n"; print $before . $nl; print '\clearpage{}' . $nl; print "% start include $full_filename\n" if ($explain); my $in_comment = process_file($full_filename, $prefix . " "); if ($explain) { print " % end include $full_filename\n"; } elsif ($in_comment) { print "\n"; } print '\clearpage{}' . $nl; print $nl . $after . "\n"; $_ = ""; } } elsif (my ($before, $ignored, $full_filename, $after) = /^(([^%]|[^\\]%)*)\\input[{\s]+(.*?)[\s}](.*)$/) { $full_filename = find_tex_file($full_filename, ":.tex"); if ($full_filename) { say $prefix . "Found input for file: $full_filename\n"; print $before . $nl; print "% start input $full_filename\n" if ($explain); my $in_comment = process_file($full_filename, $prefix . " "); if ($explain) { print " % end input $full_filename\n"; } elsif ($in_comment) { print "\n"; } if ($after =~ /[^\s]/) { # LaTeX produces this space, so let's do it also print " " . $nl . $after . "\n"; } else { print " "; } $_ = ""; } } } if ($expand_usepackage) { # Don't bother with before and after text, we just require the # usepackage to be alone on its line. if (my ($package_name) = /^\s*\\usepackage\{([^\}]*)\}\s*(%.*)?$/) { my $full = find_file($package_name . ".sty", $TEXINPUTS); if ($full) { say $prefix . "Found package file: $full\n"; process_file($full, $prefix . " "); $_ = ""; } else { say $prefix . "Not including external package $package_name\n"; } } } if ($expand_bbl) { if (my ($before, $bib_name, $after) = /^(.*)\\bibliography\{([^\}]*)\}(.*)$/) { # The BBL file is not necessarily $bib_name. # Take it from the command-line. print $before . $nl; say $prefix . "Expanding BBL file: $expand_bbl\n"; process_file($expand_bbl, $prefix . " "); print " " . $nl . $after . "\n"; $_ = ""; } } if ($show_graphics) { if (/\\includegraphics(\[[^\]]*\])?{([^}]*)}/) { my $full = find_tex_file($2, $graphics_extensions); say $prefix . "needs graphics file: "; print STDERR "$full\n"; } } if (/^[ \t]*\\begin\{document\}/) { $in_preamble = 0; if ($makeatletter) { print '\makeatletter' . $nl; } } print; } # search $1 in $TEXINPUTS, with possible extensions in $2 sub find_tex_file { my $file = shift; my $extensions = (shift || ":"); foreach my $ext (split(':', $extensions, -1)) { my $full = find_file($file . $ext, $TEXINPUTS); if ($full) { return $full; } } if ($fatal) { die "ERROR: Could not find file [$file]\n"; } else { print STDERR "Warning: Could not find file [$file]\n"; return; } } sub find_file { my ($file, $path) = @_; if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($file)) { if (-e "$file" && ! -d "$file") { return $file; } else { return; } } foreach my $dir (split(':', $path)) { if (-e "$dir/$file" && ! -d "$dir/$file") { return("$dir/$file"); } } return; } __END__ =head1 NAME latexpand - Flatten LaTeX file by expanding \include and \input, ... and remove comments =head1 SYNOPSIS latexpand [options] FILE... =head2 Options: --verbose show what's going on --keep-comments don't strip comments (comments are lines starting with %, and anything below \end{document}) --empty-comments keep empty comments (i.e. % at end of lines) for clarity --keep-includes don't expand \input and \include directives --expand-usepackage Expand \usepackage{...} directives if the corresponding .sty file is found in $TEXINPUTS (or the current directory if $TEXINPUTS is not set) --expand-bbl FILE Expand the bibliography by inlining FILE (should be a *.bbl file) --help this help message --output , -o generate output in --explain generate explanatory comments in output --show-graphics show included graphics --graphics_extensions colon-separated list of possible graphics extensions (used by --show-graphics to find the actual graphics files) --fatal Die in case a file can't be found. --makeatletter Insert a \makeatletter in the preamble. In some rare cases it may break your document, but it may help fixing bad interactions between @-commands and inclusion (see BUGS section). =head1 USES The most common use of latexpand is to simplify distribution of source LaTeX files, typically to satisfy the requirement of editors and archival sites (springer, arXiv.org, ...) who force the authors to submit sources. One does not necessarily want to submit sources with comments, and uploading a document made of several files including each other is a bit painful. By default, latexpand answers both problems by outputing a single LaTeX file that contain no comment. =head1 GETTING LATEXPAND The latest version of latexpand is available here: https://gitlab.com/latexpand/latexpand Versions are uploaded to ctan.org from time to time: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/latexpand =head1 BUGS Please, report bugs on the issue tracker on the project site: https://gitlab.com/latexpand/latexpand/issues Alternatively, you may email directly the author: Matthieu Moy . =head2 Known bugs =head3 Verbatim latexpand currently ignores \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim}, and will therefore process any \include, \input, ... directives that appear within verbatim environments (while it shouldn't). LaTeX comments inside verbatim environments are also incorrectly stripped. You can use --keep-comments as a workaround to avoid this. =head3 Comment environment It would be nice to remove code between \begin{comment} and \end{comment} too if \usepackage{comment} is used. Code like foo% \begin{comment} will produce the incorrect foo\begin{comment} A workaround is to use --empty-comments when such tricky usage of the comments package is done. =head3 \makeatletter and use with transfig/xfig with \scalebox{} If \input{} or \include{} appears as argument to a command, and the file included contains \makeatletter, then after expansion, the \makeatletter and the @-command appear as argument to the command, which is forbidden because the argument is parsed (and the @-command badly tokenized) before being executed. This happens with \scalebox{ \input{file-generated-by-xfig.pdf_t} } Workaround: add \makeatletter before the scalebox manually in your code, like \makeatletter{} \scalebox{ \input{file-generated-by-xfig.pdf_t} } \makeatother{} In the case of xfig generated files, it is necessary only for the first occurence. A more brute-force workaround is to use latexpand --makeatletter. =head1 SEE ALSO Instructions to include only the relevant .bib items (french): https://lacl.fr/~caubert/notes/portabilite-du-tex.html#dependances =head1 VERSION This is latexpand version v1.3.