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LH1DLHHt(HH=HArEt3H軳H5:1議LH1AWAVAUATUSHHH_(HIDHHH{H踰uIT$I4$HLMl$0Il$ HtufLuHLQtyLHtfLsL}MuOM6Mt@I~Lnameb && b->namea && a->master_fileb && b->master_fileunable to remove '%s'unable to write file '%s'mvfork failedunable to execute %s (%s)wait for subprocess %s failedunable to open file '%s'invalid statusmaster linkslave nameduplicate slave link %smaster filepriorityslave filepriority of %s: %sunable to close file '%s'slave linkduplicate slave name %sduplicate path %s%s/%s.dpkg-tmpunable to read link '%.255s'not replacing %s with a linklink group %s fully removedfs->master_filewunable to create file '%s'unable to flush file '%s'unable to sync file '%s'auto-repair link group %sread error in %.250s--set-selections[%s %s] Skip invalid line: %sSkip unknown alternative %s./var/lib/dpkgnone/usr/share/localeDPKG_ADMINDIRsetvbuf failed--unknown argument '%s'--help--versionDebian %s version %s. 1.18.25--verbose--quiet--installpriority must be an integerpriority is out of range--remove--set--%s needs --display--query--auto--config--list--remove-all--%s needs --all--get-selections--slave--log--%s needs a argument--altdir--admindir--skip-auto--forceunknown option '%s'no alternatives for %srun with %s%-30s %-8s %s Name: %sLink: %sSlaves: %s %sStatus: %sBest: %sValue: %sAlternative: %sPriority: %d/var/log/alternatives.log/etc/alternativesUse '%s --help' for program usage information.two commands specified: --%s and --%sstatus of link group %s set to %salternative path is not absolute as it should be: %salternative link is not absolute as it should be: %sunexpected end of file while trying to read %sline not terminated while trying to read %s link best version not available../../utils/update-alternatives.cThere are %d choices for the alternative %s (providing %s).There is %d choice for the alternative %s (providing %s).------------------------------------------------------------Press to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: There is no program which provides %s.There is only one alternative in link group %s (providing %s): %salternative name (%s) must not contain '/' and spacescannot scan directory '%.255s'%s/%s is dangling; it will be updated with best choice%s/%s has been changed (manually or by a script); switching to manual updates onlysetting up automatic selection of %salternative %s for %s not registered; not settingerror creating symbolic link '%.255s'newlines prohibited in update-alternatives files (%s)unable to install '%.250s' as '%.250s'slave link same as main link %salternative %s (part of link group %s) doesn't exist; removing from list of alternativespriority of %s is out of range: %sskip creation of %s because associated file %s (of link group %s) doesn't existcan't install unknown choice %snot removing %s since it's not a symlinklink group %s updated to point to %susing %s to provide %s (%s) in auto modeusing %s to provide %s (%s) in manual modelink group %s updated with changed slavesupdating alternative %s because link group %s has changed slave linkscurrent alternative %s is unknown, switching to %s for link group %sdiscarding obsolete slave link %s (%s)forcing reinstallation of alternative %s because link group %s is brokenline too long or not terminated while trying to read %sAlternative %s unchanged because choice %s is not available.Usage: %s [