# # Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0; """CalendarClient extends the GDataService to streamline Google Calendar operations. CalendarService: Provides methods to query feeds and manipulate items. Extends GDataService. DictionaryToParamList: Function which converts a dictionary into a list of URL arguments (represented as strings). This is a utility function used in CRUD operations. """ # __author__ = 'alainv (Alain Vongsouvanh)' import gdata.calendar.data import gdata.client import gdata.gauth DEFAULT_BATCH_URL = ('https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/private' '/full/batch') class CalendarClient(gdata.client.GDClient): """Client for the Google Calendar service.""" api_version = '2' auth_service = 'cl' server = "www.google.com" contact_list = "default" auth_scopes = gdata.gauth.AUTH_SCOPES['cl'] def __init__(self, domain=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Constructs a new client for the Calendar API. Args: domain: string The Google Apps domain (if any). kwargs: The other parameters to pass to the gdata.client.GDClient constructor. """ gdata.client.GDClient.__init__(self, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) self.domain = domain def get_calendar_feed_uri(self, feed='', projection='full', scheme="https"): """Builds a feed URI. Args: projection: The projection to apply to the feed contents, for example 'full', 'base', 'base/12345', 'full/batch'. Default value: 'full'. scheme: The URL scheme such as 'http' or 'https', None to return a relative URI without hostname. Returns: A feed URI using the given scheme and projection. Example: '/calendar/feeds/default/owncalendars/full'. """ prefix = scheme and '%s://%s' % (scheme, self.server) or '' suffix = feed and '/%s/%s' % (feed, projection) or '' return '%s/calendar/feeds/default%s' % (prefix, suffix) GetCalendarFeedUri = get_calendar_feed_uri def get_calendar_event_feed_uri(self, calendar='default', visibility='private', projection='full', scheme="https"): """Builds a feed URI. Args: projection: The projection to apply to the feed contents, for example 'full', 'base', 'base/12345', 'full/batch'. Default value: 'full'. scheme: The URL scheme such as 'http' or 'https', None to return a relative URI without hostname. Returns: A feed URI using the given scheme and projection. Example: '/calendar/feeds/default/private/full'. """ prefix = scheme and '%s://%s' % (scheme, self.server) or '' return '%s/calendar/feeds/%s/%s/%s' % (prefix, calendar, visibility, projection) GetCalendarEventFeedUri = get_calendar_event_feed_uri def get_calendars_feed(self, uri, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarFeed, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a calendar feed. Args: uri: The uri of the calendar feed to request. desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarFeed. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.get_feed(uri, auth_token=auth_token, desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs) GetCalendarsFeed = get_calendars_feed def get_own_calendars_feed(self, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarFeed, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a feed containing the calendars owned by the current user. Args: desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarFeed. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.GetCalendarsFeed(uri=self.GetCalendarFeedUri(feed='owncalendars'), desired_class=desired_class, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) GetOwnCalendarsFeed = get_own_calendars_feed def get_all_calendars_feed(self, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarFeed, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a feed containing all the ccalendars the current user has access to. Args: desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarFeed. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.GetCalendarsFeed(uri=self.GetCalendarFeedUri(feed='allcalendars'), desired_class=desired_class, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) GetAllCalendarsFeed = get_all_calendars_feed def get_calendar_entry(self, uri, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEntry, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a single calendar entry. Args: uri: The uri of the desired calendar entry. desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEntry. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.get_entry(uri, auth_token=auth_token, desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs) GetCalendarEntry = get_calendar_entry def get_calendar_event_feed(self, uri=None, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEventFeed, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a feed of events for the desired calendar. Args: uri: The uri of the desired calendar entry. Defaults to https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/private/full. desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEventFeed. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ uri = uri or self.GetCalendarEventFeedUri() return self.get_feed(uri, auth_token=auth_token, desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs) GetCalendarEventFeed = get_calendar_event_feed def get_event_entry(self, uri, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEventEntry, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a single event entry. Args: uri: The uri of the desired calendar event entry. desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarEventEntry. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.get_entry(uri, auth_token=auth_token, desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs) GetEventEntry = get_event_entry def get_calendar_acl_feed(self, uri='https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/acl/full', desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarAclFeed, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains an Access Control List feed. Args: uri: The uri of the desired Acl feed. Defaults to https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/acl/full. desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarAclFeed. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.get_feed(uri, auth_token=auth_token, desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs) GetCalendarAclFeed = get_calendar_acl_feed def get_calendar_acl_entry(self, uri, desired_class=gdata.calendar.data.CalendarAclEntry, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Obtains a single Access Control List entry. Args: uri: The uri of the desired Acl feed. desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a successful response should be converted. If there is no converter function specified (desired_class=None) then the desired_class will be used in calling the atom.core.parse function. If neither the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an HTTP reponse object will be returned. Defaults to gdata.calendar.data.CalendarAclEntry. auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its modify_request method. Recommended classes include gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken among others. Represents the current user. Defaults to None and if None, this method will look for a value in the auth_token member of SpreadsheetsClient. """ return self.get_entry(uri, auth_token=auth_token, desired_class=desired_class, **kwargs) GetCalendarAclEntry = get_calendar_acl_entry def insert_calendar(self, new_calendar, insert_uri=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Adds an new calendar to Google Calendar. Args: new_calendar: atom.Entry or subclass A new calendar which is to be added to Google Calendar. insert_uri: the URL to post new contacts to the feed url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the contact created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ insert_uri = insert_uri or self.GetCalendarFeedUri(feed='owncalendars') return self.Post(new_calendar, insert_uri, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) InsertCalendar = insert_calendar def insert_calendar_subscription(self, calendar, insert_uri=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Subscribes the authenticated user to the provided calendar. Args: calendar: The calendar to which the user should be subscribed. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the subscription created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ insert_uri = insert_uri or self.GetCalendarFeedUri(feed='allcalendars') return self.Post(calendar, insert_uri, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) InsertCalendarSubscription = insert_calendar_subscription def insert_event(self, new_event, insert_uri=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Adds an new event to Google Calendar. Args: new_event: atom.Entry or subclass A new event which is to be added to Google Calendar. insert_uri: the URL to post new contacts to the feed url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the contact created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ insert_uri = insert_uri or self.GetCalendarEventFeedUri() return self.Post(new_event, insert_uri, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) InsertEvent = insert_event def insert_acl_entry(self, new_acl_entry, insert_uri='https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/acl/full', auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Adds an new Acl entry to Google Calendar. Args: new_acl_event: atom.Entry or subclass A new acl which is to be added to Google Calendar. insert_uri: the URL to post new contacts to the feed url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the contact created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ return self.Post(new_acl_entry, insert_uri, auth_token=auth_token, **kwargs) InsertAclEntry = insert_acl_entry def execute_batch(self, batch_feed, url, desired_class=None): """Sends a batch request feed to the server. Args: batch_feed: gdata.contacts.CalendarEventFeed A feed containing batch request entries. Each entry contains the operation to be performed on the data contained in the entry. For example an entry with an operation type of insert will be used as if the individual entry had been inserted. url: str The batch URL to which these operations should be applied. converter: Function (optional) The function used to convert the server's response to an object. Returns: The results of the batch request's execution on the server. If the default converter is used, this is stored in a ContactsFeed. """ return self.Post(batch_feed, url, desired_class=desired_class) ExecuteBatch = execute_batch def update(self, entry, auth_token=None, **kwargs): """Edits the entry on the server by sending the XML for this entry. Performs a PUT and converts the response to a new entry object with a matching class to the entry passed in. Args: entry: auth_token: Returns: A new Entry object of a matching type to the entry which was passed in. """ return gdata.client.GDClient.Update(self, entry, auth_token=auth_token, force=True, **kwargs) Update = update class CalendarEventQuery(gdata.client.Query): """ Create a custom Calendar Query Full specs can be found at: U{Calendar query parameters reference } """ def __init__(self, feed=None, ctz=None, fields=None, futureevents=None, max_attendees=None, orderby=None, recurrence_expansion_start=None, recurrence_expansion_end=None, singleevents=None, showdeleted=None, showhidden=None, sortorder=None, start_min=None, start_max=None, updated_min=None, **kwargs): """ @param max_results: The maximum number of entries to return. If you want to receive all of the contacts, rather than only the default maximum, you can specify a very large number for max-results. @param start-index: The 1-based index of the first result to be retrieved. @param updated-min: The lower bound on entry update dates. @param group: Constrains the results to only the contacts belonging to the group specified. Value of this parameter specifies group ID @param orderby: Sorting criterion. The only supported value is lastmodified. @param showdeleted: Include deleted contacts in the returned contacts feed @pram sortorder: Sorting order direction. Can be either ascending or descending. @param requirealldeleted: Only relevant if showdeleted and updated-min are also provided. It dictates the behavior of the server in case it detects that placeholders of some entries deleted since the point in time specified as updated-min may have been lost. """ gdata.client.Query.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.ctz = ctz self.fields = fields self.futureevents = futureevents self.max_attendees = max_attendees self.orderby = orderby self.recurrence_expansion_start = recurrence_expansion_start self.recurrence_expansion_end = recurrence_expansion_end self.singleevents = singleevents self.showdeleted = showdeleted self.showhidden = showhidden self.sortorder = sortorder self.start_min = start_min self.start_max = start_max self.updated_min = updated_min def modify_request(self, http_request): if self.ctz: gdata.client._add_query_param('ctz', self.ctz, http_request) if self.fields: gdata.client._add_query_param('fields', self.fields, http_request) if self.futureevents: gdata.client._add_query_param('futureevents', self.futureevents, http_request) if self.max_attendees: gdata.client._add_query_param('max-attendees', self.max_attendees, http_request) if self.orderby: gdata.client._add_query_param('orderby', self.orderby, http_request) if self.recurrence_expansion_start: gdata.client._add_query_param('recurrence-expansion-start', self.recurrence_expansion_start, http_request) if self.recurrence_expansion_end: gdata.client._add_query_param('recurrence-expansion-end', self.recurrence_expansion_end, http_request) if self.singleevents: gdata.client._add_query_param('singleevents', self.singleevents, http_request) if self.showdeleted: gdata.client._add_query_param('showdeleted', self.showdeleted, http_request) if self.showhidden: gdata.client._add_query_param('showhidden', self.showhidden, http_request) if self.sortorder: gdata.client._add_query_param('sortorder', self.sortorder, http_request) if self.start_min: gdata.client._add_query_param('start-min', self.start_min, http_request) if self.start_max: gdata.client._add_query_param('start-max', self.start_max, http_request) if self.updated_min: gdata.client._add_query_param('updated-min', self.updated_min, http_request) gdata.client.Query.modify_request(self, http_request) ModifyRequest = modify_request