# Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0;

"""Contains the data classes of the Yahoo! Media RSS Extension"""

# __author__ = 'j.s@google.com (Jeff Scudder)'

import atom.core

MEDIA_TEMPLATE = '{http://search.yahoo.com/mrss//}%s'

class MediaCategory(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media category."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'category'
    scheme = 'scheme'
    label = 'label'

class MediaCopyright(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media copyright."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'copyright'
    url = 'url'

class MediaCredit(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media credit."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'credit'
    role = 'role'
    scheme = 'scheme'

class MediaDescription(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media description."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'description'
    type = 'type'

class MediaHash(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media hash."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'hash'
    algo = 'algo'

class MediaKeywords(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media keywords."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'keywords'

class MediaPlayer(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media player."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'player'
    height = 'height'
    width = 'width'
    url = 'url'

class MediaRating(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media rating."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'rating'
    scheme = 'scheme'

class MediaRestriction(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media restriction."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'restriction'
    relationship = 'relationship'
    type = 'type'

class MediaText(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media text."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'text'
    end = 'end'
    lang = 'lang'
    type = 'type'
    start = 'start'

class MediaThumbnail(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media thumbnail."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'thumbnail'
    time = 'time'
    url = 'url'
    width = 'width'
    height = 'height'

class MediaTitle(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media title."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'title'
    type = 'type'

class MediaContent(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media content."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'content'
    bitrate = 'bitrate'
    is_default = 'isDefault'
    medium = 'medium'
    height = 'height'
    credit = [MediaCredit]
    language = 'language'
    hash = MediaHash
    width = 'width'
    player = MediaPlayer
    url = 'url'
    file_size = 'fileSize'
    channels = 'channels'
    expression = 'expression'
    text = [MediaText]
    samplingrate = 'samplingrate'
    title = MediaTitle
    category = [MediaCategory]
    rating = [MediaRating]
    type = 'type'
    description = MediaDescription
    framerate = 'framerate'
    thumbnail = [MediaThumbnail]
    duration = 'duration'
    copyright = MediaCopyright
    keywords = MediaKeywords
    restriction = [MediaRestriction]

class MediaGroup(atom.core.XmlElement):
    """Describes a media group."""
    _qname = MEDIA_TEMPLATE % 'group'
    credit = [MediaCredit]
    content = [MediaContent]
    copyright = MediaCopyright
    description = MediaDescription
    category = [MediaCategory]
    player = MediaPlayer
    rating = [MediaRating]
    hash = MediaHash
    title = MediaTitle
    keywords = MediaKeywords
    restriction = [MediaRestriction]
    thumbnail = [MediaThumbnail]
    text = [MediaText]