#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0; """Data model classes for parsing and generating XML for the Blogger API.""" # __author__ = 'j.s@google.com (Jeff Scudder)' import re import urllib.parse import atom.core import gdata.data LABEL_SCHEME = 'http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#' THR_TEMPLATE = '{http://purl.org/syndication/thread/1.0}%s' BLOG_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile('(http://)(\w*)') BLOG_ID_PATTERN = re.compile('(tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-)(\w*)') BLOG_ID2_PATTERN = re.compile('tag:blogger.com,1999:user-(\d+)\.blog-(\d+)') POST_ID_PATTERN = re.compile( '(tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-)(\w*)(.post-)(\w*)') PAGE_ID_PATTERN = re.compile( '(tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-)(\w*)(.page-)(\w*)') COMMENT_ID_PATTERN = re.compile('.*-(\w*)$') class BloggerEntry(gdata.data.GDEntry): """Adds convenience methods inherited by all Blogger entries.""" def get_blog_id(self): """Extracts the Blogger id of this blog. This method is useful when contructing URLs by hand. The blog id is often used in blogger operation URLs. This should not be confused with the id member of a BloggerBlog. The id element is the Atom id XML element. The blog id which this method returns is a part of the Atom id. Returns: The blog's unique id as a string. """ if self.id.text: match = BLOG_ID_PATTERN.match(self.id.text) if match: return match.group(2) else: return BLOG_ID2_PATTERN.match(self.id.text).group(2) return None GetBlogId = get_blog_id def get_blog_name(self): """Finds the name of this blog as used in the 'alternate' URL. An alternate URL is in the form 'http://blogName.blogspot.com/'. For an entry representing the above example, this method would return 'blogName'. Returns: The blog's URL name component as a string. """ for link in self.link: if link.rel == 'alternate': return urllib.parse.urlparse(link.href)[1].split(".", 1)[0] return None GetBlogName = get_blog_name class Blog(BloggerEntry): """Represents a blog which belongs to the user.""" class BlogFeed(gdata.data.GDFeed): entry = [Blog] class BlogPost(BloggerEntry): """Represents a single post on a blog.""" def add_label(self, label): """Adds a label to the blog post. The label is represented by an Atom category element, so this method is shorthand for appending a new atom.Category object. Args: label: str """ self.category.append(atom.data.Category(scheme=LABEL_SCHEME, term=label)) AddLabel = add_label def get_post_id(self): """Extracts the postID string from the entry's Atom id. Returns: A string of digits which identify this post within the blog. """ if self.id.text: return POST_ID_PATTERN.match(self.id.text).group(4) return None GetPostId = get_post_id class BlogPostFeed(gdata.data.GDFeed): entry = [BlogPost] class BlogPage(BloggerEntry): """Represents a single page on a blog.""" def get_page_id(self): """Extracts the pageID string from entry's Atom id. Returns: A string of digits which identify this post within the blog. """ if self.id.text: return PAGE_ID_PATTERN.match(self.id.text).group(4) return None GetPageId = get_page_id class BlogPageFeed(gdata.data.GDFeed): entry = [BlogPage] class InReplyTo(atom.core.XmlElement): _qname = THR_TEMPLATE % 'in-reply-to' href = 'href' ref = 'ref' source = 'source' type = 'type' class Comment(BloggerEntry): """Blog post comment entry in a feed listing comments on a post or blog.""" in_reply_to = InReplyTo def get_comment_id(self): """Extracts the commentID string from the entry's Atom id. Returns: A string of digits which identify this post within the blog. """ if self.id.text: return COMMENT_ID_PATTERN.match(self.id.text).group(1) return None GetCommentId = get_comment_id class CommentFeed(gdata.data.GDFeed): entry = [Comment]