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Usage: p = HTMLParser() p.feed(data) ... p.close() Start tags are handled by calling self.handle_starttag() or self.handle_startendtag(); end tags by self.handle_endtag(). The data between tags is passed from the parser to the derived class by calling self.handle_data() with the data as argument (the data may be split up in arbitrary chunks). If convert_charrefs is True the character references are converted automatically to the corresponding Unicode character (and self.handle_data() is no longer split in chunks), otherwise they are passed by calling self.handle_entityref() or self.handle_charref() with the string containing respectively the named or numeric reference as the argument. )ZscriptZstyleT)Úconvert_charrefscCs||_| ¡dS)zÆInitialize and reset this instance. If convert_charrefs is True (the default), all character references are automatically converted to the corresponding Unicode characters. N)rÚreset)Úselfr©rú!/usr/lib/python3.9/html/parser.pyÚ__init__VszHTMLParser.__init__cCs(d|_d|_t|_d|_tj |¡dS)z1Reset this instance. Loses all unprocessed data.Úz???N)ÚrawdataÚlasttagÚinteresting_normalÚ interestingÚ cdata_elemÚ _markupbaseÚ ParserBaser©rrrr r_s zHTMLParser.resetcCs|j||_| d¡dS)z‘Feed data to the parser. Call this as often as you want, with as little or as much text as you want (may include '\n'). rN)r Úgoahead©rÚdatarrr Úfeedgs zHTMLParser.feedcCs| d¡dS)zHandle any buffered data.éN)rrrrr ÚclosepszHTMLParser.closeNcCs|jS)z)Return full source of start tag: '<...>'.)Ú_HTMLParser__starttag_textrrrr Úget_starttag_textvszHTMLParser.get_starttag_textcCs$| ¡|_t d|jtj¡|_dS)Nz )ÚlowerrÚreÚcompileÚIr)rÚelemrrr Úset_cdata_modezs zHTMLParser.set_cdata_modecCst|_d|_dS©N)rrrrrrr Úclear_cdata_mode~szHTMLParser.clear_cdata_modec CsX|j}d}t|ƒ}||krè|jrv|jsv| d|¡}|dkr | dt||dƒ¡}|dkrpt d¡  ||¡spqè|}n*|j   ||¡}|r’|  ¡}n|jrœqè|}||krÞ|jrÌ|jsÌ|  t |||…ƒ¡n|  |||…¡| ||¡}||kröqè|j}|d|ƒrJt ||¡r"| |¡} n†|d|ƒr:| |¡} nn|d|ƒrR| |¡} nV|d|ƒrj| |¡} n>|d |ƒr‚| |¡} n&|d |krè|  d¡|d } nqè| dkr<|s¼qè| d |d ¡} | dkrú| d|d ¡} | dkr|d } n| d 7} |jr*|js*|  t ||| …ƒ¡n|  ||| …¡| || ¡}q|d |ƒrðt ||¡}|r²| ¡d d…} | | ¡| ¡} |d| d ƒs¢| d } | || ¡}qndS|rX| ||d|…¡|dS)Nr+)r*r'z"unexpected call to parse_comment()rr,r)r r/Úhandle_comment)rrDZreportr Úposrrr rMszHTMLParser.parse_bogus_commentcCsd|j}|||d…dks"Jdƒ‚t ||d¡}|s:dS| ¡}| ||d|…¡| ¡}|S)Nr+r)zunexpected call to parse_pi()r,)r Úpicloser2r3Ú handle_pir@)rrDr r7rFrrr r; szHTMLParser.parse_picCsìd|_| |¡}|dkr|S|j}|||…|_g}t ||d¡}|sPJdƒ‚| ¡}| d¡ ¡|_}||kr.t  ||¡}|sŠq.| ddd¡\} } } | s¨d} n\| dd…dkrÌ| dd…ksøn| dd…dkrô| dd…krnn | dd…} | rt | ƒ} |  |  ¡| f¡| ¡}ql|||…  ¡} | d vr¬|  ¡\} }d |jvrˆ| |j d ¡} t|jƒ|j d ¡}n|t|jƒ}| |||…¡|S|  d ¡rÆ| ||¡n"| ||¡||jvrè| |¡|S) Nrrz#unexpected call to parse_starttag()r+rJú'r,ú")rú/>Ú rU)rÚcheck_for_whole_start_tagr Útagfind_tolerantr7r@r>rr Úattrfind_tolerantrÚappendÚstripZgetposÚcountr.r0r4ÚendswithÚhandle_startendtagÚhandle_starttagÚCDATA_CONTENT_ELEMENTSr!)rrDÚendposr Úattrsr7rGÚtagÚmÚattrnameÚrestZ attrvaluer@ÚlinenoÚoffsetrrr r8,sZ    & ÿ ÿ       ÿ    zHTMLParser.parse_starttagcCs¶|j}t ||¡}|rª| ¡}|||d…}|dkr>|dS|dkr~| d|¡rZ|dS| d|¡rjdS||krv|S|dS|dkrŠdS|dvr–dS||kr¢|S|dStd ƒ‚dS) Nrrú/rUr+r,r z6abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz=/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZzwe should not get here!)r Úlocatestarttagend_tolerantr7r@r5ÚAssertionError)rrDr rdrFÚnextrrr rW_s.   z$HTMLParser.check_for_whole_start_tagcCs.|j}|||d…dks"Jdƒ‚t ||d¡}|s:dS| ¡}t ||¡}|sÜ|jdurr| |||…¡|St ||d¡}|s¬|||d…dkr¢|dS|  |¡S|  d¡  ¡}|  d| ¡¡}|  |¡|dS|  d¡  ¡}|jdur||jkr| |||…¡|S|  |¡| ¡|S) Nr+r'zunexpected call to parse_endtagrr,rJzr)r Ú endendtagr2r@Ú endtagfindr7rr4rXrMr>rr/Ú handle_endtagr#)rrDr r7rNZ namematchZtagnamer rrr r9s8       zHTMLParser.parse_endtagcCs| ||¡| |¡dSr")r_ro©rrcrbrrr r^©s zHTMLParser.handle_startendtagcCsdSr"rrprrr r_®szHTMLParser.handle_starttagcCsdSr"r)rrcrrr ro²szHTMLParser.handle_endtagcCsdSr"r©rrHrrr r?¶szHTMLParser.handle_charrefcCsdSr"rrqrrr rBºszHTMLParser.handle_entityrefcCsdSr"rrrrr r4¾szHTMLParser.handle_datacCsdSr"rrrrr rOÂszHTMLParser.handle_commentcCsdSr"r)rZdeclrrr rLÆszHTMLParser.handle_declcCsdSr"rrrrr rRÊszHTMLParser.handle_picCsdSr"rrrrr Ú unknown_declÍszHTMLParser.unknown_decl)r)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__Ú__doc__r`r rrrrrr!r#rr<rMr;r8rWr9r^r_ror?rBr4rOrLrRrrrrrr r>s6  z  3"()rvrrZhtmlrÚ__all__rrrCrAr=r6rQZ commentcloserXrYÚVERBOSErjrmrnrrrrrr Ús*          ÿò