a `e@sNddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlmZd d d ZdS) N)system)get_max_memory)io)logDEFLATEc Cs^tj|std|dStd|tj|dd}tj|dd}|rP|nd|t ||||dvrjd nd d }zt d j fi|Wn6t y}ztd t|WYd}~n d}~00tj|rVt||zt||WnJty8}z0td||t|ft||WYd}~n d}~00tj|rRt|dSdSdS)a Guarantee that the .tif passed as an argument is a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (cogeo) The file is destructively converted into a cogeo. If the file cannot be converted, the function does not change the file :param src_path: path to GeoTIFF :return: True on success z1Cannot convert to cogeo: %s (file does not exist)Fz(Optimizing %s as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFZ_cogeo)postfixZ _cogeo_swapALL_CPUS)LZWr21)threads blocksize max_memorysrc_pathtmpfilecompress predictora gdal_translate -of COG -co NUM_THREADS={threads} -co BLOCKSIZE={blocksize} -co COMPRESS={compress} -co PREDICTOR={predictor} -co BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER -co RESAMPLING=NEAREST --config GDAL_CACHEMAX {max_memory}% --config GDAL_NUM_THREADS {threads} "{src_path}" "{tmpfile}" z)Cannot create Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF: %sNzCannot move %s to %s: %sT)ospathisfileloggerwarningrODM_INFOrrelated_file_pathrrrunformat Exception ODM_WARNINGstrshutilmoveIOErrorremove)rr max_workers compressionrZswapfilekwargser)/code/opendm/cogeo.pyconvert_to_cogeos>     ( " r+)rrr) rr!opendmropendm.concurrencyrrrr+r)r)r)r*s