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(change file . (%s%ld%c . (l.helpmixedcaseuppercaselowercaseunderlinesstrictlooselengthtangleD.E. KnuthThis is TANGLE, Version 4.5.p.webwb! Input line too longIMPOSSIBLE! Identifier conflict with capacity exceededbyte memory! Sorry, %s%s%s.pool%c%c! Incompatible section names! Name does not match! Ambiguous prefixtokenstack! No parameter given for output! This can't happen (%s%s%c! Not present: <! Long line must be truncated! Constant too big! String too long! Extra @}! Verbatim string too long! Can't output ASCII code %s%ld! Fraction too long! Where is the matching @x?! Change file ended after @x! Change file ended before @y! Where is the matching @y?! Hmm... %s%ld%s! Where is the matching @z?%c%ld! Input ended in mid-comment! Double @ sign missing! String constant didn't end! Input ended in section name! Section name didn't end! Section name too long: ...! Extra }! Value too big: ! Extra )! Extra ]! String didn't end is ignored in Pascal text! @%s%c%s! Missing ) )'s! Missing ! Missing ] ]'s! Verbatim string didn't endidentifier of length > 1! Use == for macros! No output was specified.Writing the output fileDone.(No errors were found.) identifiers: Need one or two file arguments.! This identifier has already appeared! This identifier was defined before! Preprocessed string is too long! Two numbers occurred without a sign between them of the preceding lines failed to match! WEB file ended during a change! Change file ended without @z! Section ended in mid-comment! Improper @ within control text! Omit semicolon in numeric definition! Improper numeric definition will be flushed! You should double @ signs in strings! You should double @ signs in verbatim strings! Definition flushed, must start with ! Definition flushed since it starts badly! Pascal text flushed, = sign is missing! Change file entry did not match strings written to string pool file.! Program ended at brace level (Did you see the warning message above?)(Pardon me, but I think I spotted something wrong.)(That was a fatal error, my friend.)Usage: tangle [OPTION]... WEBFILE[.web] [CHANGEFILE[.ch]] Tangle WEBFILE with CHANGEFILE into a Pascal program. Default CHANGEFILE is /dev/null; Pascal output goes to the basename of WEBFILE extended with `.p', and a string pool file, if necessary, to the same extended with `.pool'.-length=NUMBER the first NUMBER characters of an identifier have to be unique (default 32)-loose honor the upper/lower/mixedcase and underline options when comparing identifiers (default)-lowercase make all identifiers lowercase-mixedcase retain the case of identifiers unchanged (default)-strict always smash case and remove underlines when comparing-underline do not remove underline characters from indentifiers-uppercase make all identifiers uppercase-help display this help and exit-version output version information and exit}S>_uȷhXxO@P м8X04xȽ\\l|  , <LHH(X%s: Oops; not enough arguments. ../../../../texk/web2c/lib/printversion.cThere is NO warranty. Redistribution of this software isthe Lesser GNU General Public License.For more information about these matters, see the filenamed COPYING and the %s source. prog_name_end && prog_version%s %s%s Copyright 2016 %s. covered by the terms of both the %s copyright and Primary author of %s: %s. printversionandexitTry `%s --help' for more information. tex-k@tug.org Email bug reports to %s. (TeX Live 2016/Debian);/,|}} ~< L\l,DL\4 L d\| <T,<Dy<$ BBB A(A0 (C BBBD ,dPuED XABL BBB B(H0A8D 8C0A(B BBBA L`DBBB B(A0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBA L4` BBB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBA  OE|؛BBI B(H0A8DP{ 8A0A(B BBBG 9 8F0A(B BBBA N 8F0A(B BBBA <LBBA A(D0Y (A ABBA ȣdPBBE B(D0A8[P 8A0A(B BBBA  8A0A(B BBBG  ب<$P D| H D L  I S E _ I  A Ld BBB B(A0A8RP 8A0A(B BBBA ж[4LAAK  AAE wAAt0/RBA A(D0t(A ABBB0  (A ABBK A (A ABBE |D D S@4ؽAAR  AAA DFA4^HHK  ABA oABL,0BBI B(H0A8R@ 8D0A(B BBBI L|BBI B(H0A8O@ 8A0A(B BBBA L BBI B(D0A8IP 8A0A(B BBBA $@AAJ qAA,DI F  H   A tAAD < BBE A(D0 (D BBBA $FFR H ZDdBAD Q ABE i ABD PABDRAg H ]dsDX|I[4PBBE B(D0A8OP D+DVAAQ D eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBBd @ H t~  o   p   oo oo$ oЭ v&6FVfv @(Tx8hZ(pЊ44bfd93f2e612a19a4088d59712b56aa06ab9b.debug=.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oP>  FNo$ $ X[o @j tB p~HHy``  Rmt~t~ ~~44   ȭ ȭЭ ЭЯ Я0   M 4