#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id: tlmgr.pl 41476 2016-06-18 00:45:25Z preining $ # # Copyright 2008-2016 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # my $svnrev = '$Revision: 41476 $'; my $datrev = '$Date: 2016-06-18 02:45:25 +0200 (Sat, 18 Jun 2016) $'; my $tlmgrrevision; my $prg; if ($svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /) { $tlmgrrevision = $1; } else { $tlmgrrevision = "unknown"; } $datrev =~ s/^.*Date: //; $datrev =~ s/ \(.*$//; $tlmgrrevision .= " ($datrev)"; our $Master; our $ismain = 1; our $loadmediasrcerror; our $packagelogfile; our $packagelogged; our $tlmgr_config_file; our $pinfile; our $action; # for the pod2usage -sections call our %opts; END { if ($opts{"pause"}) { print "Press Enter to exit the program.\n"; ; } } BEGIN { $^W = 1; $Master = "/usr/share/texlive"; $::installerdir = $Master; # for config.guess et al., see TLUtils.pm # make Perl find our packages first: unshift (@INC, "$Master/tlpkg"); unshift (@INC, "$Master/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive"); } use Cwd qw/abs_path/; use File::Spec; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_autoabbrev permute); use strict; use TeXLive::TLConfig; use TeXLive::TLPDB; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLUtils; use TeXLive::TLWinGoo; use TeXLive::TLDownload; use TeXLive::TLConfFile; use TeXLive::TLCrypto; TeXLive::TLUtils->import(qw(member info give_ctan_mirror win32 dirname mkdirhier copy debug tlcmp)); use TeXLive::TLPaper; # # set up $prg for warning messages $prg = TeXLive::TLUtils::basename($0); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); our %config; # hash of config settings from config file our $remotetlpdb; our $location; # location from which the new packages come our $localtlpdb; # local installation which we are munging # flags for machine-readable form our $FLAG_REMOVE = "d"; our $FLAG_FORCIBLE_REMOVED = "f"; our $FLAG_UPDATE = "u"; our $FLAG_REVERSED_UPDATE = "r"; our $FLAG_AUTOINSTALL = "a"; our $FLAG_INSTALL = "i"; our $FLAG_REINSTALL = "I"; # keep in sync with install-tl. our $common_fmtutil_args = "--no-error-if-no-engine=$TeXLive::TLConfig::PartialEngineSupport"; # option variables $::gui_mode = 0; $::machinereadable = 0; my %action_specification = ( '_include_tlpobj' => { "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_include_tlpobj }, "backup" => { "options" => { "all" => 1, "backupdir" => "=s", "clean" => ":-99", "dry-run|n" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_backup }, "candidates" => { "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_candidates }, "check" => { "options" => { "use-svn" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_check }, "conf" => { "options" => { "conffile" => "=s", "delete" => 1, }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_conf }, "dump-tlpdb" => { "options" => { "local" => 1, remote => 1 }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_dumptlpdb }, "generate" => { "options" => { "dest" => "=s", "localcfg" => "=s", "rebuild-sys" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_generate }, "get-mirror" => { "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_get_mirror }, "gui" => { "options" => { "load" => 1, # Tk::CmdLine options "background" => "=s", "class" => "=s", "display" => "=s", "font" => "=s", "foreground" => "=s", "geometry" => "=s", "iconic" => 1, "motif" => 1, "name" => "=s", "screen" => "=s", "synchronous" => 1, "title" => "=s", "xrm" => "=s", }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_gui }, "info" => { "options" => { "list" => 1, "only-installed" => 1 }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_info }, "init-usertree" => { "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_init_usertree }, "install" => { "options" => { "dry-run|n" => 1, "file" => 1, "force" => 1, "no-depends" => 1, "no-depends-at-all" => 1, "reinstall" => 1, "with-doc" => 1, "with-src" => 1, }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_install }, "key" => { "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_key }, "option" => { "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_option }, "paper" => { "options" => { "list" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_paper }, "path" => { "options" => { "w32mode" => "=s" }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_path }, "pinning" => { "options" => { "all" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_pinning }, "platform" => { "options" => { "dry-run|n" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_platform }, "postaction" => { "options" => { "all" => 1, "fileassocmode" => "=i", "w32mode" => "=s", }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_postaction }, "recreate-tlpdb" => { "options" => { "platform|arch" => "=s" }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_recreate_tlpdb }, "remove" => { "options" => { "dry-run|n" => 1, "force" => 1, "no-depends" => 1, "no-depends-at-all" => 1, }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_remove }, repository => { "options" => { "with-platforms" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_repository }, "restore" => { "options" => { "all" => 1, "backupdir" => "=s", "dry-run|n" => 1, "force" => 1 }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_restore }, "search" => { "options" => { "all" => 1, "file" => 1, "global" => 1, "word" => 1, }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_search }, "uninstall" => { "options" => { "force" => 1 }, "run-post" => 0, "function" => \&action_uninstall }, "update" => { "options" => { "all" => 1, "backup" => 1, "backupdir" => "=s", "dry-run|n" => 1, "exclude" => "=s@", "force" => 1, "list" => 1, "no-auto-install" => 1, "no-auto-remove" => 1, "no-depends" => 1, "no-depends-at-all" => 1, "reinstall-forcibly-removed" => 1, "self" => 1, }, "run-post" => 1, "function" => \&action_update }, "version" => { }, # handled separately ); main() if $ismain; ### main ################################################################## sub main { my %options; # TL options from local tlpdb my %globaloptions = ( "gui" => 1, "gui-lang" => "=s", "debug-translation" => 1, "h|?" => 1, "help" => 1, "location|repository|repo" => "=s", "machine-readable" => 1, "no-execute-actions" => 1, "package-logfile" => "=s", "persistent-downloads" => "!", "pause" => 1, "pin-file" => "=s", "print-platform|print-arch" => 1, "usermode|user-mode" => 1, "usertree|user-tree" => "=s", "verify-downloads" => "!", "require-verification" => "!", "version" => 1, ); my %optarg; for my $k (keys %globaloptions) { if ($globaloptions{$k} eq "1") { $optarg{$k} = 1; } else { $optarg{"$k" . $globaloptions{$k}} = 1; } } for my $v (values %action_specification) { if (defined($v->{'options'})) { my %opts = %{$v->{'options'}}; for my $k (keys %opts) { if ($opts{$k} eq "1") { $optarg{$k} = 1; } else { $optarg{"$k" . $opts{$k}} = 1; } } } } # save command line options for later restart, if necessary @::SAVEDARGV = @ARGV; TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options(); GetOptions(\%opts, keys(%optarg)) or pod2usage(2); $opts{"usermode"} = 1; print "(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)\n"; $::debug_translation = 0; $::debug_translation = 1 if $opts{"debug-translation"}; $::machinereadable = $opts{"machine-readable"} if (defined($opts{"machine-readable"})); $action = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($action)) { if ($opts{"gui"}) { # -gui = gui $action = "gui"; } elsif ($opts{"print-platform"}) { # -print-arch = print-arch $action = "print-platform"; } else { $action = ""; } } $action = lc($action); $action = "platform" if ($action eq "arch"); ddebug("action = $action\n"); for my $k (keys %opts) { ddebug("$k => $opts{$k}\n"); } ddebug("arguments: @ARGV\n") if @ARGV; if ($opts{"version"} || (defined $action && $action eq "version")) { info(give_version()); exit(0); } if (defined($action) && $action eq "help") { $opts{"help"} = 1; $action = undef; # an option not an action } if (defined($action) && $action eq "print-platform") { print TeXLive::TLUtils::platform(), "\n"; exit 0; } # ACTION massaging # for backward compatibility and usability # unify arguments so that the $action contains paper in all cases # and push the first arg back to @ARGV for action_paper processing if (defined $action && $action =~ /^(paper|xdvi|psutils|pdftex|dvips|dvipdfmx?|context)$/) { unshift(@ARGV, $action); $action = "paper"; } # backward compatibility with action "show" and "list" from before if (defined $action && $action =~ /^(show|list)$/) { $action = "info"; } # now $action should be part of %actionoptions, otherwise this is # an error if (defined($action) && $action && !exists $action_specification{$action}) { die "$prg: unknown action: $action; try --help if you need it.\n"; } if ((!defined($action) || !$action) && !$opts{"help"} && !$opts{"h"}) { die "$prg: no action given; try --help if you need it.\n"; } if ($opts{"help"} || $opts{"h"}) { # perldoc does ASCII emphasis on the output, and runs it through # $PAGER, so people want it. But not all Unix platforms have it, # and on Windows our Config.pm can apparently interfere, so always # skip it there. Or if users have NOPERLDOC set in the environment. my @noperldoc = (); if (win32() || $ENV{"NOPERLDOC"}) { @noperldoc = ("-noperldoc", "1"); } else { if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::which("perldoc")) { @noperldoc = ("-noperldoc", "1"); } else { # checking only for the existence of perldoc is not enough # because Debian/Ubuntu unfortunately ship a stub that does nothing; # try to check for that, too. my $ret = system("perldoc -V >/dev/null 2>&1"); if ($ret == 0) { debug("working perldoc found, using it\n"); } else { tlwarn("$prg: perldoc seems to be non-functional, not using it.\n"); @noperldoc = ("-noperldoc", "1"); } } } # less can break control characters and thus the output of pod2usage # is broken. We add/set LESS=-R in the environment and unset # LESSPIPE and LESSOPEN to try to help. # if (defined($ENV{'LESS'})) { $ENV{'LESS'} .= " -R"; } else { $ENV{'LESS'} = "-R"; } delete $ENV{'LESSPIPE'}; delete $ENV{'LESSOPEN'}; if ($action && ($action ne "help")) { # 1) Must use [...] form for -sections arg because otherwise the # /$action subsection selector applies to all sections. # https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=102116 # 2) Must use "..." for that so the $action value is interpolated. pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 99, -sections => [ 'NAME', 'SYNOPSIS', "ACTIONS/$::action.*" ], @noperldoc); } else { if ($opts{"help"}) { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2, @noperldoc); } else { # give a short message about usage print " tlmgr revision $tlmgrrevision usage: tlmgr OPTION... ACTION ARGUMENT... where ACTION is one of:\n"; for my $k (sort keys %action_specification) { # don't print internal options next if ($k =~ m/^_/); print " $k\n"; } print "\nUse\n tlmgr ACTION --help for more details on a specific option, and tlmgr --help for the full story.\n"; exit 0; } } } # --machine-readable is only supported by update. if ($::machinereadable && $action ne "update" && $action ne "install" && $action ne "option") { tlwarn("$prg: --machine-readable output not supported for $action\n"); } # # bail out of it is unknown action if (!defined($action_specification{$action})) { tlwarn("$prg: action unknown: $action\n"); exit ($F_ERROR); } # check on supported arguments # my %suppargs; %suppargs = %{$action_specification{$action}{'options'}} if defined($action_specification{$action}{'options'}); my @notvalidargs; for my $k (keys %opts) { my @allargs = keys %suppargs; push @allargs, keys %globaloptions; my $found = 0; for my $ok (@allargs) { my @variants = split '\|', $ok; if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member($k, @variants)) { $found = 1; last; } } push @notvalidargs, $k if !$found; } if (@notvalidargs) { my $msg = "The action $action does not support the following option(s):\n"; for my $c (@notvalidargs) { $msg .= " $c"; } tlwarn("$prg: $msg\n"); tldie("$prg: Try --help if you need it.\n"); } # # the main tree we will be working on $::maintree = $Master; if ($opts{"usermode"}) { # we could also try to detect that we don't have write permissions # and switch to user mode automatically if (defined($opts{"usertree"})) { $::maintree = $opts{"usertree"}; } else { chomp($::maintree = `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME`); } } # besides doing normal logging if -logfile is specified, we try to log # package related actions (install, remove, update) to # the package-log file TEXMFSYSVAR/web2c/tlmgr.log $packagelogged = 0; # how many msgs we logged chomp (my $texmfsysvar = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSVAR`); $packagelogfile = $opts{"package-logfile"}; if ($opts{"usermode"}) { $packagelogfile ||= "$::maintree/web2c/tlmgr.log"; } else { $packagelogfile ||= "$texmfsysvar/web2c/tlmgr.log"; } # # Try to open the packagelog file, but do NOT die when that does not work if (!open(PACKAGELOG, ">>$packagelogfile")) { debug("Cannot open package log file $packagelogfile for appending\n"); debug("Will not log package installation/removal/update for that run\n"); $packagelogfile = ""; } $loadmediasrcerror = "Cannot load TeX Live database from "; # load the config file and set the config options # load it BEFORE starting downloads as we set persistent-downloads there! load_config_file(); # in system mode verify that the selected action is allowed if (!$opts{"usermode"} && $config{'allowed-actions'}) { if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member($action, @{$config{'allowed-actions'}})) { tlwarn("$prg: action not allowed in system mode: $action\n"); exit ($F_ERROR); } } # set global variable if execute actions should be suppressed $::no_execute_actions = 1 if (defined($opts{'no-execute-actions'})); # if we are asked to use persistent connections try to start it here debug("tlmgr:main: do persistent downloads = $opts{'persistent-downloads'}\n"); if ($opts{'persistent-downloads'}) { TeXLive::TLUtils::setup_persistent_downloads() ; } if (!defined($::tldownload_server)) { debug("tlmgr:main: ::tldownload_server not defined\n"); } else { debug("tlmgr:main: ::tldownload_server defined\n"); } my $ret = execute_action($action, @ARGV); # F_ERROR stops processing immediately, and prevents postactions from # being run (e.g., untar fails). F_WARNING continues on, including # postactions (e.g., user tries to install 10 packages and the # checksum fails for one, but the others are ok), but still ends the # program by exiting unsuccessfully. So call them both "errors" # as far as the user is concerned. if ($ret & ($F_ERROR | $F_WARNING)) { tlwarn("$prg: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.\n"); } # end of main program, returns also error codes exit ($ret); } # end main sub give_version { if (!defined($::version_string)) { $::version_string = ""; $::version_string .= "tlmgr revision $tlmgrrevision\n"; $::version_string .= "tlmgr using installation: $Master\n"; if (open (REL_TL, "$Master/release-texlive.txt")) { # print first and last lines, which have the TL version info. my @rel_tl = ; $::version_string .= $rel_tl[0]; $::version_string .= $rel_tl[$#rel_tl]; close (REL_TL); } } # # add the list of revisions if ($::opt_verbosity > 0) { $::version_string .= "Revisions of TeXLive:: modules:"; $::version_string .= "\nTLConfig: " . TeXLive::TLConfig->module_revision(); $::version_string .= "\nTLUtils: " . TeXLive::TLUtils->module_revision(); $::version_string .= "\nTLPOBJ: " . TeXLive::TLPOBJ->module_revision(); $::version_string .= "\nTLPDB: " . TeXLive::TLPDB->module_revision(); $::version_string .= "\nTLPaper: " . TeXLive::TLPaper->module_revision(); $::version_string .= "\nTLWinGoo: " . TeXLive::TLWinGoo->module_revision(); $::version_string .= "\n"; } return $::version_string; } sub execute_action { my ($action, @argv) = @_; # we have to set @ARGV to the @argv since many of the action_* subs # use GetOption @ARGV = @argv; # actions which shouldn't have any lasting effects, such as search or # list, end by calling finish(0), which skips postinstall actions. if (!defined($action_specification{$action})) { tlwarn ("$prg: unknown action: $action; try --help if you need it.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } if (!defined($action_specification{$action}{"function"})) { tlwarn ("$prg: action $action defined, but no way to execute it.\n"); return $F_ERROR; } my $ret = $F_OK; my $foo = &{$action_specification{$action}{"function"}}(); if (defined($foo)) { if ($foo & $F_ERROR) { # report of bad messages are given at the top level. return $foo; } if ($foo & $F_WARNING) { tlwarn("$prg: action $action returned an error; continuing.\n"); $ret = $foo; } } else { $ret = $F_OK; tlwarn("$prg: no value returned from action $action, assuming ok.\n"); } my $run_post = 1; if ($ret & $F_NOPOSTACTION) { # clear the postaction bit $ret ^= $F_NOPOSTACTION; $run_post = 0; } if (!$action_specification{$action}{"run-post"}) { $run_post = 0; } # close the special log file if ($packagelogfile && !$::gui_mode) { info("$prg: package log updated: $packagelogfile\n") if $packagelogged; close(PACKAGELOG); } return ($ret) if (!$run_post); # run external programs. $ret |= &handle_execute_actions(); return $ret; } # run CMD with notice to the user and if exit status is nonzero, complain. # return exit status. # sub do_cmd_and_check { my $cmd = shift; # we output the pre-running notice on a separate line so that # tlmgr front ends (MacOSX's TeX Live Utility) can read it # and show it to the user before the possibly long delay. info("running $cmd ...\n"); my ($out, $ret); if ($opts{"dry-run"}) { $ret = $F_OK; $out = ""; } else { ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("$cmd 2>&1"); } if ($ret == 0) { info("done running $cmd.\n"); ddebug("--output of $cmd:\n$out\n--end of output of $cmd."); return ($F_OK); } else { info("\n"); tlwarn("$prg: $cmd failed (status $ret), output:\n$out\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } } # run external programs (mktexlsr, updmap-sys, etc.) as specified by the # keys in the RET hash. We return the number of unsuccessful runs, zero # if all ok. # # If the "map" key is specified, the value may be a reference to a list # of map command strings to pass to updmap, e.g., "enable Map=ascii.map". # sub handle_execute_actions { my $errors = 0; my $sysmode = ($opts{"usermode"} ? "" : "-sys"); my $invoke_fmtutil = "fmtutil$sysmode $common_fmtutil_args"; if ($::files_changed) { $errors += do_cmd_and_check("mktexlsr"); if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package('context'))) { $errors += do_cmd_and_check("mtxrun --generate"); } $::files_changed = 0; } chomp(my $TEXMFSYSVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSVAR`); chomp(my $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`); chomp(my $TEXMFLOCAL = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFLOCAL`); chomp(my $TEXMFDIST = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFDIST`); # maps handling { my $updmap_run_needed = 0; for my $m (keys %{$::execute_actions{'enable'}{'maps'}}) { $updmap_run_needed = 1; } for my $m (keys %{$::execute_actions{'disable'}{'maps'}}) { $updmap_run_needed = 1; } my $dest = $opts{"usermode"} ? "$::maintree/web2c/updmap.cfg" : "$TEXMFDIST/web2c/updmap.cfg"; if ($updmap_run_needed) { TeXLive::TLUtils::create_updmap($localtlpdb, $dest); } $errors += do_cmd_and_check("updmap$sysmode") if $updmap_run_needed; } # format relevant things # we first have to check if the config files, that is fmtutil.cnf # or one of the language* files have changed, regenerate them # if necessary, and then run the necessary fmtutil calls. { # first check for language* files my $regenerate_language = 0; for my $m (keys %{$::execute_actions{'enable'}{'hyphens'}}) { $regenerate_language = 1; last; } for my $m (keys %{$::execute_actions{'disable'}{'hyphens'}}) { $regenerate_language = 1; last; } if ($regenerate_language) { for my $ext ("dat", "def", "dat.lua") { my $lang = "language.$ext"; info("regenerating $lang\n"); my $arg1 = "$TEXMFSYSVAR/tex/generic/config/language.$ext"; my $arg2 = "$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/generic/config/language-local.$ext"; if ($ext eq "dat") { TeXLive::TLUtils::create_language_dat($localtlpdb, $arg1, $arg2); } elsif ($ext eq "def") { TeXLive::TLUtils::create_language_def($localtlpdb, $arg1, $arg2); } else { TeXLive::TLUtils::create_language_lua($localtlpdb, $arg1, $arg2); } } } # format-regenerate is used when the paper size changes. In that # case, if option("create_formats") is set, we simply want to generate # all formats # my %done_formats; my %updated_engines; my %format_to_engine; my %do_enable; my $do_full = 0; for my $m (keys %{$::execute_actions{'enable'}{'formats'}}) { $do_full = 1; $do_enable{$m} = 1; # here we check whether an engine is updated my %foo = %{$::execute_actions{'enable'}{'formats'}{$m}}; if (!defined($foo{'name'}) || !defined($foo{'engine'})) { tlwarn("$prg: Very strange error, please report ", %foo); } else { $format_to_engine{$m} = $foo{'engine'}; if ($foo{'name'} eq $foo{'engine'}) { $updated_engines{$m} = 1; } } } for my $m (keys %{$::execute_actions{'disable'}{'formats'}}) { $do_full = 1; } my $opt_fmt = $localtlpdb->option("create_formats"); if ($do_full) { info("regenerating fmtutil.cnf in $TEXMFDIST\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::create_fmtutil($localtlpdb, "$TEXMFDIST/web2c/fmtutil.cnf"); } if ($opt_fmt && !$::regenerate_all_formats) { # first regenerate all formats --byengine for my $e (keys %updated_engines) { debug ("updating formats based on $e\n"); $errors += do_cmd_and_check ("$invoke_fmtutil --no-error-if-no-format --byengine $e"); } # now rebuild all other formats for my $f (keys %do_enable) { next if defined($updated_engines{$format_to_engine{$f}}); # ignore disabled formats next if !$::execute_actions{'enable'}{'formats'}{$f}{'mode'}; debug ("(re)creating format dump $f\n"); $errors += do_cmd_and_check ("$invoke_fmtutil --byfmt $f"); $done_formats{$f} = 1; } } # now go back to the hyphenation patterns and regenerate formats # based on the various language files # this of course will in some cases duplicate fmtutil calls, # but it is much easier than actually checking which formats # don't need to be updated if ($regenerate_language) { for my $ext ("dat", "def", "dat.lua") { my $lang = "language.$ext"; if (! TeXLive::TLUtils::win32()) { # Use full path for external command, except on Windows. $lang = "$TEXMFSYSVAR/tex/generic/config/$lang"; } if ($localtlpdb->option("create_formats") && !$::regenerate_all_formats) { $errors += do_cmd_and_check ("$invoke_fmtutil --byhyphen \"$lang\""); } } } } # if ($::regenerate_all_formats) { info("Regenerating all formats, this may take some time ..."); $errors += do_cmd_and_check("$invoke_fmtutil --all"); info("done\n"); $::regenerate_all_formats = 0; } # undefine the global var, otherwise in GUI mode the actions # are accumulating undef %::execute_actions; if ($errors > 0) { # should we return warning here? return $F_ERROR; } else { return $F_OK; } } # GET_MIRROR # # just return a mirror sub action_get_mirror { my $loc = give_ctan_mirror(); print "$loc\n"; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } # # includes a .tlpobj in the db, also searchers for sub-tlpobj # for doc and source files # # _INCLUDE_TLPOBJ # # includes a .tlpobj in the db, also searchers for sub-tlpobj # for doc and source files # sub action_include_tlpobj { # this is an internal function that should not be used outside init_local_db(); for my $f (@ARGV) { my $tlpobj = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $tlpobj->from_file($f); # we now have to check whether that is a .doc or .src package, so shipping # src or doc files from a different package. # We should have that package already installed ... my $pkg = $tlpobj->name; if ($pkg =~ m/^(.*)\.(source|doc)$/) { # got a .src or .doc package my $type = $2; my $mothership = $1; my $mothertlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($mothership); if (!defined($mothertlp)) { tlwarn("$prg: We are trying to add ${type} files to a nonexistent package $mothership!\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Trying to continue!\n"); # the best we can do is rename that package to $mothername and add it! $tlpobj->name($mothership); # add the src/docfiles tlpobj under the mothership name $localtlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); } else { if ($type eq "source") { $mothertlp->srcfiles($tlpobj->srcfiles); $mothertlp->srcsize($tlpobj->srcsize); } else { # must be "doc" $mothertlp->docfiles($tlpobj->docfiles); $mothertlp->docsize($tlpobj->docsize); } # that make sure that the original entry is overwritten $localtlpdb->add_tlpobj($mothertlp); } } else { # completely normal package, just add it $localtlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); } $localtlpdb->save; } # no error checking here for now return ($F_OK); } # REMOVE # # tlmgr remove foo bar baz # will remove the packages foo bar baz itself # and will remove all .ARCH dependencies, too # and if some of them are collections it will also remove the # depending packages which are NOT Collections|Schemes. # if some of them are referenced somewhere they will not be removed # unless --force given # # tlmgr remove --no-depends foo bar baz # will remove the packages foo bar baz itself without any dependencies # but it will still remove all .ARCH dependency # if some of them are referenced somewhere they will not be removed # unless --force given # # tlmgr remove --no-depends-at-all foo bar baz # will absolutely only install foo bar baz not even taking .ARCH into # account # sub action_remove { my $ret = $F_OK; # we do the following: # - (not implemented) order collections such that those depending on # other collections are first removed, and then those which only # depend on packages. Otherwise # remove collection-latex collection-latexrecommended # will not succeed # - first loop over all cmd line args and consider only the collections # - for each to be removed collection: # . check that no other collections/scheme asks for that collection # . remove the collection # . remove all dependencies # - for each normal package not already removed (via the above) # . check that no collection/scheme still depends on this package # . remove the package # $opts{"no-depends"} = 1 if $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; my %already_removed; my @more_removal; init_local_db(); return($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); info("$prg remove: dry run, no changes will be made\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; my @packs = @ARGV; # # we have to be careful not to remove too many packages. The idea is # as follows: # - let A be the set of all packages to be removed from the cmd line # - let A* be the set of A with all dependencies expanded # - let B be the set of all packages # - let C = B \ A*, ie the set of all packages without those packages # in the set of A* # - let C* be the set of C with all dependencies expanded # - let D = A* \ C*, ie the set of all packages to be removed (A*) # without all the package that are still needed (C*) # - remove all package in D # - for any package in A (not in A*, in A, ie on the cmd line) that is # also in C* (so a package that was asked for to be removed on the # cmd line, but it isn't because someone else asks for it), warn the # user that it is still needed # # remove all .ARCH dependencies, too, unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"} @packs = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $localtlpdb, @packs) unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; # remove deps unless $opts{"no-depends"} @packs = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-no-collections", $localtlpdb, @packs) unless $opts{"no-depends"}; my %allpacks; for my $p ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { $allpacks{$p} = 1; } for my $p (@packs) { delete($allpacks{$p}); } my @neededpacks = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies($localtlpdb, keys %allpacks); my %packs; my %origpacks; my @origpacks = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $localtlpdb, @ARGV) unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; for my $p (@origpacks) { $origpacks{$p} = 1; } for my $p (@packs) { $packs{$p} = 1; } for my $p (@neededpacks) { if (defined($origpacks{$p})) { # that package was asked for to be removed on the cmd line my @needed = $localtlpdb->needed_by($p); if ($opts{"force"}) { info("$prg: $p is needed by " . join(" ", @needed) . "\n"); info("$prg: removing it anyway, due to --force\n"); } else { delete($packs{$p}); tlwarn("$prg: not removing $p, needed by " . join(" ", @needed) . "\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } } else { delete($packs{$p}); } } @packs = keys %packs; foreach my $pkg (sort @packs) { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); next if defined($already_removed{$pkg}); if (!defined($tlp)) { info("$pkg: package not present, cannot remove\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } else { # in the first round we only remove collections, nothing else # but removing collections will remove all dependencies, too # save the information of which packages have already been removed # into %already_removed. if ($tlp->category eq "Collection") { my $foo = 0; info ("$prg: removing $pkg\n"); if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { $foo = $localtlpdb->remove_package($pkg); logpackage("remove: $pkg"); } if ($foo) { # removal was successful, so the return is at least 0x0001 mktexlsr # remove dependencies, too $already_removed{$pkg} = 1; } } else { # save all the other packages into the @more_removal list to # be removed at the second state. Note that if a package has # already been removed due to a removal of a collection # it will be marked as such in %already_removed and not tried again push (@more_removal, $pkg); } } } foreach my $pkg (sort @more_removal) { if (!defined($already_removed{$pkg})) { info ("$prg: removing package $pkg\n"); if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { if ($localtlpdb->remove_package($pkg)) { # removal was successful logpackage("remove: $pkg"); $already_removed{$pkg} = 1; } } } } if ($opts{"dry-run"}) { # stop here, don't do any postinstall actions return ($ret | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } else { $localtlpdb->save; my @foo = sort keys %already_removed; if (@foo) { info("$prg: ultimately removed these packages: @foo\n"); } else { info("$prg: no packages removed.\n"); } } return ($ret); } # PAPER # ARGV can look like: # paper a4 # paper letter # [xdvi|...|context] paper [help|papersize|--list] # sub action_paper { init_local_db(); my $texmfconfig; if ($opts{"usermode"}) { tlwarn("$prg: action `paper' not supported in usermode\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } chomp($texmfconfig = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`); $ENV{"TEXMFCONFIG"} = $texmfconfig; my $action = shift @ARGV; if ($action =~ m/^paper$/i) { # generic paper my $newpaper = shift @ARGV; if ($opts{"list"}) { # tlmgr paper --list => complain. tlwarn("$prg: ignoring paper setting to $newpaper with --list\n") if $newpaper; # complain if they tried to set, too. tlwarn("$prg: please specify a program before paper --list, ", "as in: tlmgr pdftex paper --list\n"); return($F_ERROR) } elsif (!defined($newpaper)) { # tlmgr paper => show all current sizes. my $ret = $F_OK; for my $prog (sort keys %TeXLive::TLPaper::paper) { my $pkg = $TeXLive::TLPaper::paper{$prog}{'pkg'}; if ($localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)) { $ret |= TeXLive::TLPaper::do_paper($prog,$texmfconfig,undef); } } return($ret); # return TeXLive::TLPaper::paper_all($texmfconfig,undef); } elsif ($newpaper !~ /^(a4|letter)$/) { # tlmgr paper junk => complain. $newpaper = "the empty string" if !defined($newpaper); tlwarn("$prg: expected `a4' or `letter' after paper, not $newpaper\n"); return($F_ERROR); } else { # tlmgr paper {a4|letter} => do it. return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); my $ret = $F_OK; for my $prog (sort keys %TeXLive::TLPaper::paper) { my $pkg = $TeXLive::TLPaper::paper{$prog}{'pkg'}; if ($localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)) { $ret |= TeXLive::TLPaper::do_paper($prog,$texmfconfig,$newpaper); } } return($ret); # return (TeXLive::TLPaper::paper_all($texmfconfig,$newpaper)); } } else { # program-specific paper my $prog = $action; # first argument is the program to change my $pkg = $TeXLive::TLPaper::paper{$prog}{'pkg'}; if (!$localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)) { tlwarn("$prg: package $pkg is not installed - cannot adjust paper size!\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } my $arg = shift @ARGV; # get "paper" argument if (!defined($arg) || $arg ne "paper") { $arg = "the empty string." if ! $arg; tlwarn("$prg: expected `paper' after $prog, not $arg\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # the do_paper progs check for the argument --list, so if given # restore it to the cmd line. if (@ARGV) { return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); } unshift(@ARGV, "--list") if $opts{"list"}; return(TeXLive::TLPaper::do_paper($prog,$texmfconfig,@ARGV)); } # we should not come here anyway return($F_OK); } # PATH # sub action_path { if ($opts{"usermode"}) { tlwarn("$prg: action `path' not supported in usermode!\n"); exit 1; } my $what = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($what) || ($what !~ m/^(add|remove)$/i)) { $what = "" if ! $what; tlwarn("$prg: action path requires add or remove, not: $what\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } init_local_db(); my $winadminmode = 0; if (win32()) { # # for w32 we do system wide vs user setting detection as follows: # - if --w32mode is NOT given, # - if admin # --> honor opt_w32_multi_user setting in tlpdb # - if not admin # - if opt_w32_multi_user == NO # --> do user path adjustment # - if opt_w32_multi_user == YES # --> do nothing, warn that the setting is on, suggest --w32mode user # - if --w32mode admin # - if admin # --> ignore opt_w32_multi_user and do system path adjustment # - if non-admin # --> do nothing but warn that user does not have privileges # - if --w32mode user # - if admin # --> ignore opt_w32_multi_user and do user path adjustment # - if non-admin # --> ignore opt_w32_multi_user and do user path adjustment if (!$opts{"w32mode"}) { $winadminmode = $localtlpdb->option("w32_multi_user"); if (!TeXLive::TLWinGoo::admin()) { if ($winadminmode) { tlwarn("The TLPDB specifies system wide path adjustments\nbut you don't have admin privileges.\nFor user path adjustment please use\n\t--w32mode user\n"); # and do nothing return ($F_ERROR); } } } else { # we are in the block where a --w32mode argument is given # we reverse the tests: if (TeXLive::TLWinGoo::admin()) { # in admin mode we simply use what is given on the cmd line if ($opts{"w32mode"} eq "user") { $winadminmode = 0; } elsif ($opts{"w32mode"} eq "admin") { $winadminmode = 1; } else { tlwarn("$prg: Unknown --w32admin mode: $opts{w32mode}, should be 'admin' or 'user'\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } } else { # we are non-admin if ($opts{"w32mode"} eq "user") { $winadminmode = 0; } elsif ($opts{"w32mode"} eq "admin") { tlwarn("$prg: You don't have the privileges to work in --w32mode admin\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } else { tlwarn("$prg: Unknown --w32admin mode: $opts{w32mode}, should be 'admin' or 'user'\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } } } } my $ret = $F_OK; if ($what =~ m/^add$/i) { if (win32()) { $ret |= TeXLive::TLUtils::w32_add_to_path( $localtlpdb->root . "/bin/win32", $winadminmode); $ret |= TeXLive::TLWinGoo::broadcast_env(); } else { $ret |= TeXLive::TLUtils::add_symlinks($localtlpdb->root, $localtlpdb->platform(), $localtlpdb->option("sys_bin"), $localtlpdb->option("sys_man"), $localtlpdb->option("sys_info")); } } elsif ($what =~ m/^remove$/i) { if (win32()) { $ret |= TeXLive::TLUtils::w32_remove_from_path( $localtlpdb->root . "/bin/win32", $winadminmode); $ret |= TeXLive::TLWinGoo::broadcast_env(); } else { # remove symlinks $ret |= TeXLive::TLUtils::remove_symlinks($localtlpdb->root, $localtlpdb->platform(), $localtlpdb->option("sys_bin"), $localtlpdb->option("sys_man"), $localtlpdb->option("sys_info")); } } else { tlwarn("\n$prg: Should not happen, action_path what=$what\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # we should not need to run any post actions here, since # that changes only integrations, but no rebuild of formats etc etc # is needed return ($ret | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } # DUMP TLPDB # sub action_dumptlpdb { init_local_db(); # we are basically doing machine-readable output. my $savemr = $::machinereadable; $::machinereadable = 1; if ($opts{"local"} && !$opts{"remote"}) { # for consistency we write out the location of the installation, # too, in the same format as when dumping the remote tlpdb print "location-url\t", $localtlpdb->root, "\n"; $localtlpdb->writeout; } elsif ($opts{"remote"} && !$opts{"local"}) { init_tlmedia_or_die(); $remotetlpdb->writeout; } else { tlwarn("$prg dump-tlpdb: need exactly one of --local and --remote.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } $::machinereadable = $savemr; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } # INFO # sub action_info { init_local_db(); my ($what,@todo) = @ARGV; my $ret = $F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION; # # tlmgr info # tlmgr info collection # tlmgr info scheme # these commands just list the packages/collections/schemes installed with # a short list if (!defined($what) || ($what =~ m/^(collections|schemes)$/i)) { show_list_of_packages($what); return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } # we are still here, so $what is defined and neither collection nor scheme, # so assume the arguments are package names foreach my $ppp ($what, @todo) { my ($pkg, $tag) = split ('@', $ppp, 2); my $tlpdb = $localtlpdb; my $source_found; my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); my $installed = 0; if (!$tlp) { if ($opts{"only-installed"}) { print "package: $pkg\n"; print "installed: No\n"; next; } if (!$remotetlpdb) { init_tlmedia_or_die(); } if (defined($tag)) { if (!$remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { tlwarn("$prg: specifying implicit tags not allowed for non-virtual databases!\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } else { if (!$remotetlpdb->is_repository($tag)) { tlwarn("$prg: no such repository tag defined: $tag\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } } } $tlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg, $tag); if (!$tlp) { if (defined($tag)) { # we already searched for the package in a specific tag, don't retry # all candidates! tlwarn("$prg: Cannot find package $pkg in repository $tag\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { # we might have a package that is available in a # subsidiary repository, but not installable # because it is not pinned # we will list it but warn about this fact my @cand = $remotetlpdb->candidates($pkg); if (@cand) { my $first = shift @cand; if (defined($first)) { tlwarn("$prg: strange, we have a first candidate but no tlp: $pkg\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } # already shifted away the first element if ($#cand >= 0) { # recursively showing all tags, but warn print "package: ", $pkg, "\n"; print "WARNING: This package is not pinned but present in subsidiary repositories\n"; print "WARNING: As long as it is not pinned it is not installable.\n"; print "WARNING: Listing all available copies of the package.\n"; my @aaa; for my $a (@cand) { my ($t,$r) = split(/\//, $a, 2); push @aaa, "$pkg" . '@' . $t; } $ret |= action_info(@aaa); next; } else { tlwarn("$prg: strange, package listed but no residual candidates: $pkg\n"); next; } } else { tlwarn("$prg: strange, package listed but no candidates: $pkg\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } } # we didn't find a package like this, so use search info("$prg: cannot find package $pkg, searching for other matches:\n"); my ($foundfile, $founddesc) = search_tlpdb($remotetlpdb,$pkg,1,1,0); print "\nPackages containing \`$pkg\' in their title/description:\n"; print $founddesc; print "\nPackages containing files matching \`$pkg\':\n"; print $foundfile; #$ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } # we want to also show the source if it is known if (defined($tag)) { $source_found = $tag; } else { if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { my ($firsttag, @cand) = $remotetlpdb->candidates($pkg); $source_found = $firsttag; } else { # might be single user repository, don't mention anything } } $tlpdb = $remotetlpdb; } else { $installed = 1; } my @colls; if ($tlp->category ne "Collection" && $tlp->category ne "Scheme") { @colls = $localtlpdb->needed_by($pkg); if (!@colls) { if (!$opts{"only-installed"}) { # not referenced in the local tlpdb, so try the remote here, too init_tlmedia_or_die() if (!$remotetlpdb); @colls = $remotetlpdb->needed_by($pkg); } } } # some packages might depend on other packages, so do not # include arbitrary packages in the list of collections, but # only collections: @colls = grep {m;^collection-;} @colls; print "package: ", $tlp->name, "\n"; print "repository: ", $source_found, "\n" if (defined($source_found)); print "category: ", $tlp->category, "\n"; print "shortdesc: ", $tlp->shortdesc, "\n" if ($tlp->shortdesc); print "longdesc: ", $tlp->longdesc, "\n" if ($tlp->longdesc); print "installed: ", ($installed ? "Yes" : "No"), "\n"; print "revision: ", $tlp->revision, "\n" if ($installed); # print out sizes my $sizestr = ""; my $srcsize = $tlp->srcsize * $TeXLive::TLConfig::BlockSize; $sizestr = sprintf("%ssrc: %dk", $sizestr, int($srcsize / 1024) + 1) if ($srcsize > 0); my $docsize = $tlp->docsize * $TeXLive::TLConfig::BlockSize; $sizestr .= sprintf("%sdoc: %dk", ($sizestr ? ", " : ""), int($docsize / 1024) + 1) if ($docsize > 0); my $runsize = $tlp->runsize * $TeXLive::TLConfig::BlockSize; $sizestr .= sprintf("%srun: %dk", ($sizestr ? ", " : ""), int($runsize / 1024) + 1) if ($runsize > 0); # check for .ARCH expansions my $do_archs = 0; for my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m/^(.*)\.ARCH$/) { $do_archs = 1; last; } } if ($do_archs) { my @a = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; my %binsz = %{$tlp->binsize}; my $binsize = 0; for my $a (@a) { $binsize += $binsz{$a} if defined($binsz{$a}); my $atlp = $tlpdb->get_package($tlp->name . ".$a"); if (!$atlp) { tlwarn("$prg: cannot find depending package" . $tlp->name . ".$a\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } my %abinsz = %{$atlp->binsize}; $binsize += $abinsz{$a} if defined($abinsz{$a}); } $binsize *= $TeXLive::TLConfig::BlockSize; $sizestr .= sprintf("%sbin: %dk", ($sizestr ? ", " : ""), int($binsize / 1024) + 1) if ($binsize > 0); } print "sizes: ", $sizestr, "\n"; print "relocatable: ", ($tlp->relocated ? "Yes" : "No"), "\n"; print "cat-version: ", $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}, "\n" if $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; print "cat-date: ", $tlp->cataloguedata->{'date'}, "\n" if $tlp->cataloguedata->{'date'}; print "cat-license: ", $tlp->cataloguedata->{'license'}, "\n" if $tlp->cataloguedata->{'license'}; print "cat-topics: ", $tlp->cataloguedata->{'topics'}, "\n" if $tlp->cataloguedata->{'topics'}; print "cat-related: ", $tlp->cataloguedata->{'also'}, "\n" if $tlp->cataloguedata->{'also'}; print "collection: ", @colls, "\n" if (@colls); if ($opts{"list"}) { if ($tlp->category eq "Collection" || $tlp->category eq "Scheme") { # in the case of collections of schemes we list the deps my @deps = $tlp->depends; if (@deps) { print "depends:\n"; for my $d (@deps) { print "\t$d\n"; } } } print "Included files, by type:\n"; # if the package has a .ARCH dependency we also list the files for # those packages my @todo = $tlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $tlpdb, ($pkg)); for my $d (sort @todo) { my $foo = $tlpdb->get_package($d); if (!$foo) { tlwarn ("$prg: Should not happen, no dependent package $d\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } if ($d ne $pkg) { print "depending package $d:\n"; } if ($foo->runfiles) { print "run files:\n"; for my $f (sort $foo->runfiles) { print " $f\n"; } } if ($foo->srcfiles) { print "source files:\n"; for my $f (sort $foo->srcfiles) { print " $f\n"; } } if ($foo->docfiles) { print "doc files:\n"; for my $f (sort $foo->docfiles) { print " $f"; my $dfd = $foo->docfiledata; if (defined($dfd->{$f})) { for my $k (keys %{$dfd->{$f}}) { print " $k=\"", $dfd->{$f}->{$k}, '"'; } } print "\n"; } } # in case we have them if ($foo->allbinfiles) { print "bin files (all platforms):\n"; for my $f (sort $foo->allbinfiles) { print " $f\n"; } } } } print "\n"; } return ($ret); } # SEARCH # sub action_search { my ($r) = @ARGV; my $tlpdb; # check the arguments my $search_type_nr = 0; $search_type_nr++ if $opts{"file"}; $search_type_nr++ if $opts{"all"}; if ($search_type_nr > 1) { tlwarn("$prg: please specify only one thing to search for\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # if (!defined($r) || !$r) { tlwarn("$prg: nothing to search for.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } init_local_db(); if ($opts{"global"}) { init_tlmedia_or_die(); $tlpdb = $remotetlpdb; } else { $tlpdb = $localtlpdb; } my ($foundfile, $founddesc) = search_tlpdb($tlpdb, $r, $opts{'file'} || $opts{'all'}, (!$opts{'file'} || $opts{'all'}), $opts{'word'}); print $founddesc; print $foundfile; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } sub search_tlpdb { my ($tlpdb, $what, $dofile, $dodesc, $inword) = @_; my $retfile = ''; my $retdesc = ''; foreach my $pkg ($tlpdb->list_packages) { my $tlp = $tlpdb->get_package($pkg); # --file or --all -> search (full) file names if ($dofile) { my @ret = search_pkg_files($tlp, $what); if (@ret) { $retfile .= "$pkg:\n"; foreach (@ret) { $retfile .= "\t$_\n"; } } } # # no options or --all -> search package names/descriptions if ($dodesc) { next if ($pkg =~ m/\./); my $matched = search_pkg_desc($tlp, $what, $inword); $retdesc .= "$matched\n" if ($matched); } } return($retfile, $retdesc); } sub search_pkg_desc { my ($tlp, $what, $inword) = @_; my $pkg = $tlp->name; my $t = "$pkg\n"; $t = $t . $tlp->shortdesc . "\n" if (defined($tlp->shortdesc)); $t = $t . $tlp->longdesc . "\n" if (defined($tlp->longdesc)); $t = $t . $tlp->cataloguedata->{'topics'} . "\n" if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'topics'})); my $pat = $what; $pat = '\W' . $what . '\W' if ($inword); my $matched = ""; if ($t =~ m/$pat/i) { my $shortdesc = $tlp->shortdesc || ""; $matched .= "$pkg - $shortdesc"; } return $matched; } sub search_pkg_files { my ($tlp, $what) = @_; my @files = $tlp->all_files; if ($tlp->relocated) { for (@files) { s:^$RelocPrefix/:$RelocTree/:; } } my @ret = grep(m;$what;, @files); return @ret; } # RESTORE # # read the directory and check what files/package/rev are available # for restore sub get_available_backups { my $bd = shift; my $do_stat = shift; # initialize the hash(packages) of hash(revisions) my %backups; opendir (DIR, $bd) || die "opendir($bd) failed: $!"; my @dirents = readdir (DIR); closedir (DIR) || warn "closedir($bd) failed: $!"; # # see below for explanation, this has effects only on W32 my $oldwsloppy = ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT}; ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} = 1; # for my $dirent (@dirents) { next if (-d $dirent); next if ($dirent !~ m/^(.*)\.r([0-9]+)\.tar\.xz$/); if (!$do_stat) { $backups{$1}->{$2} = 1; next; } my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$bd/$dirent"); # times: as we want to be portable we try the following times: # - first choice is ctime which hopefully works nicely # - on UFS (OSX) ctime is not supported, so use mtime # furthermore, if we are on W32 we want to be fast and make only # a sloppy stat # for more on that please see man perlport my $usedt = $ctime; if (!$usedt) { # can happen on $usedt = $mtime; } if (!$usedt) { # stat failed, set key to -1 as a sign that there is a backup # but we cannot stat it $backups{$1}->{$2} = -1; } else { $backups{$1}->{$2} = $usedt; } } # reset the original value of the w32 sloppy mode for stating files ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} = $oldwsloppy; return %backups; } sub restore_one_package { my ($pkg, $rev, $bd) = @_; # first remove the package, then reinstall it # this way we get rid of useless files my $restore_file = "$bd/${pkg}.r${rev}.tar.xz"; if (! -r $restore_file) { tlwarn("$prg: Cannot read $restore_file, no action taken\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } $localtlpdb->remove_package($pkg); TeXLive::TLPDB->_install_data($restore_file , 0, [] ,$localtlpdb); logpackage("restore: $pkg ($rev)"); # now we have to read the .tlpobj file and add it to the DB my $tlpobj = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $tlpobj->from_file($localtlpdb->root . "/tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.tlpobj"); $localtlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); TeXLive::TLUtils::announce_execute_actions("enable", $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)); $localtlpdb->save; # TODO_ERROCHECKING we should check the return values of the # various calls above return ($F_OK); } sub check_backupdir_selection { my $warntext = ""; if ($opts{"backupdir"}) { my $ob = abs_path($opts{"backupdir"}); $ob && ($opts{"backupdir"} = $ob); if (! -d $opts{"backupdir"}) { $warntext .= "$prg: backupdir argument\n"; $warntext .= " $opts{'backupdir'}\n"; $warntext .= "is not a directory.\n"; return ($F_ERROR, $warntext); } } else { # no argument, check for presence in TLPDB init_local_db(1); $opts{"backupdir"} = norm_tlpdb_path($localtlpdb->option("backupdir")); if (!$opts{"backupdir"}) { return (0, "$prg: No way to determine backupdir.\n"); } # we are still here, there is something set in tlpdb my $ob = abs_path($opts{"backupdir"}); $ob && ($opts{"backupdir"} = $ob); if (! -d $opts{"backupdir"}) { $warntext = "$prg: backupdir as set in tlpdb\n"; $warntext .= " $opts{'backupdir'}\n"; $warntext .= "is not a directory.\n"; return ($F_ERROR, $warntext); } } return $F_OK; } sub action_restore { # tlmgr restore [--backupdir dir] --all # restores of all packages found in backupdir the latest version # tlmgr restore --backupdir dir # lists all packages with all revisions # tlmgr restore --backupdir dir pkg # lists all revisions of pkg # tlmgr restore --backupdir dir pkg rev # restores pkg to revision rev # check the backup dir argument { my ($a, $b) = check_backupdir_selection(); if ($a & $F_ERROR) { # in all these cases we want to terminate in the non-gui mode tlwarn($b); return ($F_ERROR); } } info("$prg restore: dry run, no changes will be made\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; # initialize the hash(packages) of hash(revisions), do stat files! (the 1) my %backups = get_available_backups($opts{"backupdir"}, 1); my ($pkg, $rev) = @ARGV; if (defined($pkg) && $opts{"all"}) { tlwarn("$prg: Specify either --all or individual package(s) ($pkg)\n"); tlwarn("$prg: to restore, not both. Terminating.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } if ($opts{"all"}) { init_local_db(1); return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); if (!$opts{"force"}) { print "Do you really want to restore all packages to the latest revision found in\n\t$opts{'backupdir'}\n===> (y/N): "; my $yesno = ; if ($yesno !~ m/^y(es)?$/i) { print "Ok, cancelling the restore!\n"; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } } for my $p (sort keys %backups) { my @tmp = sort {$b <=> $a} (keys %{$backups{$p}}); my $rev = $tmp[0]; print "Restoring $p, $rev from $opts{'backupdir'}/${p}.r${rev}.tar.xz\n"; if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { # first remove the package, then reinstall it # this way we get rid of useless files # TODO_ERRORCHECK needs check for return values!! restore_one_package($p, $rev, $opts{"backupdir"}); } } # localtlpdb already saved, so we are finished return ($F_OK); } # # intermediate sub sub report_backup_revdate { my $p = shift; my %revs = @_; my @rs = sort {$b <=> $a} (keys %revs); for my $rs (@rs) { my $dstr; if ($revs{$rs} == -1) { $dstr = "unknown"; } else { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($revs{$rs}); # localtime returns dates starting from 1900, and the month is 0..11 $dstr = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min; } print "$rs ($dstr) "; } } # end sub if (!defined($pkg)) { if (keys %backups) { print "Available backups:\n"; foreach my $p (sort keys %backups) { print "$p: "; report_backup_revdate($p, %{$backups{$p}}); print "\n"; } } else { print "No backups available in $opts{'backupdir'}\n"; } return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } if (!defined($rev)) { print "Available backups for $pkg: "; report_backup_revdate($pkg, %{$backups{$pkg}}); print "\n"; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } # we did arrive here, so we try to restore ... if (defined($backups{$pkg}->{$rev})) { return if !check_on_writable(); if (!$opts{"force"}) { print "Do you really want to restore $pkg to revision $rev (y/N): "; my $yesno = ; if ($yesno !~ m/^y(es)?$/i) { print "Ok, cancelling the restore!\n"; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } } print "Restoring $pkg, $rev from $opts{'backupdir'}/${pkg}.r${rev}.tar.xz\n"; if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { init_local_db(1); # first remove the package, then reinstall it # this way we get rid of useless files restore_one_package($pkg, $rev, $opts{"backupdir"}); } # TODO_ERRORCHECKING check return value of restore_one_package return ($F_OK); } else { print "revision $rev for $pkg is not present in $opts{'backupdir'}\n"; return ($F_ERROR); } } sub action_backup { init_local_db(1); # --clean argument # can be either -1 ... don't clean # 0 ... remove all backups # N ... keep only N backups # that parallels the value of autoclean in the configuration # we have to be careful, because if simply --clean is given, we should # check for the value saved in the tlpdb, and if that is not present # do nothing. # We have set clean to clean:-99 which makes -99 the default value # if only --clean is given without any argument # !defined($opts{"clean"}) -> no --clean given # $opts{"clean"} = -99 -> --clean without argument given, check tlpdb # $opts{"clean"} = -1, 0, N -> --clean=N given, check argument # my $clean_mode = 0; $clean_mode = 1 if defined($opts{"clean"}); if ($clean_mode) { if ($opts{"clean"} == -99) { # we need to check the tlpdb my $tlpdb_option = $localtlpdb->option("autobackup"); if (!defined($tlpdb_option)) { tlwarn ("$prg: --clean given without an argument, but no default clean\n"); tlwarn ("$prg: mode specified in the tlpdb.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } $opts{"clean"} = $tlpdb_option; } # now $opts{"clean"} is something, but maybe not a number, check for # validity if ($opts{"clean"} =~ m/^(-1|[0-9]+)$/) { # get rid of leading zeros etc etc $opts{"clean"} = $opts{"clean"} + 0; } else { tlwarn ("$prg: clean mode as specified on the command line or as given by default\n"); tlwarn ("$prg: must be an integer larger or equal than -1, terminating.\n"); return($F_ERROR); } } # check the backup dir argument { my ($a, $b) = check_backupdir_selection(); if ($a & $F_ERROR) { # in all these cases we want to terminate in the non-gui mode tlwarn($b); return($F_ERROR); } } # if we do --clean --all we also want to remove packages that # are not present anymore in the tlpdb, so use the readdir mode # to determine backups if ($opts{"all"} && $clean_mode) { # initialize the hash(packages) of hash(revisions) # no need to stat the files my %backups = get_available_backups($opts{"backupdir"}, 0); init_local_db(1); for my $p (sort keys %backups) { clear_old_backups ($p, $opts{"backupdir"}, $opts{"clean"}, $opts{"dry-run"}, 1); } info("no action taken due to --dry-run\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } # in case we are not cleaning or cleaning only specific packages # use the one-by-one mode my @todo; if ($opts{"all"}) { @todo = $localtlpdb->list_packages; } else { @todo = @ARGV; @todo = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $localtlpdb, @todo); } if (!@todo) { printf "tlmgr backup takes either a list of packages or --all\n"; return ($F_ERROR); } foreach my $pkg (@todo) { if ($clean_mode) { clear_old_backups ($pkg, $opts{"backupdir"}, $opts{"clean"}, $opts{"dry-run"}, 1); } else { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); info("saving current status of $pkg to $opts{'backupdir'}/${pkg}.r" . $tlp->revision . ".tar.xz\n"); if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { $tlp->make_container("xz", $localtlpdb->root, $opts{"backupdir"}, "${pkg}.r" . $tlp->revision); } } } info("no action taken due to --dry-run\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; # TODO_ERRORCHECKING neets checking of the above return ($F_OK); } # ===================================================================== # INFRASTRUCTURE UPDATE ON WINDOWS # ===================================================================== # Infrastructure files cannot be updated directly from the # tlmgr.pl script due to file locking problem on Windows - files that # are in use (either open or executing) cannot be removed or replaced. # For that reason the update process is performed by a batch script # outside of tlmgr.pl. # There are three pieces involved in the update: tlmgr.bat # launcher, write_w32_updater subroutine below and a batch # updater script. Their roles are as follows: # * tlmgr.bat is a watchdog, it launches tlmgr.pl and watches for # the updater script that is to be executed. If the updater script # exists before tlmgr.pl is launched, it will be removed or # tlmgr.bat will abort if it fails to do so. This means that the # updater script has to be created by the current invocation of # tlmgr.pl. Furthermore, the updater script is renamed from # updater-w32 to updater-w32.bat just before it is run, and thus # it can be executed only once. # * write_w32_updater subroutine in tlmgr.pl prepares the update # and writes the updater script. Packages in .xz archives are # downloaded/copied and uncompressed to .tar files. Also .tar # backups of the current packages are made. If everything is # successful, the update script is created from the template. # Otherwise the update is aborted. # * updater-w32[.bat] batch script, triggers and executes the actual # update. It first restarts itself in a separate instance of cmd.exe # (and in a new console window in gui mode) and runs the update # from there. The update is run with echo on and all output is # logged to a file (or stderr in verbose mode). After successful # infrastructure update, tlmgr is optionally restarted if update # of other packages is asked for. # The infrastructure update itself proceeds as follows: # (1) untar all package archives # (2) include .tlpobj files into tlpdb # (3) print update info to console # Any error during (1) or (2) triggers the rollback sequence: # (1) print failed update info to console # (2) untar all package backups # (3) include .tlpobj files (from backup) into tlpdb # (4) print restore info to console # Any error during (2) or (3) and we go into panic state. At this # point there is no guarantee that the installation is still working. # There is not much we can do but to print failed restore info and # give instructions to download and run 'update-tlmgr-latest.exe' # to repair the installation. # ===================================================================== # sub write_w32_updater { my ($restart_tlmgr, $ref_files_to_be_removed, @w32_updated) = @_; my @infra_files_to_be_removed = @$ref_files_to_be_removed; # TODO do something with these files TODO my $media = $remotetlpdb->media; # we have to download/copy also the src/doc files if necessary! my $container_src_split = $remotetlpdb->config_src_container; my $container_doc_split = $remotetlpdb->config_doc_container; # get options about src/doc splitting from $totlpdb # TT: should we use local options to decide about install of doc & src? my $opt_src = $localtlpdb->option("install_srcfiles"); my $opt_doc = $localtlpdb->option("install_docfiles"); my $root = $localtlpdb->root; my $temp = "$root/temp"; TeXLive::TLUtils::mkdirhier($temp); tlwarn("$prg: Backup option not implemented for infrastructure update.\n") if ($opts{"backup"}); if ($media eq 'local_uncompressed') { tlwarn("$prg: Creating updater from local_uncompressed currently not implemented!\n"); tlwarn("$prg: But it should not be necessary!\n"); return 1; # abort } my (@upd_tar, @upd_tlpobj, @upd_info, @rst_tar, @rst_tlpobj, @rst_info); foreach my $pkg (@w32_updated) { my $repo; my $mediatlp; # need to update the media type to the original, as it is # reset below $media = $remotetlpdb->media; if ($media eq "virtual") { my $maxtlpdb; (undef, undef, $mediatlp, $maxtlpdb) = $remotetlpdb->virtual_candidate($pkg); $repo = $maxtlpdb->root . "/$Archive"; # update the media type of the used tlpdb # otherwise later on we stumble when preparing the updater $media = $maxtlpdb->media; } else { $mediatlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); $repo = $remotetlpdb->root . "/$Archive"; } my $localtlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); my $oldrev = $localtlp->revision; my $newrev = $mediatlp->revision; # we do install documentation files for category Documentation even if # option("install_docfiles") is false my $opt_real_doc = ($mediatlp->category =~ m/documentation/i) ? 1 : $opt_doc; my @pkg_parts = ($pkg); push(@pkg_parts, "$pkg.source") if ($container_src_split && $opt_src && $mediatlp->srcfiles); push(@pkg_parts, "$pkg.doc") if ($container_doc_split && $opt_real_doc && $mediatlp->docfiles); foreach my $pkg_part (@pkg_parts) { push (@upd_tar, "$pkg_part.tar"); push (@upd_tlpobj, "tlpkg\\tlpobj\\$pkg_part.tlpobj"); } push (@upd_info, "$pkg ^($oldrev -^> $newrev^)"); push (@rst_tar, "__BACKUP_$pkg.r$oldrev.tar"); push (@rst_tlpobj, "tlpkg\\tlpobj\\$pkg.tlpobj"); push (@rst_info, "$pkg ^($oldrev^)"); next if ($opts{"dry-run"}); # create backup; make_container expects file name in a format: some-name.r[0-9]+ my ($size, undef, $fullname) = $localtlp->make_container("tar", $root, $temp, "__BACKUP_$pkg.r$oldrev"); if ($size <= 0) { tlwarn("$prg: Creation of backup container of $pkg failed.\n"); return 1; # backup failed? abort } foreach my $pkg_part (@pkg_parts) { if ($media eq 'local_compressed') { copy("$repo/$pkg_part.tar.xz", "$temp"); } else { # net TeXLive::TLUtils::download_file("$repo/$pkg_part.tar.xz", "$temp/$pkg_part.tar.xz"); } # now we should have the file present if (!-r "$temp/$pkg_part.tar.xz") { tlwarn("$prg: Couldn't get $pkg_part.tar.xz, that is bad\n"); return 1; # abort } # unpack xz archive my $sysret = system("$::progs{'xzdec'} < \"$temp/$pkg_part.tar.xz\" > \"$temp/$pkg_part.tar\""); if ($sysret) { tlwarn("$prg: Couldn't unpack $pkg_part.tar.xz\n"); return 1; # unpack failed? abort } unlink("$temp/$pkg_part.tar.xz"); # we don't need that archive anymore } } # prepare updater script my $respawn_cmd = "cmd.exe /e:on/v:off/d/c"; $respawn_cmd = "start /wait $respawn_cmd" if ($::gui_mode); my $gui_pause = ($::gui_mode ? "pause" : "rem"); my $upd_log = ($::opt_verbosity ? "STDERR" : '"%~dp0update-self.log"'); my $std_handles_redir = ($::opt_verbosity ? "1^>^&2" : "2^>$upd_log 1^>^&2"); my $pkg_log = ($packagelogfile ? "\"$packagelogfile\"" : "nul"); my $post_update_msg = "You may now close this window."; my $rerun_tlmgr = "rem"; if ($restart_tlmgr) { $post_update_msg = "About to restart tlmgr to complete update ..."; # quote all arguments for tlmgr restart in case of spaces $rerun_tlmgr = join (" ", map ("\"$_\"", @::SAVEDARGV) ); $rerun_tlmgr = "if not errorlevel 1 tlmgr.bat $rerun_tlmgr"; } my $batch_script = <<"EOF"; :: This file is part of an automated update process of :: infrastructure files and should not be run standalone. :: For more details about the update process see comments :: in tlmgr.pl (subroutine write_w32_updater). if [%1]==[:doit] goto :doit if not exist "%~dp0tar.exe" goto :notar $respawn_cmd call "%~f0" :doit $std_handles_redir $rerun_tlmgr goto :eof :notar echo %~nx0: cannot run without "%~dp0tar.exe" findstr "^::" <"%~f0" exit /b 1 :doit set prompt=TL\$G title TeX Live Manager $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear Update set PERL5LIB=$root/tlpkg/tlperl/lib >con echo DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW! >con echo TeX Live infrastructure update in progress ... >con echo Detailed command logging to $upd_log chdir /d "%~dp0.." if not errorlevel 1 goto :update >con echo Could not change working directory to "%~dp0.." >con echo Aborting infrastructure update, no changes have been made. >con $gui_pause exit /b 1 :update for %%I in (@upd_tar) do ( temp\\tar.exe -xmf temp\\%%I if errorlevel 1 goto :rollback ) tlpkg\\tlperl\\bin\\perl.exe .\\texmf-dist\\scripts\\texlive\\tlmgr.pl _include_tlpobj @upd_tlpobj if errorlevel 1 goto :rollback >>$pkg_log echo [%date% %time%] self update: @upd_info >con echo self update: @upd_info del "%~dp0*.tar" "%~dp0tar.exe" >con echo Infrastructure update finished successfully. >con echo $post_update_msg >con $gui_pause exit /b 0 :rollback >>$pkg_log echo [%date% %time%] failed self update: @upd_info >con echo failed self update: @upd_info >con echo Rolling back to previous version ... for %%I in (@rst_tar) do ( temp\\tar.exe -xmf temp\\%%I if errorlevel 1 goto :panic ) tlpkg\\tlperl\\bin\\perl.exe .\\texmf-dist\\scripts\\texlive\\tlmgr.pl _include_tlpobj @rst_tlpobj if errorlevel 1 goto :panic >>$pkg_log echo [%date% %time%] self restore: @rst_info >con echo self restore: @rst_info >con echo Infrastructure update failed. Previous version has been restored. >con $gui_pause exit /b 1 :panic >>$pkg_log echo [%date% %time%] failed self restore: @rst_info >con echo failed self restore: @rst_info >con echo FATAL ERROR: >con echo Infrastructure update failed and backup recovery failed too. >con echo To repair your TeX Live installation download and run: >con echo $TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveURL/update-tlmgr-latest.exe >con $gui_pause exit /b 666 EOF ddebug("\n:: UPDATER BATCH SCRIPT ::\n$batch_script\n:: END OF FILE ::\n"); if ($opts{"dry-run"}) { my $upd_info = "self update: @upd_info"; $upd_info =~ s/\^//g; info($upd_info); } else { copy("$root/tlpkg/installer/tar.exe", "$temp"); # make sure copied tar is working if (system("\"$temp/tar.exe\" --version >nul")) { tlwarn("$prg: Could not copy tar.exe, that is bad.\n"); return 1; # abort } open UPDATER, ">$temp/updater-w32" or die "Cannot create updater script: $!"; print UPDATER $batch_script; close UPDATER; } return 0; } # UPDATE # compute the list of auto-install, auto-remove, forcibly-removed # packages from the list of packages to be installed # the list of packages passed in is already expanded sub auto_remove_install_force_packages { my @todo = @_; my %removals_full; my %forcermpkgs_full; my %newpkgs_full; my %new_pkgs_due_forcerm_coll; # check for new/removed/forcibly removed packages. # we start from the list of installed collections in the local tlpdb # which are also present in the remote database # and expand this list once with expand_dependencies in the local tlpdb # and once in the tlmedia tlpdb. Then we compare the lists # let A = set of local expansions # B = set of remote expansions # then we should(?) have # B \ A set of new packages # A \ B set of packages removed on the server # A \cup B set of packages which should be checked for forcible removal # my @all_schmscolls = (); for my $p ($localtlpdb->schemes) { push (@all_schmscolls, $p) if defined($remotetlpdb->get_package($p)); } for my $p ($localtlpdb->collections) { push (@all_schmscolls, $p) if defined($remotetlpdb->get_package($p)); } my @localexpansion_full = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies($localtlpdb, @all_schmscolls); my @remoteexpansion_full = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies($localtlpdb, @all_schmscolls); # compute new/remove/forcerm based on the full expansions for my $p (@remoteexpansion_full) { $newpkgs_full{$p} = 1; } for my $p (@localexpansion_full) { delete($newpkgs_full{$p}); $removals_full{$p} = 1; } for my $p (@remoteexpansion_full) { delete($removals_full{$p}); } # in a first round we check only for forcibly removed collections # this is necessary to NOT declare a package that is contained # in a forcibly removed collections as auto-install since it appears # in the @remoteexpansion_full, but not in @localexpansion_full. for my $p (@localexpansion_full) { # intersection, don't check A\B and B\A next if $newpkgs_full{$p}; next if $removals_full{$p}; my $remotetlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($p); if (!defined($remotetlp)) { tlwarn("$prg: Strange, $p mentioned but not found anywhere!\n"); next; } next if ($remotetlp->category ne "Collection"); my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); if (!defined($tlp)) { if ($opts{"reinstall-forcibly-removed"}) { $newpkgs_full{$p} = 1; } else { $forcermpkgs_full{$p} = 1; } } } # now we have in %forcermpkgs_full only collections that have been # forcibly removed. Again, expand those against the remote tlpdb # and remove the expanded packages from the list of localexpansion. my @pkgs_from_forcerm_colls = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies($localtlpdb, keys %forcermpkgs_full); # # the package in @pkgs_from_forcerm_colls would be auto-installed, so # check for that: for my $p (keys %newpkgs_full) { if (member($p, @pkgs_from_forcerm_colls)) { delete $newpkgs_full{$p}; $new_pkgs_due_forcerm_coll{$p} = 1; } } # # now create the final list of forcerm packages by checking against # all packages for my $p (@localexpansion_full) { # intersection, don't check A\B and B\A next if $newpkgs_full{$p}; next if $removals_full{$p}; my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); if (!defined($tlp)) { if ($opts{"reinstall-forcibly-removed"}) { $newpkgs_full{$p} = 1; } else { $forcermpkgs_full{$p} = 1; } } } # # for some packages (texworks, psview, ...) we only have w32 packages # in the repository, but it is possible that alternative repositories # ship binaries for some platforms (like texworks for linux on tlcontrib) # currently updating from tlnet will remove these alternative .ARCH # packages because they are not listed anywhere locally, so they # are considered as disappearing. # We remove here packages PKG.ARCH if the main package PKG is found # here and is *not* disappearing, from the removal hash for my $p (keys %removals_full) { if ($p =~ m/^([^.]*)\./) { my $mpkg = $1; if (!defined($removals_full{$mpkg})) { delete($removals_full{$p}); } } } # # now take only the subset of packages that is in @todo # note that @todo is already expanded in action_updated according # to the --no-depends and --no-depends-at-all options # my %removals; my %forcermpkgs; my %newpkgs; for my $p (@todo) { $removals{$p} = 1 if defined($removals_full{$p}); $forcermpkgs{$p} = 1 if defined($forcermpkgs_full{$p}); $newpkgs{$p} = 1 if defined($newpkgs_full{$p}); } debug ("$prg: new pkgs: " . join("\n\t",keys %newpkgs) . "\n"); debug ("$prg: deleted : " . join("\n\t",keys %removals) . "\n"); debug ("$prg: forced : " . join("\n\t",keys %forcermpkgs) . "\n"); return (\%removals, \%newpkgs, \%forcermpkgs, \%new_pkgs_due_forcerm_coll); } # tlmgr update foo # if foo is of type Package|Documentation it will update only foo # and the respective .ARCH dependencies # if foo is of type Collection|Scheme it will update itself AND # will check all depending packs of type NOT(COllection|Scheme) # for necessary updates # # tlmgr update --no-depends foo # as above, but will not check for depends of Collections/Schemes # but it will still update .ARCH deps # # tlmgr update --no-depends-at-all foo # will absolutely only update foo not even taking .ARCH into account # # TLPDB->install_package INSTALLS ONLY ONE PACKAGE, no deps whatsoever # anymore. That has all to be done by hand. # sub machine_line { my ($flag1) = @_; my $ret = 0; if ($flag1 eq "-ret") { $ret = 1; shift; } my ($pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv) = @_; $lrev ||= "-"; $rrev ||= "-"; $flag ||= "?"; $size ||= "-"; $runtime ||= "-"; $esttot ||= "-"; $tag ||= "-"; $lcv ||= "-"; $rcv ||= "-"; my $str = join("\t", $pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv); $str .= "\n"; return($str) if $ret; print $str; } sub upd_info { my ($pkg, $kb, $lrev, $mrev, $txt) = @_; my $flen = 25; my $kbstr = ($kb >= 0 ? " [${kb}k]" : ""); my $kbstrlen = length($kbstr); my $pkglen = length($pkg); my $is = sprintf("%-9s ", "$txt:"); if ($pkglen + $kbstrlen > $flen) { $is .= "$pkg$kbstr: "; } else { $is .= sprintf ('%*2$s', $pkg, -($flen-$kbstrlen)); $is .= "$kbstr: "; } $is .= sprintf("local: %8s, source: %8s", $lrev, $mrev); info("$is\n"); } sub action_update { my $ret = $F_OK; init_local_db(1); $opts{"no-depends"} = 1 if $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; # make a quick check on command line arguments to avoid loading # the remote db uselessly. # we require: # if no --list is given: either --self or --all or # if --list is given: nothing # other options just change the behavior if (!($opts{"list"} || @ARGV || $opts{"all"} || $opts{"self"})) { tlwarn("$prg update: specify --list, --all, --self, or a list of package names.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } init_tlmedia_or_die(); info("$prg update: dry run, no changes will be made\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; my @excluded_pkgs = (); if ($opts{"exclude"}) { @excluded_pkgs = @{$opts{"exclude"}}; } if (!$opts{"list"}) { return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); } # check for updates to tlmgr and die unless either --force or --list or --self # is given my @critical; if (!$opts{"usermode"}) { @critical = check_for_critical_updates($localtlpdb, $remotetlpdb); } my $dry_run_cont = $opts{"dry-run"} && ($opts{"dry-run"} < 0); if ( !$dry_run_cont && !$opts{"self"} && @critical) { critical_updates_warning(); if ($opts{"force"}) { tlwarn("$prg: Continuing due to --force.\n"); } elsif ($opts{"list"}) { # do not warn here } else { return($F_ERROR); } } my $autobackup = 0; # check for the tlpdb option autobackup, and if present and true (!= 0) # assume we are doing backups if (!$opts{"backup"}) { $autobackup = $localtlpdb->option("autobackup"); if ($autobackup) { # check the format, we currently allow only natural numbers, and -1 if ($autobackup eq "-1") { debug ("Automatic backups activated, keeping all backups.\n"); $opts{"backup"} = 1; } elsif ($autobackup eq "0") { debug ("Automatic backups disabled.\n"); } elsif ($autobackup =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) { debug ("Automatic backups activated, keeping $autobackup backups.\n"); $opts{"backup"} = 1; } else { tlwarn ("$prg: Option autobackup can only be an integer >= -1.\n"); tlwarn ("$prg: Disabling auto backups.\n"); $localtlpdb->option("autobackup", 0); $autobackup = 0; $ret |= $F_WARNING; } } } # cmd line --backup, we check for --backupdir, and if that is not given # we try to get the default from the tlpdb. If that doesn't work, exit. if ($opts{"backup"}) { my ($a, $b) = check_backupdir_selection(); if ($a & $F_ERROR) { # in all these cases we want to terminate in the non-gui mode tlwarn($b); return ($F_ERROR); } } # finally, if we have --backupdir, but no --backup, just enable it $opts{"backup"} = 1 if $opts{"backupdir"}; info("$prg: saving backups to $opts{'backupdir'}\n") if $opts{"backup"} && !$::machinereadable; # these two variables are used throughout this function my $root = $localtlpdb->root; my $temp = TeXLive::TLUtils::tl_tmpdir(); # remove old _BACKUP packages that have piled up in temp # they can be recognized by their name starting with __BACKUP_ for my $f (<$temp/__BACKUP_*>) { unlink($f) unless $opts{"dry-run"}; } my @todo; if ($opts{"list"}) { if ($opts{"all"}) { @todo = $localtlpdb->list_packages; } elsif ($opts{"self"}) { @todo = @critical; } else { if (@ARGV) { @todo = @ARGV; } else { @todo = $localtlpdb->list_packages; } } } elsif ($opts{"self"} && @critical) { @todo = @critical; } elsif ($opts{"all"}) { @todo = $localtlpdb->list_packages; } else { @todo = @ARGV; } # don't do anything if we have been invoked in a strange way if (!@todo) { if ($opts{"self"}) { info("$prg: no self-updates for tlmgr available.\n"); } else { tlwarn("$prg update: please specify a list of packages, --all, or --self.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } } if (!($opts{"self"} && @critical) || ($opts{"self"} && $opts{"list"})) { # update all .ARCH dependencies, too, unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}: @todo = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $localtlpdb, @todo) unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; # # update general deps unless $opts{"no-depends"}: @todo = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies("-no-collections",$localtlpdb,@todo) unless $opts{"no-depends"}; # # filter out critical packages @todo = grep (!m/$CriticalPackagesRegexp/, @todo) unless $opts{"list"}; } my ($remref, $newref, $forref, $new_due_to_forcerm_coll_ref) = auto_remove_install_force_packages(@todo); my %removals = %$remref; my %forcermpkgs = %$forref; my %newpkgs = %$newref; my %new_due_to_forcerm_coll = %$new_due_to_forcerm_coll_ref; # check that the --exclude options do not conflict with the # options --no-auto-remove, --no-auto-install, --reinstall-forcibly-removed my @option_conflict_lines = (); my $in_conflict = 0; if (!$opts{"no-auto-remove"} && $config{"auto-remove"}) { for my $pkg (keys %removals) { for my $ep (@excluded_pkgs) { if ($pkg eq $ep || $pkg =~ m/^$ep\./) { push @option_conflict_lines, "$pkg: excluded but scheduled for auto-removal\n"; $in_conflict = 1; last; # of the --exclude for loop } } } } if (!$opts{"no-auto-install"}) { for my $pkg (keys %newpkgs) { for my $ep (@excluded_pkgs) { if ($pkg eq $ep || $pkg =~ m/^$ep\./) { push @option_conflict_lines, "$pkg: excluded but scheduled for auto-install\n"; $in_conflict = 1; last; # of the --exclude for loop } } } } if ($opts{"reinstall-forcibly-removed"}) { for my $pkg (keys %forcermpkgs) { for my $ep (@excluded_pkgs) { if ($pkg eq $ep || $pkg =~ m/^$ep\./) { push @option_conflict_lines, "$pkg: excluded but scheduled for reinstall\n"; $in_conflict = 1; last; # of the --exclude for loop } } } } if ($in_conflict) { tlwarn("$prg: Conflicts have been found:\n"); for (@option_conflict_lines) { tlwarn(" $_"); } tlwarn("$prg: Please resolve these conflicts!\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # # we first collect the list of packages to be actually updated or installed my %updated; my @new; my @addlines; TODO: foreach my $pkg (sort @todo) { next if ($pkg =~ m/^00texlive/); for my $ep (@excluded_pkgs) { if ($pkg eq $ep || $pkg =~ m/^$ep\./) { info("Skipping excluded package $pkg\n"); next TODO; } } my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!defined($tlp)) { # if the user has forcibly removed (say) bin-makeindex, then the # loop above has no way to add bin-makeindex.ARCH into the # %forcermpkgs hash, but the .ARCH will still be in the dependency # expansion. So try both with and without the .ARCH extension. (my $pkg_noarch = $pkg) =~ s/\.[^.]*$//; my $forcerm_coll = $forcermpkgs{$pkg} || $forcermpkgs{$pkg_noarch}; # similarly for new packages. If latexmk is new, latexmk.ARCH # will be in the dependency expansion, and we want it. my $newpkg_coll = $newpkgs{$pkg} || $newpkgs{$pkg_noarch}; if ($forcerm_coll) { if ($::machinereadable) { # TODO should we add a revision number push @addlines, # $pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv machine_line("-ret", $pkg, $FLAG_FORCIBLE_REMOVED); } else { info("skipping forcibly removed package $pkg\n"); } next; } elsif ($newpkg_coll) { # do nothing here, it will be reported below. } elsif (defined($removals{$pkg})) { # skipping this package, it has been removed due to server removal # and has already been removed next; } elsif (defined($new_due_to_forcerm_coll{$pkg})) { debug("$prg: $pkg seems to be contained in a forcibly removed" . " collection, not auto-installing it!\n"); next; } else { tlwarn("\n$prg: $pkg mentioned, but neither new nor forcibly removed\n"); next; } # install new packages my $mediatlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!defined($mediatlp)) { tlwarn("\n$prg: Should not happen: $pkg not found in $location\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } my $mediarev = $mediatlp->revision; push @new, $pkg; next; } my $rev = $tlp->revision; my $lctanvers = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; my $mediatlp; my $maxtag; if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { ($maxtag, undef, $mediatlp, undef) = $remotetlpdb->virtual_candidate($pkg); } else { $mediatlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); } if (!defined($mediatlp)) { debug("$pkg cannot be found in $location\n"); next; } my $rctanvers = $mediatlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; my $mediarev = $mediatlp->revision; my $mediarevstr = $mediarev; my @addargs = (); if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { push @addargs, $maxtag; $mediarevstr .= "\@$maxtag"; } else { push @addargs, undef; } push @addargs, $lctanvers, $rctanvers; if ($rev < $mediarev) { $updated{$pkg} = 0; # will be changed to one on successful update } elsif ($rev > $mediarev) { if ($::machinereadable) { # $pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv push @addlines, machine_line("-ret", $pkg, $FLAG_REVERSED_UPDATE, $rev, $mediarev, "-", "-", "-", @addargs); } else { if ($opts{"list"}) { # not issueing anything if we keep a package upd_info($pkg, -1, $rev, $mediarevstr, "keep"); } } } } my @updated = sort keys %updated; for my $i (sort @new) { debug("$i new package\n"); } for my $i (@updated) { debug("$i upd package\n"); } # number calculation # without w32 special packages, those are dealt with in the updater batch # script my $totalnr = $#updated + 1; my @alltodo = @updated; my $nrupdated = 0; my $currnr = 1; # we have to remove all the stuff before we install other packages # to support moving of files from one package to another. # remove the packages that have disappeared: # we add that only to the list of total packages do be worked on # when --all is given, because we remove packages only on --all if (!$opts{"no-auto-remove"} && $config{"auto-remove"}) { my @foo = keys %removals; $totalnr += $#foo + 1; } if (!$opts{"no-auto-install"}) { $totalnr += $#new + 1; push @alltodo, @new; } # sizes_of_packages returns the sizes of *all* packages if nothing # is passed over, so if @new and @updated both are empty we will # get something wrong back, namely the total size of all packages # the third argument is undef to compute *all* platforms my %sizes; if (@alltodo) { %sizes = %{$remotetlpdb->sizes_of_packages( $localtlpdb->option("install_srcfiles"), $localtlpdb->option("install_docfiles"), undef, @alltodo)}; } else { $sizes{'__TOTAL__'} = 0; } print "total-bytes\t$sizes{'__TOTAL__'}\n" if $::machinereadable; print "end-of-header\n" if $::machinereadable; # print deferred machine-readable lines after the header for (@addlines) { print; } # # compute the list of moved files from %removals, @new, @updated # my %do_warn_on_move; { # keep all these vars local to this block my @removals = keys %removals; my %old_files_to_pkgs; my %new_files_to_pkgs; # first save for each file in the currently installed packages # to be updated the packages it is contained it (might be more!) # # TODO WHY WHY is there the next so that all the file move checks # are actually disabled?!?!?! for my $p (@updated, @removals) { my $pkg = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); tlwarn("$prg: Should not happen: $p not found in local tlpdb\n") if (!$pkg); next; for my $f ($pkg->all_files) { push @{$old_files_to_pkgs{$f}}, $p; } } for my $p (@updated, @new) { my $pkg = $remotetlpdb->get_package($p); tlwarn("$prg: Should not happen: $p not found in $location\n") if (!$pkg); next; for my $f ($pkg->all_files) { if ($pkg->relocated) { $f =~ s:^$RelocPrefix/:$RelocTree/:; } push @{$new_files_to_pkgs{$f}}, $p; } } # # the idea of suppressing warnings is simply that if a file is present # in more than one package either in the beginning or after a full # update then this should give a warning. In all other cases # the warning should be suppressed. for my $f (keys %old_files_to_pkgs) { my @a = @{$old_files_to_pkgs{$f}}; $do_warn_on_move{$f} = 1 if ($#a > 0) } for my $f (keys %new_files_to_pkgs) { my @a = @{$new_files_to_pkgs{$f}}; $do_warn_on_move{$f} = 1 if ($#a > 0) } } # parameters for field width my $totalnrdigits = length("$totalnr"); # # ORDER OF PACKAGE ACTIONS # 1. removals # 2. updates # 3. auto-install # that way if a file has been moved from one to another package it # removing the old version after the new package has been installed # will not give a warning about files being included somewhere else # # # REMOVALS # for my $p (keys %removals) { if ($opts{"no-auto-remove"} || !$config{"auto-remove"}) { info("not removing $p due to -no-auto-remove or config file option (removed on server)\n"); } else { &ddebug("removing package $p\n"); my $pkg = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); if (! $pkg) { # This happened when a collection was removed by the user, # and then renamed on the server, e.g., collection-langarab -> # collection-langarabic; Luecking report 20 July 2009. &ddebug(" get_package($p) failed, ignoring"); next; } my $rev = $pkg->revision; my $lctanvers = $pkg->cataloguedata->{'version'}; if ($opts{"list"}) { if ($::machinereadable) { # $pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv machine_line($p, $FLAG_REMOVE, $rev, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", $lctanvers); } else { upd_info($p, -1, $rev, "", "autorm"); } $currnr++; } else { # new we are sure that: # - $opts{"no-auto-remove"} is *not* set # - $opts{"list"} is *not* set # we have to check in addition that # - $opts{"dry-run"} is not set if ($::machinereadable) { # $pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv machine_line($p, $FLAG_REMOVE, $rev, "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", $lctanvers); } else { info("[" . sprintf ('%*2$s', $currnr, $totalnrdigits) . "/$totalnr] auto-remove: $p ... "); } if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { # older tlmgr forgot to clear the relocated bit when saving a tlpobj # into the local tlpdb, although the paths were rewritten. # We have to clear this bit otherwise the make_container calls below # for creating the backup will create some rubbish! # Same as further down in the update part! if ($pkg->relocated) { debug("$prg: warn, relocated bit set for $p, but that is wrong!\n"); $pkg->relocated(0); } if ($opts{"backup"}) { $pkg->make_container("xz", $root, $opts{"backupdir"}, "${p}.r" . $pkg->revision, $pkg->relocated); if ($autobackup) { # in case we do auto backups we remove older backups clear_old_backups($p, $opts{"backupdir"}, $autobackup); } } $localtlpdb->remove_package($p); logpackage("remove: $p"); } info("done\n") unless $::machinereadable; $currnr++; } } } my $starttime = time(); my $donesize = 0; my $totalsize = $sizes{'__TOTAL__'}; # # UPDATES AND NEW PACKAGES # # order: # - update normal packages # - install new normal packages # - update collections # - install new collections # - update schemes # - install new schemes (? will not happen?) # # this makes sure that only if all depending packages are installed # the collection is updated, which in turn makes sure that # if the installation of a new package does break it will not be # counted as forcibly removed later on. # my @inst_packs; my @inst_colls; my @inst_schemes; for my $pkg (@updated) { # we do name checking here, not to load all tlpobj again and again if ($pkg =~ m/^scheme-/) { push @inst_schemes, $pkg; } elsif ($pkg =~ m/^collection-/) { push @inst_colls, $pkg; } else { push @inst_packs, $pkg; } } @inst_packs = sort packagecmp @inst_packs; my @new_packs; my @new_colls; my @new_schemes; for my $pkg (sort @new) { # we do name checking here, not to load all tlpobj again and again if ($pkg =~ m/^scheme-/) { push @new_schemes, $pkg; } elsif ($pkg =~ m/^collection-/) { push @new_colls, $pkg; } else { push @new_packs, $pkg; } } @new_packs = sort packagecmp @new_packs; my %is_new; for my $pkg (@new_packs, @new_colls, @new_schemes) { $is_new{$pkg} = 1; } # # TODO idea # currently this big loop contains a long if then for new packages # and updated package. That *could* be merged into one so that # some things like the logging has not been written two times. # OTOH, the control flow in the "new package" part is much simpler # and following it after the change would make it much harder # foreach my $pkg (@inst_packs, @new_packs, @inst_colls, @new_colls, @inst_schemes, @new_schemes) { if (!$is_new{$pkg}) { # skip this loop if infra update on w32 next if ($pkg =~ m/^00texlive/); my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); # we checked already that this package is present! # but our checks seem to be wrong, no idea why # ahhh, it seems that it can happen due to a stupid incident, a bug # on the server: # - remove a package from a collection # - at the same time increase its version number # then what happens is: # - first the package is removed (auto-remove!) # - then it is tried to be updated here, which is not working! # report that and ask for report if (!defined($tlp)) { my %servers = repository_to_array($location); my $servers = join("\n ", values(%servers)); tlwarn("$prg: inconsistency on (one of) the server(s): $servers\n"); tlwarn("$prg: tlp for package $pkg cannot be found, please report.\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } my $unwind_package; my $remove_unwind_container = 0; my $rev = $tlp->revision; my $lctanvers = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; my $mediatlp; my $maxtag; if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { ($maxtag, undef, $mediatlp, undef) = $remotetlpdb->virtual_candidate($pkg); } else { $mediatlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); } if (!defined($mediatlp)) { debug("$pkg cannot be found in $location\n"); next; } my $rctanvers = $mediatlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; my $mediarev = $mediatlp->revision; my $mediarevstr = $mediarev; my @addargs = (); if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { push @addargs, $maxtag; $mediarevstr .= "\@$maxtag"; } else { push @addargs, undef; } push @addargs, $lctanvers, $rctanvers; $nrupdated++; if ($opts{"list"}) { if ($::machinereadable) { # $pkg, $flag, $lrev, $rrev, $size, $runtime, $esttot, $tag, $lcv, $rcv machine_line($pkg, $FLAG_UPDATE, $rev, $mediarev, $sizes{$pkg}, "-", "-", @addargs); } else { my $kb = int($sizes{$pkg} / 1024) + 1; upd_info($pkg, $kb, $rev, $mediarevstr, "update"); if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { my @cand = $remotetlpdb->candidates($pkg); shift @cand; # remove the top element if (@cand) { print "\tother candidates: "; for my $a (@cand) { my ($t,$r) = split(/\//, $a, 2); print $r . '@' . $t . " "; } print "\n"; } } } $updated{$pkg} = 1; next; } elsif (win32() && ($pkg =~ m/$CriticalPackagesRegexp/)) { # we pretend that the update happened # in order to calculate file changes properly $updated{$pkg} = 1; next; } # older tlmgr forgot to clear the relocated bit when saving a tlpobj # into the local tlpdb, although the paths were rewritten. # We have to clear this bit otherwise the make_container calls below # for creating an unwind container will create some rubbish # TODO for user mode we should NOT clear this bit! if ($tlp->relocated) { debug("$prg: warn, relocated bit set for $pkg, but that is wrong!\n"); $tlp->relocated(0); } if ($opts{"backup"} && !$opts{"dry-run"}) { $tlp->make_container("xz", $root, $opts{"backupdir"}, "${pkg}.r" . $tlp->revision, $tlp->relocated); $unwind_package = "$opts{'backupdir'}/${pkg}.r" . $tlp->revision . ".tar.xz"; if ($autobackup) { # in case we do auto backups we remove older backups clear_old_backups($pkg, $opts{"backupdir"}, $autobackup); } } my ($estrem, $esttot); if (!$opts{"list"}) { ($estrem, $esttot) = TeXLive::TLUtils::time_estimate($totalsize, $donesize, $starttime); } if ($::machinereadable) { machine_line($pkg, $FLAG_UPDATE, $rev, $mediarev, $sizes{$pkg}, $estrem, $esttot, @addargs); } else { my $kb = int ($sizes{$pkg} / 1024) + 1; info("[" . sprintf ('%*2$s', $currnr, $totalnrdigits) . "/$totalnr, $estrem/$esttot] update: $pkg [${kb}k] ($rev -> $mediarevstr)"); } $donesize += $sizes{$pkg}; $currnr++; if ($opts{"dry-run"}) { info("\n") unless $::machinereadable; $updated{$pkg} = 1; next; } else { info(" ... ") unless $::machinereadable; # more to come } if (!$unwind_package) { # no backup was made, so let us create a temporary .tar file # of the package my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); my ($s, undef, $fullname) = $tlp->make_container("tar", $root, $temp, "__BACKUP_${pkg}.r" . $tlp->revision, $tlp->relocated); if ($s <= 0) { tlwarn("\n$prg: Creation of backup container of $pkg failed.\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Continuing to update other packages, please retry...\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; # we should try to update other packages at least next; } $remove_unwind_container = 1; $unwind_package = "$fullname"; } # first remove the package, then reinstall it # this way we get rid of useless files # force the deinstallation since we will reinstall it # # the remove_package should also remove empty dirs in case # a dir is changed into a file if ($pkg =~ m/$CriticalPackagesRegexp/) { debug("Not removing critical package $pkg\n"); } else { $localtlpdb->remove_package($pkg, "remove-warn-files" => \%do_warn_on_move); } if ($remotetlpdb->install_package($pkg, $localtlpdb)) { # installation succeeded because we got a reference logpackage("update: $pkg ($rev -> $mediarevstr)"); unlink($unwind_package) if $remove_unwind_container; # remember successful update $updated{$pkg} = 1; # # if we updated a .ARCH package we have to announce the postactions # of the parent package so that formats are rebuild if ($pkg =~ m/^([^.]*)\./) { my $parent = $1; if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member($parent, @inst_packs, @new_packs, @inst_colls, @new_colls, @inst_schemes, @new_schemes)) { # ok, nothing happens with the parent package, so we have to # find it and execute the postactions my $parentobj = $localtlpdb->get_package($parent); if (!defined($parentobj)) { # well, in this case we might have hit a package that only # has .ARCH package, like psv.win32, so do nothing debug("$prg: .ARCH package without parent, not announcing postaction\n"); } else { debug("$prg: announcing parent execute action for $pkg\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::announce_execute_actions("enable", $parentobj); } } } } else { # install_package returned a scalar, so error. # now in fact we should do some cleanup, removing files and # dirs from the new package before re-installing the old one. # TODO logpackage("failed update: $pkg ($rev -> $mediarevstr)"); tlwarn("$prg: Installation of new version of $pkg failed, trying to unwind.\n"); if (win32()) { # w32 is notorious for not releasing a file immediately # we experienced permission denied errors my $newname = $unwind_package; $newname =~ s/__BACKUP/___BACKUP/; copy ("-f", $unwind_package, $newname); # try to remove the file if has been created by us unlink($unwind_package) if $remove_unwind_container; # and make sure that the temporary file is removed in any case $remove_unwind_container = 1; $unwind_package = $newname; } my ($instret, $msg) = TeXLive::TLUtils::unpack("$unwind_package", $localtlpdb->root); if ($instret) { # now we have to include the tlpobj my $tlpobj = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $tlpobj->from_file($root . "/tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.tlpobj"); $localtlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); $localtlpdb->save; logpackage("restore: $pkg ($rev)"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; tlwarn("$prg: Restoring old package state succeeded.\n"); } else { logpackage("failed restore: $pkg ($rev)"); tlwarn("$prg: Restoring of old package did NOT succeed.\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Error message from unpack: $msg\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Most likely repair: run tlmgr install $pkg and hope.\n"); # TODO_ERRORCHECKING # should we return F_ERROR here??? If we would do this, then # no postactions at all would run? Maybe better only to give # a warning $ret |= $F_WARNING; } unlink($unwind_package) if $remove_unwind_container; } info("done\n") unless $::machinereadable; } else { # $is_new{$pkg} is true!!! # # NEW PACKAGES # if ($opts{"no-auto-install"}) { info("not auto-installing $pkg due to -no-auto-install (new on server)\n") unless $::machinereadable; } else { # install new packages my $mediatlp; my $maxtag; if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { ($maxtag, undef, $mediatlp, undef) = $remotetlpdb->virtual_candidate($pkg); } else { $mediatlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); } if (!defined($mediatlp)) { tlwarn("\n$prg: Should not happen: $pkg not found in $location\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } my $mediarev = $mediatlp->revision; my $mediarevstr = $mediarev; my @addargs; if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { $mediarevstr .= "\@$maxtag"; push @addargs, $maxtag; } my ($estrem, $esttot); if (!$opts{"list"}) { ($estrem, $esttot) = TeXLive::TLUtils::time_estimate($totalsize, $donesize, $starttime); } if ($::machinereadable) { my @maargs = ($pkg, $FLAG_AUTOINSTALL, "-", $mediatlp->revision, $sizes{$pkg}); if (!$opts{"list"}) { push @maargs, $estrem, $esttot; } else { push @maargs, undef, undef; } machine_line(@maargs, @addargs); } else { my $kb = int($sizes{$pkg} / 1024) + 1; if ($opts{"list"}) { upd_info($pkg, $kb, "", $mediarevstr, "autoinst"); } else { info("[" . sprintf ('%*2$s', $currnr, $totalnrdigits) . "/$totalnr, $estrem/$esttot] auto-install: $pkg ($mediarevstr) [${kb}k] ... "); } } $currnr++; $donesize += $sizes{$pkg}; next if ($opts{"dry-run"} || $opts{"list"}); if ($remotetlpdb->install_package($pkg, $localtlpdb)) { # installation succeeded because we got a reference logpackage("auto-install new: $pkg ($mediarevstr)"); $nrupdated++; info("done\n") unless $::machinereadable; } else { tlwarn("$prg: couldn't install new package $pkg\n"); } } } } # # special check for depending format updates: # if one of latex or tex has been updated, we rebuild the formats # defined in packages *depending* on these packages. check_announce_format_triggers(@inst_packs, @new_packs) if (!$opts{"list"}); print "end-of-updates\n" if $::machinereadable; # # check that if updates to the critical packages are present all of # them have been successfully updated my $infra_update_done = 1; my @infra_files_to_be_removed; if ($opts{"list"}) { $infra_update_done = 0; } else { for my $pkg (@critical) { next unless (defined($updated{$pkg})); $infra_update_done &&= $updated{$pkg}; my $oldtlp; my $newtlp; if ($updated{$pkg}) { $oldtlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); $newtlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); } else { # update failed but we could introduce new files, that # should be removed now as a part of restoring backup $oldtlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); $newtlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); } die ("That shouldn't happen: $pkg not found in tlpdb") if !defined($newtlp); die ("That shouldn't happen: $pkg not found in tlpdb") if !defined($oldtlp); my @old_infra_files = $oldtlp->all_files; my @new_infra_files = $newtlp->all_files; my %del_files; @del_files{@old_infra_files} = (); delete @del_files{@new_infra_files}; for my $k (keys %del_files) { my @found_pkgs = $localtlpdb->find_file($k); if ($#found_pkgs >= 0) { my $bad_file = 1; if (win32()) { # on w32 the packages have not been removed already, # so we check that the only package listed in @found_pkgs # is the one we are working on ($pkg) if ($#found_pkgs == 0 && $found_pkgs[0] =~ m/^$pkg:/) { # only one package has been returned and it # matches the current package followed by a colon # remember the TLPDB->find_file returns # $pkg:$file # in this case we can ignore it $bad_file = 0; } } if ($bad_file) { tlwarn("$prg: The file $k has disappeared from the critical" . "package $pkg but is still present in @found_pkgs\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } else { push @infra_files_to_be_removed, $k; } } else { push @infra_files_to_be_removed, $k; } } } if (!win32()) { for my $f (@infra_files_to_be_removed) { # TODO actually unlink the stuff #unlink("$Master/$f"); debug("removing disappearing file $f\n"); } } } # end of if ($opts{"list"}) ... else part # check if any additional updates are asked for my $other_updates_asked_for = 0; if ($opts{"all"}) { $other_updates_asked_for = 1; } else { foreach my $p (@ARGV) { if ($p !~ m/$CriticalPackagesRegexp/) { $other_updates_asked_for = 1; last; } } } my $restart_tlmgr = 0; if ($opts{"self"} && @critical && $infra_update_done && $other_updates_asked_for) { # weed out the --self argument from the saved arguments @::SAVEDARGV = grep (!m/^-?-self$/, @::SAVEDARGV); $restart_tlmgr = 1; } # infra update and tlmgr restart on w32 is done by the updater batch script if (win32() && !$opts{"list"} && @critical) { info("$prg: Preparing TeX Live infrastructure update...\n"); for my $f (@infra_files_to_be_removed) { debug("file scheduled for removal $f\n"); } my $ret = write_w32_updater($restart_tlmgr, \@infra_files_to_be_removed, @critical); if ($ret) { tlwarn ("$prg: Aborting infrastructure update.\n"); $ret |= $F_ERROR; $restart_tlmgr = 0 if ($opts{"dry-run"}); } } # only when we are not dry-running we restart the program if (!win32() && $restart_tlmgr && !$opts{"dry-run"} && !$opts{"list"}) { info ("Restarting tlmgr to complete update ...\n"); debug("restarting tlmgr @::SAVEDARGV\n"); exec("tlmgr", @::SAVEDARGV); # we need warn here, otherwise perl gives warnings! warn ("$prg: cannot restart tlmgr, please retry update\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # for --dry-run we cannot restart tlmgr (no way to fake successful # infra update) instead we call action_update() again and signal this # by $opts{"dry-run"} = -1 if ($opts{"dry-run"} && !$opts{"list"} && $restart_tlmgr) { $opts{"self"} = 0; $opts{"dry-run"} = -1; $localtlpdb = undef; $remotetlpdb = undef; info ("Restarting tlmgr to complete update ...\n"); $ret |= action_update(); return ($ret); } # if a real update from default disk location didn't find anything, # warn if nothing is updated. Unless they said --self, in which case # we've already reported it. if (!(@new || @updated) && ! $opts{"self"}) { info("$prg: no updates available\n"); if ($remotetlpdb->media ne "NET" && $remotetlpdb->media ne "virtual" && !$opts{"dry-run"} && !$opts{"repository"} && !$ENV{"TEXLIVE_INSTALL_ENV_NOCHECK"} ) { tlwarn(< 1 } @_; # search all format definitions in the tlpdb FMTDEF: for my $fmtdef ($localtlpdb->format_definitions) { # if by default they are activated, check the whether the # trigger packages appear in the list of updated/new packages if (($fmtdef->{'mode'} == 1) && $fmtdef->{'fmttriggers'}) { for my $trigger (@{$fmtdef->{'fmttriggers'}}) { if ($updpacks{$trigger}) { TeXLive::TLUtils::announce_execute_actions("rebuild-format", 0, $fmtdef); next FMTDEF; } } } } } # INSTALL # # tlmgr install foo bar baz # will create the closure under dependencies of {foo,bar,baz}, i.e. all # dependencies recursively down to the last package, and install all # the packages that are necessary # # tlmgr install --no-depends foo bar baz # will *only* install these three packages (if they are not already installed # but it will STILL INSTALL foo.ARCH if they are necessary. # # tlmgr install --no-depends-at-all foo bar baz # will absolutely only install these three packages, and will not even # take .ARCH deps into account # # tlmgr install --reinstall ... # behaves exactly like without --reinstall BUT the following two # differences: # . dependencies are not expanded from collection to collection, so # if you reinstall a collection then all its dependencies of type # Package will be reinstalled, too, but not the dependencies on # other collection, because that would force the full reinstallation # of the whole installation # . it does not care for whether a package seems to be installed or # not (that is the --reinstall) # # TLPDB->install_package does ONLY INSTALL ONE PACKAGE, no deps whatsoever # anymore! That has all to be done by the caller. # sub action_install { init_local_db(1); my $ret = $F_OK; return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); # installation from a .tar.xz if ($opts{"file"}) { if ($localtlpdb->install_package_files(@ARGV)) { return ($ret); } else { return ($F_ERROR); } } # if we are still here, we are installing from some repository # initialize the TLPDB from $location $opts{"no-depends"} = 1 if $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; init_tlmedia_or_die(); # check for updates to tlmgr itself, and die unless --force is given if (!$opts{"usermode"}) { if (check_for_critical_updates( $localtlpdb, $remotetlpdb)) { critical_updates_warning(); if ($opts{"force"}) { tlwarn("$prg: Continuing due to --force\n"); } else { if ($::gui_mode) { # return here and don't do any updates return ($F_ERROR); } else { die "$prg: Terminating; please see warning above!\n"; } } } } $opts{"no-depends"} = 1 if $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; info("$prg install: dry run, no changes will be made\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; my @packs = @ARGV; # first expand the .ARCH dependencies unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"} @packs = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $localtlpdb, @ARGV) unless $opts{"no-depends-at-all"}; # # if no-depends, we're done; else get rest of deps. unless ($opts{"no-depends"}) { if ($opts{"reinstall"} || $opts{"usermode"}) { # if reinstall or usermode, omit collection->collection deps @packs = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies("-no-collections", $localtlpdb, @packs); } else { @packs = $remotetlpdb->expand_dependencies($localtlpdb, @packs); } } # # expand dependencies returns a list pkg@tag in case of a virtual # remote db. my %packs; for my $p (@packs) { my ($pp, $aa) = split('@', $p); $packs{$pp} = (defined($aa) ? $aa : 0); } # # installation order of packages: # first all normal packages, then collections, then schemes # isn't already installed, but the collection already updated, it will # be reported as forcibly removed. my @inst_packs; my @inst_colls; my @inst_schemes; for my $pkg (sort keys %packs) { # we do name checking here, not to load all tlpobj again and again if ($pkg =~ m/^scheme-/) { push @inst_schemes, $pkg; } elsif ($pkg =~ m/^collection-/) { push @inst_colls, $pkg; } else { push @inst_packs, $pkg; } } @inst_packs = sort packagecmp @inst_packs; my $starttime = time(); # count packages my $totalnr = 0; my %revs; my @todo; for my $pkg (@inst_packs, @inst_colls, @inst_schemes) { my $pkgrev = 0; # if the package name is asked from a specific repository, use # that one, otherwise leave the decision to $remotetlpdb by not # giving a final argument my $mediatlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg, ($packs{$pkg} ? $packs{$pkg} : undef)); if (!defined($mediatlp)) { tlwarn("$prg install: package $pkg not present in repository.\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package($pkg))) { if ($opts{"reinstall"}) { $totalnr++; $revs{$pkg} = $mediatlp->revision; push @todo, $pkg; } else { # debug msg that we have this one. debug("already installed: $pkg\n"); # if explicitly requested by user (not a dep), tell them. info("$prg install: package already present: $pkg\n") if grep { $_ eq $pkg } @ARGV; } } else { $totalnr++; $revs{$pkg} = $mediatlp->revision; push (@todo, $pkg); } } # return if there is nothing to install! return ($ret) if (!@todo); my $orig_do_src = $localtlpdb->option("install_srcfiles"); my $orig_do_doc = $localtlpdb->option("install_docfiles"); if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { $localtlpdb->option("install_srcfiles", 1) if $opts{'with-src'}; $localtlpdb->option("install_docfiles", 1) if $opts{'with-doc'}; } my $currnr = 1; # undef here is a ref to array of platforms, if undef all are used my %sizes = %{$remotetlpdb->sizes_of_packages( $localtlpdb->option("install_srcfiles"), $localtlpdb->option("install_docfiles"), undef, @todo)}; defined($sizes{'__TOTAL__'}) || ($sizes{'__TOTAL__'} = 0); my $totalsize = $sizes{'__TOTAL__'}; my $donesize = 0; print "total-bytes\t$sizes{'__TOTAL__'}\n" if $::machinereadable; print "end-of-header\n" if $::machinereadable; foreach my $pkg (@todo) { my $flag = $FLAG_INSTALL; my $re = ""; my $tlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($pkg); my $rctanvers = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; if (!defined($tlp)) { info("Unknown package $pkg\n"); next; } if (!$tlp->relocated && $opts{"usermode"}) { info("Package $pkg is not relocatable, cannot install it in user mode!\n"); next; } my $lctanvers; if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package($pkg))) { my $lctanvers = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)->cataloguedata->{'version'}; if ($opts{"reinstall"}) { $re = "re"; $flag = $FLAG_REINSTALL; } else { debug("already installed (but didn't we say that already?): $pkg\n"); next; } } my ($estrem, $esttot) = TeXLive::TLUtils::time_estimate($totalsize, $donesize, $starttime); my $kb = int($sizes{$pkg} / 1024) + 1; my @addargs = (); my $tagstr = ""; if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { if ($packs{$pkg} ne "0") { push @addargs, $packs{$pkg}; $tagstr = " \@" . $packs{$pkg}; } else { my ($maxtag,undef,undef,undef) = $remotetlpdb->virtual_candidate($pkg); push @addargs, $maxtag; $tagstr = " \@" . $maxtag; } } push @addargs, $lctanvers, $rctanvers; if ($::machinereadable) { machine_line($pkg, $flag, "-", $revs{$pkg}, $sizes{$pkg}, $estrem, $esttot, @addargs); } else { info("[$currnr/$totalnr, $estrem/$esttot] ${re}install: $pkg$tagstr [${kb}k]\n"); } if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { if ($remotetlpdb->install_package($pkg, $localtlpdb, ($packs{$pkg} ? $packs{$pkg} : undef) )) { logpackage("${re}install: $pkg$tagstr"); } else { logpackage("failed ${re}install: $pkg$tagstr"); } } $donesize += $sizes{$pkg}; $currnr++; } print "end-of-updates\n" if $::machinereadable; if ($opts{"dry-run"}) { # stop here, don't do any postinstall actions return($ret | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } else { # reset option if --with-src argument was given $localtlpdb->option("install_srcfiles", $orig_do_src) if $opts{'with-src'}; $localtlpdb->option("install_docfiles", $orig_do_doc) if $opts{'with-doc'}; $localtlpdb->save if ($opts{'with-src'} || $opts{'with-doc'}); } return ($ret); } sub show_list_of_packages { init_local_db(); # make sure that the @ARGV hash is not changed in case we switch to # show mode my ($what) = @_; $what = "" if !$what; my $tlm; if ($opts{"only-installed"}) { $tlm = $localtlpdb; } else { init_tlmedia_or_die(); $tlm = $remotetlpdb; } my @whattolist; if ($what =~ m/^collections/i) { @whattolist = $tlm->collections; } elsif ($what =~ m/^schemes/i) { @whattolist = $tlm->schemes; } else { if ($tlm->is_virtual) { @whattolist = $tlm->list_packages("-all"); } else { @whattolist = $tlm->list_packages; } } foreach (@whattolist) { next if ($_ =~ m/^00texlive/); if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package($_))) { print "i "; } else { print " "; } my $tlp = $tlm->get_package($_); if (!$tlp) { if ($remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { # we might have the case that a package is present in a # subsidiary repository, but not pinned, so it will # not be found by ->get_package # In this case we list all repositories shipping it, # but warn that it is not pinned and thus not reachable. my @cand = $remotetlpdb->candidates($_); if (@cand) { my $first = shift @cand; if (defined($first)) { tlwarn("$prg: strange, we have a first candidate but no tlp: $_\n"); next; } # already shifted away the first element if ($#cand >= 0) { print "$_: --- no installable candidate found, \n"; print " but present in subsidiary repositories without a pin.\n"; print " This package is not reachable without pinning.\n"; print " Repositories containing this package:\n"; for my $a (@cand) { my ($t,$r) = split(/\//, $a, 2); my $tlp = $remotetlpdb->get_package($_, $t); my $foo = $tlp->shortdesc; print " $t: ", defined($foo) ? $foo : "(shortdesc missing)" , "\n"; } next; } else { tlwarn("$prg: strange, package listed but no residual candidates: $_\n"); next; } } else { tlwarn("$prg: strange, package listed but no candidates: $_\n"); next; } } else { tlwarn("$prg: strange, package cannot be found in remote tlpdb: $_\n"); next; } } my $foo = $tlp->shortdesc; print "$_: ", defined($foo) ? $foo : "(shortdesc missing)" , "\n"; } return; } # PINNING # # this action manages the pinning file # of course it can be edited by hand, but we want to make this # easier for people to use # tlmgr pinning show # tlmgr pinning check # tlmgr pinning add [ ...] # tlmgr pinning remove [ ...] # tlmgr pinning remove --all sub action_pinning { my $what = shift @ARGV; $what || ($what = 'show'); init_local_db(); init_tlmedia_or_die(); if (!$remotetlpdb->is_virtual) { tlwarn("$prg: only one repository configured, " . "pinning actions not supported.\n"); return $F_WARNING; } my $pinref = $remotetlpdb->virtual_pindata(); my $pf = $remotetlpdb->virtual_pinning(); if ($what =~ m/^show$/i) { my @pins = @$pinref; if (!@pins) { tlwarn("$prg: no pinning data present.\n"); return $F_OK; } info("$prg: this pinning data is defined:\n"); for my $p (@pins) { info(" ", $p->{'repo'}, ":", $p->{'glob'}, "\n"); } return $F_OK; } elsif ($what =~ m/^check$/i) { tlwarn("$prg: not implemented yet, sorry!\n"); return $F_WARNING; } elsif ($what =~ m/^add$/i) { # we need at least two more arguments if (@ARGV < 2) { tlwarn("$prg: need at least two arguments to pinning add\n"); return $F_ERROR; } my $repo = shift @ARGV; my @new = (); my @ov = $pf->value($repo); for my $n (@ARGV) { if (member($n, @ov)) { info("$prg: already pinned to $repo: $n\n"); } else { push (@ov, $n); push (@new, $n); } } $pf->value($repo, @ov); $remotetlpdb->virtual_update_pins(); $pf->save; info("$prg: new pinning data for $repo: @new\n") if @new; return $F_OK; } elsif ($what =~ m/^remove$/i) { my $repo = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($repo)) { tlwarn("$prg: missing repository argument to pinning remove\n"); return $F_ERROR; } if ($opts{'all'}) { if (@ARGV) { tlwarn("$prg: additional argument(s) not allowed with --all: @ARGV\n"); return $F_ERROR; } $pf->delete_key($repo); $remotetlpdb->virtual_update_pins(); $pf->save; info("$prg: all pinning data removed for repository $repo\n"); return $F_OK; } # complicated case, we want to remove only one setting my @ov = $pf->value($repo); my @nv; for my $pf (@ov) { push (@nv, $pf) if (!member($pf, @ARGV)); } if ($#ov == $#nv) { info("$prg: no changes in pinning data for $repo\n"); return $F_OK; } if (@nv) { $pf->value($repo, @nv); } else { $pf->delete_key($repo); } $remotetlpdb->virtual_update_pins(); $pf->save; info("$prg: removed pinning data for repository $repo: @ARGV\n"); return $F_OK; } else { tlwarn("$prg: unknown argument for pinning action: $what\n"); return $F_ERROR; } # $pin{'repo'} = $repo; # $pin{'glob'} = $glob; # $pin{'re'} = $re; # $pin{'line'} = $line; # for debug/warning purpose return $F_ERROR; } # REPOSITORY # # this action manages the list of repositories # tlmgr repository list -> lists repositories # tlmgr repository list path|tag -> lists content of repo path|tag # tlmgr repository add path [tag] -> add repository with optional tag # tlmgr repository remove [path|tag] -> removes repository or tag # tlmgr repository set path[#tag] [path[#tag] ...] -> sets the list # sub array_to_repository { my %r = @_; my @ret; my @k = keys %r; if ($#k == 0) { # only one repo, don't write any tag return $r{$k[0]}; } for my $k (keys %r) { my $v = $r{$k}; if ($k ne $v) { $v = "$v#$k"; } # encode spaces and % in the path and tags $v =~ s/%/%25/g; $v =~ s/ /%20/g; push @ret, $v; } return "@ret"; } sub repository_to_array { my $r = shift; my %r; my @repos = split ' ', $r; if ($#repos == 0) { # only one repo, this is the main one! $r{'main'} = $repos[0]; return %r; } for my $rr (@repos) { my $tag; my $url; # decode spaces and % in reverse order $rr =~ s/%20/ /g; $rr =~ s/%25/%/g; $tag = $url = $rr; if ($rr =~ m/^([^#]+)#(.*)$/) { $tag = $2; $url = $1; } $r{$tag} = $url; } return %r; } sub merge_sub_packages { my %pkgs; for my $p (@_) { if ($p =~ m/^(.*)\.([^.]*)$/) { my $n = $1; my $a = $2; if ($p eq "texlive.infra") { push @{$pkgs{$p}}, "all"; } else { push @{$pkgs{$n}}, $a; } } else { push @{$pkgs{$p}}, "all"; } } return %pkgs; } sub action_repository { init_local_db(); my $what = shift @ARGV; $what = "list" if !defined($what); my %repos = repository_to_array($localtlpdb->option("location")); if ($what =~ m/^list$/i) { if (@ARGV) { # list what is in a repository for my $repo (@ARGV) { my $loc = $repo; if (defined($repos{$repo})) { $loc = $repos{$repo}; } my ($tlpdb, $errormsg) = setup_one_remotetlpdb($loc); if (!defined($tlpdb)) { tlwarn("$prg: cannot get TLPDB from location $loc\n\n"); } else { print "Packages at $loc:\n"; my %pkgs = merge_sub_packages($tlpdb->list_packages); for my $p (sort keys %pkgs) { next if ($p =~ m/00texlive/); print " $p"; if (!$opts{'with-platforms'}) { print "\n"; } else { my @a = @{$pkgs{$p}}; if ($#a == 0) { if ($a[0] eq "all") { # no further information necessary print "\n"; } else { print ".$a[0]\n"; } } else { print " (@{$pkgs{$p}})\n"; } } } } } } else { print "List of repositories (with tags if set):\n"; for my $k (keys %repos) { my $v = $repos{$k}; print "\t$v"; if ($k ne $v) { print " ($k)"; } print "\n"; } } return ($F_OK); } if ($what eq "add") { my $p = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($p)) { tlwarn("$prg: no repository given (to add)\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # check if it is either url or absolute path if (($p !~ m!^(http|ftp)://!i) && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($p)) { tlwarn("$prg: neither http/ftp URL nor absolute path, no action: $p\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } my $t = shift @ARGV; $t = $p if (!defined($t)); if (defined($repos{$t})) { tlwarn("$prg: repository or its tag already defined, no action: $p\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } # TODO more checks needed? # if there was till now only *one* repository and that without # a tag, we give that one the "main" tag which is necessary # for proper operation! my @tags = keys %repos; if ($#tags == 0) { # we have only one repository, check if it has the main tag my $maintag = $tags[0]; if ($maintag ne 'main') { $repos{'main'} = $repos{$maintag}; delete $repos{$maintag}; } } $repos{$t} = $p; $localtlpdb->option("location", array_to_repository(%repos)); $localtlpdb->save; if ($t eq $p) { print "$prg: added repository: $p\n"; } else { print "$prg: added repository with tag $t: $p\n"; } return ($F_OK); } if ($what eq "remove") { my $p = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($p)) { tlwarn("$prg: no repository given (to remove)\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } my $found = 0; for my $k (keys %repos) { if ($k eq $p || $repos{$k} eq $p) { $found = 1; delete $repos{$k}; } } if (!$found) { tlwarn("$prg: repository not defined, cannot remove: $p\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } else { $localtlpdb->option("location", array_to_repository(%repos)); $localtlpdb->save; print "$prg: removed repository: $p\n"; return ($F_OK); } # no reached return ($F_OK); } if ($what eq "set") { # TODO TODO # we have to make sure that there is ONE main repository!!! %repos = repository_to_array("@ARGV"); $localtlpdb->option("location", array_to_repository(%repos)); $localtlpdb->save; return ($F_OK); } # we are still here, unknown command to repository tlwarn("$prg: unknown subaction for tlmgr repository: $what\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } sub action_candidates { my $what = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($what)) { tlwarn("$prg: candidates needs a package name as argument\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } init_local_db(); init_tlmedia_or_die(); my @cand = $remotetlpdb->candidates($what); if (@cand) { my $first = shift @cand; if (defined($first)) { my ($t,$r) = split(/\//, $first, 2); print "Install candidate for $what from $t ($r)\n"; } else { print "No install candidate for $what found.\n"; } # already shifted away the first element if ($#cand >= 0) { print "Other repositories providing this package:\n"; for my $a (@cand) { my ($t,$r) = split(/\//, $a, 2); print "$t ($r)\n"; } } } else { print "Package $what not found.\n"; return ($F_WARNING); } return ($F_OK);; } # OPTION # sub action_option { my $what = shift @ARGV; $what = "show" unless defined($what); init_local_db(); my $ret = $F_OK; if ($what =~ m/^show$/i) { for my $o (sort keys %{$localtlpdb->options}) { # ignore some things which are w32 specific next if ($o eq "desktop_integration" && !win32()); next if ($o eq "file_assocs" && !win32()); next if ($o eq "w32_multi_user" && !win32()); if (win32()) { next if ($o =~ m/^sys_/); } if (defined $TLPDBOptions{$o}) { if ($::machinereadable) { print "$TLPDBOptions{$o}->[2]\t", $localtlpdb->option($o), "\n"; } else { info("$TLPDBOptions{$o}->[3] ($TLPDBOptions{$o}->[2]): " . $localtlpdb->option($o) . "\n"); } } else { tlwarn ("$prg: option $o not supported\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } } } elsif ($what =~ m/^showall$/i) { my %loc = %{$localtlpdb->options}; for my $o (sort keys %TLPDBOptions) { if ($::machinereadable) { print "$TLPDBOptions{$o}->[2]\t", (defined($loc{$o}) ? $loc{$o} : "(not set)"), "\n"; } else { info("$TLPDBOptions{$o}->[3] ($TLPDBOptions{$o}->[2]): " . (defined($loc{$o}) ? $loc{$o} : "(not set)") . "\n"); } } } else { if ($what eq "location" || $what eq "repo") { # silently rewrite location|repo -> repository $what = "repository"; } my $found = 0; for my $opt (keys %TLPDBOptions) { if ($what eq $TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[2]) { $found = 1; # the option argument matches the name my $val = shift @ARGV; if (defined($val)) { return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); # set new value # here we have to care for some special cases if ($what eq $TLPDBOptions{"location"}->[2]) { # support "ctan" on the cmd line if ($val =~ m/^ctan$/i) { $val = "$TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveURL"; } info("$prg: setting default package repository to $val\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, $val); } elsif ($what eq $TLPDBOptions{"backupdir"}->[2]) { info("$prg: setting option $what to $val.\n"); if (! -d $val) { info("$prg: the directory $val does not exists, it has to be created\n"); info("$prg: before backups can be done automatically.\n"); } $localtlpdb->option($opt, $val); } elsif ($what eq $TLPDBOptions{"w32_multi_user"}->[2]) { # when running w32 do not allow that a non-admin users sets # this from false to true my $do_it = 0; if (win32()) { if (admin()) { $do_it = 1; } else { if ($val) { # non admin and tries to set to true, warn tlwarn("$prg: non-admin user cannot set $TLPDBOptions{'w32_multi_user'}->[2] option to true\n"); } else { $do_it = 1; } } } else { $do_it = 1; } if ($do_it) { if ($val) { info("$prg: setting option $what to 1.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, 1); } else { info("$prg: setting option $what to 0.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, 0); } } } else { # default case, switch for different types if ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0] eq "b") { if ($val) { info("$prg: setting option $what to 1.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, 1); } else { info("$prg: setting option $what to 0.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, 0); } } elsif ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0] eq "p") { info("$prg: setting option $what to $val.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, $val); } elsif ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0] eq "u") { info("$prg: setting option $what to $val.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, $val); } elsif ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0] =~ m/^n(:((-)?\d+)?..((-)?\d+)?)?$/) { my $isgood = 1; my $n = int($val); my $low; my $up; if (defined($1)) { # range given if (defined($2)) { # lower border if ($2 > $n) { tlwarn("$prg: value $n for $what out of range ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0])\n"); $isgood = 0; } } if (defined($4)) { # upper border if ($4 < $n) { tlwarn("$prg: value $n for $what out of range ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0])\n"); $isgood = 0; } } } if ($isgood) { info("$prg: setting option $what to $n.\n"); $localtlpdb->option($opt, $n); } } else { tlwarn ("$prg: Unknown type of option $opt: $TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[0]\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } } $localtlpdb->save; # now also save the TLPOBJ of 00texlive.installation my $tlpo = $localtlpdb->get_package("00texlive.installation"); if ($tlpo) { if (open(TOFD, ">$::maintree/tlpkg/tlpobj/00texlive.installation.tlpobj")) { $tlpo->writeout(\*TOFD); close(TOFD); } else { tlwarn("$prg: Cannot save 00texlive.installation to $::maintree/tlpkg/tlpobj/00texlive.installation.tlpobj\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } } } else { # show current value if ($::machinereadable) { print "$TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[2]\t", $localtlpdb->option($opt), "\n"; } else { info ("$TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[3] ($TLPDBOptions{$opt}->[2]): " . $localtlpdb->option($opt) . "\n"); } } last; } } if (!$found) { tlwarn("$prg: option $what not supported!\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } } return ($ret); } # ARCH # sub action_platform { my $ret = $F_OK; my @extra_w32_packs = qw/tlperl.win32 tlgs.win32 tlpsv.win32 collection-wintools dviout.win32 wintools.win32/; if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) { warn("action `platform' not supported on Windows\n"); return ($F_WARNING); } if ($opts{"usermode"}) { tlwarn("$prg: action `platform' not supported in usermode\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } my $what = shift @ARGV; init_local_db(1); info("$prg platform: dry run, no changes will be made\n") if $opts{"dry-run"}; $what || ($what = "list"); if ($what =~ m/^list$/i) { # list the available platforms # initialize the TLPDB from $location init_tlmedia_or_die(); my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; print "Available platforms:\n"; foreach my $a ($remotetlpdb->available_architectures) { if (member($a,@already_installed_arch)) { print "(i) $a\n"; } else { print " $a\n"; } } print "Already installed platforms are marked with (i)\n"; print "You can add new platforms with: tlmgr platform add ARCH1 ARCH2...\n"; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } elsif ($what =~ m/^add$/i) { return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); init_tlmedia_or_die(); my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; my @available_arch = $remotetlpdb->available_architectures; my @todoarchs; foreach my $a (@ARGV) { if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member($a, @already_installed_arch)) { info("Platform $a is already installed\n"); next; } if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member($a, @available_arch)) { info("Platform $a not available, use 'tlmgr platform list'!\n"); next; } push @todoarchs, $a; } foreach my $pkg ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { next if ($pkg =~ m/^00texlive/); my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); foreach my $dep ($tlp->depends) { if ($dep =~ m/^(.*)\.ARCH$/) { # we have to install something foreach my $a (@todoarchs) { if ($remotetlpdb->get_package("$pkg.$a")) { info("install: $pkg.$a\n"); if (!$opts{'dry-run'}) { if (! $remotetlpdb->install_package("$pkg.$a", $localtlpdb)) { $ret |= $F_ERROR; } } } else { tlwarn("$prg: action platform add, cannot find package $pkg.$a\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } } } } } if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member('win32', @todoarchs)) { # install the necessary w32 stuff for my $p (@extra_w32_packs) { info("install: $p\n"); if (!$opts{'dry-run'}) { if (! $remotetlpdb->install_package($p, $localtlpdb)) { $ret |= $F_ERROR; } } } } # update the option("available_architectures") list of installed archs if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { my @larchs = $localtlpdb->setting("available_architectures"); push @larchs, @todoarchs; $localtlpdb->setting("available_architectures",@larchs); $localtlpdb->save; } } elsif ($what =~ m/^remove$/i) { return ($F_ERROR) if !check_on_writable(); my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; my @todoarchs; my $currentarch = $localtlpdb->platform(); foreach my $a (@ARGV) { if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member($a, @already_installed_arch)) { tlwarn("$prg: Platform $a not installed, use 'tlmgr platform list'!\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } if ($currentarch eq $a) { info("You are running on platform $a, you cannot remove that one!\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; next; } push @todoarchs, $a; } foreach my $pkg ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { next if ($pkg =~ m/^00texlive/); my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!$tlp) { # that is a package foobar.$a that has already been remove but # is still in the list above, so ignore that next; } foreach my $dep ($tlp->depends) { if ($dep =~ m/^(.*)\.ARCH$/) { # we have to install something foreach my $a (@todoarchs) { if ($localtlpdb->get_package("$pkg.$a")) { info("remove: $pkg.$a\n"); # assume that this works out $localtlpdb->remove_package("$pkg.$a") if (!$opts{"dry-run"}); } } } } } if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member('win32', @todoarchs)) { for my $p (@extra_w32_packs) { info("remove: $p\n"); $localtlpdb->remove_package($p) if (!$opts{"dry-run"}); } } if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) { # try to remove bin/$a dirs for my $a (@todoarchs) { if (!rmdir("$Master/bin/$a")) { tlwarn("$prg: binary directory $Master/bin/$a not empty after removal of $a.\n"); $ret |= $F_WARNING; } } # update the option("available_architectures") list of installed archs my @larchs = $localtlpdb->setting("available_architectures"); my @newarchs; for my $a (@larchs) { push @newarchs, $a if !member($a, @todoarchs); } $localtlpdb->setting("available_architectures",@newarchs); $localtlpdb->save; } } elsif ($what =~ m/^set$/i) { return if !check_on_writable(); my $arg = shift @ARGV; die "Missing argument to platform set" unless defined($arg); my @already_installed_arch = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; if ($arg =~ m/^auto$/i) { info("Setting platform detection to auto mode.\n"); $localtlpdb->setting('-clear', 'platform'); $localtlpdb->save; } else { if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member($arg, @already_installed_arch)) { tlwarn("$prg: cannot set platform to a not installed one.\n"); return ($F_ERROR); } $localtlpdb->setting('platform', $arg); $localtlpdb->save; } } else { tlwarn("$prg: Unknown option for platform: $what\n"); $ret |= $F_ERROR; } return ($ret); } # GENERATE # sub action_generate { if ($opts{"usermode"}) { tlwarn("$prg: action `generate' not supported in usermode!\n"); return $F_ERROR; } my $what = shift @ARGV; init_local_db(); # we create fmtutil.cnf, language.dat, language.def in TEXMFSYSVAR and # updmap.cfg in TEXMFDIST. The reason is that we are now using an # implementation of updmap that supports multiple updmap files. # Local adaptions should not be made there, but only in TEXMFLOCAL # or TEXMF(SYS)CONFIG updmap.cfg # chomp (my $TEXMFSYSVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSVAR`); chomp (my $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`); chomp (my $TEXMFLOCAL = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFLOCAL`); chomp (my $TEXMFDIST = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFDIST`); # we do generate all config files, treat $opts{"dest"} as pattern # and make it append the respective extensions my $append_extension = (($opts{"dest"} && ($what eq "language")) ? 1 : 0); if ($what =~ m/^language(\.dat|\.def|\.dat\.lua)?$/i) { # # if --rebuild-sys is given *and* --dest we warn that this might not # work if the destination is not the default one if ($opts{"rebuild-sys"} && $opts{"dest"}) { tlwarn("$prg generate $what: warning: both --rebuild-sys and --dest\n", "given; the call to fmtutil-sys can fail if the given\n", "destination is different from the default.\n"); } # # we have to set TEXMFVAR, TEXMFCONFIG in the environment so that # searching for language.(dat/def) does search in the right place if ($what =~ m/^language(\.dat\.lua)?$/i) { my $dest = $opts{"dest"} || "$TEXMFSYSVAR/tex/generic/config/language.dat.lua"; $dest .= ".dat.lua" if $append_extension; my $localcfg = $opts{"localcfg"} || "$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/generic/config/language-local.dat.lua"; debug("$prg: writing language.dat.lua data to $dest\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::create_language_lua($localtlpdb, $dest, $localcfg); if ($opts{"rebuild-sys"}) { do_cmd_and_check ("fmtutil-sys $common_fmtutil_args --byhyphen \"$dest\""); } else { info("To make the newly-generated language.dat.lua take effect," . " run fmtutil-sys --byhyphen $dest.\n"); } } if ($what =~ m/^language(\.dat)?$/i) { my $dest = $opts{"dest"} || "$TEXMFSYSVAR/tex/generic/config/language.dat"; $dest .= ".dat" if $append_extension; my $localcfg = $opts{"localcfg"} || "$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/generic/config/language-local.dat"; debug ("$prg: writing language.dat data to $dest\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::create_language_dat($localtlpdb, $dest, $localcfg); if ($opts{"rebuild-sys"}) { do_cmd_and_check ("fmtutil-sys $common_fmtutil_args --byhyphen \"$dest\""); } else { info("To make the newly-generated language.dat take effect," . " run fmtutil-sys --byhyphen $dest.\n"); } } if ($what =~ m/^language(\.def)?$/i) { my $dest = $opts{"dest"} || "$TEXMFSYSVAR/tex/generic/config/language.def"; $dest .= ".def" if $append_extension; my $localcfg = $opts{"localcfg"} || "$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/generic/config/language-local.def"; debug("$prg: writing language.def data to $dest\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::create_language_def($localtlpdb, $dest, $localcfg); if ($opts{"rebuild-sys"}) { do_cmd_and_check ("fmtutil-sys $common_fmtutil_args --byhyphen \"$dest\""); } else { info("To make the newly-generated language.def take effect," . " run fmtutil-sys --byhyphen $dest.\n"); } } } elsif ($what =~ m/^fmtutil$/i) { tlwarn("$prg: generate fmtutil is no longer needed or supported.\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Please read the documentation of the `fmtutil' program.\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Goodbye.\n"); return $F_ERROR; } elsif ($what =~ m/^_fmtutil$/i) { my $dest = $opts{"dest"} || "$TEXMFDIST/web2c/fmtutil.cnf"; debug("$prg: writing new fmtutil.cnf to $dest\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::create_fmtutil($localtlpdb, $dest); if ($opts{"rebuild-sys"}) { do_cmd_and_check("fmtutil-sys $common_fmtutil_args --all"); } else { info("To make the newly-generated fmtutil.cnf take effect," . " run fmtutil-sys --all.\n"); } } elsif ($what =~ m/^updmap$/i) { tlwarn("$prg: generate updmap is no longer needed or supported.\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Please read the documentation of the `updmap' program.\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Goodbye.\n"); return $F_ERROR; } elsif ($what =~ m/^_updmap$/i) { my $dest = $opts{"dest"} || "$TEXMFDIST/web2c/updmap.cfg"; debug("$prg: writing new updmap.cfg to $dest\n"); TeXLive::TLUtils::create_updmap($localtlpdb, $dest); if ($opts{"rebuild-sys"}) { do_cmd_and_check("updmap-sys"); } else { info("To make the newly-generated updmap.cfg take effect," . " run updmap-sys.\n"); } } else { tlwarn("$prg: Unknown option for generate: $what; try --help if you need it.\n"); return $F_ERROR; } return $F_OK; } # GUI # sub action_gui { eval { require Tk; }; if ($@) { # that didn't work out, give some usefull error message and stop my $tkmissing = 0; if ($@ =~ /^Can\'t locate Tk\.pm/) { $tkmissing = 1; } if ($tkmissing) { if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) { # that should not happen, we are shipping Tk!! require Win32; my $msg = "Cannot load Tk, that should not happen as we ship it!\nHow did you start tlmgrgui??\n(Error message: $@)\n"; Win32::MsgBox($msg, 1|Win32::MB_ICONSTOP(), "Warning"); } else { printf STDERR " $prg: Cannot load Tk, thus the GUI cannot be started! The Perl/Tk module is not shipped with the TeX Live installation. You have to install it to get the tlmgr GUI working. (INC = @INC) See http://tug.org/texlive/distro.html#perltk for more details. Goodbye. "; } } else { printf STDERR "$prg: unexpected problem loading Tk: $@\n"; } exit 1; } # now check that we can actually create a top level window, # on darwin the X server might not be started, or on unix we are working # on a console, or whatever. eval { my $foo = Tk::MainWindow->new; $foo->destroy; }; if ($@) { printf STDERR "perl/Tk unusable, cannot create main windows. That could be a consequence of not having X Windows installed or started! Error message from creating MainWindow: $@ "; exit 1; } # be sure that sub actions do *not* finish $::gui_mode = 1; # also unset the $opts{"gui"} to make recursive calls to action_* not starting # another GUI instance (or better trying to ...) $opts{"gui"} = 0; require("tlmgrgui.pl"); # should not be reached exit(1); } # UNINSTALL # sub action_uninstall { if (win32()) { printf STDERR "Please use \"Add/Remove Programs\" from the Control Panel to removing TeX Live!\n"; return ($F_ERROR); } return if !check_on_writable(); my $force = defined($opts{"force"}) ? $opts{"force"} : 0; if (!$force) { print("If you answer yes here the whole TeX Live installation will be removed!\n"); print "Remove TeX Live (y/N): "; my $yesno = ; if ($yesno !~ m/^y(es)?$/i) { print "Ok, cancelling the removal!\n"; return ($F_OK | $F_NOPOSTACTION); } } print ("Ok, removing the whole installation:\n"); init_local_db(); TeXLive::TLUtils::remove_symlinks($localtlpdb->root, $localtlpdb->platform(), $localtlpdb->option("sys_bin"), $localtlpdb->option("sys_man"), $localtlpdb->option("sys_info")); # now do remove the rest system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/texmf-dist"); system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/texmf-doc"); system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/texmf-var"); system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/tlpkg"); system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/bin"); system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/readme-html.dir"); system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/readme-txt.dir"); for my $f (qw/doc.html index.html LICENSE.CTAN LICENSE.TL README README.usergroups release-texlive.txt texmf.cnf/) { system("rm", "-f", "$Master/$f"); } if (-d "$Master/temp") { system("rmdir", "--ignore-fail-on-non-empty", "$Master/temp"); } unlink("$Master/install-tl.log"); # should we do that???? system("rm", "-rf", "$Master/texmf-config"); system("rmdir", "--ignore-fail-on-non-empty", "$Master"); } # RECREATE-TLPDB # sub action_recreate_tlpdb { return if !check_on_writable(); my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new; $tlpdb->root($Master); my $inst = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $inst->name("00texlive.installation"); $inst->category("TLCore"); my @deps; # options are done further down with $tlpdb->reset_options() #for my $k (keys %TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions) { # push @deps, "opt_$k:" . $TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions{k}->[1]; #} # find list of available archs my @archs; opendir (DIR, "$Master/bin") || die "opendir($Master/bin) failed: $!"; my @dirents = readdir (DIR); closedir (DIR) || warn "closedir($Master/bin) failed: $!"; for my $dirent (@dirents) { next if $dirent eq "."; next if $dirent eq ".."; next unless -d "$Master/bin/$dirent"; if (-r "$Master/bin/$dirent/kpsewhich" || -r "$Master/bin/$dirent/kpsewhich.exe") { push @archs, $dirent; debug("Skipping directory $Master/bin/$dirent, no kpsewhich there\n"); } } push @deps, "setting_available_architectures:" . join(" ",@archs); # we have to find out the default arch # if there is only one dir in $Master/bin then we are settled, # otherwise we expect the user to pass a correct arch string if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member(TeXLive::TLUtils::platform(), @archs)) { # hmm that is bad, the platform as detected is not in the list # of installed platforms, so the option --arch has to be given # if only one is installed use that one if ($#archs == 0) { # only one arch available, fine, use it as default push @deps, "setting_platform:$archs[0]"; } else { if (defined($opts{"platform"})) { if (member($opts{"platform"}, @archs)) { push @deps, "setting_platform:" . $opts{"platform"}; } else { tlwarn("$prg: The platform you passed in with --platform is not present in $Master/bin\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Please specify one of the available ones: @archs\n"); exit(1); } } else { tlwarn("$prg: More than one platform available: @archs\n"); tlwarn("$prg: Please pass one as the default you are running on with --platform=...\n"); exit(1); } } } $inst->depends(@deps); # now we have all the stuff for 00texlive.installation done $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($inst); # reset the options to default values $tlpdb->add_default_options(); # check for location == _MASTER_ if ($tlpdb->option("location") eq "__MASTER__") { $tlpdb->option("location", $TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveURL); } # add the other stuff in $Master/tlpkg/tlpobj/*.tlpobj # we can ignore *.{source,doc}.tlpobj because they are already # included in the *.tlpobj parent one at install time # (TODO: we should actually REMOVE the *.{source,doc}.tlpobj files # at package install time) opendir (DIR, "$Master/tlpkg/tlpobj") or die "opendir($Master/tlpkg/tlpobj) failed: $!"; my @tlps = readdir(DIR); closedir (DIR) || warn "closedir($Master/tlpkg/tlpobj) failed: $!"; for my $t (@tlps) { next if -d $t; # also does . and .. next if ($t !~ m/\.tlpobj$/i); # ignore .source and .doc tlpobjs next if ($t =~ m/\.(source|doc)\.tlpobj$/i); my $tlp = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $tlp->from_file("$Master/tlpkg/tlpobj/$t"); $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlp); } # writeout the re-created tlpdb to stdout $tlpdb->writeout; return; } # CHECK # sub init_tltree { my ($svn) = @_; # if we are on W32, die (no find). my $arch = $localtlpdb->platform(); if ($arch eq "win32") { tldie("$prg: sorry, cannot check this on Windows.\n"); } my $Master = $localtlpdb->root; my $tltree = TeXLive::TLTREE->new ("svnroot" => $Master); if ($svn) { debug("Initializine TLTREE from svn\n"); $tltree->init_from_svn; } else { debug("Initializine TLTREE from find\n"); $tltree->init_from_files; } return($tltree); } sub action_check { my $svn = defined($opts{"use-svn"}) ? $opts{"use-svn"} : 0; my $what = shift @ARGV; $what || ($what = "all"); init_local_db(); my $ret = 0; if ($what =~ m/^all/i) { my $tltree = init_tltree($svn); print "Running check files:\n"; $ret |= check_files($tltree); print "Running check depends:\n"; $ret |= check_depends(); print "Running check executes:\n"; $ret |= check_executes(); print "Running check runfiles:\n"; $ret |= check_runfiles(); } elsif ($what =~ m/^files/i) { my $tltree = init_tltree($svn); $ret |= check_files($tltree); } elsif ($what =~ m/^collections/i) { tlwarn("$prg: the \"collections\" check is replaced by the \"depends\" check.\n"); $ret |= check_depends(); } elsif ($what =~ m/^depends/i) { $ret |= check_depends(); } elsif ($what =~ m/^runfiles/i) { $ret |= check_runfiles(); } elsif ($what =~ m/^executes/i) { $ret |= check_executes(); } else { print "No idea how to check that: $what\n"; } if ($ret) { return ($F_ERROR); } else { return ($F_OK); } } # check file coverage in both direction. # sub check_files { my $tltree = shift; my $ret = 0; my %filetopacks; my $Master = $localtlpdb->root; debug("Collecting all files of all packages\n"); for my $p ($localtlpdb->list_packages()) { # ignore files in the installer next if ($p eq "00texlive.installer"); my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); my @files = $tlp->all_files; if ($tlp->relocated) { for (@files) { s:^$RelocPrefix/:$RelocTree/:; } } for my $f (@files) { push @{$filetopacks{$f}}, $p; } } my @multiple = (); my @missing = (); debug("Checking for occurrences and existence of all files\n"); for (keys %filetopacks) { push @missing, $_ if (! -r "$Master/$_"); my @foo = @{$filetopacks{$_}}; if ($#foo < 0) { warn "that shouldn't happen: $_\n"; } elsif ($#foo > 0) { push @multiple, $_; } } if ($#multiple >= 0) { $ret = 1; print "\f Multiple included files (relative to $Master):\n"; for (sort @multiple) { my @foo = @{$filetopacks{$_}}; print " $_ (@foo)\n"; } print "\n"; } if ($#missing >= 0) { $ret = 1; print "\f Files mentioned in tlpdb but missing (relative to $Master):\n"; for my $m (@missing) { print "\t$m\n"; } print "\n"; } # check that all files in the trees are covered, along with # 00texlive.image, q.v. The ones here are not included in the # archival source/ tarball; my @IgnorePatterns = qw! release-texlive.txt source/ texmf-dist/ls-R$ texmf-doc/ls-R$ tlpkg/archive tlpkg/backups tlpkg/installer tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb tlpkg/tlpobj tlpkg/texlive.profile texmf-config/ texmf-var/ texmf.cnf texmfcnf.lua install-tl.log !; my %tltreefiles = %{$tltree->{'_allfiles'}}; my @tlpdbfiles = keys %filetopacks; my @nohit; for my $f (keys %tltreefiles) { # if it is mentioned in the tlpdb or is ignored it is considered # as covered, thus, otherwise we push it onto the nothit list if (!defined($filetopacks{$f})) { my $ignored = 0; for my $p (@IgnorePatterns) { if ($f =~ m/^$p/) { $ignored = 1; last; } } if (!$ignored) { push @nohit, $f; } } } if (@nohit) { $ret = 1; print "\f Files present but not covered (relative to $Master):\n"; for my $f (sort @nohit) { print " $f\n"; } print "\n"; } return($ret); } # Check for runtime files with the same name but different contents. # sub check_runfiles { my $Master = $localtlpdb->root; # build a list of all runtime files associated to 'normal' packages (my $non_normal = `ls "$Master/bin"`) =~ s/\n/\$|/g; # binaries $non_normal .= '^0+texlive|^bin-|^collection-|^scheme-|^texlive-|^texworks'; $non_normal .= '|^pgf$'; # has lots of intentionally duplicated .lua my @runtime_files = (); # foreach my $tlpn ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { next if ($tlpn =~ /$non_normal/); # my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($tlpn); my @files = $tlp->runfiles; if ($tlp->relocated) { for (@files) { s!^$TeXLive::TLConfig::RelocPrefix/!$TeXLive::TLConfig::RelocTree/!; } } # special case for koma-script where doc/src files are in runfiles section if ($tlpn eq "koma-script") { @files = grep {!m;^texmf-dist/source/latex/koma-script/;} @files; @files = grep {!m;^texmf-dist/doc/latex/koma-script/;} @files; } push @runtime_files, @files; } # build the duplicates list. my @duplicates = (""); # just to use $duplicates[-1] freely my $prev = ""; foreach my $f (sort map { TeXLive::TLUtils::basename($_) } @runtime_files) { push (@duplicates, $f) if (($f eq $prev) and not ($f eq $duplicates[-1])); $prev = $f; } shift @duplicates; # get rid of the fake 1st value # check if duplicates are different files. foreach my $f (@duplicates) { # assume tex4ht, xdy, afm stuff is ok, and don't worry about # Changes, README et al. Other per-format versions. next if $f =~ /\.(afm|cfg|dll|exe|4hf|htf|pm|xdy)$/; next if $f =~ /^((czech|slovak)\.sty |Changes |Makefile |README.* |cid2code\.txt |etex\.src |fithesis.* |u?kinsoku\.tex |language\.dat |language\.def |local\.mf |m-tex4ht\.tex |metatex\.tex |.*-noEmbed\.map |ps2mfbas\.mf |pstricks\.con |sample\.bib |tex4ht\.env |test\.mf |texutil\.rb |tlmgrgui\.pl )$/x; # my @copies = grep (/\/$f$/, @runtime_files); # map files can be duplicated between (but not within) formats. if ($f =~ /\.map$/) { my $need_check = 0; my $prev_dir = ""; my @cop = @copies; # don't break the outside list map { s#^texmf-dist/fonts/map/(.*?)/.*#$1# } @cop; foreach my $dir (sort @cop ) { last if ($need_check = ($dir eq $prev_dir)); $prev_dir = $dir; } next unless $need_check; } # if all copies are identical, ok, else, complain my $diff = 0; for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@copies); $i++) { if ($diff = tlcmp("$Master/$copies[$i-1]", "$Master/$copies[$i]")) { print "# $f\ndiff $Master/$copies[$i-1] $Master/$copies[$i]\n"; last; } } print join ("\n", @copies), "\n" if ($diff and (scalar(@copies) > 2)); } } # check executes # sub check_executes { my $Master = $localtlpdb->root; my (%maps,%langcodes,%fmtlines); for my $pkg ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { for my $e ($localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)->executes) { if ($e =~ m/add(Mixed|Kanji)?Map\s+(.*)$/) { my $foo = $2; chomp($foo); if ($foo !~ m/\@kanjiEmbed@/) { push @{$maps{$foo}}, $pkg; } } elsif ($e =~ m/AddFormat\s+(.*)$/) { my $foo = $1; chomp($foo); push @{$fmtlines{$foo}}, $pkg; } elsif ($e =~ m/AddHyphen\s+.*\s+file=(\S+)(\s*$|\s+.*)/) { my $foo = $1; chomp($foo); push @{$langcodes{$foo}}, $pkg; } else { warn "$pkg: unmatched execute: $e\n"; } } } my %badmaps; foreach my $mf (keys %maps) { my @pkgsfound = @{$maps{$mf}}; if ($#pkgsfound > 0) { tlwarn ("$prg: map file $mf is referenced in the executes of @pkgsfound\n"); } else { # less then 1 occurrences is not possible, so we have only one # package that contains the reference to that map file my $pkgfoundexecute = $pkgsfound[0]; my @found = $localtlpdb->find_file($mf); if ($#found < 0) { $badmaps{$mf} = $maps{$mf}; } elsif ($#found > 0) { # we want to check for multiple inclusions my %mapfn; foreach my $foo (@found) { $foo =~ m/^(.*):(.*)$/; push @{$mapfn{$2}}, $1; } foreach my $k (keys %mapfn) { my @bla = @{$mapfn{$k}}; if ($#bla > 0) { tlwarn ("$prg: map file $mf occurs multiple times (in pkgs: @bla)!\n"); } } } else { # only one occurrence found, we check that the map is also contained # in the right package! my ($pkgcontained) = ( $found[0] =~ m/^(.*):.*$/ ); if ($pkgcontained ne $pkgfoundexecute) { tlwarn("$prg: map file $mf: execute in $pkgfoundexecute, map file in $pkgcontained\n"); } } } } if (keys %badmaps) { tlwarn("$prg: mentioned map file not present in any package:\n"); foreach my $mf (keys %badmaps) { print "\t$mf (execute in @{$badmaps{$mf}})\n"; } } my %badhyphcodes; my %problemhyphen; foreach my $lc (keys %langcodes) { next if ($lc eq "zerohyph.tex"); my @found = $localtlpdb->find_file("texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph/$lc"); if ($#found < 0) { # try again this time search all packages my @found = $localtlpdb->find_file("$lc"); if ($#found < 0) { $badhyphcodes{$lc} = $langcodes{$lc}; } else { $problemhyphen{$lc} = [ @found ]; } } } if (keys %badhyphcodes) { print "\f mentioned hyphen loaders without file:\n"; foreach my $mf (keys %badhyphcodes) { print "\t$mf (execute in @{$badhyphcodes{$mf}})\n"; } } # disable the echoing of problematic hyphens #if (keys %problemhyphen) { # print "hyphen files with possible problematic location:\n"; # foreach my $mf (keys %problemhyphen) { # print "\t$mf (@{$problemhyphen{$mf}})\n"; # } #} # # what should be checked for the executes? we could check # - the existence of the engine in bin/i386-linux or all $arch # - the existence of the format name link/bat # - parse the options parameter and check for the inifile # - rework the format definition that we have inifile=pdflatex.ini # isn't the * unnecessary? my %missingbins; my %missingengines; my %missinginis; for (keys %fmtlines) { my %r = TeXLive::TLUtils::parse_AddFormat_line("$_"); if (defined($r{"error"})) { die "$r{'error'}, parsing $_, package(s) @{$fmtlines{$_}}"; } my $opt = $r{"options"}; my $engine = $r{"engine"}; my $name = $r{"name"}; my $mode = $r{"mode"}; # special case for cont-en ... next if ($name eq "cont-en"); # we check that the name exist in bin/$arch my @archs_to_check = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; if ($engine eq "luajittex") { # luajittex is special since it is not available on all architectures # due to inherent reasons (machine code) # We do not want to have error messages here, so we do the following: # * if tlpkg/tlpsrc/luatex.tlpsrc is available, then load it # and filter away those archs that are excluded with f/!... # * if tlpkg/tlpsrc/luatex.tlpsrc is *not* available (user installation) # we just ignore it completely. my $tlpsrc_file = $localtlpdb->root . "/tlpkg/tlpsrc/luatex.tlpsrc"; if (-r $tlpsrc_file) { require TeXLive::TLPSRC; my $tlpsrc = new TeXLive::TLPSRC; $tlpsrc->from_file($tlpsrc_file); my @binpats = $tlpsrc->binpatterns; my @negarchs; for my $p (@binpats) { if ($p =~ m%^(\w+)/(!?[-_a-z0-9,]+)\s+(.*)$%) { my $pt = $1; my $aa = $2; my $pr = $3; if ($pr =~ m!/luajittex$!) { # bingo, get the negative patterns if ($aa =~ m/^!(.*)$/) { @negarchs = split(/,/,$1); } } } } my %foo; for my $a (@archs_to_check) { $foo{$a} = 1; } for my $a (@negarchs) { delete $foo{$a} if defined($foo{$a}); } @archs_to_check = keys %foo; } else { @archs_to_check = (); } } for my $a (@archs_to_check) { my $f = "$Master/bin/$a/$name"; if (!check_file($a, $f)) { push @{$missingbins{$_}}, "bin/$a/$name" if $mode; } if (!check_file($a, "$Master/bin/$a/$engine")) { push @{$missingengines{$_}}, "bin/$a/$engine" if $mode; } } # check for the existence of the .ini file # by using the last word in the options value my $inifile = $opt; # $inifile now contains "bla bla bla *file.ini" # strip initial and trailing " $inifile =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; # remove everything before the last space $inifile =~ s/^.* ([^ ]*)$/$1/; # remove the optional leading * $inifile =~ s/^\*//; my @found = $localtlpdb->find_file("$inifile"); if ($#found < 0) { $missinginis{$_} = "$inifile"; } } if (keys %missinginis) { print "\f mentioned ini files that cannot be found:\n"; for my $i (keys %missinginis) { print "\t $missinginis{$i} (execute: $i)\n"; } } if (keys %missingengines) { print "\f mentioned engine files that cannot be found:\n"; for my $i (keys %missingengines) { print "\t @{$missingengines{$i}}\n"; } } if (keys %missingbins) { print "\f mentioned bin files that cannot be found:\n"; for my $i (keys %missingbins) { print "\t @{$missingbins{$i}}\n"; } } } sub check_file { my ($a, $f) = @_; if (-r $f) { return 1; } else { # not -r, so check for the extensions .bat and .exe on windoze-ish. if ($a =~ /win[0-9]|.*-cygwin/) { if (-r "$f.exe" || -r "$f.bat") { return 1; } } return 0; } } # check depends # sub check_depends { my $ret = 0; my $Master = $localtlpdb->root; my %presentpkg; for my $pkg ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { $presentpkg{$pkg} = 1; } # list of collections. my @colls = $localtlpdb->collections; my @coll_deps = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-no-collections", $localtlpdb, @colls); my %coll_deps; @coll_deps{@coll_deps} = (); # initialize hash with keys from list my (%wrong_dep, @no_dep); for my $pkg ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { # do not check any package starting with 00texlive. next if $pkg =~ m/^00texlive/; # For each package, check that it is a dependency of some collection. if (! exists $coll_deps{$pkg}) { # Except that schemes and our ugly Windows packages are ok. push (@no_dep, $pkg) unless $pkg =~/^scheme-|\.win32$/; } # For each dependency, check that we have a package. for my $d ($localtlpdb->get_package($pkg)->depends) { next if ($d =~ m/\.ARCH$/); if (!defined($presentpkg{$d})) { push (@{$wrong_dep{$d}}, $pkg); } } } # check whether packages are included more than one time in a collection my %pkg2mother; for my $c (@colls) { for my $p ($localtlpdb->get_package($c)->depends) { next if ($p =~ /^collection-/); push @{$pkg2mother{$p}}, $c; } } my @double_inc_pkgs; for my $k (keys %pkg2mother) { if (@{$pkg2mother{$k}} > 1) { push @double_inc_pkgs, $k; } } if (keys %wrong_dep) { $ret++; print "\f DEPENDS WITHOUT PACKAGES:\n"; for my $d (keys %wrong_dep) { print "$d in: @{$wrong_dep{$d}}\n"; } } if (@no_dep) { $ret++; print "\f PACKAGES NOT IN ANY COLLECTION: @no_dep\n"; } if (@double_inc_pkgs) { $ret++; print "\f PACKAGES IN MORE THAN ONE COLLECTION: @double_inc_pkgs\n"; } return $ret; } # POSTACTION # explictly run the various post actions, e.g., # on a client system or overriding global settings. # # tlmgr postaction [--w32mode=user|admin] [--fileassocmode=1|2] [--all] # [install|remove] [shortcut|fileassoc|script] [...] sub action_postaction { my $how = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($how) || ($how !~ m/^(install|remove)$/i)) { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction needs at least two arguments, first being either 'install' or 'remove'\n"); return; } my $type = shift @ARGV; my $badtype = 0; if (!defined($type)) { $badtype = 1; } elsif ($type !~ m/^(shortcut|fileassoc|script)$/i) { $badtype = 1; } if ($badtype) { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction needs as second argument one from 'shortcut', 'fileassoc', 'script'\n"); return; } if (win32()) { if ($opts{"w32mode"}) { if ($opts{"w32mode"} eq "user") { if (TeXLive::TLWinGoo::admin()) { debug("Switching to user mode on user request\n"); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::non_admin(); } # in user mode we also switch TEXMFSYSVAR to TEXMFVAR since # xetex.pl, but maybe others are writing to TEXMFSYSVAR chomp($ENV{"TEXMFSYSVAR"} = `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFVAR`); } elsif ($opts{"w32mode"} eq "admin") { if (!TeXLive::TLWinGoo::admin()) { tlwarn("$prg: You don't have the permissions for --w32mode=admin\n"); return; } } else { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction --w32mode can only be 'admin' or 'user'\n"); return; } } } my @todo; if ($opts{"all"}) { init_local_db(); @todo = $localtlpdb->list_packages; } else { if ($#ARGV < 0) { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction: need either --all or a list of packages\n"); return; } init_local_db(); @todo = @ARGV; @todo = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-only-arch", $localtlpdb, @todo); } if ($type =~ m/^shortcut$/i) { if (!win32()) { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction shortcut only works on windows.\n"); return; } for my $p (@todo) { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); if (!defined($tlp)) { tlwarn("$prg: $p is not installed, ignoring it.\n"); } else { # run all shortcut actions, desktop and menu integration TeXLive::TLUtils::do_postaction($how, $tlp, 0, 1, 1, 0); } } } elsif ($type =~ m/^fileassoc$/i) { if (!win32()) { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction fileassoc only works on windows.\n"); return; } my $fa = $localtlpdb->option("file_assocs"); if ($opts{"fileassocmode"}) { if ($opts{"fileassocmode"} < 1 || $opts{"fileassocmode"} > 2) { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction: value of --fileassocmode can only be 1 or 2\n"); return; } $fa = $opts{"fileassocmode"}; } for my $p (@todo) { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); if (!defined($tlp)) { tlwarn("$prg: $p is not installed, ignoring it.\n"); } else { TeXLive::TLUtils::do_postaction($how, $tlp, $fa, 0, 0, 0); } } } elsif ($type =~ m/^script$/i) { for my $p (@todo) { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); if (!defined($tlp)) { tlwarn("$prg: $p is not installed, ignoring it.\n"); } else { TeXLive::TLUtils::do_postaction($how, $tlp, 0, 0, 0, 1); } } } else { tlwarn("$prg: action postaction needs one of 'shortcut', 'fileassoc', 'script'\n"); return; } } # INIT USER TREE # sets up the user tree for tlmgr in user mode sub action_init_usertree { # init_local_db but do not die if localtlpdb is not found! init_local_db(2); my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new; my $usertree; if ($opts{"usertree"}) { $usertree = $opts{"usertree"}; } else { chomp($usertree = `kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME`); } if (-r "$usertree/$InfraLocation/$DatabaseName") { tldie("$prg: user mode database already set up in\n$prg: $usertree/$InfraLocation/$DatabaseName\n$prg: not overwriting it.\n"); } $tlpdb->root($usertree); # copy values from main installation over my $maininsttlp; my $inst; if (defined($localtlpdb)) { $maininsttlp = $localtlpdb->get_package("00texlive.installation"); $inst = $maininsttlp->copy; } else { $inst = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $inst->name("00texlive.installation"); $inst->category("TLCore"); } $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($inst); # remove all available architectures $tlpdb->setting( "available_architectures", ""); $tlpdb->option( "location", $TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveURL); # specify that we are in user mode $tlpdb->setting( "usertree", 1 ); $tlpdb->save; # # we need to create web2c dir for TLMedia to succeed setting up # and for tlmgr.log file mkdir ("$usertree/web2c"); mkdir ("$usertree/tlpkg/tlpobj"); return ($F_OK); } # CONF # tries to mimic texconfig conf but can also set values for both tlmgr # and texmf conf files. # sub action_conf { my $arg = shift @ARGV; my $ret = $F_OK; if (!defined($arg)) { texconfig_conf_mimic(); } elsif ($arg !~ /^(tlmgr|texmf|updmap)$/) { warn "$prg: unknown conf arg: $arg (try tlmgr or texmf or updmap)\n"; $ret = $F_ERROR; } else { my ($fn,$cf); if ($opts{'conffile'}) { $fn = $opts{'conffile'} ; } if ($arg eq "tlmgr") { chomp (my $TEXMFCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFCONFIG`); $fn || ( $fn = "$TEXMFCONFIG/tlmgr/config" ) ; $cf = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($fn, "#", "="); } elsif ($arg eq "texmf") { $fn || ( $fn = "$Master/texmf.cnf" ) ; $cf = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($fn, "[%#]", "="); } elsif ($arg eq "updmap") { $fn || ( chomp ($fn = `kpsewhich updmap.cfg`) ) ; $cf = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($fn, '(#|(Mixed)?Map)', ' '); } else { die "Should not happen, conf arg=$arg"; } my ($key,$val) = @ARGV; if (!defined($key)) { # show all settings if ($cf) { info("$arg configuration values (from $fn):\n"); for my $k ($cf->keys) { info("$k = " . $cf->value($k) . "\n"); } } else { info("$arg config file $fn not present\n"); $ret = $F_WARNING; } } else { if (!defined($val)) { if (defined($opts{'delete'})) { if (defined($cf->value($key))) { info("removing setting $arg $key value: " . $cf->value($key) . "from $fn\n"); $cf->delete_key($key); } else { info("$arg $key not defined, cannot remove ($fn)\n"); $ret = $F_WARNING; } } else { if (defined($cf->value($key))) { info("$arg $key value: " . $cf->value($key) . " ($fn)\n"); } else { info("$key not defined in $arg config file ($fn)\n"); if ($arg eq "texmf") { # not in user-specific file, show anything kpsewhich gives us. chomp (my $defval = `kpsewhich -var-value $key`); if ($? != 0) { info("$arg $key default value is unknown"); } else { info("$arg $key default value: $defval"); } info(" (kpsewhich -var-value)\n"); } } } } else { if (defined($opts{'delete'})) { warning("$arg --delete and value for key $key given, don't know what to do!\n"); $ret = $F_ERROR; } else { info("setting $arg $key to $val (in $fn)\n"); $cf->value($key, $val); } } } if ($cf->is_changed) { $cf->save; } } } # output various values in same form as texconfig conf. sub texconfig_conf_mimic { my $PATH = $ENV{'PATH'}; info("=========================== version information ==========================\n"); info(give_version()); info("==================== executables found by searching PATH =================\n"); info("PATH: $PATH\n"); for my $cmd (qw/kpsewhich updmap fmtutil tlmgr tex pdftex mktexpk dvips dvipdfmx/) { info("$cmd: " . TeXLive::TLUtils::which($cmd) . "\n"); } info("=========================== active config files ==========================\n"); for my $m (qw/texmf.cnf updmap.cfg/) { for my $f (`kpsewhich -all $m`) { info("$m: $f"); } } for my $m (qw/fmtutil.cnf config.ps mktex.cnf pdftexconfig.tex/) { info("$m: " . `kpsewhich $m`); } #tlwarn("$prg: missing finding of XDvi, config!\n"); info("============================= font map files =============================\n"); for my $m (qw/psfonts.map pdftex.map ps2pk.map kanjix.map/) { info("$m: " . `kpsewhich $m`); } info("=========================== kpathsea variables ===========================\n"); for my $v (qw/TEXMFMAIN TEXMFDIST TEXMFLOCAL TEXMFSYSVAR TEXMFSYSCONFIG TEXMFVAR TEXMFCONFIG TEXMFHOME VARTEXFONTS TEXMF SYSTEXMF TEXMFDBS WEB2C TEXPSHEADERS TEXCONFIG ENCFONTS TEXFONTMAPS/) { info("$v=" . `kpsewhich -var-value=$v`); } info("==== kpathsea variables from environment only (ok if no output here) ====\n"); my @envVars = qw/ AFMFONTS BIBINPUTS BSTINPUTS CMAPFONTS CWEBINPUTS ENCFONTS GFFONTS GLYPHFONTS INDEXSTYLE LIGFONTS MFBASES MFINPUTS MFPOOL MFTINPUTS MISCFONTS MPINPUTS MPMEMS MPPOOL MPSUPPORT OCPINPUTS OFMFONTS OPENTYPEFONTS OPLFONTS OTPINPUTS OVFFONTS OVPFONTS PDFTEXCONFIG PKFONTS PSHEADERS SFDFONTS T1FONTS T1INPUTS T42FONTS TEXBIB TEXCONFIG TEXDOCS TEXFONTMAPS TEXFONTS TEXFORMATS TEXINDEXSTYLE TEXINPUTS TEXMFCNF TEXMFDBS TEXMFINI TEXMFSCRIPTS TEXPICTS TEXPKS TEXPOOL TEXPSHEADERS TEXSOURCES TFMFONTS TRFONTS TTFONTS VFFONTS WEB2C WEBINPUTS /; for my $v (@envVars) { if (defined($ENV{$v})) { info("$v=$ENV{$v}\n"); } } } # Action key # # general key management # # tlmgr key list # tlmgr key add # tlmgr key remove sub action_key { my $arg = shift @ARGV; if (!defined($arg)) { tlwarn("missing arguments to action `key'\n"); return $F_ERROR; } $arg = lc($arg); if ($arg =~ /^(add|remove|list)$/) { handle_gpg_config_settings(); if (!$::gpg) { tlwarn("gnupg is not found or not set up, cannot continue with action `key'\n"); return $F_ERROR; } chomp (my $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`); my $local_keyring = "$Master/tlpkg/gpg/repository-keys.gpg"; if ($arg eq 'list') { debug("running $::gpg --list-keys\n"); system("$::gpg --list-keys"); return $F_OK; } elsif ($arg eq 'remove') { my $what = shift @ARGV; if (!$what) { tlwarn("missing argument to `key remove'\n"); return $F_ERROR; } # we need to make sure that $local_keyring exists. if (! -r $local_keyring) { tlwarn("no local keyring available, cannot remove!\n"); return $F_ERROR; } debug("running: $::gpg --primary-keyring repository-keys.gpg --delete-key $what\n"); my ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("$::gpg --primary-keyring repository-keys.gpg --delete-key \"$what\" 2>&1"); if ($ret == 0) { info("key successfully removed\n"); return $F_OK; } else { tlwarn("key removal failed, output:\n$out\n"); return $F_ERROR; } } elsif ($arg eq 'add') { my $what = shift @ARGV; if (!$what) { tlwarn("missing argument to `key add'\n"); return $F_ERROR; } # we need to make sure that $local_keyring is existent! if (! -r $local_keyring) { open(FOO, ">$local_keyring") || die("Cannot create $local_keyring: $!"); close(FOO); } debug("running: $::gpg --primary-keyring repository-keys.gpg --import $what\n"); my ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("$::gpg --primary-keyring repository-keys.gpg --import \"$what\" 2>&1"); if ($ret == 0) { info("key successfully imported\n"); return $F_OK; } else { tlwarn("key import failed, output:\n$out\n"); return $F_ERROR; } } else { tldie("should not be reached: tlmgr key $arg\n"); } } else { tlwarn("unknown directive `$arg' to action `key'\n"); return $F_ERROR; } return $F_OK; } # Subroutines galore. # # set global $location variable. # # argument $should_i_die specifies what is requried # to suceed during initialization. # # undef or false: TLPDB needs to be found and initialized, but # support programs need not be found # 1 : TLPDB initialized and support programs must work # 2 : not even TLPDB needs to be found # if we cannot read tlpdb, die if arg SHOULD_I_DIE is true. # # if an argument is given and is true init_local_db will die if # setting up of programs failed. # sub init_local_db { my ($should_i_die) = @_; defined($should_i_die) or ($should_i_die = 0); # if the localtlpdb is already defined do simply return here already # to make sure that the settings in the local tlpdb do not overwrite # stuff changed via the GUI return if defined $localtlpdb; $localtlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ( root => $::maintree ); if (!defined($localtlpdb)) { if ($should_i_die == 2) { return undef; } else { die("cannot setup TLPDB in $::maintree"); } } # setup the programs, for w32 we need the shipped wget/xz etc, so we # pass the location of these files to setup_programs. if (!setup_programs("$Master/tlpkg/installer", $localtlpdb->platform)) { tlwarn("$prg: Couldn't set up the necessary programs.\nInstallation of packages is not supported.\nPlease report to texlive\@tug.org.\n"); if (defined($should_i_die) && $should_i_die) { return ($F_ERROR); } else { tlwarn("$prg: Continuing anyway ...\n"); return ($F_WARNING); } } # let cmd line options override the settings in localtlpdb my $loc = norm_tlpdb_path($localtlpdb->option("location")); if (defined($loc)) { $location = $loc; } if (defined($opts{"location"})) { $location = $opts{"location"}; } if (!defined($location)) { die("$prg: No installation source found: neither in texlive.tlpdb nor on command line.\n$prg: Please specify one!"); } if ($location =~ m/^ctan$/i) { $location = "$TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveURL"; } # we normalize the path only if it is # - a url starting with neither http or ftp # - if we are on Windows, it does not start with Drive:[\/] if (! ( $location =~ m!^(http|ftp)://!i || (win32() && (!(-e $location) || ($location =~ m!^.:[\\/]!) ) ) ) ) { # seems to be a local path, try to normalize it my $testloc = abs_path($location); # however, if we were given a url, that will get "normalized" to the # empty string, it not being a path. Restore the original value if so. $location = $testloc if $testloc; } } sub handle_gpg_config_settings { # setup gpg if available # by default we setup gpg # default value my $do_setup_gpg = 1; # the value is set in the config file if (defined($config{'verify-downloads'})) { $do_setup_gpg = $config{'verify-downloads'}; } # command line if (defined($opts{'verify-downloads'})) { $do_setup_gpg = $opts{'verify-downloads'}; } # now we know whether we setup gpg or not if ($do_setup_gpg) { if (TeXLive::TLCrypto::setup_gpg($Master)) { debug("will verify cryptographic signatures\n") } else { my $prefix = "$prg: No gpg found"; # just to shorten the strings if ($opts{'verify-downloads'}) { # verification was requested on the command line, but did not succeed, die tldie("$prefix, verification explicitly requested on command line, quitting.\n"); } if ($config{'verify-downloads'}) { # verification explicitely requested in config file, but not gpg, die tldie("$prefix, verification explicitly requested in config file, quitting.\n"); } # it was requested via the default setting, so just debug it # the list of repositories will contain verified/not verified statements debug ("$prefix, verification implicitly requested, " . "continuing without verification\n"); } } else { # we do not setup gpg: when explicitly requested, be silent, otherwise info my $prefix = "$prg: not setting up gpg"; if (defined($opts{'verify-downloads'})) { # log normally is *NOT* logged to a file # tlmgr does by default *NOT* set up a log file (cmd line option) # user requested it, so don't bother with output debug("$prefix, requested on command line\n"); } elsif (defined($config{'verify-downloads'})) { debug("$prefix, requested in config file\n"); } else { tldie("$prg: how could this happen? gpg setup.\n"); } } } # initialize the global $remotetlpdb object, or die. # uses the global $location. # sub init_tlmedia_or_die { my ($ret, $err) = init_tlmedia(); if (!$ret) { tldie("$prg: $err\n"); } } sub init_tlmedia { # first check if $location contains multiple locations # in this case we go to virtual mode #my %repos = repository_to_array($localtlpdb->option("location")); my %repos = repository_to_array($location); my @tags = keys %repos; # if we have only one repo, but this one contains a name tag #.... # then we remove it and save the local tlpdb if ($#tags == 0 && ($location =~ m/#/)) { $location = $repos{$tags[0]}; $localtlpdb->option("location", $location); $localtlpdb->save; %repos = repository_to_array($location); } # checksums and gpg stuff if (TeXLive::TLCrypto::setup_checksum_method()) { # it is only possible to do gpg verification if we can # find a checksum method # do the gpg stuff only when loading the remote tlpdb handle_gpg_config_settings(); } else { if (!$config{'no-checksums'}) { tlwarn(<new(); $remotetlpdb->make_virtual; my $locstr = $repos{'main'}; my ($tlmdb, $errormsg) = setup_one_remotetlpdb($locstr); if (!defined($tlmdb)) { return (0, $errormsg); } $remotetlpdb->virtual_add_tlpdb($tlmdb, "main"); for my $t (@tags) { if ($t ne 'main') { my ($tlmdb, $errormsg) = setup_one_remotetlpdb($repos{$t}); if (!defined($tlmdb)) { return(0, $errormsg); } $remotetlpdb->virtual_add_tlpdb($tlmdb, $t); $locstr .= " $repos{$t}"; } } # now check/setup pinning if (!$opts{"pin-file"}) { # check for pinning file in TEXMFLOCAL/tlpkg/pinning.txt chomp (my $TEXMFLOCAL = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFLOCAL`); debug("trying to load pinning file $TEXMFLOCAL/tlpkg/pinning.txt\n"); # since we use TLConfFile it does not matter if the file # is not existing, it will be treated properly in TLConfFile $opts{"pin-file"} = "$TEXMFLOCAL/tlpkg/pinning.txt"; } $pinfile = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($opts{"pin-file"}, "#", ":", 'multiple'); $remotetlpdb->virtual_pinning($pinfile); # this "location-url" line should not be changed since GUI programs # depend on it: print "location-url\t$locstr\n" if $::machinereadable; info("$prg: package repositories\n"); my $verstat = ""; if (!$remotetlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb('main')->is_verified) { $verstat = ": "; $verstat .= $remotetlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb('main')->verification_status; } info("\tmain = " . $repos{'main'} . " (" . ($remotetlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb('main')->is_verified ? "" : "not ") . "verified$verstat)\n"); for my $t (@tags) { if ($t ne 'main') { $verstat = ""; if (!$remotetlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb($t)->is_verified) { $verstat = ": "; $verstat .= $remotetlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb($t)->verification_status; } info("\t$t = " . $repos{$t} . " (" . ($remotetlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb($t)->is_verified ? "" : "not ") . "verified$verstat)\n"); } } return 1; } sub _init_tlmedia { # if we are already initialized to the same location, nothing # needs to be done. # if we are initialized to a virtual tlpdb, then we have to # do in any case an initialization if (defined($remotetlpdb) && !$remotetlpdb->is_virtual && ($remotetlpdb->root eq $location)) { # nothing to be done return 1; } # choose a mirror if we are asked. if ($location =~ m/^ctan$/i) { $location = give_ctan_mirror(); } elsif ($location =~ m,^$TeXLiveServerURL,) { my $mirrorbase = TeXLive::TLUtils::give_ctan_mirror_base(); $location =~ s,^$TeXLiveServerURL,$mirrorbase,; } my $errormsg; ($remotetlpdb, $errormsg) = setup_one_remotetlpdb($location); if (!defined($remotetlpdb)) { return(0, $errormsg); } # this "location-url" line should not be changed since GUI programs # depend on it: if ($::machinereadable) { print "location-url\t$location\n"; } else { my $verstat = ""; if (!$remotetlpdb->is_verified) { $verstat = ": "; $verstat .= $remotetlpdb->verification_status; } info("$prg: package repository $location (" . ($remotetlpdb->is_verified ? "" : "not ") . "verified$verstat)\n"); } return 1; } sub setup_one_remotetlpdb { my $location = shift; my $remotetlpdb; # TODO # check if that is already loaded!!! # choose a mirror if we are asked. if ($location =~ m/^ctan$/i) { $location = give_ctan_mirror(); } elsif ($location =~ m,^$TeXLiveServerURL,) { my $mirrorbase = TeXLive::TLUtils::give_ctan_mirror_base(); $location =~ s,^$TeXLiveServerURL,$mirrorbase,; } # if we talk about a net location try to download the hash of the tlpdb # - if that is possible, check for the locally saved file and if the hash # agrees load the local copy if present instead of the remote one, # if the hashes disagree, load the remote tlpdb # - if that does not work assume we are offline or target not reachable, # so warn the user and use saved, but note that installation will # not work my $local_copy_tlpdb_used = 0; if ($location =~ m;^(http|ftp)://;) { # first check that the saved tlpdb is present at all my $loc_digest = TeXLive::TLCrypto::tl_short_digest($location); my $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb = "$Master/$InfraLocation/texlive.tlpdb.$loc_digest"; ddebug("loc_digest = $loc_digest\n"); ddebug("loc_copy = $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb\n"); if (-r $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb) { ddebug("loc copy found!\n"); # we found the tlpdb matching the current location # check for the remote hash my $path = "$location/$InfraLocation/$DatabaseName.$TeXLive::TLConfig::ChecksumExtension"; ddebug("remote path of digest = $path\n"); my ($ret,$msg) = TeXLive::TLCrypto::verify_checksum($loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb, $path); if ($ret == -1) { info(<new(root => $location, tlpdbfile => $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb); $local_copy_tlpdb_used = 1; } elsif ($ret == -2) { # the remote database has not be signed, warn debug("$prg: remote database is not signed, continuing anyway!\n"); } elsif ($ret == -3) { # no gpg available debug("$prg: no gpg available for verification, continuing anyway!\n"); } elsif ($ret == -4) { # pubkey missing debug("$prg: $msg, continuing anyway!\n"); } elsif ($ret == 1) { # no problem, checksum is wrong, we need to get new tlpdb } elsif ($ret == 2) { # umpf, signature error # TODO should we die here? Probably yes because one of # checksum file or signature file has changed! tldie("$prg: verification of checksum for $location failed: $msg\n"); } elsif ($ret == 0) { $remotetlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new(root => $location, tlpdbfile => $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb); $local_copy_tlpdb_used = 1; # we did verify this tlpdb, make sure that is recorded $remotetlpdb->is_verified(1); } else { tldie("$prg: unexpected return value from verify_checksum: $ret\n"); } } } if (!$local_copy_tlpdb_used) { $remotetlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new(root => $location, verify => 1); } if (!defined($remotetlpdb)) { return(undef, $loadmediasrcerror . $location); } if ($opts{"require-verification"} && !$remotetlpdb->is_verified) { tldie("Remote TeX Live database ($location) is not verified, exiting.\n"); } # we allow a range of years to be specified by the remote tlpdb # for which it might work. # the lower limit is TLPDB->config_minrelease # the upper limit is TLPDB->config_release # if the later is not present only the year in config_release is accepted # checks are done on the first 4 digits only # Why only the first four places: some optional network distributions # might use # release/2009-foobar # If it should work for 2009 and 2010, please use # minrelease/2009-foobar # release/2010-foobar my $texlive_release = $remotetlpdb->config_release; my $texlive_minrelease = $remotetlpdb->config_minrelease; my $rroot = $remotetlpdb->root; if (!defined($texlive_release)) { return(undef, "The installation repository ($rroot) does not specify a " . "release year for which it was prepared, goodbye."); } # still here, so we have $texlive_release defined my $texlive_release_year = $texlive_release; $texlive_release_year =~ s/^(....).*$/$1/; if ($texlive_release_year !~ m/^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) { return(undef, "The installation repository ($rroot) does not specify a " . "valid release year, goodbye: $texlive_release"); } # so $texlive_release_year is numeric, good if (defined($texlive_minrelease)) { # we specify a range of years! my $texlive_minrelease_year = $texlive_minrelease; $texlive_minrelease_year =~ s/^(....).*$/$1/; if ($texlive_minrelease_year !~ m/^[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) { return(undef, "The installation repository ($rroot) does not specify a " . "valid minimal release year, goodbye: $texlive_minrelease"); } # ok, all numeric and fine, check for range if ($TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear < $texlive_minrelease_year || $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear > $texlive_release_year) { return (undef, "The TeX Live versions supported by the repository $rroot ($texlive_minrelease_year--$texlive_release_year) do not include the version of the local installation ($TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear)."); } } else { # $texlive_minrelease not defined, so only one year is valid if ($texlive_release_year != $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear) { return(undef, "The TeX Live versions of the local installation and the repository are not compatible: local: $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear repository: $texlive_release_year ($rroot) (Perhaps you need to use a different CTAN mirror? Just a guess.)"); } } # check for being frozen if ($remotetlpdb->option("frozen")) { my $frozen_msg = <:unix", $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb)) { # that should be only a debug statement, since a user without # write permission might have done a tlmgr search --global or # similar &debug("Cannot save remote TeX Live database to $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb: $!\n"); } else { &debug("writing out tlpdb to $loc_copy_of_remote_tlpdb\n"); $remotetlpdb->writeout($tlfh); close($tlfh); } } return($remotetlpdb); } # finish handles the -pause option (wait for input from stdin), # and then exits unless the global $::gui_mode is set, in which case we # merely return. # sub finish { my ($ret) = @_; if ($ret > 0) { print "$prg: exiting unsuccessfully (status $ret).\n"; } if ($::gui_mode) { return $ret; } else { exit($ret); } } # tlmgr config file handling. These config files are located in # TEXMFCONFIG/tlmgr/config, thus specific for each user. # # format: # key=value # sub load_config_file { # # first set default values $config{"gui-expertmode"} = 1; $config{"auto-remove"} = 1; $config{"require-verification"} = 0; $config{"persistent-downloads"} = 1; # do NOT set this here, we distinguish between explicitly set in the config file # or implicitly true # $config{"verify-downloads"} = 1; # loads system config file, this cannot be changes with tlmgr chomp (my $TEXMFSYSCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFSYSCONFIG`); my $fnsys = "$TEXMFSYSCONFIG/tlmgr/config"; my $tlmgr_sys_config_file = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($fnsys, "#", "="); load_options_from_config($tlmgr_sys_config_file, 'sys') if $tlmgr_sys_config_file; chomp (my $TEXMFCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFCONFIG`); my $fn = "$TEXMFCONFIG/tlmgr/config"; $tlmgr_config_file = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($fn, "#", "="); load_options_from_config($tlmgr_config_file) if $tlmgr_config_file; # set $opts{"key"} from $config{"key"} if not passed in on cmd line if (!defined($opts{"require-verification"})) { $opts{"require-verification"} = $config{"require-verification"}; } if (!defined($opts{"persistent-downloads"})) { $opts{"persistent-downloads"} = $config{"persistent-downloads"}; } # switched names for this one after initial release. if ($tlmgr_config_file->key_present("gui_expertmode")) { $tlmgr_config_file->rename_key("gui_expertmode", "gui-expertmode"); } } sub load_options_from_config { my ($tlmgr_config_file, $sysmode) = @_; my $fn = $tlmgr_config_file->file; for my $key ($tlmgr_config_file->keys) { my $val = $tlmgr_config_file->value($key); if ($key eq "gui-expertmode") { if ($val eq "0") { $config{"gui-expertmode"} = 0; } elsif ($val eq "1") { $config{"gui-expertmode"} = 1; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown value for gui-expertmode: $val\n"); } } elsif ($key eq "persistent-downloads") { if (($val eq "0") || ($val eq "1")) { $config{'persistent-downloads'} = $val; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown value for persistent-downloads: $val\n"); } } elsif ($key eq "gui-lang") { $config{'gui-lang'} = $val; } elsif ($key eq "auto-remove") { if ($val eq "0") { $config{"auto-remove"} = 0; } elsif ($val eq "1") { $config{"auto-remove"} = 1; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown value for auto-remove: $val\n"); } } elsif ($key eq "require-verification") { if ($val eq "0") { $config{"require-verification"} = 0; } elsif ($val eq "1") { $config{"require-verification"} = 1; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown value for require-verification: $val\n"); } } elsif ($key eq "verify-downloads") { if ($val eq "0") { $config{"verify-downloads"} = 0; } elsif ($val eq "1") { $config{"verify-downloads"} = 1; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown value for verify-downloads: $val\n"); } } elsif ($key eq "no-checksums") { if ($val eq "1") { $config{"no-checksums"} = 1; } elsif ($val eq "0") { $config{"no-checksums"} = 0; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown value for no-checksums: $val\n"); } } elsif ($sysmode) { # keys here are only allowed in sys mode if ($key eq "allowed-actions") { my @acts = split(/,/, $val); $config{'allowed-actions'} = \@acts; } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown tlmgr configuration variable: $key\n"); } } else { tlwarn("$prg: $fn: Unknown tlmgr configuration variable: $key\n"); } } } sub write_config_file { if (!defined($tlmgr_config_file)) { chomp (my $TEXMFCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFCONFIG`); my $dn = "$TEXMFCONFIG/tlmgr"; my $fn = "$dn/config"; # create a new one $tlmgr_config_file = TeXLive::TLConfFile->new($fn, "#", "="); } for my $k (keys %config) { # it doesn't hurt to save all config settings as we check in TLConfFile # if the value has actually changed $tlmgr_config_file->value($k, $config{$k}); } # make sure that deleted config entries are carried over for my $k ($tlmgr_config_file->keys) { if (not(defined($config{$k}))) { $tlmgr_config_file->delete_key($k); } } if ($tlmgr_config_file->is_changed) { $tlmgr_config_file->save; } } # if the packagelog variable is set then write to PACKAGELOG filehandle # sub logpackage { if ($packagelogfile) { $packagelogged++; my $tim = localtime(); print PACKAGELOG "[$tim] @_\n"; } } # resolve relative paths from tlpdb wrt tlroot sub norm_tlpdb_path { my ($path) = @_; return if (!defined($path)); $path =~ s!\\!/!; # just return if absolute path return $path if ($path =~ m!^/|:!); init_local_db() unless defined($localtlpdb); return $localtlpdb->root . "/$path"; } # clear the backup dir for $pkg and keep only $autobackup packages # mind that with $autobackup == 0 all packages are cleared # sub clear_old_backups { my ($pkg, $backupdir, $autobackup, $dry, $v) = @_; my $verb = ($v ? 1 : 0); my $dryrun = 0; $dryrun = 1 if ($dry); # keep arbitrary many backups return if ($autobackup == -1); opendir (DIR, $backupdir) || die "opendir($backupdir) failed: $!"; my @dirents = readdir (DIR); closedir (DIR) || warn "closedir($backupdir) failed: $!"; my @backups; for my $dirent (@dirents) { next if (-d $dirent); next if ($dirent !~ m/^$pkg\.r([0-9]+)\.tar\.xz$/); push @backups, $1; } my $i = 1; for my $e (reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @backups) { if ($i > $autobackup) { # only echo out if explicitly asked for verbose which is done # in the backup --clean action if ($verb) { info ("Removing backup $backupdir/$pkg.r$e.tar.xz\n"); } else { debug ("Removing backup $backupdir/$pkg.r$e.tar.xz\n"); } unlink("$backupdir/$pkg.r$e.tar.xz") unless $dryrun; } $i++; } } # check for updates to tlcritical packages # sub check_for_critical_updates { my ($localtlpdb, $mediatlpdb) = @_; my $criticalupdate = 0; my @critical = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-no-collections", $localtlpdb, @CriticalPackagesList); my @critical_upd; for my $pkg (sort @critical) { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!defined($tlp)) { # that should not happen, we expanded in the localtlpdb so why # should it not be present, any anyway, those are so fundamental # so they have to be there tlwarn("\n$prg: Fundamental package $pkg not present, uh oh, goodbye"); die "Should not happen, $pkg not found"; } my $localrev = $tlp->revision; my $mtlp = $mediatlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!defined($mtlp)) { debug("Very surprising, $pkg is not present in the remote tlpdb.\n"); next; } my $remoterev = $mtlp->revision; push (@critical_upd, $pkg) if ($remoterev > $localrev); } return(@critical_upd); } sub critical_updates_warning { tlwarn("=" x 79, "\n"); tlwarn("tlmgr itself needs to be updated.\n"); tlwarn("Please do this via either\n"); tlwarn(" tlmgr update --self\n"); tlwarn("or by getting the latest updater for Unix-ish systems:\n"); tlwarn(" $TeXLiveURL/update-tlmgr-latest.sh\n"); tlwarn("and/or Windows systems:\n"); tlwarn(" $TeXLiveURL/update-tlmgr-latest.exe\n"); tlwarn("Then continue with other updates as usual.\n"); tlwarn("=" x 79, "\n"); } # # our compare function for package sorting, which makes sure that # packages with .ARCH names are sorted *before* the main packages sub packagecmp { my $aa = $a; my $bb = $b; # remove the part after the . if at all present $aa =~ s/\..*$//; $bb =~ s/\..*$//; if ($aa lt $bb) { return -1; } elsif ($aa gt $bb) { return 1; } else { # the parts before the . are the same # sort the .something *before* the ones without if ($a eq $aa && $b eq $bb) { return 0; } elsif ($a eq $aa) { # so $a = foobar # and $b = foobar.something # this is the special case where we want to invert the order return 1; } elsif ($b eq $bb) { # so $a = foobar.something # and $b = foobar return -1; } else { return ($a cmp $b); } } } sub check_on_writable { return 1 if $opts{"usermode"}; if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::dir_writable("$Master/tlpkg")) { tlwarn("You don't have permission to change the installation in any way,\n"); tlwarn("specifically, the directory $Master/tlpkg/ is not writable.\n"); tlwarn("Please run this program as administrator, or contact your local admin.\n"); if ($opts{"dry-run"}) { tlwarn("$prg: Continuing due to --dry-run\n"); return 1; } else { return 0; } } return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME tlmgr - the native TeX Live Manager =head1 SYNOPSIS tlmgr [I