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[FILENAME]... Standalone path lookup and expansion for the Kpathsea library. The default is to look up each FILENAME in turn and report its first match (if any) to standard output. When looking up format (.fmt/.base/.mem) files, it is usually necessary to also use -engine, or nothing will be returned; in particular, -engine=/ will return matching format files for any engine. -all output all matches, one per line. -debug=NUM set debugging flags. -D, -dpi=NUM use a base resolution of NUM; default 600. -engine=STRING set engine name to STRING. -expand-braces=STRING output variable and brace expansion of STRING. -expand-path=STRING output complete path expansion of STRING. -expand-var=STRING output variable expansion of STRING. -format=NAME use file type NAME (list shown by -help-formats). -help display this message and exit. -help-formats display information about all supported file formats. -interactive ask for additional filenames to look up. [-no]-mktex=FMT disable/enable mktexFMT generation (FMT=pk/mf/tex/tfm). -mode=STRING set device name for $MAKETEX_MODE to STRING; no default. -must-exist search the disk as well as ls-R if necessary. -path=STRING search in the path STRING. -progname=STRING set program name to STRING. -safe-in-name=STRING check if STRING is ok to open for input. -safe-out-name=STRING check if STRING is ok to open for output. -show-path=NAME output search path for file type NAME (list shown by -help-formats). -subdir=STRING only output matches whose directory ends with STRING. -var-value=STRING output the value of variable $STRING. -version display version information number and exit. Kpathsea home page: http://tug.org/kpathsea/ Recognized Kpathsea format names and their (abbreviations) and suffixes: [original path (from %s) = %s] To see paths after expansion, use --show-path=FMT. Copyright 2016 Karl Berry & Olaf Weber. License LGPLv2.1+: GNU Lesser GPL version 2.1 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. -path (%s) and -format (%s) are mutually exclusive. Try `kpsewhich --help' for more information. Missing argument. Try `kpsewhich --help' for more information. kpsewhich: Ignoring unknown file type `%s'kpsewhich: Cannot show path for unknown file typeread_command_line;P l| l<, |,dzRx +zRx $FJ w?;*3$"DL\XtBBD A(O0[ (A ABBG ^ (A DBBI LHBBB B(D0A8JPW 8A0A(B BBBH LBBB B(A0A8J  8A0A(B BBBA LL BBI B(A0A8I` 8A0A(B BBBA DeBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBB0p&0&t000000"0&0'0(0)0-00;  /L L o  P   ( ooH oo o*M &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfvQ ;XS0U0U /Y0///////]0@U //i00U ///00(00/090310187db270fa64c42af2fc542f79a31099f15.debugo.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4o\> FNo ~[oH H Pj (tB ~y"// //R d;d;T;;,L LL LL LM M M MO O0P PxQ Q@ T T T4T