# # Copyright (C) 2008 Yu-Jie Lin # # Licensed under the Apache License 2.0; """GWebmasterToolsService extends the GDataService to streamline Google Webmaster Tools operations. GWebmasterToolsService: Provides methods to query feeds and manipulate items. Extends GDataService. """ # __author__ = 'livibetter (Yu-Jie Lin)' import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request import atom import atom.service import gdata import gdata.service import gdata.webmastertools as webmastertools FEED_BASE = 'https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/feeds/' SITES_FEED = FEED_BASE + 'sites/' SITE_TEMPLATE = SITES_FEED + '%s' SITEMAPS_FEED_TEMPLATE = FEED_BASE + '%(site_id)s/sitemaps/' SITEMAP_TEMPLATE = SITEMAPS_FEED_TEMPLATE + '%(sitemap_id)s' class Error(Exception): pass class RequestError(Error): pass class GWebmasterToolsService(gdata.service.GDataService): """Client for the Google Webmaster Tools service.""" def __init__(self, email=None, password=None, source=None, server='www.google.com', **kwargs): """Creates a client for the Google Webmaster Tools service. Args: email: string (optional) The user's email address, used for authentication. password: string (optional) The user's password. source: string (optional) The name of the user's application. server: string (optional) The name of the server to which a connection will be opened. Default value: 'www.google.com'. **kwargs: The other parameters to pass to gdata.service.GDataService constructor. """ gdata.service.GDataService.__init__( self, email=email, password=password, service='sitemaps', source=source, server=server, **kwargs) def GetSitesFeed(self, uri=SITES_FEED, converter=webmastertools.SitesFeedFromString): """Gets sites feed. Args: uri: str (optional) URI to retrieve sites feed. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitesFeedFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesFeed object. """ return self.Get(uri, converter=converter) def AddSite(self, site_uri, uri=SITES_FEED, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Adds a site to Google Webmaster Tools. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add. uri: str (optional) URI to add a site. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitesEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesEntry object. """ site_entry = webmastertools.SitesEntry() site_entry.content = atom.Content(src=site_uri) response = self.Post(site_entry, uri, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitesEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def DeleteSite(self, site_uri, uri=SITE_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Removes a site from Google Webmaster Tools. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to remove. uri: str (optional) A URI template to send DELETE request. Default SITE_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: True if the delete succeeded. """ return self.Delete( uri % urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params) def VerifySite(self, site_uri, verification_method, uri=SITE_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Requests a verification of a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. verification_method: str The method to verify a site. Valid values are 'htmlpage', and 'metatag'. uri: str (optional) URI template to update a site. Default SITE_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesEntry object. """ site_entry = webmastertools.SitesEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=site_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sites-info'), verification_method=webmastertools.VerificationMethod( type=verification_method, in_use='true') ) response = self.Put( site_entry, uri % urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitesEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def UpdateGeoLocation(self, site_uri, geolocation, uri=SITE_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Updates geolocation setting of a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. geolocation: str The geographic location. Valid values are listed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 uri: str (optional) URI template to update a site. Default SITE_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesEntry object. """ site_entry = webmastertools.SitesEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=site_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sites-info'), geolocation=webmastertools.GeoLocation(text=geolocation) ) response = self.Put( site_entry, uri % urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitesEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def UpdateCrawlRate(self, site_uri, crawl_rate, uri=SITE_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Updates crawl rate setting of a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. crawl_rate: str The crawl rate for a site. Valid values are 'slower', 'normal', and 'faster'. uri: str (optional) URI template to update a site. Default SITE_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesEntry object. """ site_entry = webmastertools.SitesEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=site_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sites-info'), crawl_rate=webmastertools.CrawlRate(text=crawl_rate) ) response = self.Put( site_entry, uri % urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitesEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def UpdatePreferredDomain(self, site_uri, preferred_domain, uri=SITE_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Updates preferred domain setting of a site. Note that if using 'preferwww', will also need www.example.com in account to take effect. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. preferred_domain: str The preferred domain for a site. Valid values are 'none', 'preferwww', and 'prefernowww'. uri: str (optional) URI template to update a site. Default SITE_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesEntry object. """ site_entry = webmastertools.SitesEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=site_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sites-info'), preferred_domain=webmastertools.PreferredDomain(text=preferred_domain) ) response = self.Put( site_entry, uri % urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitesEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def UpdateEnhancedImageSearch(self, site_uri, enhanced_image_search, uri=SITE_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Updates enhanced image search setting of a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. enhanced_image_search: str The enhanced image search setting for a site. Valid values are 'true', and 'false'. uri: str (optional) URI template to update a site. Default SITE_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitesEntry object. """ site_entry = webmastertools.SitesEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=site_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sites-info'), enhanced_image_search=webmastertools.EnhancedImageSearch( text=enhanced_image_search) ) response = self.Put( site_entry, uri % urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitesEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def GetSitemapsFeed(self, site_uri, uri=SITEMAPS_FEED_TEMPLATE, converter=webmastertools.SitemapsFeedFromString): """Gets sitemaps feed of a site. Args: site_uri: str (optional) URI of which site to retrieve its sitemaps feed. uri: str (optional) URI to retrieve sites feed. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsFeedFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitemapsFeed object. """ return self.Get(uri % {'site_id': urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri)}, converter=converter) def AddSitemap(self, site_uri, sitemap_uri, sitemap_type='WEB', uri=SITEMAPS_FEED_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Adds a regular sitemap to a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. sitemap_uri: str URI of sitemap to add to a site. sitemap_type: str Type of added sitemap. Valid types: WEB, VIDEO, or CODE. uri: str (optional) URI template to add a sitemap. Default SITEMAP_FEED_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitemapsEntry object. """ sitemap_entry = webmastertools.SitemapsEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=sitemap_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sitemap-regular'), sitemap_type=webmastertools.SitemapType(text=sitemap_type)) response = self.Post( sitemap_entry, uri % {'site_id': urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri)}, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitemapsEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def AddMobileSitemap(self, site_uri, sitemap_uri, sitemap_mobile_markup_language='XHTML', uri=SITEMAPS_FEED_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Adds a mobile sitemap to a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. sitemap_uri: str URI of sitemap to add to a site. sitemap_mobile_markup_language: str Format of added sitemap. Valid types: XHTML, WML, or cHTML. uri: str (optional) URI template to add a sitemap. Default SITEMAP_FEED_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitemapsEntry object. """ # FIXME sitemap_entry = webmastertools.SitemapsEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=sitemap_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sitemap-mobile'), sitemap_mobile_markup_language= \ webmastertools.SitemapMobileMarkupLanguage( text=sitemap_mobile_markup_language)) print(sitemap_entry) response = self.Post( sitemap_entry, uri % {'site_id': urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri)}, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitemapsEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def AddNewsSitemap(self, site_uri, sitemap_uri, sitemap_news_publication_label, uri=SITEMAPS_FEED_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True, converter=None): """Adds a news sitemap to a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to add sitemap for. sitemap_uri: str URI of sitemap to add to a site. sitemap_news_publication_label: str, list of str Publication Labels for sitemap. uri: str (optional) URI template to add a sitemap. Default SITEMAP_FEED_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. converter: func (optional) Function which is executed on the server's response before it is returned. Usually this is a function like SitemapsEntryFromString which will parse the response and turn it into an object. Returns: If converter is defined, the results of running converter on the server's response. Otherwise, it will be a SitemapsEntry object. """ sitemap_entry = webmastertools.SitemapsEntry( atom_id=atom.Id(text=sitemap_uri), category=atom.Category( scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind', term='http://schemas.google.com/webmasters/tools/2007#sitemap-news'), sitemap_news_publication_label=[], ) if isinstance(sitemap_news_publication_label, str): sitemap_news_publication_label = [sitemap_news_publication_label] for label in sitemap_news_publication_label: sitemap_entry.sitemap_news_publication_label.append( webmastertools.SitemapNewsPublicationLabel(text=label)) print(sitemap_entry) response = self.Post( sitemap_entry, uri % {'site_id': urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri)}, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params, converter=converter) if not converter and isinstance(response, atom.Entry): return webmastertools.SitemapsEntryFromString(response.ToString()) return response def DeleteSitemap(self, site_uri, sitemap_uri, uri=SITEMAP_TEMPLATE, url_params=None, escape_params=True): """Removes a sitemap from a site. Args: site_uri: str URI of which site to remove a sitemap from. sitemap_uri: str URI of sitemap to remove from a site. uri: str (optional) A URI template to send DELETE request. Default SITEMAP_TEMPLATE. url_params: dict (optional) Additional URL parameters to be included in the insertion request. escape_params: boolean (optional) If true, the url_parameters will be escaped before they are included in the request. Returns: True if the delete succeeded. """ return self.Delete( uri % {'site_id': urllib.parse.quote_plus(site_uri), 'sitemap_id': urllib.parse.quote_plus(sitemap_uri)}, url_params=url_params, escape_params=escape_params)