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All Rights Reserved. error in command line argument "%s" usage: %s [-options] files... read .ucm codepage mapping files and write .cnv files options: -h or -? or --help this usage text -V or --version show a version message -c or --copyright include a copyright notice -d or --destdir destination directory, followed by the path -v or --verbose Turn on verbose output -q or --quiet do not display warnings and progress --small Generate smaller .cnv files. They will be significantly smaller but may not be compatible with older versions of ICU and will require heap memory allocation when loaded. --ignore-siso-check Use SI/SO other than 0xf/0xe. makeconv version %u.%u, ICU tool to read .ucm codepage mapping files and write .cnv files the substitution character byte sequence is illegal in this codepage structure! error: the file "%s" is not a base table file Error creating converter for "%s" file for "%s" (%s) Error: A converter name must contain only invariant characters. %s is not a valid converter name. Couldn't create the udata %s.%s: %s error: wrote %u bytes to the .cnv file but counted %u bytes - Wrote %u bytes to the udata. Error writing "%s" file for "%s" (%s) the subchar1 byte is illegal in this codepage structure! Warning: %s%s claims to be '%s' dEBCDICStateful dMBCSdDBCSdSBCScompacting stage 2 from stage2Top=0x%lx to 0x%lx, saving %ld bytes compacting stage 3 from stage3Top=0x%lx to 0x%lx, saving %ld bytes + omitting %lu out of %lu stage2 entries and %lu fromUBytes + total size savings: %lu bytes error: offset 0x%lx to extension table exceeds 0xffffff error: too many stage 2 entries at U+%04x<->0x%02x error: too many code points at U+%04x<->0x%02x error: duplicate Unicode code point at U+%04x<->0x%02x see 0x%02x duplicate Unicode code point at U+%04x<->0x%02x see 0x%02x error: illegal mapping to SI or SO for SI/SO codepage: U+%04x<->0x%s error: unable to encode a |1 fallback from U+%04x to 0x%02x error: too many stage 2 entries at U+%04x<->0x%s error: too many code points at U+%04x<->0x%s error: duplicate Unicode code point at U+%04x<->0x%s see 0x%02x duplicate Unicode code point at U+%04x<->0x%s see 0x%02x error: there is no state information! error: byte sequence too short, ends in non-final state %hu: 0x%s (U+%x) error: byte sequence too long by %d bytes, final state %u: 0x%s (U+%x) error: byte sequence ends in illegal state at U+%04x<->0x%s error: byte sequence ends in state-change-only at U+%04x<->0x%s error: byte sequence ends in unassigned state at U+%04x<->0x%s error: duplicate codepage byte sequence at U+%04x<->0x%s see U+%04x duplicate codepage byte sequence at U+%04x<->0x%s see U+%04x error: code point does not fit into valid-16-bit state at U+%04x<->0x%s error: too many toUnicode fallbacks, currently at: U+%x internal error: byte sequence reached reserved action code, entry 0x%02x: 0x%s (U+%x) error: contains mappings for both supplementary and surrogate code points makeconv warning: --small not available for .ucm files without |0 etc. the total number of offsets is 0x%lx=%ld error: out of memory allocating %ld 16-bit code units error: out of memory allocating %ld B for target mappings error: illegal fallback indicator %d fromUnicode number of uint%s_t in stage 2: 0x%lx=%lu fromUnicode number of %d-byte stage 3 mapping entries: 0x%lx=%lu Y`H out of memory 1632size of extension data: %ld cnv extension toUTablecnv extension toUUCharscnv extension fromUByteserror: too many stage 2 entries at U+%04x error: too many stage 3 entries at U+%04x error: too many stage 3b entries at U+%04x error: multiple mappings from same Unicode code points error: toUnicode extension table section overflow: %ld section entries error: multiple mappings from same bytes error: contains mappings for surrogate code points cnv extension fromUTableUCharscnv extension fromUTableValues;t-8؛X pأ(8 H88إ(@Xph8hȱHHhxXh8HxP H  P  zRx @+zRx $pFJ w?;*3$"D\GFL|0VBBE B(A0A8M [ 8A0A(B BBBA @zPLRxu  $(04(L d|DHKAD VABG SABLBBA A(D0V (A ABBJ T(D DBB<,`tBBD A(I0c (D ABBB lLx BBB B(D0A8I 8A0A(B BBBA ,48AAAP| AAA ,dX#AAV@& AAH ,XBAARr AAA LxBBE B(D0A8M 8A0A(B BBBA DW,2F_L4KBE B(A0A8I@ 8F0A(B BBBA } 8C0A(B BBBA y 8C0A(B BBBA F@LBBB B(D0A8Gp6 8A0A(B BBBA \D BBB B(D0A8Dpu 8A0A(B BBBH xBcxBpH_Ks B ^,AAL O DAA L PNBBB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBK \PtHBFtLxBBB B(D0A8QX 8A0A(B BBBH F A <BBE A(D0 (C BBBB dD(^BBE B(D0A8J) 8A0A(B BBBC l 8F0A(B BBBA L BBE B(D0A8D 8A0A(B BBBA |BBB B(A0A8Dp 8C0A(B BBBG ^ 8C0A(B BBBA  8F0A(B BBBA ,|AAL O DAA D@eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBBh/1< p000-AKh  ~H P o p }  0X ooHooo` &6FVfv&6FVfv  & 6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!! cnvtbhb?gcqVydvq@@f5120ad477ffadbd620f2620d2ba8355e08c15.debug-R.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.gcc_except_table.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4o> ppF  }No[oHHjXtB00~y!!!!]~~ ~~ t< LL7H HP PX X` `pЯ Я0    д д4