# Author: Trevor Perrin # See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file. """Classes for reading/writing binary data (such as TLS records).""" from __future__ import division import sys import struct from struct import pack class Writer(object): """Serialisation helper for complex byte-based structures.""" def __init__(self): """Initialise the serializer with no data.""" self.bytes = bytearray(0) def addOne(self, val): """Add a single-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" self.bytes.append(val) if sys.version_info < (2, 7): # struct.pack on Python2.6 does not raise exception if the value # is larger than can fit inside the specified size def addTwo(self, val): """Add a double-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" if not 0 <= val <= 0xffff: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") self.bytes += pack('>H', val) def addThree(self, val): """Add a three-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" if not 0 <= val <= 0xffffff: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") self.bytes += pack('>BH', val >> 16, val & 0xffff) def addFour(self, val): """Add a four-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" if not 0 <= val <= 0xffffffff: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") self.bytes += pack('>I', val) else: def addTwo(self, val): """Add a double-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" try: self.bytes += pack('>H', val) except struct.error: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") def addThree(self, val): """Add a three-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" try: self.bytes += pack('>BH', val >> 16, val & 0xffff) except struct.error: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") def addFour(self, val): """Add a four-byte wide element to buffer, see add().""" try: self.bytes += pack('>I', val) except struct.error: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): # the method is called thousands of times, so it's better to extern # the version info check def add(self, x, length): """ Add a single positive integer value x, encode it in length bytes Encode positive integer x in big-endian format using length bytes, add to the internal buffer. :type x: int :param x: value to encode :type length: int :param length: number of bytes to use for encoding the value """ try: self.bytes += x.to_bytes(length, 'big') except OverflowError: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified length") else: _addMethods = {1: addOne, 2: addTwo, 3: addThree, 4: addFour} def add(self, x, length): """ Add a single positive integer value x, encode it in length bytes Encode positive iteger x in big-endian format using length bytes, add to the internal buffer. :type x: int :param x: value to encode :type length: int :param length: number of bytes to use for encoding the value """ try: self._addMethods[length](self, x) except KeyError: self.bytes += bytearray(length) newIndex = len(self.bytes) - 1 for i in range(newIndex, newIndex - length, -1): self.bytes[i] = x & 0xFF x >>= 8 if x != 0: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified " "length") def addFixSeq(self, seq, length): """ Add a list of items, encode every item in length bytes Uses the unbounded iterable seq to produce items, each of which is then encoded to length bytes :type seq: iterable of int :param seq: list of positive integers to encode :type length: int :param length: number of bytes to which encode every element """ for e in seq: self.add(e, length) if sys.version_info < (2, 7): # struct.pack on Python2.6 does not raise exception if the value # is larger than can fit inside the specified size def _addVarSeqTwo(self, seq): """Helper method for addVarSeq""" if not all(0 <= i <= 0xffff for i in seq): raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified " "length") self.bytes += pack('>' + 'H' * len(seq), *seq) def addVarSeq(self, seq, length, lengthLength): """ Add a bounded list of same-sized values Create a list of specific length with all items being of the same size :type seq: list of int :param seq: list of positive integers to encode :type length: int :param length: amount of bytes in which to encode every item :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: amount of bytes in which to encode the overall length of the array """ self.add(len(seq)*length, lengthLength) if length == 1: self.bytes.extend(seq) elif length == 2: self._addVarSeqTwo(seq) else: for i in seq: self.add(i, length) else: def addVarSeq(self, seq, length, lengthLength): """ Add a bounded list of same-sized values Create a list of specific length with all items being of the same size :type seq: list of int :param seq: list of positive integers to encode :type length: int :param length: amount of bytes in which to encode every item :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: amount of bytes in which to encode the overall length of the array """ seqLen = len(seq) self.add(seqLen*length, lengthLength) if length == 1: self.bytes.extend(seq) elif length == 2: try: self.bytes += pack('>' + 'H' * seqLen, *seq) except struct.error: raise ValueError("Can't represent value in specified " "length") else: for i in seq: self.add(i, length) def addVarTupleSeq(self, seq, length, lengthLength): """ Add a variable length list of same-sized element tuples. Note that all tuples must have the same size. Inverse of Parser.getVarTupleList() :type seq: enumerable :param seq: list of tuples :type length: int :param length: length of single element in tuple :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: length in bytes of overall length field """ if not seq: self.add(0, lengthLength) else: startPos = len(self.bytes) dataLength = len(seq) * len(seq[0]) * length self.add(dataLength, lengthLength) # since at the time of writing, all the calls encode single byte # elements, and it's very easy to speed up that case, give it # special case if length == 1: for elemTuple in seq: self.bytes.extend(elemTuple) else: for elemTuple in seq: self.addFixSeq(elemTuple, length) if startPos + dataLength + lengthLength != len(self.bytes): raise ValueError("Tuples of different lengths") class Parser(object): """ Parser for TLV and LV byte-based encodings. Parser that can handle arbitrary byte-based encodings usually employed in Type-Length-Value or Length-Value binary encoding protocols like ASN.1 or TLS Note: if the raw bytes don't match expected values (like trying to read a 4-byte integer from a 2-byte buffer), most methods will raise a SyntaxError exception. TODO: don't use an exception used by language parser to indicate errors in application code. :vartype bytes: bytearray :ivar bytes: data to be interpreted (buffer) :vartype index: int :ivar index: current position in the buffer :vartype lengthCheck: int :ivar lengthCheck: size of struct being parsed :vartype indexCheck: int :ivar indexCheck: position at which the structure begins in buffer """ def __init__(self, bytes): """ Bind raw bytes with parser. :type bytes: bytearray :param bytes: bytes to be parsed/interpreted """ self.bytes = bytes self.index = 0 self.indexCheck = 0 self.lengthCheck = 0 def get(self, length): """ Read a single big-endian integer value encoded in 'length' bytes. :type length: int :param length: number of bytes in which the value is encoded in :rtype: int """ if self.index + length > len(self.bytes): raise SyntaxError() x = 0 for _ in range(length): x <<= 8 x |= self.bytes[self.index] self.index += 1 return x def getFixBytes(self, lengthBytes): """ Read a string of bytes encoded in 'lengthBytes' bytes. :type lengthBytes: int :param lengthBytes: number of bytes to return :rtype: bytearray """ if self.index + lengthBytes > len(self.bytes): raise SyntaxError() bytes = self.bytes[self.index : self.index+lengthBytes] self.index += lengthBytes return bytes def getVarBytes(self, lengthLength): """ Read a variable length string with a fixed length. :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: number of bytes in which the length of the string is encoded in :rtype: bytearray """ lengthBytes = self.get(lengthLength) return self.getFixBytes(lengthBytes) def getFixList(self, length, lengthList): """ Read a list of static length with same-sized ints. :type length: int :param length: size in bytes of a single element in list :type lengthList: int :param lengthList: number of elements in list :rtype: list of int """ l = [0] * lengthList for x in range(lengthList): l[x] = self.get(length) return l def getVarList(self, length, lengthLength): """ Read a variable length list of same-sized integers. :type length: int :param length: size in bytes of a single element :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: size of the encoded length of the list :rtype: list of int """ lengthList = self.get(lengthLength) if lengthList % length != 0: raise SyntaxError() lengthList = lengthList // length l = [0] * lengthList for x in range(lengthList): l[x] = self.get(length) return l def getVarTupleList(self, elemLength, elemNum, lengthLength): """ Read a variable length list of same sized tuples. :type elemLength: int :param elemLength: length in bytes of single tuple element :type elemNum: int :param elemNum: number of elements in tuple :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: length in bytes of the list length variable :rtype: list of tuple of int """ lengthList = self.get(lengthLength) if lengthList % (elemLength * elemNum) != 0: raise SyntaxError() tupleCount = lengthList // (elemLength * elemNum) tupleList = [] for _ in range(tupleCount): currentTuple = [] for _ in range(elemNum): currentTuple.append(self.get(elemLength)) tupleList.append(tuple(currentTuple)) return tupleList def startLengthCheck(self, lengthLength): """ Read length of struct and start a length check for parsing. :type lengthLength: int :param lengthLength: number of bytes in which the length is encoded """ self.lengthCheck = self.get(lengthLength) self.indexCheck = self.index def setLengthCheck(self, length): """ Set length of struct and start a length check for parsing. :type length: int :param length: expected size of parsed struct in bytes """ self.lengthCheck = length self.indexCheck = self.index def stopLengthCheck(self): """ Stop struct parsing, verify that no under- or overflow occurred. In case the expected length was mismatched with actual length of processed data, raises an exception. """ if (self.index - self.indexCheck) != self.lengthCheck: raise SyntaxError() def atLengthCheck(self): """ Check if there is data in structure left for parsing. Returns True if the whole structure was parsed, False if there is some data left. Will raise an exception if overflow occured (amount of data read was greater than expected size) """ if (self.index - self.indexCheck) < self.lengthCheck: return False elif (self.index - self.indexCheck) == self.lengthCheck: return True else: raise SyntaxError() def getRemainingLength(self): """Return amount of data remaining in struct being parsed.""" return len(self.bytes) - self.index