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Options: Connection options: Optional actions:--version%s: invalid port number "%s" %X/%XD:d:E:h:p:U:s:S:nwWvZ:%s: disconnected directorydbnameendposhostportusernameno-loopno-passwordstatus-intervalverbosecompressif-not-existssynchronousno-sync-~~~~~--------------------------------------------------------------~C~-------------+~-~-~--}---------}---}-----}-V}--}--||%s: invalid socket: %s%s: select() failed: %s archive_status/%s.done'unknown'server_version9.311.2SLOT "%s" IDENTIFY_SYSTEM%08X.historyTIMELINE_HISTORY %uTIMELINE_HISTORY.tmpSTART_REPLICATION%s: could not receive data from WAL stream: %s%s: could not read COPY data: %s%s: could not create archive status file "%s": %s %s: could not determine seek position in file "%s": %s %s: not renaming "%s%s", segment is not complete %s: could not close file "%s": %s %s: could not send copy-end packet: %s%s: could not send feedback packet: %s%s: incompatible server version %s; client does not support streaming from server versions older than %s %s: incompatible server version %s; client does not support streaming from server versions newer than %s %s: write-ahead log file "%s" has %d byte, should be 0 or %d %s: write-ahead log file "%s" has %d bytes, should be 0 or %d %s: could not send replication command "%s": %s%s: could not identify system: got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d or more fields %s: system identifier does not match between base backup and streaming connection %s: starting timeline %u is not present in the server %s: unexpected response to TIMELINE_HISTORY command: got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d fields %s: server reported unexpected history file name for timeline %u: %s %s: could not create timeline history file "%s": %s %s: could not write timeline history file "%s": %s START_REPLICATION %s%X/%X TIMELINE %u%s: could not fsync file "%s": %s %s: streaming header too small: %d %s: received write-ahead log record for offset %u with no file open %s: got WAL data offset %08x, expected %08x %s: could not get size of write-ahead log file "%s": %s %s: could not open existing write-ahead log file "%s": %s %s: could not fsync existing write-ahead log file "%s": %s %s: could not open write-ahead log file "%s": %s %s: could not write %u bytes to WAL file "%s": %s %s: unrecognized streaming header: "%c" %s: unexpected result set after end-of-timeline: got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d fields %s: could not parse next timeline's starting point "%s" %s: server reported unexpected next timeline %u, following timeline %u %s: server stopped streaming timeline %u at %X/%X, but reported next timeline %u to begin at %X/%X %s: unexpected termination of replication stream: %s%s: replication stream was terminated before stop point replicationtruedatabase%s: %sfallback_application_nameuserPassword: integer_datetimesSHOW data_directory_mode%oSHOW wal_segment_size%d%sCREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT "%s" TEMPORARY PHYSICAL RESERVE_WAL LOGICAL "%s" NOEXPORT_SNAPSHOT42710DROP_REPLICATION_SLOT "%s"%s: could not connect to server %s: could not connect to server: %sSELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false)%s: could not clear search_path: %s%s: could not determine server setting for integer_datetimes %s: integer_datetimes compile flag does not match server %s: could not fetch group access flag: got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d or more fields %s: group access flag could not be parsed: %s %s: WAL segment size must be a power of two between 1 MB and 1 GB, but the remote server reported a value of %d byte %s: WAL segment size must be a power of two between 1 MB and 1 GB, but the remote server reported a value of %d bytes %s: could not fetch WAL segment size: got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d or more fields %s: WAL segment size could not be parsed %s: could not parse write-ahead log location "%s" %s: could not create replication slot "%s": got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d fields %s: could not drop replication slot "%s": got %d rows and %d fields, expected %d rows and %d fields %s/%s%s%s%s/%s%swbcould not compress data1.2.8could not create tar header.tar.gz.tarcould not reset compression streamcould not initialize compression libraryimplementation error: tar files can't have more than one open filecould not change compression parametersunlink not supported with compressioncould not close compression streamcould not identify current directory: %scould not change directory to "%s": %scould not read symbolic link "%s"could not find a "%s" to executeno data was returned by command "%s" invalid binary "%s"PATHcould not read binary "%s"pclose failed: %s"%s" -Vpopen failurefgets failurepostgres-11PGSYSCONFDIRPGSYSCONFDIR=%s(unknown)%d: %schild process exited with exit code %dchild process was terminated by signal %schild process exited with unrecognized status %dcannot duplicate null pointer (internal error) %s: could not open file "%s": %s %s: could not rename file "%s" to "%s": %s pg_xlogpg_wal%s/pg_tblspc./usr/local/pgsql/bin/../%s: out of memory /usr/local/pgsql/share/usr/local/pgsql/etc/usr/local/pgsql/include/usr/local/pgsql/lib/usr/local/pgsql/share/locale/usr/local/pgsql/share/doc//usr/local/pgsql/share/mancould not get current working directory: %s /usr/local/pgsql/include/server/dev/ttywpostgres;|l\4Lc\\c<cLmntn,pppLvx\yz<|{lL|}|l$|$ ܜ , L \ l | , D ̝\ t ,  $  @7$ R+D,< PzAAS P AAI l )D_ A  fDS A   $DZ A  4 AAD G DAF qDA4h,L`zAAS P AAI |LBBE B(D0A8G< 8A0A(B BBBC <xBBD A(I0C (A ABBE <T(BBC A(O0h (A ABBK <BBH A(W (A ABBH $7AAS LGA,nAARu FAH L,@_BBD A(L0} (A ABBH v (F ABBG |PY;AyAz E $($@&4XLP4dHEDD W ABY EAB<BBA A(G0(A ABB<PBBA A(J0 (D ABBO ,BAA X ABA L #II,d8>BAD qCBHWAz A LEBB A(A0 (D BBBH Z (D BBBD 4Ld|$ _AJ@RA4HLPPV x,d[AAIMAA,VAAIHAALBBE B(H0A8W- 8A0A(B BBBF q,}D-L\ BBE B(D0A8P@s 8C0A(B BBBA DeBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBB$4`4? 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