# # Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0; """CalendarService extends the GDataService to streamline Google Calendar operations. CalendarService: Provides methods to query feeds and manipulate items. Extends GDataService. DictionaryToParamList: Function which converts a dictionary into a list of URL arguments (represented as strings). This is a utility function used in CRUD operations. """ # __author__ = 'api.vli (Vivian Li)' import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request import gdata import gdata.calendar import gdata.service DEFAULT_BATCH_URL = ('http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/private' '/full/batch') class Error(Exception): pass class RequestError(Error): pass class CalendarService(gdata.service.GDataService): """Client for the Google Calendar service.""" def __init__(self, email=None, password=None, source=None, server='www.google.com', additional_headers=None, **kwargs): """Creates a client for the Google Calendar service. Args: email: string (optional) The user's email address, used for authentication. password: string (optional) The user's password. source: string (optional) The name of the user's application. server: string (optional) The name of the server to which a connection will be opened. Default value: 'www.google.com'. **kwargs: The other parameters to pass to gdata.service.GDataService constructor. """ gdata.service.GDataService.__init__( self, email=email, password=password, service='cl', source=source, server=server, additional_headers=additional_headers, **kwargs) def GetCalendarEventFeed(self, uri='/calendar/feeds/default/private/full'): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventFeedFromString) def GetCalendarEventEntry(self, uri): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntryFromString) def GetCalendarListFeed(self, uri='/calendar/feeds/default/allcalendars/full'): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListFeedFromString) def GetAllCalendarsFeed(self, uri='/calendar/feeds/default/allcalendars/full'): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListFeedFromString) def GetOwnCalendarsFeed(self, uri='/calendar/feeds/default/owncalendars/full'): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListFeedFromString) def GetCalendarListEntry(self, uri): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListEntryFromString) def GetCalendarAclFeed(self, uri='/calendar/feeds/default/acl/full'): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarAclFeedFromString) def GetCalendarAclEntry(self, uri): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarAclEntryFromString) def GetCalendarEventCommentFeed(self, uri): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventCommentFeedFromString) def GetCalendarEventCommentEntry(self, uri): return self.Get(uri, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventCommentEntryFromString) def Query(self, uri, converter=None): """Performs a query and returns a resulting feed or entry. Args: feed: string The feed which is to be queried Returns: On success, a GDataFeed or Entry depending on which is sent from the server. On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ if converter: result = self.Get(uri, converter=converter) else: result = self.Get(uri) return result def CalendarQuery(self, query): if isinstance(query, CalendarEventQuery): return self.Query(query.ToUri(), converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventFeedFromString) elif isinstance(query, CalendarListQuery): return self.Query(query.ToUri(), converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListFeedFromString) elif isinstance(query, CalendarEventCommentQuery): return self.Query(query.ToUri(), converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventCommentFeedFromString) else: return self.Query(query.ToUri()) def InsertEvent(self, new_event, insert_uri, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Adds an event to Google Calendar. Args: new_event: atom.Entry or subclass A new event which is to be added to Google Calendar. insert_uri: the URL to post new events to the feed url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the event created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ return self.Post(new_event, insert_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntryFromString) def InsertCalendarSubscription(self, calendar, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Subscribes the authenticated user to the provided calendar. Args: calendar: The calendar to which the user should be subscribed. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the subscription created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ insert_uri = '/calendar/feeds/default/allcalendars/full' return self.Post(calendar, insert_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListEntryFromString) def InsertCalendar(self, new_calendar, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Creates a new calendar. Args: new_calendar: The calendar to be created url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the calendar created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ insert_uri = '/calendar/feeds/default/owncalendars/full' response = self.Post(new_calendar, insert_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListEntryFromString) return response def UpdateCalendar(self, calendar, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Updates a calendar. Args: calendar: The calendar which should be updated url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the calendar created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ update_uri = calendar.GetEditLink().href response = self.Put(data=calendar, uri=update_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarListEntryFromString) return response def InsertAclEntry(self, new_entry, insert_uri, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Adds an ACL entry (rule) to Google Calendar. Args: new_entry: atom.Entry or subclass A new ACL entry which is to be added to Google Calendar. insert_uri: the URL to post new entries to the ACL feed url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the ACL entry created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ return self.Post(new_entry, insert_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarAclEntryFromString) def InsertEventComment(self, new_entry, insert_uri, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Adds an entry to Google Calendar. Args: new_entry: atom.Entry or subclass A new entry which is to be added to Google Calendar. insert_uri: the URL to post new entrys to the feed url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful insert, an entry containing the comment created On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ return self.Post(new_entry, insert_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventCommentEntryFromString) def _RemoveStandardUrlPrefix(self, url): url_prefix = 'http://%s/' % self.server if url.startswith(url_prefix): return url[len(url_prefix) - 1:] return url def DeleteEvent(self, edit_uri, extra_headers=None, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Removes an event with the specified ID from Google Calendar. Args: edit_uri: string The edit URL of the entry to be deleted. Example: 'http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/private/full/abx' url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the deletion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful delete, a httplib.HTTPResponse containing the server's response to the DELETE request. On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ edit_uri = self._RemoveStandardUrlPrefix(edit_uri) return self.Delete('%s' % edit_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params) def DeleteAclEntry(self, edit_uri, extra_headers=None, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Removes an ACL entry at the given edit_uri from Google Calendar. Args: edit_uri: string The edit URL of the entry to be deleted. Example: 'http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/liz%40gmail.com/acl/full/default' url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the deletion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful delete, a httplib.HTTPResponse containing the server's response to the DELETE request. On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ edit_uri = self._RemoveStandardUrlPrefix(edit_uri) return self.Delete('%s' % edit_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params) def DeleteCalendarEntry(self, edit_uri, extra_headers=None, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Removes a calendar entry at the given edit_uri from Google Calendar. Args: edit_uri: string The edit URL of the entry to be deleted. Example: 'http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/default/allcalendars/abcdef@group.calendar.google.com' url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the deletion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful delete, True is returned On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ return self.Delete(edit_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params) def UpdateEvent(self, edit_uri, updated_event, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Updates an existing event. Args: edit_uri: string The edit link URI for the element being updated updated_event: string, atom.Entry, or subclass containing the Atom Entry which will replace the event which is stored at the edit_url url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the update request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful update, a httplib.HTTPResponse containing the server's response to the PUT request. On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ edit_uri = self._RemoveStandardUrlPrefix(edit_uri) return self.Put(updated_event, '%s' % edit_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntryFromString) def UpdateAclEntry(self, edit_uri, updated_rule, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Updates an existing ACL rule. Args: edit_uri: string The edit link URI for the element being updated updated_rule: string, atom.Entry, or subclass containing the Atom Entry which will replace the event which is stored at the edit_url url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the update request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: On successful update, a httplib.HTTPResponse containing the server's response to the PUT request. On failure, a RequestError is raised of the form: {'status': HTTP status code from server, 'reason': HTTP reason from the server, 'body': HTTP body of the server's response} """ edit_uri = self._RemoveStandardUrlPrefix(edit_uri) return self.Put(updated_rule, '%s' % edit_uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarAclEntryFromString) def ExecuteBatch(self, batch_feed, url, converter=gdata.calendar.CalendarEventFeedFromString): """Sends a batch request feed to the server. The batch request needs to be sent to the batch URL for a particular calendar. You can find the URL by calling GetBatchLink().href on the CalendarEventFeed. Args: batch_feed: gdata.calendar.CalendarEventFeed A feed containing batch request entries. Each entry contains the operation to be performed on the data contained in the entry. For example an entry with an operation type of insert will be used as if the individual entry had been inserted. url: str The batch URL for the Calendar to which these operations should be applied. converter: Function (optional) The function used to convert the server's response to an object. The default value is CalendarEventFeedFromString. Returns: The results of the batch request's execution on the server. If the default converter is used, this is stored in a CalendarEventFeed. """ return self.Post(batch_feed, url, converter=converter) class CalendarEventQuery(gdata.service.Query): def __init__(self, user='default', visibility='private', projection='full', text_query=None, params=None, categories=None): gdata.service.Query.__init__(self, feed='http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/%s/%s/%s' % ( urllib.parse.quote(user), urllib.parse.quote(visibility), urllib.parse.quote(projection)), text_query=text_query, params=params, categories=categories) def _GetStartMin(self): if 'start-min' in list(self.keys()): return self['start-min'] else: return None def _SetStartMin(self, val): self['start-min'] = val start_min = property(_GetStartMin, _SetStartMin, doc="""The start-min query parameter""") def _GetStartMax(self): if 'start-max' in list(self.keys()): return self['start-max'] else: return None def _SetStartMax(self, val): self['start-max'] = val start_max = property(_GetStartMax, _SetStartMax, doc="""The start-max query parameter""") def _GetOrderBy(self): if 'orderby' in list(self.keys()): return self['orderby'] else: return None def _SetOrderBy(self, val): if val is not 'lastmodified' and val is not 'starttime': raise Error("Order By must be either 'lastmodified' or 'starttime'") self['orderby'] = val orderby = property(_GetOrderBy, _SetOrderBy, doc="""The orderby query parameter""") def _GetSortOrder(self): if 'sortorder' in list(self.keys()): return self['sortorder'] else: return None def _SetSortOrder(self, val): if (val is not 'ascending' and val is not 'descending' and val is not 'a' and val is not 'd' and val is not 'ascend' and val is not 'descend'): raise Error("Sort order must be either ascending, ascend, " + ( "a or descending, descend, or d")) self['sortorder'] = val sortorder = property(_GetSortOrder, _SetSortOrder, doc="""The sortorder query parameter""") def _GetSingleEvents(self): if 'singleevents' in list(self.keys()): return self['singleevents'] else: return None def _SetSingleEvents(self, val): self['singleevents'] = val singleevents = property(_GetSingleEvents, _SetSingleEvents, doc="""The singleevents query parameter""") def _GetFutureEvents(self): if 'futureevents' in list(self.keys()): return self['futureevents'] else: return None def _SetFutureEvents(self, val): self['futureevents'] = val futureevents = property(_GetFutureEvents, _SetFutureEvents, doc="""The futureevents query parameter""") def _GetRecurrenceExpansionStart(self): if 'recurrence-expansion-start' in list(self.keys()): return self['recurrence-expansion-start'] else: return None def _SetRecurrenceExpansionStart(self, val): self['recurrence-expansion-start'] = val recurrence_expansion_start = property(_GetRecurrenceExpansionStart, _SetRecurrenceExpansionStart, doc="""The recurrence-expansion-start query parameter""") def _GetRecurrenceExpansionEnd(self): if 'recurrence-expansion-end' in list(self.keys()): return self['recurrence-expansion-end'] else: return None def _SetRecurrenceExpansionEnd(self, val): self['recurrence-expansion-end'] = val recurrence_expansion_end = property(_GetRecurrenceExpansionEnd, _SetRecurrenceExpansionEnd, doc="""The recurrence-expansion-end query parameter""") def _SetTimezone(self, val): self['ctz'] = val def _GetTimezone(self): if 'ctz' in list(self.keys()): return self['ctz'] else: return None ctz = property(_GetTimezone, _SetTimezone, doc="""The ctz query parameter which sets report time on the server.""") class CalendarListQuery(gdata.service.Query): """Queries the Google Calendar meta feed""" def __init__(self, userId=None, text_query=None, params=None, categories=None): if userId is None: userId = 'default' gdata.service.Query.__init__(self, feed='http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/' + userId, text_query=text_query, params=params, categories=categories) class CalendarEventCommentQuery(gdata.service.Query): """Queries the Google Calendar event comments feed""" def __init__(self, feed=None): gdata.service.Query.__init__(self, feed=feed)