#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0; """AtomPubClient provides CRUD ops. in line with the Atom Publishing Protocol. """ # __author__ = 'j.s@google.com (Jeff Scudder)' import atom.http_core class Error(Exception): pass class MissingHost(Error): pass class AtomPubClient(object): host = None auth_token = None ssl = False # Whether to force all requests over https xoauth_requestor_id = None def __init__(self, http_client=None, host=None, auth_token=None, source=None, xoauth_requestor_id=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new AtomPubClient instance. Args: source: The name of your application. http_client: An object capable of performing HTTP requests through a request method. This object is used to perform the request when the AtomPubClient's request method is called. Used to allow HTTP requests to be directed to a mock server, or use an alternate library instead of the default of httplib to make HTTP requests. host: str The default host name to use if a host is not specified in the requested URI. auth_token: An object which sets the HTTP Authorization header when its modify_request method is called. """ self.http_client = http_client or atom.http_core.ProxiedHttpClient() if host is not None: self.host = host if auth_token is not None: self.auth_token = auth_token self.xoauth_requestor_id = xoauth_requestor_id self.source = source def request(self, method=None, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs): """Performs an HTTP request to the server indicated. Uses the http_client instance to make the request. Args: method: The HTTP method as a string, usually one of 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', or 'DELETE' uri: The URI desired as a string or atom.http_core.Uri. http_request: auth_token: An authorization token object whose modify_request method sets the HTTP Authorization header. Returns: The results of calling self.http_client.request. With the default http_client, this is an HTTP response object. """ # Modify the request based on the AtomPubClient settings and parameters # passed in to the request. http_request = self.modify_request(http_request) if isinstance(uri, str): uri = atom.http_core.Uri.parse_uri(uri) if uri is not None: uri.modify_request(http_request) if isinstance(method, str): http_request.method = method # Any unrecognized arguments are assumed to be capable of modifying the # HTTP request. for name, value in kwargs.items(): if value is not None: if hasattr(value, 'modify_request'): value.modify_request(http_request) else: http_request.uri.query[name] = str(value) # Default to an http request if the protocol scheme is not set. if http_request.uri.scheme is None: http_request.uri.scheme = 'http' # Override scheme. Force requests over https. if self.ssl: http_request.uri.scheme = 'https' if http_request.uri.path is None: http_request.uri.path = '/' # Add the Authorization header at the very end. The Authorization header # value may need to be calculated using information in the request. if auth_token: auth_token.modify_request(http_request) elif self.auth_token: self.auth_token.modify_request(http_request) # Check to make sure there is a host in the http_request. if http_request.uri.host is None: raise MissingHost('No host provided in request %s %s' % ( http_request.method, str(http_request.uri))) # Perform the fully specified request using the http_client instance. # Sends the request to the server and returns the server's response. return self.http_client.request(http_request) Request = request def get(self, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs): """Performs a request using the GET method, returns an HTTP response.""" return self.request(method='GET', uri=uri, auth_token=auth_token, http_request=http_request, **kwargs) Get = get def post(self, uri=None, data=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs): """Sends data using the POST method, returns an HTTP response.""" return self.request(method='POST', uri=uri, auth_token=auth_token, http_request=http_request, data=data, **kwargs) Post = post def put(self, uri=None, data=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs): """Sends data using the PUT method, returns an HTTP response.""" return self.request(method='PUT', uri=uri, auth_token=auth_token, http_request=http_request, data=data, **kwargs) Put = put def delete(self, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs): """Performs a request using the DELETE method, returns an HTTP response.""" return self.request(method='DELETE', uri=uri, auth_token=auth_token, http_request=http_request, **kwargs) Delete = delete def modify_request(self, http_request): """Changes the HTTP request before sending it to the server. Sets the User-Agent HTTP header and fills in the HTTP host portion of the URL if one was not included in the request (for this it uses the self.host member if one is set). This method is called in self.request. Args: http_request: An atom.http_core.HttpRequest() (optional) If one is not provided, a new HttpRequest is instantiated. Returns: An atom.http_core.HttpRequest() with the User-Agent header set and if this client has a value in its host member, the host in the request URL is set. """ if http_request is None: http_request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest() if self.host is not None and http_request.uri.host is None: http_request.uri.host = self.host if self.xoauth_requestor_id is not None: http_request.uri.query['xoauth_requestor_id'] = self.xoauth_requestor_id # Set the user agent header for logging purposes. if self.source: http_request.headers['User-Agent'] = '%s gdata-py/2.0.18' % self.source else: http_request.headers['User-Agent'] = 'gdata-py/2.0.17' return http_request ModifyRequest = modify_request class CustomHeaders(object): """Add custom headers to an http_request. Usage: >>> custom_headers = atom.client.CustomHeaders(header1='value1', header2='value2') >>> client.get(uri, custom_headers=custom_headers) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a CustomHeaders instance. Initialize the headers dictionary with the arguments list. """ self.headers = kwargs def modify_request(self, http_request): """Changes the HTTP request before sending it to the server. Adds the custom headers to the HTTP request. Args: http_request: An atom.http_core.HttpRequest(). Returns: An atom.http_core.HttpRequest() with the added custom headers. """ for name, value in self.headers.items(): if value is not None: http_request.headers[name] = value return http_request