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Options for start or restart: -c, --core-files allow postgres to produce core files -l, --log=FILENAME write (or append) server log to FILENAME -o, --options=OPTIONS command line options to pass to postgres (PostgreSQL server executable) or initdb -p PATH-TO-POSTGRES normally not necessary -m, --mode=MODE MODE can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate" smart quit after all clients have disconnected fast quit directly, with proper shutdown (default) immediate quit without complete shutdown; will lead to recovery on restart Allowed signal names for kill: ABRT HUP INT KILL QUIT TERM USR1 USR2 Report bugs to .%s: cannot be run as root Please log in (using, e.g., "su") as the (unprivileged) user that will own the server process. %s: unrecognized shutdown mode "%s" Try "%s --help" for more information. %s: -S option not supported on this platform %s: too many command-line arguments (first is "%s") %s: missing arguments for kill mode %s: unrecognized signal name "%s" %s: unrecognized operation mode "%s" %s: no database directory specified and environment variable PGDATA unset %s: single-user server is running (PID: %ld) %s: server is running (PID: %ld) %s: PID file "%s" does not exist %s: cannot stop server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld) %s: could not send stop signal (PID: %ld): %s WARNING: online backup mode is active Shutdown will not complete until pg_stop_backup() is called. waiting for server to shut down...%s: server does not shut down HINT: The "-m fast" option immediately disconnects sessions rather than waiting for session-initiated disconnection. trying to start server anyway %s: cannot restart server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld) Please terminate the single-user server and try again. %s: old server process (PID: %ld) seems to be gone %s: cannot reload server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld) %s: could not send reload signal (PID: %ld): %s %s: cannot promote server; single-user server is running (PID: %ld) %s: cannot promote server; server is not in standby mode %s: could not create promote signal file "%s": %s %s: could not write promote signal file "%s": %s %s: could not send promote signal (PID: %ld): %s %s: could not remove promote signal file "%s": %s waiting for server to promote...%s: server did not promote in time %s: could not send signal %d (PID: %ld): %s %s/postgresql.confr%s/PG_VERSIONpostgres (PostgreSQL) 11.2 postgres"%s" -C data_directory %s%sinitdb (PostgreSQL) 11.2 initdb"%s" %s%s"%s" %s%s > "%s"/dev/null%ldexec "%s" %s%s < "%s" 2>&1-c/bin/sh%s: could not read file "%s" "PG_GRANDPARENT_PID=%dready standby . done server started stopped waiting server starting pg_ctl-11--helpUsage: %s status [-D DATADIR] %s kill SIGNALNAME PID Common options: Options for stop or restart: Shutdown modes are:--versionpg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 11.2PGCTLTIMEOUTPGDATA=%s-D "%s" smartfastimmediate%s %s.\%scD:e:l:m:N:o:p:P:sS:t:U:wWinitstoprestartreloadstatuskillQUITABRTKILLTERMUSR1USR2%s: no operation specified PGDATA%s/postmaster.opts%s/postmaster.pid%s/backup_label%s: no server running Is server running? server shutting down failed server stopped starting server anyway server signaled %s/promotewserver promoted server promoting logmodepgdataoptionssilenttimeoutcore-filesno-waitٶøOJ2&gж$x%s/global/pg_control%s: could not open file "%s" for reading: %s %s: could not read file "%s": %s %s: could not read file "%s": read %d of %d WARNING: possible byte ordering mismatch The byte ordering used to store the pg_control file might not match the one used by this program. In that case the results below would be incorrect, and the PostgreSQL installation would be incompatible with this data directory.could not identify current directory: %scould not change directory to "%s": %scould not read symbolic link "%s"could not find a "%s" to executeno data was returned by command "%s" invalid binary "%s"PATHcould not read binary "%s"pclose failed: %s/%s%s"%s" -Vpopen failurefgets failurepostgres-11PGSYSCONFDIRPGSYSCONFDIR=%svsnprintf failed: %s with format string "%s" (unknown)%d: %schild process exited with exit code %dchild process was terminated by signal %schild process exited with unrecognized status %dcannot duplicate null pointer (internal error) /usr/local/pgsql/bin/../%s: out of memory %s/%s/usr/local/pgsql/share/usr/local/pgsql/etc/usr/local/pgsql/include/usr/local/pgsql/lib/usr/local/pgsql/share/locale/usr/local/pgsql/share/doc//usr/local/pgsql/share/mancould not get current working directory: %s /usr/local/pgsql/include/serverkp;P5&dXي۲x8(k;CML('x$<^o^lD5☷e4pPsӯ% 6ĠhW{Tl׉]vHx&KMNގ )*}3'šL6i5wdUX_K%4Am •1Ō~I0ʈF9E#y]YBZ-)~:}QHa[ja}bˏun{AKm@H+Rᆠ tTgWysEp95*l8 oQS!h%QYN$')uBMd;=w8):qf e]6baa`r}\~7TtgG HtZ$ Y8O\,E,F? 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