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ARCHIVELOCATION NEXTWALFILE XLOGFILEPATH [RESTARTWALFILE] -c copy file from archive (default) -d generate lots of debugging output (testing only) -k NUMFILESTOKEEP if RESTARTWALFILE is not used, remove files prior to limit (0 keeps all) -l does nothing; use of link is now deprecated -r MAXRETRIES max number of times to retry, with progressive wait (default=3) -s SLEEPTIME seconds to wait between file checks (min=1, max=60, default=5) -t TRIGGERFILE trigger file to initiate failover (no default) -V, --version output version information, then exit -w MAXWAITTIME max seconds to wait for a file (0=no limit) (default=0) -?, --help show this help, then exit Main intended use as restore_command in recovery.conf: restore_command = 'pg_standby [OPTION]... ARCHIVELOCATION %%f %%p %%r' e.g. restore_command = 'pg_standby /mnt/server/archiverdir %%f %%p %%r' Report bugs to .%s: -k keepfiles must be >= 0 %s: -r maxretries must be >= 0 %s: -s sleeptime incorrectly set %s: -w maxwaittime incorrectly set Try "%s --help" for more information. %s: not enough command-line arguments %s: must specify archive location %s: must specify WAL file name as second non-option argument (use "%%f") %s: must specify xlog destination as third non-option argument (use "%%p") %s: archive location "%s" does not exist Sleep interval: %d second%s trigger file found: smart failover WARNING: could not open "%s": %s WARNING: could not read "%s": %s trigger file found: fast failover WARNING: invalid content in "%s" signaled to exit: fast failover file size greater than expected %s: ERROR: could not remove file "%s": %s %s: could not read archive location "%s": %s %s: could not open archive location "%s": %s %s: could not close archive location "%s": %s Timed out after %d seconds: fast failover could not read file "%s": %s not enough data in file "%s" running restore: OK not restored secondsforever--helpUsage: Options:--versionpg_standby (PostgreSQL) 11.2cdk:lr:s:t:w:%s/%sln -s -f "%s" "%s"cp "%s" "%s"Trigger file: %s Waiting for WAL file: %s WAL file path: %s Restoring to: %s Max wait interval: %d %s Command for restore: %s 0123456789ABCDEF.historyhistory file not found smartfast%08X%08X%08XWAL segment size: %d Keep archive history: %s and later no cleanup required .backup removing file "%s"WAL file not present yet. 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